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File metadata and controls

156 lines (128 loc) · 7.38 KB


A collection of scripts that will help to acquire data, such lists of contacts and s e-mail contents, from office365 tenants. These acquisition scripts are written in python and use the python O365 library. To be able to use these scripts, access to the Office 365 is needed and therefore an App Registration in Azure Active Directory (AAD) must be setup. See the documentation on how to do this.

This script acquires e-mail contents from O365 environments in EML format.

In order to communicate with the Office 365 API, a TENANT_ID, a CLIENT_ID, and a CLIENT_SECRET must be supplied. See the documentation to find out how to obtain these arguments.

For input, the script needs a list of Office 365 e-mail addresses that will be queried using the Office 365 API. Optionally, this list can be supplied using the -f option, but by default stdin is used to read e-mail addresses

The script needs an OUTPUT_DIR (supplied by the -o option) which is used to store e-mail contents. If this directory does not exists, it will be created automatically.

The script is able to extract attachments from e-mail contents automatically using the e option. When you need to search extracted attachments for suspicious macro's, see the script in the office-forensics repository.

Usage [-h] [-c CONFIG] -t TENANT_ID -i CLIENT_ID -s
                            CLIENT_SECRET [-d] -o OUTPUT_DIR [-f FILE] [-e]
                            [--concurrent-messages {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}]
                            [--concurrent-mailboxes {1,2,3,4,5}]
                            [--date-from DATE_FROM]
                            [--date-to DATE_TO]
                            [--has-attachment-types [FILE_EXTENSIONS]]
                            [--contains-subject SUBJECT]


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Specify config file (.ini or .yaml), which includes
  -t TENANT_ID, --tenant-id TENANT_ID
                        Tenant ID of the Microsoft O365 environment (e.g.
  -i CLIENT_ID, --client-id CLIENT_ID
                        Client ID of the App Registration created in AAD in
                        Azure Portal (e.g.
  -s CLIENT_SECRET, --client-secret CLIENT_SECRET
                        Client Secret of the App Registration created in AAD
                        in Azure Portal (e.g. oy:V1IxA5YXyj@Ry3E2ExhJBR:?=77@)
  -d, --delegated       Authorize user(s) interactively (delegated). This is
                        not needed when the App Registration has 'application'
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory where acquired e-mail contents will
                        be stored
  -f FILE, --file FILE  File with e-mail addresses (per line). (default=stdin)
  -e, --extract-attachments
                        Extract attachments into subfolders of specified
                        output directory (default=False)
  --concurrent-messages {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
                        Number of concurrent messages to be parsed/fetched.
                        Messages are processed multi-threaded, use with care
  --concurrent-mailboxes {1,2,3,4,5}
                        Number of concurrent mailboxes to be parsed/fetched.
                        Mailboxes are processed multi-threaded, use with care
  --date-from DATE_FROM
                        Filter for messages that were received on or after
                        this date
  --date-to DATE_TO     Filter for messages that were received on or before
                        this date
  --has-attachment      Filter for messages that have one or more non-inline
  --has-attachment-types [FILE_EXTENSIONS]
                        Filter for messages that have one or more non-inline
                        attachments, but only attachments that have one of the
                        specified FILE_EXTENSIONS, separated by ',' (default
                        file extensions: 7z,bat,cmd,doc,docm,dotm,exe,gadget,h
                        y,rar,sfc,sfx,sldm,vb,vbe,vbs,xla,xlam,xltm,zip). This
                        option enforces --has-attachment
  --contains-subject SUBJECT
                        Filter for messages that include this subject


The following example extracts e-mail contents dating from January 2019 and have at least one attachment. E-mail contents are extracted into the folder output and attachments will be extracted separately. No user interaction is required. E-mail addresses are supplied in a file called o365-email-addresses.txt. \
-f o365-email-addresses.txt
-t '9a181509-06e3-dd84-1a3c-8a1e05d43669' \
-i '815099a1-e306-4dd8-a3c1-6698a1e05d43' \
-s 'b1Y=HBnusr]zvLIVww7tmGQj]5fq0-aC' \
--has-attachment --date-from 2019-01-01 --date-to 2019-02-01 \
-o output -e


To simplify usage, environmental arguments (such as tenant-id, client-id and client-secret) may be stored within a config file and passed as a single argument (--config):

Example config:
tenant-id : 9a181509-06e3-dd84-1a3c-8a1e05d43669
client-id : 815099a1-e306-4dd8-a3c1-6698a1e05d43
client-secret: b1Y=HBnusr]zvLIVww7tmGQj]5fq0-aC

This script acquires all e-mail addresses registered in an O365 environment and prints these.

Usage [-h] [-c CONFIG] -t TENANT_ID -i CLIENT_ID -s
                                CLIENT_SECRET [-d]


  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Specify config file (.ini or .yaml), which includes
  -t TENANT_ID, --tenant-id TENANT_ID
                        Tenant ID of the Microsoft O365 environment (e.g.
  -i CLIENT_ID, --client-id CLIENT_ID
                        Client ID of the App Registration created in AAD in
                        Azure Portal (e.g.
  -s CLIENT_SECRET, --client-secret CLIENT_SECRET
                        Client Secret of the App Registration created in AAD
                        in Azure Portal (e.g. oy:V1IxA5YXyj@Ry3E2ExhJBR:?=77@)
  -d, --delegated       Authorize user(s) interactively (delegated). This is
                        not needed when the App Registration has 'application'


The following example extracts Office 365 e-mail addresses using delegated authorization (so user interaction is required): \
-t '9a181509-06e3-dd84-1a3c-8a1e05d43669' \
-i '815099a1-e306-4dd8-a3c1-6698a1e05d43' \
-s 'b1Y=HBnusr]zvLIVww7tmGQj]5fq0-aC' \


Similar to, a config file can be passed, including one or more arguments