- Removed Gorge Spit replacement model option and it's functionality, a new high-vis model has be made.
- Moved game/real time text to right side of screen to make room for vanilla gui
- Made "Research Notifications" option the sole option for enabling/disabling new vanilla research UI
- Removed commactions option for reason above
- Fixed "show tech map" screen (Default J) not properly showing/hiding the biomass background based on minimal gui setting
- Fixed extra energy bar when aliens have adrenaline not hiding itself when non-vanilla hud bars are selected.
- Hide maturity text when "Bars Only" nameplates are selected.
- Fixed oversight of health numbers still being displayed for enemy players.
- Fixed compatibility issue with NS2 build 332 and nameplates
- Added a color blindness correction option. It enables a daltonization screen shader that shifts colors into the visible spectrum for each type of color blindness.
- Fixed Cr4zy AV client crashes
- Fixed a compatibility issue with ns2 build 332
- Fixed various issues with the hive skill graph of the match report (Thanks to pebl)
- Added the player's observatory.morrolan.ch profile link to context menu of the match report.
- Added the player's skill tier number to the context menu of the match report.
- Fixed the positioning of the old team ressource display HUD element.
- Added an option to hide the "new" (ns2 build 331) team info top bar
- Re-/Added an option to enable the "old" (ns2 build <= 330) resource tower counter next/below to the personal resources counter.
- Fixed that embryos were exposed at the minimap via the alien minimap color option.
- Added new console commands to import/export and share Alien Vison (AV) configurations. Enter
into the console for more details (contributed by turtsmcgurts) - Fixed Cr4zy's AV "no fill" edges issue (contributed by Cr4zy)
- Fixed Cr4zy's AV depth blending issue (contributed by Cr4zy)
- Added new console commands to import/export and share Alien Vison (AV) configurations. Enter
- Added a confirmation message for reseting all ns2plus options (contributed by Cr4zy)
- Greatly improved the customizable AV options (contributed by Cr4zy):
- Added the ability to individually colour; Marines, Aliens, Gorges, Marine Structures and Alien Structures.
- Added a Nanoshield AV highlight option, for those people who like darker AV's that cant see the Nanoshield vfx this will enable an recolour within the AV itself.
- Code updated, some improvements with inline functions and removal of old depreciated code.
- Close and Distant colours now apply to depth fog too allowing for more interesting setups.
- Ability to toggle off any of the individually colourable elements.
- A new edge option which doesnt add colour fill to entities allowing for more of an outline only style.
- Toggle a new edge math that greatly improves the rendering of edge detection in the distance, removing the "highlighted" floors and walls effect of the previous detection.
- Cleaned up parameters being sent to shader, many values no in single integers for bitshifting, also allows for the increased colour option count.
- Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWnyY7-nLdI for an walkthrough though the available new options.
- Fixed that the time displays overlapped with each other and the hive status HUD for aliens.
- The "Minimal GUI" option does no longer hide the status effect icons. Please use the vanilla "Minimal HUD Mode" option if you want to hide those.
- Added options menu to the mods options menu of the new main menu
- Enabled stats tracking for cysts and alien tunnels. So they are listed in the end-game report. (Thanks to turtsmcgurts)
- Fixed invalid export format for weapons stats.
- Fixed that not all player team changes were tracked.
- Added a ns2plus dev mode. You can enable it via the plus_dev console command.
- Only show the average hive skill graph with ns2plus dev mode enabled. Need to confirm it's accurate before displaying it to everybody again.
- Fixed incorrect calculation of average team skill for the end game hive skill graph (Thanks to Glitch)
- Removed link to player's observatory profile at scoreboard
- Removed server options to display numeric skill values directly at the scoreboard GUI
- Fixed that the team hive skill graph at the end game stats GUI wasn't tracking changes correctly
- Fixed that the commander visibility value of map cinematics and props wasn't applied properly.
- Fixed that player and structure damage values for each weapon weren't displayed at the end game stats GUI
- Added a console command to export available ns2plus options and their descriptions to a csv table
- Fixed compatibility issues with ns2 build 326
- Optimized server stats code
- Fixed that the separate team color option for the cr4zy alien vision didn't work anymore (Thanks to Handschuh)
- Fixed that the low lights for ns2_descent were too dark in many areas (Thanks Zavaro)
- Optimized the reload indicator code (Thanks Handschuh)
- Refactored the map particles option code. The option now takes effect immediably.
