diff --git a/lua/chatsounds/lists_nosend/matrix.lua b/lua/chatsounds/lists_nosend/matrix.lua index 4e0afa4f5..68719f5c7 100644 --- a/lua/chatsounds/lists_nosend/matrix.lua +++ b/lua/chatsounds/lists_nosend/matrix.lua @@ -1,68 +1,155 @@ c.StartList("matrix") +L["a cancer of this planet you are a plague"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/a cancer of this planet you are a plague.ogg",length=3.616}} L["a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species.ogg",length=8.504}} L["a harmony of mathematical precision"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/a harmony of mathematical precision.ogg",length=3.242}} L["a solution whereby nearly 99 percent of subjects accepted the program as long as they were given a choice"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/a solution whereby nearly 99 percent of subjects accepted the program as long as they were given a choice.ogg",length=6.783}} L["a triumph equaled only by its monumental failure"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/a triumph equaled only by its monumental failure.ogg",length=3.342}} +L["a virus"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/a virus.ogg",length=1.470}} +L["agent smith laugh"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/agent smith laugh.ogg",length=8.850}} +L["agents smiths chuckle"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/agents smiths chuckle.ogg",length=2.513}} L["already i can see the chain reaction"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/already i can see the chain reaction.ogg",length=2.577}} +L["also"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/also.ogg",length=0.506}} +L["although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love.ogg",length=5.088}} L["an emotion that is already blinding you from the simple and obvious truth"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/an emotion that is already blinding you from the simple and obvious truth.ogg",length=3.874}} L["an intuitive program"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/an intuitive program.ogg",length=1.646}} +L["and all of them as artificial as the matrix itself"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/and all of them as artificial as the matrix itself.ogg",length=3.467}} +L["and every time i do i feel i have somehow been infected by it its repulsive"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/and every time i do i feel i have somehow been infected by it its repulsive.ogg",length=4.815}} +L["and in this mind is the key my key"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/and in this mind is the key my key.ogg",length=3.964}} +L["and multiply until every natural resource is consumed"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/and multiply until every natural resource is consumed.ogg",length=3.732}} +L["and we are the cure"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/and we are the cure.ogg",length=3.055}} +L["and you have to tell me how"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/and you have to tell me how.ogg",length=2.436}} +L["and you must be the last exile"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/and you must be the last exile.ogg",length=2.587}} L["as you adequately put the problem is choice"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/as you adequately put the problem is choice.ogg",length=4.614}} L["as you are undoubtedly gathering the anomaly is systemic"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/as you are undoubtedly gathering the anomaly is systemic.ogg",length=2.951}} L["bbullshit"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/bbullshit.ogg",length=1.039}} +L["billions of people just living out their lives"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/billions of people just living out their lives.ogg",length=4.563}} +L["but if thats true then why is she here if she knew i was coming why wouldnt she leave"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/but if thats true then why is she here if she knew i was coming why wouldnt she leave.ogg",length=5.402}} L["but rest assured"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/but rest assured.ogg",length=2.120}} L["but we already know what you are going to do dont we"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/but we already know what you are going to do dont we.ogg",length=2.660}} +L["can you feel it mr anderson closing in on you"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/can you feel it mr anderson closing in on you.ogg",length=4.494}} +L["can you hear me morpheus"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/can you hear me morpheus.ogg",length=1.702}} +L["can you tell me what it is do you even know"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/can you tell me what it is do you even know.ogg",length=3.368}} L["concordantly while your first question may be the most pertinent"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/concordantly while your first question may be the most pertinent.ogg",length=4.256}} +L["cookies need love like everything does"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/cookies need love like everything does.ogg",length=3.353}} L["creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations.ogg",length=3.200}} +L["deliberately"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/deliberately/1.ogg",length=0.647},{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/deliberately/2.ogg",length=0.600}} L["denial is the most predictable of all human responses"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/denial is the most predictable of all human responses.ogg",length=2.801}} +L["did you know that the first matrix was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered where everyone would be happy"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/did you know that the first matrix was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered where everyone would be happy.ogg",length=11.176}} +L["do what youre here to do"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/do what youre here to do.ogg",length=1.586}} +L["do you believe youre fighting for something for more than your survival"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/do you believe youre fighting for something for more than your survival.ogg",length=4.665}} L["ergo some of my answers you will understand and some of them you will not"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/ergo some of my answers you will understand and some of them you will not.ogg",length=3.973}} L["ergo those that refused the program if unchecked would constitute an escalating probability of disaster"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/ergo those that refused the program if unchecked would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.ogg",length=7.988}} L["even if they were only aware of that choice at a near unconscious level"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/even if they were only aware of that choice at a near unconscious level.ogg",length=3.782}} +L["every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not.ogg",length=9.997}} +L["evolution"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/evolution/1.ogg",length=0.889},{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/evolution/2.ogg",length=0.889}} L["failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash.ogg",length=4.713}} L["hope it is the quintessential human delusion"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/hope it is the quintessential human delusion.ogg",length=3.242}} L["however i was again fustrated by failure"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/however i was again fustrated by failure.ogg",length=2.643}} +L["human beings are a disease"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/human beings are a disease.ogg",length=3.113}} L["i am the architect"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i am the architect.ogg",length=2.195}} +L["i can taste your stink"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i can taste your stink.ogg",length=4.679}} L["i created the matrix"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i created the matrix.ogg",length=1.750}} +L["i feel