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GATT Client Multi-connection Example Walkthrough


This document presents a description of the multi-connection BLE GATT client example for the ESP32. In this implementation, a single ESP32 working as a GATT client connects to three different GATT servers at the same time. This set up illustrates the use case of an ESP32 device acting in a way so that it receives data from different BLE sensors. The unique combination of ESP32’s BLE + Wi-Fi capabilities in addition to connection to multiple peripherals makes it a great candidate to serve as an IoT gateway.

This example’s workflow is similar to the GATT Client Example Walkthrough and is shown in the figure below. However, in the multi-connection implementation, a GATT client searches for three specific server names and once that it has found them it opens a connection to all three of them one after the other. In code, each connection is handled separately with one Application Profile.

Four ESP32 devices are needed in order to demonstrate this example, among which:

  • one would be employed as a GATT Client flashed with the gattc_multi_connect demo, and,
  • the rest run as GATT servers flashed with the gatt_server_demo demo of the ESP-IDF Bluetooth examples folder.
Multi-Connection GATT Client Flowchart


The multi-connection example’s main source file is gattc_multi_connect.c. For details, see Section Includes in GATT Client Example Walkthrough.

Main Entry Point

See Section Main Entry Point in GATT Client Example Walkthrough.

Implementation Procedure

The GATT Client implementation includes the following steps:

  • system initialization,
  • scanning configuration,
  • scanning of nearby devices,
  • connection to devices of interest,
  • registering for notifications.


See Section Main Entry Point in GATT Client Example Walkthrough.

Application Profiles

Application Profiles are a way to group functionality. They are designed so that each Application Profile connects to one peer device, that way the same ESP32 can connect to multiple devices by assigning one Application Profile to each one, as figure below shows. Each Application Profile creates a GATT interface to connect to other devices. The Application Profiles are defined by an ID number, there are three profiles in this example:

#define PROFILE_NUM 3
#define PROFILE_A_APP_ID 0	
#define PROFILE_B_APP_ID 1
#define PROFILE_C_APP_ID 2
Multi-Connection GATT Client Flowchart

The esp_ble_gattc_app_register() function is used to register each Application Profile to the BLE stack. The registration operation generates a GATT interface that is returned as a parameter in a registration event. In addition, each Application Profile is also defined by a structure that can be used to keep the state of the application and update its parameters when new data is propagated by the stack.

The Application Profiles in code are instances of a gattc_profile_inst structure. For details, see Section Application Profiles in GATT Client Example Walkthrough.


Setting Scan Parameters

See Section Setting Scan Parameters in GATT Client Example Walkthrough.

Starting to Scan

See Section Start Scanning in GATT Client Example Walkthrough.

Getting Scan Results

See Section Getting Scan Results in GATT Client Example Walkthrough.

Name Comparison

  • First, the name of the device is extracted from the advertised data and stored in the adv_name variable:

    adv_name = esp_ble_resolve_adv_data(scan_result->scan_rst.ble_adv, ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_NAME_CMPL, &adv_name_len);
  • Then, the device name found is compared to the server names that the client wants to connect to. The server names are defined in the remote_device_name array:

    static const char remote_device_name[3][20] = {"ESP_GATTS_DEMO_1", "ESP_GATTS_DEMO_2", “ESP_GATTS_DEMO_3"};

    The name comparison takes places as follows:

     if (strlen(remote_device_name[0]) == adv_name_len && strncmp((char *)adv_name, remote_device_name[0], adv_name_len) == 0) {
                     if (find_device_1 == false) {
                         find_device_1 = true;
                         ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "Searched device %s", remote_device_name[0]);
                         memcpy(gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_A_APP_ID].remote_bda, scan_result->scan_rst.bda, 6);
                 else if (strlen(remote_device_name[1]) == adv_name_len && strncmp((char *)adv_name, remote_device_name[1], adv_name_len) == 0) {
                     if (find_device_2 == false) {
                         find_device_2 = true;
                         ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "Searched device %s", remote_device_name[1]);
                         memcpy(gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_B_APP_ID].remote_bda, scan_result->scan_rst.bda, 6);
                 else if (strlen(remote_device_name[2]) == adv_name_len && strncmp((char *)adv_name, remote_device_name[2], adv_name_len) == 0) {
                     if (find_device_3 == false) {
                         find_device_3 = true;
                         ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "Searched device %s", remote_device_name[2]);
                         memcpy(gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_C_APP_ID].remote_bda, scan_result->scan_rst.bda, 6);
  • If any of the device names found corresponds to a remote device name, the find_device_X flag is set and the address of the remote device is stored in the gl_profile_tab table. When all flags are set, the client stops scanning and connects to the remote devices.

