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Jena command line tools

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This docker image exposes the Apache Jena command line tool riot and its variants (e.g. turtle, rdfxml), in addition to the other Jena command line tools, like rdfcompare, tdbloader and sparql.


Different licenses apply to files added by different Docker layers:


docker run stain/jena riot

For documentation about riot, try:

docker run stain/jena riot --help
    riot [--time] [--check|--noCheck] [--sink] [--base=IRI] [--out=FORMAT] file ...
      Parser control
          --sink                 Parse but throw away output
          --syntax=NAME          Set syntax (otherwise syntax guessed from file extension)
          --base=URI             Set the base URI (does not apply to N-triples and N-Quads)
          --check                Addition checking of RDF terms
          --strict               Run with in strict mode
          --validate             Same as --sink --check --strict
          --rdfs=file            Apply some RDFS inference using the vocabulary in the file
          --nocheck              Turn off checking of RDF terms
          --stop                 Stop parsing on encountering a bad RDF term
      Output control
          --output=FMT           Output in the given format, streaming if possible.
          --formatted=FMT        Output, using pretty printing (consumes memory)
          --stream=FMT           Output, using a streaming format
          --time                 Time the operation
      Symbol definition
          --set                  Set a configuration symbol to a value
          -v   --verbose         Verbose
          -q   --quiet           Run with minimal output
          --debug                Output information for debugging
          --version              Version information

The default working directory of the image is /rdf, which can be used with Docker volumes to process local files.

docker run --volume /home/stain/Downloads:/rdf stain/jena riot db-uniprot-ls.ttl

Note that riot does not currently have an option to specify the output file (see JENA-1032), so you will need to use your host shell's pipeline:

docker run --volume /home/stain/Downloads:/rdf stain/jena riot db-uniprot-ls.ttl > /home/stain/Downloads/db-uniprot-ls.nq

To executable multiple riot commands within a Docker container:

docker run -it stain/jena sh

Note that this image is based on a minimal Alpine Linux installation. You can use the apk command to install additional tools.

Other command line tools

All the command line tools of the Jena distribution are included.

docker run stain/jena ls /jena/bin
  • arq
  • infer
  • iri
  • juuid
  • nquads
  • ntriples
  • qparse
  • rdfcat
  • rdfcompare
  • rdfcopy
  • rdfparse
  • rdfxml
  • riot
  • rset
  • rsparql
  • rupdate
  • schemagen
  • sparql
  • tdbbackup
  • tdbdump
  • tdbloader
  • tdbloader2
  • tdbloader2common
  • tdbloader2data
  • tdbloader2index
  • tdbquery
  • tdbstats
  • tdbupdate
  • trig
  • turtle
  • uparse
  • update
  • utf8
  • wwwdec
  • wwwenc


stain@biggie:~/src/jena/apache-jena$ docker run stain/jena sparql -h
sparql --data=<file> --query=<query>
      --explain              Explain and log query execution
      --repeat=N or N,M      Do N times or N warmup and then M times (use for timing to overcome start up costs of Java)
      --optimize=            Turn the query optimizer on or off (default: on)
      --time                 Time the operation
  Query Engine
      --engine=EngineName    Register another engine factory[ref]
      --unengine=EngineName   Unregister an engine factory
      --data=FILE            Data for the datset - triple or quad formats
      --graph=FILE           Graph for default graph of the datset
      --namedGraph=FILE      Add a graph into the dataset as a named graph
      --results              Results format (Result set: text, XML, JSON, CSV, TSV; Graph: RDF serialization)
      --desc=                Assembler description file
      --query, --file        File containing a query
      --syntax, --in         Syntax of the query
      --base                 Base URI for the query
  Symbol definition
      --set                  Set a configuration symbol to a value
      --strict               Operate in strict SPARQL mode (no extensions of any kind)
      -v   --verbose         Verbose
      -q   --quiet           Run with minimal output
      --debug                Output information for debugging
      --version              Version information

Note that you will need to use docker run --volume to make local files accessible to these commands.


For any feedback on Jena, riot and this Docker image, please use the users@jena mailing list.

For any issues with Jena or riot, feel free to raise a bug.

For any issues with this Docker image and its Dockerfile, please raise a pull request or issue.