diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1b66a9f..d4a7439 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-# SimpleAuthHelper
* Summary: Simplifies the SimpleAuth login process
* Dependency Plugins: n/a
@@ -7,8 +10,10 @@
* OptionalPlugins: -
* Categories: General
* Plugin Access: Commands
+* WebSite: [github](https://github.com/alejandroliu/bad-plugins/tree/master/SimpleAuthHelper)
-## Overview
Very simple plugin that simplifies the login process... Instead of
asking for commands, users simply chat away...
@@ -24,15 +29,74 @@ password (again without */register*).
### Login process
-Player connects agian. They are prompted to enter their login
+Player connects again. They are prompted to enter their login
password. They type their login password directly (without
*/login*). And they are in.
-## Changes
+As a bonus, it can start a player with initial inventory upon
+registration. This is configured through the `nest-egg` setting.
+### Commands
+* *chpwd* __
+ Used by players to change their passwords.
+* *resetpwd* __
+ Used by ops to reset a players password. This actually unregisters
+ the password.
+### Configuration
+ ---
+ messages:
+ re-enter pwd: 'Please re-enter password to confirm:'
+ passwords dont match: |-
+ Passwords do not match.
+ Please try again!
+ Enter a new password:
+ register ok: You have been registered!
+ no spaces: |-
+ Password should not contain spaces
+ or tabs
+ not name: Password should not be your name
+ too many login: You have attempted to login too many times.
+ login timeout: Login timer expired!
+ nest-egg:
+ - "272:0:1"
+ - "17:0:16"
+ - "364:0:5"
+ - "266:0:10"
+ max-attempts: 5
+ login-timeout: 60
+ ...
+* The section `messages` can be used to configure displayed texts.
+* `nest-egg` section contains list of items that will be given to the
+player upon registration.
+* `max-attempts` counts the number of tries to login.
+* `login-timeout` will kick the player out if not authenticated in
+ that number of seconds.
+* 1.2.1: CallbackTask deprecation
+ * Removed CallbackTask deprecation warnings
+* 1.2.0: max-logins
+ * Suggestion from MCPEPIG
+ - kick user out after `max-attempts`.
+ - Added a chpwd command.
+ * Kick user out if not authenticated after `timeout` seconds.
+ * Added resetpwd command for ops
+* 1.1.0: Small update
+ * Added `nest-egg`
+ * Messages can be configured.
* 1.0.0: First release
-## Copyright
Copyright (C) 2015 Alejandro Liu
diff --git a/plugin.yml b/plugin.yml
index b228bc7..5a89802 100644
--- a/plugin.yml
+++ b/plugin.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,27 @@
main: aliuly\helper\Main
api: 1.10.0
+depend: [SimpleAuth]
name: SimpleAuthHelper
description: Simplifies the way people authenticate to servers
-version: 1.0.0
+version: 1.2.1
author: aliuly
+ chpwd:
+ description: "Change password"
+ usage: "/chpwd "
+ permission: simpleauthhelper.command.chpwd
+ resetpwd:
+ description: "Reset password"
+ usage: "/resetpwd "
+ permission: simpleauthhelper.command.resetpwd
+ simpleauthhelper.command.chpwd:
+ default: true
+ description: "Allow users to change passwords"
+ simpleauthhelper.command.resetpwd:
+ default: op
+ description: "Allow ops to reset other's passwords"
diff --git a/src/aliuly/helper/Main.php b/src/aliuly/helper/Main.php
index a4bd305..647e5c8 100644
--- a/src/aliuly/helper/Main.php
+++ b/src/aliuly/helper/Main.php
@@ -6,10 +6,20 @@
use pocketmine\utils\TextFormat;
use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent;
use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerQuitEvent;
-class Main extends PluginBase implements Listener {
+use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent;
+use pocketmine\command\CommandExecutor;
+use pocketmine\command\ConsoleCommandSender;
+use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;
+use pocketmine\command\Command;
+use pocketmine\item\Item;
+use pocketmine\utils\Config;
+use pocketmine\Player;
+class Main extends PluginBase implements Listener,CommandExecutor {
protected $auth;
protected $pwds;
+ protected $chpwd;
+ protected $cfg;
public function onEnable(){
$this->auth = $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("SimpleAuth");
@@ -17,21 +27,66 @@ public function onEnable(){
$this->getLogger()->info(TextFormat::RED."Unable to find SimpleAuth");
+ if (!is_dir($this->getDataFolder())) mkdir($this->getDataFolder());
+ $defaults = [
+ "messages" => [
+ "re-enter pwd" => "Please re-enter password to confirm:",
+ "passwords dont match" => "Passwords do not match.\nPlease try again!\nEnter a new password:",
+ "register ok" => "You have been registered!",
+ "no spaces" => "Password should not contain spaces or tabs",
+ "not name" => "Password should not be your name",
+ "too many logins" => "You have attempted to login too many times.",
+ "login timeout" => "Login timer expired!",
+ "register first" => "You must first be registered",
+ "chpwd msg" => "Enter your new password:",
+ "chpwd error" => "Old password does not match",
+ "chpwd ok" => "Password changed succesfully",
+ "registration error" => "Registration error. Try again later!",
+ "auth error" => "Authentication error. Try again later!",
+ ],
+ "nest-egg" => [
+ "STONE_SWORD:0:1",
+ "WOOD:0:16",
+ "COOKED_BEEF:0:5",
+ "GOLD_INGOT:0:10",
+ ],
+ "max-attempts" => 5,
+ "login-timeout" => 60,
+ ];
+ if (file_exists($this->getDataFolder()."config.yml")) {
+ unset($defaults["nest-egg"]);
+ }
+ $this->cfg=(new Config($this->getDataFolder()."config.yml",
+ Config::YAML,$defaults))->getAll();
$this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this);
$this->pwds = [];
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Event handlers
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public function onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent $ev) {
$n = $ev->getPlayer()->getName();
if (isset($this->pwds[$n])) unset($this->pwds[$n]);
+ if (isset($this->chpwd[$n])) unset($this->chpwd[$n]);
+ public function onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent $ev) {
+ if ($this->cfg["login-timeout"] == 0) return;
+ $n = $ev->getPlayer()->getName();
+ $this->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask(new PluginCallbackTask($this,[$this,"checkTimeout"],[$n]),$this->cfg["login-timeout"]*20);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @priority LOW
+ */
public function onPlayerCmd(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent $ev) {
if ($ev->isCancelled()) return;
$pl = $ev->getPlayer();
- if ($this->auth->isPlayerAuthenticated($pl)) return;
$n = $pl->getName();
- if (!$this->auth->isPlayerRegistered($pl)) {
+ if ($this->auth->isPlayerAuthenticated($pl) && !isset($this->chpwd[$n])) return;
+ if (!$this->auth->isPlayerRegistered($pl) || isset($this->chpwd[$n])) {
if (!isset($this->pwds[$n])) {
if (!$this->checkPwd($pl,$ev->getMessage())) {
@@ -39,7 +94,7 @@ public function onPlayerCmd(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent $ev) {
$this->pwds[$n] = $ev->getMessage();
- $pl->sendMessage("Please re-enter password to confirm:");
+ $pl->sendMessage($this->cfg["messages"]["re-enter pwd"]);
@@ -48,26 +103,86 @@ public function onPlayerCmd(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent $ev) {
- $pl->sendMessage("Passwords do not match.");
- $pl->sendMessage("Please try again!");
- $pl->sendMessage("Enter a new password:");
+ $pl->sendMessage($this->cfg["messages"]["passwords dont match"]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isset($this->chpwd[$n])) {
+ // User is changing password...
