Provide efficient, stable, secure, low-cost file and image distribution services to be the best practice and standard solution in the related Cloud-Native area.
helm repo add dragonfly
helm install --create-namespace --namespace dragonfly-system dragonfly dragonfly/dragonfly
Dragonfly is an open source intelligent P2P based image and file distribution system. Its goal is to tackle all distribution problems in cloud native scenarios. Currently Dragonfly focuses on being:
- Simple: well-defined user-facing API (HTTP), non-invasive to all container engines;
- Efficient: Seed peer support, P2P based file distribution to save enterprise bandwidth;
- Intelligent: host level speed limit, intelligent flow control due to host detection;
- Secure: block transmission encryption, HTTPS connection support.
Dragonfly is now hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as an Incubating Level Project. Originally it was born to solve all kinds of distribution at very large scales, such as application distribution, cache distribution, log distribution, image distribution, and so on.
- Kubernetes cluster 1.20+
- Helm v3.8.0+
When use Dragonfly in Kubernetes, a container runtime must be configured. These work can be done by init script in this charts.
For more detail about installation is available in Kubernetes with Dragonfly
We recommend read the details about Kubernetes with Dragonfly before install.
We did not recommend to using dragonfly with docker in Kubernetes due to many reasons: 1. no fallback image pulling policy. 2. deprecated in Kubernetes.
Create the values.yaml
configuration file. It is recommended to use external redis and mysql instead of containers. This example uses external mysql and redis.
enable: false
migrate: true
host: mysql-host
username: dragonfly
password: dragonfly
database: manager
port: 3306
enable: false
password: dragonfly
Install dragonfly chart with release name dragonfly
helm repo add dragonfly
helm install --create-namespace --namespace dragonfly-system dragonfly dragonfly/dragonfly -f values.yaml
Create the values.yaml
configuration file. Need to configure the cluster id associated with scheduler and seed peer. This example is to deploy a cluster using the existing manager and redis.
schedulerClusterID: 1
enable: true
clusterID: 1
enable: false
enable: true
host: "dragonfly-manager.dragonfly-system.svc.cluster.local"
restPort: 8080
grpcPort: 65003
enable: false
password: dragonfly
enable: false
Install dragonfly chart with release name dragonfly
helm repo add dragonfly
helm install --create-namespace --namespace dragonfly-system dragonfly dragonfly/dragonfly -f values.yaml
Uninstall the dragonfly
helm delete dragonfly --namespace dragonfly-system
Key | Type | Default | Description |
---|---|---|---| | int | 10 |
concurrentPieceCount is the number of concurrent pieces to download. | | string | "30s" |
pieceTimeout is the timeout for downloading a piece from source. | | int | 20000000000 |
rateLimit is the default rate limit of the download speed in bps(bytes per second), default is 20Gbps. | | string | "/var/run/dragonfly/dfdaemon.sock" |
socketPath is the unix socket path for dfdaemon GRPC service. |
client.config.dynconfig.refreshInterval | string | "5m" |
refreshInterval is the interval to refresh dynamic configuration from manager. |
client.config.gc.interval | string | "900s" |
interval is the interval to do gc. |
client.config.gc.policy.distHighThresholdPercent | int | 80 |
distHighThresholdPercent is the high threshold percent of the disk usage. If the disk usage is greater than the threshold, dfdaemon will do gc. |
client.config.gc.policy.distLowThresholdPercent | int | 60 |
distLowThresholdPercent is the low threshold percent of the disk usage. If the disk usage is less than the threshold, dfdaemon will stop gc. |
client.config.gc.policy.taskTTL | string | "168h" |
taskTTL is the ttl of the task. | | int | 4003 |
port is the port to the health server. | | object | {"idc":"","location":""} |
host is the host configuration for dfdaemon. |
client.config.log.level | string | "info" |
Specify the logging level [trace, debug, info, warn, error] |
client.config.manager.addrs | list | [] |
addrs is manager addresses. |
client.config.metrics.server.port | int | 4002 |
port is the port to the metrics server. |
client.config.proxy.disableBackToSource | bool | false |
disableBackToSource indicates whether disable to download back-to-source when download failed. |
client.config.proxy.prefetch | bool | false |
prefetch pre-downloads full of the task when download with range request. |
client.config.proxy.read_buffer_size | int | 16384 |
read_buffer_size is the buffer size for reading piece from disk, default is 16KB. |
client.config.proxy.registryMirror.addr | string | "" |
addr is the default address of the registry mirror. Proxy will start a registry mirror service for the client to pull the image. The client can use the default address of the registry mirror in configuration to pull the image. The X-Dragonfly-Registry header can instead of the default address of registry mirror. |
client.config.proxy.rules | list | [{"regex":"blobs/sha256.*"}] |
rules is the list of rules for the proxy server. regex is the regex of the request url. useTLS indicates whether use tls for the proxy backend. redirect is the redirect url. filteredQueryParams is the filtered query params to generate the task id. When filter is ["Signature", "Expires", "ns"], for example: and will generate the same task id. Default value includes the filtered query params of s3, gcs, oss, obs, cos. |
client.config.proxy.server.port | int | 4001 |
port is the port to the proxy server. |
client.config.scheduler.announceInterval | string | "5m" |
announceInterval is the interval to announce peer to the scheduler. Announcer will provide the scheduler with peer information for scheduling, peer information includes cpu, memory, etc. |
client.config.scheduler.enableBackToSource | bool | true |
enableBackToSource indicates whether enable back-to-source download, when the scheduling failed. |
client.config.scheduler.maxScheduleCount | int | 5 |
maxScheduleCount is the max count of schedule. |
client.config.scheduler.scheduleTimeout | string | "30s" |
scheduleTimeout is the timeout for scheduling. If the scheduling timesout, dfdaemon will back-to-source download if enableBackToSource is true, otherwise dfdaemon will return download failed. | | bool | false |
enable indicates whether enable security. |
client.config.server.cacheDir | string | "/var/cache/dragonfly/dfdaemon/" |
cacheDir is the directory to store cache files. |
client.config.server.pluginDir | string | "/var/lib/dragonfly/plugins/dfdaemon/" |
pluginDir is the directory to store plugins. |
client.config.stats.server.port | int | 4004 |
port is the port to the stats server. | | string | "/var/lib/dragonfly/" |
dir is the directory to store task's metadata and content. | | int | 16384 |
read_buffer_size is the buffer size for reading piece from disk, default is 16KB. | | int | 16384 |
write_buffer_size is the buffer size for writing piece to disk, default is 16KB. |
client.config.upload.rateLimit | int | 20000000000 |
rateLimit is the default rate limit of the upload speed in bps(bytes per second), default is 20Gbps. |
client.config.upload.server.port | int | 4000 |
port is the port to the grpc server. |
client.config.verbose | bool | false |
verbose prints log. |
client.dfinit.config.containerRuntime.containerd.configPath | string | "/etc/containerd/config.toml" |
configPath is the path of containerd configuration file. |
client.dfinit.config.containerRuntime.containerd.registries | list | [{"capabilities":["pull","resolve"],"hostNamespace":"","serverAddr":""},{"capabilities":["pull","resolve"],"hostNamespace":"","serverAddr":""}] |
registries is the list of containerd registries. hostNamespace is the location where container images and artifacts are sourced, refer to The registry host namespace portion is [registry_host_name |
client.dfinit.config.log.level | string | "info" |
Specify the logging level [trace, debug, info, warn, error] |
client.dfinit.config.proxy.addr | string | "" |
addr is the proxy server address of dfdaemon. |
client.dfinit.config.verbose | bool | true |
verbose prints log. |
client.dfinit.enable | bool | false |
Enable dfinit to override configuration of container runtime. |
client.dfinit.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
client.dfinit.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
client.dfinit.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
client.dfinit.image.repository | string | "dragonflyoss/dfinit" |
Image repository. |
client.dfinit.image.tag | string | "v0.1.45" |
Image tag. |
client.enable | bool | false |
Enable client. |
client.extraVolumeMounts | list | [{"mountPath":"/var/lib/dragonfly/","name":"storage"},{"mountPath":"/var/log/dragonfly/dfdaemon/","name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumeMounts for dfdaemon. |
client.extraVolumes | list | [{"hostPath":{"path":"/var/lib/dragonfly/","type":"DirectoryOrCreate"},"name":"storage"},{"emptyDir":{},"name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumes for dfdaemon. |
client.fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override scheduler fullname. |
client.hostAliases | list | [] |
Host Aliases. |
client.hostIPC | bool | true |
hostIPC specify if host IPC should be enabled for peer pod. |
client.hostNetwork | bool | true |
hostNetwork specify if host network should be enabled for peer pod. |
client.hostPID | bool | true |
hostPID allows visibility of processes on the host for peer pod. |
client.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
client.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
client.image.pullSecrets | list |
[] (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets). |
Image pull secrets. |
client.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
client.image.repository | string | "dragonflyoss/client" |
Image repository. |
client.image.tag | string | "v0.1.45" |
Image tag. |
client.initContainer.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
client.initContainer.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
client.initContainer.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
client.initContainer.image.repository | string | "busybox" |
Image repository. |
client.initContainer.image.tag | string | "latest" |
Image tag. |
client.maxProcs | string | "" |
maxProcs Limits the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level. Go code simultaneously by setting GOMAXPROCS environment variable, refer to |
client.metrics.enable | bool | false |
Enable client metrics. |
client.metrics.podMonitor.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels |
client.metrics.podMonitor.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus pod monitor. ref: |
client.metrics.podMonitor.interval | string | "30s" |
Interval at which metrics should be scraped. |
client.metrics.podMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | "10s" |
Timeout after which the scrape is ended. |
client.metrics.prometheusRule.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
client.metrics.prometheusRule.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus rule ref: |
client.metrics.prometheusRule.rules | list | [] |
Prometheus rules. |
client.metrics.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
client.metrics.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
client.metrics.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. | | string | "client" |
Client name. |
client.nameOverride | string | "" |
Override scheduler name. |
client.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment. |
client.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Pod annotations. |
client.podLabels | object | {} |
Pod labels. |
client.priorityClassName | string | "" |
Pod priorityClassName. |
client.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"2","memory":"4Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"0","memory":"0"}} |
Pod resource requests and limits. |
client.statefulsetAnnotations | object | {} |
Statefulset annotations. |
client.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | nil |
Pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. |
client.tolerations | list | [] |
List of node taints to tolerate. |
client.updateStrategy | object | {} |
Update strategy for replicas. |
clusterDomain | string | "cluster.local" |
Install application cluster domain. |
containerRuntime | object | {"containerd":{"configFileName":"","configPathDir":"/etc/containerd","enable":false,"injectConfigPath":false,"injectRegistryCredencials":{"auth":"","enable":false,"identitytoken":"","password":"","username":""},"registries":["","",""]},"crio":{"enable":false,"registries":["","",""]},"docker":{"caCert":{"commonName":"Dragonfly Authority CA","countryName":"CN","localityName":"Hangzhou","organizationName":"Dragonfly","stateOrProvinceName":"Hangzhou"},"enable":false,"injectHosts":true,"insecure":false,"registryDomains":["",""],"registryPorts":[443],"restart":false,"skipHosts":["",""]},"extraInitContainers":[],"initContainer":{"image":{"digest":"","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":"","repository":"dragonflyoss/openssl","tag":"latest"}}} |