- Optimized the usage of certain event hooks to avoid causing engine crashes.
- Fixed and optimized the low lights for ns2_descent (Thanks Zavaro)
- Fixed script error introduced from Skill Tier icon tooltips
- Fixed that the used team victory probability formula was incorrect. (Thanks Las)
- Fixed that the team victory probability was displayed even if one team doesn't have any players yet.
- Fixed that the observatory scoreboard link wasn’t using https. (Thanks Morrolan)
- Reset the hive skill related server options. Server operators can re-enable them via sv_plus.
- Fixed a script error that could occur opening the ns2+options in-game
- Fixed that predict conflicted with the weapon slot mode of the alien ability select option.
- Replaced all Elixer methods with the new DebugUltility methods
- Added an option to choose how to select alien abilities. This allows to select metabolize to be selected as weapon once again.
- Todo:
- I'm planning to expand this feature to support all abilities and pure key bound ability activation.
- Additionally currently selecting metabolize has a short delay due to the way the weapon select is handled at the server side.
- Todo:
- Fixed that the hive skill graph uses the skill maximum as initial minimum
- Fixed that spectators were considered as alien players at the beginning of a round by the hive skill graph
- Fixed a script error that caused the end stats GUI to fail initializing causing the client's UI to become unresponsive.
- Made sure that the end stats GUI initializes completely even if it fails to load the LastRoundStats.json due to a script error.
- Improved how the hiveskillgraph records players joining teams to fix issues with failed team join attempts and players moving to the spectator team
- Improved the y axis scaling of the hive skill graph to not start at negative values and use a more useful grid resolution.
- Added an indicator icon for being on fire for everybody using the hidden viewmodel option
- Added an option to configurate the color of marines when using Cr4zy's Alienvision
- Added a graph displaying each team's avg. hive skill over the time of the round to the end round stats view.
- Added an option to display the current time below the minimap
- Added an option to display the probability of victory for each team at the scoreboard (needs to be enabled by the server admin)
- Fixed a comaptibility issue with some mods caused by a missing argument in GetEnergyCost
- Fixed that the custom alien minimap color was not applied to embyros (evolving players)
- Fixed that the current round time was not displayed for the commander when the given option is enabled
- Fixed a rare script error occurring while spectating a dying enemy.
- Fixed that the information (e.g. hp percentage) of the custom nameplates did not update instantly.
- Fixed that the research progress tooltip started fading out at creation of the tooltip. This caused the tooltip often to not even show up.
- Fixed that the exo's left minigun's cinematics did not get hidden with minimal particles or hidden viewmodel options enabled.
- Fixed compatibility problem with b320 emissive-toggle change (power-state changes)
- Fixed that the custom nameplate style options did not work. Please note that the displayed information of the custom nameplate styles may only update every 200 ms.
- Fixed that the end stats hover menu consumed the player's input after initialization without being visible.
- Added Observatory (https://observatory.morrolan.ch) profile links to the scoreboard and end stats
- Fixed that the player entry hover menu of the end stats was hidden instantly
- Fixed that the overhead research tooltips displayed a negative research time after completion
- Fixed compatibility issues with ns2 build 319
- Added per-lifeform sensitivity for aliens
- Added some screen-occluding effects of gorge tunnels and embryos to be disabled when minimal particles is enabled
- Fixed that you couldn't pickup weapons with autopickup disabled with build 318
- Fixed that the hivestatus UI was hidden by default.
- Fixed that the hide friends at the minimap option still had no effect.
- Fixed that the minimap location name alpha option did not work and caused script errors.
- Fixed a script error occurring for commanders caused by the research time tool tips trying to update before the Commander has been fully initialized
- Fixed that the research time tooltips did not work for Commanders
- Fixed that the mingui option did not effect some minimap and gorge build menu backgrounds
- Fixed that the custom minimap color options (including hidding friends) had no effect.
- Fixed a script error occurring while spectating a marine reloading their shotgun.
- Fixed a script error occurring while spectating a gorge placing structures.
- Changed the hivestatus option entry to behave like the other option toogles.
- Refactored the way GUI modifications are loaded to fix and avoid load order issues with new ns2 updates.
- Fixed the critical performance issues caused by various GUI modifications.
- Removed the death message icon scaling option because it wasn't working in all situations.
- Removed the remote config trolling system.
- Removed the remote config badge system.
