Pull requests will be checked and tested before merging with the Ships project. Your contribution will be tested on both the LTS Sponge edition and LTS Bukkit edition. Any and all inconsistencies will need to be sorted before your contributions can be merged. If a issue arrises from your changes then it will be reported to you and your contributions will be ignored until the issue is resolved.
If your contributions meet all above requirements then it will be merged with the Alpha branch, as long as it does not cause any issues with other merging contributions and also any parts of Ships, then it will move into the beta branch where it will be distributed on Sponge's Ore and Bukkits dev.bukkit for anyone to download as part of the beta package. if no issues arrise from your contributions then it will be moved to the release branch where LTS versions of Ships can enjoy your contributions.
if your pull requests does not add code, but instead adds corrections to messages and/or comments then your pull request will be fast tracked passed the alpha and beta stages and go right to release, however your messages will be checked for grammar, spelling, etc. Please note that messages in other languages to English can not be checked exactly, so they will not be as stricted when merging.
If you wish to port Ships as a whole to another product that isn't Sponge or Bukkit such as Forge then please ask for permission. You will most likely be granted to make a direct port (that being one without any new intentional features) for your desired platform. Any new features, even if it is specific to a platform must be posted in a seperate request.