[Experimental] Container runtime support. Choose special container runtime in Kubernetes. Support: Containerd, Docker, CRI-O. |
containerRuntime.containerd | object | {"configFileName":"","configPathDir":"/etc/containerd","enable":false,"injectConfigPath":false,"injectRegistryCredencials":{"auth":"","enable":false,"identitytoken":"","password":"","username":""},"registries":["","",""]} |
[Experimental] Containerd support. |
containerRuntime.containerd.configFileName | string | "" |
Custom config file name, default is config.toml. This is workaround for kops provider, see kubernetes/kops#13090 for more details. |
containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir | string | "/etc/containerd" |
Custom config path directory, default is /etc/containerd. e.g. rke2 generator config path is /var/lib/rancher/rke2/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml, docs: |
containerRuntime.containerd.enable | bool | false |
Enable containerd support. Inject mirror config into ${containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir}/config.toml, if config_path is enabled in ${containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir}/config.toml, the config take effect real time, but if config_path is not enabled in ${containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir}/config.toml, need restart containerd to take effect. When the version in ${containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir}/config.toml is "1", inject dfdaemon.config.proxy.registryMirror.url as registry mirror and restart containerd. When the version in ${containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir}/config.toml is "2": 1. when config_path is enabled in ${containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir}/config.toml, inject containerRuntime.containerd.registries into config_path, 2. when containerRuntime.containerd.injectConfigPath=true, inject config_path into ${containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir}/config.toml and inject containerRuntime.containerd.registries into config_path, 3. when not config_path in ${containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir}/config.toml and containerRuntime.containerd.injectConfigPath=false, inject dfdaemon.config.proxy.registryMirror.url as registry mirror and restart containerd. |
containerRuntime.containerd.injectConfigPath | bool | false |
Config path for multiple registries. By default, init container will check ${containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir}/config.toml, whether is config_path configured, if not, init container will just add the dfdaemon.config.proxy.registryMirror.url for registry mirror. When configPath is true, init container will inject config_path=${containerRuntime.containerd.configPathDir}/certs.d and configure all registries. |
containerRuntime.containerd.injectRegistryCredencials | object | {"auth":"","enable":false,"identitytoken":"","password":"","username":""} |
Credencials for authenticating to private registries. By default this is aplicable for single registry mode, for reference see docs: |
containerRuntime.crio | object | {"enable":false,"registries":["","",""]} |
[Experimental] CRI-O support. |
containerRuntime.crio.enable | bool | false |
Enable CRI-O support. Inject drop-in mirror config into /etc/containers/registries.conf.d. |
containerRuntime.docker | object | {"caCert":{"commonName":"Dragonfly Authority CA","countryName":"CN","localityName":"Hangzhou","organizationName":"Dragonfly","stateOrProvinceName":"Hangzhou"},"enable":false,"injectHosts":true,"insecure":false,"registryDomains":["",""],"registryPorts":[443],"restart":false,"skipHosts":["",""]} |
[Experimental] Support docker, when use docker-shim in Kubernetes, please set containerRuntime.docker.enable to true. For supporting docker, we need generate CA and update certs, then hijack registries traffic, By default, it's unnecessary to restart docker daemon when pull image from private registries, this feature is support explicit registries in, default domains is,, please update your registries by --set'{,}' --set containerRuntime.registry.injectHosts=true --set containerRuntime.docker.enable=true . Caution: We did not recommend to using dragonfly with docker in Kubernetes due to many reasons: 1. no fallback image pulling policy. 2. deprecated in Kubernetes. Because the original daemonset in Kubernetes did not support Surging Rolling Update policy. When kill current dfdaemon pod, the new pod image can not be pulled anymore. If you can not change runtime from docker to others, remind to choose a plan when upgrade dfdaemon: Option 1: pull newly dfdaemon image manually before upgrade dragonfly, or use ImagePullJob to pull image automate. Option 2: keep the image registry of dragonfly is different from common registries and add host in containerRuntime.docker.skipHosts . Caution: docker hub image is not supported without restart docker daemon. When need pull image from docker hub or any other registries not in, set containerRuntime.docker.restart=true this feature will inject proxy config into docker.service and restart docker daemon. Caution: set restart to true only when live restore is enable. Requirement: Docker Engine v1.2.0+ without Rootless. |
containerRuntime.docker.caCert | object | {"commonName":"Dragonfly Authority CA","countryName":"CN","localityName":"Hangzhou","organizationName":"Dragonfly","stateOrProvinceName":"Hangzhou"} |
CA cert info for generating. |
containerRuntime.docker.enable | bool | false |
Enable docker support. Inject ca cert into /etc/docker/certs.d/, Refer: |
containerRuntime.docker.injectHosts | bool | true |
Inject domains into /etc/hosts to force redirect traffic to dfdaemon. Caution: This feature need dfdaemon to implement SNI Proxy, confirm image tag is greater than or equal to v2.0.0. When use certs and inject hosts in docker, no necessary to restart docker daemon. |
containerRuntime.docker.insecure | bool | false |
Skip verify remote tls cert in dfdaemon. If registry cert is private or self-signed, set to true. Caution: this option is test only. When deploy in production, should not skip verify tls cert. |
containerRuntime.docker.registryDomains | list | ["",""] |
Registry domains. By default, docker pull image via https, currently, by default 443 port with https. If not standard port, update registryPorts. |
containerRuntime.docker.registryPorts | list | [443] |
Registry ports. |
containerRuntime.docker.restart | bool | false |
Restart docker daemon to redirect traffic to dfdaemon. When containerRuntime.docker.restart=true, containerRuntime.docker.injectHosts and is ignored. If did not want restart docker daemon, keep containerRuntime.docker.restart=false and containerRuntime.docker.injectHosts=true. |
containerRuntime.docker.skipHosts | list | ["",""] |
Skip hosts. Some traffic did not redirect to dragonfly, like, and the image registries of dragonfly itself. The format likes NO_PROXY in golang, refer: Caution: Some registries use s3 or oss for backend storage, when add registries to skipHosts, don't forget add the corresponding backend storage. |
containerRuntime.extraInitContainers | list | [] |
Additional init containers. |
containerRuntime.initContainer | object | {"image":{"digest":"","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":"","repository":"dragonflyoss/openssl","tag":"latest"}} |
The image name of init container, need include openssl for ca generating. |
containerRuntime.initContainer.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
containerRuntime.initContainer.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
containerRuntime.initContainer.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
containerRuntime.initContainer.image.repository | string | "dragonflyoss/openssl" |
Image repository. |
containerRuntime.initContainer.image.tag | string | "latest" |
Image tag. |
dfdaemon.config.aliveTime | string | "0s" |
Daemon alive time, when sets 0s, daemon will not auto exit, it is useful for longtime running. |
dfdaemon.config.announcer.schedulerInterval | string | "30s" |
schedulerInterval is the interval of announcing scheduler. Announcer will provide the scheduler with peer information for scheduling. Peer information includes cpu, memory, etc. |
dfdaemon.config.cacheDir | string | "" |
Dynconfig cache directory. |
dfdaemon.config.console | bool | false |
Console shows log on console. |
dfdaemon.config.dataDir | string | "/var/lib/dragonfly" |
Daemon data storage directory. | | bool | false |
Calculate digest, when only pull images, can be false to save cpu and memory. | | object | {"insecure":true,"tlsVerify":true} |
Download grpc security option. | | object | {"socket":""} |
Download service listen address. current, only support unix domain socket. | | object | {"insecure":true} |
Peer grpc security option. | | int | 65000 |
Listen port. | | string | "512Mi" |
Per peer task limit per second[B]. | | bool | false |
When request data with range header, prefetch data not in range. | | string | "1024Mi" |
Total download limit per second[B]. |
dfdaemon.config.gcInterval | string | "1m0s" |
Daemon gc task running interval. | | string | "/server/ping" |
| | int | 40901 |
| | string | "" |
IDC deployed by daemon. | | string | "" |
Geographical location, separated by " |
dfdaemon.config.jaeger | string | "" |
dfdaemon.config.keepStorage | bool | false |
When daemon exit, keep peer task data or not. it is usefully when upgrade daemon service, all local cache will be saved. default is false. |
dfdaemon.config.logDir | string | "" |
Log directory. | | bool | false |
enableIPv6 enables ipv6. |
dfdaemon.config.networkTopology.enable | bool | false |
Enable networkTopology service. |
dfdaemon.config.networkTopology.probe.interval | string | "20m" |
interval is the interval of probing hosts. |
dfdaemon.config.objectStorage.enable | bool | false |
Enable object storage service. |
dfdaemon.config.objectStorage.filter | string | "Expires&Signature&ns" |
Filter is used to generate a unique Task ID by filtering unnecessary query params in the URL, it is separated by & character. When filter: "Expires&Signature&ns", for example: http://localhost/xyz?Expires=111&Signature=222& and http://localhost/xyz?Expires=333&Signature=999& is same task. |
dfdaemon.config.objectStorage.maxReplicas | int | 3 |
MaxReplicas is the maximum number of replicas of an object cache in seed peers. | | object | {"insecure":true,"tlsVerify":true} |
Object storage service security option. |
dfdaemon.config.objectStorage.tcpListen.port | int | 65004 |
Listen port. |
dfdaemon.config.pluginDir | string | "" |
Plugin directory. |
dfdaemon.config.pprofPort | int | -1 |
Listen port for pprof, only valid when the verbose option is true. default is -1. If it is 0, pprof will use a random port. |
dfdaemon.config.proxy.defaultFilter | string | "Expires&Signature&ns" |
Filter for hash url. when defaultFilter: "Expires&Signature&ns", for example: http://localhost/xyz?Expires=111&Signature=222& and http://localhost/xyz?Expires=333&Signature=999& is same task, it is also possible to override the default filter by adding the X-Dragonfly-Filter header through the proxy. |
dfdaemon.config.proxy.defaultTag | string | "" |
Tag the task. when the value of the default tag is different, the same download url can be divided into different tasks according to the tag, it is also possible to override the default tag by adding the X-Dragonfly-Tag header through the proxy. |
dfdaemon.config.proxy.proxies[0] | object | {"regx":"blobs/sha256.*"} |
Proxy all http image layer download requests with dfget. |
dfdaemon.config.proxy.registryMirror.dynamic | bool | true |
When enabled, use value of "X-Dragonfly-Registry" in http header for remote instead of url host. |
dfdaemon.config.proxy.registryMirror.insecure | bool | false |
When the cert of above url is secure, set insecure to true. |
dfdaemon.config.proxy.registryMirror.url | string | "" |
URL for the registry mirror. | | object | {"insecure":true,"tlsVerify":false} |
Proxy security option. |
dfdaemon.config.proxy.tcpListen.namespace | string | "/run/dragonfly/net" |
Namespace stands the linux net namespace, like /proc/1/ns/net. it's useful for running daemon in pod with ip allocated and listening the special port in host net namespace. Linux only. |
dfdaemon.config.scheduler | object | {"disableAutoBackSource":false,"manager":{"enable":true,"netAddrs":null,"refreshInterval":"10m","seedPeer":{"clusterID":1,"enable":false,"type":"super"}},"netAddrs":null,"scheduleTimeout":"30s"} |
