diff --git a/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/F0_all_juveniles_OM_angsd_dupsquery.sh b/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/F0_all_juveniles_OM_angsd_dupsquery.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 0eabc2a..0000000 --- a/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/F0_all_juveniles_OM_angsd_dupsquery.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -#SBATCH --job-name="angsdF0alljuvOM" -#SBATCH -t 500:00:00 -#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL -#SBATCH --mem=180GB -#SBATCH -c 20 -#SBATCH -p medmem -#SBATCH --mail-user=samuel.gurr@noaa.gov -#SBATCH --output=./Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output/F0_all_juveniles/"%x_out.%j" -#SBATCH --error=./Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output/F0_all_juveniles/"%x_err.%j" - -# Set-up - -# output dir -mkdir -p angsd/output - -## load module -module load bio/angsd/0.940 -module load bio/samtools/1.19 - -## dir shortcuts -DATDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/data # Path to generation and life stage bam files -OUTDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output # Path to the base directory where output files will be written -REFDIR=~/refs # Path to reference genome - -# angsd parameters -DOMAJORMINOR=4 # 1 is for either seq data like bam files or genotpe liklihood data where the maj minor allele is inferred from likli$ -# 4 is forcing the major allele according to the reference states defined in ref - the minor allele will be inferred based on the ge$ -DOMAF=1 # 1 assumed known major and minor allele 2 assumed known major and unknown minor allele -DOGENO=5 # 1 write major and minor allele 2 print the called genotype and count of minor 4 print the called genotype -DOPOST=1 # 1 estimate the posterior genotype probability based on the allele frequency as a prior 2 estimat eth posterier genotpe pr$ -GENOLIKE=1 # SAMtools -DOGLF=2 # beagle genotype liklihood format -DOCOUNTS=1 # provide freq of bases - output as pos.gz -DODEPTH=1 # default 0 output distribution of seq depths sites aove maxDepth will be binnes out files in depthSample and depthGlobal -MAXDEPTH=100 # default 100 -SETMINDEPTHIND=5 # min depth, below which the individual is omitted from analysis -SETMAXDEPTHIND=150 # max depth - above which the indivisual is omitted from analysis -DUMPCOUNTS=2 # 1 is the total seq depth for site as .pos.gz, 2 is the seq deth per sample as .pos.gz and .counts.gz; look up allele $ -MINQ=30 # Minimum quality filter -MINMAPQ=30 # Minmm mapping quality -MINMAF=0.05 # Minimum minor allele frequency filter -# C -50 is flag to adjust for excessive mismatches as recomennded when BWA was used for alignment -# -uniqueOnly; removed reads that have multiple best hits 0 default, 1 remove -# -remove_bads = reads flagged as bad -# -only_proper_pairs = read that did not have a mate pair - -# ANGSD for data within generation (F1 - F2 - F3, broodstock and juveniles separately) -# for loop - run ansd for the total bam list within time/generation (i.e. all F1 Broodstock, F2_Juveniles, etc.) -# objective to input a strata / metadta to identify treatments associated with ids downstream.. - - -mkdir -p $OUTDIR/all_juveniles # make director for ansd output files - -# nav to dir -cd $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed # NAV TO THE REMOVED DUPLICATES BY QUERYNAME! -#ls *.bam | sort | uniq > ./merged_bamlist.txt # create a list of all bam files in merged_bams - -# cal number of indiv -nIND=$(wc -l $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed/F0_all_juveniles_OM_bamlist.txt | awk '{print $1}') # call and count lines of the bamlist with delimiter id -minIND=$(echo "(${nIND} * 0.95)" | bc) # min individual is 90% of the total count -minINDRd=$(printf "%.0f" ${minIND}) # round that - -# set min and max depth for minuum of 5X and max of 20X coerage per loci to acoid potential bias arising from seq errors and recommendations in O'Leary (etal 2018) -MINDP=$(echo "(${minINDRd} * 5)" | bc) # min coverage of 5X accoutning for the minimum num of individuals for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci -MAXDP=$(echo "(${minINDRd} * 20)" | bc) # max coverage of 20X accounting for the minimum num of individual for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci - -# call unique outbase -OUTBASE='F0_OM_all_juveniles_doMaf'$DOMAF'_minMaf'$MINMAF'_majorminor'$DOMAJORMINOR'_minind'$minINDRd'_minD5x'$MINDP'_maxD20x'$MAXDP'minDind'$SETMINDEPTHIND'_maxDind'$SETMAXDEPTHIND'_minq'$MINQ'_minmapQ' # Build base name of output files - -# run angsd -angsd -b $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed/F0_all_juveniles_OM_bamlist.txt \ - -ref $REFDIR/GCA_041381155.1_Ai_NY_genomic.fna \ - -GL $GENOLIKE \ - -doGlf $DOGLF \ - -doMaf $DOMAF \ - -doMajorMinor $DOMAJORMINOR \ - -dogeno $DOGENO \ - -doPOST $DOPOST \ - -doCounts $DOCOUNTS \ - -dumpCounts $DUMPCOUNTS \ - -doDepth $DODEPTH \ - -maxDepth $MAXDEPTH \ - -setMinDepth $MINDP \ - -setMaxDepth $MAXDP \ - -setMaxDepthInd $SETMAXDEPTHIND \ - -setMinDepthInd $SETMINDEPTHIND \ - -doIBS 1 \ - -makematrix 1 \ - -doCov 1 \ - -minInd $minINDRd \ - -dobcf 1 \ - --ignore-RG 0 \ - -minQ $MINQ \ - -minMapQ $MINMAPQ \ - -minMaf $MINMAF \ - -SNP_pval 1e-6 \ - -P 2 \ - -remove_bads 1 \ - -only_proper_pairs 1 \ - -uniqueOnly 1 \ - -C 50 \ - -out $OUTDIR/F0_all_juveniles/$OUTBASE \ - >& $OUTDIR/F0_all_juveniles/$OUTBASE'.log'; -#done diff --git a/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/F0_all_juveniles_angsd_dupsquery.sh b/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/F0_all_juveniles_angsd_dupsquery.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 1ee2231..0000000 --- a/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/F0_all_juveniles_angsd_dupsquery.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -#SBATCH --job-name="angsdF0alljuv" -#SBATCH -t 500:00:00 -#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL -#SBATCH --mem=180GB -#SBATCH -c 20 -#SBATCH -p medmem -#SBATCH --mail-user=samuel.gurr@noaa.gov -#SBATCH --output=./Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output/F0_all_juveniles/"%x_out.%j" -#SBATCH --error=./Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output/F0_all_juveniles/"%x_err.%j" - -# Set-up - -# output dir -mkdir -p angsd/output - -## load module -module load bio/angsd/0.940 -module load bio/samtools/1.19 - -## dir shortcuts -DATDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/data # Path to generation and life stage bam files -OUTDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output # Path to the base directory where output files will be written -REFDIR=~/refs # Path to reference genome - -# angsd parameters -DOMAJORMINOR=4 # 1 is for either seq data like bam files or genotpe liklihood data where the maj minor allele is inferred from likli$ -# 4 is forcing the major allele according to the reference states defined in ref - the minor allele will be inferred based on the ge$ -DOMAF=1 # 1 assumed known major and minor allele 2 assumed known major and unknown minor allele -DOGENO=5 # 1 write major and minor allele 2 print the called genotype and count of minor 4 print the called genotype -DOPOST=1 # 1 estimate the posterior genotype probability based on the allele frequency as a prior 2 estimat eth posterier genotpe pr$ -GENOLIKE=1 # SAMtools -DOGLF=2 # beagle genotype liklihood format -DOCOUNTS=1 # provide freq of bases - output as pos.gz -DODEPTH=1 # default 0 output distribution of seq depths sites aove maxDepth will be binnes out files in depthSample and depthGlobal -MAXDEPTH=100 # default 100 -SETMINDEPTHIND=5 # min depth, below which the individual is omitted from analysis -SETMAXDEPTHIND=150 # max depth - above which the indivisual is omitted from analysis -DUMPCOUNTS=2 # 1 is the total seq depth for site as .pos.gz, 2 is the seq deth per sample as .pos.gz and .counts.gz; look up allele $ -MINQ=30 # Minimum quality filter -MINMAPQ=30 # Minmm mapping quality -MINMAF=0.05 # Minimum minor allele frequency filter -# C -50 is flag to adjust for excessive mismatches as recomennded when BWA was used for alignment -# -uniqueOnly; removed reads that have multiple best hits 0 default, 1 remove -# -remove_bads = reads flagged as bad -# -only_proper_pairs = read that did not have a mate pair - -# ANGSD for data within generation (F1 - F2 - F3, broodstock and juveniles separately) -# for loop - run ansd for the total