you found it you foudn my dev file welcome to my madness this is where all the note live
- Code formatting and Syntax
- prop gonna just use the ast then format the thing base on the ast
are Completed feature (done and can be use)
are Almost Completed feature (mostly for in between commit)
are WIP feature (Working on it but not done yet)
are Considering feature (not added but considering)
are Maybe feature (added but remove and is now considering)
[ ]
are Not Completed feature
Tag like [|]
, [I]
, [-]
and [V]
are only note for later use
[X] String Type
[X] List Type
[-] Stack Call
[X] If Expr
[X] For loop Expr
[X] While Loop Expr
[X] For of Loop Expr (track item)
[X] For in Loop Expr (track loop count)
[X] More method for Number Type
[X] More method for List Type
[X] More native helper like type checking
[X] Boolean operator
[ ] Code formatting
[|] Syntax highlight when in repl
[X] Repl improvement (Don't crash when error)
[X] More type for object key (most primary litetral)
[X] Pre Unary Expr
[X] Post Unary Expr
[I] Expression literal
[X] Unsign Expr (Unsign a variable and return it value)
[X] Break Expr (idk how to make this make sense)
[X] Math Build-in
[X] Index for list
[X] Index assigment
[X] Somekind of Object replacement
[X] Float input
[X] Range Expr
[X] List Pop Notation
[X] List Push Notation
[ ] Comment code cus what were you cooking
[X] Doc for AST
[ ] Organise Value code
[ ] Doc for Value
[ ] Language tour for the language
[ ] Doc for the language in wiki
[ ] Better namespace