- add loading state to max button #344
- fix error on console for color code #343
- better query selecting that only affects currently active mew-select menu #342
- scroll mew select to top when searching #341
- fix menu popup overflow #339
- actually export menu pop up #338
- fix menu popup scroll #337
- dark theme notification slot color issues #336
- fix overlap #330
- mew notification arrow on swap alignment #319
- address hook horizontal alignment #317
- token selector horizontal alignment #316
- ignore e on mew-input type number #315
- remove dapp btn capitalization #313
- swap notification arrow alignment #312
- address selector showing invalid identicon #311
- tooltip alignment #304
- Remove text capital style from mew button #306
- use token container for notification swap tokens #307
- ledger back button #308
- token display on tablet view #309
- Add optional explorer for mew table #301
- remove select search border radius #300
- adjust button letter spacing #299
- update mew token container #298
- revert error for mewtokencontainer #297
- mew-address-select showing wrong identicon bug #296
- add selected values on table #260
- add id to tableData #257
- fix: remove unused element from dropdown selector #256
- fix: update mew-notification by using v-explansion-panels #254
- fix: mew-popup close button z-index value to locate the button on top #253
- add event emit and remove hard coded ccswap for mew-select and mew-input #248
- removed static price symbol from mew-select. updated mew-table to truncate text for token column. fixed loading knob on mew-table storybook preview.
- update eslint config, lint script and mew-select search method #241
- added mew input hover state and added slot prependInnerIcon which prepends content to the beginning of the input #233
- updated mew-token-container with the correct styles and placeholders and updated mew-select and mew-input to use mew-token-container, updated mew-title and mew-subtitle font-sizes, letter-spacing and line-heights, add isFullWidth and isSmall to mew-tabs, remove title container if there is no title for mew-popup #234
- add hasTitle to mew-popup so it removes padding when there is no title #237
- created docs for all the components, renamed mew-color prop "color" to "className" and mew-checkbox prop "colorText" to "className". Also cleaned up mew-icon-button.#235