bam list within time/generation (i.e. all F1 Broodstock, F2_Juveniles, etc.) -# objective to input a strata / metadta to identify treatments associated with ids downstream.. - - -mkdir -p $OUTDIR/all_juveniles # make director for ansd output files - -# nav to dir -cd $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed # NAV TO THE REMOVED DUPLICATES BY QUERYNAME! -#ls *.bam | sort | uniq > ./merged_bamlist.txt # create a list of all bam files in merged_bams - -# cal number of indiv -nIND=$(wc -l $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed/F0_all_juveniles_bamlist.txt | awk '{print $1}') # call and count lines of the bamlist with delimiter id -minIND=$(echo "(${nIND} * 0.95)" | bc) # min individual is 90% of the total count -minINDRd=$(printf "%.0f" ${minIND}) # round that - -# set min and max depth for minuum of 5X and max of 20X coerage per loci to acoid potential bias arising from seq errors and recommendations in O'Leary (etal 2018) -MINDP=$(echo "(${minINDRd} * 5)" | bc) # min coverage of 5X accoutning for the minimum num of individuals for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci -MAXDP=$(echo "(${minINDRd} * 20)" | bc) # max coverage of 20X accounting for the minimum num of individual for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci - -# call unique outbase -OUTBASE='F0_all_juveniles_doMaf'$DOMAF'_minMaf'$MINMAF'_majorminor'$DOMAJORMINOR'_minind'$minINDRd'_minD5x'$MINDP'_maxD20x'$MAXDP'minDind'$SETMINDEPTHIND'_maxDind'$SETMAXDEPTHIND'_minq'$MINQ'_minmapQ' # Build base name of output files - -# run angsd -angsd -b $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed/F0_all_juveniles_bamlist.txt \ - -ref $REFDIR/GCA_041381155.1_Ai_NY_genomic.fna \ - -GL $GENOLIKE \ - -doGlf $DOGLF \ - -doMaf $DOMAF \ - -doMajorMinor $DOMAJORMINOR \ - -dogeno $DOGENO \ - -doPOST $DOPOST \ - -doCounts $DOCOUNTS \ - -dumpCounts $DUMPCOUNTS \ - -doDepth $DODEPTH \ - -maxDepth $MAXDEPTH \ - -setMinDepth $MINDP \ - -setMaxDepth $MAXDP \ - -setMaxDepthInd $SETMAXDEPTHIND \ - -setMinDepthInd $SETMINDEPTHIND \ - -doIBS 1 \ - -makematrix 1 \ - -doCov 1 \ - -minInd $minINDRd \ - -dobcf 1 \ - --ignore-RG 0 \ - -minQ $MINQ \ - -minMapQ $MINMAPQ \ - -minMaf $MINMAF \ - -SNP_pval 1e-6 \ - -P 20 \ - -remove_bads 1 \ - -only_proper_pairs 1 \ - -uniqueOnly 1 \ - -C 50 \ - -out $OUTDIR/F0_all_juveniles/$OUTBASE \ - >& $OUTDIR/F0_all_juveniles/$OUTBASE'.log'; -#done diff --git a/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/Snakefile b/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/Snakefile deleted file mode 100644 index 6758e6c..0000000 --- a/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/Snakefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,846 +0,0 @@ -# input your common thread(s) here -#subfolders={'F1_Broodstock', 'F1_Juveniles', 'F2_Juveniles', 'F2_Broodstock', 'F3_Juveniles'} # omitted F0_Broodstock bcus this was already run when I made this change -subfolders={'F1_Juveniles', 'F2_Juveniles', 'F3_Juveniles'} # omitted F0_Broodstock bcus this was already run when I made this change - -# ALL: one rule to rule them all.. -# Important!: to run this entire make of snake, the input to 'all' should be equivalent to the **final** filename at the end of the pipe -# Note: if you want to run a partial pipeline you can add an input for 'all' here that is equivalent to the output of a specific chunk (e.g. mapping) -rule all: - # remember - 4 spaces via python syntax! - input: - # -remember - 8 spaces via pyton syntax! DO NOT LEAVE EMPTY LINES FOR INPUT OR OUTPUT - # rawQC - check for upload succes via md5checksum - "md5checksum/Nov2023/Nov2023_BAD_UPLOADS.txt", - # trim - currently by (i) adapter fasta and (ii) by quality score - "trim_QC/trim_complete", - # mutliQC - manually scp out this report to view - "trim_QC/multiQC_complete", - # map_SortSam - QC-d reads to the reference genome (note: this is where we will change to the new genome!) - "hisat2/mapping_complete", - # bams_linked - link bam files to angsd/data by generation and life stage - "angsd/data/bams_linked", - # merge_bams - self explanatory.. use samtools here to merge seq lanes by ID (R1 and R2 to a master bam) - "angsd/data/merge_complete", - # sortbams_removedups - use picard to SortSam by queryname and then remove duplicates - the output file here is used for SNP calling (finally!) - #"angsd/data/sortbams_removedups", - expand("angsd/data/{generation}/sortremovedups_complete", generation=subfolders), - # generate_bamlists - angsd required a list of bam files to call, generate these lists here - "angsd/data/bamlists_generated" - # run angsd for F0 - based on base counts, no prior - #"angsd/output/F0_angsd", - # run angsd - #"angsd/output/All_angsd" -# RAW QC: load the reads, initial symbolic directory, etc. -rule rawQC: - #input: - # insert here - output: - # insert here - "md5checksum/Nov2023/Nov2023_BAD_UPLOADS.txt" - #"md5checksum_complete" - shell: - """ - echo 'start' $(date) - - # Symbolic links to raw data, md5sum & check - - ## notes: each raw upload folder under 'share' space has a subdir 'md5_files' with the .md5 reports from azenta - - ## setup: - mkdir -p ./md5checksum # start folder, if already exists it wont throw the error 'C. POWERS!' - April2023='April2023' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data in 'share' - Oct2022='Oct2022' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data in 'share' - July2023='July2023' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data in 'share' - Nov2023='Nov2023' - # IDS='Oct2022 April2023 July2023 Nov2023' # loop strings - IDS='Nov2023' # had to quickly just redo the nov2023 data - omit this line and run the previous for the full pipeline - - ## loop symbolic links from the 'share' directory to our current snakemake_pipeline folder for this project - - for m in ${{IDS}}; do # run first loop to add raw data to symbolic directories - mkdir -p ./md5checksum/${{m}} # make subfolders in md5checksum, avoid that error - cd ./md5checksum/${{m}} # go to the dir where you want to make symbolic link - this avoids the link from 'breaking' - ln -sf ../../../../../../share/nefsc/mcfarland_sequecenes/lcWGS_scallops_${{m}}/*.gz ./ # SYBMBOLIC LINKS ADDED - cd ../../ # go back two folders for simplicity - now all commands from the main snakemake_pipeline directory - grep -c '@' ./md5checksum/${{m}}/*.gz > ./md5checksum/${{m}}/${{m}}_rawread_count.txt # RAW READ COUNTS - cat ../../../../share/nefsc/mcfarland_sequecenes/lcWGS_scallops_${{m}}/md5_files/*md5 > ./md5checksum/${{m}}/${{m}}_reference.md5 # REFERENCE md5sum - cat ./md5checksum/${{m}}/${{m}}_reference.md5 | awk -F[./] '{{print $1 $3}}' > ./md5checksum/${{m}}/${{m}}_refsummary.txt # REFERENCE REFORMTTED md5sum - md5sum ./md5checksum/${{m}}/*.gz > ./md5checksum/${{m}}/${{m}}_check.md5 # CHECK md5sum - cat ./md5checksum/${{m}}/${{m}}_check.md5 | awk -F[../] '{{print $1 $5}}' > ./md5checksum/${{m}}/${{m}}_checksummary.txt # CHECK REFORMTTED md5sum - # comm -23 checks for differences between files, here we have the known and calulated (and sorted!) md5chcksum, ANY output to 'BAD_UPLOADS' means that file - # was uploaded to the server with error/incomplete - comm -23 <(sort ./md5checksum/${{m}}/${{m}}_refsummary.txt | uniq) <(sort ./md5checksum/${{m}}/${{m}}_checksummary.txt | uniq) > ./md5checksum/${{m}}/${{m}}_BAD_UPLOADS.txt; - done - - #touch md5checksum_complete - - - echo 'raw data symbolically linked & md5sum & read counts complete!' $(date) - - """ - -# TRIM -rule trim: - input: - # insert here - "md5checksum/Nov2023/Nov2023_BAD_UPLOADS.txt" - output: - # insert here - #"trim_QC/July2023/July2023_trim_complete.txt" - "trim_QC/trim_complete" - shell: - """ - echo 'start' $(date) - - # setup: - ## load modules - module load bio/fastp/0.23.2 - module load bio/fastqc/0.11.9 - - ## start new dir for output files - mkdir -p ./trim_QC # start folder, use -p if already exists it wont throw the error 'C. POWERS!' - - - ## loop vars - April2023='April2023' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data - Oct2022='Oct2022' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data - July2023='July2023' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data - Nov2023='Nov2023' - IDS='Oct2022 April2023 July2023 Nov2023' # loop strings - #IDS='Nov2023' # just run these new data.. omit this line if running the full pipe - - ## adapter.fasta file - echo -e ">Nextera_mate_pair1 \nAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAG \n>Nextera_mate_pair2 \nCTGTCTCTTATACACATCT \n>Nextera_transposase_1 \nTCGTCGGCAGCGTCAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAG \n>Nextera_transposase_2 \nGTCTCGTGGGCTCGGAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAG" > ./trim_QC/adapter.fasta - - - # run the loop: - for m in ${{IDS}}; do # run first loop to add raw data to symbolic directories - mkdir -p ./trim_QC/${{m}} # make subfolder - array_m=($(ls ./md5checksum/${{m}}/*.fastq.gz)); # an array of sequences to trim - for i in ${{array_m[@]}}; do # inside for loop for each loop var - filename=$(echo "${{i}}" | awk -F/ '{{print $NF}}') # filename ensures that the output name of the .gz file does not include the preceeding dir - solely filename.fasta.gz - fastp --in1 ${{i}} --out1 ./trim_QC/${{m}}/adapter_trim.