Cases represent an expected response from a sample unit (i.e. business). This table holds the details of that Case.
Case group represents a collection of related cases and is created from the sample unit parent.
Each case can have a state, this table holds those states. They are:
Records events that happen to a case, these can be things like respondents enrolling and generating enrolment codes. Any enrolment changes will trigger new action plan.
Each case event has a category, these categories are represent the type of event. For example, it could be respondent enrolled, completed by phone, eq launched.
Populated by the two stored procedures "generate_case_events_report" and "generate_repsonse_chasing_report". This table stores info about case events and response chasing but doesn't appear to be read from.
A static table that contains two entries - CASE_EVENTS and RESPONSE_CHASING. These are used by the above stored procedure.
A message log table written to by the stored procedures.
A mapping between a case and a generated IAC code. An entry is created in this table whenever an IAC code is generated.
Liquibase table