- Pinned certificate updated. New Expirey December 2038
- Saudi region (KSA) URL
- Pinned certificate updated. New Expirey December 2030
- Adding the China on-soil region
- Providing a way for integrators to use regions that have not yet been added to the SDK.
- Converting all URLs to use the ".gateway.mastercard.com" pattern
- Swift.package file version updated to specify swift 5.0
- Syncing Changes.md with releases
- Added the India regions
- Updated Fastlane versions
- Updated the project and source code to Swift 5
- Updated podspec file
- Updated the update session call to support Gateway API versions 50 and up
- Updated the update session call to support Gateway API versions 50 and up
- Sample app with support for Apple Pay
- Initial Release of the sdk
- Support for updating a session with card information
- 3-D Secure 1.0 support for Gateway API versions 46 and below