${{filename}} --adapter_sequence=CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT --adapter_fasta ./trim_QC/adapter.fasta - fastqc ./trim_QC/${{m}}/adapter_trim.${{filename}} --outdir ./trim_QC/${{m}}/ # call the output files from fastp in previous line and output fastqc in the same folder with adapter_trim filename head - done; - done - - #echo 'trim_complete' > ./trim_QC/trim_complete - touch trim_QC/trim_complete - - echo 'end yay!' $(date) - - """ - -# MultiQC report -rule multiQC: - input: - # insert here - "trim_QC/trim_complete" - output: - # insert here - "trim_QC/multiQC_complete" - shell: - """ - echo 'start' $(date) - - # setup - ## vars - PYTHONENV=~/python_venv/bin # python environment - ## loop vars by seqence run - April2023='April2023' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data - Oct2022='Oct2022' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data - July2023='July2023' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data - Nov2023='Nov2023' - IDS='Oct2022 April2023 July2023 Nov2023' # loop strings - #IDS='Nov2023' # just run these new data.. omit this line if running the full pipe - - # nav to the python env from the current snake lair (..directory) - source $PYTHONENV/activate # from the current directory, activates the bin of installed python packages, including multiqc - - # for loop mutliqc by sequence run - for i in ${{IDS}}; do # loopty loop, note {{}} calls as a 'string' - mkdir -p ./trim_QC/${{i}}/mutliQC_report # make dir in each trim folder - multiqc ./trim_QC/${{i}}/ -o ./trim_QC/${{i}}/mutliQC_report; # compile MultiQC report from FastQC files - output .html in mutliQC_report dir - done - - # deactivate python - #deactivate - - # output to tether together snakes - touch trim_QC/multiQC_complete - #echo 'multiQC compelte' > ./trim_QC/multiQC_complete - - echo 'Cleaned MultiQC reports generated.' $(date) - - """ - -# Mapping using HISAT2 -rule map_SortSam: - input: - # insert here - "trim_QC/multiQC_complete" - output: - # insert here - "hisat2/mapping_complete" - shell: - """ - echo 'start' $(date) # checkpoint output - - # setup - - ## load modules, requires hisat2 and samtools - module load bio/hisat2/2.2.1 - module load bio/samtools/1.11 - module load bio/picard/2.23.9 - module load bio/gatk/ - - ## vars - note: base dir is ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline - REFDIR=~/refs # the reference folder - PYTHONENV=~/python_venv/bin # python environment - DATDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/trim_QC/ # directory of trimmed and filtered fastq.gz files - - ## loop vars by seqence run - April2023='April2023' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data - Oct2022='Oct2022' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data - July2023='July2023' # string, equal to foldername containing raw data - Nov2023='Nov2023' - IDS='Oct2022 April2023 July2023 Nov2023' # loop strings - #IDS='Nov2023' # just run these new data.. omit this line if running the full pipe - - ## make dirs - mkdir -p hisat2 - mkdir -p hisat2/Airradians_ref - - # index the ref genome for mapping - hashed out below becasue we already did this and repeated wth duplicate marking - #source $PYTHONENV/activate # activate python virtual envriomment to call python and run hisat2-build - #hisat2-build -f $REFDIR/Argopecten_irradians_irradians_genome.fasta hisat2/Airradians_ref/Airradians_ref # previous reference, outdated! - #hisat2-build -f $REFDIR/GCA_041381155.1_Ai_NY_genomic.fna hisat2/Airradians_ref/Airradians_ref - #deactivate # exit python virtual envrionment - NOTE: deactivate causes the job to cancel out, I just hashed this out after building the reference index and it runs fine.. - - #echo "Referece genome indexed." $(date) # checkpoint output - - # for loop hisat2 map + samtools covertion to bam + marked duplcates by seq date and filename - for i in ${{IDS}}; do # loopty loop, note {{}} calls as a 'string' - mkdir -p hisat2/${{i}} - mkdir -p hisat2/${{i}}/dup_metrics - ln -s $DATDIR/${{i}}/*.fastq.gz hisat2/${{i}} # symb dir from trim_QC to hisat2 by seq run - array=($(ls hisat2/${{i}}/*.fastq.gz)); # call the symbolically linked trim seqs - as array to align - for m in ${{array[@]}}; do - filename=$(echo "${{m}}" | awk -F/ '{{print $NF}}') # solely string 'filename.fasta.gz' no root dirs - hisat2 -p 8 --dta -x hisat2/Airradians_ref/Airradians_ref -U ${{m}} -S hisat2/${{i}}/${{filename}}.sam # input m, output sam file - samtools sort -@ 8 -o hisat2/${{i}}/${{filename}}.bam hisat2/${{i}}/${{filename}}.sam # convert sam to bam - echo "${{i}} bam-ified!" # boomshakalacka - rm hisat2/${{i}}/${{filename}}.sam # no longer need sam.. - java -jar $PICARD SortSam I=hisat2/${{i}}/${{filename}}.bam O=hisat2/${{i}}/${{filename}}.sorted.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate - rm hisat2/${{i}}/${{filename}}.bam # no longer need the unsorted bam file.. - echo "${{i}} sort-ified!" # sorted using picard - done; - done - - echo 'Mapping complete' $(date) # checkpoint output - - # output to tether together snakes - touch hisat2/mapping_complete - - """ - -# Sort BAMs -rule bams_linked: - input: - # insert here - "hisat2/mapping_complete" - output: - # insert here - "angsd/data/bams_linked" - shell: - """ - # objective: start angsd dirs and make symbolic dirs for bams output from hisat2 - # sorted by generation and life stage (broodstock or juvenile) - in prep for SNP calling - # IMPORTNAT! at this step we can effectively truncate samples from downstream analysis - echo 'start' $(date) # checkpoint output - - # setup - ## vars - - ## make dirs - mkdir -p angsd - mkdir -p angsd/data - mkdir -p angsd/data/F0_Broodstock - mkdir -p angsd/data/F1_Broodstock - mkdir -p angsd/data/F2_Broodstock - mkdir -p angsd/data/F1_Juveniles - mkdir -p angsd/data/F2_Juveniles - mkdir -p angsd/data/F3_Juveniles - - # symbolic dirs by life stage and generation - - ## F0_Broodstock - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/April2023/*trim.F0*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F0_Broodstock/ - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/July2023/*trim.F0*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F0_Broodstock/ # 12, 22, and 26 - - ## F1_Broodstock - # three files in April that had 0 data! omit these , duplicated in July - #rm ./hisat2/April2023/adapter_trim.F1-B2-pH8* ./hisat2/April2023/adapter_trim.F1-B22-pH75* ./hisat2/April2023/adapter_trim.F1-B30-pH75* # SEEMS TEY WERE ALREADY OMITTED? - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/April2023/*trim.F1-B*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F1_Broodstock/ - rm ./angsd/data/F1_Broodstock/*F1-B22-pH75* # omit bad samplesymb dir from April 2023, ID 22 pH 75 - rm ./angsd/data/F1_Broodstock/*F1-B2-pH8* # omit bad samplesymb dir from April 2023, ID 2 pH 8 - rm ./angsd/data/F1_Broodstock/*F1-B30-pH75* # omit bad samplesymb dir from April 2023, ID 30 pH 75 - - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/July2023/*trim.F1-B*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F1_Broodstock/ # new 2_ph8 + 30 and 22 ph 7.5 - - ## F2_Broodstock - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/Nov2023/*trim.F2-B*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F2_Broodstock/ - - ## F1_Juveniles - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/Oct2022/*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F1_Juveniles/ - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/April2023/*trim.F1-J*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F1_Juveniles/ - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/July2023/*trim.F1-J*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F1_Juveniles/ - - ## F2_Juveniles - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/April2023/*trim.F2-J*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F2_Juveniles/ - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/July2023/*trim.F2-J*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F2_Juveniles/ - - ## F3_Juveniles - ln -s ~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/hisat2/Nov2023/*trim.F3-J*sorted.bam ./angsd/data/F3_Juveniles/ - - echo 'BAMS symbolic dirs in angsd/data' $(date) # checkpoint output - - # output to tether together snakes - touch angsd/data/bams_linked - - """ - -# Merge BAMs -rule merge_bams: - input: - # insert here - "angsd/data/bams_linked" - output: - # insert here - "angsd/data/merge_complete" - shell: - """ - # Objective: use samtool to merge seq lanes within sample ID - echo 'start' $(date) # checkpoint output - - # setup - - ## load modules, requires hisat2 and samtools - module load bio/samtools/1.11 - module load bio/picard/2.23.9 - - ## loop vars by generation and life stage - NOTE - one more lane of sequencing to finalize! - F0_Broodstock='F0_Broodstock' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - F1_Broodstock='F1_Broodstock' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - F2_Broodstock='F2_Broodstock' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - F1_Juveniles='F1_Juveniles' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - F2_Juveniles='F2_Juveniles' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - F3_Juveniles='F3_Juveniles' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - #IDS='F0_Broodstock F1_Broodstock F1_Juveniles F2_Juveniles F2_Broodstock F3_Juveniles' # loop strings - IDS='F2_Juveniles F2_Broodstock F3_Juveniles' # loop strings - #IDS='F2_Juveniles' - - - # for loop mutliqc by sequence run - for i in ${{IDS[@]}}; do # loopty loop, note {{}} calls as a 'string' - mkdir -p angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams; - # print the filename BEFORE '_R1...gz" and "_R2...gz" as string for next loop - ls angsd/data/${{i}}/*R1_001*.bam | awk -F '[_./]' '{{print $5"_"$6"."$7}}' | sort | uniq > angsd/data/${{i}}/ID; - for m in `cat angsd/data/${{i}}/ID`; do - #for m in `cat angsd/data/${{i}}/ID_diffs`; do # I used grep to make an ID _diffs manually bcus the job quite unexpectedly - samtools merge angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{m}}\.bam angsd/data/${{i}}/${{m}}\_R1* angsd/data/${{i}}/${{m}}\_R2*; - done; - done - - echo 'end' $(date) # checkpoint output - - touch angsd/data/merge_complete - - """ -# A more efficient version, within wildcard 'generation' assigned using expand in the next rule -# a new sort bames remove/mark duplicates and sort by coord for angsd -rule sortbams_removedups_effic: - input: - # insert here - "angsd/data/merge_complete" - output: - # insert here - "angsd/data/{generation}/sortremovedups_complete" - shell: - """ - echo 'start' $(date) # checkpoint output - - # load libraries - module load bio/samtools/1.11 - module load bio/picard/2.23.9 - - ls angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/*.bam | awk -F '[_./]' '{{print $7"_"$8"."$9}}' | sort | uniq > angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/ID; - - mkdir -p angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed - mkdir -p angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/stats # make directory to input the summary text files from marking duplicates and removing them - - for filename in `cat angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/ID`; do - # sort by queryname - java -jar $PICARD SortSam I=angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/${{filename}}.bam O=angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/${{filename}}_querysorted.bam SORT_ORDER=queryname - # call and omit duplicates - queryname sorted, then re sort by coord and delete the previous - java -jar $PICARD MarkDuplicates I=angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/${{filename}}_querysorted.bam O=angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/${{filename}}_querydupsrem.bam M=angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/stats/${{filename}}.txt ASSUME_SORT_ORDER=queryname REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true - java -jar $PICARD SortSam I=angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/${{filename}}_querydupsrem.bam O=angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/${{filename}}.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate - rm angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/${{filename}}_querydupsrem.bam - # delete the sorted files w/o removed duplicates - rm angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/${{filename}}_querysorted.bam # remove the query sorted bam file - now all we have left is 'final' with removed duplicates! - rm angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/merged_bams/${{filename}}.bam # remove themerged file fromthe previous chunk to save disc space - done; - - echo 'end' $(date) # checkpoint output - - touch angsd/data/{wildcards.generation}/sortremovedups_complete - - """ - -# SamSort queryname and Picard to remove duplicates -rule sortbams_removedups: - input: - # insert here - "angsd/data/merge_complete" - output: - # insert here - "angsd/data/sortbams_removedups" - shell: - """ - # Objective: Using the merged reads int he previous chunks (sortted by coordinate), use picard SortSam by queryname - # then picard MarkDuplicates and remove them - output removed dups bam files - - echo 'start' $(date) # checkpoint output - - # setup - ## load modules, requires hisat2 and samtools - module load bio/samtools/1.11 - module load bio/picard/2.23.9 - - ## loop vars by generation and life stage - NOTE - one more lane of sequencing to finalize! - F0_Broodstock='F0_Broodstock' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - F1_Broodstock='F1_Broodstock' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - F2_Broodstock='F2_Broodstock' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - F1_Juveniles='F1_Juveniles' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - F2_Juveniles='F2_Juveniles' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - F3_Juveniles='F3_Juveniles' # string, equal to foldername containing symb linked bam files - IDS='F0_Broodstock F1_Broodstock F1_Juveniles F2_Juveniles F2_Broodstock F3_Juveniles' # loop strings - #IDS='F0_Broodstock' # loop strings - #IDS='F1_Broodstock F1_Juveniles F2_Broodstock' # completed! - #IDS='F2_Juveniles F3_Juveniles' - - # to refer to generation (from subfolers), use {wildcards.generation} with a single bracket - # for loop mutliqc by sequence run - for i in ${{IDS[@]}}; do # loopty loop, note {{}} calls as a 'string' - # print the filename BEFORE '_R1...gz" and "_R2...gz" as string for next loop - ls angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/*.bam | awk -F '[_./]' '{{print $7"_"$8"."$9}}' | sort | uniq > angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/ID; - #mkdir -p angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/coord_dups_removed - mkdir -p angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed - #mkdir -p angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/coord_dups_removed/stats - mkdir -p angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/stats # make directory to input the summary text files from marking duplicates and removing them - for filename in `cat angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/ID`; do - # sort by coord - #java -jar $PICARD SortSam I=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{filename}}.bam O=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{filename}}_coordsorted.