+ unset($this->chpwd[$n]);
+ $ev->setMessage("~");
+ $ev->setCancelled();
+ $pw = $this->pwds[$n];
+ unset($this->pwds[$n]);
+ if (!$this->auth->unregisterPlayer($pl)) {
+ $pl->sendMessage($this->cfg["messages"]["registration error"]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$this->auth->registerPlayer($pl,$pw)) {
+ $pl->kick($this->cfg["messages"]["registration error"]);
+ return;
+ }
+ $pl->sendMessage($this->cfg["messages"]["chpwd ok"]);
+ return;
+ }
+ // New user registration...
+ if (!$this->auth->registerPlayer($pl,$this->pwds[$n])) {
+ $pl->kick($this->cfg["messages"]["registration error"]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$this->auth->authenticatePlayer($pl)) {
+ $pl->kick($this->cfg["messages"]["auth error"]);
- $this->auth->registerPlayer($pl,$this->pwds[$n]);
- $this->auth->authenticatePlayer($pl);
- $pl->sendMessage("You have been registered!");
+ $pl->sendMessage($this->cfg["messages"]["register ok"]);
+ if (isset($this->cfg["nest-egg"]) && !$pl->isCreative()) {
+ // Award a nest egg to player...
+ foreach ($this->cfg["nest-egg"] as $i) {
+ $r = explode(":",$i);
+ if (count($r) != 3) continue;
+ $item = Item::fromString($r[0].":".$r[1]);
+ $item->setCount(intval($r[2]));
+ $pl->getInventory()->addItem($item);
+ }
+ }
$ev->setMessage("/login ".$ev->getMessage());
+ if ($this->cfg["max-attempts"] > 0) {
+ if (isset($this->pwds[$n])) {
+ ++$this->pwds[$n];
+ } else {
+ $this->pwds[$n] = 1;
+ }
+ $this->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask(new PluginCallbackTask($this,[$this,"checkLoginCount"],[$n]),5);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ public function checkTimeout($n) {
+ $pl = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($n);
+ if ($pl && !$this->auth->isPlayerAuthenticated($pl)) {
+ $pl->kick($this->cfg["messages"]["login timeout"]);
+ }
+ }
+ public function checkLoginCount($n) {
+ if (!isset($this->pwds[$n])) return;
+ $pl = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($n);
+ if ($pl && !$this->auth->isPlayerAuthenticated($pl)) {
+ if ($this->pwds[$n] >= $this->cfg["max-attempts"]) {
+ $pl->kick($this->cfg["messages"]["too many logins"]);
+ unset($this->pwds[$n]);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ unset($this->pwds[$n]);
public function checkPwd($pl,$pwd) {
if (preg_match('/\s/',$pwd)) {
- $pl->sendMessage("Password should not contain spaces or tabs");
+ $pl->sendMessage($this->cfg["messages"]["no spaces"]);
return false;
if (strlen($pwd) < $this->auth->getConfig()->get("minPasswordLength")){
@@ -75,1090 +190,82 @@ public function checkPwd($pl,$pwd) {
return false;
if (strtolower($pl->getName()) == strtolower($pwd)) {
- $pl->sendMessage("Password should not be the same as your name");
+ $pl->sendMessage($this->cfg["messages"]["not name"]);
return false;
return true;
-class TEPES {
- public $owner;
- protected $last;
- public function __construct(Plugin $plugin) {
- $this->owner = $plugin;
- $last = [];
- }
- public function processCmd($msg,$player,$sender) {
- if (preg_match('/^\s*!!/',$msg)) {
- // Match !
- if (!isset($this->last[$player])) {
- $sender->sendMessage("You do not have any recorded previous command");
- return false;
- }
- // Just the previous command...
- if ($msg == "") return $this->last[$player];
- if (is_numeric($msg)) {
- // We need to replace the last word with $msg....
- $words = preg_split('/\s+/',$this->last[$player]);
- if (count($words) == 1) {
- // Only a single world, we append the number...
- $newmsg = $this->last[$player]." ".$msg;
- } else {
- if (is_numeric($words[count($words)-1])) {
- // Exchange the last word (page count)
- $words[count($words)-1] = $msg;
- $newmsg = implode(" ",$words);
- } else {
- // Last word wasn't a number... append one
- $newmsg = $this->last[$player]." ".$msg;
- }
- }
- } elseif ($msg == "/" && substr($this->last[$player],0,1) != "/") {
- // Forgotten "/"
- $newmsg = "/".$this->last[$player];
- } else {
- $words = preg_split('/\s+/',$msg,2);
- if (count($words) > 1
- && stristr($this->last[$player],$words[0]) !== false) {
- // Replace string
- $newmsg = str_ireplace($words[0],$words[1],$this->last[$player]);
- } else {
- // Add string...