Scheduler config, netAddrs is auto-configured in templates/dfdaemon/dfdaemon-configmap.yaml. |
dfdaemon.config.scheduler.disableAutoBackSource | bool | false |
Disable auto back source in dfdaemon. |
dfdaemon.config.scheduler.manager.enable | bool | true |
Get scheduler list dynamically from manager. |
dfdaemon.config.scheduler.manager.netAddrs | string | nil |
Manager service address, netAddr is a list, there are two fields type and addr. |
dfdaemon.config.scheduler.manager.refreshInterval | string | "10m" |
Scheduler list refresh interval. |
dfdaemon.config.scheduler.manager.seedPeer.clusterID | int | 1 |
Associated seed peer cluster id. |
dfdaemon.config.scheduler.manager.seedPeer.enable | bool | false |
Enable seed peer mode. |
dfdaemon.config.scheduler.manager.seedPeer.type | string | "super" |
Seed peer supports "super", "strong" and "weak" types. |
dfdaemon.config.scheduler.netAddrs | string | nil |
Scheduler service address, netAddr is a list, there are two fields type and addr. Also set dfdaemon.config.scheduler.manager.enable to false to take effect. |
dfdaemon.config.scheduler.scheduleTimeout | string | "30s" |
Schedule timeout. | | bool | false |
AutoIssueCert indicates to issue client certificates for all grpc call. If AutoIssueCert is false, any other option in Security will be ignored. | | string | "" |
CACert is the root CA certificate for all grpc tls handshake, it can be path or PEM format string. | | string | nil |
DNSNames is a list of dns names be set on the certificate. | | string | nil |
IPAddresses is a list of ip addresses be set on the certificate. | | string | "4320h" |
ValidityPeriod is the validity period of certificate. | | string | "prefer" |
TLSPolicy controls the grpc shandshake behaviors: force: both ClientHandshake and ServerHandshake are only support tls. prefer: ServerHandshake supports tls and insecure (non-tls), ClientHandshake will only support tls. default: ServerHandshake supports tls and insecure (non-tls), ClientHandshake will only support insecure (non-tls). Notice: If the drgaonfly service has been deployed, a two-step upgrade is required. The first step is to set tlsPolicy to default, and then upgrade the dragonfly services. The second step is to set tlsPolicy to prefer, and tthen completely upgrade the dragonfly services. | | bool | false |
TLSVerify indicates to verify certificates. | | string | "50Gi" |
Disk GC Threshold, when the disk usage is above 50Gi, start to gc the oldest tasks. | | bool | true |
Set to ture for reusing underlying storage for same task id. | | string | "" |
Storage strategy when process task data. : download file to data directory first, then copy to output path, this is default action the download file in date directory will be the peer data for uploading to other peers. download file directly to output path with postfix, hard link to final output, avoid copy to output path, fast than simple strategy, but: the output file with postfix will be the peer data for uploading to other peers when user delete or change this file, this peer data will be corrupted. default is | | string | "6h" |
Task data expire time. when there is no access to a task data, this task will be gc. |
dfdaemon.config.upload.rateLimit | string | "1024Mi" |
Upload limit per second[B]. | | object | {"insecure":true,"tlsVerify":false} |
Upload grpc security option. |
dfdaemon.config.upload.tcpListen.port | int | 65002 |
Listen port. |
dfdaemon.config.verbose | bool | false |
Whether to enable debug level logger and enable pprof. |
dfdaemon.config.workHome | string | "" |
Work directory. |
dfdaemon.containerPort | int | 65001 |
Pod containerPort. |
dfdaemon.daemonsetAnnotations | object | {} |
Daemonset annotations. |
dfdaemon.enable | bool | true |
Enable dfdaemon. |
dfdaemon.extraVolumeMounts | list | [{"mountPath":"/var/log/dragonfly/daemon","name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumeMounts for dfdaemon. |
dfdaemon.extraVolumes | list | [{"emptyDir":{},"name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumes for dfdaemon. |
dfdaemon.fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override dfdaemon fullname. |
dfdaemon.hostAliases | list | [] |
Host Aliases. |
dfdaemon.hostNetwork | bool | false |
Using hostNetwork when pod with host network can communicate with normal pods with cni network. |
dfdaemon.hostPort | int | 65001 |
When .hostNetwork == false, and .config.proxy.tcpListen.namespace is empty. many network add-ons do not yet support hostPort. by default, dfdaemon injects the 65001 port to host network by sharing host network namespace, if you want to use hostPort, please empty .config.proxy.tcpListen.namespace below, and keep .hostNetwork == false. for performance, injecting the 65001 port to host network is better than hostPort. |
dfdaemon.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
dfdaemon.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
dfdaemon.image.pullSecrets | list |
[] (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets). |
Image pull secrets. |
dfdaemon.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
dfdaemon.image.repository | string | "dragonflyoss/dfdaemon" |
Image repository. |
dfdaemon.image.tag | string | "v2.1.43" |
Image tag. |
dfdaemon.initContainer.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
dfdaemon.initContainer.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
dfdaemon.initContainer.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
dfdaemon.initContainer.image.repository | string | "busybox" |
Image repository. |
dfdaemon.initContainer.image.tag | string | "latest" |
Image tag. |
dfdaemon.maxProcs | string | "" |
maxProcs Limits the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level. Go code simultaneously by setting GOMAXPROCS environment variable, refer to |
dfdaemon.metrics.enable | bool | false |
Enable peer metrics. |
dfdaemon.metrics.podMonitor.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
dfdaemon.metrics.podMonitor.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus pod monitor. ref: |
dfdaemon.metrics.podMonitor.interval | string | "30s" |
Interval at which metrics should be scraped. |
dfdaemon.metrics.podMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | "10s" |
Timeout after which the scrape is ended. |
dfdaemon.metrics.prometheusRule.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
dfdaemon.metrics.prometheusRule.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus rule. ref: |
dfdaemon.metrics.prometheusRule.rules | list | [{"alert":"PeerDown","annotations":{"message":"Peer instance {{ \"{{ $labels.instance }}\" }} is down","summary":"Peer instance is down"},"expr":"sum(dragonfly_dfdaemon_version{}) == 0","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"PeerHighNumberOfFailedDownloadTask","annotations":{"message":"Peer has a high number of failed download task","summary":"Peer has a high number of failed download task"},"expr":"sum(irate(dragonfly_dfdaemon_peer_task_failed_total{}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"PeerSuccessRateOfDownloadingTask","annotations":{"message":"Peer's success rate of downloading task is low","summary":"Peer's success rate of downloading task is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(dragonfly_dfdaemon_peer_task_total{container=\"seed-peer\"}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_dfdaemon_peer_task_failed_total{container=\"seed-peer\"}[1m]))) / sum(rate(dragonfly_dfdaemon_peer_task_total{container=\"seed-peer\"}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"PeerHighNumberOfFailedGRPCRequest","annotations":{"message":"Peer has a high number of failed grpc request","summary":"Peer has a high number of failed grpc request"},"expr":"sum(rate(grpc_server_started_total{grpc_service=\"dfdaemon.Daemon\",grpc_type=\"unary\"}[1m])) - sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"dfdaemon.Daemon\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"OK\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"dfdaemon.Daemon\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"NotFound\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"dfdaemon.Daemon\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"PermissionDenied\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"dfdaemon.Daemon\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"InvalidArgument\"}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"PeerSuccessRateOfGRPCRequest","annotations":{"message":"Peer's success rate of grpc request is low","summary":"Peer's success rate of grpc request is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"dfdaemon.Daemon\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"OK\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"dfdaemon.Daemon\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"NotFound\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"dfdaemon.Daemon\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"PermissionDenied\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"dfdaemon.Daemon\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"InvalidArgument\"}[1m]))) / sum(rate(grpc_server_started_total{grpc_service=\"dfdaemon.Daemon\",grpc_type=\"unary\"}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}}] |
Prometheus rules. |
dfdaemon.metrics.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
dfdaemon.metrics.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
dfdaemon.metrics.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. |
dfdaemon.mountDataDirAsHostPath | bool | false |
Mount data directory from host. when enabled, mount host path to dfdaemon, or just emptyDir in dfdaemon. | | string | "dfdaemon" |
Dfdaemon name. |
dfdaemon.nameOverride | string | "" |
Override dfdaemon name. |
dfdaemon.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment. |
dfdaemon.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Pod annotations. |
dfdaemon.podLabels | object | {} |
Pod labels. |
dfdaemon.priorityClassName | string | "" |
Pod priorityClassName. |
dfdaemon.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"2","memory":"2Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"0","memory":"0"}} |
Pod resource requests and limits. |
dfdaemon.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | nil |
Pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. |
dfdaemon.tolerations | list | [] |
List of node taints to tolerate. |
dfdaemon.updateStrategy | object | {} |
Update strategy for replicas. |
externalManager.grpcPort | int | 65003 |
External GRPC service port. | | string | nil |
External manager hostname. |
externalManager.restPort | int | 8080 |
External REST service port. |
externalMysql.database | string | "manager" |
External mysql database name. | | string | nil |
External mysql hostname. |
externalMysql.migrate | bool | true |
Running GORM migration. |
externalMysql.password | string | "dragonfly" |
External mysql password. |
externalMysql.port | int | 3306 |
External mysql port. |
externalMysql.username | string | "dragonfly" |
External mysql username. |
externalRedis.addrs | list | [""] |
External redis server addresses. |
externalRedis.backendDB | int | 2 |
External redis backend db. |
externalRedis.brokerDB | int | 1 |
External redis broker db. |
externalRedis.db | int | 0 |
External redis db. |
externalRedis.masterName | string | "" |
External redis sentinel master name. |
externalRedis.networkTopologyDB | int | 3 |
External redis networkTopology db. |
externalRedis.password | string | "" |
External redis password. |
externalRedis.username | string | "" |
External redis username. |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override dragonfly fullname. |
global.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Global Docker registry secret names as an array. |
global.imageRegistry | string | "" |
Global Docker image registry. |
global.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Global node labels for pod assignment. |
global.storageClass | string | "" |
Global storageClass for Persistent Volume(s). |
jaeger.agent.enabled | bool | false |
jaeger.allInOne.enabled | bool | true |
jaeger.collector.enabled | bool | false |
jaeger.enable | bool | false |
Enable an all-in-one jaeger for tracing every downloading event should not use in production environment. |
jaeger.provisionDataStore.cassandra | bool | false |
jaeger.query.enabled | bool | false |
| | string | "none" |
manager.config.auth.jwt.key | string | "ZHJhZ29uZmx5Cg==" |
Key is secret key used for signing, default value is encoded base64 of dragonfly. Please change the key in production. |
manager.config.auth.jwt.maxRefresh | string | "48h" |
MaxRefresh field allows clients to refresh their token until MaxRefresh has passed, default duration is two days. |
manager.config.auth.jwt.realm | string | "Dragonfly" |
Realm name to display to the user, default value is Dragonfly. |
manager.config.auth.jwt.timeout | string | "48h" |