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate - # sort by queryname - java -jar $PICARD SortSam I=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{filename}}.bam O=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{filename}}_querysorted.bam SORT_ORDER=queryname - # delete the original merge file - #rm angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{filename}}.bam - # call and omit duplicates - coordinate sorted - #java -jar $PICARD MarkDuplicates I=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{filename}}_coordsorted.bam O=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/coord_dups_removed/${{filename}}.bam M=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/coord_dups_removed/stats/${{filename}}.txt ASSUME_SORT_ORDER=coordinate REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true - # call and omit duplicates - queryname sorted, then re sort by coord and delete the previous - java -jar $PICARD MarkDuplicates I=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{filename}}_querysorted.bam O=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/${{filename}}_querydupsrem.bam M=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/stats/${{filename}}.txt ASSUME_SORT_ORDER=queryname REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true - java -jar $PICARD SortSam I=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/${{filename}}_querydupsrem.bam O=angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/${{filename}}.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate - rm angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed/${{filename}}_querydupsrem.bam - # delete the sorted files w/o removed duplicates - #rm angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{filename}}_coordsorted.bam # remove the coord sorted bam file - now we have left is 'fina' with removed duplicates! - rm angsd/data/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{filename}}_querysorted.bam # remove the query sorted bam file - now all we have left is 'final' with removed duplicates! - done; - done - - - echo 'end' $(date) # checkpoint output - - touch angsd/data/sortbams_removedups - """ - -# Generate txt list bam files to call SNPs -rule generate_bamlists: - input: - #"angsd/data/sortbams_removedups" # OLD JOB INPUT - expand("angsd/data/{generation}/sortremovedups_complete", generation=subfolders) - output: - "angsd/data/bamlists_generated" - shell: - """ - # Objective: generate - echo 'start' $(date) #checkpoint output - - ## dir shortcuts - DATDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/data # Path to generation and life stage bam files - - ## make dir for bamlists - mkdir -p $DATDIR/bamlists - mkdir -p $DATDIR/bamlists/all_juveniles - mkdir -p $DATDIR/bamlists/all_juveniles_and_F0 - mkdir -p $DATADIR/bamlists/parentage_F0B_F1J - - # FOR LOOPS - IDS=('F0_Broodstock' 'F1_Broodstock' 'F1_Juveniles' 'F2_Juveniles' 'F2_Broodstock' 'F3_Juveniles') # loop strings - #IDS=('F0_Broodstock' 'F1_Broodstock' 'F1_Juveniles' 'F2_Juveniles' 'F2_Broodstock') # loop strings - #IDS=('F2_Broodstock') - - ## (1) for loop i - call bam lists (merged and dup removed!) for all data and within pCO2 treatment, store in the data folder - for i in ${{IDS[@]}}; do # update to include F2 brood and F3 juv once we have them - LOOPDIR=$DATDIR/${{i}}/merged_bams/query_dups_removed - if [ "${{i}}" == "F1_Broodstock" ]; then - ls $LOOPDIR/*.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist.txt - awk '!/DUP/' $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist.txt > $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist2.txt # omit duplicate in list, name 2 - rm $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist.txt # remove the previous list - mv $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist2.txt $DATDIR/${{i}}/merged_bams/merged_bamlist.txt # rename 2 to original - ls $LOOPDIR/*pH8.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/LOWpCO2_bamlist.txt - ls $LOOPDIR/*pH75.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/MODpCO2_bamlist.txt - elif [ "${{i}}" == "F1_Juveniles" ]; then - ls $LOOPDIR/*.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist.txt - awk '!/dup/' $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist.txt > $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist2.txt # omit duplicate in list, name 2 - rm $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist.txt # remove the previous list - mv $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist2.txt $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist.txt # rename 2 to original - #ls $LOOPDIR/*pH8.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $10}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/LOWpCO2merged_bamlist.txt - ls $LOOPDIR/*pH8.bam $LOOPDIR/*trim.1*.bam $LOOPDIR/*trim.3.bam $LOOPDIR/*trim.4.bam $LOOPDIR/*trim.5.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/LOWpCO2_bamlist.txt - ls $LOOPDIR/*pH75.bam $LOOPDIR/*trim.2*.bam $LOOPDIR/*trim.3*.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/MODpCO2_bamlist.txt - awk '!/adapter_trim.3.bam|dup/' $LOOPDIR/MODpCO2_bamlist.txt > $LOOPDIR/MODpCO2_bamlist2.txt # omit 3 as a pH8, and follow same step to omit the dup sample - rm $LOOPDIR/MODpCO2_bamlist.txt - mv $LOOPDIR/MODpCO2_bamlist2.txt $LOOPDIR/MODpCO2_bamlist.txt - elif [ "${{i}}" == "F2_Juveniles" ] || [ "${{i}}" == "F2_Broodstock" ] || [ "${{i}}" == "F3_Juveniles" ]; then - ls $LOOPDIR/*.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist.txt - ls $LOOPDIR/*pH8.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/LOWpCO2merged_bamlist.txt - ls $LOOPDIR/*pH75.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/MODpCO2merged_bamlist.txt - ls $LOOPDIR/*pH7.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/HIGHpCO2merged_bamlist.txt - else # just F0_Broodstock since there were no cohort / treatment - ls $LOOPDIR/*.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $11}}' | sort | uniq > $LOOPDIR/merged_bamlist.txt - fi; - done - - # remove duplicate sequence files from the merged bams dirs - there are two - # F1_Broodstock as adapter_trim.F1-B6-pH75DUP.bam and F1_Juveniles as adapter_trim.353dup.bam - - # new directory to call all merged bams( as a symbolic link) and a master merged.bam list for the one popgen run to rule them all..! - # Important! if you want to rerun the all angsd call, you need to omit these symbolic links or else the script wont run - #mkdir -p $DATDIR/all_merged_bams # make dir - then call all symbolic links for merged bam file - #ln -s $DATDIR/F0_Broodstock/merged_bams/*.bam ./angsd/data/all_merged_bams - #ln -s $DATDIR/F1_Broodstock/merged_bams/*.bam ./angsd/data/all_merged_bams - #ln -s $DATDIR/F2_Broodstock/merged_bams/*.bam ./angsd/data/all_merged_bams - #ln -s $DATDIR/F1_Juveniles/merged_bams/*.bam ./angsd/data/all_merged_bams - #ln -s $DATDIR/F3_Juveniles/merged_bams/*.bam ./angsd/data/all_merged_bams - #rm $DATDIR/all_merged_bams/*DUP* $DATDIR/all_merged_bams/*dup* # omit the duplicate files sent as sanity check - #ls $DATDIR/all_merged_bams/*.bam | awk -F '[/]' '{{print $9}}' | sort | uniq > $DATDIR/all_merged_bams/merged_bamlist.txt - - - echo 'end' $(date) # checkpoint output - - touch angsd/data/bamlists_generated - - """ - -# Run angsd on F0 Broodstock allele freq based on counts -rule angsd_F0: - input: - "angsd/data/bamlists_generated" - output: - "angsd/output/F0_angsd" - shell: - """ - # About: use doMaf=8 to call allele frequencies without use of the reference and on base on base counts - # Set-up - - # output dir - mkdir -p angsd/output - mkdir -p angsd/output/F0_Broodstock - - ## load module - module load bio/angsd/0.933 - module load bio/samtools/1.15.1 - - ## dir shortcuts - DATDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/data/F0_Broodstock # Path to generation and life stage bam files - OUTDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output/F0_Broodstock # Path to the base directory where output files will be written - REFDIR=~/refs # Path to reference genome - - # angsd parameters - #DOMAF=8 # frequency based on directly base counts - does not rely on genotypy probabilities or liklihoods (no reference necessary) - DOMAJORMINOR=1 # 1 is for either seq data like bam files or genotpe liklihood data where the maj minor allele is inferred from liklihoods, max liklihood approach 2 is from counts, most freq observed alleles - # 4 is forcing the major allele according to the reference states defined in ref - the minor allele will be inferred based on the genotype liklihood - DOMAF=1 # 1 assumed known major and minor allele 2 assumed known major and unknown minor allele - DOGENO=1 # 1 write major and minor allele 2 print the called genotype and count of minor 4 print the called genotype - DOPOST=1 # 1 estimate the posterior genotype probability based on the allele frequency as a prior 2 estimat eth posterier genotpe prob assuming a uniform prior (if domajorminor == 4) - GENOLIKE=1 # SAMtools - DOGLF=2 # beagle genotype liklihood format - DOCOUNTS=1 # provide freq of bases - output as 'pos.gz' - DODEPTH=1 # default 0 output distribution