- {{ $t("User Playlists['Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here']") }}
+ {{ $t("User Playlists['You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.']") }}
- try {
- const { player } = this.$refs.videoPlayer
- if (playPauseListeners.length === 0) {
- playPauseListeners.push(player.el().querySelector('video').addEventListener('pause', () => {
- MusicControls.updateIsPlaying(false)
- }), player.el().querySelector('video').addEventListener('play', () => {
- MusicControls.updateIsPlaying(true)
- }))
- }
- if (JSON.parse(action).message === 'music-controls-play' || JSON.parse(action).message === 'music-controls-pause') {
- if (!player.paused()) {
- player.pause()
- } else {
- player.play()
- }
- } else {
- switch (JSON.parse(action).message) {
- case 'music-controls-next':
- // TODO implement next control
- if (this.watchingPlaylist) {
- this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.playNextVideo()
- } else {
- const nextVideoId = this.recommendedVideos[0].videoId
- this.$router.push({
- path: `/watch/${nextVideoId}`
- })
- showToast(this.$t('Playing Next Video'))
- }
- break
- case 'music-controls-previous':
- // TODO implement previous control
- history.back()
- break
- }
- }
- MusicControls.updateIsPlaying(!player.paused())
- } catch (error) {
- console.warn(error)
- }
- })
- MusicControls.listen()
+ channelsHidden() {
+ return JSON.parse(this.$store.getters.getChannelsHidden).map((ch) => {
+ // Legacy support
+ if (typeof ch === 'string') {
+ return { name: ch, preferredName: '', icon: '' }
- }
+ return ch
+ })
+ forbiddenTitles() {
+ return JSON.parse(this.$store.getters.getForbiddenTitles)
+ },
+ isUserPlaylistRequested: function () {
+ return this.$route.query.playlistType === 'user'
+ },
+ userPlaylistsReady: function () {
+ return this.$store.getters.getPlaylistsReady
+ },
+ selectedUserPlaylist: function () {
+ if (this.playlistId == null || this.playlistId === '') { return null }
+ if (!this.isUserPlaylistRequested) { return null }
+ return this.$store.getters.getPlaylist(this.playlistId)
+ },
+ },
+ watch: {
$route() {
// react to route changes...
@@ -306,55 +275,97 @@ export default defineComponent({
- }
+ },
+ async thumbnail() {
+ if (process.env.IS_ANDROID) {
+ createMediaSession(this.videoTitle, this.channelName, this.videoLengthSeconds * 1000, this.thumbnail)
+ }
+ },
+ userPlaylistsReady() {
+ this.onMountedDependOnLocalStateLoading()
+ },
mounted: function () {
+ if (process.env.IS_ANDROID) {
+ window.addMediaSessionEventListener('seek', (position) => {
+ this.$refs.videoPlayer.player.currentTime(position / 1000)
+ })
+ window.addMediaSessionEventListener('play', () => {
+ this.$refs.videoPlayer.player.play()
+ })
+ window.addMediaSessionEventListener('pause', () => {
+ this.$refs.videoPlayer.player.pause()
+ })
+ window.addMediaSessionEventListener('next', () => {
+ this.previousHistoryOffset = 1
+ if (this.playlistId != null) {
+ // Let `watchVideoPlaylist` handle end of playlist, no countdown needed
+ this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.playNextVideo()
+ return
+ }
+ let nextVideoId = null
+ if (!this.watchingPlaylist) {
+ const forbiddenTitles = this.forbiddenTitles
+ const channelsHidden = this.channelsHidden
+ nextVideoId = this.recommendedVideos.find((video) =>
+ !this.isHiddenVideo(forbiddenTitles, channelsHidden, video)
+ )?.videoId
+ if (!nextVideoId) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ this.$router.push({
+ path: `/watch/${nextVideoId}`
+ })
+ })
+ window.addMediaSessionEventListener('previous', () => {
+ if (this.playlistId != null) {
+ if (this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.videoIndexInPlaylistItems === 0) {
+ // don't do anything
+ return
+ }
+ // Let `watchVideoPlaylist` handle end of playlist, no countdown needed
+ this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.playPreviousVideo()
+ return
+ }
+ this.$router.push({
+ path: `/watch/${this.$store.getters.getHistoryCacheSorted[this.previousHistoryOffset].videoId}`
+ })
+ this.previousHistoryOffset++
+ })
+ }
this.videoId = this.$route.params.id
this.activeFormat = this.defaultVideoFormat
this.useTheatreMode = this.defaultTheatreMode && this.theatrePossible
- this.checkIfPlaylist()
- this.checkIfTimestamp()
- if (!(process.env.IS_ELECTRON || process.env.IS_CORDOVA) || this.backendPreference === 'invidious') {
- this.getVideoInformationInvidious()
- } else {
- this.getVideoInformationLocal()
+ this.onMountedDependOnLocalStateLoading()
+ },
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ if (process.env.IS_ANDROID) {
+ window.clearAllMediaSessionEventListeners()
+ android.cancelMediaNotification()
- window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.handleWatchProgress)
methods: {
- setHlsUrl: async function (hlsUrl) {
- try {
- const formats = await getFormatsFromHLSManifest(hlsUrl)
+ onMountedDependOnLocalStateLoading() {
+ // Prevent running twice
+ if (this.onMountedRun) { return }
+ // Stuff that require user playlists to be ready
+ if (this.isUserPlaylistRequested && !this.userPlaylistsReady) { return }
- this.videoSourceList = formats
- .sort((formatA, formatB) => {
- return formatB.height - formatA.height
- })
- .map((format) => {
- return {
- url: format.url,
- fps: format.fps,
- type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
- label: 'Dash',
- qualityLabel: `${format.height}p`
- }
- })
- } catch (e) {
- console.error('Failed to extract formats form HLS manifest, falling back to passing it directly to video.js', e)
- this.videoSourceList = [
- {
- url: hlsUrl,
- type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
- label: 'Dash',
- qualityLabel: 'Live'
- }
- ]
+ this.onMountedRun = true
+ this.checkIfPlaylist()
+ this.checkIfTimestamp()
+ if (!(process.env.IS_ELECTRON || process.env.IS_ANDROID) || this.backendPreference === 'invidious') {
+ this.getVideoInformationInvidious()
+ } else {
+ this.getVideoInformationLocal()
+ window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.handleWatchProgress)
changeTimestamp: function (timestamp) {
@@ -369,10 +380,16 @@ export default defineComponent({
this.isFamilyFriendly = result.basic_info.is_family_safe
- this.recommendedVideos = result.watch_next_feed
- ?.filter((item) => item.type === 'CompactVideo')
+ const recommendedVideos = result.watch_next_feed
+ ?.filter((item) => item.type === 'CompactVideo' || item.type === 'CompactMovie')
.map(parseLocalWatchNextVideo) ?? []
+ // place watched recommended videos last
+ this.recommendedVideos = [
+ ...recommendedVideos.filter((video) => !this.isRecommendedVideoWatched(video.videoId)),
+ ...recommendedVideos.filter((video) => this.isRecommendedVideoWatched(video.videoId))
+ ]
if (this.showFamilyFriendlyOnly && !this.isFamilyFriendly) {
this.isLoading = false
@@ -381,10 +398,28 @@ export default defineComponent({
let playabilityStatus = result.playability_status
let bypassedResult = null
- if (playabilityStatus.status === 'LOGIN_REQUIRED') {
+ let streamingVideoId = this.videoId
+ let trailerIsNull = false
+ // if widevine support is added then we should check if playabilityStatus.status is UNPLAYABLE too
+ if (result.has_trailer) {
+ bypassedResult = result.getTrailerInfo()
+ /**
+ * @type {import ('youtubei.js').YTNodes.PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer}
+ */
+ const trailerScreen = result.playability_status.error_screen
+ streamingVideoId = trailerScreen.video_id
+ // if the trailer is null then it is likely age restricted.
+ trailerIsNull = bypassedResult == null
+ if (!trailerIsNull) {
+ playabilityStatus = bypassedResult.playability_status
+ }
+ }
+ if (playabilityStatus.status === 'LOGIN_REQUIRED' || trailerIsNull) {
// try to bypass the age restriction
- bypassedResult = await getLocalVideoInfo(this.videoId, true)
- playabilityStatus = result.playability_status
+ bypassedResult = await getLocalVideoInfo(streamingVideoId, true)
+ playabilityStatus = bypassedResult.playability_status
if (playabilityStatus.status === 'UNPLAYABLE') {
@@ -478,7 +513,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
timestamp: formatDurationAsTimestamp(start),
startSeconds: start,
endSeconds: 0,
- thumbnail: chapter.thumbnail[0].url
+ thumbnail: chapter.thumbnail[0]
} else {
@@ -523,10 +558,35 @@ export default defineComponent({
if ((this.isLive || this.isPostLiveDvr) && !this.isUpcoming) {
- await this.setHlsUrl(result.streaming_data.hls_manifest_url)
+ try {
+ const formats = await getFormatsFromHLSManifest(result.streaming_data.hls_manifest_url)
+ this.videoSourceList = formats
+ .sort((formatA, formatB) => {
+ return formatB.height - formatA.height
+ })
+ .map((format) => {
+ return {
+ url: format.url,
+ fps: format.fps,
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
+ label: 'Dash',
+ qualityLabel: `${format.height}p`
+ }
+ })
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error('Failed to extract formats form HLS manifest, falling back to passing it directly to video.js', e)
+ this.videoSourceList = [
+ {
+ url: result.streaming_data.hls_manifest_url,
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
+ label: 'Dash',
+ qualityLabel: 'Live'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- this.showLegacyPlayer = true
- this.showDashPlayer = false
this.activeFormat = 'legacy'
this.activeSourceList = this.videoSourceList
this.audioSourceList = null
@@ -597,7 +657,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
this.downloadLinks = formats.map((format) => {
const qualityLabel = format.quality_label ?? format.bitrate
const fps = format.fps ? `${format.fps}fps` : 'kbps'
- const type = format.mime_type.match(/.*;/)[0].replace(';', '')
+ const type = format.mime_type.split(';')[0]
let label = `${qualityLabel} ${fps} - ${type}`
if (format.has_audio !== format.has_video) {
@@ -704,7 +764,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
- if (result.storyboards?.type === 'PlayerStoryboardSpec' && process.env.IS_ELECTRON) {
+ if (result.storyboards?.type === 'PlayerStoryboardSpec') {
await this.createLocalStoryboardUrls(result.storyboards.boards.at(-1))
@@ -764,7 +824,12 @@ export default defineComponent({
this.videoPublished = result.published * 1000
this.videoDescriptionHtml = result.descriptionHtml
- this.recommendedVideos = result.recommendedVideos
+ const recommendedVideos = result.recommendedVideos
+ // place watched recommended videos last
+ this.recommendedVideos = [
+ ...recommendedVideos.filter((video) => !this.isRecommendedVideoWatched(video.videoId)),
+ ...recommendedVideos.filter((video) => this.isRecommendedVideoWatched(video.videoId))
+ ]
this.adaptiveFormats = await this.getAdaptiveFormatsInvidious(result)
this.isLive = result.liveNow
this.isFamilyFriendly = result.isFamilyFriendly
@@ -807,10 +872,16 @@ export default defineComponent({
this.videoChapters = chapters
if (this.isLive) {
- this.showLegacyPlayer = true
- this.showDashPlayer = false
this.activeFormat = 'legacy'
- await this.setHlsUrl(result.hlsUrl)
+ this.videoSourceList = [
+ {
+ url: result.hlsUrl,
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
+ label: 'Dash',
+ qualityLabel: 'Live'
+ }
+ ]
// Grabs the adaptive formats from Invidious. Might be worth making these work.
// The type likely needs to be changed in order for these to be played properly.
@@ -838,7 +909,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
const qualityLabel = format.qualityLabel || format.bitrate
const itag = parseInt(format.itag)
const fps = format.fps ? (format.fps + 'fps') : 'kbps'
- const type = format.type.match(/.*;/)[0].replace(';', '')
+ const type = format.type.split(';')[0]
let label = `${qualityLabel} ${fps} - ${type}`
if (itag !== 18 && itag !== 22) {
@@ -905,7 +976,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
- if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) {
+ if ((process.env.IS_ELECTRON || process.env.IS_ANDROID) && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) {
showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API'))
} else {
@@ -1111,17 +1182,23 @@ export default defineComponent({
if (!(this.rememberHistory && this.saveVideoHistoryWithLastViewedPlaylist)) { return }
if (this.isUpcoming || this.isLive) { return }
- const payload = {
+ this.updateLastViewedPlaylist({
videoId: this.videoId,
// Whether there is a playlist ID or not, save it
- lastViewedPlaylistId: this.$route.query?.playlistId,
- }
- this.updateLastViewedPlaylist(payload)
+ lastViewedPlaylistId: this.playlistId,
+ lastViewedPlaylistType: this.playlistType,
+ lastViewedPlaylistItemId: this.playlistItemId,
+ })
handleVideoReady: function () {
this.videoPlayerReady = true
+ this.updateLocalPlaylistLastPlayedAtSometimes()
+ },
+ isRecommendedVideoWatched: function (videoId) {
+ return !!this.$store.getters.getHistoryCacheById[videoId]
checkIfWatched: function () {
@@ -1164,27 +1241,53 @@ export default defineComponent({
// Then clicks on another video in the playlist
- if (typeof (this.$route.query) !== 'undefined') {
- this.playlistId = this.$route.query.playlistId
+ if (this.$route.query == null) {
+ this.watchingPlaylist = false
+ return
+ }
+ this.playlistId = this.$route.query.playlistId
+ this.playlistItemId = this.$route.query.playlistItemId
- if (typeof (this.playlistId) !== 'undefined') {
- this.watchingPlaylist = true
- } else {
- this.watchingPlaylist = false
- }
- } else {
+ if (this.playlistId == null || this.playlistId.length === 0) {
+ this.playlistType = ''
+ this.playlistItemId = null
this.watchingPlaylist = false
+ return
+ }
+ // `playlistId` present
+ if (this.selectedUserPlaylist != null) {
+ // If playlist ID matches a user playlist, it must be user playlist
+ this.playlistType = 'user'
+ this.watchingPlaylist = true
+ return
+ }
+ // Still possible to be a user playlist from history
+ // (but user playlist could be already removed)
+ this.playlistType = this.$route.query.playlistType
+ if (this.playlistType !== 'user') {
+ // Remote playlist
+ this.playlistItemId = null
+ this.watchingPlaylist = true
+ return
+ }
+ // At this point `playlistType === 'user'`
+ // But the playlist might be already removed
+ if (this.selectedUserPlaylist == null) {
+ // Clear playlist data so that watch history will be properly updated
+ this.playlistId = ''
+ this.playlistType = ''
+ this.playlistItemId = null
+ this.watchingPlaylist = this.selectedUserPlaylist != null
checkIfTimestamp: function () {
- if (typeof (this.$route.query) !== 'undefined') {
- try {
- this.timestamp = parseInt(this.$route.query.timestamp)
- } catch {
- this.timestamp = null
- }
- }
+ const timestamp = parseInt(this.$route.query.timestamp)
+ this.timestamp = isNaN(timestamp) || timestamp < 0 ? null : timestamp
getLegacyFormats: function () {
@@ -1198,7 +1301,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
- if (!process.env.IS_ELECTRON || (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback)) {
+ if (!(process.env.IS_ELECTRON || process.env.IS_ANDROID) || (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback)) {
showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API'))
@@ -1305,6 +1408,19 @@ export default defineComponent({
+ let nextVideoId = null
+ if (!this.watchingPlaylist) {
+ const forbiddenTitles = this.forbiddenTitles
+ const channelsHidden = this.channelsHidden
+ nextVideoId = this.recommendedVideos.find((video) =>
+ !this.isHiddenVideo(forbiddenTitles, channelsHidden, video)
+ )?.videoId
+ if (!nextVideoId) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
const nextVideoInterval = this.defaultInterval
this.playNextTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
const player = this.$refs.videoPlayer.player
@@ -1312,7 +1428,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
if (this.watchingPlaylist) {
} else {
- const nextVideoId = this.recommendedVideos[0].videoId
+ this.previousHistoryOffset = 1
path: `/watch/${nextVideoId}`
@@ -1351,9 +1467,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
// if the user navigates to another video, the ipc call for the userdata path
// takes long enough for the video id to have already changed to the new one
// receiving it as an arg instead of accessing it ourselves means we always have the right one
- if (process.env.IS_CORDOVA) {
- MusicControls.destroy()
- }
this.videoChapters = []
@@ -1384,23 +1498,15 @@ export default defineComponent({
if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON && this.removeVideoMetaFiles) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
- const dashFileLocation = `static/dashFiles/${videoId}.xml`
const vttFileLocation = `static/storyboards/${videoId}.vtt`
// only delete the file it actually exists
- if (await pathExists(dashFileLocation)) {
- await fs.rm(dashFileLocation)
- }
if (await pathExists(vttFileLocation)) {
await fs.rm(vttFileLocation)
} else {
const userData = await getUserDataPath()
- const dashFileLocation = `${userData}/dashFiles/${videoId}.xml`
const vttFileLocation = `${userData}/storyboards/${videoId}.vtt`
- if (await pathExists(dashFileLocation)) {
- await fs.rm(dashFileLocation)
- }
if (await pathExists(vttFileLocation)) {
await fs.rm(vttFileLocation)
@@ -1431,35 +1537,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
createLocalDashManifest: async function (videoInfo) {
const xmlData = await videoInfo.toDash()
- const userData = await getUserDataPath()
- let fileLocation
- let uriSchema
- if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
- fileLocation = `static/dashFiles/${this.videoId}.xml`
- uriSchema = `dashFiles/${this.videoId}.xml`
- // if the location does not exist, writeFileSync will not create the directory, so we have to do that manually
- if (!(await pathExists('static/dashFiles/'))) {
- await fs.mkdir('static/dashFiles/')
- }
- if (await pathExists(fileLocation)) {
- await fs.rm(fileLocation)
- }
- await fs.writeFile(fileLocation, xmlData)
- } else {
- fileLocation = `${userData}/dashFiles/${this.videoId}.xml`
- uriSchema = `file://${fileLocation}`
- if (!(await pathExists(`${userData}/dashFiles/`))) {
- await fs.mkdir(`${userData}/dashFiles/`)
- }
- await fs.writeFile(fileLocation, xmlData)
- }
return [
- url: uriSchema,
+ url: `data:application/dash+xml;charset=UTF-8,${encodeURIComponent(xmlData)}`,
type: 'application/dash+xml',
label: 'Dash',
qualityLabel: 'Auto'
@@ -1473,7 +1554,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
// If we are in Electron,
// we can use YouTube.js' DASH manifest generator to generate the manifest.
// Using YouTube.js' gives us support for multiple audio tracks (currently not supported by Invidious)
- if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) {
+ if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON || process.env.IS_ANDROID) {
// Invidious' API response doesn't include the height and width (and fps and qualityLabel for AV1) of video streams
// so we need to extract them from Invidious' manifest
const response = await fetch(url)
@@ -1526,10 +1607,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
this.audioTracks = this.createAudioTracksFromLocalFormats(audioFormats)
- const manifest = await generateInvidiousDashManifestLocally(
- formats,
- this.proxyVideos ? this.currentInvidiousInstance : undefined
- )
+ const manifest = await generateInvidiousDashManifestLocally(formats)
url = `data:application/dash+xml;charset=UTF-8,${encodeURIComponent(manifest)}`
} else if (this.proxyVideos) {
@@ -1603,6 +1681,11 @@ export default defineComponent({
let fileLocation
let uriSchema
+ if (process.env.IS_ANDROID) {
+ this.videoStoryboardSrc = `data:text/vtt;base64,${btoa(results)}`
+ return
+ }
// Dev mode doesn't have access to the file:// schema, so we access
// storyboards differently when run in dev
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
@@ -1666,7 +1749,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
url: url.toString(),
- language_code: locale
+ language_code: locale,
+ is_autotranslated: true
@@ -1731,8 +1815,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
getPlaylistIndex: function () {
return this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist
? this.getPlaylistReverse()
- ? this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.playlistItems.length - this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.currentVideoIndex
- : this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.currentVideoIndex - 1
+ ? this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.playlistItems.length - this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.currentVideoIndexOneBased
+ : this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.currentVideoIndexZeroBased
: -1
@@ -1762,11 +1846,27 @@ export default defineComponent({
document.title = `${this.videoTitle} - FreeTube`
+ isHiddenVideo: function (forbiddenTitles, channelsHidden, video) {
+ return channelsHidden.some(ch => ch.name === video.authorId) ||
+ channelsHidden.some(ch => ch.name === video.author) ||
+ forbiddenTitles.some((text) => video.title?.toLowerCase().includes(text.toLowerCase()))
+ },
+ updateLocalPlaylistLastPlayedAtSometimes() {
+ if (this.selectedUserPlaylist == null) { return }
+ const playlist = this.selectedUserPlaylist
+ this.updatePlaylistLastPlayedAt({ _id: playlist._id })
+ },
+ 'grabHistory',
+ 'removeFromHistory',
- 'updateSubscriptionDetails'
+ 'updatePlaylistLastPlayedAt',
+ 'updateSubscriptionDetails',
diff --git a/src/renderer/views/Watch/Watch.scss b/src/renderer/views/Watch/Watch.scss
index cf58ed9c5f23c..ad61d8af942a5 100644
--- a/src/renderer/views/Watch/Watch.scss
+++ b/src/renderer/views/Watch/Watch.scss
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
display: inline-block;
max-inline-size: calc(80vh * 1.78);
- @media only screen and (min-width: 901px) {
+ @media only screen and (min-width: 1051px) {
inline-size: 300%;
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
.sidebarArea {
grid-area: sidebar;
- @media only screen and (min-width: 901px) {
+ @media only screen and (min-width: 1051px) {
min-inline-size: 380px;
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
margin-block: 0 16px;
margin-inline: 0;
- @media only screen and (min-width: 901px) {
+ @media only screen and (min-width: 1051px) {
margin-block: 0 16px;
margin-inline: 8px;
@@ -145,17 +145,17 @@
@include theatre-mode-template;
- @media only screen and (min-width: 901px) {
+ @media only screen and (min-width: 1051px) {
&.useTheatreMode {
@include theatre-mode-template;
- @media only screen and (max-width: 900px) {
+ @media only screen and (max-width: 1050px) {
@include single-column-template;
- @media only screen and (min-width: 901px) {
+ @media only screen and (min-width: 1051px) {
.infoArea {
scroll-margin-block-start: 76px;
diff --git a/src/renderer/views/Watch/Watch.vue b/src/renderer/views/Watch/Watch.vue
index 7fafe72915510..a6d805b05b699 100644
--- a/src/renderer/views/Watch/Watch.vue
+++ b/src/renderer/views/Watch/Watch.vue
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Delete: 'حذف'
Select all: 'حدد الكل'
Reload: 'إعادة تحميل'
Force Reload: 'فرض إعادة التحميل'
-Toggle Developer Tools: 'فتح أدوات المطوّر'
+Toggle Developer Tools: 'إظهار/إخفاء أدوات المطوّر'
Actual size: 'الحجم الأصلي'
Zoom in: 'تكبير'
Zoom out: 'تصغير'
@@ -34,22 +34,24 @@ Forward: 'إلى الأمام'
Videos: 'الفيديوهات'
Shorts: القصيرة
- Live: مباشر
+ Live: بث مباشر
Community: المجتمع
# Search Bar
Video Count: 1 فيديو | {count} مقاطع فيديو
- Channel Count: 1 قناة | {count} القنوات
- Subscriber Count: 1 مشترك | {count} المشتركين
+ Channel Count: 1 قناة | {count} قنوات
+ Subscriber Count: 1 مشترك | {count} مشتركين
View Count: 1 مشاهدة | {count} مشاهدات
- Watching Count: 1 مشاهدة | {count} مشاهدة
+ Watching Count: 1 مشاهد | {count} مشاهدون
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: يجب أن يبلغ طول العلامة {number} حرفًا على الأقل
Search / Go to URL: 'ابحث / اذهب إلى رابط'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
Search Filters: 'فلاتر البحث'
Sort By:
- Sort By: 'فرز بحسب'
+ Sort By: 'ترتيب حسب'
Most Relevant: 'الأكثر صلة'
Rating: 'التقييم'
Upload Date: 'تاريخ الرفع'
@@ -119,6 +121,94 @@ User Playlists:
هنا تنتقل إلى قائمة تشغيل تسمى "المفضلة".
Search bar placeholder: بحث في قائمة التشغيل
Empty Search Message: لا توجد مقاطع فيديو في قائمة التشغيل هذه تتطابق مع بحثك
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: لا تحتوي قائمة التشغيل هذه حاليًا على مقاطع
+ فيديو.
+ Create New Playlist: إنشاء قائمة تشغيل جديدة
+ Add to Playlist: أضف إلى قائمة التشغيل
+ Move Video Up: نقل الفيديو لأعلى
+ Move Video Down: نقل الفيديو إلى الأسفل
+ Remove from Playlist: إزالة من قائمة التشغيل
+ Playlist Name: اسم قائمة التشغيل
+ Playlist Description: وصف قائمة التشغيل
+ Save Changes: حفظ التغييرات
+ Edit Playlist Info: تعديل معلومات قائمة التشغيل
+ Copy Playlist: نسخ قائمة التشغيل
+ Cancel: إلغاء
+ Delete Playlist: حذف قائمة التشغيل
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: ترتيب حسب
+ LatestCreatedFirst: تم إنشاؤها مؤخرًا
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: تم تحديثه مؤخرا
+ NameAscending: أ-ي
+ NameDescending: ي-أ
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: الاقدم إنشائا
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: الاحدث إنشائا
+ LatestPlayedFirst: تم تشغيلها مؤخرا
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: الاقدم تشغيلا
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ This video cannot be moved up.: لا يمكن نقل هذا الفيديو لأعلى.
+ Video has been removed: تمت إزالة الفيديو
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: لا يمكن أن يكون اسم قائمة
+ التشغيل فارغًا. الرجاء إدخال اسم.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: حدثت مشكلة أثناء تحديث قائمة
+ التشغيل هذه.
+ Playlist has been updated.: تم تحديث قائمة التشغيل.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": تمت إزالة فيديو واحد | تمت إزالة
+ {videoCount} من مقاطع الفيديو
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: قائمة التشغيل هذه محمية ولا
+ يمكن إزالتها.
+ There were no videos to remove.: لم تكن هناك مقاطع فيديو لإزالتها.
+ This playlist does not exist: قائمة التشغيل هذه غير موجودة
+ This video cannot be moved down.: لا يمكن نقل هذا الفيديو إلى الأسفل.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: تم حذف قائمة التشغيل {playlistName}.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: لم
+ يتم تحميل بعض مقاطع الفيديو في قائمة التشغيل بعد. انقر هنا للنسخ على أي حال.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: حدثت مشكلة أثناء إزالة هذا الفيديو
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: يتم الآن استخدام قائمة التشغيل
+ هذه للإشارة المرجعية السريعة
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: يتم
+ الآن استخدام قائمة التشغيل هذه للإشارة المرجعية السريعة بدلاً من {oldPlaylistName}.
+ انقر هنا للتراجع
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: تمت العودة لاستخدام {oldPlaylistName}
+ للإشارة المرجعية السريعة
+ Quick bookmark disabled: تم تعطيل الإشارة المرجعية السريعة
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: حدد قائمة تشغيل لإضافة الفيديو الخاص
+ بك إلى | حدد قائمة تشغيل لإضافة مقاطع الفيديو {videoCount} إليها
+ Toast:
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: لم تقم بتحديد أي قائمة تشغيل حتى الآن.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": تمت إضافة فيديو واحد إلى قائمة
+ تشغيل واحدة | تمت إضافة {videoCount} من مقاطع الفيديو إلى قائمة تشغيل واحدة
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": تمت إضافة مقطع فيديو
+ واحد إلى قوائم التشغيل {playlistCount} | تمت إضافة {videoCount} من مقاطع الفيديو
+ إلى قوائم التشغيل {playlistCount}
+ Save: حفظ
+ Search in Playlists: البحث في قوائم التشغيل
+ N playlists selected: تم تحديد {playlistCount}
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Toast:
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: توجد
+ بالفعل قائمة تشغيل بهذا الاسم. يرجى اختيار اسم مختلف.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: حدثت مشكلة أثناء إنشاء قائمة
+ التشغيل.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: تم إنشاء قائمة التشغيل
+ {playlistName} بنجاح.
+ New Playlist Name: اسم قائمة تشغيل جديد
+ Create: انشئ
+ Remove Watched Videos: إزالة مقاطع الفيديو التي تمت مشاهدتها
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: هل
+ أنت متأكد أنك تريد إزالة جميع مقاطع الفيديو التي تمت مشاهدتها من قائمة التشغيل
+ هذه؟ هذا لا يمكن التراجع عنها.
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: ليس
+ لديك قوائم تشغيل. انقر على زر إنشاء قائمة تشغيل جديدة لإنشاء قائمة تشغيل جديدة.
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: هل أنت متأكد
+ أنك تريد حذف قائمة التشغيل هذه؟ هذا لا يمكن التراجع عنه.
+ Add to Favorites: إضافة إلى {اسم قائمة التشغيل}
+ Remove from Favorites: إزالة من {اسم قائمة التشغيل}
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: تمكين الإشارة المرجعية السريعة مع قائمة
+ التشغيل هذه
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: تعطيل الإشارة المرجعية السريعة
# On History Page
History: 'السجلّ'
@@ -151,6 +241,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'وسط'
End: 'نهاية'
Hidden: مخفي
+ Blur: الضبابية
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'حالة Invidious
(الافتراضية هي https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'المنطقة للأكثر شيوعاً'
@@ -185,6 +276,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: كاتبوتشين موكا
Pastel Pink: الباستيل الوردي
Hot Pink: وردي فاقع
+ Nordic: بلدان الشمال الأوروبي
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'لون السِمة الأساسي'
Red: 'أحمر'
@@ -307,6 +399,10 @@ Settings:
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: إزالة ملفات تعريف الفيديو تلقائيًا
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: حفظ مقاطع الفيديو التي تمت مشاهدتها
مع آخر قائمة تشغيل تم عرضها
+ All playlists have been removed: تمت إزالة جميع قوائم التشغيل
+ Remove All Playlists: إزالة كافة قوائم التشغيل
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إزالة
+ جميع قوائم التشغيل الخاصة بك؟
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'إعدادات الاشتراك'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'أخفِ الفيديوهات عند مشاهدتها'
@@ -321,6 +417,7 @@ Settings:
Export Subscriptions: 'تصدير الاشتراكات'
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'كيف استورد اشتراكاتي؟'
Fetch Automatically: جلب الخلاصة تلقائيا
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: عرض أحدث فيديو فقط لكل قناة
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'الإعدادات المتقدمة'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'تمكين وضع التنقيح (يطبع البيانات
@@ -393,6 +490,14 @@ Settings:
Subscription File: Subscription ملف
History File: ملف التاريخ
Playlist File: Playlist ملف
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: تصدير قوائم التشغيل لإصدارات FreeTube الأقدم
+ Tooltip: "يقوم هذا الخيار بتصدير مقاطع الفيديو من جميع قوائم التشغيل إلى قائمة
+ تشغيل واحدة تسمى \"المفضلة\".\nكيفية تصدير واستيراد مقاطع الفيديو في قوائم
+ التشغيل لإصدار أقدم من FreeTube:\n1. قم بتصدير قوائم التشغيل الخاصة بك مع
+ تمكين هذا الخيار.\n2. احذف جميع قوائم التشغيل الموجودة لديك باستخدام خيار
+ إزالة جميع قوائم التشغيل ضمن إعدادات الخصوصية.\n3. قم بتشغيل الإصدار الأقدم
+ من FreeTube واستورد قوائم التشغيل المصدرة.\""
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Live Chat: اخفي الدردشة المباشرة
Hide Popular Videos: اخفي الفيديوهات الأكثر شعبية
@@ -412,9 +517,9 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: إخفاء الفصول
Hide Upcoming Premieres: إخفاء العروض الأولى القادمة
Hide Channels: إخفاء مقاطع الفيديو من القنوات
- Hide Channels Placeholder: اسم القناة أو معرفها
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: عرض العناوين بدون احرف كبيرة
- بشكل مفرط
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: معرف القناة
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: عرض العناوين بدون استخدام الأحرف
+ الكبيرة وعلامات الترقيم بشكل مفرط
Hide Featured Channels: إخفاء القنوات المميزة
Hide Channel Playlists: إخفاء قوائم تشغيل القناة
Hide Channel Community: إخفاء مجتمع القناة
@@ -433,6 +538,15 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: إخفاء صور الملف الشخصي في التعليقات
Blur Thumbnails: اخفاء الصور المصغرة
Hide Subscriptions Community: إخفاء مجتمع الاشتراكات
+ Hide Channels Invalid: معرف القناة المقدم غير صالح
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: تم حظر بعض القنوات باستخدام المعرّف ولم تتم معالجتها.