- $newmsg = $this->last[$player].' '.$msg;
- }
- }
- $sender->sendMessage(">> $newmsg");
- $this->last[$player] = $newmsg;
- return $newmsg;
- }
- $this->last[$player] = $msg;
- return false;
- }
- public function onRconCmd(RemoteServerCommandEvent $ev) {
- $res = $this->processCmd($ev->getCommand(),"[RCON]",
- $ev->getSender());
- if ($res === false) return;
- $ev->setCommand($res);
- }
- public function onConsoleCmd(ServerCommandEvent $ev) {
- $res = $this->processCmd($ev->getCommand(),"[CONSOLE]",
- $ev->getSender());
- if ($res === false) return;
- $ev->setCommand($res);
- }
-//use pocketmine\command\CommandExecutor;
-//use pocketmine\command\ConsoleCommandSender;
-//use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;
-//use pocketmine\command\Command;
-//use pocketmine\Player;
-//use pocketmine\Server;
-//use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerChatEvent;
-//use pocketmine\utils\Config;
-//use pocketmine\command\PluginCommand;
-//use pocketmine\entity\Living;
-//use pocketmine\nbt\tag\Compound;
-//use pocketmine\scheduler\CallbackTask;
-//use pocketmine\entity\Entity;
-//use pocketmine\nbt\tag\Byte;
-//use pocketmine\nbt\tag\Double;
-//use pocketmine\nbt\tag\Enum;
-//use pocketmine\nbt\tag\Float;
-//use pocketmine\utils\Random;
-//use pocketmine\level\Position;
-//use pocketmine\item\Item;
-class _Main extends PluginBase implements CommandExecutor {
- protected $listeners = [];
- protected $config;
- protected $modules;
- protected $slain = [];
- protected $shield = [];
- static $items = [];
- // Override the MaxStacks counter...
- static $stacks = [ Item::MINECART => 1, Item::BOOK => 1, Item::COMPASS => 1,
- Item::CLOCK => 1 ];
- // Access and other permission related checks
- private function access(CommandSender $sender, $permission) {
- if($sender->hasPermission($permission)) return true;
- $sender->sendMessage("You do not have permission to do that.");
- return false;
- }
- private function inGame(CommandSender $sender,$msg = true) {
- if ($sender instanceof Player) return true;
- if ($msg) $sender->sendMessage("You can only use this command in-game");
- return false;
- }
- public function checkModule($name) {
- return array_key_exists($name,$this->modules["listener"]);
- }
- public function itemName(Item $item) {
- if (count(self::$items) == 0) {
- $constants = array_keys((new \ReflectionClass("pocketmine\\item\\Item"))->getConstants());
- foreach ($constants as $constant) {
- $id = constant("pocketmine\\item\\Item::$constant");
- $constant = str_replace("_", " ", $constant);
- self::$items[$id] = $constant;
- }
- }
- $n = $item->getName();
- if ($n != "Unknown") return $n;
- if (isset(self::$items[$item->getId()]))
- return self::$items[$item->getId()];
- return $n;
- }
- public function cleanupPlayer($pl) {
- if (isset($this->listeners["cmd.mute"])) {
- $this->listeners["cmd.mute"]->unmute($pl);
- }
- if (isset($this->listeners["cmd.freeze"])) {
- $this->listeners["cmd.freeze"]->thaw($pl);
- }
- }
- public function runCommand($cmd) {
- $this->getServer()->dispatchCommand(new ConsoleCommandSender(),$cmd);
- }
- private function dumpNbtIndent($spc,&$off,&$last) {
- if (isset($off[$spc])) return $off[$spc];
- $last += 2;
- $off[$spc] = str_repeat(' ',$last);
- return $off[$spc];
- }
- public function dumpNbt($nbt) {
- $txt = [];
- $name = '';
- $off=[];
- $last = 0;
- if (trim($ln) == "(" || trim($ln) == ")" || trim($ln) == "") continue;
- if (preg_match('/^(\s*)(\[[^\]]+\])\s*=>\s*pocketmine\\\\nbt\\\\tag\\\\(Enum|Compound)/',$ln,$m)) {
- $txt[] = ".".$this->dumpNbtIndent($m[1],$off,$last).$m[2];
- continue;
- }
- if (preg_match('/^\s*\[name:protected\]\s*=>\s*(.*)$/',$ln,$m)) {
- $name = $m[1];
- }
- if (preg_match('/^(\s*)\[value:protected\]\s*=>\s*(.*)$/',$ln,$m)) {
- if ($m[2] == "Array") continue;
- $txt[] = ".".$this->dumpNbtIndent($m[1],$off,$last).$name.": ".
- $m[2];
- $name = "";
- }
- }
- return $txt;
- }
- // Paginate output
- private function getPageNumber(array &$args) {
- $pageNumber = 1;
- if (count($args) && is_numeric($args[count($args)-1])) {
- $pageNumber = (int)array_pop($args);
- if($pageNumber <= 0) $pageNumber = 1;
- }
- return $pageNumber;
- }
- private function paginateText(CommandSender $sender,$pageNumber,array $txt) {
- $hdr = array_shift($txt);
- if($sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender){
- $sender->sendMessage( TextFormat::GREEN.$hdr.TextFormat::RESET);
- foreach ($txt as $ln) $sender->sendMessage($ln);
- return true;
- }
- $pageHeight = 5;
- $hdr = TextFormat::GREEN.$hdr. TextFormat::RESET;
- if (($pageNumber-1) * $pageHeight >= count($txt)) {
- $sender->sendMessage($hdr);
- $sender->sendMessage("Only ".intval(count($txt)/$pageHeight+1)." pages available");
- return true;
- }
- $hdr .= TextFormat::RED." ($pageNumber of ".intval(count($txt)/$pageHeight+1).")".TextFormat::RESET;
- $sender->sendMessage($hdr);
- for ($ln = ($pageNumber-1)*$pageHeight;$ln < count($txt) && $pageHeight--;++$ln) {
- $sender->sendMessage($txt[$ln]);
- }
- return true;
- }
- private function paginateTable(CommandSender $sender,$pageNumber,array $tab) {
- $cols = [];
- for($i=0;$i < count($tab[0]);$i++) $cols[$i] = strlen($tab[0][$i]);
- foreach ($tab as $row) {
- for($i=0;$i < count($row);$i++) {
- if (($l=strlen($row[$i])) > $cols[$i]) $cols[$i] = $l;
- }
- }
- $txt = [];
- $fmt = "";
- foreach ($cols as $c) {
- if (strlen($fmt) > 0) $fmt .= " ";
- $fmt .= "%-".$c."s";
- }
- foreach ($tab as $row) {
- $txt[] = sprintf($fmt,...$row);
- }
- return $this->paginateText($sender,$pageNumber,$txt);
- }
- // Standard call-backs
+ // Commands
- public function onLoad() {
- if (!is_dir($this->getDataFolder())) mkdir($this->getDataFolder());
- $v = $this->getDescription()->getVersion();
- $modules = $this->getDataFolder()."modules-dist.yml";
- $modcfg = $this->getDataFolder()."modules.yml";
- $current = is_file($modules) ? file_get_contents($modules) : "";
- $active = is_file($modcfg) ? file_get_contents($modcfg) : "";
- $fp = $this->getResource(basename($modcfg));
- $next = "version: $v\n".stream_get_contents($fp);
- fclose($fp);
- if ($next != $current) {
- // We need to upgrade...