of seq depths sites aove maxDepth will be binnes out files in depthSample and depthGlobal - MAXDEPTH=1000 # default 100 - DUMPCOUNTS=2 # 1 is the total seq depth for site as .pos.gz, 2 is the seq deth per sample as .pos.gz and .counts.gz; look up allele coutns in angsd for more info to diagnose depth cutoffs - MINQ=30 # Minimum quality filter - MINMAPQ=30 # Minmm mapping quality - MINMAF=0.05 # Minimum minor allele frequency filter - # C -50 is flag to adjust for excessive mismatches as recomennded when BWA was used for alignment - # -uniqueOnly; removed reads that have multiple best hits 0 default, 1 remove - # -remove_bads = reads flagged as bad - # -only_proper_pairs = read that did not have a mate pair - - # make directory in output and call all necessary data to run angsd - cd $DATDIR/merged_bams - nIND=$(wc -l $DATDIR/merged_bams/merged_bamlist.txt | awk '{{print $1}}') # call and count lines of the bamlist with delimiter id - minIND=$(echo "(${{nIND}} * 0.9)" | bc) # min individual is 90% of the total count - minINDRd=$(printf "%.0f" ${{minIND}}) # round that - - # set min and max depth for minuum of 5X and max of 20X coerage per loci to acoid potential bias arising from seq errors and recommendations in O'Leary (etal 2018) - MINDP=$(echo "(${{minINDRd}} * 5)" | bc) # min coverage of 5X accoutning for the minimum num of individuals for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci - MAXDP=$(echo "(${{minINDRd}} * 20)" | bc) # max coverage of 20X accounting for the minimum num of individual for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci - - # output file start - OUTBASE='F0Broodstock_doMaf'$DOMAF'_minMaf'$MINMAF'_majorminor'$DOMAJORMINOR'_minind'$minINDRd'_minD'$MINDP'_maxD'$MAXDP'_minq'$MINQ'_minmapQ'$MINMAPQ # Build base name of output files - # run angsd for all samples - angsd -b $DATDIR/merged_bams/merged_bamlist.txt \ - -ref $REFDIR/Argopecten_irradians_irradians_genome.fasta \ - -GL $GENOLIKE \ - -doGlf $DOGLF \ - -doMaf $DOMAF \ - -doMajorMinor $DOMAJORMINOR \ - -dogeno $DOGENO \ - -doPOST $DOPOST \ - -doCounts $DOCOUNTS \ - -dumpCounts $DUMPCOUNTS \ - -doDepth $DODEPTH \ - -maxDepth $MAXDEPTH \ - -setMinDepth $MINDP \ - -setMaxDepth $MAXDP \ - -doIBS 1 \ - -makematrix 1 \ - -doCov 1 \ - -minInd $minINDRd \ - -dobcf 1 \ - --ignore-RG 0 \ - -minQ $MINQ \ - -minMapQ $MINMAPQ \ - -minMaf $MINMAF \ - -SNP_pval 1e-6 \ - -P -20 \ - -remove_bads 1 \ - -only_proper_pairs 1 \ - -uniqueOnly 1 \ - -C 50 \ - -out $OUTDIR/$OUTBASE \ - >& $OUTDIR/$OUTBASE'.log'; - - echo 'end' $(date) # checkpoint output - - touch angsd/output/F0_angsd - """ -# Run angsd -rule angsd_run: - input: - "angsd/output/F0_angsd" - output: - "angsd/output/All_angsd" - shell: - """ - # Set-up - - # output dir - mkdir -p angsd/output - mkdir -p angsd/output/all - - ## load module - module load bio/angsd/0.933 - module load bio/samtools/1.15.1 - - IDS=('F1_Broodstock' 'F1_Juveniles' 'F2_Juveniles' 'F2_Broodstock' 'F3_Juveniles') # loop strings - #IDLIST='F1_Broodstock F1_Juveniles F2_Juveniles F2_Broodstock F3_Juveniles' # loop strings - - ## loop vars by treatment (for loop #2) - TREATMENT_ALL=('LOWpCO2' 'MODpCO2' 'HIGHpCO2') # a list of the common str on file names and outputs in the for loop below - #TREATMENT_ALL=($TREATLIST_ALL) # as an array - we can call specific strings in the for loops - - TREATMENT_SUB=('LOWpCO2' 'MODpCO2') - #TREATMENT_SUB=($TREATLIST_SUB) - - ## dir shortcuts - DATDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/data # Path to generation and life stage bam files - OUTDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output/all # Path to the base directory where output files will be written - REFDIR=~/refs # Path to reference genome - - # angsd parameters - #DOMAF=8 # frequency based on directly base counts - does not rely on genotypy probabilities or liklihoods (no reference necessary) - DOMAJORMINOR=1 # 1 is for either seq data like bam files or genotpe liklihood data where the maj minor allele is inferred from liklihoods, max liklihood approach 2 is from counts, most freq $ - # 4 is forcing the major allele according to the reference states defined in ref - the minor allele will be inferred based on the genotype liklihood - DOMAF=1 # 1 assumed known major and minor allele 2 assumed known major and unknown minor allele - DOGENO=1 # 1 write major and minor allele 2 print the called genotype and count of minor 4 print the called genotype - DOPOST=1 # 1 estimate the posterior genotype probability based on the allele frequency as a prior 2 estimat eth posterier genotpe prob assuming a uniform prior (if domajorminor == 4) - GENOLIKE=1 # SAMtools - DOGLF=2 # beagle genotype liklihood format - DOCOUNTS=1 # provide freq of bases - output as 'pos.gz' - DODEPTH=1 # default 0 output distribution of seq depths sites aove maxDepth will be binnes out files in depthSample and depthGlobal - MAXDEPTH=1000 # default 100 - DUMPCOUNTS=2 # 1 is the total seq depth for site as .pos.gz, 2 is the seq deth per sample as .pos.gz and .counts.gz; look up allele coutns in angsd for more info to diagnose depth cutoffs - MINQ=30 # Minimum quality filter - MINMAPQ=30 # Minmm mapping quality - MINMAF=0.05 # Minimum minor allele frequency filter - # C -50 is flag to adjust for excessive mismatches as recomennded when BWA was used for alignment - # -uniqueOnly; removed reads that have multiple best hits 0 default, 1 remove - # -remove_bads = reads flagged as bad - # -only_proper_pairs = read that did not have a mate pair - - # ANGSD for all data - - # make directory in output and call all necessary data to run angsd - cd $DATDIR/all_merged_bams/ - nIND_all=$(wc -l $DATDIR/all_merged_bams/merged_bamlist.txt | awk '{{print $1}}') # call and count lines of the bamlist with delimiter id - minIND_all=$(echo "(${{nIND_all}} * 0.9)" | bc) # min individual is 90% of the total count - minINDRd_all=$(printf "%.0f" ${{minIND_all}}) # round that - # set min and max depth for minuum of 5X and max of 20X coerage per loci to acoid potential bias arising from seq errors and recommendations in O'Leary (etal 2018) - MINDP_all=$(echo "(${{minINDRd_all}} * 5)" | bc) # min coverage of 5X accoutning for the minimum num of individuals for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci - MAXDP_all=$(echo "(${{minINDRd_all}} * 20)" | bc) # max coverage of 20X accounting for the minimum num of individual for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci - # outbase - OUTBASE='AllSamples_doMaf'$DOMAF'_minMaf'$MINMAF'_majorminor'$DOMAJORMINOR'_minind'$minINDRd_all'_minD'$MINDP_all'_maxD'$MAXDP_all'_minq'$MINQ'_minmapQ'$MINMAPQ # Build base name of output files - # run angsd for all samples - angsd -b $DATDIR/all_merged_bams/merged_bamlist.txt \ - -ref $REFDIR/Argopecten_irradians_irradians_genome.fasta \ - -GL $GENOLIKE \ - -doGlf $DOGLF \ - -doMaf $DOMAF \ - -doMajorMinor $DOMAJORMINOR \ - -dogeno $DOGENO \ - -doPOST $DOPOST \ - -doCounts $DOCOUNTS \ - -dumpCounts $DUMPCOUNTS \ - -doDepth $DODEPTH \ - -maxDepth $MAXDEPTH \ - -setMinDepth $MINDP_all \ - -setMaxDepth $MAXDP_all \ - -doIBS 1 \ - -makematrix 1 \ - -doCov 1 \ - -minInd $minINDRd_all \ - -dobcf 1 \ - --ignore-RG 0 \ - -minQ $MINQ \ - -minMapQ $MINMAPQ \ - -minMaf $MINMAF \ - -SNP_pval 1e-6 \ - -P -20 \ - -remove_bads 1 \ - -only_proper_pairs 1 \ - -uniqueOnly 1 \ - -C 50 \ - -out $OUTDIR/$OUTBASE \ - >& $OUTDIR/$OUTBASE'.log' - - # ANGSD for data within generation (F1 - F2 - F3, broodstock and juveniles separately) - # for loop - run ansd for the total bam list within time/generation (i.e. all F1 Broodstock, F2_Juveniles, etc.) - # objective to input a strata / metadta to identify treatments associated with ids downstream.. - - #for i in ${{IDS[@]:0:5}}; # From f1 to f2 and so on.. - #do - # mkdir -p $OUTDIR/${{i}} # make director for ansd output files - # nav to dir - # cd $DATDIR/${{i}}/merged_bams/ - # cal number of indiv - # nIND=$(wc -l $DATDIR/${{i}}/merged_bams/merged_bamlist.txt | awk '{{print $1}}') # call and count lines of the bamlist with delimiter id - # minIND=$(echo "(${{nIND}} * 0.9)" | bc) # min individual is 90% of the total count - # minINDRd=$(printf "%.0f" ${{minIND}}) # round that - # set min and max depth for minuum of 5X and max of 20X coerage per loci to acoid potential bias arising from seq errors and recommendations in O'Leary (etal 2018) - # MINDP=$(echo "(${{minINDRd}} * 5)" | bc) # min coverage of 5X accoutning for the minimum num of individuals