+ يتم حظر الميزة أثناء تحديث هذه المعرفات
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: معرف القناة موجود بالفعل
+ Hide Channels API Error: حدث خطأ أثناء استرداد المستخدم بالمعرف المدخل. يرجى
+ التحقق مرة أخرى إذا كان المعرف صحيحا.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: إخفاء مقاطع الفيديو وقوائم التشغيل
+ التي تحتوي على نص
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: كلمة أو جزء كلمة أو عبارة
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: البرنامج
يحتاج لإعادة التشغيل كي يسري مفعول التغييرات. هل تريد إعادة التشغيل و تطبيق التغييرات؟
Proxy Settings:
@@ -465,6 +579,9 @@ Settings:
Show In Seek Bar: إظهار في الشريط
Do Nothing: لا تفعل شيئا
UseDeArrowTitles: استخدام عناوين فيديو DeArrow
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': عنوان
+ URL لواجهة برمجة التطبيقات DeArrow Thumbnail Generator (الافتراضي هو https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: استخدم DeArarrow للصور المصغرة
External Player Settings:
External Player: المشغل الخارجي
Custom External Player Arguments: وسيطات المشغل الخارجي المخصصة
@@ -474,6 +591,7 @@ Settings:
Name: لاشيء
+ Ignore Default Arguments: تجاهل الحجج الافتراضية
Download Settings:
Download Settings: إعدادات التنزيل
Choose Path: اختر المسار
@@ -501,6 +619,7 @@ Settings:
Password: كلمة السر
Enter Password To Unlock: أدخل كلمة المرور لإلغاء قفل الإعدادات
Unlock: الغاء القفل
+ Expand All Settings Sections: توسيع كافة أقسام الإعدادات
#On About page
About: 'حول'
@@ -602,6 +721,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: مرشح الملف الشخصي
Profile Settings: إعدادات الملف الشخصي
Toggle Profile List: تبديل قائمة الملف الشخصي
+ Open Profile Dropdown: فتح القائمة المنسدلة للملف الشخصي
+ Close Profile Dropdown: إغلاق القائمة المنسدلة للملف الشخصي
+ Profile Name: اسم الملف الشخصي
+ Edit Profile Name: تحرير اسم الملف الشخصي
+ Create Profile Name: إنشاء اسم الملف الشخصي
Subscribe: 'اشتراك'
Unsubscribe: 'إلغاء الاشتراك'
@@ -649,6 +773,7 @@ Channel:
Hide Answers: إخفاء الأجوبة
votes: '{votes} أصوات'
Reveal Answers: كشف الإجابات
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: تم إخفاء الفيديو بواسطة FreeTube
Live: مباشر
This channel does not currently have any live streams: لا يوجد حاليا أي بث مباشر
@@ -804,6 +929,9 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': الدردشة
المباشرة غير متاحة لهذا البث. ربما تم تعطيلها من قبل القائم بالتحميل.
Pause on Current Video: توقف مؤقتًا على الفيديو الحالي
+ Unhide Channel: عرض القناة
+ Hide Channel: إخفاء القناة
+ More Options: المزيد من الخيارات
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -880,7 +1008,7 @@ Up Next: 'التالي'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'خطأ API المحلي (انقر للنسخ)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'خطأ Invidious API ( انقر للنسخ)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'التراجع إلى Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'التراجع إلى API المحلي'
+Falling back to Local API: 'التراجع إلى API المحلي'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'لم يتم تنفيذ الاشتراكات بعد'
Loop is now disabled: 'تم تعطيل التكرار'
Loop is now enabled: 'تم تمكين التكرار'
@@ -958,18 +1086,26 @@ Tooltips:
إذا كانت مدعومة) في المشغل الخارجي على الصورة المصغرة. تحذير ، لا تؤثر إعدادات
Invidious على المشغلات الخارجية.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(الافتراضي: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ Ignore Default Arguments: لا ترسل أي وسائط افتراضية إلى المشغل الخارجي بخلاف عنوان
+ URL للفيديو (مثل معدل التشغيل وعنوان URL لقائمة التشغيل وما إلى ذلك). سيستمر
+ تمرير الوسائط المخصصة.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: تعطيل ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت HTTP المستندة إلى قرص Electron
وتمكين ذاكرة تخزين مؤقت للصور في الذاكرة. سيؤدي إلى زيادة استخدام ذاكرة الوصول
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: أدخل اسم قناة أو معرّف القناة لإخفاء جميع مقاطع الفيديو وقوائم
- التشغيل والقناة نفسها من الظهور في البحث والشهرة والأكثر شعبية والموصى بها.
- يجب أن يكون اسم القناة الذي تم إدخاله مطابقًا تمامًا وحساسًا لحالة الأحرف.
+ Hide Channels: أدخل معرف القناة لإخفاء جميع مقاطع الفيديو وقوائم التشغيل والقناة
+ نفسها من الظهور في نتائج البحث والشائعة والأكثر شهرة والموصى بها. يجب أن يكون
+ معرف القناة الذي تم إدخاله متطابقًا تمامًا وأن يكون حساسًا لحالة الأحرف.
Hide Subscriptions Live: يتم تجاوز هذا الإعداد من خلال إعداد "{appWideSetting}"
على مستوى التطبيق، في قسم "{subsection}" من "{settingsSection}"
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: أدخل كلمة أو جزء كلمة أو عبارة (غير
+ حساسة لحالة الأحرف) لإخفاء جميع مقاطع الفيديو وقوائم التشغيل التي تحتوي عناوينها
+ الأصلية عليها في جميع أنحاء FreeTube، باستثناء السجل وقوائم التشغيل الخاصة بك
+ ومقاطع الفيديو الموجودة داخل قوائم التشغيل فقط.
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: استبدل عناوين الفيديو بالعناوين التي أرسلها المستخدم من DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: استبدل الصور المصغرة للفيديو بالصور المصغرة من DeArrow.
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: هذا
الفيديو غير متاح الآن لعدم وجود ملفات فيديو . هذا قد يكون بسبب أن الفيديو غير متاح
في بلدك.
@@ -996,11 +1132,6 @@ Starting download: بدء تنزيل "{videoTitle}"
Screenshot Success: تم حفظ لقطة الشاشة كا"{filePath}"
Screenshot Error: فشل أخذ لقطة للشاشة. {error}
New Window: نافذة جديدة
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: القناة
- Video: فيديو
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: 'هذا {videoOrPlaylist} مقيد بالعمر'
Count: تم العثور على قناة (قنوات) {number}.
Unsubscribed: 'تمت إزالة {channelName} من اشتراكاتك'
@@ -1030,3 +1161,14 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: ستتوقف قائمة ال
انتهاء الفيديو الحالي
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: لن تتوقف قائمة التشغيل مؤقتًا
عند انتهاء الفيديو الحالي
+Channel Hidden: تم إضافة {channel} إلى مرشح القناة
+Go to page: إذهب إلى {page}
+Channel Unhidden: تمت إزالة {channel} من مرشح القناة
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: يجب أن يكون طول الإدخال المقتطع
+ حرفًا واحدًا على الأقل | يجب أن يبلغ طول الإدخال المقتطع {length} من الأحرف على
+ الأقل
+Tag already exists: العلامة "{tagName}" موجودة بالفعل
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: هذه القناة مقيدة بالعمر
+ This video is age restricted: هذا الفيديو مقيد بالفئة العمرية
+Close Banner: إغلاق الشعار
diff --git a/static/locales/be.yaml b/static/locales/be.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8473113723766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/locales/be.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
+# Put the name of your locale in the same language
+Locale Name: 'Беларуская'
+FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
+# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
+'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
+ Гэтая частка праграмы яшчэ не гатова. Прыходзьце пазней.
+# Webkit Menu Bar
+File: 'Файл'
+New Window: 'Новае акно'
+Preferences: 'Параметры'
+Quit: 'Выйсці'
+Edit: 'Рэдагаваць'
+Undo: ''
+Redo: ''
+Cut: ''
+Copy: ''
+Paste: ''
+Delete: ''
+Select all: ''
+Reload: ''
+Force Reload: ''
+Toggle Developer Tools: ''
+Actual size: ''
+Zoom in: ''
+Zoom out: ''
+Toggle fullscreen: ''
+Window: ''
+Minimize: ''
+Close: ''
+Back: ''
+Forward: ''
+Open New Window: ''
+Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: ''
+Download From Site: ''
+A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: ''
+Are you sure you want to open this link?: ''
+# Global
+# Anything shared among components / views should be put here
+ Videos: ''
+ Shorts: ''
+ Live: ''
+ Community: ''
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: ''
+ Channel Count: ''
+ Subscriber Count: ''
+ View Count: ''
+ Watching Count: ''
+# Search Bar
+Search / Go to URL: ''
+Search Bar:
+ Clear Input: ''
+ # In Filter Button
+Search Filters:
+ Search Filters: ''
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: ''
+ Most Relevant: ''
+ Rating: ''
+ Upload Date: ''
+ View Count: ''
+ Time:
+ Time: ''
+ Any Time: ''
+ Last Hour: ''
+ Today: ''
+ This Week: ''
+ This Month: ''
+ This Year: ''
+ Type:
+ Type: ''
+ All Types: ''
+ Videos: ''
+ Channels: ''
+ Movies: ''
+ #& Playlists
+ Duration:
+ Duration: ''
+ All Durations: ''
+ Short (< 4 minutes): ''
+ Medium (4 - 20 minutes): ''
+ Long (> 20 minutes): ''
+ # On Search Page
+ Search Results: ''
+ Fetching results. Please wait: ''
+ Fetch more results: ''
+ There are no more results for this search: ''
+# Sidebar
+ # On Subscriptions Page
+ Subscriptions: ''
+ # channels that were likely deleted
+ Error Channels: ''
+ Latest Subscriptions: ''
+ This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: ''
+ 'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': ''
+ Disabled Automatic Fetching: ''
+ Empty Channels: ''
+ 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': ''
+ Empty Posts: ''
+ Refresh Subscriptions: ''
+ Load More Videos: ''
+ Load More Posts: ''
+ Subscriptions Tabs: ''
+ All Subscription Tabs Hidden: ''
+More: ''
+ Channels: ''
+ Title: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ''
+ Count: ''
+ Empty: ''
+ Unsubscribe: ''
+ Unsubscribed: ''
+ Unsubscribe Prompt: ''
+ Trending: ''
+ Default: ''
+ Music: ''
+ Gaming: ''
+ Movies: ''
+ Trending Tabs: ''
+Most Popular: ''
+Playlists: ''
+User Playlists:
+ Your Playlists: ''
+ Playlist Message: ''
+ Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: ''
+ Empty Search Message: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ''
+ # On History Page
+ History: ''
+ Watch History: ''
+ Your history list is currently empty.: ''
+ Empty Search Message: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ""
+ # On Settings Page
+ Settings: ''
+ The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: ''
+ General Settings:
+ General Settings: ''
+ Check for Updates: ''
+ Check for Latest Blog Posts: ''
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
+ Enable Search Suggestions: ''
+ Default Landing Page: ''
+ Locale Preference: ''
+ System Default: ''
+ Preferred API Backend:
+ Preferred API Backend: ''
+ Local API: ''
+ Invidious API: ''
+ Video View Type:
+ Video View Type: ''
+ Grid: ''
+ List: ''
+ Thumbnail Preference:
+ Thumbnail Preference: ''
+ Default: ''
+ Beginning: ''
+ Middle: ''
+ End: ''
+ Hidden: ''
+ Current Invidious Instance: ''
+ The currently set default instance is {instance}: ''
+ No default instance has been set: ''
+ Current instance will be randomized on startup: ''
+ Set Current Instance as Default: ''
+ Clear Default Instance: ''
+ View all Invidious instance information: ''
+ Region for Trending: ''
+ #! List countries
+ External Link Handling:
+ External Link Handling: ''
+ Open Link: ''
+ Ask Before Opening Link: ''
+ No Action: ''
+ Theme Settings:
+ Theme Settings: ''
+ Match Top Bar with Main Color: ''
+ Expand Side Bar by Default: ''
+ Disable Smooth Scrolling: ''
+ UI Scale: ''
+ Hide Side Bar Labels: ''
+ Hide FreeTube Header Logo: ''
+ Base Theme:
+ Base Theme: ''
+ Black: ''
+ Dark: ''
+ System Default: ''
+ Light: ''
+ Dracula: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha: ''
+ Pastel Pink: ''
+ Hot Pink: ''
+ Main Color Theme:
+ Main Color Theme: ''
+ Red: ''
+ Pink: ''
+ Purple: ''
+ Deep Purple: ''
+ Indigo: ''
+ Blue: ''
+ Light Blue: ''
+ Cyan: ''
+ Teal: ''
+ Green: ''
+ Light Green: ''
+ Lime: ''
+ Yellow: ''
+ Amber: ''
+ Orange: ''
+ Deep Orange: ''
+ Dracula Cyan: ''
+ Dracula Green: ''
+ Dracula Orange: ''
+ Dracula Pink: ''
+ Dracula Purple: ''
+ Dracula Red: ''
+ Dracula Yellow: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Pink: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Red: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Peach: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Green: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Teal: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sky: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Blue: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: ''
+ Secondary Color Theme: ''
+ #* Main Color Theme
+ Player Settings:
+ Player Settings: ''
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
+ Play Next Video: ''
+ Turn on Subtitles by Default: ''
+ Autoplay Videos: ''
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
+ Autoplay Playlists: ''
+ Enable Theatre Mode by Default: ''
+ Scroll Volume Over Video Player: ''
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: ''
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: ''
+ Display Play Button In Video Player: ''
+ Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: ''
+ Next Video Interval: ''
+ Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: ''
+ Default Volume: ''
+ Default Playback Rate: ''
+ Max Video Playback Rate: ''
+ Video Playback Rate Interval: ''
+ Default Video Format:
+ Default Video Format: ''
+ Dash Formats: ''
+ Legacy Formats: ''
+ Audio Formats: ''
+ Default Quality:
+ Default Quality: ''
+ Auto: ''
+ 144p: ''
+ 240p: ''
+ 360p: ''
+ 480p: ''
+ 720p: ''
+ 1080p: ''
+ 1440p: ''
+ 4k: ''
+ 8k: ''
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: ''
+ Screenshot:
+ Enable: ''
+ Format Label: ''
+ Quality Label: ''
+ Ask Path: ''
+ Folder Label: ''
+ Folder Button: ''
+ File Name Label: ''
+ File Name Tooltip: ''
+ Error:
+ Forbidden Characters: ''
+ Empty File Name: ''
+ Comment Auto Load:
+ Comment Auto Load: ''
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player Settings: ''
+ External Player: ''
+ Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: ''
+ Custom External Player Executable: ''
+ Custom External Player Arguments: ''
+ Players:
+ None:
+ Name: ''
+ Privacy Settings:
+ Privacy Settings: ''
+ Remember History: ''
+ Save Watched Progress: ''
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: ''
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: ''
+ Clear Search Cache: ''
+ Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: ''
+ Search cache has been cleared: ''
+ Remove Watch History: ''
+ Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: ''
+ Watch history has been cleared: ''
+ Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: ''
+ Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: ''
+ Subscription Settings:
+ Subscription Settings: ''
+ Hide Videos on Watch: ''
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
+ Manage Subscriptions: ''
+ Fetch Automatically: ''
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Distraction Free Settings: ''
+ Sections:
+ Side Bar: ''
+ Subscriptions Page: ''
+ Channel Page: ''
+ Watch Page: ''
+ General: ''
+ Blur Thumbnails: ''
+ Hide Video Views: ''
+ Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: ''
+ Hide Channel Subscribers: ''
+ Hide Comment Likes: ''
+ Hide Recommended Videos: ''
+ Hide Trending Videos: ''
+ Hide Popular Videos: ''
+ Hide Playlists: ''
+ Hide Live Chat: ''
+ Hide Active Subscriptions: ''
+ Hide Video Description: ''
+ Hide Comments: ''
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: ''
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: ''
+ Hide Live Streams: ''
+ Hide Upcoming Premieres: ''
+ Hide Sharing Actions: ''
+ Hide Chapters: ''
+ Hide Channels: ''
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ''
+ Hide Featured Channels: ''
+ Hide Channel Playlists: ''
+ Hide Channel Community: ''
+ Hide Channel Shorts: ''
+ Hide Channel Podcasts: ''
+ Hide Channel Releases: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Videos: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: ''
+ Data Settings:
+ Data Settings: ''
+ Select Import Type: ''
+ Select Export Type: ''
+ Import Subscriptions: ''
+ Subscription File: ''
+ History File: ''
+ Playlist File: ''
+ Check for Legacy Subscriptions: ''
+ Export Subscriptions: ''
+ Export FreeTube: ''
+ Export YouTube: ''
+ Export NewPipe: ''
+ Import History: ''
+ Export History: ''
+ Import Playlists: ''
+ Export Playlists: ''
+ Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
+ All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: ''
+ All subscriptions have been successfully imported: ''
+ One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: ''
+ Invalid subscriptions file: ''
+ This might take a while, please wait: ''
+ Invalid history file: ''
+ Subscriptions have been successfully exported: ''
+ History object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
+ All watched history has been successfully imported: ''
+ All watched history has been successfully exported: ''
+ Playlist insufficient data: ''
+ All playlists has been successfully imported: ''
+ All playlists has been successfully exported: ''
+ Unable to read file: ''
+ Unable to write file: ''
+ Unknown data key: ''
+ How do I import my subscriptions?: ''
+ Manage Subscriptions: ''
+ Proxy Settings:
+ Proxy Settings: ''
+ Enable Tor / Proxy: ''
+ Proxy Protocol: ''
+ Proxy Host: ''
+ Proxy Port Number: ''
+ Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: ''
+ Test Proxy: ''
+ Your Info: ''
+ Ip: ''
+ Country: ''
+ Region: ''
+ City: ''
+ Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: ''
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ SponsorBlock Settings: ''
+ Enable SponsorBlock: ''
+ 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': ''
+ Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: ''
+ UseDeArrowTitles: ''
+ Skip Options:
+ Skip Option: ''
+ Auto Skip: ''
+ Show In Seek Bar: ''
+ Prompt To Skip: ''
+ Do Nothing: ''
+ Category Color: ''
+ Parental Control Settings:
+ Parental Control Settings: ''
+ Hide Unsubscribe Button: ''
+ Show Family Friendly Only: ''
+ Hide Search Bar: ''
+ Download Settings:
+ Download Settings: ''
+ Ask Download Path: ''
+ Choose Path: ''
+ Download Behavior: ''
+ Download in app: ''
+ Open in web browser: ''
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Experimental Settings: ''
+ Warning: ''
+ Replace HTTP Cache: ''
+ Password Dialog:
+ Password: ''
+ Enter Password To Unlock: ''
+ Password Incorrect: ''
+ Unlock: ''
+ Password Settings:
+ Password Settings: ''
+ Set Password To Prevent Access: ''
+ Set Password: ''
+ Remove Password: ''
+ #On About page
+ About: ''
+ Beta: ''
+ Source code: ''
+ Licensed under the AGPLv3: ''
+ View License: ''
+ Downloads / Changelog: ''
+ GitHub releases: ''
+ Help: ''
+ FreeTube Wiki: ''
+ FAQ: ''
+ Discussions: ''
+ Report a problem: ''
+ GitHub issues: ''
+ Please check for duplicates before posting: ''
+ Website: ''
+ Blog: ''
+ Email: ''
+ Mastodon: ''
+ Chat on Matrix: ''
+ Please read the: ''
+ room rules: ''
+ Translate: ''
+ Credits: ''
+ FreeTube is made possible by: ''
+ these people and projects: ''
+ Donate: ''
+ Profile Settings: ''
+ Toggle Profile List: ''
+ Profile Select: ''
+ Profile Filter: ''
+ All Channels: ''
+ Profile Manager: ''
+ Create New Profile: ''
+ Edit Profile: ''
+ Color Picker: ''
+ Custom Color: ''
+ Profile Preview: ''
+ Create Profile: ''
+ Update Profile: ''
+ Make Default Profile: ''
+ Delete Profile: ''
+ Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: ''
+ All subscriptions will also be deleted.: ''
+ Profile could not be found: ''
+ Your profile name cannot be empty: ''
+ Profile has been created: ''
+ Profile has been updated: ''
+ Your default profile has been set to {profile}: ''
+ Removed {profile} from your profiles: ''
+ Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: ''
+ '{profile} is now the active profile': ''
+ Subscription List: ''
+ Other Channels: ''
+ '{number} selected': ''
+ Select All: ''
+ Select None: ''
+ Delete Selected: ''
+ Add Selected To Profile: ''
+ No channel(s) have been selected: ''
+ ? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
+ same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
+ : ''
+ Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: ''
+#On Channel Page
+ Subscribe: ''
+ Unsubscribe: ''
+ Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: ''
+ Removed subscription from {count} other channel(s): ''
+ Added channel to your subscriptions: ''
+ Search Channel: ''
+ Your search results have returned 0 results: ''
+ Sort By: ''
+ This channel does not exist: ''
+ This channel does not allow searching: ''
+ This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube.: ''
+ Channel Tabs: ''
+ Videos:
+ Videos: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any videos: ''
+ Sort Types:
+ Newest: ''
+ Oldest: ''
+ Most Popular: ''
+ Shorts:
+ This channel does not currently have any shorts: ''
+ Live:
+ Live: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any live streams: ''
+ Playlists:
+ Playlists: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any playlists: ''
+ Sort Types:
+ Last Video Added: ''
+ Newest: ''
+ Oldest: ''
+ Podcasts:
+ Podcasts: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any podcasts: ''
+ Releases:
+ Releases: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any releases: ''
+ About:
+ About: ''
+ Channel Description: ''
+ Tags:
+ Tags: ''
+ Search for: ''
+ Details: ''
+ Joined: ''
+ Location: ''
+ Featured Channels: ''
+ Community:
+ This channel currently does not have any posts: ''
+ votes: ''
+ Reveal Answers: ''
+ Hide Answers: ''
+ Mark As Watched: ''
+ Remove From History: ''
+ Video has been marked as watched: ''
+ Video has been removed from your history: ''
+ Save Video: ''
+ Video has been saved: ''
+ Video has been removed from your saved list: ''
+ Open in YouTube: ''
+ Copy YouTube Link: ''
+ Open YouTube Embedded Player: ''
+ Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: ''
+ Open in Invidious: ''
+ Copy Invidious Link: ''
+ Open Channel in YouTube: ''
+ Copy YouTube Channel Link: ''
+ Open Channel in Invidious: ''
+ Copy Invidious Channel Link: ''
+ Views: ''
+ Loop Playlist: ''
+ Shuffle Playlist: ''
+ Reverse Playlist: ''
+ Play Next Video: ''
+ Play Previous Video: ''
+ Pause on Current Video: ''
+ Watched: ''
+ Autoplay: ''
+ Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: ''
+ # As in a Live Video
+ Premieres on: ''
+ Premieres: ''
+ Upcoming: ''
+ Live: ''
+ Live Now: ''
+ Live Chat: ''
+ Enable Live Chat: ''
+ Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: ''
+ 'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': ''
+ Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: ''
+ 'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': ''
+ 'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': ''
+ Show Super Chat Comment: ''
+ Scroll to Bottom: ''
+ Download Video: ''
+ video only: ''
+ audio only: ''
+ Audio:
+ Low: ''
+ Medium: ''
+ High: ''
+ Best: ''
+ Published:
+ Jan: ''
+ Feb: ''
+ Mar: ''
+ Apr: ''
+ May: ''
+ Jun: ''
+ Jul: ''
+ Aug: ''
+ Sep: ''
+ Oct: ''
+ Nov: ''
+ Dec: ''
+ Second: ''
+ Seconds: ''
+ Minute: ''
+ Minutes: ''
+ Hour: ''
+ Hours: ''
+ Day: ''
+ Days: ''
+ Week: ''
+ Weeks: ''
+ Month: ''
+ Months: ''
+ Year: ''
+ Years: ''
+ Ago: ''
+ Upcoming: ''
+ In less than a minute: ''
+ Published on: ''
+ Streamed on: ''
+ Started streaming on: ''
+ translated from English: ''
+ Publicationtemplate: ''
+ Skipped segment: ''
+ Sponsor Block category:
+ sponsor: ''
+ intro: ''
+ outro: ''
+ self-promotion: ''
+ interaction: ''
+ music offtopic: ''
+ recap: ''
+ filler: ''
+ External Player:
+ OpenInTemplate: ''
+ video: ''
+ playlist: ''
+ OpeningTemplate: ''
+ UnsupportedActionTemplate: ''
+ Unsupported Actions:
+ starting video at offset: ''
+ setting a playback rate: ''
+ opening playlists: ''
+ opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): ''
+ reversing playlists: ''
+ shuffling playlists: ''
+ looping playlists: ''
+ Stats:
+ Video statistics are not available for legacy videos: ''
+ Video ID: ''
+ Resolution: ''
+ Player Dimensions: ''
+ Bitrate: ''
+ Volume: ''
+ Bandwidth: ''
+ Buffered: ''
+ Dropped / Total Frames: ''
+ Mimetype: ''
+#& Videos
+ #& Sort By
+ Sort By:
+ Newest: ''
+ Oldest: ''
+ #& Most Popular
+#& Playlists
+ #& About
+ Playlist: ''
+ View Full Playlist: ''
+ Videos: ''
+ View: ''
+ Views: ''
+ Last Updated On: ''
+# On Video Watch Page
+#* Published
+#& Views
+Toggle Theatre Mode: ''
+Change Format:
+ Change Media Formats: ''
+ Use Dash Formats: ''
+ Use Legacy Formats: ''
+ Use Audio Formats: ''
+ Dash formats are not available for this video: ''
+ Audio formats are not available for this video: ''
+ Share Video: ''
+ Share Channel: ''
+ Share Playlist: ''
+ Include Timestamp: ''
+ Copy Link: ''
+ Open Link: ''
+ Copy Embed: ''
+ Open Embed: ''
+ # On Click
+ Invidious URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Copy failed: ''
+ Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: ''
+ Chapters: ''
+ 'Chapters list visible, current chapter: {chapterName}': ''
+ 'Chapters list hidden, current chapter: {chapterName}': ''
+Mini Player: ''
+ Comments: ''
+ Click to View Comments: ''
+ Getting comment replies, please wait: ''
+ There are no more comments for this video: ''
+ Show Comments: ''
+ Hide Comments: ''
+ Sort by: ''
+ Top comments: ''
+ Newest first: ''
+ View {replyCount} replies: ''
+ # Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply, View 1 Reply from Owner, View 2 Replies from Owner and others
+ View: ''
+ Hide: ''
+ Replies: ''
+ Show More Replies: ''
+ Reply: ''
+ From {channelName}: ''
+ And others: ''
+ There are no comments available for this video: ''
+ Load More Comments: ''
+ No more comments available: ''
+ Pinned by: ''
+ Member: ''
+ Subscribed: ''
+ Hearted: ''
+Up Next: ''
+ General Settings:
+ Preferred API Backend: ''
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
+ Thumbnail Preference: ''
+ Invidious Instance: ''
+ Region for Trending: ''
+ External Link Handling: |
+ Player Settings:
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
+ Default Video Format: ''
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: ''
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: ''
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: ''
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player: ''
+ Custom External Player Executable: ''
+ Ignore Warnings: ''
+ Custom External Player Arguments: ''
+ DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: ""
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Hide Channels: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: ''
+ Subscription Settings:
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
+ Fetch Automatically: ''
+ Privacy Settings:
+ Remove Video Meta Files: ''
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Replace HTTP Cache: ''
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ UseDeArrowTitles: ''
+# Toast Messages
+Local API Error (Click to copy): ''
+Invidious API Error (Click to copy): ''
+Falling back to Invidious API: ''
+Falling back to Local API: ''
+This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: ''
+Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: ''
+Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: ''
+Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: ''
+Loop is now disabled: ''
+Loop is now enabled: ''
+Shuffle is now disabled: ''
+Shuffle is now enabled: ''
+The playlist has been reversed: ''
+Playing Next Video: ''
+Playing Previous Video: ''
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: ''
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: ''
+Playing Next Video Interval: ''
+Canceled next video autoplay: ''
+Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: ''
+Default Invidious instance has been cleared: ''
+'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': ''
+External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: ''
+Downloading has completed: ''
+Starting download: ''
+Downloading failed: ''
+Screenshot Success: ''
+Screenshot Error: ''
+ Hashtag: ''
+ This hashtag does not currently have any videos: ''
+Yes: ''
+No: ''
+Ok: ''
diff --git a/static/locales/bg.yaml b/static/locales/bg.yaml
index b056eb0d2a185..e0454b566edf5 100644
--- a/static/locales/bg.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/bg.yaml
@@ -130,11 +130,99 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: Търсене в плейлиста
Empty Search Message: В този плейлист няма видеа, които да отговарят на търсенето
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: В този плейлист в момента няма видеа.
+ Add to Favorites: Добавяне към {playlistName}
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Сигурни
+ ли сте, че искате да премахнете всички гледани видеа от този плейлист? Това не
+ може да бъде отменено.
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Сигурни ли
+ сте, че искате да изтриете този плейлист? Това не може да бъде отменено.
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Възстановено е използването
+ на {oldPlaylistName} за бързи отметки
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Някои
+ видеа в плейлиста все още не са заредени. Щракнете тук, за да копирате.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Плейлиста {playlistName} е изтрит.
+ There were no videos to remove.: Няма видеа за премахване.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Това видео не може да бъде преместено нагоре.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Това видео не може да бъде преместено надолу.
+ Video has been removed: Видеото е премахнато
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Бързите отметки са деактивирани
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Имаше проблем с премахването на
+ това видео
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Този
+ плейлист вече се използва за бързи отметки вместо {oldPlaylistName}. Щракнете
+ тук, за отмяна
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Този плейлист вече се използва
+ за бързи отметки
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Името на плейлиста не може
+ да бъде празно. Моля, въведете име.
+ Playlist has been updated.: Плейлиста е актуализиран.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Имаше проблем с актуализирането
+ на този плейлист.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 видео е премахнато | {videoCount}
+ видеа са премахнати
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Този плейлист е защитен и
+ не може да бъде премахнат.
+ This playlist does not exist: Този плейлист не съществува
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Toast:
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Плейлиста {playlistName}
+ е създаден успешно.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Вече
+ има плейлист с това име. Моля, изберете друго.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Имаше проблем при създаването
+ на плейлиста.
+ New Playlist Name: Име на нов плейлист
+ Create: Създаване
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Нямате
+ плейлисти. Щракнете върху бутона за създаване на нов плейлист, за да създадете
+ нов.
+ Create New Playlist: Създаване на нов
+ Add to Playlist: Добавяне към плейлист за изпълнение
+ Move Video Up: Преместване нагоре
+ Playlist Description: Описание
+ Cancel: Отказ
+ Sort By:
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Наскоро създадени
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Най-рано създадени
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Най-рано възпроизведени
+ Sort By: Подреждане по
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Наскоро обновени
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Най-рано обновени
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Наскоро възпроизведени
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: Търсене в плейлисти
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Изберете плейлист, в който да добавите
+ своето видео | Изберете плейлист, в който да добавите своите {videoCount} видеа
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} избрани'
+ Toast:
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Все още не сте избрали плейлист.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": Добавено 1 видео в 1 плейлист |
+ Добавени {videoCount} видеа в 1 плейлист
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": Добавено 1 видео
+ към {playlistCount} плейлиста | Добавени {videoCount} видеа към {playlistCount}
+ плейлиста
+ Save: Запазване
+ Remove from Playlist: Премахване от плейлиста за изпълнение
+ Playlist Name: Име на плейлиста
+ Save Changes: Запазване на промените
+ Edit Playlist Info: Редактиране на инфо
+ Copy Playlist: Копиране на плейлиста
+ Remove Watched Videos: Премахване на гледаните видеа
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Активиране на бърза отметка с този плейлист
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Деактивиране на бърза отметка
+ Delete Playlist: Изтриване на плейлиста
+ Remove from Favorites: Премахване от {playlistName}
+ Move Video Down: Преместване надолу
# On History Page
History: 'История'
Watch History: 'История на гледане'
- Your history list is currently empty.: 'Списъкът с история на гледанията е празен.'
+ Your history list is currently empty.: 'Плейлиста с история на гледанията е празен.'
Search bar placeholder: Търсене в историята
Empty Search Message: В историята няма видеа, които да отговарят на търсенето ви
@@ -163,7 +251,8 @@ Settings:
Beginning: 'Начало на видео'
Middle: 'Среда на видео'
End: 'Край на видео'
- Hidden: Скрити
+ Hidden: Скриване
+ Blur: Размазано
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Излед на Invidious
(по подразбиране е https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Регион за набиращи популярност'
@@ -323,12 +412,18 @@ Settings:
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Автоматично премахване на видео метафайловете
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Запазване на гледани видеа с последно
гледан плейлист
+ Remove All Playlists: Премахване на всички плейлисти
+ All playlists have been removed: Всички плейлисти са премахнати
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Сигурни ли сте, че искате
+ да премахнете всичките си плейлисти?
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Настройки на абонаменти'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Скриване на видеата при гледане'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Извличане на съдържания през RSS'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Управление на абонаменти'
Fetch Automatically: Автоматично извличане на съдържание
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Показване само най-новите видеа за всеки
+ канал
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Настройки на данни'
Select Import Type: 'Избор на тип за внасяне'
@@ -377,6 +472,14 @@ Settings:
History File: Файл с история
Playlist File: Файл с плейлисти
Subscription File: Файл с абонаменти
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "Тази опция изнася видеа от всички плейлисти в един плейлист с име
+ \"Предпочитани\".\nКак да изнесете и внесете видеа в плейлисти за по-стара
+ версия на FreeTube:\n1. Изнесете плейлистите си с включена тази опция.\n2.