- file_put_contents($modules,$next);
- if ($current == $active) {
- // It is not a custom yml, so we just upgrade...
- file_put_contents($modcfg,$next);
- } else {
- $this->getLogger()->info(TextFormat::RED."modules-dist.yml has been updated".TextFormat::RESET);
- $this->getLogger()->info(TextFormat::GREEN."Review your modules.yml to activate new features".TextFormat::RESET);
- }
- } else {
- if ($active == "") {
- // Special case... user deleted modules.yml...
- file_put_contents($modcfg,$next);
- $this->getLogger()->info(TextFormat::GREEN."modules.yml initialized with defaults".TextFormat::RESET);
- }
- }
- $this->modules =(new Config($this->getDataFolder()."modules.yml",
- Config::YAML,[]))->getAll();
- foreach (["listener","commands"] as $i) {
- if (!isset($this->modules[$i])) $this->modules[$i] = [];
- }
- $pluginCmds = [];
- foreach ($this->modules["commands"] as $cmd => $dat) {
- if(strpos($cmd, ":") !== false){
- $this->getLogger()->info("Unable to load command $cmd");
- continue;
- }
- if (!is_array($dat)) continue;
- $newCmd = new PluginCommand($cmd,$this);
- if(isset($dat["description"])){
- $newCmd->setDescription($dat["description"]);
- }
- if(isset($dat["usage"])){
- $newCmd->setUsage($dat["usage"]);
- }
- if(isset($dat["aliases"]) and is_array($dat["aliases"])){
- $aliasList = [];
- foreach($dat["aliases"] as $alias){
- if(strpos($alias, ":") !== false){
- $this->getLogger()->info("Unable to load alias $alias");
- continue;
- }
- $aliasList[] = $alias;
- }
- $newCmd->setAliases($aliasList);
- }
- if(isset($dat["permission"])){
- $newCmd->setPermission($dat["permission"]);
- }
- if(isset($dat["permission-message"])){
- $newCmd->setPermissionMessage($dat["permission-message"]);
- }
- $pluginCmds[] = $newCmd;
- }
- if (count($pluginCmds) > 0) {
- $cmdMap = $this->getServer()->getCommandMap();
- $cmdMap->registerAll($this->getDescription()->getName(),$pluginCmds);
- $this->getLogger()->info("Loaded ".count($pluginCmds)." command(s)");
- }
- }
- public function onEnable(){
- $defaults =
- [
- "settings" =>[
- "hard-freeze"=>false,
- ],
- "spawn"=>[
- "armor"=>[
- "head"=>"-",
- "body"=>"chainmail",
- "legs"=>"leather",
- "boots"=>"leather",
- ],
- "items"=>[
- "272:0:1",
- "17:0:16",
- "364:0:5",
- ],
- ],
- ];
- if (file_exists($this->getDataFolder()."config.yml")) {
- unset($defaults["spawn"]["items"]);
- }
- $this->config=(new Config($this->getDataFolder()."config.yml",
- Config::YAML,$defaults))->getAll();
- $hardfreeze = isset($this->config["settings"]["hard-freeze"]) ?
- $this->config["settings"]["hard-freeze"] : false;
- if (array_key_exists("adminjoin",$this->modules["listener"])
- || array_key_exists("servermotd",$this->modules["listener"]))
- $this->listeners["adminjoin"] = new AdminJoinMgr($this);
- if (array_key_exists("spawnitems",$this->modules["listener"])
- || array_key_exists("spawnarmor",$this->modules["listener"]))
- $this->listeners["spawnmgr"] = new SpawnMgr($this);
- if (array_key_exists("compasstp",$this->modules["listener"]))
- $this->listeners["compasstp"] = new CompassTpMgr($this);
- if (array_key_exists("repeater",$this->modules["listener"]))
- $this->listeners["repeater"] = new RepeatMgr($this);
- if (array_key_exists("slay",$this->modules["commands"]))
- $this->listeners["cmd.slay"] = new ReaperMgr($this);
- if (array_key_exists("shield",$this->modules["commands"]))
- $this->listeners["cmd.shield"] = new ShieldMgr($this);
- if (array_key_exists("servicemode",$this->modules["commands"]))
- $this->listeners["cmd.servicemode"] = new SrvModeMgr($this);
- if (array_key_exists("mute",$this->modules["commands"]) &&
- array_key_exists("unmute",$this->modules["commands"]))
- $this->listeners["cmd.mute"] = new MuteMgr($this);
- if (array_key_exists("freeze",$this->modules["commands"]) &&
- array_key_exists("thaw",$this->modules["commands"]))
- $this->listeners["cmd.freeze"] = new FreezeMgr($this,$hardfreeze);
- $this->getLogger()->info("Installed ".count($this->listeners)." managers");
- }
public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $cmd, $label, array $args) {
- // Make sure the command is active
- if (!isset($this->modules["commands"][$cmd->getName()])) return false;
- switch($cmd->getName()) {
- case "ops":
- return $this->cmdOps($sender,$args);
- case "players":
- return $this->cmdPlayers($sender,$args);
- case "as":
- return $this->cmdSudo($sender,$args);
- case "gms":
- return $this->cmdGmX($sender,0);
- case "gmc":
- return $this->cmdGmX($sender,1);
- case "gma":
- return $this->cmdGmX($sender,2);
- case "slay":
- return $this->cmdSlay($sender,$args);
- case "heal":
- return $this->cmdHeal($sender,$args);
- case "whois":
- return $this->cmdWhois($sender,$args);
- case "showtimings":
- return $this->cmdTimings($sender,$args);
- case "get":
- return $this->cmdGet($sender,$args);
- case "seeinv":
- return $this->cmdSeeInv($sender,$args);
- case "seearmor":
- return $this->cmdSeeArmor($sender,$args);
- case "shield":
- return $this->cmdShield($sender,$args);
- case "mute":
- case "unmute":
- return $this->cmdMute($sender,$cmd->getName(),$args);
- case "freeze":
- case "thaw":
- return $this->cmdFreeze($sender,$cmd->getName(),$args);
- case "servicemode":
- return $this->cmdSrvMode($sender,$args);
- case "opms":
- return $this->cmdOpMsg($sender,$args);
- case "after":
- return $this->cmdAfter($sender,$args);
- case "at":
- return $this->cmdAt($sender,$args);
- case "entities":
- return $this->cmdEntities($sender,$args);
- }
- return false;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Command implementations
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- private function cmdAfter(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- if (count($args) < 2) return false;
- if (!is_numeric($args[0])) {
- $c->sendMessage("Unable to specify delay $args[0]");
- return false;
- }
- $secs = intval(array_shift($args));
- $c->sendMessage("Scheduled for ".date(DATE_RFC2822,time()+$secs));
- $this->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask(new CallbackTask([$this,"runCommand"],[implode(" ",$args)]),$secs * 20);
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdAt(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- if (count($args) < 2) {
- $c->sendMessage("Time now is: ".date(DATE_RFC2822));
- return false;
- }
- if (($pos = array_search(":",$args)) != false) {
- if ($pos == 0) return false;
- $ts = [];
- while ($pos--) {
- $ts[] = array_shift($args);
- }
- array_shift($args);
- if (count($args) == 0) return false;
- $ts = implode(" ",$ts);
- $when = strtotime($ts);
- } else {
- for ($ts = array_shift($args);
- ($when = strtotime($ts)) == false && count($args) > 1;
- $ts .= ' '.array_shift($args)) ;
- }
- if ($when == false) {
- $c->sendMessage("Unable to parse time specification $ts");
- return false;
- }
- while ($when < time()) {
- $when += 86400; // We can not travel back in time...