for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci - # MAXDP=$(echo "(${{minINDRd}} * 20)" | bc) # max coverage of 20X accounting for the minimum num of individual for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci - # call unique outbase - # OUTBASE=${{i}}'_mindp'$MINDP'_maxdp'$MAXDP'_minind'$minINDRd'_minq'$MINQ'_minmapQ'$MINMAPQ # Build base name of output files - # run angsd - # angsd -b $DATDIR/${{i}}/merged_bams/merged_bamlist.txt \ - # -ref $REFDIR/Argopecten_irradians_irradians_genome.fasta \ - # -GL $GENOLIKE \ - # -doGlf $DOGLF \ - # -doMaf $DOMAF \ - # -doMajorMinor $DOMAJORMINOR \ - # -dogeno $DOGENO \ - # -doPOST $DOPOST \ - # -doCounts $DOCOUNTS \ - # -dumpCounts $DUMPCOUNTS \ - # -doDepth $DODEPTH \ - # -maxDepth $MAXDEPTH \ - # -setMinDepth $MINDP \ - # -setMaxDepth $MAXDP \ - # -doIBS 1 \ - # -makematrix 1 \ - # -doCov 1 \ - # -minInd $minINDRd \ - # -dobcf 1 \ - # --ignore-RG 0 \ - # -minQ $MINQ \ - # -minMapQ $MINMAPQ \ - # -minMaf $MINMAF \ - # -SNP_pval 1e-6 \ - # -P -20 \ - # -remove_bads 1 \ - # -only_proper_pairs 1 \ - # -uniqueOnly 1 \ - # -C 50 \ - # -out $OUTDIR/${{i}}/$OUTBASE \ - # >& $OUTDIR/${{i}}/$OUTBASE'.log' - - - #done - - ## (3) for loop - run angsd for SNP calls within treatment - # insert if statment bcus F0 uses 'merged_bamlist.txt' whereas the rest are by treatment - #for i in ${{IDS[@]:1:5}}; do - # mkdir -p $OUTDIR/${{i}}/within_treatment # make directory for angsd output files - # cd $DATDIR/${{i}}/merged_bams/ - # if [ "${{i}}" == "F2_Juveniles" ] || [ "${{i}}" == "F2_Broodstock" ] || [ "${{i}}" == "F3_Juveniles" ]; then # generation and life stages when there are three pCO2 treatments - # for x in ${{TREATMENT_ALL[@]}}; do # run angsd separately for each treatment-based bam list (m), grouped by generation/lifestage (i) - # # NOTE: a mistake here, we names teh LOW MOD and HIGH bamlist as i.e. LOWpCO2merged_bamlist.txt, need to make a change below, we wont run successfully past F1s - # nIND=$(wc -l $DATDIR/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{x}}merged_bamlist.txt | awk '{{print $1}}') # call the bamlist with delimiter id - # minIND=$(echo "(${{nIND}} * 0.9)" | bc) # min individual is 90% of the total count - # minINDRd=$(printf "%.0f" ${{minIND}}) # round that - # # call unique outbase - # OUTBASE=${{i}}${{x}}'_mindp'$MINDP'_maxdp'$MAXDP'_minind'$minINDRd'_minq'$MINQ'_minmapQ'$MINMAPQ # Build base name of output files - # ## Call SNPs - # angsd -b $DATDIR/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{x}}merged_bamlist.txt \ - # -ref $REFDIR/Argopecten_irradians_irradians_genome.fasta \ - # -out $OUTDIR/${{i}}/within_treatment/$OUTBASE \ - # -GL 1 -doGlf 2 -doMaf 1 -doMajorMinor 1 -doCounts 1 -doDepth 1 -maxDepth 10000 -dumpCounts 1 -doIBS 1 -makematrix 1 -doCov 1 \ - # -setMinDepth $MINDP -setMaxDepth $MAXDP \ - # -minInd $minINDRd \ - # -dobcf 1 -dopost 1 --ignore-RG 0 -dogeno 1 \ - # -minQ $MINQ -minMapQ $MINMAPQ -minMaf $MINMAF \ - # -SNP_pval 1e-6 \ - # -P -8 \ - # -remove_bads 1 -only_proper_pairs 1 -C 50 \ - # >& $OUTDIR/${{i}}/within_treatment/$OUTBASE'.log'; - # done; # for loop x in the elif statement - LOWpCO2, MODpCO2 and HIGHpCO2 - # else # all other cases where there are only 2 treatments - loop m - # for m in ${{TREATMENT_SUB[@]}}; do # run angsd separately for each treatment - ONLY LOWpCO2 and MODpCO2 - # nIND=$(wc -l $DATDIR/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{m}}_bamlist.txt | awk '{{print $1}}') # call the bamlist with delimiter id - # minIND=$(echo "(${{nIND}} * 0.9)" | bc) # min individual is 90% of the total count - # minINDRd=$(printf "%.0f" ${{minIND}}) # round that - # # call unique outbase - # OUTBASE=${{i}}${{m}}'_mindp'$MINDP'_maxdp'$MAXDP'_minind'$minINDRd'_minq'$MINQ'_minmapQ'$MINMAPQ # Build base name of output files - # ## Call SNPs - # angsd -b $DATDIR/${{i}}/merged_bams/${{m}}_bamlist.txt \ - # -ref $REFDIR/Argopecten_irradians_irradians_genome.fasta \ - # -out $OUTDIR/${{i}}/within_treatment/$OUTBASE \ - # -GL 1 -doGlf 2 -doMaf 1 -doMajorMinor 1 -doCounts 1 -doDepth 1 -maxDepth 10000 -dumpCounts 1 -doIBS 1 -makematrix 1 -doCov 1 \ - # -setMinDepth $MINDP -setMaxDepth $MAXDP \ - # -minInd $minINDRd \ - # -dobcf 1 -dopost 1 --ignore-RG 0 -dogeno 1 \ - # -minQ $MINQ -minMapQ $MINMAPQ -minMaf $MINMAF \ - # -SNP_pval 1e-6 \ - # -P -8 \ - # -remove_bads 1 -only_proper_pairs 1 -C 50 \ - # >& $OUTDIR/${{i}}/within_treatment/$OUTBASE'.log'; - # done; # for loop m - in the else statement - LOWpCO2 and MODpCO2 - # fi; # if else statement to run angsd based on bam list requirements - #done # for loop i by generation and list stage - - echo 'end' $(date) # checkpoint output - - touch angsd/output/All_angsd - - """ diff --git a/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/everyone_angsd_dupsquery.sh b/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/everyone_angsd_dupsquery.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 7c9c736..0000000 --- a/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/everyone_angsd_dupsquery.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -#SBATCH --job-name="angsdevery" -#SBATCH -t 500:00:00 -#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL -#SBATCH --mem=180GB -#SBATCH -p medmem -#SBATCH -c 20 -#SBATCH --mail-user=samuel.gurr@noaa.gov -#SBATCH --output=./Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output/everyone/"%x_out.%j" -#SBATCH --error=./Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output/everyone/"%x_err.%j" - -# Set-up - -# output dir -mkdir -p angsd/output - -## load module -module load bio/angsd/0.940 -module load bio/samtools/1.19 - -## dir shortcuts -DATDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/data # Path to generation and life stage bam files -OUTDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output # Path to the base directory where output files will be written -REFDIR=~/refs # Path to reference genome - -# angsd parameters -DOMAJORMINOR=4 # 1 is for either seq data like bam files or genotpe liklihood data where the maj minor allele is inferred from likli$ -# 4 is forcing the major allele according to the reference states defined in ref - the minor allele will be inferred based on the ge$ -DOMAF=1 # 1 assumed known major and minor allele 2 assumed known major and unknown minor allele -DOGENO=5 # 1 write major and minor allele 2 print the called genotype and count of minor 4 print the called genotype -DOPOST=1 # 1 estimate the posterior genotype probability based on the allele frequency as a prior 2 estimat eth posterier genotpe pr$ -GENOLIKE=1 # SAMtools -DOGLF=2 # beagle genotype liklihood format -DOCOUNTS=1 # provide freq of bases - output as pos.gz -DODEPTH=1 # default 0 output distribution of seq depths sites aove maxDepth will be binnes out files in depthSample and depthGlobal -MAXDEPTH=100 # default 100 -SETMINDEPTHIND=5 # min depth, below which the individual is omitted from analysis -SETMAXDEPTHIND=150 # max depth - above which the indivisual is omitted from analysis -DUMPCOUNTS=2 # 1 is the total seq depth for site as .pos.gz, 2 is the seq deth per sample as .pos.gz and .counts.gz; look up allele $ -MINQ=30 # Minimum quality filter -MINMAPQ=30 # Minmm mapping quality -MINMAF=0.05 # Minimum minor allele frequency filter -# C -50 is flag to adjust for excessive mismatches as recomennded when BWA was used for alignment -# -uniqueOnly; removed reads that have multiple best hits 0 default, 1 remove -# -remove_bads = reads flagged as bad -# -only_proper_pairs = read that did not have a mate pair - -# ANGSD for data within generation (F1 - F2 - F3, broodstock and juveniles separately) -# for loop - run ansd for the total bam list within time/generation (i.e. all F1 Broodstock, F2_Juveniles, etc.) -# objective to input a strata / metadta to identify treatments associated with ids downstream.. - - -mkdir -p $OUTDIR/everyone # make director for ansd output files - -# nav to dir -cd $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed # NAV TO THE REMOVED DUPLICATES BY QUERYNAME! -#ls *.bam | sort | uniq > ./merged_bamlist.txt # create a list of all bam files in merged_bams - -# cal number of indiv -nIND=$(wc -l $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed/everyone_bamlist.txt | awk '{print $1}') # call and count lines of the bamlist with delimiter id -minIND=$(echo "(${nIND} * 0.95)" | bc) # min individual is 90% of the total count -minINDRd=$(printf "%.0f" ${minIND}) # round