saturated by it"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i feel saturated by it.ogg",length=2.668}} +L["i hate this place"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i hate this place.ogg",length=4.873}} L["i have since come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i have since come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind.ogg",length=4.788}} +L["i have to get inside zion"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i have to get inside zion.ogg",length=2.166}} +L["i must get free"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i must get free.ogg",length=2.050}} +L["i must get out of here"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i must get out of here.ogg",length=1.895}} +L["i need the codes"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i need the codes.ogg",length=1.296}} L["i prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next.ogg",length=4.123}} +L["i really should thank you for it afterall it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i really should thank you for it afterall it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life.ogg",length=6.797}} +L["i say your civilization because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization which is of course what this is all about"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i say your civilization because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization which is of course what this is all about.ogg",length=10.268}} +L["i suppose youve been expecting me"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/i suppose youve been expecting me.ogg",length=2.315}} +L["id like to share a revelation that ive had during my time here"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/id like to share a revelation that ive had during my time here.ogg",length=5.337}} L["if i am the father of the matrix she would undoubtedly be its mother"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/if i am the father of the matrix she would undoubtedly be its mother.ogg",length=5.503}} L["if i were you i would hope that we dont meet again"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/if i were you i would hope that we dont meet again.ogg",length=3.840}} +L["if there is such a thing"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/if there is such a thing.ogg",length=1.450}} +L["illusions mr anderson vagaries of perception"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/illusions mr anderson vagaries of perception.ogg",length=2.889}} +L["im going to be honest with you"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/im going to be honest with you.ogg",length=3.829}} L["in which case this is the sixth version"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/in which case this is the sixth version.ogg",length=2.269}} L["initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche.ogg",length=3.998}} +L["is it freedom or truth perhaps peace could it be for love"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/is it freedom or truth perhaps peace could it be for love.ogg",length=4.200}} +L["isnt it"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/isnt it.ogg",length=0.657}} +L["it came to me when i tried to classify your species i realized that youre not actually mammals"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/it came to me when i tried to classify your species i realized that youre not actually mammals.ogg",length=9.049}} L["it is interesting reading your reactions"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/it is interesting reading your reactions.ogg",length=2.078}} +L["it was a disaster"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/it was a disaster.ogg",length=1.508}} L["its doom is apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/its doom is apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being.ogg",length=5.919}} L["its every living inhabitant terminated its entire existence eradicated"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/its every living inhabitant terminated its entire existence eradicated.ogg",length=4.489}} +L["its the smell"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/its the smell.ogg",length=1.218}} L["ive been waiting for you"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/ive been waiting for you.ogg",length=1.633}} L["keanu reeves screaming"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/keanu reeves screaming.ogg",length=11.537}} +L["like the dinosaur"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/like the dinosaur.ogg",length=1.740}} +L["look out that window"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/look out that window.ogg",length=1.121}} +L["maybe you knew i was gonna do that maybe you didnt"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/maybe you knew i was gonna do that maybe you didnt.ogg",length=2.538}} +L["morpheus"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/morpheus/1.ogg",length=1.257},{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/morpheus/2.ogg",length=1.083}} +L["mr anderson welcome back"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/mr anderson welcome back.ogg",length=2.454}} +L["no one would accept the program the entire crops were lost"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/no one would accept the program the entire crops were lost.ogg",length=3.790}} +L["once zion is destroyed there is no need for me to be here do you understand"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/once zion is destroyed there is no need for me to be here do you understand.ogg",length=4.428}} +L["oooh im not so bad"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/oooh im not so bad.ogg",length=2.627}} L["or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection.ogg",length=4.140}} L["precisely"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/precisely.ogg",length=0.756}} +L["purposefully"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/purposefully/1.ogg",length=0.626},{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/purposefully/2.ogg",length=0.906}} L["quite right interesting"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/quite right interesting.ogg",length=3.234}} +L["really"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/really.ogg",length=0.677}} +L["right"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/right.ogg",length=0.506}} L["she is going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/she is going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it.ogg",length=4.863}} L["simultaneously the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/simultaneously the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.ogg",length=4.414}} +L["some believe that we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world but i believe as a species human beings define their reality through misery and suffering"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/some believe that we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world but i believe as a species human beings define their reality through misery and suffering.ogg",length=14.618}} +L["temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose.ogg",length=7.667}} L["that was quicker than the others"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/that was quicker than the others.ogg",length=1.604}} +L["the all knowing oracle is never surprised how can she be she knows everything"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the all knowing oracle is never surprised how can she be she knows everything.ogg",length=4.991}} L["the chemical precursors that signal the onset of an emotion designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the chemical precursors that signal the onset of an emotion designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason.ogg",length=7.282}} L["the door to your left leads back to the matrix to her and to the end of your species"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the door to your left leads back to the matrix to her and to the end of your species.ogg",length=5.187}} L["the door to your right leads to the source and the salvation of zion"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the door to your right