All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update interface IFieldInfo to include "Choices"
- Fix getAllChildrenAsOrderedTree retrieve properties
- Fix naming of getEditProfileLink and getIsMyPeopleListPublic in Profiles
- Updates to transition guide, getting started, authentication, and fixes for graphUrls, etc
- sp:
- Issues preventing search queries from running. #2124
- Issue in SPFx behavior with improperly using current web's request digest for non-current web calls #2102
- Updates based on feedback
- Sample updates for v3
- sp:
- Fixed root property initializers #2082
- Introduced "Timeline" concept with Timline, moments, and observers
- delay utility function
- new PnPLogging behavior to integrate with new model
Renamed package "odata" -> "queryable"
Renamed package "common" -> "core"
- listeners are now factory functions (new ConsoleListener() => ConsoleListener()), drop the 'new'
- Console listener now supports pretty printing options with colors and improved formatting (@thechriskent)
- improved typings on utility methods such that TS understands the outcome and properly types results
- changed constructor to also accept a tuple of [queryable, string] to allow easy rebasing of url while inheriting observers
- Renamed export "sp" -> "spfi" with type SPFI
- Changed to using minimal metadata for all requests
- web.update return changed to
- web.getParentWeb return changed to
- moved items.getAll to seperate import @pnp/sp/items/get-all
- files.getByName => files.getByUrl
- folders.getByName => folders.getByUrl
- fields.add* methods now take title and a single props object with the additional properties for each field
- TimeZones.getById no merges the object & data
- renamed search.execute => due to naming conflict in new base classes
- renamed suggest.execute => due to naming conflict in new base classes
- renamed sitedesigns.execute => due to naming conflict in new base classes
- renamed sitescripts.execute => due to naming conflict in new base classes
- odataUrlFrom moved to utils folder
- getParent signature change, path is second param, baseUrl is third param and only supports string
- removed "core" preset
- Improved web and site contructor to correctly rebase the web/site urls regardless of the url supplied (i.e. create a web from any sp queryable)
- Renamed property in IItemUpdateResultData to "etag" from "odata.etag" to make it .etag vs ["odata.etag"]
- Renamed export "graph" -> "graphfi" with type GraphFI
- None of the other packages reference logging anymore, removing a dependency, logging still exists and can be used in your project as before and easily with the new behaviors model
- LambdaParser -> write an observer
- TextParser, BlobParser, JSONParser, BufferParser -> TextParse, BlobParse, JSONParse, BufferParse behaviors
- Removed .get method in favor of invokable pattern. foo.get() => foo()
- Removed .clone, .cloneTo in favor of using factories directly, i.e. this.clone(Web, "path") => Web(this, "path")
- Invokable Extensions is split, with core object extension functionality moved to core
- ensureHeaders => headers = { ...headers, ...moreHeaders }
- AdalCertificateFetchClient, AdalFetchClient, MsalFetchClient, SPFetchClient, ProviderHostedRequestContext -> use MSAL behavior
- BearerTokenFetchClient -> use @pnp/Queryable BearerToken behavior
- SPFetchClient -> Use SPNodeFetch which includes SP retry logic
core (common):
- Removed global extensions in favor of instance or factory. Global no longer aligned to our scoped model
- Removed
util method use Object.assign or { ...a, ...b} - Removed
util method - Removed ITypedHash => built in type Record<string, *>
- Removed
util method, wasn't used - Removed automatic cache expired item flushing -> use a timeout, shown in docs
- setEndpoint removed => .using(EndPoint("v1.0")) | .using(EndPoint("beta"))
- Removed createBatch from Site, use web.batched or sp.batched
- feature.deactivate => use features.remove
- getTenantAppCatalogWeb moved from root object to IWeb when imported
- removed use of ListItemEntityTypeFullName in item add/update and removed associated methods to get the value
- removed folders.add => folders.addUsingPath
- removed folder.serverRelativeUrl property => use select
- removed web.getFolderByServerRelativeUrl => web.getFolderByServerRelativePath
- removed files.add => files.addUsingPath
- removed file.copyTo => file.copyByPath
- removed file.moveTo => file.moveByPath
- removed version.delete => versions.deleteById
- removed web.getFileByServerRelativeUrl => web.getFileByServerRelativePath
- removed folder.contentTypeOrder => use .select("contentTypeOrder")
- removed folder.uniqueContentTypeOrder => use .select("uniqueContentTypeOrder")
- removed folder.copyTo => use folder.copyByPath
- removed folder.moveTo => use folder.moveByPath
- removed _SPInstance._update => refactored and unused
- removed objectToSPKeyValueCollection
- removed toAbsoluteUrl => use behaviors
- removed IUtilities.createWikiPage
- removed searchWithCaching, use caching behavior
- removed spODataEntity and spODataEntityArray
- removed attachments addMultiple, deleteMultiple, and recycleMultiple => write a for loop in calling code
- removed regional settings.installedLanguages => use getInstalledLanguages
- removed metadata method
- Dropped entire package, no longer needed