that - -# set min and max depth for minuum of 5X and max of 20X coerage per loci to acoid potential bias arising from seq errors and recommendations in O'Leary (etal 2018) -MINDP=$(echo "(${minINDRd} * 5)" | bc) # min coverage of 5X accoutning for the minimum num of individuals for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci -MAXDP=$(echo "(${minINDRd} * 20)" | bc) # max coverage of 20X accounting for the minimum num of individual for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci - -# call unique outbase -OUTBASE='Everyone_doMaf'$DOMAF'_minMaf'$MINMAF'_majorminor'$DOMAJORMINOR'_minind'$minINDRd'_minD5x'$MINDP'_maxD20x'$MAXDP'minDind'$SETMINDEPTHIND'_maxDind'$SETMAXDEPTHIND'_minq'$MINQ'_minmapQ' # Build base name of output files - -# run angsd -angsd -b $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed/everyone_bamlist.txt \ - -ref $REFDIR/GCA_041381155.1_Ai_NY_genomic.fna \ - -GL $GENOLIKE \ - -doGlf $DOGLF \ - -doMaf $DOMAF \ - -doMajorMinor $DOMAJORMINOR \ - -dogeno $DOGENO \ - -doPOST $DOPOST \ - -doCounts $DOCOUNTS \ - -dumpCounts $DUMPCOUNTS \ - -doDepth $DODEPTH \ - -maxDepth $MAXDEPTH \ - -setMinDepth $MINDP \ - -setMaxDepth $MAXDP \ - -setMaxDepthInd $SETMAXDEPTHIND \ - -setMinDepthInd $SETMINDEPTHIND \ - -doIBS 1 \ - -makematrix 1 \ - -doCov 1 \ - -minInd $minINDRd \ - -dobcf 1 \ - --ignore-RG 0 \ - -minQ $MINQ \ - -minMapQ $MINMAPQ \ - -minMaf $MINMAF \ - -SNP_pval 1e-6 \ - -P 20 \ - -remove_bads 1 \ - -only_proper_pairs 1 \ - -uniqueOnly 1 \ - -C 50 \ - -out $OUTDIR/everyone/$OUTBASE \ - >& $OUTDIR/everyone/$OUTBASE'.log'; -#done diff --git a/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/everyone_omit_angsd_dupsquery.sh b/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/everyone_omit_angsd_dupsquery.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 11c3316..0000000 --- a/HPC_analysis/scripts/lcWGS/everyone_omit_angsd_dupsquery.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -#SBATCH --job-name="angsdevery_OM" -#SBATCH -t 500:00:00 -#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL -#SBATCH --mem=180GB -#SBATCH -p medmem -#SBATCH -c 20 -#SBATCH --mail-user=samuel.gurr@noaa.gov -#SBATCH --output=./Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output/everyone/"%x_out.%j" -#SBATCH --error=./Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output/everyone/"%x_err.%j" - -# Set-up - -# output dir -mkdir -p angsd/output - -## load module -module load bio/angsd/0.940 -module load bio/samtools/1.19 - -## dir shortcuts -DATDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/data # Path to generation and life stage bam files -OUTDIR=~/Airradians_lcWGS/snakemake_pipeline/angsd/output # Path to the base directory where output files will be written -REFDIR=~/refs # Path to reference genome - -# angsd parameters -DOMAJORMINOR=4 # 1 is for either seq data like bam files or genotpe liklihood data where the maj minor allele is inferred from likli$ -# 4 is forcing the major allele according to the reference states defined in ref - the minor allele will be inferred based on the ge$ -DOMAF=1 # 1 assumed known major and minor allele 2 assumed known major and unknown minor allele -DOGENO=5 # 1 write major and minor allele 2 print the called genotype and count of minor 4 print the called genotype -DOPOST=1 # 1 estimate the posterior genotype probability based on the allele frequency as a prior 2 estimat eth posterier genotpe pr$ -GENOLIKE=1 # SAMtools -DOGLF=2 # beagle genotype liklihood format -DOCOUNTS=1 # provide freq of bases - output as pos.gz -DODEPTH=1 # default 0 output distribution of seq depths sites aove maxDepth will be binnes out files in depthSample and depthGlobal -MAXDEPTH=100 # default 100 -SETMINDEPTHIND=5 # min depth, below which the individual is omitted from analysis -SETMAXDEPTHIND=150 # max depth - above which the indivisual is omitted from analysis -DUMPCOUNTS=2 # 1 is the total seq depth for site as .pos.gz, 2 is the seq deth per sample as .pos.gz and .counts.gz; look up allele $ -MINQ=30 # Minimum quality filter -MINMAPQ=30 # Minmm mapping quality -MINMAF=0.05 # Minimum minor allele frequency filter -# C -50 is flag to adjust for excessive mismatches as recomennded when BWA was used for alignment -# -uniqueOnly; removed reads that have multiple best hits 0 default, 1 remove -# -remove_bads = reads flagged as bad -# -only_proper_pairs = read that did not have a mate pair - -# ANGSD for data within generation (F1 - F2 - F3, broodstock and juveniles separately) -# for loop - run ansd for the total bam list within time/generation (i.e. all F1 Broodstock, F2_Juveniles, etc.) -# objective to input a strata / metadta to identify treatments associated with ids downstream.. - - -mkdir -p $OUTDIR/everyone # make director for ansd output files - -# nav to dir -cd $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed # NAV TO THE REMOVED DUPLICATES BY QUERYNAME! -#ls *.bam | sort | uniq > ./merged_bamlist.txt # create a list of all bam files in merged_bams - -# cal number of indiv -nIND=$(wc -l $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed/everyone_omit_bamlist.txt | awk '{print $1}') # call and count lines of the bamlist with delimiter id -minIND=$(echo "(${nIND} * 0.95)" | bc) # min individual is 90% of the total count -minINDRd=$(printf "%.0f" ${minIND}) # round that - -# set min and max depth for minuum of 5X and max of 20X coerage per loci to acoid potential bias arising from seq errors and recommendations in O'Leary (etal 2018) -MINDP=$(echo "(${minINDRd} * 5)" | bc) # min coverage of 5X accoutning for the minimum num of individuals for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci -MAXDP=$(echo "(${minINDRd} * 20)" | bc) # max coverage of 20X accounting for the minimum num of individual for genotype calls as 90% and assuming per indiv per loci - -# call unique outbase -OUTBASE='Everyone_OM_doMaf'$DOMAF'_minMaf'$MINMAF'_majorminor'$DOMAJORMINOR'_minind'$minINDRd'_minD5x'$MINDP'_maxD20x'$MAXDP'minDind'$SETMINDEPTHIND'_maxDind'$SETMAXDEPTHIND'_minq'$MINQ'_minmapQ' # Build base name of output files - -# run angsd -angsd -b $DATDIR/Master_query_dups_removed/everyone_omit_bamlist.txt \ - -ref $REFDIR/GCA_041381155.1_Ai_NY_genomic.fna \ - -GL $GENOLIKE \ - -doGlf $DOGLF \ - -doMaf $DOMAF \ - -doMajorMinor $DOMAJORMINOR \ - -dogeno $DOGENO \ - -doPOST $DOPOST \ - -doCounts $DOCOUNTS \ - -dumpCounts $DUMPCOUNTS \ - -doDepth $DODEPTH \ - -maxDepth $MAXDEPTH \ - -setMinDepth $MINDP \ - -setMaxDepth $MAXDP \ - -setMaxDepthInd $SETMAXDEPTHIND \ - -setMinDepthInd $SETMINDEPTHIND \ - -doIBS 1 \ - -makematrix 1 \ - -doCov 1 \ - -minInd $minINDRd \ - -dobcf 1 \ - --ignore-RG 0 \ - -minQ $MINQ \ - -minMapQ $MINMAPQ \ - -minMaf $MINMAF \ - -SNP_pval 1e-6 \ - -P 2 \ - -remove_bads 1 \ - -only_proper_pairs 1 \ - -uniqueOnly 1 \ - -C 50 \ - -out $OUTDIR/everyone/$OUTBASE \ - >& $OUTDIR/everyone/$OUTBASE'.log'; -#done diff --git a/HPC_analysis/output/Popgen/angsd/F0Broodstock_parentage.csv b/RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/Parentages/F1_parentage.csv similarity index 100% rename from HPC_analysis/output/Popgen/angsd/F0Broodstock_parentage.csv rename to RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/Parentages/F1_parentage.csv diff --git a/RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/Parentages/F1_Parentage_Spawn_7.26.21.xlsx b/RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/Parentages/excel_workbooks/F1_Parentage_Spawn_7.26.21.xlsx similarity index 100% rename from RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/Parentages/F1_Parentage_Spawn_7.26.21.xlsx rename to RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/Parentages/excel_workbooks/F1_Parentage_Spawn_7.26.21.xlsx diff --git a/RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/Parentages/F2_Parentage_Spawn_March_2023.xlsx b/RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/Parentages/excel_workbooks/F2_Parentage_Spawn_March_2023.xlsx similarity index 100% rename from RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/Parentages/F2_Parentage_Spawn_March_2023.xlsx rename to RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/Parentages/excel_workbooks/F2_Parentage_Spawn_March_2023.xlsx diff --git a/HPC_analysis/output/Popgen/angsd/README.md b/RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/README.md similarity index 100% rename from HPC_analysis/output/Popgen/angsd/README.md rename to RAnalysis/Data/Popgen/README.md