leads to the source and the salvation of zion.ogg",length=2.876}} L["the first matrix i designed was quite naturally perfect it was a work of art flawless sublime"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the first matrix i designed was quite naturally perfect it was a work of art flawless sublime.ogg",length=5.262}} +L["the future is our time"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the future is our time.ogg",length=2.224}} +L["the future is our world"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the future is our world.ogg",length=2.572}} +L["the great and powerful oracle we meet at last"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the great and powerful oracle we meet at last.ogg",length=4.581}} L["the matrix is older than you know"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the matrix is older than you know.ogg",length=2.195}} +L["the only way you can survive is to spread to another area"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the only way you can survive is to spread to another area.ogg",length=5.027}} +L["the perfect world would dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the perfect world would dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.ogg",length=7.077}} +L["the purpose of life is to end"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/the purpose of life is to end.ogg",length=2.341}} L["there are levels of survival we are prepared to accept"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/there are levels of survival we are prepared to accept.ogg",length=3.308}} L["there are two doors"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/there are two doors.ogg",length=1.147}} +L["there is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern do you know what it is"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/there is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern do you know what it is.ogg",length=6.806}} +L["this prison"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/this prison.ogg",length=1.160}} +L["this reality whatever you want to call it i cant stand it any longer"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/this reality whatever you want to call it i cant stand it any longer.ogg",length=5.143}} L["this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it and we have become exceedingly efficient at it"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.ogg",length=7.764}} +L["this zoo"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/this zoo.ogg",length=2.475}} L["thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly that if left unchecked might threaten the system itself"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly that if left unchecked might threaten the system itself.ogg",length=6.875}} L["thus i redesigned it based on your history"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/thus i redesigned it based on your history.ogg",length=2.760}} L["thus the answer was stumbled upon by another"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/thus the answer was stumbled upon by another.ogg",length=2.751}} L["to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature.ogg",length=3.824}} +L["we already know that im the one that beats you"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/we already know that im the one that beats you.ogg",length=3.619}} +L["we missed you"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/we missed you.ogg",length=1.907}} L["wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed and the anomaly revealed as both beginning and end"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed and the anomaly revealed as both beginning and end.ogg",length=7.689}} L["which brings us at last to the moment of truth"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/which brings us at last to the moment of truth.ogg",length=2.760}} L["which has led you inexorably here"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/which has led you inexorably here.ogg",length=5.935}} +L["which is why the matrix was redesigned to this the peak of your civilization"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/which is why the matrix was redesigned to this the peak of your civilization.ogg",length=7.000}} +L["which means"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/which means.ogg",length=0.467}} L["while it remains a burden assiduously avoided it is not unexpected and thus not beyond a measure of control"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/while it remains a burden assiduously avoided it is not unexpected and thus not beyond a measure of control.ogg",length=6.118}} L["while the others experienced this in a very general way your experience is far more specific vis a vis love"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/while the others experienced this in a very general way your experience is far more specific vis a vis love.ogg",length=8.329}} L["while this answer functioned it was obviously fundamentally flawed"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/while this answer functioned it was obviously fundamentally flawed.ogg",length=3.433}} L["why am i here"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/why am i here.ogg",length=0.998}} +L["why do you do it"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/why do you do it.ogg",length=1.127}} +L["why keep fighting"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/why keep fighting.ogg",length=1.071}} +L["why mr anderson why why"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/why mr anderson why why.ogg",length=4.115}} +L["why mr anderson why why do you persist"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/why mr anderson why why do you persist.ogg",length=3.030}} +L["why why get up"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/why why get up.ogg",length=1.522}} +L["yes mam"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/yes mam.ogg",length=0.806}} +L["you are a bastard"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/you are a bastard.ogg",length=1.595}} L["you are here because zion is about to be destroyed"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/you are here because zion is about to be destroyed.ogg",length=3.450}} L["you are the eventuality of an anomaly which i have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/you are the eventuality of an anomaly which i have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise.ogg",length=7.049}} +L["you baked those cookies"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/you baked those cookies.ogg",length=1.051}} L["you have many questions"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/you have many questions.ogg",length=6.368}} L["you havent answered my question"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/you havent answered my question.ogg",length=1.613}} +L["you like what ive done with the place"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/you like what ive done with the place.ogg",length=1.548}} L["you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant.ogg",length=4.456}} +L["you move to an area and multiply"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/you move to an area and multiply.ogg",length=3.500}} +L["you must be able to see it mr anderson you must know it by now you cant win its pointless to keep fighting"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/you must be able to see it mr anderson you must know it by now you cant win its pointless to keep fighting.ogg",length=5.666}} L["your five predecessors were by design based on a similar predication"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/your five predecessors were by design based on a similar predication.ogg",length=3.840}} L["your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix.ogg",length=6.434}} +L["youre going to tell me or youre going to die"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/youre going to tell me or youre going to die.ogg",length=3.558}} +L["youre sitting there"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/youre sitting there.ogg",length=1.025}} +L["youve had your time"]={{path="chatsounds/autoadd/matrix/youve had your time.ogg",length=1.141}} c.EndList() \ No newline at end of file