This module provides functionnality to upload files within Deployd. The uploaded files will be stored in the public folder of Deployd and the filenames will be stored in a collection.
Don't hesitate to fill an issue if you find a bug or need a feature.
Go to the base directory of your Deployd project and enter:
$ npm install dpd-fileupload --save
Once installed, you can add a resource of type fileupload in the dashboard.
By default, the module will create a folder called "upload" inside the public directory. You can then access your files by calling: http://localhost:2403/upload/filename.extension
If you need to, you can change the name of the directory in the dashboard under CONFIG.
Method POST or PUT (set content type to "multipart/form-data"), send "subdir" as request param to save the file in a sub directory. Any request parameter sent will be stored in the resource object.
Working demo available here:
Response of a successful upload:
filename: 'screenshot.png',
subdir: "images",
creationDate: 1389946339569,
id: '2f4c752310e2bbae',
filesize: '75148412',
}, {
filename: 'screenshot (1).png',
subdir: "images",
creationDate: 1389946339233,
id: 'ef43f52310e2bbae',
filesize: '85412',
}, ...]
Method GET
dpd.fileupload.get(function(err, result) {
The response:
filename: 'screenshot.png',
subdir: "images",
creationDate: 1389946339569,
id: '2f4c752310e2bbae',
filesize: '75148412',
}, {
filename: 'screenshot (1).png',
subdir: "images",
creationDate: 1389946339233,
id: 'ef43f52310e2bbae',
filesize: '8441547',
}, ...]
Since we upload the files into the /public folder, you can access your files like this: http://localhost:2403/upload/subdir/filename.extension replace:
- "upload" by the folder your set in the dashboard
- "subdir" by the value you set for subdir. (nothing if you haven't given a subdir param)
- "filename.extension" by the name of the file your uploaded
If you would like more security and some rights management to get the files, fill an issue about this and I might work on this feature.
dpd.fileupload.delete(id, function(err, result) {
if (err) alert(err);
- 0.0.10
- 0.0.9
- Store file size
- 0.0.8
- any parameter send in the query will be stored in the resource (and its value will be parsed as JSON if applicable)
- if a parameter property name is "subdir", file will be placed under this subdir in the upload directory
- 0.0.7
- fix empty response issue
- 0.0.6
- 0.0.5
- send an event with progress of upload
- add tests
- improve demo (add implementation with angularJS, send a param in the query)
- check if file already exist (upload anyway and put a (1) in the filename or return an error?)
- Find a cleaner way to get the path of the upload directory
- Implement GET of one file (stream file ?)