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base repository: NREL/REopt.jl
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v0.45.0
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head repository: NREL/REopt.jl
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: master
Choose a head ref
Showing with 291,638 additions and 38,653 deletions.
  1. +3 −3 .github/workflows/CI.yml
  2. +1 −1 .github/workflows/build_docs.yml
  3. +186 −2
  4. +373 −247 Manifest.toml
  5. +4 −4 Project.toml
  6. +4 −2
  7. +4 −2 data/absorption_chiller/absorption_chiller_defaults.json
  8. +41 −0 data/ashp/ashp_defaults.json
  9. +0 −8,761 data/emissions/AVERT_Data/AVERT_2022_CO2_lb_per_kwh.csv
  10. +0 −8,761 data/emissions/AVERT_Data/AVERT_2022_NOx_lb_per_kwh.csv
  11. +0 −8,761 data/emissions/AVERT_Data/AVERT_2022_PM25_lb_per_kwh.csv
  12. +0 −8,761 data/emissions/AVERT_Data/AVERT_2022_SO2_lb_per_kwh.csv
  13. +8,761 −0 data/emissions/AVERT_Data/AVERT_2023_CO2_lb_per_kwh.csv
  14. +8,761 −0 data/emissions/AVERT_Data/AVERT_2023_NOx_lb_per_kwh.csv
  15. +8,761 −0 data/emissions/AVERT_Data/AVERT_2023_PM25_lb_per_kwh.csv
  16. +8,761 −0 data/emissions/AVERT_Data/AVERT_2023_SO2_lb_per_kwh.csv
  17. +1 −0 data/load_profiles/cooling_electric_annual_kwh.json
  18. +306 −0 data/load_profiles/domestic_hot_water_annual_mmbtu.json
  19. +8,760 −0 data/load_profiles/process_heat/crb8760_norm_Industrial_Chemical.dat
  20. +8,760 −0 data/load_profiles/process_heat/crb8760_norm_Industrial_Warehouse.dat
  21. +1 −0 data/load_profiles/space_heating_annual_mmbtu.json
  22. +1 −0 data/load_profiles/total_electric_annual_kwh.json
  23. +12 −7 docs/src/reopt/
  24. +11 −7 src/REopt.jl
  25. +96 −75 src/constraints/battery_degradation.jl
  26. +11 −10 src/constraints/chp_constraints.jl
  27. +31 −12 src/constraints/electric_utility_constraints.jl
  28. +28 −19 src/constraints/emissions_constraints.jl
  29. +9 −9 src/constraints/flexible_hvac.jl
  30. +79 −0 src/constraints/ghp_constraints.jl
  31. +22 −28 src/constraints/load_balance.jl
  32. +17 −9 src/constraints/outage_constraints.jl
  33. +30 −11 src/constraints/renewable_energy_constraints.jl
  34. +10 −5 src/constraints/steam_turbine_constraints.jl
  35. +99 −78 src/constraints/storage_constraints.jl
  36. +233 −12 src/constraints/thermal_tech_constraints.jl
  37. +6 −3 src/core/absorption_chiller.jl
  38. +534 −0 src/core/ashp.jl
  39. +53 −10 src/core/bau_inputs.jl
  40. +2 −0 src/core/bau_scenario.jl
  41. +30 −3 src/core/boiler.jl
  42. +25 −9 src/core/chp.jl
  43. +74 −25 src/core/doe_commercial_reference_building_loads.jl
  44. +14 −2 src/core/electric_heater.jl
  45. +37 −323 src/core/electric_load.jl
  46. +10 −10 src/core/electric_tariff.jl
  47. +148 −133 src/core/electric_utility.jl
  48. +79 −41 src/core/energy_storage/electric_storage.jl
  49. +6 −8 src/core/energy_storage/storage.jl
  50. +102 −5 src/core/energy_storage/thermal_storage.jl
  51. +18 −2 src/core/existing_boiler.jl
  52. +6 −2 src/core/existing_chiller.jl
  53. +13 −12 src/core/financial.jl
  54. +1 −1 src/core/flexible_hvac.jl
  55. +4 −4 src/core/generator.jl
  56. +13 −4 src/core/ghp.jl
  57. +257 −1,188 src/core/heating_cooling_loads.jl
  58. +2 −2 src/core/production_factor.jl
  59. +4 −2 src/core/pv.jl
  60. +94 −24 src/core/reopt.jl
  61. +241 −42 src/core/reopt_inputs.jl
  62. +1 −1 src/core/reopt_multinode.jl
  63. +175 −39 src/core/scenario.jl
  64. +218 −65 src/core/simulated_load.jl
  65. +8 −2 src/core/site.jl
  66. +6 −0 src/core/steam_turbine.jl
  67. +172 −5 src/core/techs.jl
  68. +11 −0 src/core/types.jl
  69. +48 −111 src/core/urdb.jl
