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为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。
- A-Programmers-Guide-to-English 重新认识英语这门语言 ❤️ 预计 1 天
- 从 0 开始学习英语语法 构成英语的基石:语法 ❤️ 预计 1 天
- 每日英语听写 Daily English Dictation 1-400 「听写」对于「听和说」是最有效的方式 ❤️ 预计 18 天,进度是每天至少 2-5 节,每次听写尽量写出来具体的内容,可以总结生词/概述所学/复盘
- ❤️ 最后 1 天复盘总结。
[Hi, I'm Ocean. I have 3 years of back-end development experience and am transitioning to become a Web3 full-stack developer. My goal is to find a full-time remote job, and then gradually transition to freelancing, where I can take on projects independently or co-found a startup with partners. I am learning English and hope to immigrate to New Zealand or Australia in the future.]
[Yes 100%]
Daily English Dictation
- dictation:
- answer:
- notes:
Daily English Dictation 1
- dictation: Mother terasa who received the nobil peace price for her work on behalf of the poor deaded and ???, she was 87 years old.
- answer: Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcuha, India -- she was 87 years old.
- notes: prize 奖
Daily English Dictation 2
- dictation: what time do you have. I have 5 o'clock
- answer: Jerry, what time do you have. I have 5 o'clock
- notes: have he her him his had has 略读 h
Daily English Dictation 3
- dictation: There are 3 things that they never discuss with people, relagen, politics, and great pump again.
- answer: There are 3 things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumplin!
- notes:
Daily English Dictation 4
- dictation: we'll never let somebody tell you, you can't do something.
- answer: Don't ever let...
- notes: strong S N L, week d t th, n cancels t. something => somepn in daily english
Daily English Dictation 5
- dictation: I have come here to chem babol and
- answer: I have come here to chem bubblegum and kick ass. and i'm all out of bubblegum
- notes: to: to tah tuh dah duh d' t'. an-ahm-all. kick ass 打人,好好搞定某件事
听写笔记的方法和演示,以 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U7411a7xG 为例,仅参考:
- 不看字幕,听写发音内容,不会的没关系,尽量写即可
- 反复听几遍,然后继续把内容进行完善,直到无法继续写出来
Mother terisa, who received a noble pice prize from her work on behalf of the pool of india 87 years old.
反复几遍直到听不出:Mother terisa, who received a Noble Pace Prize from her work on behalf of poor and dies of dia cacke in India, she was 87 years old.
- 到第二天或者查看答案,进行对比和完善总结,把不会的单词进行记录,跟读句子进行训练。
第二节答案:Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta India. She was 87 years old.
- Teresa:人名,死记硬背
- Nobel Peace Prize:诺贝尔和平奖。Pace 的发音跟 Peace 有区别,Pace 是步伐、速度的意思。
- Calcutta:加尔各答,死记硬背