Determine who is surprised as combat is starting by comparing the Stealth checks of anyone hiding with the Passive Perception score of each creature on the opposing side.
Establish positions. The DM decides where all the characters and monsters are located. Given the adventurers' marching order or their stated positions in the room or other location, the DM figures out where the adversaries are--how far away and in what direction.
Roll for Iniative!
Players roll initiative by making a Dexterity check , adding any bonuses they might have. The DM rolls initiative for the opposing creatures or for the entire group.
Take turns. Each participant in the battle takes a turn in initiative order.
You can take your movement, action, and a possible bonus action in any order if not saying otherwise.
Action | Description |
Walk | Full movement |
Climb, Crawl | 1/2 movement |
- Draw or sheath a weapon
- Hand an item to another player
- Load a crossbow
- Retrieve or stow an item from your pack
- Pickup or drop an unattended item
- Move an object
- Open a chest
- Open or close a door
- Throw a lever or switch
Action | Description |
Attack | Make a melee or ranged attack |
Cast a Spell | With 1 action of casting |
Dash | Double movement |
Disengage | Moving does not provoke attacks of opportunity |
Dodge | Adv on Dex Saves, Attacks against you have Disadvantage |
Escape Grapple | Make an Athletic / Acrobatics check (your choice) against the grappler's Athletics |
Grapple | Target of your grapple must be no more than 1 size category larger, and it must be within reach. Make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by target's Athletic / Acrobatics (whatever they choose) |
Help | Your target gains advantage on the next ability check they make before the start of your next turn |
Hide | Make a Dex (Stealth) to become hidden |
Improvise | Take an action not described here (break down door, intimidate foes) |
Ready | Ready an action for use later during the round. Decide what circumstances might trigger your action. When the trigger occurs you may choose to spend your reaction after the trigger finishes to perform the readied action or move a distance up to your speed (if you readied Dash). If you ready a spell, it requires concentration until it is triggered. |
Search | Depending on the nature of the check, make a Perception (Investigation) check |
Stabilize | Use a healer's hit to stabilize a dying creature (no check required). Or, without a kit, make a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check to stabilize. |
Use an Object | Activate an item |
Action | Description |
Two-weapon fighting | When you attack while using 2 light melee weapons, you can use a bonus action to attack with offhand. |
Action | Description |
Opportunity attack | Provoked when a hostile creature moves out of your reach (resolved before movement). |
Begin the next round. When everyone involved in the combat has had a turn, the round ends. Repeat step 4 until the fighting stops.