+ Изтрийте всичките си съществуващи плейлисти, като използвате опцията \"Премахване
+ на всички плейлисти\" в Настройки за поверителност.\n3. Стартирайте по-старата
+ версия на FreeTube и внесете изнесените плейлисти.\""
+ Label: Изнасяне на плейлисти за по-стари версии на FreeTube
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Разширени настройки'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Активиране на режим за дебъгване
@@ -423,7 +526,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: Скриване на главите
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Скриване на предстоящите премиери
Hide Channels: Скриване видеата от каналите
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Име или идентификатор на канала
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Идентификатор на канала
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Показване на заглавията без излишни
главни букви
Hide Featured Channels: Скриване на препоръчаните канали
@@ -444,6 +547,12 @@ Settings:
Blur Thumbnails: Размазване на миниатюрите
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Скриване на профилните снимки в коментарите
Hide Subscriptions Community: Скриване на абонаментите Общност
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Някои канали бяха блокирани с чрез идентификатор
+ и не бяха обработени. Функцията е блокирана, докато тези идентификатори се актуализират
+ Hide Channels API Error: Грешка при извличането на потребител с предоставения
+ идентификатор. Моля, проверете отново дали идентификаторът е правилен.
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Предоставеният идентификатор на канала е невалиден
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Идентификаторът на канала вече съществува
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Приложението
трябва да се рестартира за да се приложат промените. Рестартиране?
Proxy Settings:
@@ -478,6 +587,9 @@ Settings:
Do Nothing: Не правете нищо
Category Color: Категория Цвят
UseDeArrowTitles: Използване на DeArrow за заглавия на видео
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': DeArrow
+ API адрес за генератор на миниатюри (по подразбиране е https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Използване на DeArrow за миниатюри
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Персонализирани аргументи за външен плейър
Custom External Player Executable: Персонализирано изпълнение на външен плейър
@@ -488,6 +600,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Няма
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Игнориране на аргументите по подразбиране
Download Settings:
Download Settings: Настройки за изтегляне
Choose Path: Избор на път
@@ -517,6 +630,7 @@ Settings:
Password Incorrect: Грешна парола
Unlock: Отключване
Password: Парола
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Разширяване на всички раздели с настройки
#On About page
About: 'Относно'
@@ -618,6 +732,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Профилен филтър
Profile Settings: Настройки на профил
Toggle Profile List: Превключване на списъка с профили
+ Profile Name: Име на профила
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Отваряне на падащото меню на профила
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Затваряне на падащото меню на профила
+ Edit Profile Name: Редактиране на името на профила
+ Create Profile Name: Създаване на име на профил
Subscribe: 'Абониране'
Unsubscribe: 'Отписване'
@@ -823,6 +942,8 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Чатът
на живо не е наличен за този поток. Възможно е да е бил деактивиран от качващия.
Pause on Current Video: Пауза на текущото видео
+ Unhide Channel: Показване на канала
+ Hide Channel: Скриване на канала
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -902,7 +1023,7 @@ Up Next: 'Следващ'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Грешка в локалния интерфейс (щракнете за копиране)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Грешка в Invidious интерфейса (щракнете за копиране)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Връщане към Invidious интерфейса'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Връщане към локалния интерфейс'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Връщане към локалния интерфейс'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Видеото
не е достъпно поради липсващи формати. Това може да се дължи на ограничен достъп
за страната.'
@@ -983,20 +1104,25 @@ Tooltips:
за отваряне на видеото (плейлиста, ако се поддържа) във външния плейър. Внимание,
настройките на Invidious не влияят на външните плейъри.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(По подразбиране: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Без изпращане на аргументи по подразбиране към външния
+ плейър, освен URL адреса на видеото (напр. скорост на възпроизвеждане, URL адрес
+ на плейлиста за възпроизвеждане и т.н.). Потребителските аргументи все пак ще
+ бъдат изпратени.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Деактивира HTTP кеша на Electron върху носителя и активира
персонализиран кеш за изображения в паметта. Ще доведе до увеличаване на използването
на RAM паметта.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Въведете име или идентификатор на канал, за да скриете всички видеа,
- плейлисти и самия канал от показване в търсенето, тенденциите, най-популярните
- и препоръчаните. Въведеното име трябва да съвпада напълно и е чувствително към
- главни и малки букви.
+ Hide Channels: Въведете идентификатор на канал, за да скриете всички видеа, плейлисти
+ и самия канал от показване в търсенето, тенденциите, най-популярните и препоръчаните.
+ Въведеният идентификатор трябва да съвпада напълно и е чувствителен към главни
+ и малки букви.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Тази настройка се отменя от настройката за цялото приложение
"{appWideSetting}" в секция "{subsection}" на "{settingsSection}"
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Заменя заглавията на видеата с подадени от потребителите заглавия
от DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Заменя миниатюрите на видеата с миниатюри от DeArrow.
More: Още
Playing Next Video Interval: Пускане на следващото видео веднага. Щракнете за отказ.
| Пускане на следващото видео след {nextVideoInterval} секунда. Щракнете за отказ.
@@ -1022,12 +1148,6 @@ Downloading failed: Имаше проблем при изтеглянето на
Screenshot Error: Снимката на екрана е неуспешна. {error}
Screenshot Success: Запазена снимка на екрана като "{filePath}"
New Window: Нов прозорец
-Age Restricted:
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Този {videoOrPlaylist} е с възрастово
- ограничение
- Type:
- Channel: Канал
- Video: Видео
Count: Намерени са {number} канала.
Unsubscribe: Отписване
@@ -1056,3 +1176,6 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Плейлистът ще б
когато текущото видео приключи
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Плейлистът няма да спре, когато
текущото видео е завършено
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} е добавен към филтъра за канали'
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} е премахнат от филтъра за канали'
+Go to page: Отиване на {page}
diff --git a/static/locales/bn.yaml b/static/locales/bn.yaml
index 167f8f1e5d576..82cb20befde09 100644
--- a/static/locales/bn.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/bn.yaml
@@ -78,8 +78,28 @@ Subscriptions:
Subscriptions: 'সদস্যতা'
Latest Subscriptions: 'শেষ সদস্যতা'
Error Channels: ত্রুটিপূর্ণ চ্যানেল
+ 'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': আপনার
+ সাবস্ক্রিপশন লিস্ট খালি, দেখতে সাবস্ক্রিপশন করুন
+ Load More Posts: অতিরিক্ত পোস্ট লোড করুন
+ Empty Channels: আপনি যেসকল চ্যানেল সাবস্ক্রাইব করেছেন তাদের কোন ভিডিও নেই ।
+ Subscriptions Tabs: সাবস্ক্রিপশন ট্যাব
+ Empty Posts: আপনার সাবস্ক্রাইব কৃত চ্যানেলে কোন পোস্ট নেই ।
+ All Subscription Tabs Hidden: সকল সাবস্ক্রিপশন ট্যা গোপন করা হয়েছে ।এখানে কনটেন্ট
+ দেখতে কিছু ট্যাব আনহাইড করুন"{subsection}"এর "{settingsSection}"।
+ 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': সাবস্ক্রিপশন আনা হচ্ছে ।অপেক্ষা করুন ।
+ Load More Videos: অতিরিক্ত ভিডিও লোড করুন
+ Refresh Subscriptions: সাবস্ক্রিপশন রিফ্রেশ করুন
+ Disabled Automatic Fetching: আপনি সাবস্ক্রিপশন পেচ বন্ধ করে রেখেছেন। সাবস্ক্রিপশন
+ রিফ্রেশ করুন দেখার জন্য।
+ This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: এই
+ প্রোফাইলের অনেক সাবস্ক্রাইবার রয়েছে। জোরপূর্বক লিমিট এড়ানোর চেষ্টা করা হচ্ছে
Trending: 'চলছে'
+ Gaming: গেমিং
+ Default: পূর্বনির্ধারিত
+ Music: সঙ্গীত
+ Movies: সিনেমা
+ Trending Tabs: চলমান ভিডিও ট্যাব
# On History Page
History: 'ইতিহাস'
@@ -104,11 +124,50 @@ Global:
Videos: ভিডিও
Shorts: খাটো
Live: সরাসরি
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: ১ ভিডিও |{সমষ্টি }ভিডিও
+ Subscriber Count: ১ সাবস্ক্রাইবার |{সমষ্টি }সাবস্ক্রাইবার
+ View Count: ১ দেখা হয়েছে |{সমষ্টি }দর্শন সংখ্যা
+ Watching Count: ১ দেখছি |{গণনা }দেখছেন
+ Channel Count: ১ চ্যানেল |{সমষ্টি }চ্যানেল সমূহ
+ Community: গোষ্ঠী
External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: সাধারণ পছন্দসমূহে
বহিঃসংযোগ খোলা নিষ্ক্রিয় রাখা হয়েছে
Are you sure you want to open this link?: তুমি কি এই সংযোগটি খোলার ব্যাপারে নিশ্চিত?
Preferences: পছন্দসমূহ
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: চ্যানেল
- Video: ভিডিও
+Most Popular: অতিপরিচিত
+ Search bar placeholder: চ্যানেল খুঁজুন
+ Unsubscribe Prompt: আপনি নিশ্চিত আপনি "{channelName}"আনসাবস্ক্রাইব করতে চান ?
+ Channels: চ্যানেলসমূহ
+ Title: চ্যানেল সুচি
+ Empty: আপনার চ্যানেল সুচি এখন খালি ।
+ Unsubscribe: আনসাবস্ক্রাইব
+ Count: '{number}চ্যানেল পাওয়া গিয়েছে ।'
+ Unsubscribed: '{channelName} সরিয়ে দেয়া হয়েছে আপনার সাবস্ক্রিপশন থেকে'
+Playlists: প্লে লিস্ট
+User Playlists:
+ Your Playlists: আপনার প্লেলিস্ট
+ Search bar placeholder: নির্বাচিত তালিকাতে খুঁজুন
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: এই নির্বাচিত তালিকাতে কোন ভিডিও নেই।
+ Create New Playlist: নতুন একটি নির্বাচিত তালিকা তৈরি করুন
+ Add to Playlist: নির্বাচিত তালিকাতে যুক্ত করুন
+ Move Video Up: ভিডিও উপরে নিন
+ Move Video Down: ভিডিও নিচে নিন
+ Remove from Playlist: তালিকা থেকে মুছুন
+ Playlist Name: তালিকার নাম
+ Playlist Description: তালিকার বিবরন
+ Save Changes: পরিবর্তন সংরক্ষণ করুন
+ Cancel: বাতিল
+ Edit Playlist Info: নির্বাচিত তালিকার তথ্য পরিবর্তন
+ Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: আপনার
+ কোন সংরক্ষিত ভিডিও নেই, ভিডিও সংরক্ষণ করার জন্য ভিডিওর কোনায় যে বাটন আছে সেটিতে
+ চাপ দিলে সংরক্ষণ সম্পূর্ণ হবে।
+ Playlist Message: এই পেইজ এ সব গুলো প্লেলিস্ট নেই। এখানে শুধু যে ভিডিও গুলো সেইভ
+ করেছেন বা প্রিয় তালিকায় ছিল সেগুলো আছে। যখন কাজ শেষ হয়ে যাবে তখন, এখানকার সব ভিডিও
+ গুলো প্রিয় তালিকাতে নিয়ে যাওয়া হবে।
+ Empty Search Message: এই তালিকাতে আপনার কাংখিত ভিডিও নেই যেটি আপনি খুঁজছেন
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: নির্বাচিত
+ তালিকা নেই। নতুন তালিকা তৈরির জন্য নিউ প্লে-লিস্ট বাটন এ চাপ দিয়ে অগ্রসর হতে পারেন।
+More: অতিরিক্ত
+Go to page: পরবর্তী {পেইজ}
diff --git a/static/locales/ca.yaml b/static/locales/ca.yaml
index 0214917295329..6d0627144b40d 100644
--- a/static/locales/ca.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/ca.yaml
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ Forward: 'Endavant'
Videos: 'Vídeos'
+ Live: En directe
+ Community: Comunitat
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'La versió {versionNumber}
està disponible! Fes clic per a més detalls'
Download From Site: 'Descarrega des del web'
@@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ Subscriptions:
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Aquest
perfil té un gran nombre de subscripcions. Forçant RSS per evitar la limitació
+ Error Channels: Canals amb errors
Trending: 'Tendències'
Default: Per defecte
diff --git a/static/locales/ckb.yaml b/static/locales/ckb.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..10df3f5a8a224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/locales/ckb.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
+# Put the name of your locale in the same language
+Locale Name: 'ئیگلیزی (وڵاتە یەکگرتووەکانی ئەمریکا)'
+FreeTube: 'فریتیوب'
+# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
+'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
+ بەشێک لە نەرمەواڵەکە هێشتا ئامادە نییە. کە ڕەوتەکە درووست کرا دووبارە وەرەوە.
+# Webkit Menu Bar
+File: 'پەڕگە'
+New Window: 'پەنجەرەی نوێ'
+Preferences: 'هەڵبژاردەکان'
+Quit: 'دەرچوون'
+Edit: 'دەستکاری'
+Undo: 'پووچکردنەوە'
+Redo: 'کردنەوە'
+Cut: 'بڕین'
+Copy: 'لەبەرگرتنەوە'
+Paste: 'لکاندن'
+Delete: 'سڕینەوە'
+Select all: 'دیاریکردنی گشتیان'
+Reload: 'بارکردنەوە'
+Force Reload: 'باکردنەوەی بەزۆر'
+Toggle Developer Tools: 'زامنی ئامرازەکانی گەشەپێدەر'
+Actual size: 'قەبارەی ڕاستەقینە'
+Zoom in: ''
+Zoom out: ''
+Toggle fullscreen: ''
+Window: 'پەنجەرە'
+Minimize: ''
+Close: 'داخستن'
+Back: 'دواوە'
+Forward: 'پێشەوە'
+Open New Window: 'کردنەوەی پەنجەرەیەکی نوێ'
+Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'ئێستا وەشانی {versionNumber}
+ بەردەستە..بۆ زانیاری زۆرتر کرتە بکە'
+Download From Site: 'لە وێبگەوە دایگرە'
+A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'بلۆگێکی نوێ بەردەستە،
+ {blogTitle}. کرتە بکە بۆ بینینی'
+Are you sure you want to open this link?: 'دڵنیایت دەتەوێت ئەم بەستەرە بکەیتەوە؟'
+# Global
+# Anything shared among components / views should be put here
+ Videos: 'ڤیدیۆکان'
+ Shorts: ''
+ Live: 'ڕاستەوخۆ'
+ Community: 'کۆمەڵگە'
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: '١ ڤیدیۆ | {count} ڤیدیۆ'
+ Channel Count: '١ کەناڵ | {count} کەناڵ'
+ Subscriber Count: '١ بەشداربوو | {count} بەشداربوو'
+ View Count: 'بینینەک | {count} بینین'
+ Watching Count: '١ تەمەشاکردن | {count} تەمەشاکردن'
+# Search Bar
+Search / Go to URL: 'گەڕان/ بڕۆ بۆ ئرڵ'
+Search Bar:
+ Clear Input: ''
+ # In Filter Button
+Search Filters:
+ Search Filters: 'پاڵفتەکردنی گەڕان'
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: 'ڕیزکردن بە'
+ Most Relevant: ''
+ Rating: 'هەڵسەنگاندن'
+ Upload Date: 'ڕێکەوتی بارکردن'
+ View Count: 'ژمارەی بینین'
+ Time:
+ Time: 'کات'
+ Any Time: 'هەر کاتێک'
+ Last Hour: 'پێش کاتژمێرێک'
+ Today: 'ئەمڕۆ'
+ This Week: 'ئەم هەفتەیە'
+ This Month: 'ئەم مانگە'
+ This Year: 'ئەمساڵ'
+ Type:
+ Type: 'جۆر'
+ All Types: 'گشت جۆرەکان'
+ Videos: 'ڤیدیۆ'
+ Channels: 'کەناڵ'
+ Movies: 'فیلم'
+ #& Playlists
+ Duration:
+ Duration: 'ماوە'
+ All Durations: 'گشت ماوەکان'
+ Short (< 4 minutes): 'کورت (< ٤ خولەک)'
+ Medium (4 - 20 minutes): 'ناوەند (٤ - ٢٠ خولەک)'
+ Long (> 20 minutes): 'درێژ (> ٢٠ خولەک)'
+ # On Search Page
+ Search Results: 'ئەنجامەکانی گەڕان'
+ Fetching results. Please wait: ''
+ Fetch more results: ''
+ There are no more results for this search: 'ئەنجامەکی تر نییە بۆ ئەم گەڕانە'
+# Sidebar
+ # On Subscriptions Page
+ Subscriptions: ''
+ # channels that were likely deleted
+ Error Channels: ''
+ Latest Subscriptions: ''
+ This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: ''
+ 'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': ''
+ Disabled Automatic Fetching: ''
+ Empty Channels: 'کەناڵە بەشداربووەکانت هێشتا هیچ ڤیدیۆیەکیان نییە.'
+ 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': ''
+ Empty Posts: ''
+ Refresh Subscriptions: ''
+ Load More Videos: 'بارکردنی ڤیدیۆی زۆرتر'
+ Load More Posts: ''
+ Subscriptions Tabs: ''
+ All Subscription Tabs Hidden: ''
+More: 'زۆرتر'
+ Channels: 'کەناڵەکان'
+ Title: 'پێڕستی کەناڵەکان'
+ Search bar placeholder: ''
+ Count: '{number} کەناڵ دۆزرانەوە.'
+ Empty: 'ئێستا پێڕستی کەناڵەکانت بەتاڵە.'
+ Unsubscribe: ''
+ Unsubscribed: ''
+ Unsubscribe Prompt: ''
+ Trending: ''
+ Default: 'بنەڕەت'
+ Music: 'مۆسیقا'
+ Gaming: 'یاری'
+ Movies: 'فیلم'
+ Trending Tabs: ''
+Most Popular: 'باوترین'
+Playlists: 'پێڕستی لێدانەکان'
+User Playlists:
+ Your Playlists: 'پێڕستی لێدانەکانت'
+ Playlist Message: ''
+ Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: ''
+ Empty Search Message: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: 'لەناو پێڕستی لێدان بگەڕێ'
+ # On History Page
+ History: 'مێژوو'
+ Watch History: 'مێژووی تەمەشاکردن'
+ Your history list is currently empty.: 'ئێستا لیستەی مێژووت بەتاڵە.'
+ Empty Search Message: 'هیچ ڤیدیۆیەک لە مێژووت نەدۆزرایەوە کە بەرانبەری گەڕانەکەت
+ بێت'
+ Search bar placeholder: "لەناو مێژوو بگەڕێ"
+ # On Settings Page
+ Settings: 'ڕێکخستنەکان'
+ The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: ''
+ General Settings:
+ General Settings: 'ڕێکخستنە گشتییەکان'
+ Check for Updates: ''
+ Check for Latest Blog Posts: ''
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
+ Enable Search Suggestions: 'کاراکردنی پێشنیارەکانی گەڕان'
+ Default Landing Page: ''
+ Locale Preference: ''
+ System Default: 'بنەڕەتی سیستەم'
+ Preferred API Backend:
+ Preferred API Backend: ''
+ Local API: ''
+ Invidious API: ''
+ Video View Type:
+ Video View Type: ''
+ Grid: 'خانەخانە'
+ List: 'لیستە'
+ Thumbnail Preference:
+ Thumbnail Preference: ''
+ Default: 'بنەڕەت'
+ Beginning: 'سەرەتا'
+ Middle: 'ناوەڕاست'
+ End: 'کۆتایی'
+ Hidden: 'شاراوە'
+ Blur: ''
+ Current Invidious Instance: ''
+ The currently set default instance is {instance}: ''
+ No default instance has been set: ''
+ Current instance will be randomized on startup: ''
+ Set Current Instance as Default: ''
+ Clear Default Instance: ''
+ View all Invidious instance information: ''
+ Region for Trending: ''
+ #! List countries
+ External Link Handling:
+ External Link Handling: ''
+ Open Link: 'کردنەوەی بەستەر'
+ Ask Before Opening Link: 'پێش کردنەوەی بەستەر بپرسە'
+ No Action: 'هیچ مەکە'
+ Theme Settings:
+ Theme Settings: 'ڕێکخستنەکانی ڕووکار'
+ Match Top Bar with Main Color: ''
+ Expand Side Bar by Default: ''
+ Disable Smooth Scrolling: ''
+ UI Scale: ''
+ Hide Side Bar Labels: ''
+ Hide FreeTube Header Logo: ''
+ Base Theme:
+ Base Theme: 'ڕووکاری بنچینە'
+ Black: 'ڕەش'
+ Dark: 'تاریک'
+ System Default: 'بنەڕەتی سیستەم'
+ Light: 'ڕووناک'
+ Dracula: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha: ''
+ Pastel Pink: ''
+ Hot Pink: ''
+ Main Color Theme:
+ Main Color Theme: 'ڕەنگی سەرەکی ڕووکار'
+ Red: 'سوور'
+ Pink: 'پەمبە'
+ Purple: 'وەنەوشەیی'
+ Deep Purple: 'وەنەوشەیی تۆخ'
+ Indigo: 'نیلی'
+ Blue: 'شین'
+ Light Blue: 'شینی ئاڵ'
+ Cyan: 'شینی تۆخ'
+ Teal: 'شەدری'
+ Green: 'کەسک'
+ Light Green: 'کەسکی ئاڵ'
+ Lime: ''
+ Yellow: 'زەرد'
+ Amber: ''
+ Orange: 'نارنجی'
+ Deep Orange: 'نارنجی تۆخ'
+ Dracula Cyan: ''
+ Dracula Green: ''
+ Dracula Orange: ''
+ Dracula Pink: ''
+ Dracula Purple: ''
+ Dracula Red: ''
+ Dracula Yellow: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Pink: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Red: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Peach: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Green: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Teal: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sky: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Blue: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: ''
+ Secondary Color Theme: 'ڕەنگی لاوەکی ڕووکار'
+ #* Main Color Theme
+ Player Settings:
+ Player Settings: 'ڕێکخستنەکانی لێدەر'
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
+ Play Next Video: 'لێدانی ڤیدیۆی دواتر'
+ Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'هەڵکردنی بنەڕەتی ژێرنووس'
+ Autoplay Videos: 'خۆلێدانی ڤیدیۆ'
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
+ Autoplay Playlists: 'خۆلێدانی پێڕستی لێدان'
+ Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'کاراکردنی بنەڕەتیی شێوازی شانۆیی'
+ Scroll Volume Over Video Player: ''
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: ''
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: ''
+ Display Play Button In Video Player: ''
+ Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: ''
+ Next Video Interval: ''
+ Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: ''
+ Default Volume: ''
+ Default Playback Rate: ''
+ Max Video Playback Rate: ''
+ Video Playback Rate Interval: ''
+ Default Video Format:
+ Default Video Format: ''
+ Dash Formats: ''
+ Legacy Formats: ''
+ Audio Formats: ''
+ Default Quality:
+ Default Quality: 'جۆرایەتی بنەڕەت'
+ Auto: 'خۆکار'
+ 144p: '١٤٤p'
+ 240p: '٢٤٠p'
+ 360p: '٣٦٠p'
+ 480p: '٤٨٠p'
+ 720p: '٧٢٠p'
+ 1080p: '١٠٨٠p'
+ 1440p: '١٤٤٠p'
+ 4k: '٤k'
+ 8k: '٨k'
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: ''
+ Screenshot:
+ Enable: ''
+ Format Label: ''
+ Quality Label: ''
+ Ask Path: 'بۆ بوخچەی پاشەکەوت بپرسە'
+ Folder Label: ''
+ Folder Button: 'دیاریکردنی بوخچە'
+ File Name Label: ''
+ File Name Tooltip: ''
+ Error:
+ Forbidden Characters: ''
+ Empty File Name: ''
+ Comment Auto Load:
+ Comment Auto Load: ''
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player Settings: 'ڕێکخستنەکانی لێدەری دەرەکی'
+ External Player: 'لێدەری دەرەکی'
+ Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: ''
+ Custom External Player Executable: ''
+ Custom External Player Arguments: ''
+ Players:
+ None:
+ Name: 'هیچیان'
+ Privacy Settings:
+ Privacy Settings: 'ڕێکخستنەکانی نهێنێتی'
+ Remember History: ''
+ Save Watched Progress: ''
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: ''
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: ''
+ Clear Search Cache: ''
+ Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: ''
+ Search cache has been cleared: ''
+ Remove Watch History: 'سڕینەوەی مێژووی تەمەشاکردن'
+ Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: 'دڵنیایت دەتەوێت تەواوی
+ مێژووی تەمەشاکردنت بسڕیەوە؟'
+ Watch history has been cleared: 'مێژووی تەمەشاکردن لابرا'
+ Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: ''
+ Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: ''
+ Subscription Settings:
+ Subscription Settings: ''
+ Hide Videos on Watch: ''
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
+ Manage Subscriptions: ''
+ Fetch Automatically: ''
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Distraction Free Settings: ''
+ Sections:
+ Side Bar: ''
+ Subscriptions Page: ''
+ Channel Page: 'پەڕەی کەناڵ'
+ Watch Page: 'پەڕەی تەمەشاکردن'
+ General: 'گشتی'
+ Hide Video Views: 'شاردنەوەی ژمارەی بینراوەکانی ڤیدیۆ'
+ Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: ''
+ Hide Channel Subscribers: ''
+ Hide Comment Likes: ''
+ Hide Recommended Videos: 'شاردنەوەی ڤیدیۆ پێشنیازکراوەکان'
+ Hide Trending Videos: ''
+ Hide Popular Videos: ''
+ Hide Playlists: 'شاردنەوەی پێڕستی لێدان'
+ Hide Live Chat: ''
+ Hide Active Subscriptions: ''
+ Hide Video Description: ''
+ Hide Comments: ''
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: ''
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: ''
+ Hide Live Streams: ''
+ Hide Upcoming Premieres: ''
+ Hide Sharing Actions: ''
+ Hide Chapters: ''
+ Hide Channels: ''
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: ''
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ''
+ Hide Channels Invalid: ''
+ Hide Channels API Error: ''
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: ''
+ Hide Featured Channels: ''
+ Hide Channel Playlists: ''
+ Hide Channel Community: ''
+ Hide Channel Shorts: ''
+ Hide Channel Podcasts: ''
+ Hide Channel Releases: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Videos: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: ''
+ Data Settings:
+ Data Settings: 'ڕێکخستنەکانی دراوە'
+ Select Import Type: 'دیاریکردنی جۆری هاوردە'
+ Select Export Type: 'دیاریکردنی جۆری هەناردە'
+ Import Subscriptions: ''
+ Subscription File: ''
+ History File: 'پەڕگەی مێژوو'
+ Playlist File: 'پەڕگەی پێڕستی لێدان'
+ Check for Legacy Subscriptions: ''
+ Export Subscriptions: ''
+ Export FreeTube: 'هەناردەکردنی فریتیوب'
+ Export YouTube: 'هەناردەکردنی یوتیوب'
+ Export NewPipe: 'هەناردەکردنی نیوپایپ'
+ Import History: 'هاوردەکردنی مێژوو'
+ Export History: 'هەناردەکردنی مێژوو'
+ Import Playlists: 'هاوردەکردنی پێڕستی لێدان'
+ Export Playlists: 'هەناردەکردنی پێڕستی لێدان'
+ Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
+ All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: ''
+ All subscriptions have been successfully imported: ''
+ One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: ''
+ Invalid subscriptions file: ''
+ This might take a while, please wait: 'تکایە چاوەڕوانبە لەوانەیە هەندێک کاتی پێ
+ بچێت'
+ Invalid history file: 'پەڕگەی نادرووستی مێژوو'
+ Subscriptions have been successfully exported: ''
+ History object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
+ All watched history has been successfully imported: ''
+ All watched history has been successfully exported: ''
+ Playlist insufficient data: ''
+ All playlists has been successfully imported: ''
+ All playlists has been successfully exported: ''
+ Unable to read file: ''
+ Unable to write file: ''
+ Unknown data key: ''
+ How do I import my subscriptions?: ''
+ Manage Subscriptions: ''
+ Proxy Settings:
+ Proxy Settings: 'ڕێکخستنەکانی پێشکار'
+ Enable Tor / Proxy: 'کاراکردنی تۆر / پێشکار'
+ Proxy Protocol: 'پرۆتۆکۆلی پێشکار'
+ Proxy Host: 'خانەخوێی پێشکار'
+ Proxy Port Number: 'ژمارەی دەرچەی پێشکار'
+ Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: 'کرتە کردن لە تاقیکردنەوەی پێشکار،
+ داخوازییەک دەنێرێت بۆ'
+ Test Proxy: 'تاقیکردنەوەی پێشکار'
+ Your Info: 'زانیارییەکانت'
+ Ip: 'ئای پی'
+ Country: 'وڵات'
+ Region: 'هەرێم'
+ City: 'شار'
+ Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: ''
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ SponsorBlock Settings: ''
+ Enable SponsorBlock: ''
+ 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': ''
+ Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: ''
+ UseDeArrowTitles: ''
+ Skip Options:
+ Skip Option: ''
+ Auto Skip: ''
+ Show In Seek Bar: ''
+ Prompt To Skip: ''
+ Do Nothing: 'هیچ مەکە'
+ Category Color: ''
+ Parental Control Settings:
+ Parental Control Settings: ''
+ Hide Unsubscribe Button: ''
+ Show Family Friendly Only: ''
+ Hide Search Bar: 'شاردنەوەی میلی گەڕان'
+ Download Settings:
+ Download Settings: 'ڕێکخستنەکانی داگرتن'
+ Ask Download Path: ''
+ Choose Path: ''
+ Download Behavior: ''
+ Download in app: ''
+ Open in web browser: ''
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Experimental Settings: ''
+ Warning: ''
+ Replace HTTP Cache: ''
+ Password Dialog:
+ Password: 'تێپەڕەوشە'
+ Enter Password To Unlock: 'تێپەڕەوشە بنووسە بۆ کردنەوەی کڵۆمی ڕێکخستنەکان'
+ Password Incorrect: 'تێپەڕەوشەی نادرووست'
+ Unlock: 'کردنەوەی کڵۆم'
+ Password Settings:
+ Password Settings: 'ڕێکخستنەکانی تێپەڕەوشە'
+ Set Password To Prevent Access: ''
+ Set Password: 'دانانی تێپەڕەوشە'
+ Remove Password: 'لادانی تێپەڕەوشە'
+ #On About page
+ About: 'دەربارە'
+ Beta: ''
+ Source code: 'کۆدی سەرچاوە'
+ Licensed under the AGPLv3: 'مۆڵەتی وەشانی سێیەمی AGPL هەیە'
+ View License: 'بینینی مۆڵەت'
+ Downloads / Changelog: ''
+ GitHub releases: ''
+ Help: 'یارمەتی'
+ FreeTube Wiki: 'ویکی فریتیوب'
+ FAQ: 'پرسیارە دووبارەکان'
+ Discussions: ''
+ Report a problem: 'سکاڵا لە کێشەیەک بکە'
+ GitHub issues: ''
+ Please check for duplicates before posting: ''
+ Website: 'وێبگە'
+ Blog: 'بلۆگ'
+ Email: 'ئیمێڵ'
+ Mastodon: 'ماستادۆن'
+ Chat on Matrix: ''
+ Please read the: ''
+ room rules: ''
+ Translate: 'وەرگێڕان'
+ Credits: ''
+ FreeTube is made possible by: ''
+ these people and projects: ''
+ Donate: 'بەخشین'
+ Profile Settings: ''
+ Toggle Profile List: ''
+ Profile Select: ''
+ Profile Filter: ''
+ All Channels: 'هەموو کەناڵەکان'
+ Profile Manager: ''
+ Create New Profile: ''
+ Edit Profile: ''
+ Color Picker: ''
+ Custom Color: ''
+ Profile Preview: ''
+ Create Profile: ''
+ Update Profile: ''
+ Make Default Profile: ''
+ Delete Profile: ''
+ Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: ''
+ All subscriptions will also be deleted.: ''
+ Profile could not be found: ''
+ Your profile name cannot be empty: ''
+ Profile has been created: ''
+ Profile has been updated: ''
+ Your default profile has been set to {profile}: ''
+ Removed {profile} from your profiles: ''
+ Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: ''
+ '{profile} is now the active profile': ''
+ Subscription List: ''
+ Other Channels: ''
+ '{number} selected': '{number} دیاریکراوە'
+ Select All: 'دیاریکردنی هەموویان'
+ Select None: 'دیاری نەکردنی هیچیان'
+ Delete Selected: 'سڕینەوەی دیاریکراوەکان'
+ Add Selected To Profile: ''
+ No channel(s) have been selected: 'هیچ کەناڵێک دیاری نەکراوە'
+ ? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
+ same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
+ : ''
+ Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: ''
+#On Channel Page
+ Subscribe: ''
+ Unsubscribe: ''
+ Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: ''
+ Removed subscription from {count} other channel(s): ''
+ Added channel to your subscriptions: ''
+ Search Channel: ''
+ Your search results have returned 0 results: ''
+ Sort By: 'ڕیزکردن بە'
+ This channel does not exist: 'ئەم کەناڵە بوونی نییە'
+ This channel does not allow searching: 'ئەم کەناڵە ڕێ بە گەڕان نادات'
+ This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube.: ''
+ Channel Tabs: ''
+ Videos:
+ Videos: 'ڤیدیۆکان'
+ This channel does not currently have any videos: 'ئەم کەناڵە ئێستا هیچ ڤیدیۆیەکی
+ نییە'
+ Sort Types:
+ Newest: 'نوێترین'
+ Oldest: 'کۆنترین'
+ Most Popular: ''
+ Shorts:
+ This channel does not currently have any shorts: ''
+ Live:
+ Live: 'ڕاستەوخۆ'
+ This channel does not currently have any live streams: ''
+ Playlists:
+ Playlists: 'پێڕستی لێدان'
+ This channel does not currently have any playlists: 'ئەم کەناڵە ئێستا هیچ پێڕستێکی
+ لێدانی نییە'
+ Sort Types:
+ Last Video Added: 'دوایین ڤیدیۆ زیادکراوەکان'
+ Newest: 'نوێترین'
+ Oldest: 'کۆنترین'
+ Podcasts:
+ Podcasts: 'پۆدکاستەکان'
+ This channel does not currently have any podcasts: 'ئەم کەناڵە ئێستا هیچ پۆدکاستێکی
+ نییە'
+ Releases:
+ Releases: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any releases: ''
+ About:
+ About: 'دەربارە'
+ Channel Description: 'پێناسی کەناڵ'
+ Tags:
+ Tags: ''
+ Search for: ''
+ Details: 'وردەکاری'
+ Joined: ''
+ Location: ''
+ Featured Channels: ''
+ Community:
+ This channel currently does not have any posts: ''
+ votes: '{votes} دەنگ'
+ Reveal Answers: ''
+ Hide Answers: 'شاردنەوەی وەڵامەکان'
+ Mark As Watched: 'وەکو تەمەشاکراو نیشانی بکە'
+ Remove From History: 'لە مێژوو لای ببە'
+ Video has been marked as watched: 'ڤیدیۆکە وەکو تەمەشاکراو نیشان کراوە'
+ Video has been removed from your history: 'ڤیدیۆکە لە مێژووەکەت لابرا'
+ Save Video: 'پاشەکەوتکردنی ڤیدیۆ'
+ Video has been saved: 'ڤیدیۆکە پاشەکەوت کرا'
+ Video has been removed from your saved list: 'ڤیدیۆکە لە لیستەی پاشەکەوت کراوەکان
+ لابرا'
+ Open in YouTube: 'کردنەوە لە یوتیوب'
+ Copy YouTube Link: 'بەستەری یوتیوب لەبەر بگرەوە'
+ Open YouTube Embedded Player: ''
+ Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: ''
+ Open in Invidious: ''
+ Copy Invidious Link: ''
+ Open Channel in YouTube: 'کردنەوەی کەناڵ لە یوتیوب'
+ Copy YouTube Channel Link: 'لەبەرگرتنەوەی بەستەری کەناڵی یوتیوب'
+ Open Channel in Invidious: ''
+ Copy Invidious Channel Link: ''
+ Views: 'بینراو'
+ Loop Playlist: ''
+ Shuffle Playlist: ''
+ Reverse Playlist: ''
+ Play Next Video: 'لێدانی ڤیدیۆی دواتر'
+ Play Previous Video: 'لێدانی ڤیدیۆی پێشوو'
+ Pause on Current Video: ''
+ Watched: 'تەمەشاکراو'
+ Autoplay: 'خۆلێدان'
+ Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: ''
+ # As in a Live Video
+ Premieres on: ''
+ Premieres: ''
+ Upcoming: ''
+ Live: ''
+ Live Now: ''
+ Live Chat: ''
+ Enable Live Chat: ''
+ Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: ''