Timeout is duration that a jwt token is valid, default duration is two days. |
manager.config.cache.local.size | int | 200000 |
Size of LFU cache. |
manager.config.cache.local.ttl | string | "3m" |
Local cache TTL duration. |
manager.config.cache.redis.ttl | string | "5m" |
Redis cache TTL duration. |
manager.config.console | bool | false |
Console shows log on console. |
manager.config.jaeger | string | "" |
manager.config.job.preheat | object | {"registryTimeout":"1m"} |
Preheat configuration. |
manager.config.job.preheat.registryTimeout | string | "1m" |
registryTimeout is the timeout for requesting registry to get token and manifest. |
manager.config.job.syncPeers | object | {"interval":"24h","timeout":"10m"} |
Sync peers configuration. |
manager.config.job.syncPeers.interval | string | "24h" |
interval is the interval for syncing all peers information from the scheduler and display peers information in the manager console. |
manager.config.job.syncPeers.timeout | string | "10m" |
timeout is the timeout for syncing peers information from the single scheduler. | | bool | false |
enableIPv6 enables ipv6. |
manager.config.objectStorage.accessKey | string | "" |
AccessKey is access key ID. |
manager.config.objectStorage.enable | bool | false |
Enable object storage. |
manager.config.objectStorage.endpoint | string | "" |
Endpoint is datacenter endpoint. | | string | "s3" |
Name is object storage name of type, it can be s3 or oss. |
manager.config.objectStorage.region | string | "" |
Reigon is storage region. |
manager.config.objectStorage.s3ForcePathStyle | bool | true |
S3ForcePathStyle sets force path style for s3, true by default. Set this to true to force the request to use path-style addressing, i.e., . By default, the S3 client will use virtual hosted bucket addressing when possible ( ). Refer to |
manager.config.objectStorage.secretKey | string | "" |
SecretKey is access key secret. |
manager.config.pprofPort | int | -1 |
Listen port for pprof, only valid when the verbose option is true default is -1. If it is 0, pprof will use a random port. | | bool | false |
AutoIssueCert indicates to issue client certificates for all grpc call. If AutoIssueCert is false, any other option in Security will be ignored. | | string | "" |
CACert is the CA certificate for all grpc tls handshake, it can be path or PEM format string. | | string | "" |
CAKey is the CA private key, it can be path or PEM format string. | | list | ["dragonfly-manager","dragonfly-manager.dragonfly-system.svc","dragonfly-manager.dragonfly-system.svc.cluster.local"] |
DNSNames is a list of dns names be set on the certificate. | | string | nil |
IPAddresses is a list of ip addresses be set on the certificate. | | string | "87600h" |
ValidityPeriod is the validity period of certificate. | | string | "prefer" |
TLSPolicy controls the grpc shandshake behaviors: force: both ClientHandshake and ServerHandshake are only support tls. prefer: ServerHandshake supports tls and insecure (non-tls), ClientHandshake will only support tls. default: ServerHandshake supports tls and insecure (non-tls), ClientHandshake will only support insecure (non-tls). Notice: If the drgaonfly service has been deployed, a two-step upgrade is required. The first step is to set tlsPolicy to default, and then upgrade the dragonfly services. The second step is to set tlsPolicy to prefer, and tthen completely upgrade the dragonfly services. |
manager.config.server.cacheDir | string | "" |
Dynconfig cache directory. |
manager.config.server.grpc.advertiseIP | string | "" |
GRPC advertise ip. |
manager.config.server.logDir | string | "" |
Log directory. |
manager.config.server.pluginDir | string | "" |
Plugin directory. | | string | "" |
Certificate file path. | | string | "" |
Key file path. |
manager.config.server.workHome | string | "" |
Work directory. |
manager.config.verbose | bool | false |
Whether to enable debug level logger and enable pprof. |
manager.deploymentAnnotations | object | {} |
Deployment annotations. |
manager.enable | bool | true |
Enable manager. |
manager.extraVolumeMounts | list | [{"mountPath":"/var/log/dragonfly/manager","name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumeMounts for manager. |
manager.extraVolumes | list | [{"emptyDir":{},"name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumes for manager. |
manager.fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override manager fullname. |
manager.grpcPort | int | 65003 |
GRPC service port. |
manager.hostAliases | list | [] |
Host Aliases. |
manager.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
manager.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
manager.image.pullSecrets | list |
[] (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets). |
Image pull secrets. |
manager.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
manager.image.repository | string | "dragonflyoss/manager" |
Image repository. |
manager.image.tag | string | "v2.1.43" |
Image tag. |
manager.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
Ingress annotations. |
manager.ingress.className | string | "" |
Ingress class name. Requirement: kubernetes >=1.18. |
manager.ingress.enable | bool | false |
Enable ingress. |
manager.ingress.hosts | list | [] |
Manager ingress hosts. |
manager.ingress.path | string | "/" |
Ingress host path. |
manager.ingress.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
Ingress path type. Requirement: kubernetes >=1.18. |
manager.ingress.tls | list | [] |
Ingress TLS configuration. |
manager.initContainer.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
manager.initContainer.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
manager.initContainer.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
manager.initContainer.image.repository | string | "busybox" |
Image repository. |
manager.initContainer.image.tag | string | "latest" |
Image tag. |
manager.maxProcs | string | "" |
maxProcs Limits the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level. Go code simultaneously by setting GOMAXPROCS environment variable, refer to |
manager.metrics.enable | bool | false |
Enable manager metrics. |
manager.metrics.prometheusRule.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
manager.metrics.prometheusRule.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus rule. ref: |
manager.metrics.prometheusRule.rules | list | [{"alert":"ManagerDown","annotations":{"message":"Manager instance {{ \"{{ $labels.instance }}\" }} is down","summary":"Manager instance is down"},"expr":"sum(dragonfly_manager_version{}) == 0","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"ManagerHighNumberOfFailedGRPCRequest","annotations":{"message":"Manager has a high number of failed grpc request","summary":"Manager has a high number of failed grpc request"},"expr":"sum(rate(grpc_server_started_total{grpc_service=\"manager.Manager\",grpc_type=\"unary\"}[1m])) - sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"manager.Manager\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"OK\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"manager.Manager\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"NotFound\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"manager.Manager\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"PermissionDenied\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"manager.Manager\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"InvalidArgument\"}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"ManagerSuccessRateOfGRPCRequest","annotations":{"message":"Manager's success rate of grpc request is low","summary":"Manager's success rate of grpc request is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"manager.Manager\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"OK\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"manager.Manager\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"NotFound\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"manager.Manager\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"PermissionDenied\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"manager.Manager\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"InvalidArgument\"}[1m]))) / sum(rate(grpc_server_started_total{grpc_service=\"manager.Manager\",grpc_type=\"unary\"}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"ManagerHighNumberOfFailedRESTRequest","annotations":{"message":"Manager has a high number of failed rest request","summary":"Manager has a high number of failed rest request"},"expr":"sum(rate(dragonfly_manager_requests_total{}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_manager_requests_total{code=~\"[12]..\"}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"ManagerSuccessRateOfRESTRequest","annotations":{"message":"Manager's success rate of rest request is low","summary":"Manager's success rate of rest request is low"},"expr":"sum(rate(dragonfly_manager_requests_total{code=~\"[12]..\"}[1m])) / sum(rate(dragonfly_manager_requests_total{}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}}] |
Prometheus rules. |
manager.metrics.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
manager.metrics.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
manager.metrics.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. |
manager.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
manager.metrics.serviceMonitor.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus service monitor. ref: |
manager.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval | string | "30s" |
Interval at which metrics should be scraped. |
manager.metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | "10s" |
Timeout after which the scrape is ended. | | string | "manager" |
Manager name. |
manager.nameOverride | string | "" |
Override manager name. |
manager.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment. |
manager.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Pod annotations. |
manager.podLabels | object | {} |
Pod labels. |
manager.priorityClassName | string | "" |
Pod priorityClassName. |
manager.replicas | int | 3 |
Number of Pods to launch. |
manager.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"2","memory":"4Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"0","memory":"0"}} |
Pod resource requests and limits. |
manager.restPort | int | 8080 |
REST service port. |
manager.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
manager.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
manager.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. |
manager.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | nil |
Pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. |
manager.tolerations | list | [] |
List of node taints to tolerate. |
manager.updateStrategy | object | {"type":"RollingUpdate"} |
Update strategy for replicas. |
mysql.auth.database | string | "manager" |
Mysql database name. | | string | "" |
Mysql hostname. |
mysql.auth.password | string | "dragonfly" |
Mysql password. |
mysql.auth.rootPassword | string | "dragonfly-root" |
Mysql root password. |
mysql.auth.username | string | "dragonfly" |
Mysql username. |
mysql.clusterDomain | string | "cluster.local" |
Cluster domain. |
mysql.enable | bool | true |
Enable mysql with docker container. |
mysql.migrate | bool | true |
Running GORM migration. |
mysql.primary.service.port | int | 3306 |
Mysql port. |
nameOverride | string | "" |
Override dragonfly name. |
redis.auth.enabled | bool | true |
Enable password authentication. |
redis.auth.password | string | "dragonfly" |
Redis password. |
redis.clusterDomain | string | "cluster.local" |
Cluster domain. |
redis.enable | bool | true |
Enable redis cluster with docker container. |
redis.master.service.ports.redis | int | 6379 |
Redis master service port. |
scheduler.config.console | bool | false |
Console shows log on console. |
scheduler.config.dynconfig.refreshInterval | string | "1m" |
Dynamic config refresh interval. |
scheduler.config.dynconfig.type | string | "manager" |
Type is deprecated and is no longer used. Please remove it from your configuration. | | string | "" |
IDC is the idc of scheduler instance. | | string | "" |
Location is the location of scheduler instance. |
scheduler.config.jaeger | string | "" |
scheduler.config.manager.keepAlive.interval | string | "5s" |
Manager keepalive interval. |
scheduler.config.manager.schedulerClusterID | int | 1 |
Associated scheduler cluster id. | | bool | false |
enableIPv6 enables ipv6. |
scheduler.config.pprofPort | int | -1 |
Listen port for pprof, only valid when the verbose option is true. default is -1. If it is 0, pprof will use a random port. |
scheduler.config.resource | object | {"task":{"downloadTiny":{"scheme":"http","timeout":"1m","tls":{"insecureSkipVerify":true}}}} |
resource configuration. |
scheduler.config.resource.task | object | {"downloadTiny":{"scheme":"http","timeout":"1m","tls":{"insecureSkipVerify":true}}} |
task configuration. |