  70. +103 −15 src/core/utils.jl
  71. +7 −4 src/mpc/inputs.jl
  72. +1 −1 src/mpc/model.jl
  73. +1 −1 src/mpc/model_multinode.jl
  74. +6 −6 src/results/absorption_chiller.jl
  75. +183 −0 src/results/ashp.jl
  76. +41 −10 src/results/boiler.jl
  77. +51 −12 src/results/chp.jl
  78. +51 −9 src/results/electric_heater.jl
  79. +15 −9 src/results/electric_load.jl
  80. +3 −2 src/results/electric_storage.jl
  81. +21 −9 src/results/electric_utility.jl
  82. +40 −6 src/results/existing_boiler.jl
  83. +4 −4 src/results/existing_chiller.jl
  84. +99 −43 src/results/financial.jl
  85. +13 −0 src/results/ghp.jl
  86. +47 −32 src/results/heating_cooling_load.jl
  87. +3 −6 src/results/outages.jl
  88. +150 −99 src/results/proforma.jl
  89. +6 −6 src/results/pv.jl
  90. +16 −5 src/results/results.jl
  91. +48 −36 src/results/site.jl
  92. +37 −5 src/results/steam_turbine.jl
  93. +31 −4 src/results/thermal_storage.jl
  94. +0 −2 src/results/wind.jl
  95. +3 −0 test/Project.toml
  96. +8,761 −0 test/data/10 kW FlatLoad_16_5 2024.csv
  97. +1,504 −591 test/runtests.jl
  98. +45 −0 test/scenarios/ashp.json
  99. +46 −0 test/scenarios/ashp_wh.json
  100. +18 −0 test/scenarios/batt_degradation.json
  101. +86 −0 test/scenarios/chp_payback.json
  102. +7 −13 test/scenarios/chp_sizing.json
  103. +176 −0 test/scenarios/chp_waste.json
  104. +19 −7 test/scenarios/electric_heater.json
  105. +3 −3 test/scenarios/erp_gens_batt_pv_wind_reopt_results.json
  106. +10 −0 test/scenarios/ghp_inputs.json
  107. +78,896 −0 test/scenarios/ghp_urbanopt.json
  108. +131,479 −0 test/scenarios/ghx_urbanopt.json
  109. +1,414 −0 test/scenarios/leap_year.json
  110. +29 −0 test/scenarios/load_year_align.json
  111. +1 −1 test/scenarios/logger.json
  112. +1,304 −0 test/scenarios/multi_tier_urdb_response.json
  113. +8,800 −0 test/scenarios/net_metering.json
  114. +1 −1 test/scenarios/nogridcost_multiscenario.json
  115. +14 −0 test/scenarios/norm_scale_load.json
  116. +21 −15 test/scenarios/outage.json
  117. +6 −6 test/scenarios/outages_gen_pv_wind_stor.json
  118. +64 −0 test/scenarios/process_heat.json
  119. +2 −2 test/scenarios/re_emissions_elec_only.json
  120. +7 −3 test/scenarios/re_emissions_with_thermal.json
  121. +3 −1 test/scenarios/simulated_load.json
  122. +32 −0 test/scenarios/simultaneous_charge_discharge.json
  123. +3 −0 test/scenarios/thermal_load.json
  124. 0 test/scenarios/{tiered_rate.json → tiered_energy_rate.json}
  125. +1,300 −0 test/scenarios/tiered_tou_demand.json
  126. +2 −2 test/test_with_cplex.jl
  127. +16 −17 test/test_with_xpress.jl
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions .github/workflows/CI.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
julia-version: ['1.8']
julia-version: ['1.10']
julia-arch: [x64]
os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macOS-11]
os: [windows-latest]

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ jobs:
- uses: julia-actions/julia-buildpkg@latest
# - uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3 # for interactive debugging
- run: julia --project=. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate("test"); Pkg.rm("Xpress"); Pkg.activate("."); using TestEnv; TestEnv.activate(); cd("test"); include("runtests.jl")'
shell: bash
shell: bash
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/build_docs.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@latest
version: '1.8'
version: '1.10'
- name: Install dependencies
run: julia --project=docs/ -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd())); Pkg.instantiate()'
- name: Build and deploy