- Updated or removed all outdated web references.
- Added reload indicators around the crosshair. Also displays ability cool downs for aliens.
- Made exo overheat UI display proper values to show when we are able to fire again.
- Added a new option to completely disable the hive status UI.
- The existing minimal GUI option now removes some background elements from the hive status UI.
- Added research times to overhead view tech tool tips
- Fixed compatibility issues with the new ns2 help screen
- Removed the wc badges as those are part of vanilla ns2 now
- Refactored the way the gamemode is set in the serverbrowser to avoid conflicts with future ns2 updates
- Improved the stats tracking to work better with recent ns2 changes.
- Fixed Server Browser ranked filter not working correctly
- Fix End game stats issue with warmup mode
- Fix enemy health bars showing up while spawning in
- Fixed compatibility issue between feedback GUI and NS2+ end stats
- Take warmup mode into account when checking for game start
- Fixed server browser tabs not showing correct player counts
- Reset options that have been integreated to vanilla
- Fixed resetting non-slider options in NS2+
- Autopickup integrated into vanilla
- Colored wrench integrated to vanilla
- Khamm range circles integrated to vanilla
- AV state default to ON integrated to vanilla
- Added High Visibility Gorge spit option, available in Graphics tab (Thanks turtsmcgurts!).
- Fixed End Stats UI not resizing properly on resolution change sometimes.
- Fixed options menu displaying reset option button for hidden options in certain circumstances.
- Added doerLocation and doerPosition to certain kills in the KillFeed table for exported stats to support proper positions for turrets, whips, hydras, etc.
- Excluded bots from the average skill calculation.
- Fixed hallucinations not using their own color if the player was using a custom alien minimap color.
- Added shown/total server count to server browser.
- Added NSL info to scoreboard hover menu for NSL servers.
- Adjusted server tagging for NSL servers.
- Added Cr4zy's configurable Alien Vision (Thanks Cr4zy!).
- Added checkbox in the Server Browser to hide Rookie Only servers.
- Added button to filter for Hive Whitelisted servers in the Server Browser. The button will only display if the client is able to successfully download the list of whitelisted servers.
- Moved all weapon pickup options out of "HUD" and into "MISC".
- Moved weapon tracers from "HUD" into "GRAPHICS".
- Changed rookieFriendly to rookieOnly for the exported stats as the rookieFriendly tag is now deprecated in Build 282.
- Added NSL server highlighting, they will show up in blue and will append "NSL" to the gamemode for easy filtering.
- Excluded team specific FOV and sensitivities from caster mode.
- Fixed missing percentage sign for exo weapons on classic ammo.
- Added NSL lights json files to consistency check.
- Fixed exos not showing proper outline color in overhead spectator.
- Fixed unbuilt RT deaths showing up in the RT graph (allowed for negative RT counts).
- Stats format changes:
- Renamed pdmg and sdmg fields to playerDamage and structureDamage.
- Removed "last" table from player stats which was only meant for internal use.
- Renamed KillGraph to KillFeed.
- Renamed ClientStats to PlayerStats.
- Renamed "weapon" field to "killerWeapon" and "teamNumber" to "killerTeamNumber" in the KillFeed table.
- Changed "gameMinute" field in KillFeed table to "gameTime", which now returns the time in seconds.
- Renamed "roundTime" field in RoundInfo table to "roundLength".
- Fixed kills not showing the killer weapon in the KillFeed table if the player had left the server.
- Updated exported stats data format.
- Fixed bug with Marine Commander Medpack accuracy being calculated wrong.
- RT graph table now contains if the node was recycled.
- Tech table now contains if (in case of buildings) it was finished and if it was recycled.
- Fixed bug that wouldn't ignore maxPlayers for each team while the game wasn't live.
- Removed server option for disabling Hive HTTP connections.
- New data points for the exported stats:
- Minimap extents for mapping coordinates to the overview graphic.
- Destroyed tech in Tech Log, also shows Biomass level on Hive death. If the last Hive was killed it will show as Biomass 1 being "destroyed".
- Killer/victim class in the kills table.
- End game stats now shows the loss of important buildings in the Tech Log and Biomass level on Hive death.
- Added "savestats" option to the server settings (default off). This option allows servers to save the round stats info in a json file located at (CONFIGFOLDER)\NS2Plus\Stats. Each round will generate a separate file. Mods can also access this info directly by calling CHUDGetLastRoundStats().