scheduler.config.resource.task.downloadTiny | object | {"scheme":"http","timeout":"1m","tls":{"insecureSkipVerify":true}} |
downloadTiny is the configuration of downloading tiny task by scheduler. |
scheduler.config.resource.task.downloadTiny.scheme | string | "http" |
scheme is download tiny task scheme. |
scheduler.config.resource.task.downloadTiny.timeout | string | "1m" |
timeout is http request timeout. |
scheduler.config.resource.task.downloadTiny.tls | object | {"insecureSkipVerify":true} |
tls is download tiny task TLS configuration. |
scheduler.config.resource.task.downloadTiny.tls.insecureSkipVerify | bool | true |
insecureSkipVerify controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and hostname. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.algorithm | string | "default" |
Algorithm configuration to use different scheduling algorithms, default configuration supports "default", "ml" and "nt". "default" is the rule-based scheduling algorithm, "ml" is the machine learning scheduling algorithm, "nt" is the rule-based and networkTopology-based scheduling algorithm. It also supports user plugin extension, the algorithm value is "plugin", and the compiled file is added to the dragonfly working directory plugins. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.backToSourceCount | int | 200 |
backToSourceCount is single task allows the peer to back-to-source count. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.gc.hostGCInterval | string | "6h" |
hostGCInterval is the interval of host gc. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.gc.hostTTL | string | "1h" |
hostTTL is time to live of host. If host announces message to scheduler, then HostTTl will be reset. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.gc.peerGCInterval | string | "10s" |
peerGCInterval is the interval of peer gc. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.gc.peerTTL | string | "24h" |
peerTTL is the ttl of peer. If the peer has been downloaded by other peers, then PeerTTL will be reset. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.gc.pieceDownloadTimeout | string | "30m" |
pieceDownloadTimeout is the timeout of downloading piece. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.gc.taskGCInterval | string | "30m" |
taskGCInterval is the interval of task gc. If all the peers have been reclaimed in the task, then the task will also be reclaimed. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.networkTopology.cache.interval | string | "5m" |
interval is cache cleanup interval. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.networkTopology.cache.ttl | string | "5m" |
ttl is networkTopology cache items ttl. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.networkTopology.collectInterval | string | "2h" |
collectInterval is the interval of collecting network topology. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.networkTopology.probe.count | int | 10 |
count is the number of probing hosts. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.networkTopology.probe.queueLength | int | 5 |
queueLength is the length of probe queue. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.retryBackToSourceLimit | int | 5 |
retryBackToSourceLimit reaches the limit, then the peer back-to-source. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.retryInterval | string | "700ms" |
Retry scheduling interval. |
scheduler.config.scheduler.retryLimit | int | 7 |
Retry scheduling limit times. | | bool | false |
AutoIssueCert indicates to issue client certificates for all grpc call. If AutoIssueCert is false, any other option in Security will be ignored. | | string | "" |
CACert is the root CA certificate for all grpc tls handshake, it can be path or PEM format string. | | list | ["dragonfly-scheduler","dragonfly-scheduler.dragonfly-system.svc","dragonfly-scheduler.dragonfly-system.svc.cluster.local"] |
DNSNames is a list of dns names be set on the certificate. | | string | nil |
IPAddresses is a list of ip addresses be set on the certificate. | | string | "4320h" |
ValidityPeriod is the validity period of certificate. | | string | "prefer" |
TLSPolicy controls the grpc shandshake behaviors: force: both ClientHandshake and ServerHandshake are only support tls. prefer: ServerHandshake supports tls and insecure (non-tls), ClientHandshake will only support tls. default: ServerHandshake supports tls and insecure (non-tls), ClientHandshake will only support insecure (non-tls). Notice: If the drgaonfly service has been deployed, a two-step upgrade is required. The first step is to set tlsPolicy to default, and then upgrade the dragonfly services. The second step is to set tlsPolicy to prefer, and tthen completely upgrade the dragonfly services. | | bool | false |
TLSVerify indicates to verify certificates. |
scheduler.config.seedPeer.enable | bool | true |
scheduler enable seed peer as P2P peer, if the value is false, P2P network will not be back-to-source through seed peer but by dfdaemon and preheat feature does not work. |
scheduler.config.server.advertiseIP | string | "" |
Advertise ip. |
scheduler.config.server.advertisePort | int | 8002 |
Advertise port. |
scheduler.config.server.cacheDir | string | "" |
Dynconfig cache directory. |
scheduler.config.server.dataDir | string | "" |
Storage directory. |
scheduler.config.server.listenIP | string | "" |
Listen ip. |
scheduler.config.server.logDir | string | "" |
Log directory. |
scheduler.config.server.pluginDir | string | "" |
Plugin directory. |
scheduler.config.server.port | int | 8002 |
Server port. |
scheduler.config.server.workHome | string | "" |
Work directory. | | int | 100 |
bufferSize sets the size of buffer container, if the buffer is full, write all the records in the buffer to the file. | | int | 10 |
maxBackups sets the maximum number of storage files to retain. | | int | 100 |
maxSize sets the maximum size in megabytes of storage file. |
scheduler.config.verbose | bool | false |
Whether to enable debug level logger and enable pprof. |
scheduler.containerPort | int | 8002 |
Pod containerPort. |
scheduler.enable | bool | true |
Enable scheduler. |
scheduler.extraVolumeMounts | list | [{"mountPath":"/var/log/dragonfly/scheduler","name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumeMounts for scheduler. |
scheduler.extraVolumes | list | [{"emptyDir":{},"name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumes for scheduler. |
scheduler.fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override scheduler fullname. |
scheduler.hostAliases | list | [] |
Host Aliases. |
scheduler.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
scheduler.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
scheduler.image.pullSecrets | list |
[] (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets). |
Image pull secrets. |
scheduler.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
scheduler.image.repository | string | "dragonflyoss/scheduler" |
Image repository. |
scheduler.image.tag | string | "v2.1.43" |
Image tag. |
scheduler.initContainer.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
scheduler.initContainer.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
scheduler.initContainer.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
scheduler.initContainer.image.repository | string | "busybox" |
Image repository. |
scheduler.initContainer.image.tag | string | "latest" |
Image tag. |
scheduler.maxProcs | string | "" |
maxProcs Limits the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level. Go code simultaneously by setting GOMAXPROCS environment variable, refer to |
scheduler.metrics.enable | bool | false |
Enable scheduler metrics. |
scheduler.metrics.enableHost | bool | false |
Enable host metrics. |
scheduler.metrics.prometheusRule.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
scheduler.metrics.prometheusRule.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus rule ref: |
scheduler.metrics.prometheusRule.rules | list | [{"alert":"SchedulerDown","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler instance {{ \"{{ $labels.instance }}\" }} is down","summary":"Scheduler instance is down"},"expr":"sum(dragonfly_scheduler_version{}) == 0","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"SchedulerHighNumberOfFailedDownloadPeer","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler has a high number of failed download peer","summary":"Scheduler has a high number of failed download peer"},"expr":"sum(irate(dragonfly_scheduler_download_peer_finished_failure_total{}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"SchedulerSuccessRateOfDownloadingPeer","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler's success rate of downloading peer is low","summary":"Scheduler's success rate of downloading peer is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_download_peer_finished_total{}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_download_peer_finished_failure_total{}[1m]))) / sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_download_peer_finished_total{}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"SchedulerHighNumberOfFailedRegisterPeer","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler has a high number of failed register peer","summary":"Scheduler has a high number of failed register peer"},"expr":"sum(irate(dragonfly_scheduler_register_peer_failure_total{}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"SchedulerSuccessRateOfRegisterTask","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler's success rate of register peer is low","summary":"Scheduler's success rate of register peer is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_register_peer_total{}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_register_peer_failure_total{}[1m]))) / sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_register_peer_total{}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"SchedulerHighNumberOfFailedLeavePeer","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler has a high number of failed leave peer","summary":"Scheduler has a high number of failed leave peer"},"expr":"sum(irate(dragonfly_scheduler_leave_peer_failure_total{}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"SchedulerSuccessRateOfLeavingPeer","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler's success rate of leaving peer is low","summary":"Scheduler's success rate of leaving peer is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_leave_peer_total{}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_leave_peer_failure_total{}[1m]))) / sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_leave_peer_total{}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"SchedulerHighNumberOfFailedStatTask","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler has a high number of failed stat task","summary":"Scheduler has a high number of failed stat task"},"expr":"sum(irate(dragonfly_scheduler_stat_task_failure_total{}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"SchedulerSuccessRateOfStatTask","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler's success rate of stat task is low","summary":"Scheduler's success rate of stat task is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_stat_task_total{}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_stat_task_failure_total{}[1m]))) / sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_stat_task_total{}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"SchedulerHighNumberOfFailedAnnouncePeer","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler has a high number of failed announce peer","summary":"Scheduler has a high number of failed announce peer"},"expr":"sum(irate(dragonfly_scheduler_announce_peer_failure_total{}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"SchedulerSuccessRateOfAnnouncingPeer","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler's success rate of announcing peer is low","summary":"Scheduler's success rate of announcing peer is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_announce_peer_total{}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_announce_peer_failure_total{}[1m]))) / sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_announce_peer_total{}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"SchedulerHighNumberOfFailedLeaveHost","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler has a high number of failed leave host","summary":"Scheduler has a high number of failed leave host"},"expr":"sum(irate(dragonfly_scheduler_leave_host_failure_total{}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"SchedulerSuccessRateOfLeavingHost","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler's success rate of leaving host is low","summary":"Scheduler's success rate of leaving host