- }
- $c->sendMessage("Scheduled for ".date(DATE_RFC2822,$when));
- $this->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask(new CallbackTask([$this,"runCommand"],[implode(" ",$args)]),($when - time())*20);
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdWhois(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- $pageNumber = $this->getPageNumber($args);
- if (count($args) != 1) {
- $c->sendMessage("You must specify a player's name");
- return true;
- }
- $target = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($args[0]);
- if($target == null) {
- $c->sendMessage($args[0]." can not be found.");
- return true;
- }
- $txt = [];
- $txt[] = TextFormat::AQUA."About $args[0]".TextFormat::RESET;
- $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN."Health: ".TextFormat::WHITE
- ."[".$target->getHealth()."/".$target->getMaxHealth()."]"
- .TextFormat::RESET;
- $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN."World: ".TextFormat::WHITE
- .$target->getLevel()->getName().TextFormat::RESET;
- $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN."Location: ".TextFormat::WHITE."X:".floor($target->getPosition()->x)." Y:".floor($target->getPosition()->y)." Z:".floor($target->getPosition()->z)."".TextFormat::RESET;
- if ($c->hasPermission("gb.cmd.whois.showip"))
- $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN."IP Address: ".TextFormat::WHITE.$target->getAddress().TextFormat::RESET;
- $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN."Gamemode: ".TextFormat::WHITE
- .ucfirst(strtolower(Server::getGamemodeString($target->getGamemode())))
- .TextFormat::RESET;
- $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN."Whitelisted: ".TextFormat::WHITE
- . ($target->isWhitelisted() ? "YES" : "NO").TextFormat::RESET;
- $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN."Opped: ".TextFormat::WHITE
- . ($target->isOp() ? "YES" : "NO").TextFormat::RESET;
- $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN."Dislay Name: ".TextFormat::WHITE
- . $target->getDisplayName().TextFormat::RESET;
- $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN."Flying: ".TextFormat::WHITE
- . ($target->isOnGround() ? "NO" : "YES").TextFormat::RESET;
- if (isset($this->modules["commands"]["shield"])) {
- $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN."Shield: ".TextFormat::WHITE
- . (isset($this->shield[$target->getName()]) ? "UP" : "DOWN").TextFormat::RESET;
- }
- return $this->paginateText($c,$pageNumber,$txt);
- }
- private function cmdHeal(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- if (count($args) == 0) {
- if (!$this->inGame($c)) return true;
- $c->setHealth($c->getMaxHealth());
- $c->sendMessage("You have been healed");
- return true;
- }
- $patient = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($args[0]);
- if ($patient == null) {
- $c->sendMessage("$args[0] was not found");
- return true;
- }
- if (isset($args[1]) && is_numeric($args[1])) {
- $health = $patient->getHealth() + intval($args[1]);
- if ($health > $patient->getMaxHealth()) $health = $patient->getMaxHealth();
- } else {
- $health = $patient->getMaxHealth();
- }
- $patient->setHealth($health);
- $c->sendMessage("$args[0] was healed.");
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdMute(CommandSender $c,$cmd,$args) {
- if (count($args)) {
- $cnt = 0;
- foreach ($args as $i) {
- $pl = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($i);
- if ($pl) {
- if ($cmd == "mute") {
- $msg = $this->listeners["cmd.mute"]->mute($pl->getName());
- } else {
- $msg = $this->listeners["cmd.mute"]->unmute($pl->getName());
- }
- if ($msg)
- $c->sendMessage($msg);
- else {
- ++$cnt;
- $pl->sendMessage("You have been muted by ".$c->getName());
- }
- } else {
- $c->sendMessage("Player $i not found");
- }
- }
- if (!$cnt) return false;
- $c->sendMessage("Affected Players: $cnt");
- return true;
- }
- $lst = $this->listeners["cmd.mute"]->getMutes();
- $c->sendMessage("Mutes: ".count($lst));
- if (count($lst)) $c->sendMessage(implode(", ",$lst));
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdFreeze(CommandSender $c,$cmd,$args) {
- if (count($args)) {
- $cnt = 0;
- foreach ($args as $i) {
- $pl = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($i);
- if ($pl) {
- if ($cmd == "freeze") {
- $msg = $this->listeners["cmd.freeze"]->freeze($pl->getName());
- } else {
- $msg = $this->listeners["cmd.freeze"]->thaw($pl->getName());
- }
- if ($msg)
- $c->sendMessage($msg);
- else {
- ++$cnt;
- $pl->sendMessage("You have been frozen by ".$c->getName());
- }
- } else {
- $c->sendMessage("Player $i not found");
- }
- }
- if (!$cnt) return false;
- $c->sendMessage("Affected Players: $cnt");
- return true;
- }
- $lst = $this->listeners["cmd.freeze"]->getFrosties();
- $c->sendMessage("Frozen: ".count($lst));
- if (count($lst)) $c->sendMessage(implode(", ",$lst));
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdShield(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- if (!$this->inGame($c)) return true;
- if (count($args) > 1) return false;
- $name = $c->getName();
- if (count($args) == 0) {
- if (isset($this->shield[$name])) {
- $c->sendMessage("Shields UP!");
- } else {
- $c->sendMessage("Shields DOWN!");
- }
- return true;
- }
- $status = strtolower($args[0]);
- if ($status =="on" || $status=="up" || $status=="true" || $status==1) {
- if (isset($this->shield[$name])) {
- $c->sendMessage("Shields are already up");
- } else {
- $c->sendMessage("Raising shields!");
- $this->shield[$name] = $name;
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (!isset($this->shield[$name])) {
- $c->sendMessage("Shields are already down");
- return true;
- }
- $c->sendMessage("Lowering shields!");
- unset($this->shield[$name]);
- return true;
- }
- public function checkShield($name) {
- if (isset($this->shield[$name])) return false;
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdSrvMode(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- if (count($args) == 0) {
- $mode = $this->listeners["cmd.servicemode"]->getMode();
- if ($mode) {
- $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED."In Service Mode: $mode");
- } else {
- $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN."In Normal operating mode");
- }
- return true;
- }
- $status = strtolower(array_shift($args));
- if ($status =="on" || $status=="up" || $status=="true" || $status==1) {
- $msg = implode(" ",$args);
- if (!$msg) $msg = "Scheduled maintenance";
- } else {
- $msg = false;
- }
- $this->listeners["cmd.servicemode"]->setMode($msg);
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdSlay(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- if (!isset($args[0])) {
