The two main functionalities that make Plural work are dependency tracking between DevOps tools (Helm and Terraform) and templating.
When a user sets up a new Plural workspace in a git repository a workspace.yaml
file is created
that stores global values for that cluster such as the cloud account and region, the cluster and VPC name and what subdomain all the applications will be hosted under.
Next, the user can install an application using the plural bundle <app_name> <bundle>
CLI command.
The CLI will then prompt the user for for inputs needed to setup that application, along with
any dependencies of the application. These inputs are saved in the context.yaml
Next, the user runs plural build
which will create a wrapper Helm chart and Terraform module.
The wrapper Helm chart and Terraform module depend on the application Helm chart(s) and
Terraform module(s) it gets from the Plural API, which the CLI downloads.
The CLI will then generate the values.yaml
for the wrapper helm chart and
for the wrapper Terraform module using the values saved in the context.yaml
using its
templating engine.
As mentioned above, the Plural CLI creates a wrapper Helm chart and Terraform module for each
installed application and inputs the user defined values for that installation.
Some extra files are necessary in Helm charts and Terraform modules for Plural to be able to
understand their dependencies and run them through its templating engine.
Namely, a deps.yaml
file which lists the dependencies of the Helm chart or Terraform module,
and the values.yaml.tpl
and terraform.tfvars
file for Helm and Terraform respectively.
The values.yaml.tpl
and terraform.tfvars
files are run through the Plural templating engine,
which is similar to that of Helm, and are used to generate the values.yaml
for the wrapper
helm chart and
for the wrapper Terraform module.
The next example is a snippet of the values.yaml.tpl
file for Grafana:
password: {{ dedupe . "grafana.grafana.admin.password" (randAlphaNum 14) }}
user: admin
- hosts:
- {{ .Values.hostname }}
secretName: grafana-tls
- {{ .Values.hostname }}
In the above example, the hostname a for Grafana that is saved in the context.yaml
be set in the ingress for Grafana by {{ .Values.hostname }}
. It also showcases dedupe
which is one of the templating functions available in the Plural CLI.
We are using the dedupe
function so that a new random password for the Grafana admin
is not generated if it has already been set. The reason grafana.grafana.admin.password
is specified for the path, is because the CLI will create a wrapper Helm chart named grafana
in a user's installation workspace. Please see this section
of the Helm docs for an explanation on how to pass values to a subchart.
The next snippet shows a part of the terraform.tfvars
for the AWS bootstrap terraform module:
vpc_name = {{ .Values.vpc_name | quote }}
cluster_name = {{ .Cluster | quote }}
Except for the user's application inputs from the context.yaml
and the aforementioned dedupe
function, Plural includes a lot of other values and functions that make it possible to
simplify otherwise complex application configurations.
Along with the standard functions available in the Go templating language, the following Plural specific functions can be used.
Function | Input (type) | Returned value | Description |
fileExists | Path (string) | Boolean | Checks if a file exists |
pathJoin | Parts ([]string) | String | Joins parts of a path |
repoRoot | X | String | Returns the path of the installation repository |
repoName | X | String | Returns the base path of repoRoot |
repoUrl | X | String | Returns the remote.origin.url of the installation repository |
branchName | X | String | Returns the name of the branch used for the installation repository |
dumpConfig | X | String, Error | Returns the Plural CLI config |
dumpAesKey | X | String, Error | Returns the AES keys used for the installation repository |
readFile | Path (strong) | String | Returns the contents of a file as a string |
readLine | Prompt (string) | String, Error | Prompts the user for input and returns the inputted string |
readPassword | Prompt (string) | String, Error | Prompts the user for a password input and returns the inputted string |
readLineDefault | Prompt, Default (string) | string, error | Prompts the user for input and returns the inputted string or the default value if input is empty |
homeDir | Parts ([]string) | string, error | Returns the path of the user's home directory with the path parts appended to it |
knownHosts | X | string, error | Returns the contents of the .ssh/known_hosts file in the user's home directory |
probe | Object (interface{}), Path (string) | interface{}, error | Checks if the object exists at the input path |
dedupe | Object (interface{}), Path, Value (string) | string | Returns Object if it exists at the input Path, otherwise returns Value as a string |
dedupeObj | Object (interface{}), Path (string), Value (interface{}) | interface{} | Returns Object if it exists at the input Path, otherwise returns Value as an interface{}. Used for complex data types |