is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_leave_host_total{}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_leave_host_failure_total{}[1m]))) / sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_leave_host_total{}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"SchedulerHighNumberOfFailedAnnounceHost","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler has a high number of failed annoucne host","summary":"Scheduler has a high number of failed annoucne host"},"expr":"sum(irate(dragonfly_scheduler_announce_host_failure_total{}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"SchedulerSuccessRateOfAnnouncingHost","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler's success rate of announcing host is low","summary":"Scheduler's success rate of announcing host is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_announce_host_total{}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_announce_host_failure_total{}[1m]))) / sum(rate(dragonfly_scheduler_announce_host_total{}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"SchedulerHighNumberOfFailedGRPCRequest","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler has a high number of failed grpc request","summary":"Scheduler has a high number of failed grpc request"},"expr":"sum(rate(grpc_server_started_total{grpc_service=\"scheduler.Scheduler\",grpc_type=\"unary\"}[1m])) - sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"scheduler.Scheduler\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"OK\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"scheduler.Scheduler\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"NotFound\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"scheduler.Scheduler\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"PermissionDenied\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"scheduler.Scheduler\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"InvalidArgument\"}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"SchedulerSuccessRateOfGRPCRequest","annotations":{"message":"Scheduler's success rate of grpc request is low","summary":"Scheduler's success rate of grpc request is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"scheduler.Scheduler\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"OK\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"scheduler.Scheduler\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"NotFound\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"scheduler.Scheduler\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"PermissionDenied\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"scheduler.Scheduler\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"InvalidArgument\"}[1m]))) / sum(rate(grpc_server_started_total{grpc_service=\"scheduler.Scheduler\",grpc_type=\"unary\"}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}}] |
Prometheus rules. |
scheduler.metrics.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
scheduler.metrics.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
scheduler.metrics.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. |
scheduler.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
scheduler.metrics.serviceMonitor.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus service monitor. ref: |
scheduler.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval | string | "30s" |
Interval at which metrics should be scraped. |
scheduler.metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | "10s" |
Timeout after which the scrape is ended. | | string | "scheduler" |
Scheduler name. |
scheduler.nameOverride | string | "" |
Override scheduler name. |
scheduler.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment. |
scheduler.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Pod annotations. |
scheduler.podLabels | object | {} |
Pod labels. |
scheduler.priorityClassName | string | "" |
Pod priorityClassName. |
scheduler.replicas | int | 3 |
Number of Pods to launch. |
scheduler.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"4","memory":"8Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"0","memory":"0"}} |
Pod resource requests and limits. |
scheduler.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
scheduler.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
scheduler.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. |
scheduler.statefulsetAnnotations | object | {} |
Statefulset annotations. |
scheduler.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | nil |
Pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. |
scheduler.tolerations | list | [] |
List of node taints to tolerate. |
scheduler.updateStrategy | object | {} |
Update strategy for replicas. | | int | 32 |
concurrentPieceCount is the number of concurrent pieces to download. | | string | "30s" |
pieceTimeout is the timeout for downloading a piece from source. | | int | 20000000000 |
rateLimit is the default rate limit of the download speed in bps(bytes per second), default is 20Gbps. | | string | "/var/run/dragonfly/dfdaemon.sock" |
socketPath is the unix socket path for dfdaemon GRPC service. |
seedClient.config.dynconfig.refreshInterval | string | "1m" |
refreshInterval is the interval to refresh dynamic configuration from manager. |
seedClient.config.gc.interval | string | "900s" |
interval is the interval to do gc. |
seedClient.config.gc.policy.distHighThresholdPercent | int | 80 |
distHighThresholdPercent is the high threshold percent of the disk usage. If the disk usage is greater than the threshold, dfdaemon will do gc. |
seedClient.config.gc.policy.distLowThresholdPercent | int | 60 |
distLowThresholdPercent is the low threshold percent of the disk usage. If the disk usage is less than the threshold, dfdaemon will stop gc. |
seedClient.config.gc.policy.taskTTL | string | "168h" |
taskTTL is the ttl of the task. | | int | 4003 |
port is the port to the health server. | | object | {"idc":"","location":""} |
host is the host configuration for dfdaemon. |
seedClient.config.log.level | string | "info" |
Specify the logging level [trace, debug, info, warn, error] |
seedClient.config.manager.addrs | list | [] |
addrs is manager addresses. |
seedClient.config.metrics.server.port | int | 4002 |
port is the port to the metrics server. |
seedClient.config.proxy.disableBackToSource | bool | false |
disableBackToSource indicates whether disable to download back-to-source when download failed. |
seedClient.config.proxy.prefetch | bool | false |
prefetch pre-downloads full of the task when download with range request. |
seedClient.config.proxy.read_buffer_size | int | 16384 |
read_buffer_size is the buffer size for reading piece from disk, default is 16KB. |
seedClient.config.proxy.registryMirror.addr | string | "" |
addr is the default address of the registry mirror. Proxy will start a registry mirror service for the client to pull the image. The client can use the default address of the registry mirror in configuration to pull the image. The X-Dragonfly-Registry header can instead of the default address of registry mirror. |
seedClient.config.proxy.rules | list | [{"regex":"blobs/sha256.*"}] |
rules is the list of rules for the proxy server. regex is the regex of the request url. useTLS indicates whether use tls for the proxy backend. redirect is the redirect url. filteredQueryParams is the filtered query params to generate the task id. When filter is ["Signature", "Expires", "ns"], for example: and will generate the same task id. Default value includes the filtered query params of s3, gcs, oss, obs, cos. |
seedClient.config.proxy.server.port | int | 4001 |
port is the port to the proxy server. |
seedClient.config.scheduler.announceInterval | string | "1m" |
announceInterval is the interval to announce peer to the scheduler. Announcer will provide the scheduler with peer information for scheduling, peer information includes cpu, memory, etc. |
seedClient.config.scheduler.maxScheduleCount | int | 5 |
maxScheduleCount is the max count of schedule. |
seedClient.config.scheduler.scheduleTimeout | string | "30s" |
scheduleTimeout is the timeout for scheduling. If the scheduling timesout, dfdaemon will back-to-source download if enableBackToSource is true, otherwise dfdaemon will return download failed. | | bool | false |
enable indicates whether enable security. |
seedClient.config.seedPeer.clusterID | int | 1 |
clusterID is the cluster id of the seed peer cluster. |
seedClient.config.seedPeer.enable | bool | true |
enable indicates whether enable seed peer. |
seedClient.config.seedPeer.keepaliveInterval | string | "15s" |
keepaliveInterval is the interval to keep alive with manager. |
seedClient.config.seedPeer.type | string | "super" |
type is the type of seed peer. |
seedClient.config.server.cacheDir | string | "/var/cache/dragonfly/dfdaemon/" |
cacheDir is the directory to store cache files. |
seedClient.config.server.pluginDir | string | "/var/lib/dragonfly/plugins/dfdaemon/" |
pluginDir is the directory to store plugins. |
seedClient.config.stats.server.port | int | 4004 |
port is the port to the stats server. | | string | "/var/lib/dragonfly/" |
dir is the directory to store task's metadata and content. | | int | 16384 |
read_buffer_size is the buffer size for reading piece from disk, default is 16KB. | | int | 16384 |
write_buffer_size is the buffer size for writing piece to disk, default is 16KB. |
seedClient.config.upload.rateLimit | int | 20000000000 |
rateLimit is the default rate limit of the upload speed in bps(bytes per second), default is 20Gbps. |
seedClient.config.upload.server.port | int | 4000 |
port is the port to the grpc server. |
seedClient.config.verbose | bool | false |
verbose prints log. |
seedClient.enable | bool | false |
Enable seed client. |
seedClient.extraVolumeMounts | list | [{"mountPath":"/var/log/dragonfly/dfdaemon/","name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumeMounts for dfdaemon. |
seedClient.extraVolumes | list | [{"emptyDir":{},"name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumes for dfdaemon. |
seedClient.fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override scheduler fullname. |
seedClient.hostAliases | list | [] |
Host Aliases. |
seedClient.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
seedClient.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
seedClient.image.pullSecrets | list |
[] (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets). |
Image pull secrets. |
seedClient.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
seedClient.image.repository | string | "dragonflyoss/client" |
Image repository. |
seedClient.image.tag | string | "v0.1.45" |
Image tag. |
seedClient.initContainer.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
seedClient.initContainer.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
seedClient.initContainer.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
seedClient.initContainer.image.repository | string | "busybox" |
Image repository. |
seedClient.initContainer.image.tag | string | "latest" |
Image tag. |
seedClient.maxProcs | string | "" |
maxProcs Limits the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level. Go code simultaneously by setting GOMAXPROCS environment variable, refer to |
seedClient.metrics.enable | bool | false |
Enable seed client metrics. |
seedClient.metrics.prometheusRule.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
seedClient.metrics.prometheusRule.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus rule ref: |
seedClient.metrics.prometheusRule.rules | list | [] |
Prometheus rules. |
seedClient.metrics.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
seedClient.metrics.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
seedClient.metrics.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. |
seedClient.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels |
seedClient.metrics.serviceMonitor.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus service monitor. ref: |
seedClient.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval | string | "30s" |
Interval at which metrics should be scraped. |
seedClient.metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | "10s" |
Timeout after which the scrape is ended. | | string | "seed-client" |
Seed client name. |
seedClient.nameOverride | string | "" |
Override scheduler name. |
seedClient.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment. |
seedClient.persistence.accessModes | list | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
Persistence access modes. |
seedClient.persistence.annotations | object | {} |
Persistence annotations. |
seedClient.persistence.enable | bool | true |
Enable persistence for seed peer. |
seedClient.persistence.size | string | "50Gi" |
Persistence persistence size. |
seedClient.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Pod annotations. |
seedClient.podLabels | object | {} |
Pod labels. |
seedClient.priorityClassName | string | "" |
Pod priorityClassName. |
seedClient.replicas | int | 3 |
Number of Pods to launch. |
