These transports are included with Mirror.
- KCP UDP transport based on kcp.c, line-by-line translation to C#
- Telepathy - Simple, message based, MMO Scale TCP networking in C#. And no magic.
- Simple Web Sockets - WebGL transport layer for Mirror that target browser clients.
- Multiplexer - Bridging transport to allow a server to handle clients on different transports concurrently, for example desktop clients using Telepathy together with WebGL clients using Websockets.
- Latency Simulation - Middleman transport to test non-ideal network conditions
- Encryption - Middleman transport to encrypt a different transport
- Edgegap Relay Transports - Transports to utilize Edgegaps Destributed Relay Service
These transports are maintained by third parties outside of Mirror.
- Monke - plug and play encrypted middleman transport layer for mirror.
- Ignorance - reliable and unreliable sequenced UDP transport based on ENet.
- LiteNetLibTransport - UDP transport based on LiteNetLib.
These transports are maintained by third parties and use relay infrastructure to connect clients to servers behind firewalls / NAT.
- Steam - FizzySteamworks - Transport utilizing Steam P2P network, building on Steamworks.NET.
- Epic - Epic Online Services - Relay transport utilizing Epic's free relay service.
- LRM - Light Reflective Mirror - Relay transport for WebGL clients.
Changing transports is very easy and only requires a few steps:
- Go to the game object that has the Network Manager component
- Add another transport script via the Add Component button
- Drag the transport script to the "Transport" field in the Network Manager
- Remove the old transport script (optional)
If you have connection issues with a transport that requires port forwarding, make sure to port forward the correct protocol (TCP / UDP).