+ 'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': ''
+ Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: ''
+ 'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': ''
+ 'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': ''
+ Show Super Chat Comment: ''
+ Scroll to Bottom: ''
+ Download Video: 'داگرتنی ڤیدیۆ'
+ video only: 'تەنیا ڤیدیۆ'
+ audio only: 'تەنیا دەنگ'
+ Audio:
+ Low: 'نزم'
+ Medium: 'مامناوەند'
+ High: 'بەرز'
+ Best: 'باشترین'
+ Published:
+ Jan: ''
+ Feb: ''
+ Mar: ''
+ Apr: ''
+ May: ''
+ Jun: ''
+ Jul: ''
+ Aug: ''
+ Sep: ''
+ Oct: ''
+ Nov: ''
+ Dec: ''
+ Second: 'چرکە'
+ Seconds: 'چرکە'
+ Minute: 'خولەک'
+ Minutes: 'خولەک'
+ Hour: 'کاتژمێر'
+ Hours: 'کاتژمێر'
+ Day: 'ڕۆژ'
+ Days: 'ڕۆژ'
+ Week: 'هەفتە'
+ Weeks: 'هەفتە'
+ Month: 'مانگ'
+ Months: 'مانگ'
+ Year: 'ساڵ'
+ Years: 'ساڵ'
+ Ago: ''
+ Upcoming: ''
+ In less than a minute: ''
+ Published on: 'بڵاوکرایەوە لە'
+ Streamed on: ''
+ Started streaming on: ''
+ translated from English: ''
+ Publicationtemplate: ''
+ Skipped segment: ''
+ Sponsor Block category:
+ sponsor: ''
+ intro: ''
+ outro: ''
+ self-promotion: ''
+ interaction: ''
+ music offtopic: ''
+ recap: ''
+ filler: ''
+ External Player:
+ OpenInTemplate: ''
+ video: 'ڤیدیۆ'
+ playlist: 'پێڕستی لێدان'
+ OpeningTemplate: ''
+ UnsupportedActionTemplate: ''
+ Unsupported Actions:
+ starting video at offset: ''
+ setting a playback rate: ''
+ opening playlists: ''
+ opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): ''
+ reversing playlists: ''
+ shuffling playlists: ''
+ looping playlists: ''
+ Stats:
+ Video statistics are not available for legacy videos: ''
+ Video ID: ''
+ Resolution: ''
+ Player Dimensions: ''
+ Bitrate: ''
+ Volume: ''
+ Bandwidth: ''
+ Buffered: ''
+ Dropped / Total Frames: ''
+ Mimetype: ''
+#& Videos
+ Unhide Channel: پیشاندانی کەناڵ
+ Hide Channel: شاردنەوەی کەناڵ
+ #& Sort By
+ Sort By:
+ Newest: 'نوێترین'
+ Oldest: 'کۆنترین'
+ #& Most Popular
+#& Playlists
+ #& About
+ Playlist: 'پێڕستی لێدان'
+ View Full Playlist: ''
+ Videos: 'ڤیدیۆکان'
+ View: 'بینراو'
+ Views: 'بینراو'
+ Last Updated On: ''
+# On Video Watch Page
+#* Published
+#& Views
+Toggle Theatre Mode: ''
+Change Format:
+ Change Media Formats: ''
+ Use Dash Formats: ''
+ Use Legacy Formats: ''
+ Use Audio Formats: ''
+ Dash formats are not available for this video: ''
+ Audio formats are not available for this video: ''
+ Share Video: 'هاوبەشکردنی ڤیدیۆ'
+ Share Channel: 'هاوبەشکردنی کەناڵ'
+ Share Playlist: 'هاوبەشکردنی پێڕستی لێدان'
+ Include Timestamp: ''
+ Copy Link: 'لەبەرگرتنەوەی بەستەر'
+ Open Link: 'کردنەوەی بەستەر'
+ Copy Embed: ''
+ Open Embed: ''
+ # On Click
+ Invidious URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Copy failed: ''
+ Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: ''
+ Chapters: ''
+ 'Chapters list visible, current chapter: {chapterName}': ''
+ 'Chapters list hidden, current chapter: {chapterName}': ''
+Mini Player: 'لێدەری گچکە'
+ Comments: ''
+ Click to View Comments: ''
+ Getting comment replies, please wait: ''
+ There are no more comments for this video: ''
+ Show Comments: ''
+ Hide Comments: ''
+ Sort by: 'ڕیزکردن بە'
+ Top comments: ''
+ Newest first: 'سەرەتا نوێترینەکان'
+ View {replyCount} replies: ''
+ # Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply, View 1 Reply from Owner, View 2 Replies from Owner and others
+ View: 'بینین'
+ Hide: 'شاردنەوە'
+ Replies: 'وەڵامدانەوەکان'
+ Show More Replies: 'پیشاندانی وەڵامدانەوەی زۆرتر'
+ Reply: 'وەڵامدانەوە'
+ From {channelName}: 'لە {channelName}ەوە'
+ And others: 'هی تر'
+ There are no comments available for this video: ''
+ Load More Comments: ''
+ No more comments available: ''
+ Pinned by: ''
+ Member: 'ئەندام'
+ Subscribed: ''
+ Hearted: ''
+Up Next: ''
+ General Settings:
+ Preferred API Backend: ''
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
+ Thumbnail Preference: ''
+ Invidious Instance: ''
+ Region for Trending: ''
+ External Link Handling: |
+ Player Settings:
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
+ Default Video Format: ''
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: ''
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: ''
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: ''
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player: ''
+ Custom External Player Executable: ''
+ Ignore Warnings: ''
+ Custom External Player Arguments: ''
+ DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(بنەڕەت: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Hide Channels: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: ''
+ Subscription Settings:
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
+ Fetch Automatically: ''
+ Privacy Settings:
+ Remove Video Meta Files: ''
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Replace HTTP Cache: ''
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ UseDeArrowTitles: ''
+# Toast Messages
+Local API Error (Click to copy): ''
+Invidious API Error (Click to copy): ''
+Falling back to Invidious API: ''
+Falling back to Local API: ''
+This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: ''
+Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: ''
+Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: ''
+Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: ''
+Loop is now disabled: ''
+Loop is now enabled: ''
+Shuffle is now disabled: ''
+Shuffle is now enabled: ''
+The playlist has been reversed: ''
+Playing Next Video: 'لێدانی ڤیدیۆی دواتر'
+Playing Previous Video: 'لێدانی ڤیدیۆی پێشوو'
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: ''
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: ''
+Playing Next Video Interval: ''
+Canceled next video autoplay: ''
+Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: ''
+Default Invidious instance has been cleared: ''
+'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': ''
+External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: ''
+Downloading has completed: ''
+Starting download: ''
+Downloading failed: ''
+Screenshot Success: ''
+Screenshot Error: ''
+ Hashtag: ''
+ This hashtag does not currently have any videos: ''
+Yes: 'بەڵێ'
+No: 'نەخێر'
+Ok: 'باشە'
+Go to page: بڕۆ بۆ {page}
diff --git a/static/locales/cs.yaml b/static/locales/cs.yaml
index c51306503a815..0ee0b31ecc33d 100644
--- a/static/locales/cs.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/cs.yaml
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 odběratel | {count} odběratelů
View Count: 1 zhlédnutí | {count} zhlédnutí
Watching Count: 1 sledující | {count} sledujících
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Štítek musí být dlouhý alespoň {number} znaků
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Verze {versionNumber}
je k dispozici! Klikněte pro více informací'
Download From Site: 'Stáhnout ze stránky'
@@ -126,9 +128,96 @@ User Playlists:
Playlist Message: Tato stránka neodráží plně funkční playlisty. Uvádí pouze videa,
která jste si uložili nebo zařadili mezi oblíbená. Po dokončení práce budou všechna
aktuálně zde umístěná videa přenesena do seznamu „Oblíbené“.
- Search bar placeholder: Hledat v playlistech
+ Search bar placeholder: Hledat v playlistu
Empty Search Message: V tomto playlistu nejsou žádná videa, která by odpovídala
vašemu vyhledávání
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Opravdu
+ chcete z tohoto playlistu odstranit všechna zhlédnutá videa? Tato akce je nevratná.
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: Hledat v playlistech
+ Save: Uložit
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 video přidáno
+ do {playlistCount} playlistů| {videoCount} videí přidáno do {playlistCount}
+ playlistů
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 video přidáno do playlistu |
+ {videoCount} videí přidáno do playlistu
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Zatím jste nevybrali žádný playlist.
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Vyberte playlist, do kterého přidat
+ vaše video | Vyberte playlist, do kterého přidat vašich {videoCount} videí
+ N playlists selected: Vybráno {playlistCount}
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ There were no videos to remove.: Nejsou zde žádná videa k odstranění.
+ Video has been removed: Video bylo odstraněno
+ Playlist has been updated.: Playlist byl aktualizován.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Při úpravě tohoto playlistu
+ se vyskytla chyba.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Toto video nelze posunout nahoru.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Tento playlist je chráněn
+ a nelze jej odstranit.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Playlist {playlistName} byl odstraněn.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Některá
+ videa v playlistu ještě nejsou načtena. Kliknutím sem je přesto zkopírujete.
+ This playlist does not exist: Tento playlist neexistuje
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Název playlistu nemůže
+ být prázdný. Zadejte prosím název.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Při odstraňování videa se vyskytl
+ problém
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 video bylo odstraněno | {videoCount}
+ videí bylo odstraněno
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Toto video nejde posunout dolů.
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Tento
+ playlist bude nyní použit pro rychlé uložení namísto playlistu {oldPlaylistName}.
+ Klikněte sem pro zrušení akce
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Playlist {oldPlaylistName}
+ byl navrácen pro rychlé uložení
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Tento playlist bude nyní použit
+ pro rychlé uložení
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Rychlé uložení vypnuto
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Opravdu chcete
+ odstranit tento playlist? Tato akce je nevratná.
+ Sort By:
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Nejnověji přehrané
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Nejdéle vytvořené
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Nejnověji vytvořené
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Nejdéle bez aktualizace
+ Sort By: Seřadit podle
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Nejdéle bez přehrání
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Nejnověji aktualizované
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Nemáte
+ žádné playlisty. Klikněte na tlačítko pro vytvoření nového playlistu.
+ Remove from Playlist: Odebrat z playlistu
+ Save Changes: Uložit změny
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Vytvořit
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Při vytváření playlistu se vyskytla
+ chyba.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Playlist {playlistName}
+ byl úspěšně vytvořen.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Playlist
+ s tímto názvem již existuje. Zvolte prosím jiný název.
+ New Playlist Name: Název nového playlistu
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: V tomto playlistu momentálně nejsou žádná
+ videa.
+ Add to Playlist: Přidat do playlistu
+ Move Video Down: Posunout video dolů
+ Playlist Name: Název playlistu
+ Remove Watched Videos: Odstranit zhlédnutá videa
+ Move Video Up: Posunout video nahoru
+ Cancel: Zrušit
+ Delete Playlist: Odstranit playlist
+ Create New Playlist: Vytvořit nový playlist
+ Edit Playlist Info: Upravit informace o playlistu
+ Copy Playlist: Kopírovat playlist
+ Playlist Description: Popis playlistu
+ Add to Favorites: Přidat do playlistu {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Odebrat z playlistu {playlistName}
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Vypnout rychlé uložení
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Zapnout u tohoto playlistu rychlé uložení
# On History Page
History: 'Historie'
@@ -145,7 +234,7 @@ Settings:
General Settings:
General Settings: 'Obecné nastavení'
Check for Updates: 'Kontrolovat aktualizace'
- Check for Latest Blog Posts: 'Kontrolovat nejnovější příspěvky blogů'
+ Check for Latest Blog Posts: 'Kontrolovat nejnovější příspěvky na blogu'
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Při chybě přepnout na nepreferovaný
Enable Search Suggestions: 'Zapnout návrhy vyhledávání'
@@ -166,6 +255,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Střed'
End: 'Konec'
Hidden: Skryté
+ Blur: Rozmazané
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Instance Invidious
(Výchozí je https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Oblast pro trendy'
@@ -179,7 +269,7 @@ Settings:
Current Invidious Instance: Současná instance Invidious
No default instance has been set: Není nastavena žádná výchozí instance
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: Současné výchozí instance je
+ The currently set default instance is {instance}: Aktuální výchozí instance je
External Link Handling:
No Action: Žádná akce
@@ -202,6 +292,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
Hot Pink: Horká růžová
Pastel Pink: Pastelově růžová
+ Nordic: Nordic
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Hlavní barva motivu'
Red: 'Červená'
@@ -250,7 +341,7 @@ Settings:
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Vynutit místní backend pro starší formáty'
Play Next Video: 'Přehrát další video'
Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'Ve výchozím nastavení zapnout titulky'
- Autoplay Videos: 'Automatické přehrávání videí'
+ Autoplay Videos: 'Automaticky přehrávat videa'
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Proxy videa prostřednictvím Invidious'
Autoplay Playlists: 'Automaticky přehrávat playlist'
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'Ve výchozím nastavení povolit režim kino'
@@ -276,9 +367,9 @@ Settings:
Playlist Next Video Interval: Interval pro další video na playlistu
Next Video Interval: Další interval videa
Display Play Button In Video Player: Zobrazit tlačítko Přehrát v přehrávači videa
- Scroll Volume Over Video Player: Změnit hlasitost posouváním na videu
+ Scroll Volume Over Video Player: Měnit hlasitost posuvem kolečka myši na přehrávači
Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: Interval rychlého přetáčení vpřed / vzad
- Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Změna rychlosti přehrávání posuvem kolečka
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Měnit rychlost přehrávání posuvem kolečka
Max Video Playback Rate: Maximální rychlost přehrávání videa
Video Playback Rate Interval: Interval rychlosti přehrávání videa
@@ -298,10 +389,10 @@ Settings:
Quality Label: Kvalita snímku obrazovky
Folder Button: Vybrat složku
Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: Při otočení displeje přejít na celou obrazovku
- Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Přeskočení posouváním na přehrávači videa
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Posouvat čas posuvem kolečka myši na přehrávači
Allow DASH AV1 formats: Povolit formáty DASH AV1
Comment Auto Load:
- Comment Auto Load: Automatické načtení komentářů
+ Comment Auto Load: Automaticky načítat komentáře
Privacy Settings:
Privacy Settings: 'Nastavení soukromí'
Remember History: 'Zapamatovat historii'
@@ -320,12 +411,18 @@ Settings:
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Automaticky odstranit meta soubory videa
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Uložit zhlédnutá videa s naposledy
zobrazeným playlistem
+ All playlists have been removed: Všechny playlisty byly odstraněny
+ Remove All Playlists: Odstranit všechny playlisty
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Opravdu chcete odstranit
+ všechny své playlisty?
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Nastavení odběrů'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Skrýt přehraná videa'
- Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Načíst kanály z RSS'
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Získávat odběry z RSS'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Spravovat odebírané kanály'
Fetch Automatically: Automaticky načítat odběry
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: U každého kanálu zobrazit pouze nejnovější
+ video
Distraction Free Settings:
Distraction Free Settings: 'Nastavení rozptylování'
Hide Video Views: 'Skrýt počet přehrání videa'
@@ -345,9 +442,9 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: Skrýt kapitoly
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Skrýt nadcházející premiéry
Hide Channels: Skrýt videa z kanálů
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Název nebo ID kanálu
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID kanálu
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Zobrazit názvy bez nadměrného
- použití velkých písmen
+ použití velkých písmen a interpunkce
Hide Featured Channels: Skrýt doporučené kanály
Hide Channel Playlists: Skrýt playlisty kanálu
Hide Channel Community: Skrýt komunitu kanálu
@@ -366,6 +463,16 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Skrýt profilové obrázky v komentářích
Blur Thumbnails: Rozmazat náhledy
Hide Subscriptions Community: Skrýt komunitu odběratelů
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Zadané ID kanálu je neplatné
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Některé kanály byly zablokovány pomocí ID a nebyly
+ zpracovány. Při aktualizaci těchto ID je funkce zablokována
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: ID kanálu již existuje
+ Hide Channels API Error: Chyba při načítání uživatele se zadaným ID. Zkontrolujte
+ prosím, zda je zadané ID správné.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Skrýt videa a playlisty obsahující
+ text
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Slovo, část slova nebo
+ fráze
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Nastavení dat'
Select Import Type: 'Vybrat typ importu'
@@ -413,6 +520,13 @@ Settings:
History File: Soubor historie
Subscription File: Soubor odběrů
Playlist File: Soubor playlistů
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "Tato možnost exportuje videa ze všech playlistů do jednoho playlistu
+ s názvem „Favorites“.\nJak exportovat a importovat videa z playlistů do starších
+ verzí FreeTube:\n1. Povolte tuto možnost a exportujte své playlisty.\n2. Odstraňte
+ všechny své stávající playlisty možností Odstranit všechny playlisty v nastavení
+ soukromí.\n3. Spusťte starší verzi FreeTube a importujte exportované playlisty."
+ Label: Exportovat playlisty pro starší verze FreeTube
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Rozšířené nastavení'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Povolit režim ladění (výstup
@@ -459,7 +573,7 @@ Settings:
Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: Upozornit při přeskočení segmentu
'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': URL API SponsorBlock
(výchozí je https://sponsor.ajay.app)
- Enable SponsorBlock: Povolit SponsorBlock
+ Enable SponsorBlock: Zapnout SponsorBlock
SponsorBlock Settings: Nastavení služby SponsorBlock
Skip Options:
Do Nothing: Nic nedělat
@@ -469,15 +583,19 @@ Settings:
Show In Seek Bar: Zobrazit v liště
Category Color: Barva kategorie
UseDeArrowTitles: Použít názvy videí z DeArrow
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': Adresa
+ URL API generátoru náhledů DeArrow (výchozí je https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Použít službu DeArrow pro náhledy
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Argumenty vlastního externího přehrávače
Custom External Player Executable: Spustitelný vlastní externí přehrávač
- Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Ignorovat varování u nepodporovaných akcích
+ Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Ignorovat varování u nepodporovaných akcí
External Player: Externí přehrávač
External Player Settings: Nastavení externího přehrávače
Name: Žádný
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ignorovat výchozí argumenty
Download Settings:
Ask Download Path: Zeptat se na cestu umístění souboru
Download Settings: Nastavení stahování
@@ -505,6 +623,7 @@ Settings:
Set Password To Prevent Access: Nastavte heslo, abyste zabránili přístupu k nastavení
Remove Password: Odebrat heslo
Set Password: Nastavit heslo
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Rozbalit všechny sekce nastavení
#On About page
About: 'O aplikaci'
@@ -586,7 +705,7 @@ Profile:
Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: 'Váš výchozí profil
byl změněn na primární profil'
'{profile} is now the active profile': '{profile} je nyní aktivním profilem'
- Subscription List: 'List odebíraných kanálů'
+ Subscription List: 'Seznam odebíraných kanálů'
Other Channels: 'Ostatní kanály'
'{number} selected': '{number} vybrán'
Select All: 'Vybrat vše'
@@ -605,6 +724,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Filtr profilu
Profile Settings: Nastavení profilu
Toggle Profile List: Přepnout seznam profilů
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Otevřít rozbalovací nabídku profilu
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Zavřít rozbalovací nabídku profilu
+ Profile Name: Jméno profilu
+ Edit Profile Name: Upravit jméno profilu
+ Create Profile Name: Vytvořit jméno profilu
Subscribe: 'Odebírat'
Unsubscribe: 'Zrušit odběr'
@@ -631,7 +755,7 @@ Channel:
Newest: 'Nejnovější'
Oldest: 'Nejstarší'
- About: 'O kanálu'
+ About: 'Informace'
Channel Description: 'Popis kanálu'
Featured Channels: 'Doporučené kanály'
@@ -651,6 +775,7 @@ Channel:
Hide Answers: Skrýt odpovědi
votes: '{votes} hlasů'
Reveal Answers: Odhalit odpovědi
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Video skryté programem FreeTube
Live: Živě
This channel does not currently have any live streams: Tento kanál v současné
@@ -670,15 +795,15 @@ Video:
Remove From History: 'Odstranit z historie'
Video has been marked as watched: 'Video bylo označeno jako zhlédnuté'
Video has been removed from your history: 'Video bylo odstraněno z vaší historie'
- Open in YouTube: 'Otevřít v YouTube'
+ Open in YouTube: 'Otevřít na YouTube'
Copy YouTube Link: 'Kopírovat YouTube odkaz'
Open YouTube Embedded Player: 'Otevřít vložený přehrávač YouTube'
Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: 'Zkopírovat odkaz na vložený přehrávač YouTube'
- Open in Invidious: 'Otevřít v Invidious'
+ Open in Invidious: 'Otevřít na Invidious'
Copy Invidious Link: 'Kopírovat Invidious odkaz'
- Open Channel in YouTube: 'Otevřít kanál v YouTube'
+ Open Channel in YouTube: 'Otevřít kanál na YouTube'
Copy YouTube Channel Link: 'Kopírovat odkaz kanálu YouTube'
- Open Channel in Invidious: 'Otevřít kanál v Invidious'
+ Open Channel in Invidious: 'Otevřít kanál na Invidious'
Copy Invidious Channel Link: 'Kopírovat odkaz Invidious kanálu'
Views: 'Zhlédnutí'
Loop Playlist: 'Smyčka playlistu'
@@ -799,6 +924,9 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Živý
chat není pro tento stream k dispozici. Je možné, že byl vypnut nahrávajícím.
Pause on Current Video: Pozastavit na současném videu
+ Unhide Channel: Zobrazit kanál
+ Hide Channel: Skrýt kanál
+ More Options: Další možnosti
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -898,10 +1026,10 @@ Tooltips:
otevřít ve FreeTube.\nVe výchozím nastavení otevře FreeTube odkaz ve vašem výchozím
Player Settings:
- Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Funguje pouze v případě, že je výchozím
- nastavením API Invidious. Je-li povoleno, spustí se místní API a použije starší
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Funguje pouze v případě, že je jako výchozí
+ nastaveno API Invidious. Je-li povoleno, spustí se místní API a použije starší
formáty místo těch, které vrátí Invidious. Může pomoci, pokud videa z Invidious
- nemohou být přehrána kvůli regionálnímu omezení.'
+ nemohou být přehrána z důvodu regionálních omezení.'
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Připojí se k Invidious, aby poskytoval videa
namísto přímého připojení k YouTube. Toto přepíše předvolby API.'
Default Video Format: 'Nastavte formáty použité při přehrávání videa. Formáty
@@ -941,22 +1069,29 @@ Tooltips:
že vybraný externí přehrávač lze nalézt přes proměnnou prostředí cesty PATH.
V případě potřeby zde lze nastavit vlastní cestu.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Výchozí: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Neodesílat externímu přehrávači žádné výchozí argumenty
+ kromě adresy URL videa (např. rychlost přehrávání, adresu URL playlistu atd.).
+ Tato možnost se nevztahuje na vlastní argumenty.
Experimental Settings:
- Replace HTTP Cache: Zakáže mezipaměť HTTP Electronu a povolí vlastní paměťovou
- mezipaměť pro obrázky v paměti. Povede to ke zvýšenému využití RAM.
+ Replace HTTP Cache: Zakáže mezipaměť HTTP Electronu a povolí vlastní mezipaměť
+ pro obrázky v paměti. Povede to ke zvýšenému využití RAM.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Zadejte název nebo ID kanálu pro skrytí všech videí, playlistů
- a samotného kanálu před zobrazením ve vyhledávání, trendech, nejpopulárnějších
- a doporučených. Zadaný název kanálu se musí zcela shodovat a rozlišují se v
- něm velká a malá písmena.
+ Hide Channels: Zadejte ID kanálu pro skrytí všech videí, playlistů a samotného
+ kanálu před zobrazením ve vyhledávání, trendech, nejpopulárnějších a doporučených.
+ Zadané ID kanálu se musí zcela shodovat a rozlišují se v něm velká a malá písmena.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Toto nastavení je nadřazeno nastavením celé aplikace
„{appWideSetting}“ v části „{subsection}“ v části „{settingsSection}“
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Zadejte slovo, část slova nebo frázi
+ (velká a malá písmena nejsou rozlišovány) pro skrytí všech videí a playlistů,
+ jejichž původní názvy obsahují zadání, napříč celým FreeTube, vyjma historie,
+ vašich playlistů a videí uvnitř playlistů.
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Nahradit názvy videí vlastními názvy od uživatelů DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Nahradit náhledy videa těmi ze služby DeArrow.
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Chyba lokálního API (kliknutím zkopírujete)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Chyba Invidious API (kliknutím zkopírujete)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Přepínám na Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Přepínám na lokální API'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Přepínám na lokální API'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Toto
video není k dispozici z důvodu chybějících formátů. K tomu může dojít z důvodu
nedostupnosti země.'
@@ -995,11 +1130,6 @@ Downloading has completed: Bylo dokončeno stahování "{videoTitle}"
Downloading failed: Došlo k problému při stahování "{videoTitle}"
Starting download: Zahájení stahování "{videoTitle}"
New Window: Nové okno
-Age Restricted:
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Toto {videoOrPlaylist} je omezeno věkem
- Type:
- Channel: kanál
- Video: Video
Channels: Kanály
Title: Seznam kanálů
@@ -1030,3 +1160,13 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Po přehrání aktuálního
playlist pozastaven
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Po přehrání aktuálního videa
nebude playlist pozastaven
+Channel Hidden: Kanál {channel} přidán do filtru kanálů
+Go to page: Přejít na {page}
+Channel Unhidden: Kanál {channel} odebrán z filtrů kanálů
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: Oříznutý vstup musí být dlouhý alespoň
+ 1 znak | Oříznutý vstup musí být dlouhý alespoň {length} znaků
+Tag already exists: Štítek „{tagName}“ již existuje
+Close Banner: Zavřít panel
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: Tento kanál je omezen věkem
+ This video is age restricted: Toto video je omezeno věkem
diff --git a/static/locales/cy.yaml b/static/locales/cy.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6f277d93c3d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/locales/cy.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+# Put the name of your locale in the same language
+Locale Name: 'Cymraeg'
+FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
+# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
+'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >
+# Webkit Menu Bar
+File: 'Ffeil'
+New Window: 'Ffenestr Newydd'
+Preferences: 'Dewisiadau'
+Quit: 'Gadael'
+Edit: 'Golygu'
+Undo: 'Dadwneud'
+Redo: 'Ailwneud'
+Cut: 'Torri'
+Copy: 'Copïo'
+Paste: 'Gludo'
+Delete: 'Dileu'
+Select all: 'Dewis popeth'
+Reload: 'Adnewyddu'
+Force Reload: 'Gorfodi Adnewyddu'
+Toggle Developer Tools: 'Toglo Teclynnau Datblygwr'
+Actual size: 'Maint real'
+Zoom in: 'Chwyddo i mewn'
+Zoom out: 'Chwyddo allan'
+Toggle fullscreen: 'Toglo sgrin lawn'
+Window: 'Ffenestr'
+Minimize: 'Lleihau'
+Close: 'Cau'
+Back: 'Nôl'
+Forward: 'Ymlaen'
+Open New Window: 'Agor Ffenestr Newydd'
+Go to page: 'Mynd i {page}'
+Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Mae Fersiwn {versionNumber}
+ bellach ar gael! Cliciwch am fwy o manylion'
+Download From Site: 'Lawrlwytho o''r Gwefan'
+A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'Mae blogiad newydd
+ bellach ar gael, {blogTitle}. Cliciwch i weld mwy'
+Are you sure you want to open this link?: 'Ydych chi wir eisiau agor y ddolen hon?'
+# Global
+# Anything shared among components / views should be put here
+ Videos: 'Fideos'
+ Shorts: 'Shorts'
+ Live: 'Byw'
+ Community: 'Cymuned'
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: '1 fideo| {count} fideo'
+ Channel Count: '1 sianel | {count} sianel'
+ Subscriber Count: '1 tanysgrifiwr| {count} o danysgrifwyr'
+ View Count: '1 edrychiad | {count} edrychiad'
+ Watching Count: '1 yn gwylio | {count} yn gwylio'
+# Search Bar
+Search / Go to URL: 'Chwilio / Mynd i URL'
+Search Bar:
+ Clear Input: 'Clirio Mewnbwn'
+ # In Filter Button
+Search Filters:
+ Search Filters: 'Chwilio Hidlyddion'
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: 'Trefnu'
+ Most Relevant: 'Mwyaf Perthnasol'
+ Rating: 'Sgôr'
+ Upload Date: 'Dyddiad Uwchlwytho'
+ View Count: 'Edrychiadau'
+ Time:
+ Time: 'Amser'
+ Any Time: 'Unrhyw bryd'
+ Last Hour: 'Yr Awr Diwethaf'
+ Today: 'Heddiw'
+ This Week: 'Yr Wythnos Hon'
+ This Month: 'Y Mis Hwn'
+ This Year: 'Eleni'
+ Type:
+ Type: 'Math'
+ All Types: 'Pob Math'
+ Videos: 'Fideos'
+ Channels: 'Sianeli'
+ Movies: 'Ffilmiau'
+ #& Playlists
+ Duration:
+ Duration: 'Hyd'
+ All Durations: 'Pob Hyd'
+ Short (< 4 minutes): 'Byr (< 4 munud)'
+ Medium (4 - 20 minutes): 'Canolig (4 - 20 munud)'
+ Long (> 20 minutes): 'Hir (> 20 munud)'
+ # On Search Page
+ Search Results: 'Canlyniadau Chwilio'
+ Fetching results. Please wait: 'Wrthi''n nôl canlyniadau. Arhoswch os gwelwch yn
+ dda'
+ Fetch more results: 'Mwy o ganlyniadau'
+ There are no more results for this search: 'Dim canlyniadau pellach ar gyfer y chwiliad
+ hwn'
+# Sidebar
+ # On Subscriptions Page
+ Subscriptions: 'Tanysgrifiadau'
+ # channels that were likely deleted
+ Error Channels: 'Sianeli gyda Gwallau'
+ Latest Subscriptions: 'Tanysgrifiadau Diweddaraf'
+ This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: ''
+ 'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': ''
+ Disabled Automatic Fetching: ''
+ Empty Channels: ''
+ 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Wrthi''n nôl Tanysgrifiadau. Arhoswch os
+ gwelwch yn dda.'
