description |
How to programmatically delist NFTs from our marketplace |
You can also do this using the Launchpad UI by following these instructions
Using the CLI, you can call the Mintbase simple market contract to remove listings programmatically:
- Export variables for near env (mainnet or testnet), your *.mintbase1.near contract address and account. Note the list of tokens must be a comma delimited list of strings wrapped in double quotes "".
$ export NEAR_ENV="mainnet"
$ export TOKEN_CONTRACT_ACCOUNT="example.mintbase1.near"
$ export OWNER_ACCCOUNT="myaccount.near"
$ export TOKENS_TO_UNLIST='"11","12"'
2. Run the following command (You will have to be authenticated as the OWNER_ACCOUNT for this to work)
{% code overflow="wrap" lineNumbers="true" %}
near call unlist "{\"nft_contract_id\":\"${TOKEN_CONTRACT_ACCOUNT}\", \"token_ids\":[${TOKENS_TO_UNLIST}]}" --accountId=$TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER --depositYocto=1
{% endcode %}