export interface Operation {
create: "CREATE";
update: "UPDATE";
delete: "DELETE";
void: "VOID";
Event notifying the modification of a partner integration.
- JSON Schema
export type ConnectorOperation = Operation[
keyof Omit<Operation, "void">
export interface Connector {
name: "connector";
operation: ConnectorOperation;
data: {
id: string;
code: string;
userId?: string | null;
Event notifying the creation of a new Accounting Folder (a company).
- Operations: CREATE
- JSON Schema
export type AccountingFolderOperation = Operation[
keyof Pick<Operation, "create">
export interface AccountingFolder {
name: "accountingFolder";
operation: AccountingFolderOperation;
data: {
id: string;
Event notifying the creation/addition of a document.
- Operations: CREATE
- JSON Schema
export type DocumentOperation = Operation[
keyof Pick<Operation, "create">
export enum DocumentKind {
DossierAnnuel = "AF",
DossierPermanent = "PF",
BaseDocumentaire = "DB",
ExternalDocument = "ED"
export interface Document {
name: "document";
operation: DocumentOperation;
data: {
id: string;
kind: DocumentKind;
Event notifying the creation or deletion of an Accounting Portfolio (or Accounting Wallet). Wallet allow to define access to a set of accounting folders.
- Operations: CREATE, DELETE
- JSON Schema
export type PortfolioOperation = Operation[
keyof Omit<Operation, "update" | "void">
export interface Portfolio {
name: "portfolio";
operation: PortfolioOperation;
data: {
id: string;
- Operations: CREATE
- JSON Schema
export type AccountingLineEntryOperation = Operation[
keyof Pick<Operation, "create">
export interface AccountingLineEntry {
name: "accountingLineEntry";
operation: AccountingLineEntryOperation;
data: {
id: string;
- Operations: VOID
- JSON Schema
export type AdminMessageOperation = Operation[
keyof Pick<Operation, "void">
export interface AdminMessage {
name: "adminMessage";
operation: AdminMessageOperation;
data: {
event: "admin_message";
socketMessage: {
id: number;
title: string;
message: string;
receivers: string[];
- JSON Schema
export type ThirdPartyOperation = Operation[
keyof Omit<Operation, "void">
export interface ThirdParty {
name: "thirdParty";
operation: ThirdPartyOperation;
data: {
code: string;