+ Empty Posts: ''
+ Refresh Subscriptions: 'Adnewyddu Tanysgrifiadau'
+ Load More Videos: 'Llwytho Mwy o Fideos'
+ Load More Posts: 'Llwytho Mwy o Bostiadau'
+ Subscriptions Tabs: 'Tabiau Tanysgrifio'
+ All Subscription Tabs Hidden: ''
+More: 'Mwy'
+ Channels: 'Sianeli'
+ Title: 'Rhestr Sianeli'
+ Search bar placeholder: 'Chwilio Sianeli'
+ Count: ''
+ Empty: ''
+ Unsubscribe: 'Dad-danysgrifio'
+ Unsubscribed: ''
+ Unsubscribe Prompt: ''
+ Trending: 'Llosg'
+ Default: 'Diofyn'
+ Music: 'Cerddoriaeth'
+ Gaming: 'Gemau'
+ Movies: 'Ffilmiau'
+ Trending Tabs: 'Tabiau Llosg'
+Most Popular: 'Mwyaf Poblogaidd'
+Playlists: 'Rhestrau Chwarae'
+User Playlists:
+ Your Playlists: 'Eich Rhestrau Chwarae'
+ Playlist Message: ''
+ Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: ''
+ Empty Search Message: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ''
+ # On History Page
+ History: 'Hanes'
+ Watch History: 'Hanes Gwylio'
+ Your history list is currently empty.: ''
+ Empty Search Message: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ""
+ # On Settings Page
+ Settings: 'Gosodiadau'
+ Expand All Settings Sections: ''
+ The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: ''
+ General Settings:
+ General Settings: 'Gosodiadau Cyffredinol'
+ Check for Updates: 'Chwilio am Ddiweddariadau'
+ Check for Latest Blog Posts: ''
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
+ Enable Search Suggestions: ''
+ Default Landing Page: ''
+ Locale Preference: 'Dewis Iaith'
+ System Default: 'Rhagosodyn y System'
+ Preferred API Backend:
+ Preferred API Backend: ''
+ Local API: 'API Lleol'
+ Invidious API: 'API Invidious'
+ Video View Type:
+ Video View Type: ''
+ Grid: 'Grid'
+ List: 'Rhestr'
+ Thumbnail Preference:
+ Thumbnail Preference: 'Dewisiadau Bawdlun'
+ Default: 'Diofyn'
+ Beginning: 'Dechrau'
+ Middle: 'Canol'
+ End: 'Diwedd'
+ Hidden: 'Wedi''u cuddio'
+ Blur: ''
+ Current Invidious Instance: ''
+ The currently set default instance is {instance}: ''
+ No default instance has been set: ''
+ Current instance will be randomized on startup: ''
+ Set Current Instance as Default: ''
+ Clear Default Instance: ''
+ View all Invidious instance information: ''
+ Region for Trending: ''
+ #! List countries
+ External Link Handling:
+ External Link Handling: ''
+ Open Link: 'Agor Dolen'
+ Ask Before Opening Link: ''
+ No Action: 'Dim Gweithred'
+ Theme Settings:
+ Theme Settings: 'Gosodiadau Thema'
+ Match Top Bar with Main Color: ''
+ Expand Side Bar by Default: ''
+ Disable Smooth Scrolling: ''
+ UI Scale: 'Graddfa UI'
+ Hide Side Bar Labels: ''
+ Hide FreeTube Header Logo: ''
+ Base Theme:
+ Base Theme: 'Thema Sylfaenol'
+ Black: 'Du'
+ Dark: 'Tywyll'
+ System Default: 'Rhagosodyn y System'
+ Light: 'Golau'
+ Dracula: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha: 'Catppuccin Mocha'
+ Pastel Pink: ''
+ Hot Pink: ''
+ Main Color Theme:
+ Main Color Theme: ''
+ Red: 'Coch'
+ Pink: 'Pinc'
+ Purple: 'Porffor'
+ Deep Purple: ''
+ Indigo: 'Indigo'
+ Blue: 'Glas'
+ Light Blue: 'Glas Golau'
+ Cyan: 'Gwyrddlas'
+ Teal: 'Gwyrddlas Tywyll'
+ Green: 'Gwyrdd'
+ Light Green: 'Gwyrdd Golau'
+ Lime: 'Leim'
+ Yellow: 'Melyn'
+ Amber: ''
+ Orange: 'Oren'
+ Deep Orange: ''
+ Dracula Cyan: ''
+ Dracula Green: ''
+ Dracula Orange: ''
+ Dracula Pink: ''
+ Dracula Purple: ''
+ Dracula Red: ''
+ Dracula Yellow: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Pink: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Red: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Peach: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Green: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Teal: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sky: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Blue: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: ''
+ Secondary Color Theme: ''
+ #* Main Color Theme
+ Player Settings:
+ Player Settings: 'Gosodiadau Chwaraewr'
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
+ Play Next Video: ''
+ Turn on Subtitles by Default: ''
+ Autoplay Videos: 'Awto-chwarae Fideos'
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
+ Autoplay Playlists: 'Awto-chwarae Rhestrau Chwarae'
+ Enable Theatre Mode by Default: ''
+ Scroll Volume Over Video Player: ''
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: ''
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: ''
+ Display Play Button In Video Player: ''
+ Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: ''
+ Next Video Interval: ''
+ Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: ''
+ Default Volume: 'Sain Diofyn'
+ Default Playback Rate: ''
+ Max Video Playback Rate: ''
+ Video Playback Rate Interval: ''
+ Default Video Format:
+ Default Video Format: ''
+ Dash Formats: 'Fformatau DASH'
+ Legacy Formats: 'Hen Fformatau'
+ Audio Formats: 'Fformatau Sain'
+ Default Quality:
+ Default Quality: 'Ansawdd Diofyn'
+ Auto: 'Awtomatig'
+ 144p: '144p'
+ 240p: '240p'
+ 360p: '360p'
+ 480p: '480p'
+ 720p: '720p'
+ 1080p: '1080p'
+ 1440p: '1440p'
+ 4k: '4k'
+ 8k: '8k'
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: ''
+ Screenshot:
+ Enable: 'Galluogi Sgrinlun'
+ Format Label: 'Fformat Sgrinluniau'
+ Quality Label: 'Ansawdd Sgrinlun'
+ Ask Path: ''
+ Folder Label: 'Ffolder Sgrinlun'
+ Folder Button: 'Dewis Ffolder'
+ File Name Label: 'Patrwm Enw Ffeil'
+ File Name Tooltip: ''
+ Error:
+ Forbidden Characters: 'Nodau Gwahardd'
+ Empty File Name: ''
+ Comment Auto Load:
+ Comment Auto Load: ''
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player Settings: ''
+ External Player: 'Chwaraewr Allanol'
+ Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: ''
+ Custom External Player Executable: ''
+ Custom External Player Arguments: ''
+ Players:
+ None:
+ Name: 'Dim'
+ Privacy Settings:
+ Privacy Settings: 'Gosodiadau Preifatrwydd'
+ Remember History: 'Cadw Hanes'
+ Save Watched Progress: ''
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: ''
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: ''
+ Clear Search Cache: ''
+ Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: ''
+ Search cache has been cleared: ''
+ Remove Watch History: ''
+ Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: ''
+ Watch history has been cleared: ''
+ Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: ''
+ Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: ''
+ Subscription Settings:
+ Subscription Settings: 'Gosodiadau Tanysgrifio'
+ Hide Videos on Watch: ''
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
+ Manage Subscriptions: 'Rheoli Tanysgrifiadau'
+ Fetch Automatically: ''
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: ''
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Distraction Free Settings: ''
+ Sections:
+ Side Bar: 'Bar Ochr'
+ Subscriptions Page: 'Tudalen Tanysgrifiadau'
+ Channel Page: 'Tudalen Sianel'
+ Watch Page: 'Tudalen Wylio'
+ General: 'Cyffredinol'
+ Hide Video Views: ''
+ Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: ''
+ Hide Channel Subscribers: ''
+ Hide Comment Likes: ''
+ Hide Recommended Videos: ''
+ Hide Trending Videos: 'Cuddio Fideos Llosg'
+ Hide Popular Videos: 'Cuddio Fideos Poblogaidd'
+ Hide Playlists: 'Cuddio Rhestrau Chwarae'
+ Hide Live Chat: ''
+ Hide Active Subscriptions: ''
+ Hide Video Description: ''
+ Hide Comments: 'Cuddio Sylwadau'
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: ''
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: ''
+ Hide Live Streams: ''
+ Hide Upcoming Premieres: ''
+ Hide Sharing Actions: ''
+ Hide Chapters: 'Cuddio Siapteri'
+ Hide Channels: ''
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: ''
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: 'ID Sianel'
+ Hide Channels Invalid: ''
+ Hide Channels API Error: ''
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: ''
+ Hide Featured Channels: ''
+ Hide Channel Playlists: ''
+ Hide Channel Community: ''
+ Hide Channel Shorts: ''
+ Hide Channel Podcasts: ''
+ Hide Channel Releases: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Videos: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: ''
+ Data Settings:
+ Data Settings: 'Gosodiadau Data'
+ Select Import Type: ''
+ Select Export Type: ''
+ Import Subscriptions: 'Mewnforio Tanysgrifiadau'
+ Subscription File: 'Ffeil Tanysgrifio'
+ History File: 'Ffeil Hanes'
+ Playlist File: 'Ffeil Rhestr Chwarae'
+ Check for Legacy Subscriptions: ''
+ Export Subscriptions: 'Allforio Tanysgrifiadau'
+ Export FreeTube: 'Allforio FreeTube'
+ Export YouTube: 'Allforio YouTube'
+ Export NewPipe: 'Allforio NewPipe'
+ Import History: 'Mewnforio Hanes'
+ Export History: 'Allforio Hanes'
+ Import Playlists: 'Mewnforio Rhestrau Chwarae'
+ Export Playlists: 'Allforio Rhestrau Chwarae'
+ Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
+ All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: ''
+ All subscriptions have been successfully imported: ''
+ One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: ''
+ Invalid subscriptions file: ''
+ This might take a while, please wait: ''
+ Invalid history file: ''
+ Subscriptions have been successfully exported: ''
+ History object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
+ All watched history has been successfully imported: ''
+ All watched history has been successfully exported: ''
+ Playlist insufficient data: ''
+ All playlists has been successfully imported: ''
+ All playlists has been successfully exported: ''
+ Unable to read file: ''
+ Unable to write file: ''
+ Unknown data key: ''
+ How do I import my subscriptions?: ''
+ Manage Subscriptions: 'Rheoli Tanysgrifiadau'
+ Proxy Settings:
+ Proxy Settings: 'Gosodiadau Dirprwy'
+ Enable Tor / Proxy: ''
+ Proxy Protocol: 'Protocol Dirprwy'
+ Proxy Host: 'Gweinydd Dirprwy'
+ Proxy Port Number: ''
+ Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: ''
+ Test Proxy: 'Profi Dirprwy'
+ Your Info: 'Eich Gwybodaeth'
+ Ip: 'IP'
+ Country: 'Gwlad'
+ Region: 'Rhanbarth'
+ City: 'Dinas'
+ Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: ''
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ SponsorBlock Settings: 'Gosodiadau SponsorBlock'
+ Enable SponsorBlock: 'Galluogi SponsorBlock'
+ 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': ''
+ Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: ''
+ UseDeArrowTitles: ''
+ Skip Options:
+ Skip Option: 'Opsiwn Hepgor'
+ Auto Skip: 'Awto-Hepgor'
+ Show In Seek Bar: ''
+ Prompt To Skip: ''
+ Do Nothing: 'Gwneud Dim'
+ Category Color: 'Lliw Categori'
+ Parental Control Settings:
+ Parental Control Settings: ''
+ Hide Unsubscribe Button: 'Cuddio Botwm Dad-danysgrifio'
+ Show Family Friendly Only: ''
+ Hide Search Bar: 'Cuddio Bar Chwilio'
+ Download Settings:
+ Download Settings: 'Gosodiadau Lawrlwytho'
+ Ask Download Path: ''
+ Choose Path: 'Dewiswch Lwybr'
+ Download Behavior: 'Ymddygiad Lawrlwytho'
+ Download in app: ''
+ Open in web browser: ''
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Experimental Settings: 'Gosodiadau Arbrofol'
+ Warning: ''
+ Replace HTTP Cache: ''
+ Password Dialog:
+ Password: 'Cyfrinair'
+ Enter Password To Unlock: ''
+ Password Incorrect: 'Cyfrinair Anghywir'
+ Unlock: 'Datgloi'
+ Password Settings:
+ Password Settings: 'Gosodiadau Cyfrinair'
+ Set Password To Prevent Access: ''
+ Set Password: 'Gosod Cyfrinair'
+ Remove Password: 'Tynnu Cyfrinair'
+ #On About page
+ About: 'Ynghylch'
+ Beta: 'Beta'
+ Source code: 'Cod ffynhonnell'
+ Licensed under the AGPLv3: ''
+ View License: 'Gweld Trwydded'
+ Downloads / Changelog: ''
+ GitHub releases: ''
+ Help: 'Cymorth'
+ FreeTube Wiki: 'Wici FreeTube'
+ FAQ: 'Cwestiynau Cyffredin'
+ Discussions: 'Sgyrsiau'
+ Report a problem: ''
+ GitHub issues: 'Materion GitHub'
+ Please check for duplicates before posting: ''
+ Website: 'Gwefan'
+ Blog: 'Blog'
+ Email: 'E-bost'
+ Mastodon: 'Mastodon'
+ Chat on Matrix: ''
+ Please read the: ''
+ room rules: 'rheolau ystafell'
+ Translate: 'Cyfieithu'
+ Credits: 'Cydnabyddiaeth'
+ FreeTube is made possible by: ''
+ these people and projects: ''
+ Donate: 'Rhoi arian'
+ Profile Settings: 'Gosodiadau Proffil'
+ Toggle Profile List: ''
+ Profile Select: 'Dewis Proffil'
+ Profile Filter: 'Hidlydd Proffil'
+ All Channels: 'Pob Sianel'
+ Profile Manager: 'Rheoli Proffiliau'
+ Create New Profile: 'Creu Proffil Newydd'
+ Edit Profile: 'Golygu Proffil'
+ Edit Profile Name: ''
+ Create Profile Name: ''
+ Profile Name: 'Enw Proffil'
+ Color Picker: 'Dewisydd Lliw'
+ Custom Color: 'Lliw Addas'
+ Profile Preview: 'Rhagweld Proffil'
+ Create Profile: 'Creu Proffil'
+ Update Profile: 'Diweddaru Proffil'
+ Make Default Profile: ''
+ Delete Profile: 'Dileu Proffil'
+ Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: ''
+ All subscriptions will also be deleted.: ''
+ Profile could not be found: ''
+ Your profile name cannot be empty: ''
+ Profile has been created: ''
+ Profile has been updated: ''
+ Your default profile has been set to {profile}: ''
+ Removed {profile} from your profiles: ''
+ Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: ''
+ '{profile} is now the active profile': ''
+ Subscription List: 'Rhestr Tanysgrifiadau'
+ Other Channels: 'Sianeli Eraill'
+ '{number} selected': ''
+ Select All: 'Dewis Popeth'
+ Select None: 'Dewis Dim'
+ Delete Selected: ''
+ Add Selected To Profile: ''
+ No channel(s) have been selected: ''
+ ? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
+ same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
+ : ''
+ Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: ''
+ Close Profile Dropdown: ''
+ Open Profile Dropdown: ''
+#On Channel Page
+ Subscribe: 'Tanysgrifio'
+ Unsubscribe: 'Dad-danysgrifio'
+ Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: ''
+ Removed subscription from {count} other channel(s): ''
+ Added channel to your subscriptions: ''
+ Search Channel: 'Chwilio Sianel'
+ Your search results have returned 0 results: ''
+ Sort By: 'Trefnu yn ôl'
+ This channel does not exist: ''
+ This channel does not allow searching: ''
+ This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube.: ''
+ Channel Tabs: 'Tabiau Sianel'
+ Videos:
+ Videos: 'Fideos'
+ This channel does not currently have any videos: ''
+ Sort Types:
+ Newest: 'Diweddaraf'
+ Oldest: 'Hynaf'
+ Most Popular: 'Mwyaf Poblogaidd'
+ Shorts:
+ This channel does not currently have any shorts: ''
+ Live:
+ Live: 'Byw'
+ This channel does not currently have any live streams: ''
+ Playlists:
+ Playlists: 'Rhestrau Chwarae'
+ This channel does not currently have any playlists: ''
+ Sort Types:
+ Last Video Added: ''
+ Newest: 'Diweddaraf'
+ Oldest: 'Hynaf'
+ Podcasts:
+ Podcasts: 'Podlediadau'
+ This channel does not currently have any podcasts: ''
+ Releases:
+ Releases: 'Rhyddhadau'
+ This channel does not currently have any releases: ''
+ About:
+ About: 'Ynghylch'
+ Channel Description: 'Disgrifiad y Sianel'
+ Tags:
+ Tags: 'Tagiau'
+ Search for: ''
+ Details: 'Manylion'
+ Joined: 'Dyddiad ymuno'
+ Location: 'Lleoliad'
+ Featured Channels: 'Sianeli Dethol'
+ Community:
+ This channel currently does not have any posts: ''
+ votes: '{votes} o bleidleisiau'
+ Reveal Answers: 'Datgloi Atebion'
+ Hide Answers: 'Cuddio Atebion'
+ Mark As Watched: ''
+ Remove From History: ''
+ Video has been marked as watched: ''
+ Video has been removed from your history: ''
+ Save Video: 'Cadw Fideo'
+ Video has been saved: ''
+ Video has been removed from your saved list: ''
+ Open in YouTube: ''
+ Copy YouTube Link: ''
+ Open YouTube Embedded Player: ''
+ Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: ''
+ Open in Invidious: ''
+ Copy Invidious Link: ''
+ Open Channel in YouTube: ''
+ Copy YouTube Channel Link: ''
+ Open Channel in Invidious: ''
+ Copy Invidious Channel Link: ''
+ Hide Channel: 'Cuddio Sianel'
+ Unhide Channel: 'Dangos Sianel'
+ Views: 'Edrychiadau'
+ Loop Playlist: 'Ailadrodd Rhestr Chwarae'
+ Shuffle Playlist: ''
+ Reverse Playlist: ''
+ Play Next Video: ''
+ Play Previous Video: ''
+ Pause on Current Video: ''
+ Watched: 'Wedi gwylio'
+ Autoplay: 'Awtochwarae'
+ Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: ''
+ # As in a Live Video
+ Premieres on: ''
+ Premieres: ''
+ Upcoming: 'I ddod'
+ Live: 'Byw'
+ Live Now: 'Yn Fyw'
+ Live Chat: 'Sgwrs Byw'
+ Enable Live Chat: ''
+ Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: ''
+ 'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': ''
+ Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: ''
+ 'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': ''
+ 'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': ''
+ Show Super Chat Comment: ''
+ Scroll to Bottom: ''
+ Download Video: 'Lawrlwytho Fideo'
+ video only: 'fideo yn unig'
+ audio only: 'sain yn unig'
+ Audio:
+ Low: 'Isel'
+ Medium: 'Canolig'
+ High: 'Uwch'
+ Best: 'Gorau'
+ Published:
+ Jan: 'Ion'
+ Feb: 'Chw'
+ Mar: 'Maw'
+ Apr: 'Ebr'
+ May: 'Mai'
+ Jun: 'Meh'
+ Jul: 'Gor'
+ Aug: 'Awst'
+ Sep: 'Medi'
+ Oct: 'Hyd'
+ Nov: 'Tach'
+ Dec: 'Rhag'
+ Second: 'Eiliad'
+ Seconds: 'Eiliadau'
+ Minute: 'Munud'
+ Minutes: 'Munudau'
+ Hour: 'Awr'
+ Hours: 'Oriau'
+ Day: 'Diwrnod'
+ Days: 'Diwrnodau'
+ Week: 'Wythnos'
+ Weeks: 'Wythnosau'
+ Month: 'Mis'
+ Months: 'Misoedd'
+ Year: 'Blwyddyn'
+ Years: 'Blynyddoedd'
+ Ago: 'Yn ôl'
+ Upcoming: ''
+ In less than a minute: ''
+ Published on: ''
+ Streamed on: ''
+ Started streaming on: ''
+ translated from English: ''
+ Publicationtemplate: ''
+ Skipped segment: ''
+ Sponsor Block category:
+ sponsor: 'Noddwr'
+ intro: 'Cyflwyniad'
+ outro: 'Diweddglo'
+ self-promotion: 'Hunan-Hyrwyddo'
+ interaction: 'Rhyngweithiad'
+ music offtopic: ''
+ recap: 'Crynhoi'
+ filler: 'Dwli'
+ External Player:
+ OpenInTemplate: ''
+ video: 'fideo'
+ playlist: 'rhestr chwarae'
+ OpeningTemplate: ''
+ UnsupportedActionTemplate: ''
+ Unsupported Actions:
+ starting video at offset: ''
+ setting a playback rate: ''
+ opening playlists: ''
+ opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): ''
+ reversing playlists: ''
+ shuffling playlists: ''
+ looping playlists: ''
+ Stats:
+ Video statistics are not available for legacy videos: ''
+ Video ID: 'ID fideo'
+ Resolution: 'Eglurdeb'
+ Player Dimensions: ''
+ Bitrate: 'Cyfradd didau'
+ Volume: 'Sain'
+ Bandwidth: 'Lled band'
+ Buffered: ''
+ Dropped / Total Frames: ''
+ Mimetype: 'Math mime'
+#& Videos
+ #& Sort By
+ Sort By:
+ Newest: 'Diweddaraf'
+ Oldest: 'Hynaf'
+ #& Most Popular
+#& Playlists
+ #& About
+ Playlist: 'Rhestr chwarae'
+ View Full Playlist: ''
+ Videos: 'Fideos'
+ View: 'Edrychiad'
+ Views: 'Edrychiadau'
+ Last Updated On: ''
+# On Video Watch Page
+#* Published
+#& Views
+Toggle Theatre Mode: ''
+Change Format:
+ Change Media Formats: ''
+ Use Dash Formats: ''
+ Use Legacy Formats: ''
+ Use Audio Formats: ''
+ Dash formats are not available for this video: ''
+ Audio formats are not available for this video: ''
+ Share Video: ''
+ Share Channel: 'Rhannu Sianel'
+ Share Playlist: 'Rhannu Rhestr Chwarae'
+ Include Timestamp: 'Cynnwys Amser'
+ Copy Link: 'Copïo Dolen'
+ Open Link: 'Agor Dolen'
+ Copy Embed: ''
+ Open Embed: ''
+ # On Click
+ Invidious URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Copy failed: ''
+ Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: ''
+ Chapters: 'Penodau'
+ 'Chapters list visible, current chapter: {chapterName}': ''
+ 'Chapters list hidden, current chapter: {chapterName}': ''
+Mini Player: ''
+ Comments: 'Sylwadau'
+ Click to View Comments: ''
+ Getting comment replies, please wait: ''
+ There are no more comments for this video: ''
+ Show Comments: 'Dangos Sylwadau'
+ Hide Comments: 'Cuddio Sylwadau'
+ Sort by: 'Trefnu yn ôl'
+ Top comments: 'Sylwadau poblogaidd'
+ Newest first: 'Diweddaraf yn gyntaf'
+ View {replyCount} replies: ''
+ # Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply, View 1 Reply from Owner, View 2 Replies from Owner and others
+ View: 'Edrychiad'
+ Hide: 'Cuddio'
+ Replies: 'Atebion'
+ Show More Replies: ''
+ Reply: 'Ateb'
+ From {channelName}: 'gan {channelName}'
+ And others: 'ac eraill'
+ There are no comments available for this video: ''
+ Load More Comments: ''
+ No more comments available: ''
+ Pinned by: 'Piniwyd gan'
+ Member: 'Aelod'
+ Subscribed: 'Tanysgrifiwyd'
+ Hearted: 'Hoffwyd'
+Up Next: 'Nesaf'
+ General Settings:
+ Preferred API Backend: ''
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
+ Thumbnail Preference: ''
+ Invidious Instance: ''
+ Region for Trending: ''
+ External Link Handling: |
+ Player Settings:
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
+ Default Video Format: ''
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: ''
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: ''
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: ''
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player: ''
+ Custom External Player Executable: ''
+ Ignore Warnings: ''
+ Custom External Player Arguments: ''
+ DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: ""
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Hide Channels: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: ''
+ Subscription Settings:
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
+ Fetch Automatically: ''
+ Privacy Settings:
+ Remove Video Meta Files: ''
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Replace HTTP Cache: ''
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ UseDeArrowTitles: ''
+# Toast Messages
+Local API Error (Click to copy): ''
+Invidious API Error (Click to copy): ''
+Falling back to Invidious API: ''
+Falling back to Local API: ''
+This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: ''
+Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: ''
+Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: ''
+Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: ''
+Loop is now disabled: ''
+Loop is now enabled: ''
+Shuffle is now disabled: ''
+Shuffle is now enabled: ''
+The playlist has been reversed: ''
+Playing Next Video: ''
+Playing Previous Video: ''
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: ''
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: ''
+Playing Next Video Interval: ''
+Canceled next video autoplay: ''
+Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: ''
+Default Invidious instance has been cleared: ''
+'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': ''
+External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: ''
+Downloading has completed: ''
+Starting download: ''
+Downloading failed: ''
+Screenshot Success: ''
+Screenshot Error: ''
+Channel Hidden: ''
+Channel Unhidden: ''
+ Hashtag: 'Hashnod'
+ This hashtag does not currently have any videos: ''
+Yes: 'Ie'
+No: 'Na'
+Ok: 'Iawn'
diff --git a/static/locales/da.yaml b/static/locales/da.yaml
index ba0d7a074b3af..b38b566573cd2 100644
--- a/static/locales/da.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/da.yaml
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ Up Next: 'Næste'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Lokal API-Fejl (Klik for at kopiere)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious-API-Fejl (Klik for at kopiere)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Falder tilbage til Invidious-API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Falder tilbage til den lokale API'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Falder tilbage til den lokale API'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Abonnementer er endnu ikke blevet implementerede'
Loop is now disabled: 'Gentagelse er nu deaktiveret'
Loop is now enabled: 'Gentagelse er nu aktiveret'
@@ -858,11 +858,6 @@ Default Invidious instance has been cleared: Standard Invidious-instans er bleve
Are you sure you want to open this link?: Er du sikker på at du vil åbne dette link?
Search Bar:
Clear Input: Ryd Input
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Video: Video
- Channel: Kanal
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Denne {videoOrPlaylist} er aldersbegrænset
Downloading failed: Der var et problem med at downloade "{videoTitle}"
Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Ukendt YouTube URL-type, kan ikke
åbnes i appen
diff --git a/static/locales/de-DE.yaml b/static/locales/de-DE.yaml
index c13396d8d9e3a..74d8ce1291610 100644
--- a/static/locales/de-DE.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/de-DE.yaml
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 Abonnent | {count} Abonnenten
View Count: 1 Aufruf | {count} Aufrufe
Watching Count: 1 Zuschauer | {count} Zuschauer
-Search / Go to URL: Suche / Gehe zu URL
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Der Tag muss mindestens {number} Zeichen lang sein
+Search / Go to URL: Suche / Gehe zur URL
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
Search Filters: Suchfilter
@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ Subscriptions:
Aboliste ist aktuell leer. Beginne mit dem Hinzufügen von Abos, um sie hier zu
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': Rufe Abonnements ab. Bitte warten.
- Refresh Subscriptions: Abos auffrischen
+ Refresh Subscriptions: Abos aktualisieren
Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.: Abos werden geholt. Bitte warten.
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Dieses
Profil hat eine große Anzahl von Abos. RSS zur Vermeidung von Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen
@@ -126,6 +128,103 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: In Wiedergabeliste suchen
Empty Search Message: Es gibt keine Videos in dieser Wiedergabeliste, die deiner
Suche entsprechen
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Diese Wiedergabeliste enthält derzeit keine
+ Videos.
+ Add to Playlist: Zur Wiedergabeliste hinzufügen
+ Move Video Up: Video nach oben verschieben
+ Move Video Down: Video nach unten verschieben
+ Playlist Name: Name der Wiedergabeliste
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Du
+ hast keine Wiedergabelisten. Klicke auf die Schaltfläche Neue Wiedergabeliste
+ erstellen, um eine neue zu erstellen.
+ Playlist Description: Beschreibung der Wiedergabeliste
+ Save Changes: Änderungen speichern
+ Cancel: Abbrechen
+ Edit Playlist Info: Wiedergabelisten-Infos bearbeiten
+ Copy Playlist: Wiedergabeliste kopieren
+ Remove Watched Videos: Angesehene Videos entfernen
+ Delete Playlist: Wiedergabeliste löschen
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Bist du sicher,
+ dass du diese Wiedergabeliste löschen möchtest? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht
+ werden.
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: Sortieren nach
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Kürzlich erstellt
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Am frühesten erstellt
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Kürzlich aktualisiert
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Am frühesten aktualisiert
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Kürzlich abgespielt
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Am frühesten abgespielt
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Dieses Video kann nicht nach oben verschoben
+ werden.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Dieses Video kann nicht nach unten verschoben
+ werden.
+ Video has been removed: Video wurde entfernt
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Einige
+ Videos in der Wiedergabeliste sind noch nicht geladen. Klicke hier, um sie
+ trotzdem zu kopieren.
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Der Name der Wiedergabeliste
+ darf nicht leer sein. Bitte gib einen Namen ein.
+ Playlist has been updated.: Wiedergabeliste wurde aktualisiert.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Es gab ein Problem beim Aktualisieren
+ dieser Wiedergabeliste.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 Video wurde entfernt | {videoCount}
+ Videos wurden entfernt
+ There were no videos to remove.: Es gab keine Videos zum Entfernen.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Diese Wiedergabeliste ist
+ geschützt und kann nicht entfernt werden.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Es gab ein Problem beim Entfernen
+ dieses Videos
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Wiedergabeliste {playlistName} wurde
+ gelöscht.
+ This playlist does not exist: Diese Wiedergabeliste existiert nicht
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Diese Wiedergabeliste wird jetzt
+ für Schnelles Merken genutzt
+ Quick bookmark disabled: 'Schnelles Merken deaktiviert'
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Diese
+ Wiedergabeliste wird jetzt für Schnelles Merken genutzt, statt {oldPlaylistName}.
+ Klicke hier zum zurücksetzen
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: '{oldPlaylistName} wird
+ wieder für Schnelles Merken genutzt'
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} ausgewählt'
+ Search in Playlists: In Wiedergabelisten suchen
+ Save: Speichern
+ Toast:
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Du hast noch keine Wiedergabeliste ausgewählt.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 Video zu 1 Wiedergabeliste hinzugefügt
+ | {videoCount} Videos zu 1 Wiedergabeliste hinzugefügt
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 Video zu {playlistCount}
+ Wiedergabelisten hinzugefügt | {videoCount} Videos zu {playlistCount} Wiedergabelisten
+ hinzugefügt
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Wähle eine Wiedergabeliste, der du
+ dein Video hinzufügen möchtest | Wähle eine Wiedergabeliste, der du deine {videoCount}
+ Videos hinzufügen möchtest
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ New Playlist Name: Neuer Name der Wiedergabeliste
+ Create: Erstellen
+ Toast:
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Es
+ gibt bereits eine Wiedergabeliste mit diesem Namen. Bitte wähle einen anderen
+ Namen.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Es gab ein Problem beim Erstellen
+ der Wiedergabeliste.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Wiedergabeliste {playlistName}
+ wurde erfolgreich erstellt.
+ Create New Playlist: Neue Wiedergabeliste erstellen
+ Remove from Playlist: Aus der Wiedergabeliste entfernen
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Bist
+ du sicher, dass du alle angesehenen Videos aus dieser Wiedergabeliste entfernen
+ möchtest? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.
+ Add to Favorites: Hinzufügen zu {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Löschen aus {playlistName}
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Schnelles Merken für diese Wiedergabeliste
+ aktivieren
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Schnelles Merken deaktivieren
# On History Page
History: Verlauf
@@ -159,6 +258,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: Mitte
End: Ende
Hidden: Versteckt
+ Blur: Unschärfe
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': Invidious-Instanz
(Standard ist https://invidious.snopyta.org)
Region for Trending: Region für Trends
@@ -194,6 +294,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
Hot Pink: Pink
Pastel Pink: Pastellrosa
+ Nordic: Nordic
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: Hauptfarbe des Farbschemas
Red: Rot
@@ -242,20 +343,20 @@ Settings:
Hide FreeTube Header Logo: FreeTube-Titellogo ausblenden
Player Settings:
Player Settings: Videoabspieler-Einstellungen
- Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Lokales System für Legacy Formate erzwingen
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Lokales Backend für alte Formate erzwingen
Remember History: Verlauf speichern
- Play Next Video: Spiele nächstes Video
+ Play Next Video: Nächstes Video abspielen
Turn on Subtitles by Default: Untertitel standardmäßig aktivieren
- Autoplay Videos: Automatische Videowiedergabe
- Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Invidious als Vermittler der Videos
- Autoplay Playlists: Automatisch Wiedergabelisten abspielen
- Enable Theatre Mode by Default: Aktiviere standardmäßig Kinomodus
+ Autoplay Videos: Videos automatisch abspielen
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Proxy-Videos durch Invidious
+ Autoplay Playlists: Wiedergabelisten automatisch abspielen
+ Enable Theatre Mode by Default: Kinomodus standardmäßig aktivieren
Default Volume: Standard-Lautstärke
Default Playback Rate: Standard-Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit
Default Video Format:
Default Video Format: Standard-Videoformat
- Dash Formats: DASH-Format
- Legacy Formats: Legacy Formate
+ Dash Formats: DASH-Formate
+ Legacy Formats: Alte Formate
Audio Formats: Audioformate
Default Quality:
Default Quality: Standardqualität
@@ -270,19 +371,19 @@ Settings:
4k: 4k
8k: 8k
Playlist Next Video Interval: Zeit zwischen automatischer Videowiedergabe
- Next Video Interval: Zeit bis zum nächsten Video
- Display Play Button In Video Player: Wiedergabetaste im Videoplayer anzeigen
+ Next Video Interval: Intervall bis zum nächsten Video
+ Display Play Button In Video Player: Wiedergabetaste im Videoabspieler anzeigen
Scroll Volume Over Video Player: Lautstärke durch Scrollen auf Video ändern
Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: Intervall für schnelles Vor-/Zurückspulen
- Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Scroll-Wiedergaberate über Video-Player
- Video Playback Rate Interval: Intervall für die Videowiedergaberate
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Scroll-Wiedergaberate über Videoabspieler
+ Video Playback Rate Interval: Intervall für die Videowiedergabegeschwindigkeit
Max Video Playback Rate: Maximale Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit
- Enable: Bildschirmfotos aktivieren
+ Enable: Bildschirmfoto aktivieren
Format Label: Bildschirmfotoformat
Quality Label: Bildschirmfotoqualität
- Ask Path: Nach dem Ordner fragen
- Folder Label: Bildschirmfoto-Ordner
+ Ask Path: Nach dem Ordner zum Speichern fragen
+ Folder Label: Bildschirmfotoordner
Folder Button: Ordner auswählen
File Name Label: Dateinamen-Muster
@@ -293,14 +394,14 @@ Settings:
%S Sekunde 2 Ziffern. %T Millisekunde 3 Ziffern. %s Video-Sekunde. %t Video
Millisekunde 3 Ziffern. %i Video-ID. Du kannst auch \ oder / verwenden, um
Unterordner zu erstellen.
- Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: Bei drehen des Bildschirms zu Vollbild wechseln
- Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Überspringen durch Scrollen über den Videoplayer
+ Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: Beim Drehen des Bildschirms zu Vollbild wechseln
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Überspringen durch Scrollen über den Videoabspieler
Allow DASH AV1 formats: DASH AV1-Formate zulassen
Comment Auto Load:
Comment Auto Load: Kommentare automatisch laden
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: Abo-Einstellungen
- Hide Videos on Watch: Verstecke Videos bei Wiedergabe
+ Hide Videos on Watch: Videos bei Wiedergabe ausblenden
Subscriptions Export Format:
Subscriptions Export Format: Abonnement Exportierformat
#& Freetube
@@ -310,8 +411,10 @@ Settings:
Import Subscriptions: Importiere Abonnements
Export Subscriptions: Exportiere Abonnements
How do I import my subscriptions?: Wie importiere ich meine Abonnements?
- Fetch Feeds from RSS: Abrufen von RSS-Feeds
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: Feeds von RSS abrufen
Fetch Automatically: Feed automatisch abrufen
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Nur das neueste Video für jeden Kanal
+ anzeigen
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: Erweiterte Einstellungen
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): Aktiviere Debug-Modus (Konsolenausgabe
@@ -340,35 +443,39 @@ Settings:
#& No
Privacy Settings:
- Watch history has been cleared: Verlauf wurde gelöscht
+ Watch history has been cleared: Wiedergabeverlauf wurde gelöscht
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: Bist du sicher, dass
- du deinen gesamten Verlauf löschen willst?
- Remove Watch History: Verlauf löschen
- Search cache has been cleared: Suchanfragen wurden gelöscht
+ du deinen gesamten Wiedergabeverlauf entfernen willst?
+ Remove Watch History: Wiedergabeverlauf entfernen
+ Search cache has been cleared: Suchcache wurde gelöscht
Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: Bist du sicher, dass du
- deine Suchanfragen löschen möchtest?
- Clear Search Cache: Suchanfragen löschen
+ deinen Suchcache löschen möchtest?
+ Clear Search Cache: Suchcache löschen
Save Watched Progress: Videofortschritt speichern
- Remember History: Verlauf speichern
+ Remember History: Verlauf merken
Privacy Settings: Datenschutzeinstellungen
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: Bist
du sicher, dass du alle Abos und Profile löschen möchtest? Diese Aktion kann
nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: Alle Abos / Profile entfernen
- Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Meta-Dateien von Videos automatisch löschen
- Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Gesehene Videos mit der zuletzt
- gesehenen Wiedergabeliste speichern
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Video-Metadateien automatisch entfernen
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Angesehene Videos mit der zuletzt
+ angesehenen Wiedergabeliste speichern
+ Remove All Playlists: Alle Wiedergabelisten entfernen
+ All playlists have been removed: Alle Wiedergabelisten wurden entfernt
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Bist du sicher, dass du alle
+ deine Wiedergabelisten entfernen möchtest?
Data Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: Wie importiere ich meine Abos?
Unknown data key: Unbekannter Datenschlüssel
Unable to write file: Datei kann nicht geschrieben werden
Unable to read file: Datei kann nicht gelesen werden
- All watched history has been successfully exported: Der gesamte Verlauf wurde
- erfolgreich exportiert
- All watched history has been successfully imported: Der gesamte Verlauf wurde
- erfolgreich importiert
- History object has insufficient data, skipping item: Ein Verlaufsobjekt hat fehlerhafte
- Daten, überspringe Objekt
+ All watched history has been successfully exported: Der gesamte Wiedergabeverlauf
+ wurde erfolgreich exportiert
+ All watched history has been successfully imported: Der gesamte Wiedergabeverlauf
+ wurde erfolgreich importiert
+ History object has insufficient data, skipping item: Verlaufsobjekt hat unzureichende
+ Daten, Element wird übersprungen
Subscriptions have been successfully exported: Abos wurden erfolgreich exportiert
Invalid history file: Ungültige Verlaufsdatei
This might take a while, please wait: Dies dauert einen Moment, bitte warten
@@ -379,27 +486,27 @@ Settings:
Profile wurden erfolgreich importiert
All subscriptions have been successfully imported: Alle Abos wurden erfolgreich
- Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: Ein Profilobjekt hat fehlerhafte
- Daten, überspringe Objekt
+ Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: Profilobjekt hat unzureichende
+ Daten, Element wird übersprungen
Export History: Verlauf exportieren
Import History: Verlauf importieren
- Export NewPipe: Exportiere NewPipe
- Export YouTube: Exportiere YouTube
- Export FreeTube: Exportiere FreeTube
+ Export NewPipe: NewPipe exportieren
+ Export YouTube: YouTube exportieren
+ Export FreeTube: FreeTube exportieren
Export Subscriptions: Abos exportieren
Import NewPipe: Importiere NewPipe
Import YouTube: Importiere YouTube
Import FreeTube: Importiere FreeTube
Import Subscriptions: Abos importieren
- Select Export Type: Wähle Exporttyp
- Select Import Type: Wähle Importtyp
+ Select Export Type: Exporttyp auswählen
+ Select Import Type: Importtyp auswählen
Data Settings: Dateneinstellungen
Check for Legacy Subscriptions: Auf ältere Abos prüfen
Manage Subscriptions: Abos verwalten
Export Playlists: Wiedergabelisten exportieren
Import Playlists: Wiedergabelisten importieren
Playlist insufficient data: Unzureichende Daten für „{playlist}“-Wiedergabeliste,
- Element übersprungen
+ Element wird übersprungen
All playlists has been successfully imported: Alle Wiedergabelisten wurden erfolgreich
All playlists has been successfully exported: Alle Wiedergabelisten wurden erfolgreich
@@ -407,31 +514,40 @@ Settings:
Playlist File: Wiedergabelistendatei
Subscription File: Abo-Datei
History File: Verlaufsdatei
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: Wiedergabelisten für ältere FreeTube-Versionen exportieren
+ Tooltip: "Diese Option exportiert Videos aus allen Wiedergabelisten in eine
+ Wiedergabeliste namens „Favoriten“.\nSo kann man Videos in Wiedergabelisten
+ für eine ältere Version von FreeTube exportieren und importieren:\n1. Exportiere
+ deine Wiedergabelisten, wenn diese Option aktiviert ist.\n2. Lösche alle deine
+ bestehenden Wiedergabelisten mit der Option Alle Wiedergabelisten entfernen
+ unter Datenschutzeinstellungen.\n3. Starte die ältere Version von FreeTube
+ und importiere die exportierten Wiedergabelisten.\""
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Live Chat: Live-Chat ausblenden
Hide Popular Videos: Beliebte Videos ausblenden
- Hide Trending Videos: Trends ausblenden
- Hide Recommended Videos: Vorgeschlagene Videos ausblenden
+ Hide Trending Videos: Trend-Videos ausblenden
+ Hide Recommended Videos: Empfohlene Videos ausblenden
Hide Channel Subscribers: Kanal-Abonnenten ausblenden
Hide Comment Likes: Kommentarbewertungen ausblenden
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Videobewertungen ausblenden
- Hide Video Views: Video-Aufrufe verbergen
+ Hide Video Views: Video-Aufrufe ausblenden
Distraction Free Settings: Einstellungen für ablenkungsfreien Modus
Hide Active Subscriptions: Aktive Abos ausblenden
Hide Playlists: Wiedergabelisten ausblenden
Hide Comments: Kommentare ausblenden
- Hide Video Description: Videobeschreibung verstecken
+ Hide Video Description: Videobeschreibung ausblenden
Hide Live Streams: Livestreams ausblenden
Hide Sharing Actions: Freigabe-Aktionen ausblenden
Hide Chapters: Kapitel ausblenden
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Anstehende Premieren ausblenden
Hide Channels: Videos aus Kanälen ausblenden
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanalname oder Kanal-ID
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanal-ID
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Titel ohne übermäßige Großschreibung
Hide Channel Playlists: Kanal-Wiedergabelisten ausblenden
Hide Channel Community: Kanal-Gemeinschaft ausblenden
- Hide Channel Shorts: Kurzvideos des Kanals ausblenden
+ Hide Channel Shorts: Kanal-Kurzvideos ausblenden
Hide Featured Channels: Hervorgehobene Kanäle ausblenden
Side Bar: Seitenleiste
@@ -440,13 +556,23 @@ Settings:
Watch Page: Seite beobachten
Subscriptions Page: Abos-Seite
Hide Channel Podcasts: Kanal-Podcasts ausblenden
- Hide Subscriptions Videos: Videos der Abos ausblenden
- Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Kurzvideos der Abos ausblenden
+ Hide Subscriptions Videos: Abo-Videos ausblenden
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Abo-Kurzvideos ausblenden
Hide Channel Releases: Kanalveröffentlichungen ausblenden
Hide Subscriptions Live: Live der Abos ausblenden
Blur Thumbnails: Vorschaubilder unscharf machen
- Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Profilbilder in den Kommentaren verbergen
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Profilbilder in den Kommentaren ausblenden
Hide Subscriptions Community: Abo-Gemeinschaft ausblenden
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Kanal-ID war ungültig
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Einige Kanäle wurden mit ID gesperrt und nicht
+ verarbeitet. Die Funktion wird blockiert, während diese IDs aktualisieren
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Kanal-ID bereits vorhanden
+ Hide Channels API Error: Fehler beim Abrufen von Benutzern mit der bereitgestellten
+ ID. Bitte überprüfen Sie erneut, ob der Ausweis korrekt ist.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Videos und Playlisten verstecken, die
+ Text enthalten
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Wort, Teil eines Wortes
+ oder Satz
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Die
App muss neu gestartet werden, damit die Änderungen wirksam werden. Neu starten
und Änderung übernehmen?
@@ -455,11 +581,11 @@ Settings:
Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: Fehler
beim Abrufen von Netzwerkinformationen. Ist dein Proxy richtig konfiguriert?
City: Stadt
- Region: Region / Bundesland
- Country: Land / Nation
+ Region: Region
+ Country: Land
Your Info: Deine Info
Test Proxy: Proxy testen
- Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: In dem du auf Proxy Testen klickst,
+ Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: Indem du auf Proxy testen klickst,
schickst du eine Anfrage an
Proxy Port Number: Proxy-Portnummer
Proxy Host: Proxy-Host
@@ -467,11 +593,11 @@ Settings:
Enable Tor / Proxy: Tor / Proxy aktivieren
Proxy Settings: Proxy-Einstellungen
SponsorBlock Settings:
- Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: Melden, falls ein Sponsorsegment übersprungen
- wird
- 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': SponsorBlock API
- URL (Standard ist https://sponsor.ajay.app)
- Enable SponsorBlock: Aktiviere SponsorBlock
+ Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: Benachrichtigen, wenn ein Sponsorsegment
+ übersprungen wird
+ 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': SponsorBlock-API-URL
+ (Standard ist https://sponsor.ajay.app)
+ Enable SponsorBlock: SponsorBlock aktivieren
SponsorBlock Settings: SponsorBlock-Einstellungen
Skip Options:
Skip Option: Option überspringen
@@ -480,26 +606,31 @@ Settings:
Prompt To Skip: Aufforderung zum Überspringen
Do Nothing: Nichts tun
Category Color: Kategoriefarbe
- UseDeArrowTitles: DeArrow-Video-Titel verwenden
+ UseDeArrowTitles: DeArrow-Videotitel verwenden
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Nutze DeArrow für Thumbnails
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': DeArrow
+ Thumbnail Generator API URL (Standard ist https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
- Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Nicht unterstützte Aktionswarnungen ignorieren
- External Player: Externer Player
- External Player Settings: Externe Player-Einstellungen
- Custom External Player Executable: Ausführbares, externes Player-Programm
- Custom External Player Arguments: Gewählte Einstellungen für externen Player
+ Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Warnungen vor nicht unterstützten Aktionen
+ ignorieren
+ External Player: Externer Abspieler
+ External Player Settings: Einstellungen für externe Abspieler
+ Custom External Player Executable: Benutzerdefinierte ausführbare Datei des Abspielers
+ Custom External Player Arguments: Benutzerdefinierte Argumente für externe Abspieler
Name: Keine
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ignoriere Standardargument
Download Settings:
Download Settings: Herunterladen-Einstellungen
- Ask Download Path: Nach dem Herunterladen-Pfad fragen
- Choose Path: Pfad wählen
- Download Behavior: Download-Verhalten
- Download in app: In der Anwendung herunterladen
+ Ask Download Path: Nach dem Herunterladepfad fragen
+ Choose Path: Pfad auswählen
+ Download Behavior: Herunterladeverhalten
+ Download in app: In der App herunterladen
Open in web browser: Im Webbrowser öffnen
Parental Control Settings:
Parental Control Settings: Einstellungen der Kindersicherung
- Hide Unsubscribe Button: „Abo entfernen“-Schaltfläche ausblenden
+ Hide Unsubscribe Button: Schaltfläche zum Entfernen des Abos ausblenden
Show Family Friendly Only: Nur familienfreundlich anzeigen
Hide Search Bar: Suchleiste ausblenden
Experimental Settings:
@@ -510,8 +641,8 @@ Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: HTTP-Cache ersetzen
Password Dialog:
Password: Passwort
- Enter Password To Unlock: Gib das Passwort ein, um die Einstellungen zu entsperren
- Password Incorrect: Passwort falsch
+ Enter Password To Unlock: Passwort eingeben, um die Einstellungen zu entsperren
+ Password Incorrect: Falsches Passwort
Unlock: Entsperren
Password Settings:
Remove Password: Passwort entfernen
@@ -519,6 +650,7 @@ Settings:
Set Password To Prevent Access: Passwort festlegen, um den Zugriff auf die Einstellungen
zu verhindern
Set Password: Passwort festlegen
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Alle Einstellungsabschnitte aufklappen
#On About page
About: Über
@@ -559,7 +691,7 @@ About:
Source Code: Quellcode
Release Notes: Versionshinweise
Blog: Blog
- Credits: Beiträge
+ Credits: Danksagungen
FAQ: Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wiki: Wiki
Report an Issue: Fehler melden
@@ -576,25 +708,25 @@ About:
Translate: Übersetzen
room rules: Raum-Regeln
Please read the: Bitte lese die
- Chat on Matrix: Chatten bei Matrix
+ Chat on Matrix: Über Matrix chatten
Mastodon: Mastodon
Please check for duplicates before posting: Bitte überprüfe vor dem Absenden, ob
es Duplikate gibt
GitHub issues: GitHub-Probleme
Report a problem: Problem melden
- FreeTube Wiki: FreeTube Wiki
- GitHub releases: GitHub Veröffentlichungen
- Downloads / Changelog: Downloads / Änderungsverlauf
- View License: Lizenz einsehen
- Licensed under the AGPLv3: Lizensiert unter der AGPLv3
+ FreeTube Wiki: FreeTube-Wiki
+ GitHub releases: GitHub-Veröffentlichungen
+ Downloads / Changelog: Downloads / Änderungsprotokoll
+ View License: Lizenz ansehen
+ Licensed under the AGPLv3: Lizenziert unter der AGPLv3
Source code: Quellcode
Discussions: Diskussionen
Subscribe: Abonnieren
Unsubscribe: Deabonnieren
- Search Channel: Durchsuche Kanal
+ Search Channel: Kanal durchsuchen
Your search results have returned 0 results: Deine Suche hat 0 Ergebnisse geliefert
- Sort By: Sortiere nach
+ Sort By: Sortieren nach
Videos: Videos
This channel does not currently have any videos: Dieser Kanal hat aktuell keine
@@ -605,7 +737,7 @@ Channel:
Most Popular: Beliebteste
Playlists: Wiedergabelisten
- This channel does not currently have any playlists: Dieser Kanal hat aktuell keine
+ This channel does not currently have any playlists: Dieser Kanal hat derzeit keine
Sort Types:
Last Video Added: Zuletzt hinzugefügtes Video
@@ -617,13 +749,13 @@ Channel:
Featured Channels: Empfohlene Kanäle
Search for: Nach „{tag}“ suchen
- Tags: Markierungen
- Details: Einzelheiten
+ Tags: Schlagwörter
+ Details: Details
Location: Standort
Joined: Beigetreten
Added channel to your subscriptions: Der Kanal wurde deinen Abos hinzugefügt
- Removed subscription from {count} other channel(s): Es wurden {count} anderen Kanälen
- gekündigt
+ Removed subscription from {count} other channel(s): Abo von {count} anderen Kanal/
+ Kanälen entfernt
Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: Der Kanal wurde von deinen Abos
Channel Tabs: Kanal-Registerkarten
@@ -637,6 +769,7 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} Stimmen'
Reveal Answers: Antworten aufzeigen
Hide Answers: Antworten verbergen
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Video versteckt von FreeTube
Live: Live
This channel does not currently have any live streams: Dieser Kanal hat derzeit
@@ -646,35 +779,35 @@ Channel:
Podcasts: Podcasts
- This channel does not currently have any podcasts: Dieser Kanal hat aktuell keine
+ This channel does not currently have any podcasts: Dieser Kanal hat derzeit keine
Releases: Veröffentlichungen
- This channel does not currently have any releases: Dieser Kanel hat aktuell keine
+ This channel does not currently have any releases: Dieser Kanal hat derzeit keine
Open in YouTube: In YouTube öffnen
Copy YouTube Link: YouTube-Link kopieren
- Open YouTube Embedded Player: Öffne eingebetteter Abspieler von YouTube
- Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: Link des eingebetteten YouTube-Abspieler kopieren
+ Open YouTube Embedded Player: Eingebetteten Abspieler von YouTube öffnen
+ Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: Link des eingebetteten YouTube-Abspielers kopieren
Open in Invidious: In Invidious öffnen
Copy Invidious Link: Invidious-Link kopieren
Views: Aufrufe
- Watched: Gesehen
+ Watched: Angesehen
# As in a Live Video
Live: Live
Live Now: Jetzt live
Live Chat: Live-Chat
- Enable Live Chat: Aktiviere Live-Chat
- Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: Live-Chat ist in der aktuellen
- Version nicht unterstützt.
- 'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': Der Chat ist deaktiviert oder
- der Livestream ist beendet.
- Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: Der Live-Chat ist
- aktiviert. Chatnachrichten tauchen hier auf, wenn sie abgesendet wurden.
+ Enable Live Chat: Live-Chat aktivieren
+ Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: Live-Chat wird in diesem Build
+ derzeit nicht unterstützt.
+ 'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': Chat ist deaktiviert oder der
+ Livestream ist beendet.
+ Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: Live-Chat ist aktiviert.
+ Chat-Nachrichten werden hier angezeigt, sobald sie gesendet wurden.
'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': Live-Chat
- ist in der aktuellen Invidious-API nicht unterstützt. Eine direkte Verbindung
- zu YouTube wird benötigt.
+ wird von der Invidious-API derzeit nicht unterstützt. Eine direkte Verbindung
+ zu YouTube ist erforderlich.
Jan: Jan
Feb: Feb
@@ -693,13 +826,13 @@ Video:
Hour: Stunde
Hours: Stunden
Day: Tag
- Days: Tagen
+ Days: Tage
Week: Woche
Weeks: Wochen
Month: Monat
- Months: Monaten
+ Months: Monate
Year: Jahr
- Years: Jahren
+ Years: Jahre
Ago: vor
Upcoming: Premiere am
Minutes: Minuten
@@ -710,20 +843,20 @@ Video:
Publicationtemplate: vor {number} {unit}
#& Videos
- Video has been removed from your history: Das Video wurde aus deinem Verlauf entfernt
- Video has been marked as watched: Das Video wurde als gesehen markiert
+ Video has been removed from your history: Video wurde aus deinem Verlauf entfernt
+ Video has been marked as watched: Video wurde als angesehen markiert
Remove From History: Aus dem Verlauf entfernen
- Mark As Watched: Als gesehen markieren
+ Mark As Watched: Als angesehen markieren
Autoplay: Automatische Wiedergabe
- Play Previous Video: Voriges Video abspielen
+ Play Previous Video: Vorheriges Video abspielen
Play Next Video: Nächstes Video abspielen
- Reverse Playlist: Umgekehrte Wiedergabe
- Shuffle Playlist: Zufällige Wiedergabe
- Loop Playlist: Wiederhole Wiedergabeliste
- Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: Es beginnt bald, bitte aktualisieren
- Sie die Seite, um es erneut zu überprüfen
+ Reverse Playlist: Umgekehrte Wiedergabeliste
+ Shuffle Playlist: Zufallswiedergabeliste
+ Loop Playlist: Wiedergabeliste wiederholen
+ Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: Es beginnt bald, bitte aktualisiere
+ die Seite, um es erneut zu überprüfen
- Best: Bestes
+ Best: Am besten
High: Hoch
Medium: Mittel
Low: Niedrig
@@ -736,16 +869,16 @@ Video:
Open Channel in YouTube: Kanal auf YouTube öffnen
Started streaming on: Streaming angefangen am
Streamed on: Gestreamt am
- Video has been removed from your saved list: Video wurde aus der Liste der gespeicherten
+ Video has been removed from your saved list: Video wurde aus deiner Liste der gespeicherten
Videos entfernt
Video has been saved: Video wurde gespeichert
Save Video: Video speichern
- translated from English: Aus dem Englischen übersetzt
+ translated from English: aus dem Englischen übersetzt
Sponsor Block category:
music offtopic: Musik Offtopic
interaction: Interaktion
self-promotion: Eigenwerbung
- outro: Outro
+ outro: Abspann
intro: Intro
sponsor: Sponsor
recap: Rekapitulation
@@ -755,16 +888,15 @@ Video:
OpenInTemplate: In {externalPlayer} öffnen
Unsupported Actions:
setting a playback rate: Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit festlegen
- starting video at offset: Starte Video an Stelle
- looping playlists: Wiedergabeliste wiederholen
- shuffling playlists: Wiedergabeliste durcheinandermischen
- reversing playlists: Wiedergabeliste umkehren
- opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): Öffne
- gewähltes Video aus einer Wiedergabeliste (Falle zurück auf normales Öffnen
- des Videos)
+ starting video at offset: Video mit Versatz starten
+ looping playlists: Wiedergabelisten wiederholen
+ shuffling playlists: Wiedergabelisten durcheinander mischen
+ reversing playlists: Wiedergabelisten umkehren
+ opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): Bestimmtes
+ Video aus einer Wiedergabeliste öffnen (Rückgriff auf Öffnen des Videos)
opening playlists: Wiedergabelisten öffnen
- UnsupportedActionTemplate: '{externalPlayer} unterstützt das nicht: {action}'
- OpeningTemplate: '{videoOrPlaylist} wird in {externalPlayer} geöffnet …'
+ UnsupportedActionTemplate: '{externalPlayer} unterstützt nicht: {action}'
+ OpeningTemplate: '{videoOrPlaylist} wird in {externalPlayer} geöffnet ...'
playlist: Wiedergabeliste
video: Video
Premieres on: Premiere am
@@ -779,13 +911,13 @@ Video:
buffered: Gepuffert
Video ID: Video-ID
Resolution: Auflösung
- Player Dimensions: Player-Größe
+ Player Dimensions: Abspieler-Größe
Bitrate: Bitrate
Volume: Lautstärke
Bandwidth: Bandbreite
Buffered: Gepuffert
- Dropped / Total Frames: Entfallene Einzelbilder / Gesamtzahl der Einzelbilder
- Mimetype: Medientyp
+ Dropped / Total Frames: Entfallene / gesamte Einzelbilder
+ Mimetype: MIME-Typ
Video statistics are not available for legacy videos: Videostatistiken sind für
ältere Videos nicht verfügbar
Premieres in: Premieren in
@@ -796,16 +928,18 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Live-Chat
ist für diesen Stream nicht verfügbar. Möglicherweise wurde es vom Uploader deaktiviert.
Pause on Current Video: Pause für aktuelles Video
+ Unhide Channel: Kanal anzeigen
+ Hide Channel: Kanal ausblenden
#& Sort By
Sort By:
- Newest: Neuestes
- Oldest: Ältestes
+ Newest: Neueste
+ Oldest: Älteste
#& Most Popular
#& Playlists
#& About
- View Full Playlist: Zeige ganze Wiedergabeliste
+ View Full Playlist: Vollständige Wiedergabeliste ansehen
Videos: Videos
View: Aufruf
Views: Aufrufe
@@ -817,21 +951,21 @@ Playlist:
#& Views
Toggle Theatre Mode: Kinomodus umschalten
Change Format:
- Change Media Formats: Ändere Videoformat
- Use Dash Formats: DASH-Format benutzen
- Use Legacy Formats: Nutze Altformat
- Use Audio Formats: Nutze Audioformat
- Audio formats are not available for this video: Es sind keine Audioformate für dieses
- Video verfügbar
+ Change Media Formats: Medienformate ändern
+ Use Dash Formats: DASH-Formate verwenden
+ Use Legacy Formats: Altformate verwenden
+ Use Audio Formats: Audioformate verwenden
+ Audio formats are not available for this video: Audioformate sind für dieses Video
+ nicht verfügbar
Dash formats are not available for this video: DASH-Formate sind für dieses Video
nicht verfügbar
- Share Video: Teile das Video
+ Share Video: Video teilen
Share Playlist: Wiedergabeliste teilen
- Copy Link: Kopiere Link
- Open Link: Öffne Link
- Copy Embed: Kopiere eingebettete Version
- Open Embed: Öffne eingebettete Version
+ Copy Link: Link kopieren
+ Open Link: Link öffnen
+ Copy Embed: Eingebettete Version kopieren
+ Open Embed: Eingebettete Version öffnen
# On Click
Invidious URL copied to clipboard: Invidious-URL in die Zwischenablage kopiert
Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: Invidious' eingebettete URL in die Zwischenablage
@@ -839,33 +973,34 @@ Share:
YouTube URL copied to clipboard: YouTube-URL in die Zwischenablage kopiert
YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: YouTubes eingebettete URL in die Zwischenablage
- Include Timestamp: Zeitstempel einfügen
- YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: YouTube Kanallink in die Zwischenablage
+ Include Timestamp: Zeitstempel miteinbeziehen
+ YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: YouTube-Kanal-URL in die Zwischenablage
- Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: Invidious Kanallink in die Zwischenablage
+ Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: Invidious-Kanal-URL in die Zwischenablage
Share Channel: Kanal teilen
-Mini Player: Mini-Wiedergabefenster
+Mini Player: Mini-Abspieler
Comments: Kommentare
- Click to View Comments: Hier klicken, um Kommentare anzuzeigen
- Getting comment replies, please wait: Kommentare werden geladen, bitte warten
- Show Comments: Zeige Kommentare
- Hide Comments: Verstecke Kommentare
+ Click to View Comments: Klicke, um Kommentare anzuzeigen
+ Getting comment replies, please wait: Antworten auf Kommentare werden geladen, bitte
+ warten
+ Show Comments: Kommentare anzeigen
+ Hide Comments: Kommentare ausblenden
# Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply
- View: Zeige
- Hide: Verstecke
+ View: Anzeigen
+ Hide: Ausblenden
Replies: Antworten
Reply: Antworten
There are no comments available for this video: Für dieses Video gibt es keine Kommentare
- Load More Comments: Mehr Kommentare laden
+ Load More Comments: Weitere Kommentare laden
There are no more comments for this video: Es gibt keine weiteren Kommentare zu
diesem Video
- No more comments available: Keine Kommentare mehr verfügbar
- Newest first: Neuste zuerst
+ No more comments available: Keine weiteren Kommentare verfügbar
+ Newest first: Neueste zuerst
Top comments: Top-Kommentare
- Sort by: Sortiert nach
- Show More Replies: Mehr Antworten zeigen
+ Sort by: Sortieren nach
+ Show More Replies: Weitere Antworten anzeigen
From {channelName}: von {channelName}
And others: und andere
Pinned by: Angeheftet von
@@ -876,10 +1011,10 @@ Comments:
Up Next: Nächster Titel
# Toast Messages
-Local API Error (Click to copy): Lokaler API-Fehler (Klicke zum Kopieren)
-Invidious API Error (Click to copy): Invidious-API-Fehler (Klicke zum Kopieren)
-Falling back to Invidious API: Falle auf Invidious-API zurück
-Falling back to the local API: Falle auf lokale API zurück
+Local API Error (Click to copy): Lokaler API-Fehler (Zum Kopieren anklicken)
+Invidious API Error (Click to copy): Invidious-API-Fehler (Zum Kopieren anklicken)
+Falling back to Invidious API: Rückgriff auf Invidious-API
+Falling back to Local API: Rückgriff auf lokale API
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: Dieses
Video ist aufgrund fehlender Formate nicht verfügbar. Zugriffsbeschränkungen im
Land kann dafür der Grund sein.
@@ -888,25 +1023,25 @@ Loop is now disabled: Wiederholung ist jetzt deaktiviert
Loop is now enabled: Wiederholung ist jetzt aktiviert
Shuffle is now disabled: Zufallswiedergabe ist jetzt deaktiviert
Shuffle is now enabled: Zufallswiedergabe ist jetzt aktiviert
-Playing Next Video: Spiele nächstes Video
-Playing Previous Video: Spiele vorheriges Video
-Canceled next video autoplay: Wiedergabe des nächsten Videos abgebrochen
-'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': 'Ende der Wiedergabeliste
- erreicht. Aktiviere Wiederholung um weiter abzuspielen'
+Playing Next Video: Nächstes Video wird abgespielt
+Playing Previous Video: Vorheriges Video wird abgespielt
+Canceled next video autoplay: Automatische Wiedergabe des nächsten Videos abgebrochen
+'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': 'Die Wiedergabeliste ist
+ beendet. Aktiviere die Wiederholung, um die Wiedergabe fortzusetzen'
Yes: Ja
No: Nein
Locale Name: Deutsch
'{profile} is now the active profile': '{profile} ist jetzt dein aktives Profil'
- Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: Dein Hauptprofil
- wurde als Standardprofil festgelegt
+ Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: Dein Standardprofil
+ wurde in dein Hauptprofil geändert
Removed {profile} from your profiles: '{profile} wurde aus deinen Profilen entfernt'
- Your default profile has been set to {profile}: '{profile} wurde als Standardprofil
- festgelegt'
- Profile has been created: Das Profil wurde erstellt
- Profile has been updated: Das Profil wurde aktualisiert
- Your profile name cannot be empty: Der Profilname darf nicht leer sein
+ Your default profile has been set to {profile}: 'Dein Standardprofil wurde auf {profile}
+ eingestellt'
+ Profile has been created: Profil wurde erstellt
+ Profile has been updated: Profil wurde aktualisiert
+ Your profile name cannot be empty: Dein Profilname darf nicht leer sein
Profile could not be found: Profil wurde nicht gefunden
All subscriptions will also be deleted.: Alle Abos werden ebenfalls gelöscht.
Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Profil
@@ -923,13 +1058,13 @@ Profile:
Profile Manager: Profilverwalter
All Channels: Alle Kanäle
Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: Bist
- du sicher, dass du die ausgewählten Kanäle löschen möchtest? Dies löscht den Kanal
- nur aus diesem Profil.
+ du sicher, dass du die ausgewählten Kanäle löschen möchtest? Dadurch wird der
+ Kanal nicht aus einem anderen Profil gelöscht.
? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
: Dies ist dein Hauptprofil. Bist du sicher, dass du die ausgewählten Kanäle löschen
- möchtest? Diese Kanäle werden auch in allen anderen Profilen gelöscht.
- No channel(s) have been selected: Es wurden keinen Kanäle ausgewählt
+ möchtest? Die gleichen Kanäle werden auch in allen anderen Profilen gelöscht.
