diff --git a/spec_driven_model/__manifest__.py b/spec_driven_model/__manifest__.py
index 885597b722a3..4dded68f3697 100644
--- a/spec_driven_model/__manifest__.py
+++ b/spec_driven_model/__manifest__.py
@@ -3,12 +3,11 @@
     "name": "Spec Driven Model",
-    "summary": """
-        Tools for specifications driven mixins (from xsd for instance)""",
+    "summary": """XML binding for Odoo: XML to Odoo models and models to XML.""",
     "version": "",
     "maintainers": ["rvalyi"],
     "license": "LGPL-3",
-    "author": "Akretion,Odoo Community Association (OCA)",
+    "author": "Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)",
     "website": "https://github.com/OCA/l10n-brazil",
     "depends": [],
     "data": [],
diff --git a/spec_driven_model/models/spec_mixin.py b/spec_driven_model/models/spec_mixin.py
index 59cee4665241..7516f09fa962 100644
--- a/spec_driven_model/models/spec_mixin.py
+++ b/spec_driven_model/models/spec_mixin.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Copyright 2019-TODAY Akretion - Raphael Valyi <raphael.valyi@akretion.com>
 # License LGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html).
+from importlib import import_module
 from odoo import api, models
 from .spec_models import SPEC_MIXIN_MAPPINGS, SpecModel, StackedModel
@@ -43,12 +45,31 @@ def _get_concrete_model(self, model_name):
             return self.env.get(model_name)
-    def _spec_prefix(self):
+    def _spec_prefix(self, split=False):
-        _spec_prefix should be available for all generated specs mixins
-        and it should be defined in SpecModel to avoid circular imports.
+        Get spec_schema and spec_version from context or from class module
-        return SpecModel._ensure_spec_prefix(self._context)
+        if self._context.get("spec_schema") and self._context.get("spec_version"):
+            spec_schema = self._context.get("spec_schema")
+            spec_version = self._context.get("spec_version")
+            if spec_schema and spec_version:
+                spec_version = spec_version.replace(".", "")[:2]
+                if split:
+                    return spec_schema, spec_version
+                return f"{spec_schema}{spec_version}"
+        for ancestor in type(self).mro():
+            if not ancestor.__module__.startswith("odoo.addons."):
+                continue
+            mod = import_module(".".join(ancestor.__module__.split(".")[:-1]))
+            if hasattr(mod, "spec_schema"):
+                spec_schema = mod.spec_schema
+                spec_version = mod.spec_version.replace(".", "")[:2]
+                if split:
+                    return spec_schema, spec_version
+                return f"{spec_schema}{spec_version}"
+        return None, None if split else None
     def _get_spec_property(self, spec_property="", fallback=None):
@@ -67,22 +88,21 @@ def _register_hook(self):
         their _auto_init method that will create their SQL DDL structure.
         res = super()._register_hook()
-        if "spec_schema" not in self._context:
+        spec_schema, spec_version = self._spec_prefix(split=True)
+        if not spec_schema:
             return res
         spec_module = self._get_spec_property("odoo_module")
-        if not spec_module:
-            return res
         odoo_module = spec_module.split("_spec.")[0].split(".")[-1]
         load_key = f"_{spec_module}_loaded"
-        if hasattr(self.env.registry, load_key):  # already done for registry
+        if hasattr(self.env.registry, load_key):  # hook already done for registry
             return res
         setattr(self.env.registry, load_key, True)
         access_data = []
         access_fields = []
-        relation_prefix = (
-            f"{self._context['spec_schema']}.{self._context['spec_version']}.%"
-        )
-        field_prefix = f"{self._context['spec_schema']}{self._context['spec_version']}_"
+        field_prefix = f"{spec_schema}{spec_version}"
+        relation_prefix = f"{spec_schema}.{spec_version}.%"
             """SELECT DISTINCT relation FROM ir_model_fields
                    WHERE relation LIKE %s;""",
@@ -99,7 +119,6 @@ def _register_hook(self):
             spec_class = StackedModel._odoo_name_to_class(name, spec_module)
             if spec_class is None:
-            spec_class._module = "fiscal"  # TODO use python_module ?
             fields = self.env[spec_class._name]._fields
             rec_name = next(
@@ -120,8 +139,8 @@ def _register_hook(self):
             # we set _spec_schema and _spec_version because
             # _build_model will not have context access:
-            model_type._spec_schema = self._context["spec_schema"]
-            model_type._spec_version = self._context["spec_version"]
+            model_type._spec_schema = spec_schema
+            model_type._spec_version = spec_version
             models.MetaModel.module_to_models[odoo_module] += [model_type]
             # now we init these models properly
diff --git a/spec_driven_model/models/spec_models.py b/spec_driven_model/models/spec_models.py
index e443bbbd417b..48af64fdeb23 100644
--- a/spec_driven_model/models/spec_models.py
+++ b/spec_driven_model/models/spec_models.py
@@ -64,17 +64,9 @@ def _compute_display_name(self):
         res = super()._compute_display_name()
         for rec in self:
             if rec.display_name == "False" or not rec.display_name:
-                rec.display_name = _("Abrir...")
+                rec.display_name = _("Open...")
         return res
-    @classmethod
-    def _ensure_spec_prefix(cls, context=None, spec_schema=None, spec_version=None):
-        if context and context.get("spec_schema"):
-            spec_schema = context.get("spec_schema")
-        if context and context.get("spec_version"):
-            spec_version = context.get("spec_version")
-        return "%s%s" % (spec_schema, spec_version.replace(".", "")[:2])
     def _build_model(cls, pool, cr):
@@ -181,7 +173,6 @@ def _setup_fields(self):
     def _map_concrete(cls, dbname, key, target, quiet=False):
-        # TODO bookkeep according to a key to allow multiple injection contexts
         if not quiet:
             _logger.debug("%s ---> %s" % (key, target))
         global SPEC_MIXIN_MAPPINGS
@@ -233,15 +224,14 @@ class StackedModel(SpecModel):
     def _build_model(cls, pool, cr):
-        mod = import_module(".".join(cls.__module__.split(".")[:-1]))
-        if hasattr(cls, "_spec_schema"):
+        if hasattr(cls, "_spec_schema"):  # when called via _register_hook
             schema = cls._spec_schema
             version = cls._spec_version.replace(".", "")[:2]
             mod = import_module(".".join(cls.__module__.split(".")[:-1]))
             schema = mod.spec_schema
             version = mod.spec_version.replace(".", "")[:2]
-        spec_prefix = cls._ensure_spec_prefix(spec_schema=schema, spec_version=version)
+        spec_prefix = f"{schema}{version}"
         setattr(cls, f"_{spec_prefix}_stacking_points", {})
         stacking_settings = {
             "odoo_module": getattr(cls, f"_{spec_prefix}_odoo_module"),  # TODO inherit?