diff --git a/src/morphix/README.md b/src/morphix/README.md
index 118d3497..b29480de 100644
--- a/src/morphix/README.md
+++ b/src/morphix/README.md
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@ import { morphix } from "@sigyn/morphix";
 await morphix("Hello {name | capitalize}", { name: "john" });
-> [!NOTE]
-> `morphix()` is async because it supports async **functions**
+> `morphix()` is asynchrone because it supports async **functions**
 ## 🌐 API
 ### `morphix`
@@ -68,22 +69,31 @@ Data to interpolate into template.
 The keys should be a valid JS identifier or number (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).
-Type: `object`
-Type: `boolean`
-Default: `false`
+#### Options
-By default, Morphix throws a MissingValueError when a placeholder resolves to undefined. With this option set to true, it simply ignores it and leaves the placeholder as is.
-Type: `(data: { value: unknown; key: string }) => unknown` (default: `({value}) => value)`)
-Performs arbitrary operation for each interpolation. If the returned value was undefined, it behaves differently depending on the ignoreMissing option. Otherwise, the returned value will be interpolated into a string and embedded into the template.
+type MorphixFunction = (value: string) => Promise<string> | string;
+export interface MorphixOptions {
+  /**
+   * Performs arbitrary operations for each interpolation.
+   * If the returned value is undefined, the behavior depends on the ignoreMissing option.
+   * Otherwise, the returned value is converted to a string and embedded into the template.
+   */
+  transform?: (data: { value: unknown; key: string }) => unknown;
+  /**
+   * By default, Morphix throws a MissingValueError when a placeholder resolves to undefined.
+   * If this option is set to true, it simply ignores the unresolved placeholder and leaves it as is.
+   *
+   * @default false
+   */
+  ignoreMissing?: boolean;
+  customFunctions?: Record<string, MorphixFunction>;
-Exposed for instance checking.
+> [!NOTE]
+> MissingValueError is exported, which is useful for instance and type checking.
 ## 📦 Functions
@@ -97,20 +107,31 @@ Retrieve host of a given IP. It uses `dns.reverse`.
 If it fails to retrieve the host, it returns the ip instead.
-## 🖋️ Interfaces
+### Adding custom functions
+Morphix lets you inject your own custom functions.
-interface MorphixOptions {
-    transform?: (data: {
-        value: unknown;
-        key: string;
-    }) => unknown;
-    ignoreMissing?: boolean;
+import { morphix } from "@sigyn/morphix";
+import assert from "node:assert";
+const transformedData = await morphix(
+  "{ data | lower }",
+  { data: "HELLO WORLD" },
+  {
+    customFunctions: {
+      lower: (value) => value.toLowerCase()
+    }
+  }
+  transformedData,
+  "hello world"
 ## Credits
-This package is heavily inspired by [pupa](https://github.com/sindresorhus/pupa). Morphix is a fork with function support and doesn't support HTML escape.
+This package is heavily inspired by [pupa](https://github.com/sindresorhus/pupa). Morphix is a fork that includes function support and does not support HTML escape.
 ## License
diff --git a/src/morphix/src/index.ts b/src/morphix/src/index.ts
index f16a53da..174d8ad2 100644
--- a/src/morphix/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/morphix/src/index.ts
@@ -4,14 +4,28 @@
 import { capitalize, dnsresolve } from "./functions";
-const kFunctions = {
+const kDefaultFunctions: Record<string, MorphixFunction> = {
+export type MorphixFunction = (value: string) => Promise<string> | string;
 export interface MorphixOptions {
+  /**
+   * Performs arbitrary operations for each interpolation.
+   * If the returned value is undefined, the behavior depends on the ignoreMissing option.
+   * Otherwise, the returned value is converted to a string and embedded into the template.
+   */
   transform?: (data: { value: unknown; key: string }) => unknown;
+  /**
+   * By default, Morphix throws a MissingValueError when a placeholder resolves to undefined.
+   * If this option is set to true, it simply ignores the unresolved placeholder and leaves it as is.
+   *
+   * @default false
+   */
   ignoreMissing?: boolean;
+  customFunctions?: Record<string, MorphixFunction>;
 export class MissingValueError extends Error {
@@ -31,8 +45,10 @@ export async function morphix(
 ) {
   const {
     transform = ({ value }) => value,
-    ignoreMissing = false
+    ignoreMissing = false,
+    customFunctions = {}
   } = options;
+  const functions = { ...customFunctions, ...kDefaultFunctions };
   if (typeof template !== "string") {
     throw new TypeError(`Expected a \`string\` in the first argument, got \`${typeof template}\``);
@@ -62,7 +78,7 @@ export async function morphix(
       return String(transformedValue);
-    return await kFunctions[func](String(transformedValue));
+    return await functions[func](String(transformedValue));
   const braceFnRegex = /{\s{0,1}([a-z0-9-.]*)\s{0,1}(?:\|\s{0,1}((?:(?!{)[a-z0-9-]*)*?)\s{0,1})?}/gi;
diff --git a/src/morphix/test/index.spec.mts b/src/morphix/test/index.spec.mts
index f2f3cb65..87652816 100644
--- a/src/morphix/test/index.spec.mts
+++ b/src/morphix/test/index.spec.mts
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { describe, it } from "node:test";
 import esmock from "esmock";
 // Import Internal Dependencies
-import { morphix } from "../dist/index.mjs";
+import { morphix, type MorphixFunction } from "../dist/index.mjs";
 describe("Morphix", () => {
   it("main", async() => {
@@ -100,4 +100,22 @@ describe("Morphix", () => {
     assert.equal(await morphix("host: {foo | dnsresolve}", { foo: "" }), "host:");
+  describe("customFunctions", () => {
+    it("should use a new custom 'replace' function", async() => {
+      const customFunctions: Record<string, MorphixFunction> = {
+        replace: (value) => value.replaceAll("o", "i")
+      };
+      const computedStr = await morphix(
+        "{ foo | replace }",
+        { foo: "foo" },
+        { customFunctions }
+      );
+      assert.strictEqual(
+        computedStr,
+        "fii"
+      );
+    });
+  });