+ No channel(s) have been selected: Es wurde kein Kanal/keine Kanäle ausgewählt
Add Selected To Profile: Ausgewählte zum Profil hinzufügen
Delete Selected: Ausgewählte löschen
Select None: Alles abwählen
@@ -941,6 +1076,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Profilfilter
Profile Settings: Profileinstellungen
Toggle Profile List: Profilliste umschalten
+ Profile Name: Profilname
+ Edit Profile Name: Profilname bearbeiten
+ Create Profile Name: Profilname erstellen
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Profil-Klappliste öffnen
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Profil-Klappliste schließen
The playlist has been reversed: Die Wiedergabeliste wurde umgedreht
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: Ein neuer Blogeintrag
ist verfügbar, {blogTitle}. Klicke, um mehr zu sehen
@@ -951,110 +1091,119 @@ Tooltips:
General Settings:
Thumbnail Preference: Alle Vorschaubilder in FreeTube werden durch ein Standbild
aus dem Video ersetzt und entsprechen somit nicht mehr dem Standard-Vorschaubild.
- Invidious Instance: Die Invidious-Instanz, welche FreeTube für API-Calls verwendet.
- Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Erlaube FreeTube, falls die bevorzugte
- API nicht verfügbar sein sollte, automatisch eine alternative API zu nutzen.
- Preferred API Backend: Wähle das Backend, welches FreeTube zum Laden der Daten
- nutzen soll. Die lokale API ist ein integrierter Extrahierer. Die Invidious-API
- dagegen verwendet einen externen Server.
+ Invidious Instance: Die Invidious-Instanz, mit der sich FreeTube für API-Aufrufe
+ verbinden wird.
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Wenn deine bevorzugte API ein Problem
+ hat, wird FreeTube automatisch versuchen, deine nicht-bevorzugte API als Ausweichmethode
+ zu verwenden, wenn sie aktiviert ist.
+ Preferred API Backend: Wähle das Backend aus, welches FreeTube zum Laden der Daten
+ nutzen soll. Die lokale API ist ein eingebauter Extrahierer. Die Invidious-API
+ erfordert einen Invidious-Server, zu dem eine Verbindung hergestellt werden
+ muss.
Region for Trending: Die Trendregion erlaubt es dir auszuwählen, aus welchem Land
die Trends angezeigt werden sollen.
External Link Handling: "Wähle das Standardverhalten, wenn ein Link angeklickt
wird, der nicht in FreeTube geöffnet werden kann.\nStandardmäßig wird FreeTube
den angeklickten Link in deinem Standardbrowser öffnen.\n"
Subscription Settings:
- Fetch Feeds from RSS: Sobald aktiviert wird FreeTube RSS anstatt der Standardmethode
- nutzen, um deine Abos zu aktualisieren. RSS ist schneller und verhindert das
- Blockieren deiner IP-Adresse, doch gewisse Informationen, wie z. B. die Dauer
- des Videos oder der Status eines Livestreams, werden nicht mehr verfügbar sein
- Fetch Automatically: Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, holt FreeTube automatisch
- deinen Abo-Feed, wenn ein neues Fenster geöffnet wird und wenn du das Profil
- wechselst.
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: Wenn aktiviert, verwendet FreeTube RSS anstelle der Standardmethode,
+ um deinen Abo-Feed abzurufen. RSS ist schneller und verhindert die IP-Blockierung,
+ liefert aber bestimmte Informationen wie Videodauer oder Live-Status nicht
+ Fetch Automatically: Wenn aktiviert, ruft FreeTube automatisch deinen Abo-Feed
+ ab, wenn ein neues Fenster geöffnet wird und wenn du das Profil wechselst.
Player Settings:
- Default Video Format: Auswahl der Formate bei der Videowiedergabe. DASH-Formate
- bieten eine höhere Qualität, LEGACY-Formate sind auf 720p begrenzt, benötigen
- dafür aber auch weniger Bandbreite. Audioformate beinhalten nur den Ton.
- Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Zu Invidious verbinden, um Videos abzurufen, anstatt
- eine direkten Verbindung zu YouTube aufzubauen. Überschreibt die API-Präferenz.
+ Default Video Format: Lege die Formate fest, die bei der Wiedergabe eines Videos
+ verwendet werden. DASH-Formate können höhere Qualitäten wiedergeben. Altformate
+ sind auf maximal 720p beschränkt, verbrauchen aber weniger Bandbreite. Audioformate
+ sind reine Audiostreams.
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Stellt eine Verbindung zu Invidious her, um Videos
+ bereitzustellen, anstatt eine direkte Verbindung zu YouTube herzustellen. Setzt
+ die API-Einstellung außer Kraft.
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Funktioniert nur, wenn du die Invidious-API
- als Standard ausgewählt hast. Die lokale API wird bei der Verwendung von Legacy-Formaten
- diese verwenden, anstatt auf Invidious zurückzugreifen. Dies hilft dann, wenn
- Videos von Invidious aufgrund von Ländersperren nicht abspielbar sind.
+ als Standard ausgewählt hast. Wenn aktiviert, wird die lokale API ausgeführt
+ und verwendet die von ihr zurückgegebenen Altformate anstelle der von Invidious
+ zurückgegebenen Formate. Dies hilft, wenn die von Invidious zurückgegebenen
+ Videos aufgrund von Länderbeschränkungen nicht abgespielt werden können.
Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Während sich der Cursor über dem Video
- befindet, halten Sie die Strg-Taste (Befehlstaste auf dem Mac) gedrückt und
- bewegen Sie das Mausrad vorwärts oder rückwärts, um die Abspielgeschwindigkeit
- zu steuern. Halten Sie die Strg-Taste (Befehlstaste auf dem Mac) gedrückt und
- klicken Sie mit der linken Maustaste, um schnell zur Standard-Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit
- zurückzukehren (1x, sofern sie nicht in den Einstellungen geändert wurde).
+ befindet, halte die Strg-Taste (Befehlstaste auf dem Mac) gedrückt und bewege
+ das Mausrad vorwärts oder rückwärts, um die Abspielgeschwindigkeit zu steuern.
+ Halte die Strg-Taste (Befehlstaste auf dem Mac) gedrückt und klicke mit der
+ linken Maustaste, um schnell zur Standard-Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit zurückzukehren
+ (1x, sofern sie nicht in den Einstellungen geändert wurde).
Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Verwende das Scrollrad, um durch das Video
zu springen, MPV-Stil.
Allow DASH AV1 formats: DASH AV1-Formate können besser aussehen als DASH H.264-Formate.
Die DASH AV1-Formate benötigen mehr Leistung für die Wiedergabe! Sie sind nicht
- bei allen Videos verfügbar. In diesen Fällen verwendet der Player stattdessen
+ bei allen Videos verfügbar. In diesen Fällen verwendet der Abspieler stattdessen
die DASH H.264-Formate.
Privacy Settings:
- Remove Video Meta Files: Bei Aktivierung löscht FreeTube alle Meta-Dateien die
- während der Videowiedergabe erzeugt werden, sobald die Videoseite verlassen
+ Remove Video Meta Files: Wenn aktiviert, löscht FreeTube automatisch die während
+ der Videowiedergabe erstellten Metadateien, wenn die Abspielseite geschlossen
External Player Settings:
- Custom External Player Arguments: Alle Kommandozeilen Argumente, getrennt durch
- Semikolons (';'), die an den externen Player weitergegeben werden sollen.
- Ignore Warnings: Unterdrücke Warnungen, wenn der aktuell gewählte externe Player
- die gewählte Aktion nicht unterstützt (z.B. Wiedergabeliste umkehren, usw.).
+ Custom External Player Arguments: Alle benutzerdefinierten Befehlszeilenargumente,
+ getrennt durch Semikolon (';'), die an den externen Abspieler übergeben werden
+ sollen.
+ Ignore Warnings: Warnungen unterdrücken, wenn der aktuelle externe Abspieler die
+ aktuelle Aktion nicht unterstützt (z. B. das Umkehren von Wiedergabelisten usw.).
Custom External Player Executable: Standardmäßig wird FreeTube annehmen, dass
- der gewählte externe Player unter der PATH Umgebungsvariable gefunden werden
- kann. Falls nötig, kann ein benutzerdefinierter Pfad hier gewählt werden.
- External Player: Wenn Sie einen externen Player auswählen, wird auf der Miniaturansicht
- ein Symbol angezeigt, mit dem Sie das Video (und die Wiedergabeliste, falls
- unterstützt) im externen Player öffnen können. Achtung, die Einstellungen von
- Invidious wirken sich nicht auf externe Player aus.
+ der gewählte externe Abspieler unter der PATH-Umgebungsvariable gefunden werden
+ kann. Falls nötig, kann hier ein benutzerdefinierter Pfad festgelegt werden.
+ External Player: Wenn du einen externen Abspieler auswählst, wird auf dem Vorschaubild
+ ein Symbol angezeigt, mit dem du das Video (die Wiedergabeliste, falls unterstützt)
+ im externen Abspieler öffnen kannst. Achtung, die Einstellungen von Invidious
+ wirken sich nicht auf externe Abspieler aus.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: '(Standardwert: „{defaultCustomArguments}“)'
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Schicke keine Standardargumente an den externen Videoplayer
+ außer der Video URL (z.B. Abspiel-Geschwindigkeit, Wiedergabeliste-URL etc.).
+ Besondere Argumente werden weiterhin weitergeleitet.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Deaktiviert den festplattenbasierten HTTP-Cache von Electron
und aktiviert einen benutzerdefinierten In-Memory-Image-Cache. Dies führt zu
- einer erhöhten Nutzung des Direktzugriffsspeichers.
+ einer erhöhten RAM-Auslastung.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Geben Sie einen Kanalnamen oder eine Kanal-ID ein, um zu verhindern,
- dass alle Videos, Wiedergabelisten und der Kanal selbst in der Suche, den Trends,
- den beliebtesten und den empfohlenen Videos angezeigt werden. Der eingegebene
- Kanalname muss vollständig übereinstimmen und es wird zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung
- unterschieden.
- Hide Subscriptions Live: Diese Einstellung wird durch die app-weite Einstellung
- „{appWideSetting}“ im Abschnitt „{subsection}“ des Abschnitts „{settingsSection}“
- außer Kraft gesetzt
+ Hide Channels: Gebe eine Kanal-ID ein, um zu verhindern, dass alle Videos, Wiedergabelisten
+ und der Kanal selbst in der Suche, den Trends, den beliebtesten und den empfohlenen
+ Videos angezeigt werden. Die eingegebene Kanal-ID muss vollständig übereinstimmen
+ und es wird zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung unterschieden.
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Diese Einstellung wird durch die App-weite Einstellung
+ „{appWideSetting}“ im Abschnitt „{subsection}“ der „{settingsSection}“ außer
+ Kraft gesetzt
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Gebe ein Wort, einen Teil eines Wortes
+ oder einen Satz ein (Groß-/Kleinschreibung wird ignoriert) um alle Videos und
+ Playlisten, welche es in ihren Originaltiteln enthalten, auf ganz FreeTube auszublenden.
+ Dein Verlauf, deine eigenen Playlisten und Videos innerhalb deiner Playlisten
+ sind davon nicht betroffen.
SponsorBlock Settings:
- UseDeArrowTitles: Ersetzen Sie Videotitel durch von Benutzern eingereichte Titel
- von DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowTitles: Videotitel durch von Benutzern eingereichte Titel von DeArrow
+ ersetzen.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Ersetze Video-Thumbnails mit Thumbnails von DeArrow.
Playing Next Video Interval: Nächstes Video wird sofort abgespielt. Zum Abbrechen
klicken. | Nächstes Video wird in {nextVideoInterval} Sekunden abgespielt. Zum Abbrechen
klicken. | Nächstes Video wird in {nextVideoInterval} Sekunden abgespielt. Zum Abbrechen
-More: Weiteres
+More: Mehr
Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: Hashtags wurden noch nicht
implementiert, bitte versuche es später noch einmal
-Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Unbekannte YouTube-Adresse, kann
- in FreeTube nicht geöffnet werden
+Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Unbekannter YouTube-URL-Typ, kann
+ in der App nicht geöffnet werden
Open New Window: Neues Fenster öffnen
-Default Invidious instance has been cleared: Standard-Invidious-Instanz wurde zurückgesetzt
-Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: Standard-Invidious-Instanz
- wurde auf {instance} gesetzt
+Default Invidious instance has been cleared: Standardmäßige Invidious-Instanz wurde
+ gelöscht
+Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: Standardmäßige Invidious-Instanz
+ wurde auf {instance} festgelegt
Search Bar:
Clear Input: Eingabe löschen
Are you sure you want to open this link?: Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Link öffnen
External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: Das Öffnen externer
Links wurde in den allgemeinen Einstellungen deaktiviert
-Downloading has completed: Das Herunterladen von {videoTitle} ist abgeschlossen
-Starting download: Das Herunterladen von {videoTitle} hat begonnen
-Downloading failed: Es gab ein Problem beim Herunterladen von {videoTitle}
-Screenshot Success: Bildschirmfoto gespeichert als „{filePath}“
+Downloading has completed: „{videoTitle}“ wurde vollständig heruntergeladen
+Starting download: Herunterladen von „{videoTitle}“ wird gestartet
+Downloading failed: Beim Herunterladen von „{videoTitle}“ gab es ein Problem
+Screenshot Success: Bildschirmfoto als „{filePath}“ gespeichert
Screenshot Error: Bildschirmfoto fehlgeschlagen. {error}
New Window: Neues Fenster
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Video: Video
- Channel: Kanal
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Dieses {videoOrPlaylist} ist altersbeschränkt
Channels: Kanäle
Title: Kanalliste
@@ -1078,10 +1227,17 @@ Chapters:
Preferences: Einstellungen
Ok: OK
- Hashtag: Schlagwort
- This hashtag does not currently have any videos: Unter diesem Schlagwort konnten
- derzeit keine Videos gefunden werden
+ Hashtag: Hashtag
+ This hashtag does not currently have any videos: Dieser Hashtag enthält derzeit
+ keine Videos
Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Wiedergabeliste wird pausiert,
wenn das aktuelle Video beendet ist
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Wiedergabeliste wird nicht
pausiert, wenn das aktuelle Video beendet ist
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} wurde zum Kanalfilter hinzugefügt'
+Go to page: Gehe zu {page}
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} wurde aus dem Kanalfilter entfernt'
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: Gekürzte Eingaben müssen mindestens
+ 1 Zeichen lang sein | Gekürzte Eingaben müssen mindestens {length} Zeichen lang
+ sein
+Tag already exists: Die Markierung „{tagName}“ existiert bereits
diff --git a/static/locales/el.yaml b/static/locales/el.yaml
index 7601f02a4fee8..31e8a2fe01ecf 100644
--- a/static/locales/el.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/el.yaml
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Μέση'
End: 'Τέλος'
Hidden: Κρυμμένο
+ Blur: 'Θάμπωμα'
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Διακομιστής
Invidious (προεπιλογή https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Περιοχή που καθορίζει την καρτέλα των τάσεων'
@@ -331,6 +332,8 @@ Settings:
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Φόρτωση τροφοδοσίας RSS'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Διαχείριση Εγγραφών'
Fetch Automatically: Αυτόματη Λήψη Τροφοδοσίας
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Εμφάνιση μόνο του τελευταίου βίντεο για
+ κάθε κανάλι
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Ρυθμίσεις Δεδομένων'
Select Import Type: 'Επιλογή Τρόπου Εισαγωγής'
@@ -426,7 +429,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Sharing Actions: Απόκρυψη Ενεργειών Κοινής Χρήσης
Hide Channels: Απόκρυψη Βίντεο Από Κανάλια
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Απόκρυψη Επερχόμενων Πρεμιέρων
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Όνομα Καναλιού ή Αναγνωριστικό
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Αναγνωριστικό καναλιού
Hide Comments: Απόκρυψη Σχολίων
Hide Chapters: Απόκρυψη Κεφαλαίων
Hide Video Description: Απόκρυψη Περιγραφής Βίντεο
@@ -450,6 +453,13 @@ Settings:
Blur Thumbnails: Θάμπωμα Μικρογραφιών
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Απόκρυψη Εικόνων Προφίλ στα Σχόλια
Hide Subscriptions Community: Απόκρυψη Συνδρομών Κοινότητας
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Το αναγνωριστικό καναλιού που δόθηκε δεν ήταν έγκυρο
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Ορισμένα κανάλια αποκλείστηκαν με χρήση αναγνωριστικού
+ και δεν υποβλήθηκαν σε επεξεργασία. Η λειτουργία μπλοκάρεται κατά την ενημέρωση
+ αυτών των αναγνωριστικών
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Το αναγνωριστικό καναλιού υπάρχει ήδη
+ Hide Channels API Error: Σφάλμα κατά την ανάκτηση χρήστη με το παρεχόμενο αναγνωριστικό.
+ Ελέγξτε ξανά εάν το αναγνωριστικό είναι σωστό.
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Η
εφαρμογή πρέπει να κάνει επανεκκίνηση για να εφαρμοστούν οι αλλαγές. Επανεκκίνηση
και εφαρμογή αλλαγών;
@@ -525,6 +535,7 @@ Settings:
Show Family Friendly Only: Εμφάνιση Μόνο Για Οικογένειες
Hide Unsubscribe Button: Απόκρυψη Κουμπιού Απεγγραφής
Hide Search Bar: Απόκρυψη Μπάρας Αναζήτησης
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Αναπτύξτε όλες τις ενότητες ρυθμίσεων
#On About page
About: 'Σχετικά με'
@@ -632,6 +643,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Φίλτρο προφίλ
Profile Settings: Ρυθμίσεις προφίλ
Toggle Profile List: Εναλλαγή Λίστας Προφίλ
+ Profile Name: Όνομα προφίλ
+ Edit Profile Name: Επεξεργασία ονόματος προφίλ
+ Create Profile Name: Δημιουργία ονόματος προφίλ
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Ανοίξτε το αναπτυσσόμενο μενού προφίλ
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Κλείστε το αναπτυσσόμενο μενού προφίλ
Subscribe: 'Εγγραφή'
Unsubscribe: 'Απεγγραφή'
@@ -841,6 +857,8 @@ Video:
Zωντανή συνομιλία δεν είναι διαθέσιμη για αυτήν τη ροή.\nΜπορεί να έχει απενεργοποιηθεί
από τον χρήστη."
Pause on Current Video: Παύση στο Τρέχον Βίντεο
+ Unhide Channel: Εμφάνιση καναλιού
+ Hide Channel: Απόκρυψη καναλιού
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -927,7 +945,7 @@ Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Τοπικό σφάλμα Διεπαφής π
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Σφάλμα Διεπαφής προγραμματισμού εφαρμογής Invidious(*API)
(Κάντε κλικ για αντιγραφή)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Επιστροφή στο Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Επιστροφή στη τοπική Διεπαφή προγραμματισμού εφαρμογής
+Falling back to Local API: 'Επιστροφή στη τοπική Διεπαφή προγραμματισμού εφαρμογής
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Οι συνδρομές δεν έχουν ακόμη υλοποιηθεί'
Loop is now disabled: 'Η επανάληψη είναι πλέον απενεργοποιημένη'
@@ -1026,11 +1044,11 @@ Tooltips:
μια προσαρμοσμένη προσωρινή μνήμη εικόνων στη μνήμη. Θα οδηγήσει σε αυξημένη
χρήση RAM.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Εισαγάγετε ένα όνομα καναλιού ή ένα αναγνωριστικό καναλιού για
- να αποκρύψετε όλα τα βίντεο, τις λίστες αναπαραγωγής και το ίδιο το κανάλι ώστε
- να μην εμφανίζονται στην αναζήτηση, στις τάσεις, στα πιο δημοφιλή και προτεινόμενα.
- Το όνομα του καναλιού που καταχωρίσατε πρέπει να ταιριάζει απόλυτα και να κάνει
- διάκριση πεζών-κεφαλαίων.
+ Hide Channels: Εισαγάγετε ένα αναγνωριστικό καναλιού για να αποκρύψετε όλα τα
+ βίντεο, τις λίστες αναπαραγωγής και το ίδιο το κανάλι, ώστε να μην εμφανίζονται
+ στην αναζήτηση, τα ανερχόμενα, τα πιο δημοφιλή και προτεινόμενα. Το αναγνωριστικό
+ καναλιού που καταχωρίσατε πρέπει να αντιστοιχεί πλήρως και να κάνει διάκριση
+ πεζών-κεφαλαίων.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Αυτή η ρύθμιση παρακάμπτεται από τη ρύθμιση "{appWideSetting}"
σε όλη την εφαρμογή, στην ενότητα "{subsection}" του "{settingsSection}"
SponsorBlock Settings:
@@ -1079,12 +1097,6 @@ Chapters:
Chapters: Κεφάλαια
'Chapters list visible, current chapter: {chapterName}': 'Ορατή λίστα κεφαλαίων,
τρέχον κεφάλαιο: {chapterName}'
-Age Restricted:
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Αυτό το {videoOrPlaylist} έχει περιορισμό
- ηλικίας
- Type:
- Channel: Κανάλι
- Video: Βίντεο
Ok: Εντάξει
Preferences: Προτιμήσεις
Screenshot Success: Αποθηκευμένο στιγμιότυπο οθόνης ως "{filePath}"
@@ -1096,3 +1108,6 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Η Λίστα Αναπαρα
όταν ολοκληρωθεί το τρέχον βίντεο
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Η Λίστα Αναπαραγωγής δεν θα
σταματήσει όταν ολοκληρωθεί το τρέχον βίντεο
+Channel Hidden: Το {channel} προστέθηκε στο φίλτρο καναλιού
+Go to page: Μετάβαση σε {page}
+Channel Unhidden: Το {channel} καταργήθηκε από το φίλτρο καναλιού
diff --git a/static/locales/en-US.yaml b/static/locales/en-US.yaml
index d7f1080eff721..0c08cc87e88d6 100644
--- a/static/locales/en-US.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/en-US.yaml
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ Close: Close
Back: Back
Forward: Forward
Open New Window: Open New Window
+Go to page: Go to {page}
+Close Banner: Close Banner
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click
for more details
@@ -52,6 +54,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 subscriber | {count} subscribers
View Count: 1 view | {count} views
Watching Count: 1 watching | {count} watching
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Tag must be at least {number} characters long
# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: Search / Go to URL
@@ -137,8 +141,93 @@ User Playlists:
videos currently here will be migrated to a 'Favorites' playlist.
Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have
it listed here
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.
Empty Search Message: There are no videos in this playlist that matches your search
Search bar placeholder: Search in Playlist
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: This playlist currently has no videos.
+ Create New Playlist: Create New Playlist
+ Add to Playlist: Add to Playlist
+ Add to Favorites: Add to {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Remove from {playlistName}
+ Move Video Up: Move Video Up
+ Move Video Down: Move Video Down
+ Remove from Playlist: Remove from Playlist
+ Playlist Name: Playlist Name
+ Playlist Description: Playlist Description
+ Save Changes: Save Changes
+ Cancel: Cancel
+ Edit Playlist Info: Edit Playlist Info
+ Copy Playlist: Copy Playlist
+ Remove Watched Videos: Remove Watched Videos
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Disable Quick Bookmark
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone.
+ Delete Playlist: Delete Playlist
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone.
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: Sort By
+ NameAscending: 'A-Z'
+ NameDescending: 'Z-A'
+ LatestCreatedFirst: 'Recently Created'
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: 'Earliest Created'
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: 'Recently Updated'
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: 'Earliest Updated'
+ LatestPlayedFirst: 'Recently Played'
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: 'Earliest Played'
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ This video cannot be moved up.: This video cannot be moved up.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: This video cannot be moved down.
+ Video has been removed: Video has been removed
+ There was a problem with removing this video: There was a problem with removing this video
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: This playlist is now used for quick bookmark
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Quick bookmark disabled
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.
+ Playlist has been updated.: Playlist has been updated.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: There was an issue with updating this playlist.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": "1 video has been removed | {videoCount} videos have been removed"
+ There were no videos to remove.: There were no videos to remove.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.
+ This playlist does not exist: This playlist does not exist
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: 'Select a playlist to add your video to | Select a playlist to add your {videoCount} videos to'
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} Selected'
+ Search in Playlists: Search in Playlists
+ Save: Save
+ Added {count} Times: 'Added {count} Time | Added {count} Times'
+ Toast:
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: You haven't selected any playlist yet.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": "1 video added to 1 playlist | {videoCount} videos added to 1 playlist"
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": "1 video added to {playlistCount} playlists | {videoCount} videos added to {playlistCount} playlists"
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ New Playlist Name: New Playlist Name
+ Create: Create
+ Toast:
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: There was an issue with creating the playlist.
# On History Page
History: History
@@ -149,6 +238,7 @@ History:
# On Settings Page
Settings: Settings
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Expand All Settings Sections
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: The
app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?
General Settings:
@@ -176,6 +266,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: Middle
End: End
Hidden: Hidden
+ Blur: Blur
Current Invidious Instance: Current Invidious Instance
The currently set default instance is {instance}: The currently set default instance is {instance}
No default instance has been set: No default instance has been set
@@ -208,6 +299,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
Pastel Pink: Pastel Pink
Hot Pink: Hot Pink
+ Nordic: Nordic
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: Main Color Theme
Red: Red
@@ -307,6 +399,7 @@ Settings:
External Player Settings: External Player Settings
External Player: External Player
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ignore Default Arguments
Custom External Player Executable: Custom External Player Executable
Custom External Player Arguments: Custom External Player Arguments
@@ -330,12 +423,16 @@ Settings:
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: Are
you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be
+ Remove All Playlists: Remove All Playlists
+ All playlists have been removed: All playlists have been removed
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: Subscription Settings
Hide Videos on Watch: Hide Videos on Watch
Fetch Feeds from RSS: Fetch Feeds from RSS
Manage Subscriptions: Manage Subscriptions
Fetch Automatically: Fetch Feed Automatically
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel
Distraction Free Settings:
Distraction Free Settings: Distraction Free Settings
@@ -344,7 +441,6 @@ Settings:
Channel Page: Channel Page
Watch Page: Watch Page
General: General
- Blur Thumbnails: Blur Thumbnails
Hide Video Views: Hide Video Views
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Hide Video Likes And Dislikes
Hide Channel Subscribers: Hide Channel Subscribers
@@ -358,19 +454,25 @@ Settings:
Hide Video Description: Hide Video Description
Hide Comments: Hide Comments
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Hide Profile Pictures in Comments
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation And Punctuation
Hide Live Streams: Hide Live Streams
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Hide Upcoming Premieres
Hide Sharing Actions: Hide Sharing Actions
Hide Chapters: Hide Chapters
Hide Channels: Hide Videos From Channels
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Channel Name or ID
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Some channels were blocked using ID and weren't processed. Feature is blocked while those IDs are updating
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Channel ID
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Channel ID provided was invalid
+ Hide Channels API Error: Error retrieving user with the ID provided. Please check again if the ID is correct.
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Channel ID already exists
Hide Featured Channels: Hide Featured Channels
Hide Channel Playlists: Hide Channel Playlists
Hide Channel Community: Hide Channel Community
Hide Channel Shorts: Hide Channel Shorts
Hide Channel Podcasts: Hide Channel Podcasts
Hide Channel Releases: Hide Channel Releases
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Word, Word Fragment, or Phrase
Hide Subscriptions Videos: Hide Subscriptions Videos
Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Hide Subscriptions Shorts
Hide Subscriptions Live: Hide Subscriptions Live
@@ -392,6 +494,15 @@ Settings:
Export History: Export History
Import Playlists: Import Playlists
Export Playlists: Export Playlists
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions
+ # |- = Keep newlines, No newline at end
+ Tooltip: |-
+ This option exports videos from all playlists into one playlist named 'Favorites'.
+ How to export & import videos in playlists for an older version of FreeTube:
+ 1. Export your playlists with this option enabled.
+ 2. Delete all of your existing playlists using the Remove All Playlists option under Privacy Settings.
+ 3. Launch the older version of FreeTube and import the exported playlists."
Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: Profile object has insufficient
data, skipping item
All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: All subscriptions
@@ -441,6 +552,8 @@ Settings:
'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)
Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: Notify when sponsor segment is skipped
UseDeArrowTitles: Use DeArrow Video Titles
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Use DeArrow for thumbnails
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)'
Skip Options:
Skip Option: Skip Option
Auto Skip: Auto Skip
@@ -474,13 +587,6 @@ Settings:
Set Password To Prevent Access: Set a password to prevent access to settings
Set Password: Set Password
Remove Password: Remove Password
- Cordova Settings:
- Cordova Settings:
- Cordova Settings
- Disable Background Notification:
- Disable notification when app in background
- Show Thumbnail in Media Controls:
- Show thumbnail in media controls
#On About page
About: About
@@ -519,6 +625,9 @@ Profile:
Profile Manager: Profile Manager
Create New Profile: Create New Profile
Edit Profile: Edit Profile
+ Edit Profile Name: Edit Profile Name
+ Create Profile Name: Create Profile Name
+ Profile Name: Profile Name
Color Picker: Color Picker
Custom Color: Custom Color
Profile Preview: Profile Preview
@@ -553,6 +662,8 @@ Profile:
Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: Are
you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel
from any other profile.
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Close Profile Dropdown
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Open Profile Dropdown
#On Channel Page
Subscribe: Subscribe
@@ -612,7 +723,9 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} votes'
Reveal Answers: Reveal Answers
Hide Answers: Hide Answers
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Video hidden by FreeTube
+ More Options: More Options
Mark As Watched: Mark As Watched
Remove From History: Remove From History
Video has been marked as watched: Video has been marked as watched
@@ -630,6 +743,8 @@ Video:
Copy YouTube Channel Link: Copy YouTube Channel Link
Open Channel in Invidious: Open Channel in Invidious
Copy Invidious Channel Link: Copy Invidious Channel Link
+ Hide Channel: Hide Channel
+ Unhide Channel: Show Channel
Views: Views
Loop Playlist: Loop Playlist
Shuffle Playlist: Shuffle Playlist
@@ -844,7 +959,7 @@ Tooltips:
By default FreeTube will open the clicked link in your default browser.
Player Settings:
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Only works when the Invidious API is your
- default. When enabled, the local API will run and use the legacy formats returned
+ default. When enabled, the Local API will run and use the legacy formats returned
by that instead of the ones returned by Invidious. Helps when the videos returned
by Invidious don't play due to country restrictions.
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Will connect to Invidious to serve videos instead
@@ -868,13 +983,17 @@ Tooltips:
be set here.
Ignore Warnings: Suppress warnings for when the current external player does not support
the current action (e.g. reversing playlists, etc.).
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Do not send any default arguments to the external player
+ aside from the video URL (e.g. playback rate, playlist URL, etc.).
+ Custom arguments will still be passed on.
Custom External Player Arguments: Any custom command line arguments, separated by semicolons (';'),
you want to be passed to the external player.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Default: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Enter a channel name or channel ID to hide all videos, playlists and the channel itself from appearing in search or trending.
- The channel name entered must be a complete match and is case sensitive.
+ Hide Channels: Enter a channel ID to hide all videos, playlists and the channel itself from appearing in search, trending, most popular and recommended.
+ The channel ID entered must be a complete match and is case sensitive.
Hide Subscriptions Live: 'This setting is overridden by the app-wide "{appWideSetting}" setting, in the "{subsection}" section of the "{settingsSection}"'
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Enter a word, word fragment, or phrase (case insensitive) to hide all videos & playlists whose original titles contain it throughout all of FreeTube, excluding only History, Your Playlists, and videos inside of playlists.
Subscription Settings:
Fetch Feeds from RSS: When enabled, FreeTube will use RSS instead of its default
method for grabbing your subscription feed. RSS is faster and prevents IP blocking,
@@ -886,18 +1005,15 @@ Tooltips:
when the watch page is closed.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Disables Electron's disk based HTTP cache and enables a custom in-memory image cache. Will lead to increased RAM usage.
- Cordova Settings:
- Disable Background Notification:
- Disables the "FreeTube is running" background notificiation. Beware, disabling this notification may cause Android to close the app when it is in the background.
- Show Thumbnail in Media Controls:
- If you are experiencing issues with the media controls info getting out of sync, disabling this may resolve them.
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Replace video titles with user-submitted titles from DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Replace video thumbnails with thumbnails from DeArrow.
# Toast Messages
Local API Error (Click to copy): Local API Error (Click to copy)
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): Invidious API Error (Click to copy)
Falling back to Invidious API: Falling back to Invidious API
-Falling back to the local API: Falling back to the local API
+Falling back to Local API: Falling back to Local API
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: This
video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country
@@ -921,16 +1037,18 @@ Default Invidious instance has been cleared: Default Invidious instance has been
'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': 'The playlist has ended. Enable
loop to continue playing'
Age Restricted:
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted
- Type:
- Channel: Channel
- Video: Video
+ This channel is age restricted: This channel is age restricted
+ This video is age restricted: This video is age restricted
External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: 'External link opening has been disabled in the general settings'
Downloading has completed: '"{videoTitle}" has finished downloading'
Starting download: 'Starting download of "{videoTitle}"'
Downloading failed: 'There was an issue downloading "{videoTitle}"'
Screenshot Success: Saved screenshot as "{filePath}"
Screenshot Error: Screenshot failed. {error}
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} added to channel filter'
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} removed from channel filter'
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: Trimmed input must be at least 1 character long | Trimmed input must be at least {length} characters long
+Tag already exists: '"{tagName}" tag already exists'
Hashtag: Hashtag
diff --git a/static/locales/en_GB.yaml b/static/locales/en_GB.yaml
index b9b8a4a33e106..5b9b51b1d9ef2 100644
--- a/static/locales/en_GB.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/en_GB.yaml
@@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ Global:
View Count: 1 view | {count} views
Watching Count: 1 watching | {count} watching
Channel Count: 1 channel | {count} channels
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Tag must be at least {number} characters long
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Version {versionNumber}
is now available! Click for more details'
-Download From Site: 'Download From Site'
+Download From Site: 'Download from site'
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'A new blog is now available,
{blogTitle}. Click to view more'
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'A new blog is now
Search / Go to URL: 'Search / Go to URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
- Search Filters: 'Search Filters'
+ Search Filters: 'Search filters'
Sort By:
Sort By: 'Sort by'
Most Relevant: 'Most relevant'
@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ Subscriptions:
All Subscription Tabs Hidden: All subscription tabs are hidden. To see content here,
please unhide some tabs in the ‘{subsection}’ section in ‘{settingsSection}’.
