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General Prerequisites

This workflow description assumes you've configured your gcloud cli like described here.

# don't forget to connect gcloud to the project
gcloud config set project pj-distributed-systems-sose23
# or
gcloud config set project pj-ds-sose23-cluster3
# or
gcloud config set project setup-dspj-1

Create a test topic

To create a topic, open a terminal inside the zookeeper pod and create a topic, like: bin/ --create --topic topic1 --bootstrap-server cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka:9092 --partitions 24 --replication-factor 1. Make sure you have at least as many partitions as desired maximum replicas of your consumerapp. Each time after cluster or VMs have been killed, you need to create the test topic again. If you increase or lower the max number of replicas, remember to update the partitions.

Port-forward Grafana (plus Prometheus & Redpanda)

For cloud
# Log into the controller node as root via ssh (omit if you are testing on local machine)
gcloud compute ssh root@controller-1 --zone=europe-west1-b

# To have a look into the grafana dashboard or prometheus, you have to create a ssh-tunnel to the vm
# for grafana
gcloud compute ssh controller-1 --zone=europe-west1-b -- -NL 3000:localhost:3000
# for grafana and prometheus 
gcloud compute ssh controller-1 --zone=europe-west1-b -- -NL 3000:localhost:3000 -NL 9090:localhost:9090
# for grafana and prometheus and redpanda 
gcloud compute ssh controller-1 --zone=europe-west1-b -- -NL 3000:localhost:3000 -NL 9090:localhost:9090 -NL 8081:localhost:8081

# open k9s and portforward the desired pods/deployments via pressing shift-f
# see,out%20your%20active%20port%2Dforwards.

Just open k9s in your terminal and portforward the desired pods/deployments via pressing shift-f.

Producer and Consumer

To modify deployments check deployment/charts/producerapp or deployment/charts/consumerapp.

Update the version tag each time you make a change!

If you updated the applications in any way, and you want the cluster to use the updated version, be aware, that you need to update the version tag each time you update one of the applications. Otherwise, Kubernetes will not pull the new version from the registry.

To do so, update the appVersion in the producer app chart or consumer app chart. Then, copy the version tag (without the quotation marks), expose the version as variable in your terminal and tag the new image with the updated version while building and pushing like in the examples below.


# Build producer app and push to registry (assuming you are in the projects root dir)
VERSION={VERSION} # like 0.4.3
./scripts/ $VERSION


# Build consumer app and push to registry (assuming you are in the projects root dir)
VERSION={VERSION} # like 0.4.3
./scripts/ $VERSION

Local registry

If you are using a local registry replace averange with k3d-monitoring-registry.localhost:12345 to push to the local registry.


To view Grafana under localhost:3000, just port-forward the kube-prometheus-stack-grafana pod via k9s.
Login credentials default to admin for username and prom-operator for password.
Lots of dashboards already exist. Feel free to change and save under deployment/charts/kafka-cluster/dashboards. The main dashboard we used is workload-monitoring:

workload monitoring dashboard

Redpanda concole

Kafka is configured to auto-create topics. For managing and gaining insight of the kafka deployment, you can use the Redpanda console. To view the console, just port-forward the redpanda-console pod via k9s and visit localhost:8081.

Redpanda console topic overview