seedClient.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"2","memory":"4Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"0","memory":"0"}} |
Pod resource requests and limits. |
seedClient.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
seedClient.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
seedClient.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. |
seedClient.statefulsetAnnotations | object | {} |
Statefulset annotations. |
seedClient.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | nil |
Pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. |
seedClient.tolerations | list | [] |
List of node taints to tolerate. |
seedClient.updateStrategy | object | {} |
Update strategy for replicas. |
seedPeer.config.aliveTime | string | "0s" |
Daemon alive time, when sets 0s, daemon will not auto exit, it is useful for longtime running. |
seedPeer.config.announcer.schedulerInterval | string | "30s" |
schedulerInterval is the interval of announcing scheduler. Announcer will provide the scheduler with peer information for scheduling. Peer information includes cpu, memory, etc. |
seedPeer.config.cacheDir | string | "" |
Dynconfig cache directory. |
seedPeer.config.console | bool | false |
Console shows log on console. |
seedPeer.config.dataDir | string | "/var/lib/dragonfly" |
Daemon data storage directory. | | bool | false |
Calculate digest, when only pull images, can be false to save cpu and memory. | | object | {"insecure":true,"tlsVerify":true} |
Download grpc security option. | | object | {"socket":""} |
Download service listen address. current, only support unix domain socket. | | object | {"insecure":true} |
Peer grpc security option. | | int | 65000 |
Listen port. | | string | "1024Mi" |
Per peer task limit per second[B]. | | bool | false |
When request data with range header, prefetch data not in range. | | string | "2048Mi" |
Total download limit per second[B]. |
seedPeer.config.gcInterval | string | "1m0s" |
Daemon gc task running interval. | | string | "/server/ping" |
| | int | 40901 |
| | string | "" |
IDC deployed by daemon. | | string | "" |
Geographical location, separated by " |
seedPeer.config.jaeger | string | "" |
seedPeer.config.keepStorage | bool | false |
When daemon exit, keep peer task data or not. it is usefully when upgrade daemon service, all local cache will be saved. default is false. |
seedPeer.config.logDir | string | "" |
Log directory. | | bool | false |
enableIPv6 enables ipv6. |
seedPeer.config.networkTopology.enable | bool | false |
Enable networkTopology service. |
seedPeer.config.networkTopology.probe.interval | string | "20m" |
interval is the interval of probing hosts. |
seedPeer.config.objectStorage.enable | bool | false |
Enable object storage service. |
seedPeer.config.objectStorage.filter | string | "Expires&Signature&ns" |
Filter is used to generate a unique Task ID by filtering unnecessary query params in the URL, it is separated by & character. When filter: "Expires&Signature&ns", for example: http://localhost/xyz?Expires=111&Signature=222& and http://localhost/xyz?Expires=333&Signature=999& is same task. |
seedPeer.config.objectStorage.maxReplicas | int | 3 |
MaxReplicas is the maximum number of replicas of an object cache in seed peers. | | object | {"insecure":true,"tlsVerify":true} |
Object storage service security option. |
seedPeer.config.objectStorage.tcpListen.port | int | 65004 |
Listen port. |
seedPeer.config.pluginDir | string | "" |
Plugin directory. |
seedPeer.config.pprofPort | int | -1 |
Listen port for pprof, only valid when the verbose option is true default is -1. If it is 0, pprof will use a random port. |
seedPeer.config.proxy.defaultFilter | string | "Expires&Signature&ns" |
Filter for hash url. when defaultFilter: "Expires&Signature&ns", for example: http://localhost/xyz?Expires=111&Signature=222& and http://localhost/xyz?Expires=333&Signature=999& is same task, it is also possible to override the default filter by adding the X-Dragonfly-Filter header through the proxy. |
seedPeer.config.proxy.defaultTag | string | "" |
Tag the task. when the value of the default tag is different, the same download url can be divided into different tasks according to the tag, it is also possible to override the default tag by adding the X-Dragonfly-Tag header through the proxy. |
seedPeer.config.proxy.proxies[0] | object | {"regx":"blobs/sha256.*"} |
Proxy all http image layer download requests with dfget. |
seedPeer.config.proxy.registryMirror.dynamic | bool | true |
When enabled, use value of "X-Dragonfly-Registry" in http header for remote instead of url host. |
seedPeer.config.proxy.registryMirror.insecure | bool | false |
When the cert of above url is secure, set insecure to true. |
seedPeer.config.proxy.registryMirror.url | string | "" |
URL for the registry mirror. | | object | {"insecure":true,"tlsVerify":false} |
Proxy security option. |
seedPeer.config.proxy.tcpListen.namespace | string | "/run/dragonfly/net" |
Namespace stands the linux net namespace, like /proc/1/ns/net. it's useful for running daemon in pod with ip allocated and listening the special port in host net namespace. Linux only. |
seedPeer.config.scheduler | object | {"disableAutoBackSource":false,"manager":{"enable":true,"netAddrs":null,"refreshInterval":"10m","seedPeer":{"clusterID":1,"enable":true,"keepAlive":{"interval":"5s"},"type":"super"}},"scheduleTimeout":"30s"} |
Scheduler config, netAddrs is auto-configured in templates/dfdaemon/dfdaemon-configmap.yaml. |
seedPeer.config.scheduler.disableAutoBackSource | bool | false |
Disable auto back source in dfdaemon. |
seedPeer.config.scheduler.manager.enable | bool | true |
Get scheduler list dynamically from manager. |
seedPeer.config.scheduler.manager.netAddrs | string | nil |
Manager service address, netAddr is a list, there are two fields type and addr. |
seedPeer.config.scheduler.manager.refreshInterval | string | "10m" |
Scheduler list refresh interval. |
seedPeer.config.scheduler.manager.seedPeer.clusterID | int | 1 |
Associated seed peer cluster id. |
seedPeer.config.scheduler.manager.seedPeer.enable | bool | true |
Enable seed peer mode. |
seedPeer.config.scheduler.manager.seedPeer.keepAlive.interval | string | "5s" |
Manager keepalive interval. |
seedPeer.config.scheduler.manager.seedPeer.type | string | "super" |
Seed peer supports "super", "strong" and "weak" types. |
seedPeer.config.scheduler.scheduleTimeout | string | "30s" |
Schedule timeout. | | bool | false |
AutoIssueCert indicates to issue client certificates for all grpc call. If AutoIssueCert is false, any other option in Security will be ignored. | | string | "" |
CACert is the root CA certificate for all grpc tls handshake, it can be path or PEM format string. | | list | ["dragonfly-seed-peer","dragonfly-seed-peer.dragonfly-system.svc","dragonfly-seed-peer.dragonfly-system.svc.cluster.local"] |
DNSNames is a list of dns names be set on the certificate. | | string | nil |
IPAddresses is a list of ip addresses be set on the certificate. | | string | "4320h" |
ValidityPeriod is the validity period of certificate. | | string | "prefer" |
TLSPolicy controls the grpc shandshake behaviors: force: both ClientHandshake and ServerHandshake are only support tls. prefer: ServerHandshake supports tls and insecure (non-tls), ClientHandshake will only support tls. default: ServerHandshake supports tls and insecure (non-tls), ClientHandshake will only support insecure (non-tls). Notice: If the drgaonfly service has been deployed, a two-step upgrade is required. The first step is to set tlsPolicy to default, and then upgrade the dragonfly services. The second step is to set tlsPolicy to prefer, and tthen completely upgrade the dragonfly services. | | bool | false |
TLSVerify indicates to verify certificates. | | int | 90 |
Disk GC Threshold Percent, when the disk usage is above 90%, start to gc the oldest tasks. | | bool | true |
Set to ture for reusing underlying storage for same task id. | | string | "" |
Storage strategy when process task data. : download file to data directory first, then copy to output path, this is default action. the download file in date directory will be the peer data for uploading to other peers. download file directly to output path with postfix, hard link to final output, avoid copy to output path, fast than simple strategy, but: the output file with postfix will be the peer data for uploading to other peers. when user delete or change this file, this peer data will be corrupted. default is | | string | "6h" |
Task data expire time. when there is no access to a task data, this task will be gc. |
seedPeer.config.upload.rateLimit | string | "2048Mi" |
Upload limit per second[B]. | | object | {"insecure":true,"tlsVerify":false} |
Upload grpc security option. |
seedPeer.config.upload.tcpListen.port | int | 65002 |
Listen port. |
seedPeer.config.verbose | bool | false |
Whether to enable debug level logger and enable pprof. |
seedPeer.config.workHome | string | "" |
Work directory. |
seedPeer.enable | bool | true |
Enable dfdaemon seed peer. |
seedPeer.extraVolumeMounts | list | [{"mountPath":"/var/log/dragonfly/daemon","name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumeMounts for dfdaemon. |
seedPeer.extraVolumes | list | [{"emptyDir":{},"name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumes for dfdaemon. |
seedPeer.fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override scheduler fullname. |
seedPeer.hostAliases | list | [] |
Host Aliases. |
seedPeer.hostNetwork | bool | false |
hostNetwork specify if host network should be enabled for peer pod. |
seedPeer.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
seedPeer.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
seedPeer.image.pullSecrets | list |
[] (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets). |
Image pull secrets. |
seedPeer.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
seedPeer.image.repository | string | "dragonflyoss/dfdaemon" |
Image repository. |
seedPeer.image.tag | string | "v2.1.43" |
Image tag. |
seedPeer.initContainer.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
seedPeer.initContainer.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
seedPeer.initContainer.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
seedPeer.initContainer.image.repository | string | "busybox" |
Image repository. |
seedPeer.initContainer.image.tag | string | "latest" |
Image tag. |
seedPeer.maxProcs | string | "" |
maxProcs Limits the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level. Go code simultaneously by setting GOMAXPROCS environment variable, refer to |
seedPeer.metrics.enable | bool | false |
Enable seed peer metrics. |
seedPeer.metrics.prometheusRule.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
seedPeer.metrics.prometheusRule.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus rule ref: |
seedPeer.metrics.prometheusRule.rules | list | [{"alert":"SeedPeerDown","annotations":{"message":"Seed peer instance {{ \"{{ $labels.instance }}\" }} is down","summary":"Seed peer instance is down"},"expr":"sum(dragonfly_dfdaemon_version{container=\"seed-peer\"}) == 0","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"SeedPeerHighNumberOfFailedDownloadTask","annotations":{"message":"Seed peer has a high number of failed download task","summary":"Seed peer has a high number of failed download task"},"expr":"sum(irate(dragonfly_dfdaemon_seed_peer_download_failure_total{}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"SeedPeerSuccessRateOfDownloadingTask","annotations":{"message":"Seed peer's success rate of downloading task is low","summary":"Seed peer's success rate of downloading task is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(dragonfly_dfdaemon_seed_peer_download_total{}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_dfdaemon_seed_peer_download_failure_total{}[1m]))) / sum(rate(dragonfly_dfdaemon_seed_peer_download_total{}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"SeedPeerHighNumberOfFailedGRPCRequest","annotations":{"message":"Seed peer has a high number of failed grpc request","summary":"Seed peer has a high number of failed grpc request"},"expr":"sum(rate(grpc_server_started_total{grpc_service=\"cdnsystem.Seeder\",grpc_type=\"unary\"}[1m])) - sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"cdnsystem.Seeder\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"OK\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"cdnsystem.Seeder\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"NotFound\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"cdnsystem.Seeder\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"PermissionDenied\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"cdnsystem.Seeder\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"InvalidArgument\"}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"SeedPeerSuccessRateOfGRPCRequest","annotations":{"message":"Seed peer's success rate of grpc request is low","summary":"Seed peer's success rate of grpc request is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"cdnsystem.Seeder\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"OK\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"cdnsystem.Seeder\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"NotFound\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"cdnsystem.Seeder\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"PermissionDenied\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"cdnsystem.Seeder\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"InvalidArgument\"}[1m]))) / sum(rate(grpc_server_started_total{grpc_service=\"cdnsystem.Seeder\",grpc_type=\"unary\"}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}}] |