namespace | Name (string) | string | Returns the namespace for an application |
secret | Namespace, Name (string) | map[string]interface{} | Returns the content of a Kubernetes secret |
importValue | Tool, Path (string) | string | Returns the value from another tool at the given path. An example use case is to use a value from the Terraform output in the Helm chart |
toYaml | Value (interface{}) | string, error | Formats the input value as YAML |
eabCredential | Cluster, Provider (string) | api.EabCredential , error |
Creates a new set of EAB credentials in the Plural API for when using cert-manager with the Plural DNS |
Template values:
Path | Description |
.Values | The (recipe) values a user inputted for the given application |
.Configuration | Allows for getting values from other applications stored in the context.yaml file. For example, to use the hostname configured for Grafana in another application {{ .Configuration.grafana.hostname }} can be used. |
.License | The License for this application installation |
.Config | The Plural CLI configuration object. Please see below for a detailed explanation |
.OIDC | The OIDC configuration object for an application. Please see below for a detailed explanation |
.Region | The cloud region configured for the workspace of the installation |
.Project | The cloud project configured for the workspace of the installation |
.Cluster | The name of the cluster configured for the workspace of the installation |
.Provider | The name of the cloud provider configured for the workspace of the installation |
.Context | The context map of the Plural cloud provider config for the workspace of the installation |
.SMTP | The SMTP configuration of the workspace. Please see below for a detailed explanation |
.Applications.HelmValues | Function that can be used to get the Helm values from another application. This differs from .Configuration as this can access all Helm values for an application, not only those stored in the context.yaml . For example, to use the generated Grafana admin password in another application you can do {{ $grafanaValues := .Applications.HelmValues "grafana" }} then {{ $grafanaValues.grafana.grafana.admin.password }} . |
.Applications.TerraformValues | Function that can be used to get the Terraform outputs from another application. Usage is similar to .Applications.HelmValues . For example, to get the Terraform outputs of the bootstrap application you can use {{ $bootstrapOutputs := .Applications.TerraformValues "bootstrap" }} |
.Acme.KeyId | The ACME key ID for to the application when using Plural DNS |
.Acme.Secret | The ACME secret for to the application when using Plural DNS |
Path | Description |
.Config.Email | The user email address of the current CLI user |
.Config.Token | The Plural token of the current CLI user |
.Config.NamespacePrefix | The prefix to add to namespaces created for Plural applications |
.Config.Endpoint | The Plural endpoint the CLI will use |
.Config.LockProfile | |
.Config.ReportErrors | If CLI errors should be reported back to Plural |
.COnfig.metadata.Name | Name of the CLI config that is currently being used |
Path | Description |
.OIDC.Id | The ID of the OIDC provider for the application |
.OIDC.ClientId | The Client ID for the OIDC provider of the application |
.OIDC.ClientSecret | The Client Secret for the OIDC provider of the application |
.OIDC.RedirectUris | List of redirect URIs for the OIDC provider of the application |
.OIDC.Bindings | List of bindings for the OIDC provider of the application. Please see below for a detailed explanation |
.OIDC.Configuration.Issuer | The Issuer of the OIDC provider for the application |
.OIDC.Configuration.AuthorizationEndpoint | The Authorization endpoint of the OIDC provider for the application |
.OIDC.Configuration.TokenEndpoint | The Token endpoint of the OIDC provider for the application |
.OIDC.Configuration.JwksUri | The JWKS URI of the OIDC provider for the application |
.OIDC.Configuration.UserinfoEndpoint | The endpoint exposing user info of the OIDC provider for the application |
Path | Description |
.OIDC.Bindings.User.Id | The ID of the user that's bound to the application's OIDC provider |
.OIDC.Bindings.User.Email | The Email of the user that's bound to the application's OIDC provider |
.OIDC.Bindings.User.Name | The Name of the user that's bound to the application's OIDC provider |
.OIDC.Bindings.Group.Id | The ID of the group that's bound to the application's OIDC provider |
.OIDC.Bindings.Group.Name | The Name of the group that's bound to the application's OIDC provider |
Path | Description |
.SMTP.Service | |
.SMTP.Server | The SMTP server configured for the workspace |
.SMTP.Port | The SMTP port configured for the workspace |
.SMTP.Sender | The SMTP sender to use for the application |
.SMTP.User | The username used to login to the SMTP server |
.SMTP.Password | The password used to login to the SMTP server |