with contributions from Oliver Kopp, thanks! Contributors are listed in CONTRIBUTING.md.
- "Add Notebook to Shortcuts" command under Note menu
- Bullet list handling: automatically insert bullet char *+- when making lists
- Automatic list indenting with Tab and Shift-Tab
- Enabled delete key to delete a note, notebook and tag
- Added File - Switch Note Location
- Convert plain links to markdown links
- HOME key jumps to beginning of text in line instead of beginning of line
- Fixed cut/copy/paste menu items on win and linux (menu items were disabled)
- Delete tag: use backspace to delete selected tag in tags view
- Delete notebook: use backspace to delete selected notebook in notebooks view (notebook directory along with any notes is moved to Trash)
- Note -> Add Note to Shortcuts (finally!)
- Edit -> Save Search to Shortcuts
- Drag shortcuts with mouse to rearrange, drag right to remove
- Fixed some unwanted borders on linux/ubuntu
- Fixed opening file attachments on some windows machines
- Fixed taskbar icon on windows
- Help menu shows version number
- Snippet View (change from View menu)
- Moving attachments around the note (just drag the image/attachment to new position)
- Double-click opens image attachments with default app
- Multiple note selection with moving, tagging, trashing
- Snappier note loading with large image attachments or pdfs
- Fixed opening file attachments on enex->markdown converted notes on windows
- json files (settings, shortcuts, ...) are written with indentation
- Fixed HTML notes not always being scrollable
- Show HTML files as read-only notes, uses WebKit for rendering. Use "Save Page As" on Chrome to save full webpages directly to an Elephant folder. Export as HTML from other apps to save a read-only copy in Elephant.
- Added Format - Style - Strikethrough
- Fixed changing font size when no selection
- Fix for opening attachment links after using https://github.com/zerobase/enml2md for enex -> markdown import.
- Use Lucene for search indexing when over 2k notes (override with "useLucene=1/0" in settings). Upper note limit now in the zillions.
- New Tag - button
- Remade notebook chooser for jumping/moving. Looks great.
- Shortcuts support tags and saved searches. add "search:today" for a search shortcut, "search:tag:todo" for a tag.
- Small visual fixes
- Improvements for syncing scenarios
- Some visual fixes for linux
- Style commands work as expected with markdown
- Note card shows markdown rendering
- Fixed notebook refreshing on linux
- Initial markdown support
- Fixed attachments 'drifting' in note text, sometimes adding extra whitespace
- Inline display for PDFs, yay!
- Shortcuts survive note moving / renaming
- Initial Tag view
- Fixed issues with multiple Elephant windows
- "defaultNotebook" setting in main settings to set def notebook (no UI yet)
- Now watching filesystem for changes and refreshing notebooks when a file is dropped on a notebook folder
- Now requires Java 1.7 or newer due to watched folders
- (Mac) Hit space to quicklook first file attachment when browsing notes
- Search is indexed/optimized for about 10,000 notes
- Preserve text styles when copy-pasting
- Can add tags to notes and search by tags
- Search with "tag:cats" or "t:cats" to limit results by tag
- Search with "notebook:inbox" or "nb:inbox" to limit results by notebook name
- Note preview brushup
- fixed trashing a note from "All Notes" list
- added Edit | Undo/Redo
- added Format | Style menu with a few styles and text size options. Some text needs to be selected when changing text size
- Applying styles will save the note in rft format
- Added Format | Make Plain Text to turn the note back to plain text
- all metadata is stored under one ".meta" folder
- attached images are scaled to editor width
- note list thumbnails have images
- recent notes fixed when moving notes