Prometheus rules. |
seedPeer.metrics.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
seedPeer.metrics.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
seedPeer.metrics.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. |
seedPeer.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels |
seedPeer.metrics.serviceMonitor.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus service monitor. ref: |
seedPeer.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval | string | "30s" |
Interval at which metrics should be scraped. |
seedPeer.metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | "10s" |
Timeout after which the scrape is ended. | | string | "seed-peer" |
Seed peer name. |
seedPeer.nameOverride | string | "" |
Override scheduler name. |
seedPeer.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment. |
seedPeer.persistence.accessModes | list | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
Persistence access modes. |
seedPeer.persistence.annotations | object | {} |
Persistence annotations. |
seedPeer.persistence.enable | bool | true |
Enable persistence for seed peer. |
seedPeer.persistence.size | string | "8Gi" |
Persistence persistence size. |
seedPeer.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Pod annotations. |
seedPeer.podLabels | object | {} |
Pod labels. |
seedPeer.priorityClassName | string | "" |
Pod priorityClassName. |
seedPeer.replicas | int | 3 |
Number of Pods to launch. |
seedPeer.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"2","memory":"4Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"0","memory":"0"}} |
Pod resource requests and limits. |
seedPeer.statefulsetAnnotations | object | {} |
Statefulset annotations. |
seedPeer.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | nil |
Pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. |
seedPeer.tolerations | list | [] |
List of node taints to tolerate. |
seedPeer.updateStrategy | object | {} |
Update strategy for replicas. |
trainer.config.console | bool | false |
Console shows log on console. |
trainer.config.jaeger | string | "" |
trainer.config.manager.Addr | string | "" |
Manager Service Address. | | bool | false |
enableIPv6 enables ipv6. |
trainer.config.pprofPort | int | -1 |
Listen port for pprof, only valid when the verbose option is true. default is -1. If it is 0, pprof will use a random port. | | bool | false |
AutoIssueCert indicates to issue client certificates for all grpc call. If AutoIssueCert is false, any other option in Security will be ignored. | | string | "" |
CACert is the root CA certificate for all grpc tls handshake, it can be path or PEM format string. | | list | ["dragonfly-trainer","dragonfly-trainer.dragonfly-system.svc","dragonfly-trainer.dragonfly-system.svc.cluster.local"] |
DNSNames is a list of dns names be set on the certificate. | | string | nil |
IPAddresses is a list of ip addresses be set on the certificate. | | string | "4320h" |
ValidityPeriod is the validity period of certificate. | | string | "prefer" |
TLSPolicy controls the grpc shandshake behaviors: force: both ClientHandshake and ServerHandshake are only support tls. prefer: ServerHandshake supports tls and insecure (non-tls), ClientHandshake will only support tls. default: ServerHandshake supports tls and insecure (non-tls), ClientHandshake will only support insecure (non-tls). Notice: If the drgaonfly service has been deployed, a two-step upgrade is required. The first step is to set tlsPolicy to default, and then upgrade the dragonfly services. The second step is to set tlsPolicy to prefer, and tthen completely upgrade the dragonfly services. | | bool | false |
TLSVerify indicates to verify certificates. |
trainer.config.server.advertiseIP | string | "" |
Advertise ip. |
trainer.config.server.advertisePort | int | 9090 |
Advertise port. |
trainer.config.server.dataDir | string | "" |
Storage directory. |
trainer.config.server.listenIP | string | "" |
Listen ip. |
trainer.config.server.logDir | string | "" |
Log directory. |
trainer.config.server.port | int | 9090 |
Server port. |
trainer.config.server.workHome | string | "" |
Work directory. |
trainer.config.verbose | bool | false |
Whether to enable debug level logger and enable pprof. |
trainer.containerPort | int | 9090 |
Pod containerPort. |
trainer.deploymentAnnotations | object | {} |
Deployment annotations. |
trainer.enable | bool | false |
Enable trainer. |
trainer.extraVolumeMounts | list | [{"mountPath":"/var/log/dragonfly/trainer","name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumeMounts for trainer. |
trainer.extraVolumes | list | [{"emptyDir":{},"name":"logs"}] |
Extra volumes for trainer. |
trainer.fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override trainer fullname. |
trainer.hostAliases | list | [] |
Host Aliases. |
trainer.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
trainer.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
trainer.image.pullSecrets | list |
[] (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets). |
Image pull secrets. |
trainer.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
trainer.image.repository | string | "dragonflyoss/trainer" |
Image repository. |
trainer.image.tag | string | "v2.1.43" |
Image tag. |
trainer.maxProcs | string | "" |
maxProcs Limits the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level. Go code simultaneously by setting GOMAXPROCS environment variable, refer to |
trainer.metrics.enable | bool | false |
Enable trainer metrics. |
trainer.metrics.prometheusRule.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
trainer.metrics.prometheusRule.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus rule. ref: |
trainer.metrics.prometheusRule.rules | list | [{"alert":"TrainerDown","annotations":{"message":"Trainer instance {{ \"{{ $labels.instance }}\" }} is down","summary":"Trainer instance is down"},"expr":"sum(dragonfly_trainer_version{}) == 0","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"TrainerHighNumberOfFailedGRPCRequest","annotations":{"message":"Trainer has a high number of failed grpc request","summary":"Trainer has a high number of failed grpc request"},"expr":"sum(rate(grpc_server_started_total{grpc_service=\"trainer.Trainer\",grpc_type=\"unary\"}[1m])) - sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"trainer.Trainer\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"OK\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"trainer.Trainer\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"NotFound\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"trainer.Trainer\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"PermissionDenied\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"trainer.Trainer\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"InvalidArgument\"}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"TrainerSuccessRateOfGRPCRequest","annotations":{"message":"Trainer's success rate of grpc request is low","summary":"Trainer's success rate of grpc request is low"},"expr":"(sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"trainer.Trainer\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"OK\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"trainer.Trainer\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"NotFound\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"trainer.Trainer\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"PermissionDenied\"}[1m])) + sum(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{grpc_service=\"trainer.Trainer\",grpc_type=\"unary\",grpc_code=\"InvalidArgument\"}[1m]))) / sum(rate(grpc_server_started_total{grpc_service=\"trainer.Trainer\",grpc_type=\"unary\"}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}},{"alert":"TrainerHighNumberOfFailedRESTRequest","annotations":{"message":"Trainer has a high number of failed rest request","summary":"Trainer has a high number of failed rest request"},"expr":"sum(rate(dragonfly_trainer_requests_total{}[1m])) - sum(rate(dragonfly_trainer_requests_total{code=~\"[12]..\"}[1m])) > 100","for":"1m","labels":{"severity":"warning"}},{"alert":"TrainerSuccessRateOfRESTRequest","annotations":{"message":"Trainer's success rate of rest request is low","summary":"Trainer's success rate of rest request is low"},"expr":"sum(rate(dragonfly_trainer_requests_total{code=~\"[12]..\"}[1m])) / sum(rate(dragonfly_trainer_requests_total{}[1m])) < 0.6","for":"5m","labels":{"severity":"critical"}}] |
Prometheus rules. |
trainer.metrics.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
trainer.metrics.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
trainer.metrics.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. |
trainer.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels | object | {} |
Additional labels. |
trainer.metrics.serviceMonitor.enable | bool | false |
Enable prometheus service monitor. ref: |
trainer.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval | string | "30s" |
Interval at which metrics should be scraped. |
trainer.metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | "10s" |
Timeout after which the scrape is ended. | | string | "trainer" |
trainer name. |
trainer.nameOverride | string | "" |
Override trainer name. |
trainer.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment. |
trainer.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Pod annotations. |
trainer.podLabels | object | {} |
Pod labels. |
trainer.priorityClassName | string | "" |
Pod priorityClassName. |
trainer.replicas | int | 1 |
Number of Pods to launch. |
trainer.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"2","memory":"4Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"0","memory":"0"}} |
Pod resource requests and limits. |
trainer.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations. |
trainer.service.labels | object | {} |
Service labels. |
trainer.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type. |
trainer.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | nil |
Pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. |
trainer.tolerations | list | [] |
List of node taints to tolerate. |
trainer.updateStrategy | object | {"type":"RollingUpdate"} |
Update strategy for replicas. | | object | {"accessKeyID":"","region":"","secretAccessKey":""} |
Credentials information. |
triton.deploymentAnnotations | object | {} |
Deployment annotations. |
triton.enable | bool | false |
Enable triton. |
triton.fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override triton fullname. |
triton.grpcPort | int | 8001 |
GRPC service port. |
triton.hostAliases | list | [] |
Host Aliases. |
triton.image.digest | string | "" |
Image digest. |
triton.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy. |
triton.image.pullSecrets | list |
[] (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets). |
Image pull secrets. |
triton.image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry. |
triton.image.repository | string | "nvidia/tritonserver" |
Image repository. |
triton.image.tag | string | "23.06-py3" |
Image tag. |
triton.maxProcs | string | "" |
maxProcs Limits the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level. Go code simultaneously by setting GOMAXPROCS environment variable, refer to |
triton.modelRepositoryPath | string | "" |
Model repository path. | | string | "triton" |
triton name. |
triton.nameOverride | string | "" |
Override triton name. |
triton.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment. |
triton.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Pod annotations. |
triton.priorityClassName | string | "" |
Pod priorityClassName. |
triton.replicas | int | 3 |
Number of Pods to launch. |
triton.restPort | int | 8000 |
REST service port. |
triton.service.type | string | "LoadBalancer" |
Service type. |
triton.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | nil |
Pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. |
triton.tolerations | list | [] |
List of node taints to tolerate. |
triton.updateStrategy | object | {} |
Update strategy for replicas. |
Repository | Name | Version |
---|---|---| | mysql | 9.4.6 | | redis | 17.4.3 | | jaeger | 0.66.1 |