Connecting to Remote Devices

Connecting to the First Remote Device

Once all devices have been found, the client stops scanning:

if (find_device_1 && find_device_2 && find_device_3 && stop_scan == false {
    stop_scan = true;

The scan stop triggers an ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_STOP_COMPLETE_EVT event which is used to open a connection to the first remote device. The second and third devices get connected once the client searches for services, gets characteristics and registers for notifications on the first device. This workflow is designed to test that the communication between each remote device is working correctly before trying to connect to the next device or in case of error, skip to the next device.

    if (param->scan_stop_cmpl.status != ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS){
        ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG, "Scan stop failed");
    ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "Stop scan successfully");
    if (!stop_scan){
        ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG, "Did not find all devices");
    if (find_device_1){
        esp_ble_gattc_open(gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_A_APP_ID].gattc_if, gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_A_APP_ID].remote_bda, true);
  • The connection is opened with the esp_ble_gattc_open() function which takes the GATT interface, the remote device address and a boolean value set to true for direct connection or false for background auto connection. To disconnect the physical connection, the GAP API function esp_ble_gap_disconnect() is used.

    When connecting to the first device, an ESP_GATTC_CONNECT_EVT event is generated which is forwarded to all profiles. It also triggers an ESP_GATTC_OPEN_EVT event that is forwarded to the Profile A event handler only, or gattc_profile_a_event_handler() function. The event checks that the connection is opened successfully, if not, the device is ignored and the client tries to open a connection to the second device:

          if (p_data->open.status != ESP_GATT_OK){
              //open failed, ignore the first device, connect the second device
              ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG, "connect device failed, status %d", p_data->open.status);
              if (find_device_2){
                  esp_ble_gattc_open(gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_B_APP_ID].gattc_if, gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_B_APP_ID].remote_bda, true);

    If the connection is successful the client saves the connection ID, prints the remote device information and configures the MTU size to 200 bytes.

     gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_A_APP_ID].conn_id = p_data->open.conn_id;
     ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "ESP_GATTC_OPEN_EVT conn_id %d, if %d, status %d, mtu %d", p_data->open.conn_id, gattc_if, p_data->open.status, p_data->open.mtu);
     esp_log_buffer_hex(GATTC_TAG, p_data->open.remote_bda, sizeof(esp_bd_addr_t));
     esp_err_t mtu_ret = esp_ble_gattc_config_mtu (gattc_if, p_data->open.conn_id, 200);
     if (mtu_ret){
     ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG, "config MTU error, error code = %x", mtu_ret);
  • After configuration of the MTU size, an ESP_GATTC_CFG_MTU_EVT is generated. This event is used to search for available known services on the remote device. The search is performed by using the esp_ble_gattc_search_service() function and a service ID defined by:

     static esp_bt_uuid_t remote_filter_service_uuid = {
     .len = ESP_UUID_LEN_16,
     .uuid = {.uuid16 = REMOTE_SERVICE_UUID,},
  • The handler then searches for the service:

         if (param->cfg_mtu.status != ESP_GATT_OK){
             ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG,"Config mtu failed");
         ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "Status %d, MTU %d, conn_id %d", param->cfg_mtu.status, param->cfg_mtu.mtu, param->cfg_mtu.conn_id);
         esp_ble_gattc_search_service(gattc_if, param->cfg_mtu.conn_id, &remote_filter_service_uuid);

    If the service is found, an ESP_GATTC_SEARCH_RES_EVT event is triggered which allows to set the get_service_1 flag to true. This flag is used to print information and later get the characteristic that the client is interested in.

  • Once the search for all services is completed, an ESP_GATTC_SEARCH_CMPL_EVT event is generated which is used to get the characteristics of the service just discovered. This is done with the esp_ble_gattc_get_characteristic() function:

         if (p_data->search_cmpl.status != ESP_GATT_OK){
             ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG, "search service failed, error status = %x", p_data->search_cmpl.status);
         if (get_service_1){
             esp_ble_gattc_get_characteristic(gattc_if, p_data->search_cmpl.conn_id, &remote_service_id, NULL);

    The esp_ble_gattc_get_characteristic() function takes the GATT interface, the connection ID and the remote service ID as parameters. In addition, a NULL value is passed to indicate that we want all the characteristics starting from the first one. If the client is interested in a specific characteristic it could pass the characteristic ID in this field to specify that. An ESP_GATTC_GET_CHAR_EVT event is triggered when a characteristic is discovered. This event is used to print information about the characteristic.

  • If the characteristic ID is the same as the one defined by REMOTE_NOTIFY_CHAR_UUID, the client registers for notifications on that characteristic value.