- $c->sendMessage("Must specify a player to slay");
- return true;
- }
- $victim = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($args[0]);
- if ($victim == null) {
- $c->sendMessage("Player $args[0] was not found!");
- return true;
- }
- array_shift($args);
- $this->slainGc();
- if (count($args)) {
- $this->slain[$victim->getName()] = [ time(), implode(" ",$args) ];
- }
- $victim->setHealth(0);
- $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED.$victim->getName()." has been slain.".TextFormat::RESET);
- return true;
- }
- private function slainGc() {
- $lst = [];
- $now = time();
- foreach ($this->slain as $p=>$dat) {
- list($time,$msg) = $dat;
- if ($now - $time > 3) $lst[] = $p;
- }
- foreach ($lst as $p) {
- unset($this->slain[$p]);
- }
- }
- public function onPlayerDeath($name) {
- if (isset($this->slain[$name])) {
- list($time,$msg) = $this->slain[$name];
- unset($this->slain[$name]);
- return $msg;
- }
- return "";
- }
- private function cmdGmX(CommandSender $c,$mode) {
- if (!$this->inGame($c)) return true;
- if ($mode !== $c->getGamemode()) {
- $c->setGamemode($mode);
- if ($mode !== $c->getGamemode()) {
- $c->sendMessage("Unable to change gamemode");
- } else {
- $this->getServer()->broadcastMessage($c->getName()." changed gamemode to ". strtolower(Server::getGamemodeString($mode))." mode");
- }
- } else {
- $c->sendMessage("You are alredy in ".strtolower(Server::getGamemodeString($mode))." mode");
- }
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdOpMsg(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- if (count($args) == 0) return false;
- $ms = TextFormat::BLUE.
- "OpMsg [".$c->getName()."] ".TextFormat::YELLOW.implode(" ",$args);
- $this->getLogger()->info($ms);
- $count = 0;
- foreach ($this->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $pl) {
- if (!$pl->isOp()) continue;
- $pl->sendMessage($ms);
- ++$count;
- }
- if (($c instanceof Player) && !$c->isOp()) {
- $pl->sendMessage("(ops:$count) ".implode(" ",$args));
- }
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdOps(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- $txt = [ "" ];
- $pageNumber = $this->getPageNumber($args);
- $cnt=0;
- foreach (array_keys($this->getServer()->getOps()->getAll()) as $opname) {
- $p = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($opname);
- if($p && ($p->isOnline() && (!($c instanceof Player) || $c->canSee($p)))){
- ++$cnt;
- $txt[] = TextFormat::BLUE."$opname (online)".TextFormat::RESET;
- }else{
- $txt[] = TextFormat::RED."$opname".TextFormat::RESET;
- }
- }
- $txt[0] = "Server Ops (Online:$cnt)";
- return $this->paginateText($c,$pageNumber,$txt);
- }
- private function cmdSudo(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- if (count($args) < 2) {
- $c->sendMessage("Must specified a player and a command");
- return true;
- }
- $player = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($name = array_shift($args));
- if (!$player) {
- $c->sendMessage("Player $name not found");
- return true;
- }
- if ($args[0] == 'chat' || $args[0] == 'say') {
- array_shift($args);
- $chat = implode(" ",$args);
- $c->sendMessage("Sending message as $name");
- $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new PlayerChatEvent($player,$chat));
- if (!$ev->isCancelled()) {
- $this->getServer()->broadcastMessage(sprintf($ev->getFormat(),$ev->getPlayer()->getDisplayName(),$ev->getMessage()),$ev->getRecipients());
- }
- } else {
- $cmdline = implode(' ',$args);
- $c->sendMessage("Running command as $name");
- $this->getServer()->dispatchCommand($player,$cmdline);
- }
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdPlayers(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- $tab = [[ "Player","World","Pos","Health" ]];
- $cnt = 0;
- foreach ($this->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $player) {
- if(!$player->isOnline() || (($c instanceof Player) && !$c->canSee($player))) continue;
- $pos = $player->getPosition();
- $j = count($tab);
- $tab[]=[$player->getDisplayName(),$player->getLevel()->getName(),
- $pos->getFloorX().",".$pos->getFloorY().",".$pos->getFloorZ(),
- intval($player->getHealth()).'/'.intval($player->getMaxHealth())];
- ++$cnt;
- }
- if (!$cnt) {
- $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED."Nobody is on-line at the moment".TextFormat::RESET);
- return true;
- }
- $tab[0][0] = "Players:$cnt";
- $pageNumber = $this->getPageNumber($args);
- return $this->paginateTable($c,$pageNumber,$tab);
- }
- private function cmdTimings(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- $pageNumber = $this->getPageNumber($args);
- if (count($args)) {
- // Show the specified report
- $rpt = array_shift($args);
- if ($rpt == "clear") {
- $count = 0;
- foreach (glob($this->getServer()->getDataPath(). "timings/timings*.txt") as $f) {
- unlink($f); $count++;
- }
- $c->sendMessage("Deleted reports: $count");
- return true;
- }
- $rpt = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/i','',$rpt);
- $f = $this->getServer()->getDataPath()."timings/timings$rpt.txt";
- if (!file_exists($f)) {
- $c->sendMessage("Report $rpt can not be found");
- return true;
- }
- $txt = file($f);
- array_unshift($txt,"Report: timings$rpt");
- return $this->paginateText($c,$pageNumber,$txt);
- }
- $txt = ["HDR"];
- // Inventorise the reports
- $count = 0;
- foreach (glob($this->getServer()->getDataPath(). "timings/timings*.txt") as $f) {
- ++$count;
- $txt[] = "- ".basename($f);
- }
- if ($count == 0) {
- $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED."No timmings report found");
- $sender->sendMessage("Enable timings by typing /timings on");
- $sender->sendMessage("Generate timings report by typing /timings report");
- return true;
- }
- $txt[0] = "Reports: $count";
- return $this->paginateText($c,$pageNumber,$txt);
- }
- private function cmdGet(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- if (!isset($args[0])) return false;
- if (!$this->inGame($c)) return true;
- if ($c->isCreative()) {
- $c->sendMessage("You are in creative mode");
- return true;
- }
- $item = Item::fromString($args[0]);
- if ($item->getId() == 0) {
- $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED."There is no item called ".$args[0]);
- return true;
- }
- if (isset($args[1])) {
- $item->setCount((int)$args[1]);
- } else {
- if (isset(self::$stacks[$item->getId()])) {
- $item->setCount(self::$stacks[$item->getId()]);
- } else {
- $item->setCount($item->getMaxStackSize());
- }
- }
- $c->getInventory()->addItem(clone $item);
- $this->getServer()->broadcastMessage($c->getName()." got ".
- $item->getCount()." of ".
- $this->itemName($item).
- " (" . $item->getId() . ":" .
- $item->getDamage() . ")");
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdSeeArmor(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- $pageNumber = $this->getPageNumber($args);
- if (count($args) != 1) {
- $c->sendMessage("You must specify a player's name");
- return true;
- }
- $target = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($args[0]);
- if($target == null) {
- $c->sendMessage($args[0]." can not be found.");
- return true;
- }
- $tab= [["Armor for",TextFormat::RED.$args[0]]];
- foreach ([0=>"head",1=>"body",2=>"legs",3=>"boots"] as $slot=>$attr) {
- $item = $target->getInventory()->getArmorItem($slot);
- if ($item->getID() == 0) continue;
- $tab[]=[$attr.TextFormat::BLUE,
- $this->itemName($item)." (" .$item->getId().":".$item->getDamage().")"];
- }
- return $this->paginateTable($c,$pageNumber,$tab);
- }
- private function cmdSeeInv(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- $pageNumber = $this->getPageNumber($args);
- if (count($args) != 1) {
- $c->sendMessage("You must specify a player's name");
- return true;
- }
- $target = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($args[0]);
- if($target == null) {
- $c->sendMessage($args[0]." can not be found.");
- return true;
- }
- $tab= [[$args[0],"Count","Damage"]];
- $max = $target->getInventory()->getSize();
- foreach ($target->getInventory()->getContents() as $slot => &$item) {
- if ($slot >= $max) continue;
- $tab[] = [$this->itemName($item)." (".$item->getId().")",
- $item->getCount(),$item->getDamage() ];
- }
- if (count($tab) == 1) {
- $c->sendMessage("The inventory for $args[0] is EMPTY");
+ if (!$this->auth) {
+ $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED."SimpleAuthHelper has been disabled");
+ $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED."SimpleAuth not found!");
return true;
- return $this->paginateTable($c,$pageNumber,$tab);
- }
- private function cmdTileList(CommandSender $c,$level,$pageNumber) {
- $tab = [];
- $tab[] = [$level->getName(),"Name","Position"];
- foreach ($level->getTiles() as $t) {
- $id = $t->getId();
- $pos = implode(",",[floor($t->getX()),floor($t->getY()),floor($t->getZ())]);
- $name = basename(strtr(get_class($t),"\\","/"));
- $tab[] = [ $id,$name,$pos ];
- }
- return $this->paginateTable($c,$pageNumber,$tab);
- }
- private function cmdEtList(CommandSender $c,$level,$pageNumber) {
- $tab = [];
- $tab[] = [$level->getName(),"Name","Position","Health"];
- foreach ($level->getEntities() as $e) {
- if ($e instanceof Player) continue;
- $id = $e->getId();
- $pos = implode(",",[floor($e->getX()),floor($e->getY()),floor($e->getZ())]);
- if ($e instanceof Living) {
- $name = $e->getName();
- } elseif ($e instanceof \pocketmine\entity\Item) {
- $name = "Item:".$this->itemName($e->getItem());
- } else {
- $name = basename(strtr(get_class($e),"\\","/"));
- }
- $tab[] = [ $id,$name,$pos,$e->getHealth() ];
- }
- return $this->paginateTable($c,$pageNumber,$tab);
- }
- private function cmdEtInfo(CommandSender $c,$level,$args,$pageNumber) {
- $cnt = 0;
- if (count($args) == 0) return false;
- $txt = [];
- if (count($args) > 1) {
- $txt[] = "";
- }
- foreach ($args as $i) {
- if (strtolower(substr($i,0,1)) == "t") {
- $i = substr($i,1);
- if (!is_numeric($i)) {
- $c->sendMessage("Invalid Tile id $i");
- continue;
- }
- $tile = $level->getTileById(intval($i));
- if ($tile == null) {
- $c->sendMessage("Tile $i not found");
- continue;
+ switch($cmd->getName()){
+ case "chpwd":
+ if (!($sender instanceof Player)) {
+ $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED.
+ "This command only works in-game.");
+ return true;
- ++$cnt;
- $txt[] = "Tile: $i";
- foreach ($this->dumpNbt($tile->namedtag) as $ln) {
- $txt[] = $ln;
- }
- } else {
- if (strtolower(substr($i,0,1)) == "e") {
- $i = substr($i,1);
+ if (count($args) == 0) return false;
+ if(!$this->auth->isPlayerRegistered($sender)) {
+ $sender->sendMessage($this->cfg["messages"]["register first"]);
+ return true;
- if (!is_numeric($i)) {
- $c->sendMessage("Invalid Entity id $i");
- continue;
+ $provider = $this->auth->getDataProvider();
+ if (($data = $provider->getPlayer($sender)) === null) {
+ $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED.