  • Finally, the next characteristic is requested using the same esp_ble_gattc_get_characteristic() function, this time, the last parameter is set to the current characteristic. This triggers another ESP_GATTC_GET_CHAR_EVT and the process is repeated until all characteristics are obtained.

         if (p_data->get_char.status != ESP_GATT_OK) {
         ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "GET CHAR: conn_id = %x, status %d", p_data->get_char.conn_id, p_data->get_char.status);
         ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "GET CHAR: srvc_id = %04x, char_id = %04x", p_data->, p_data->get_char.char_id.uuid.uuid.uuid16);
         if (p_data->get_char.char_id.uuid.uuid.uuid16 == REMOTE_NOTIFY_CHAR_UUID) {
             ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "register notify");
             esp_ble_gattc_register_for_notify(gattc_if, gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_A_APP_ID].remote_bda, &remote_service_id, &p_data->get_char.char_id);
         esp_ble_gattc_get_characteristic(gattc_if, p_data->get_char.conn_id, &remote_service_id, &p_data->get_char.char_id);

At this point the client has acquired all characteristics from the remote device and has subscribed for notifications on the characteristics of interest. Every time a client registers for notifications, an ESP_GATTC_REG_FOR_NOTIFY_EVT event is triggered. In this example, this event is set to write to the remote device Client Configuration Characteristic (CCC) using the esp_ble_gattc_write_char_descr() function. In turn, this function is used to write to characteristic descriptors. There are many characteristic descriptors defined by the Bluetooth specification, however, for this example, the descriptor of interest is the one that deals with enabling notifications, that is the Client Configuration descriptor.

Connecting to the Next Remote Device

  • In order to pass this descriptor as a parameter we first define it as:

     static esp_gatt_id_t notify_descr_id = {
     .uuid = {
         .len = ESP_UUID_LEN_16,
         .uuid = {.uuid16 = ESP_GATT_UUID_CHAR_CLIENT_CONFIG,},
     .inst_id = 0,

    Where ESP_GATT_UUID_CHAR_CLIENT_CONFIG is defined as the UUID to identify the CCC:

    #define ESP_GATT_UUID_CHAR_CLIENT_CONFIG            0x2902          /*  Client Characteristic Configuration */

    The value to write is “1” to enable notifications. The parameter ESP_GATT_WRITE_TYPE_RSP is also passed to request that the server responds to the write request, as well as the ESP_GATT_AUTH_REQ_NONE parameter to indicate that the write request does not need authorization:

        if (p_data->reg_for_notify.status != ESP_GATT_OK){
            ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG, "reg notify failed, error status =%x", p_data->reg_for_notify.status);
        uint16_t notify_en = 1;
        ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "REG FOR NOTIFY: status %d, srvc_id = %04x, char_id = %04x",
                                       (uint8_t *)&notify_en,
  • Once notifications are enabled, the remote device sends a notification which triggers the ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT event on the client. This event is handled to write back to the characteristic using the esp_ble_gattc_write_char() function:

         ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, Receive notify value:");
         esp_log_buffer_hex(GATTC_TAG, p_data->notify.value, p_data->notify.value_len);
         //write  back
  • If the writing procedure is acknowledged then the remote device has connected successfully and communication is established without error. Immediately, the write procedure generates an ESP_GATTC_WRITE_CHAR_EVT event which in this example is used to print information and connect to the second remote device:

         if (p_data->write.status != ESP_GATT_OK){
             ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG, "write char failed, error status = %x", p_data->write.status);
             ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "write char success");
         //connect the second device
         if (find_device_2){
             esp_ble_gattc_open(gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_B_APP_ID].gattc_if, gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_B_APP_ID].remote_bda, true);
  • This triggers an open event which is handled by the Profile B event handler. This handler follows the same steps to search for services, get characteristics, register for notifications and write to the characteristic as the first device. The sequence for the second device also ends with an ESP_GATTC_WRITE_CHAR_EVT event which in turn is used to connect to the third device:

         if (p_data->write.status != ESP_GATT_OK){
             ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG, "Write char failed, error status = %x", p_data->write.status);
             ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "Write char success");
         //connect the third device
         if (find_device_3){
             esp_ble_gattc_open(gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_C_APP_ID].gattc_if, gl_profile_tab[PROFILE_C_APP_ID].remote_bda, true);
  • The third devices also performs the same configuration and communication steps in identical form as the first and second devices. Upon successful completion, all three remote devices are simultaneously connected appropriately and receiving notifications without error.


In this example we have reviewed the example code for the multi-connection GATT client. The client connects to three remote BLE peripherals and searches for services of interest. If the services are found, the characteristics of those services are discovered and subscribed to. The connections to the remote devices are done in order, starting from the first one and making sure that remote device has connected successfully and is notifying before trying to connect to the next device. This example shows a practical way to use the ESP32 as a central device that can read multiple BLE sensors at the same time.