+ "Internal Registration error");
+ return true;
- $et = $level->getEntity(intval($i));
- if ($et == null) {
- $c->sendMessage("Entity $i not found");
- continue;
+ $password = implode(" ", $args);
+ if(hash_equals($data["hash"], $this->hash(strtolower($sender->getName()), $password))) {
+ $this->chpwd[$sender->getName()] = $sender->getName();
+ $sender->sendMessage($this->cfg["messages"]["chpwd msg"]);
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ $sender->sendMessage($this->cfg["messages"]["chpwd error"]);
+ return false;
- ++$cnt;
- $txt[] = "Entity: $i";
- foreach ($this->dumpNbt($et->namedtag) as $ln) {
- $txt[] = $ln;
+ break;
+ case "resetpwd":
+ foreach($args as $name){
+ $player = $this->getServer()->getOfflinePlayer($name);
+ if($this->auth->unregisterPlayer($player)){
+ $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN . "$name unregistered");
+ if($player instanceof Player){
+ $player->sendMessage(TextFormat::YELLOW."You are no longer registered!");
+ $this->auth->deauthenticatePlayer($player);
+ }
+ }else{
+ $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . "Unable to unregister $name");
+ }
+ return true;
- }
- }
- if (count($args) > 1) {
- $txt[0] = "$cnt Entities";
- }
- return $this->paginateText($c,$pageNumber,$txt);
- }
- private function cmdEtRm(CommandSender $c,$level,$args) {
- $cnt = 0;
- if (count($args) == 0) return false;
- foreach ($args as $i) {
- if (strtolower(substr($i,0,1)) == "e") {
- $i = substr($i,1);
- }
- if (!is_numeric($i)) {
- $c->sendMessage("Invalid Entity id $i");
- continue;
- }
- $et = $level->getEntity(intval($i));
- if ($et == null) {
- $c->sendMessage("Entity $i not found");
- continue;
- }
- ++$cnt;
- $level->removeEntity($et);
- }
- if ($cnt) {
- $c->sendMessage("Removed entities: ".$cnt);
- }
- return true;
- }
- private function cmdEntities(CommandSender $c,$args) {
- $pageNumber = $this->getPageNumber($args);
- $level = null;
- if (isset($args[0])) {
- $level = $this->getServer()->getLevelByName($args[0]);
- if ($level) array_shift($args);
- }
- if (!$level) {
- if (!$this->inGame($c)) return false;
- $level = $c->getLevel();
- }
- // list entities
- // remove entity
- // remove *ALL* entities
- if (count($args)) {
- $sub = strtolower(array_shift($args));
- switch ($sub) {
- case "tiles":
- case "tile":
- return $this->cmdTileList($c,$level,$pageNumber);
- case "info":
- case "nbt":
- return $this->cmdEtInfo($c,$level,$args,$pageNumber);
- case "rm":
- return $this->cmdEtRm($c,$level,$args);
- }
- return false;
- }
- return $this->cmdEtList($c,$level,$pageNumber);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Event based stuff...
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function canCompassTp($player) {
- if (!array_key_exists("compasstp",$this->modules["listener"])) return false;
- $pl = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($player);
- if ($pl == null) return false;
- return $pl->hasPermission("gb.compasstp.allow");
- }
- private function spawnArmor($pl) {
- if ($pl->isCreative()) return;
- foreach ([0=>"head",1=>"body",2=>"legs",3=>"boots"] as $slot=>$attr) {
- if ($pl->getInventory()->getArmorItem($slot)->getID() != 0) continue;
- if (!isset($this->config["spawn"]["armor"][$attr])) continue;
- $type = strtolower($this->config["spawn"]["armor"][$attr]);
- if ($type == "leather") {
- $type = 298;
- } elseif ($type == "chainmail") {
- $type = 302;
- } elseif ($type == "iron") {
- $type = 306;
- } elseif ($type == "gold") {
- $type = 314;
- } elseif ($type == "diamond") {
- $type = 310;
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- //echo "slot=$slot($attr) type=$type ".($type+$slot)."\n";
- $pl->getInventory()->setArmorItem($slot,new Item($type+$slot,0,1));
- }
- }
- private function spawnItems($pl) {
- if ($pl->isCreative()) return;
- // Figure out if the inventory is empty...
- $cnt = 0;
- $max = $pl->getInventory()->getSize();
- foreach ($pl->getInventory()->getContents() as $slot => &$item) {
- if ($slot < $max) ++$cnt;
- }
- if ($cnt) return;
- // This player has nothing... let's give them some to get started...
- foreach ($this->config["spawn"]["items"] as $i) {
- $r = explode(":",$i);
- if (count($r) != 3) continue;
- $item = new Item($r[0],$r[1],$r[2]);
- $pl->getInventory()->addItem($item);
+ break;
+ return false;
- public function respawnPlayer($player) {
- $pl = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($player);
- if ($pl == null) return;
- if (!isset($this->config["spawn"])) return;
- if (isset($this->config["spawn"]["items"])
- && array_key_exists("spawnitems",$this->modules["listener"])
- && $pl->hasPermission("gb.spawnitems.receive")) {
- $this->spawnItems($pl);
- }
- if (isset($this->config["spawn"]["armor"])
- && array_key_exists("spawnarmor",$this->modules["listener"])
- && $pl->hasPermission("gb.spawnarmor.receive")) {
- $this->spawnArmor($pl);
- }
+ /**
+ * COPIED FROM SimpleAuth by PocketMine team...
+ *
+ * Uses SHA-512 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2] and Whirlpool [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whirlpool_(cryptography)]
+ *
+ * Both of them have an output of 512 bits. Even if one of them is broken in the future, you have to break both of them
+ * at the same time due to being hashed separately and then XORed to mix their results equally.
+ *
+ * @param string $salt
+ * @param string $password
+ *
+ * @return string[128] hex 512-bit hash
+ */
+ private function hash($salt, $password){
+ return bin2hex(hash("sha512", $password . $salt, true) ^ hash("whirlpool", $salt . $password, true));
diff --git a/src/aliuly/helper/PluginCallbackTask.php b/src/aliuly/helper/PluginCallbackTask.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4b4100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aliuly/helper/PluginCallbackTask.php
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+callable = $callable;
+ $this->args = $args;
+ $this->args[] = $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return callable
+ */
+ public function getCallable(){
+ return $this->callable;
+ }
+ public function onRun($currentTicks){
+ $c = $this->callable;
+ $args = $this->args;
+ $args[] = $currentTicks;
+ $c(...$args);
+ }