Empty Posts: Your subscribed channels currently do not have any posts.
+ Load More Posts: Load more posts
Trending: 'Trending'
Trending Tabs: Trending Tabs
@@ -116,15 +119,103 @@ Trending:
Most Popular: 'Most Popular'
Playlists: 'Playlists'
User Playlists:
- Your Playlists: 'Your Playlists'
+ Your Playlists: 'Your playlists'
Playlist Message: This page is not reflective of fully working playlists. It only
- lists videos that you have saved or favourited. When the work has finished, all
- videos currently here will be migrated to a ‘Favourites’ playlist.
+ lists videos that you have saved or made a Favourite. When the work has finished,
+ all videos currently here will be migrated to a ‘Favourites’ playlist.
Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: Your
saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have
it listed here
- Search bar placeholder: Search in Playlist
+ Search bar placeholder: Search in playlist
Empty Search Message: There are no videos in this playlist that match your search
+ Create New Playlist: Create new Playlist
+ Add to Playlist: Add to playlist
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: This playlist currently has no videos.
+ Move Video Down: Move video down
+ Playlist Name: Playlist name
+ Playlist Description: Playlist description
+ Save Changes: Save changes
+ Edit Playlist Info: Edit playlist info
+ Delete Playlist: Delete playlist
+ Sort By:
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Earliest created
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Recently updated
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Earliest updated
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Recently played
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Earliest played
+ Sort By: Sort by
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Recently created
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ This video cannot be moved up.: This video cannot be moved up.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: This video cannot be moved down.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: There was a problem with removing
+ this video
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Playlist name cannot be
+ empty. Please input a name.
+ Playlist has been updated.: Playlist has been updated.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 video has been removed | {videoCount}
+ videos have been removed
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: This playlist is protected
+ and cannot be removed.
+ This playlist does not exist: This playlist does not exist
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Playlist {playlistName} has been
+ deleted.
+ Video has been removed: Video has been removed
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Some
+ videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: There was an issue with updating
+ this playlist.
+ There were no videos to remove.: There were no videos to remove.
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName}
+ for quick bookmark
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: This playlist is now used for
+ quick bookmark
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: This
+ playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click
+ here to undo
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Quick bookmark disabled
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} selected'
+ Search in Playlists: Search in playlists
+ Save: Save
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 video added to 1 playlist | {videoCount}
+ videos added to 1 playlist
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: You haven't selected any playlist yet.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 video added to
+ {playlistCount} playlists | {videoCount} videos added to {playlistCount}
+ playlists
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Select a playlist to add your video
+ to | Select a playlist to add your {videoCount} videos to
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ New Playlist Name: New Playlist name
+ Create: Create
+ Toast:
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Playlist {playlistName}
+ has been successfully created.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: There was an problem when creating
+ the playlist.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: There
+ is already a Playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: You
+ have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.
+ Move Video Up: Move video up
+ Cancel: Cancel
+ Remove from Playlist: Remove from playlist
+ Copy Playlist: Copy playlist
+ Remove Watched Videos: Remove watched videos
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Are
+ you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot
+ be undone.
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Are you sure
+ you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone.
+ Add to Favorites: Add to {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Remove from {playlistName}
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Enable quick bookmark with this playlist
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Disable quick bookmark
# On History Page
History: 'History'
@@ -136,8 +227,8 @@ Settings:
# On Settings Page
Settings: 'Settings'
General Settings:
- General Settings: 'General Settings'
- Check for Updates: 'Check for Updates'
+ General Settings: 'General settings'
+ Check for Updates: 'Check for updates'
Check for Latest Blog Posts: 'Check for latest blog posts'
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Revert to non-preferred backend
on failure'
@@ -158,38 +249,43 @@ Settings:
Beginning: 'Beginning'
Middle: 'Middle'
End: 'End'
+ Blur: Blur
+ Hidden: Hidden
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious Instance
(Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
- Region for Trending: 'Region for Trending'
+ Region for Trending: 'Region for trending'
#! List countries
View all Invidious instance information: View all Invidious instance information
System Default: System default
External Player: External Player
External Player Executable: Custom External Player Executable
Clear Default Instance: Clear default instance
- Set Current Instance as Default: Set Current Instance as Default
+ Set Current Instance as Default: Set current instance as default
Current instance will be randomized on startup: Current instance will be randomised
- on startup
+ on Startup
No default instance has been set: No default instance has been set
The currently set default instance is {instance}: The currently set default instance
is {instance}
Current Invidious Instance: Current Invidious Instance
External Link Handling:
- No Action: No Action
- Ask Before Opening Link: Ask Before Opening Link
- Open Link: Open Link
- External Link Handling: External Link Handling
+ No Action: No action
+ Ask Before Opening Link: Ask before opening link
+ Open Link: Open link
+ External Link Handling: External link handling
Theme Settings:
- Theme Settings: 'Theme Settings'
+ Theme Settings: 'Theme settings'
Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'Match top bar with main colour'
Base Theme:
Base Theme: 'Base theme'
Black: 'Black'
Dark: 'Dark'
- System Default: 'System Default'
+ System Default: 'System default'
Light: 'Light'
Dracula: 'Dracula'
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
+ Pastel Pink: Pastel pink
+ Hot Pink: Hot pink
+ Nordic: Nordic
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Main colour theme'
Red: 'Red'
@@ -229,17 +325,17 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo
Catppuccin Mocha Green: Catppuccin Mocha Green
Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: Catppuccin Mocha Yellow
- Secondary Color Theme: 'Secondary Colour Theme'
+ Secondary Color Theme: 'Secondary colour theme'
#* Main Color Theme
UI Scale: UI Scale
Disable Smooth Scrolling: Disable smooth scrolling
Expand Side Bar by Default: Expand side bar by default
Hide Side Bar Labels: Hide side bar labels
- Hide FreeTube Header Logo: Hide FreeTube Header Logo
+ Hide FreeTube Header Logo: Hide FreeTube header logo
Player Settings:
- Player Settings: 'Player Settings'
- Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Force Local Back-end for Legacy Formats'
- Play Next Video: 'Play Next Video'
+ Player Settings: 'Player settings'
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Force local back-end for legacy formats'
+ Play Next Video: 'Play next video'
Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'Turn on subtitles by default'
Autoplay Videos: 'Autoplay Videos'
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Proxy Videos Through Invidious'
@@ -296,6 +392,7 @@ Settings:
External Player Settings: External Player Settings
External Player: External Player
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ignore Default Arguments
Custom External Player Executable: Custom External Player Executable
Custom External Player Arguments: Custom External Player Arguments
@@ -323,14 +420,14 @@ Settings:
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Subscription Settings'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Hide Videos on Watch'
- Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Fetch Feeds from RSS'
- Manage Subscriptions: 'Manage Subscriptions'
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Fetch feeds from RSS'
+ Manage Subscriptions: 'Manage subscriptions'
Fetch Automatically: Fetch feed automatically
Data Settings:
- Data Settings: 'Data Settings'
- Select Import Type: 'Select Import Type'
- Select Export Type: 'Select Export Type'
- Import Subscriptions: 'Import Subscriptions'
+ Data Settings: 'Data settings'
+ Select Import Type: 'Select import type'
+ Select Export Type: 'Select export type'
+ Import Subscriptions: 'Import subscriptions'
Import FreeTube: 'Import FreeTube'
Import YouTube: 'Import YouTube'
Import NewPipe: 'Import NewPipe'
@@ -338,8 +435,8 @@ Settings:
Export FreeTube: 'Export FreeTube'
Export YouTube: 'Export YouTube'
Export NewPipe: 'Export NewPipe'
- Import History: 'Import History'
- Export History: 'Export History'
+ Import History: 'Import history'
+ Export History: 'Export history'
Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'Profile object has insufficient
data, skipping item'
All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: 'All subscriptions
@@ -363,7 +460,7 @@ Settings:
Unable to write file: 'Unable to write file'
Unknown data key: 'Unknown data key'
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'How do I import my subscriptions?'
- Check for Legacy Subscriptions: Check for Legacy Subscriptions
+ Check for Legacy Subscriptions: Check for Legacy subscriptions
Manage Subscriptions: Manage Subscriptions
Import Playlists: Import playlists
Export Playlists: Export playlists
@@ -422,7 +519,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Sharing Actions: Hide sharing actions
Hide Chapters: Hide chapters
Hide Channels: Hide videos from channels
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Channel name or ID
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Channel ID
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Display Titles Without Excessive
Hide Featured Channels: Hide featured channels
@@ -440,6 +537,14 @@ Settings:
Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Hide subscriptions shorts
Hide Subscriptions Live: Hide subscriptions live
Hide Subscriptions Videos: Hide subscriptions videos
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: Hide subscriptions community
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Hide profile pictures in comments
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Channel ID provided was invalid
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Some channels were blocked using ID and weren't
+ processed. Feature is blocked while those IDs are updating
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Channel ID already exists
+ Hide Channels API Error: Error retrieving user with the ID provided. Please check
+ again if the ID is correct.
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: The
app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Do you want to restart and apply
the changes?
@@ -500,6 +605,7 @@ Settings:
Remove Password: Remove password
Password Settings: Password settings
Set Password: Set password
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Expand all settings sections
#On About page
About: About
@@ -537,6 +643,7 @@ About:
View License: View Licence
Licensed under the AGPLv3: Licensed under the AGPLv3
Source code: Source code
+ Discussions: Discussions
Profile Settings: Profile Settings
Profile Select: 'Profile Select'
@@ -545,7 +652,7 @@ Profile:
Create New Profile: 'Create New Profile'
Edit Profile: 'Edit Profile'
Color Picker: 'Colour Picker'
- Custom Color: 'Custom Colour'
+ Custom Color: 'Custom colour'
Profile Preview: 'Profile Preview'
Create Profile: 'Create Profile'
Update Profile: 'Update Profile'
@@ -582,6 +689,7 @@ Profile:
#On Channel Page
Profile Filter: Profile Filter
'{number} selected': '{number} selected'
+ Toggle Profile List: Toggle profile list
Subscribe: 'Subscribe'
Unsubscribe: 'Unsubscribe'
@@ -628,6 +736,9 @@ Channel:
This channel currently does not have any posts: This channel currently does not
have any posts
+ Reveal Answers: Reveal answers
+ Hide Answers: Hide answers
+ votes: '{votes} votes'
This channel does not currently have any live streams: This channel does not currently
have any live streams
@@ -784,6 +895,7 @@ Video:
Upcoming: Upcoming
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Live
Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.
+ Pause on Current Video: Pause on current video
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -857,13 +969,14 @@ Comments:
Member: Member
Hearted: Hearted
View {replyCount} replies: View {replyCount} replies
+ Subscribed: Subscribed
Up Next: 'Up Next'
# Toast Messages
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Local API Error (Click to copy)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API Error (Click to copy)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Falling back to Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Falling back to the local API'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Falling back to Local API'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Subscriptions have not yet been implemented'
Loop is now disabled: 'Loop is now disabled'
Loop is now enabled: 'Loop is now enabled'
@@ -895,7 +1008,7 @@ Tooltips:
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Will connect to Invidious to serve videos instead
of making a direct connection to YouTube. Overrides API preference.
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Only works when the Invidious API is your
- default. When enabled, the local API will run and use the legacy formats returned
+ default. When enabled, the Local API will run and use the legacy formats returned
by that instead of the ones returned by Invidious. Helps when the videos returned
by Invidious don’t play due to country restrictions.
Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: While the cursor is over the video, press
@@ -933,6 +1046,9 @@ Tooltips:
custom path can be set here.
Ignore Warnings: Suppress warnings for when the current external player does not
support the current action (e.g. reversing playlists, etc.).
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Do not send any default arguments to the external player
+ aside from the video URL (e.g. playback rate, playlist URL, etc.). Custom arguments
+ will still be passed on.
Custom External Player Arguments: Any custom command line arguments, separated
by semicolons (';'), you want to be passed to the external player.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: '(Default: ‘{defaultCustomArguments}’)'
@@ -943,9 +1059,9 @@ Tooltips:
Replace HTTP Cache: Disables Electron's disk-based HTTP cache and enables a custom
in-memory image cache. Will lead to increased RAM usage.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Enter a channel name or channel ID to hide all videos, playlists
- and the channel itself from appearing in search, trending, most popular and
- recommended. The channel name entered must be a complete match and is case sensitive.
+ Hide Channels: Enter a channel ID to hide all videos, playlists and the channel
+ itself from appearing in search, trending, most popular and recommended. The
+ channel ID entered must be a complete match and is case sensitive.
Hide Subscriptions Live: This setting is overridden by the app-wide ‘{appWideSetting}’
setting, in the ‘{subsection}’ section of the ‘{settingsSection}’
SponsorBlock Settings:
@@ -976,17 +1092,15 @@ New Window: New window
Empty: Your channel list is currently empty.
Unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
- Unsubscribed: '{channelName} has been removed from your subscriptions'
- Unsubscribe Prompt: Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from ‘{channelName}’?
+ Unsubscribed: '{channelName} has been removed from your Subscriptions'
+ Unsubscribe Prompt: Are you sure you want to Unsubscribe from ‘{channelName}’?
Title: Channel list
Search bar placeholder: Search channels
Channels: Channels
Count: '{number} channel(s) found.'
Age Restricted:
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted
- Type:
- Video: Video
- Channel: Channel
+ This channel is age restricted: This channel is age restricted
+ This video is age restricted: This video is age restricted
'Chapters list visible, current chapter: {chapterName}': 'Chapters list visible,
current chapter: {chapterName}'
@@ -1003,3 +1117,10 @@ Hashtag:
Hashtag: Hashtag
This hashtag does not currently have any videos: This hashtag does not currently
have any videos
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Playlist will pause when current
+ video is finished
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Playlist will not pause when
+ current video is finished
+Go to page: Go to {page}
+Tag already exists: ‘{tagName}’ tag already exists
+Close Banner: Close Banner
diff --git a/static/locales/es-MX.yaml b/static/locales/es-MX.yaml
index 6e987da40d1ab..61ee2146e64ee 100644
--- a/static/locales/es-MX.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/es-MX.yaml
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Error de la API local (Presione para copiar)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Error de la API de Invidious (Presione para
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Recurriendo a la API de Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Recurriendo a la API local'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Recurriendo a la API local'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Las suscripciones aún no se han implementado'
Loop is now disabled: 'El bucle esta desactivado'
Loop is now enabled: 'El bucle esta activado'
@@ -759,9 +759,9 @@ Tooltips:
del país que deseé ver mostradas.
Thumbnail Preference: Todas las miniaturas a través de FreeTube serán reemplazadas
con un fotograma del video en vez de su miniatura por defecto.
- External Link Handling: "Elija el comportamiento previsto para cuando un link,\
- \ que no pueda ser abierto en FreeTube, sea cliqueado.\nPor defecto FreeTube\
- \ abrirá el link cliqueado en su navegador predeterminado.\n"
+ External Link Handling: "Elija el comportamiento previsto para cuando un link,
+ que no pueda ser abierto en FreeTube, sea cliqueado.\nPor defecto FreeTube abrirá
+ el link cliqueado en su navegador predeterminado.\n"
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Si la API que eligió sufre algún
problema, FreeTube intentará usar automáticamente otra API como método de respaldo
al activar esta opción.
@@ -804,6 +804,9 @@ Tooltips:
para recibir videos de sus suscripciones. RSS es más rápido y previene que bloqueen
su IP, pero no es capaz de proveer ciertos datos del video, como su duración,
o si está en directo
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Esta configuración se reemplaza por la configuración
+ «{appWideSetting}» de toda la aplicación, en la sección «{subsection}» de «{settingsSection}»
Downloading has completed: '"{videoTitle}" ha acabado de descargarse'
Default Invidious instance has been cleared: La dirección de Invidious predeterminada
se ha borrado
diff --git a/static/locales/es.yaml b/static/locales/es.yaml
index 78ae4298cdc2e..26eb2fab703e4 100644
--- a/static/locales/es.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/es.yaml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Forward: 'Adelante'
# Anything shared among components / views should be put here
Videos: 'Vídeos'
- Shorts: Cortos
+ Shorts: Vídeos cortos
Live: En directo
Community: Comunidad
@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 suscriptor | {count} suscriptores
View Count: 1 vista | {count} vistas
Watching Count: 1 espectador | {count} espectadores
-Search / Go to URL: 'Buscar / Ir a la dirección'
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: La etiqueta debe tener al menos {number} caracteres
+Search / Go to URL: 'Buscar / Ir a la URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
Search Filters: 'Filtros de búsqueda'
@@ -85,7 +87,7 @@ Search Filters:
# On Subscriptions Page
Subscriptions: 'Suscripciones'
- Latest Subscriptions: 'Suscripciones más recientes'
+ Latest Subscriptions: 'Últimas suscripciones'
'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': 'Tu
lista de suscripciones está vacía. Suscríbete a canales para verlos aquí.'
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Obteniendo suscripciones. Por favor, espere.'
@@ -96,8 +98,7 @@ Subscriptions:
Error Channels: Canales con errores
Disabled Automatic Fetching: Has desactivado la búsqueda automática de suscripciones.
Actualice las suscripciones para verlas aquí.
- Empty Channels: Los canales a los que está suscrito no tienen actualmente ningún
- vídeo.
+ Empty Channels: Tus canales suscritos no tienen actualmente ningún vídeo.
Subscriptions Tabs: Pestañas de suscripciones
All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Todas las pestañas de las suscripciones están ocultas.
Para ver el contenido, por favor, desoculta algunas pestañas en la sección «{subsection}»
@@ -123,20 +124,114 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: Buscar en la lista de reproducción
Empty Search Message: No hay vídeos en esta lista de reproducción que coincidan
con tu búsqueda
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: ¿Estás
+ seguro de que quieres eliminar todos los vídeos vistos de esta lista de reproducción?
+ Esto no se puede deshacer.
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: Buscar en listas de reproducción
+ Save: Guardar
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 vídeo añadido
+ a {playlistCount} listas de reproducción | {videoCount} vídeos añadidos a
+ {playlistCount} listas de reproducción
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 vídeo añadido a 1 lista de reproducción
+ | {videoCount} vídeos añadidos a 1 lista de reproducción
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Aún no has seleccionado ninguna lista
+ de reproducción.
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Seleccione una lista de reproducción
+ a la que añadir su vídeo | Seleccione una lista de reproducción a la que añadir
+ sus {videoCount} vídeos
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} seleccionada'
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ There were no videos to remove.: No había vídeos que eliminar.
+ Video has been removed: Se ha eliminado el vídeo
+ Playlist has been updated.: Se ha actualizado la lista de reproducción.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Hubo un problema con la actualización
+ de esta lista de reproducción.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Este vídeo no se puede subir.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Esta lista de reproducción
+ está protegida y no puede eliminarse.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: La lista de reproducción {playlistName}
+ ha sido eliminada.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Algunos
+ vídeos de la lista de reproducción aún no se han cargado. Haga clic aquí para
+ copiarlos de todos modos.
+ This playlist does not exist: Esta lista de reproducción no existe
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: El nombre de la lista de
+ reproducción no puede estar vacío. Por favor, introduzca un nombre.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Hubo un problema al eliminar este
+ vídeo
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 vídeo eliminado | {videoCount}
+ vídeos eliminados
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Este vídeo no se puede bajar.
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Esta lista de reproducción se
+ utiliza ahora como marcador rápido
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Marcador rápido desactivado
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Esta
+ lista de reproducción se utiliza ahora como marcador rápido en lugar de {oldPlaylistName}.
+ Haga clic aquí para deshacer
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Revertido para usar {oldPlaylistName}
+ para un marcador rápido
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: ¿Estás seguro
+ de que quieres borrar esta lista de reproducción? Esto no se puede deshacer.
+ Sort By:
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Reproducido recientemente
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Creado por primera vez
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Creado recientemente
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Última actualización
+ Sort By: Ordenar por
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Reproducido más recientemente
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Actualizado recientemente
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: No
+ tienes listas de reproducción. Haz clic en el botón Crear nueva lista de reproducción
+ para crear una nueva.
+ Remove from Playlist: Eliminar de la lista de reproducción
+ Save Changes: Guardar los cambios
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Crear
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Hubo un problema con la creación
+ de la lista de reproducción.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: La lista de reproducción
+ {playlistName} se ha creado correctamente.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Ya
+ existe una lista de reproducción con este nombre. Por favor, elige un nombre
+ diferente.
+ New Playlist Name: Nuevo nombre de la lista de reproducción
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Esta lista de reproducción no tiene vídeos.
+ Add to Playlist: Añadir a la lista de reproducción
+ Move Video Down: Bajar el vídeo
+ Playlist Name: Nombre de la lista de reproducción
+ Remove Watched Videos: Eliminar los vídeos vistos
+ Move Video Up: Subir el vídeo
+ Cancel: Cancelar
+ Delete Playlist: Borrar lista de reproducción
+ Create New Playlist: Crear nueva lista de reproducción
+ Edit Playlist Info: Editar información de la lista de reproducción
+ Copy Playlist: Copiar lista de reproducción
+ Playlist Description: Descripción de la lista de reproducción
+ Add to Favorites: Añadir a {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Eliminar de {playlistName}
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Activar marcadores rápidos con esta lista
+ de reproducción
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Desactivar el marcador rápido
# On History Page
History: 'Historial'
Watch History: 'Historial de reproducción'
Your history list is currently empty.: 'Tu historial está vacío.'
- Search bar placeholder: Buscar en el historial
+ Search bar placeholder: Buscar en la historia
Empty Search Message: No hay vídeos en tu historial que coincidan con tu búsqueda
# On Settings Page
Settings: 'Ajustes'
General Settings:
General Settings: 'Ajustes generales'
- Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Usar motor API secundario en caso
- de fallo'
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Vuelta al backend no preferido
+ en caso de fallo'
Enable Search Suggestions: 'Activar sugerencias de búsqueda'
Default Landing Page: 'Página de destino predeterminada'
Locale Preference: 'Idioma'
@@ -150,11 +245,12 @@ Settings:
List: 'Lista'
Thumbnail Preference:
Thumbnail Preference: 'Preferencia de miniaturas'
- Default: 'Predeterminada'
+ Default: 'Predeterminado'
Beginning: 'Comienzo'
Middle: 'Mitad'
End: 'Final'
Hidden: Oculto
+ Blur: Difuminar
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Instancia de
Invidious (por defecto es https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Región de las tendencias'
@@ -179,7 +275,7 @@ Settings:
Open Link: Abrir el enlace
External Link Handling: Gestión de enlaces externos
Theme Settings:
- Theme Settings: 'Apariencia'
+ Theme Settings: 'Configuración del tema'
Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'Usar color principal para barra superior'
Base Theme:
Base Theme: 'Tema base'
@@ -187,10 +283,11 @@ Settings:
Dark: 'Oscuro'
Light: 'Claro'
Dracula: 'Drácula'
- System Default: Valor predeterminado del sistema
+ System Default: Valor por defecto del sistema
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Moca
Pastel Pink: Rosa pastel
- Hot Pink: Fucsia
+ Hot Pink: Rosa fuerte
+ Nordic: Nórdico
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Color principal'
Red: 'Rojo'
@@ -201,7 +298,7 @@ Settings:
Blue: 'Azul'
Light Blue: 'Azul claro'
Cyan: 'Cian'
- Teal: 'Azul petróleo'
+ Teal: 'Verde azulado'
Green: 'Verde'
Light Green: 'Verde claro'
Lime: 'Verde lima'
@@ -232,19 +329,19 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: Catppuccin Moka Lavanda
Secondary Color Theme: 'Color secundario'
#* Main Color Theme
- UI Scale: Escala de interfaz gráfica
+ UI Scale: Escala de IU
Expand Side Bar by Default: Expandir barra lateral por defecto
Disable Smooth Scrolling: Desactivar desplazamiento suave
Hide Side Bar Labels: Ocultar las etiquetas de la barra lateral
Hide FreeTube Header Logo: Ocultar el logotipo de Freetube de la parte superior
Player Settings:
- Player Settings: 'Reproductor FreeTube'
- Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Forzar API local para formato «Legacy»'
+ Player Settings: 'Configuración del reproductor'
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Forzar backend local para formatos heredados'
Play Next Video: 'Reproducción continua'
Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'Activar subtítulos por defecto'
Autoplay Videos: 'Reproducción automática de vídeos'
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Enmascarar vídeos a través de Invidious'
- Autoplay Playlists: 'Reproducción automática de listas de reproducción'
+ Autoplay Playlists: 'Listas de reproducción automática'
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'Activar el modo cine por defecto'
Default Volume: 'Volumen predeterminado'
Default Playback Rate: 'Velocidad de reproducción predeterminada'
@@ -277,7 +374,7 @@ Settings:
Max Video Playback Rate: Velocidad máxima de reproducción de vídeo
Video Playback Rate Interval: Intervalo de velocidad de reproducción de vídeo
- Folder Button: Seleccionar una carpeta
+ Folder Button: Seleccione una carpeta
Forbidden Characters: Caracteres prohibidos
Empty File Name: Nombre de archivo vacío
@@ -292,39 +389,45 @@ Settings:
%S Segundo 2 dígitos. %T Milisegundo 3 dígitos. %s Video Segundo. %t Video
Milisegundo 3 dígitos. %i Video ID. También puede utilizar \ o / para crear
- Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: Cambiar a pantalla completa al girar la pantalla
+ Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: Entrar en pantalla completa al girar la pantalla
Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Omitir al desplazarse sobre el reproductor
de vídeo
Allow DASH AV1 formats: Permitir formatos DASH AV1
Comment Auto Load:
Comment Auto Load: Cargar los comentarios automáticamente
Privacy Settings:
- Privacy Settings: 'Privacidad'
+ Privacy Settings: 'Ajustes de Privacidad'
Remember History: 'Recordar historial'
Save Watched Progress: 'Guardar progreso reproducido'
Clear Search Cache: 'Borrar cache de búsqueda'
- Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: '¿Seguro que quiere borrar
+ Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: '¿Seguro que quieres borrar
el cache de búsqueda?'
Search cache has been cleared: 'Caché de búsqueda borrado'
Remove Watch History: 'Vaciar historial de reproducciones'
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: '¿Confirma que quiere
vaciar el historial de reproducciones?'
Watch history has been cleared: 'Se vació el historial de reproducciones'
- Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 'Borrar todas las suscripciones y perfiles'
+ Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 'Borrar todas las suscripciones/perfiles'
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: '¿Confirma
- que quiere borrar todas las suscripciones y perfiles? Esta operación es irreversible.'
+ que quieres borrar todas las suscripciones y perfiles? Esta operación es irreversible.'
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Eliminar automáticamente los metadatos
de vídeos
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Guardar vídeos vistos con la última
lista de reproducción vista
+ All playlists have been removed: Se han eliminado todas las listas de reproducción
+ Remove All Playlists: Eliminar todas las listas de reproducción
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: ¿Estás seguro de que quieres
+ eliminar todas tus listas de reproducción?
Subscription Settings:
- Subscription Settings: 'Suscripciones'
+ Subscription Settings: 'Ajustes de Suscripciones'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Ocultar vídeos vistos'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Recuperar suministros desde RSS'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Gestionar suscripciones'
Fetch Automatically: Obtener los feed automáticamente
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Mostrar solo los últimos vídeos de cada
+ canal
Data Settings:
- Data Settings: 'Datos'
+ Data Settings: 'Ajustes de Datos'
Select Import Type: 'Seleccionar tipo de importación'
Select Export Type: 'Seleccionar tipo de exportación'
Import Subscriptions: 'Importar suscripciones'
@@ -373,6 +476,15 @@ Settings:
Subscription File: Archivo de suscripción
Playlist File: Archivo de la lista de reproducción
History File: Archivo del historial
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "Esta opción exporta vídeos de todas las listas de reproducción a una
+ lista de reproducción llamada \"Favoritos\".\nCómo exportar e importar vídeos
+ en las listas de reproducción para una versión antigua de FreeTube:\n1. Exporta
+ tus listas de reproducción con esta opción activada.\n2. Elimine todas sus
+ listas de reproducción existentes utilizando la opción Eliminar todas las
+ listas de reproducción en Configuración de privacidad.\n3. Inicia la versión
+ anterior de FreeTube e importa las listas de reproducción exportadas.\""
+ Label: Exportar listas de reproducción de versiones anteriores de FreeTube
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Ajustes avanzados'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Activar modo de depuración (muestra
@@ -403,10 +515,10 @@ Settings:
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Ocultar «likes» y «dislikes» de vídeos
Hide Video Views: Ocultar las vistas del vídeo
- Hide Live Chat: Ocultar chat en directo
+ Hide Live Chat: Ocultar chat en vivo
Hide Popular Videos: Ocultar vídeos populares
Hide Trending Videos: Ocultar vídeos en tendencia
- Hide Recommended Videos: Ocultar los vídeos recomendados
+ Hide Recommended Videos: Ocultar vídeos recomendados
Hide Comment Likes: Ocultar «likes» de comentarios
Hide Channel Subscribers: Ocultar suscriptores
Distraction Free Settings: Modo sin distracciones
@@ -414,18 +526,18 @@ Settings:
Hide Playlists: Ocultar listas de reproducción
Hide Video Description: Ocultar la descripción del vídeo
Hide Comments: Ocultar comentarios
- Hide Live Streams: Ocultar retransmisiones en directo
+ Hide Live Streams: Ocultar transmisiones en directo
Hide Sharing Actions: Ocultar acciones de uso compartido
- Hide Chapters: Ocultar los capítulos
+ Hide Chapters: Ocultar capítulos
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Ocultar los próximos estrenos
- Hide Channels: Ocultar los vídeos de los canales
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Nombre o ID del canal
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Mostrar títulos sin demasiadas
- mayúsculas
- Hide Featured Channels: Ocultar los canales recomendados
+ Hide Channels: Ocultar vídeos de los canales
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID del canal
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Mostrar títulos sin mayúsculas
+ ni signos de puntuación excesivos
+ Hide Featured Channels: Ocultar canales recomendados
Hide Channel Playlists: Ocultar las listas de reproducción de los canales
- Hide Channel Community: Ocultar los canal de la comunidad
- Hide Channel Shorts: Ocultar los canales de vídeos cortos
+ Hide Channel Community: Ocultar canales de la comunidad
+ Hide Channel Shorts: Ocultar canales de shorts
Side Bar: Barra lateral
Channel Page: Página del canal
@@ -433,13 +545,22 @@ Settings:
General: General
Subscriptions Page: Página de suscripciones
Hide Channel Releases: Ocultar las nuevas publicaciones de los canales
- Hide Channel Podcasts: Ocultar los canales de podcasts
- Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Ocultar las suscripciones para los vídeos cortos
+ Hide Channel Podcasts: Ocultar canales de podcasts
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Ocultar las suscripciones para shorts
Hide Subscriptions Videos: Ocultar las suscripciones de los Vídeos
Hide Subscriptions Live: Ocultar las suscripciones de los directos
- Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Ocultar las fotos del perfil en los comentarios
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Ocultar fotos de perfil en comentarios
Blur Thumbnails: Difuminar las miniaturas
- Hide Subscriptions Community: Ocultar las suscripciones a la comunidad
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: Ocultar las suscripciones de la comunidad
+ Hide Channels Invalid: El ID del canal proporcionado no es válido
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Algunos canales se bloquearon por ID y no se procesaron.
+ La función está bloqueada mientras se actualizan esos ID
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: El ID del canal ya existe
+ Hide Channels API Error: Error al recuperar el usuario con el ID proporcionado.
+ Por favor, compruebe de nuevo si el ID es correcto.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Ocultar vídeos y listas de reproducción
+ que contengan texto
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Palabra, fragmento o frase
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: ¿Quieres
reiniciar FreeTube ahora para aplicar los cambios?
Proxy Settings:
@@ -473,15 +594,20 @@ Settings:
Auto Skip: Salto automático
Prompt To Skip: Solicitar que se omita
UseDeArrowTitles: Utilizar los títulos para el vídeo de DeArrow
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Utiliza DeArrow para las miniaturas
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': La
+ dirección url de la API del generador de miniaturas de DeArrow (por defecto
+ es https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Argumentos adicionales del reproductor
Custom External Player Executable: Ruta alternativa del ejecutable del reproductor
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Omitir advertencias sobre acciones no soportadas
External Player: Reproductor externo
- External Player Settings: Reproductor externo
+ External Player Settings: Ajustes de reproductor externo
Name: Ninguno
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ignorar argumentos por defecto
Download Settings:
Download Settings: Descargas
Ask Download Path: Preguntar ruta de descarga
@@ -511,6 +637,7 @@ Settings:
Enter Password To Unlock: Introduce la contraseña para desbloquear los ajustes
Password Incorrect: Contraseña incorrecta
Unlock: Desbloquear
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Expandir todas las secciones de los ajustes
#On About page
About: 'Acerca de'
@@ -613,6 +740,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Filtro de perfil
Profile Settings: Ajustes del perfil
Toggle Profile List: Alternar la lista de los perfiles
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Abrir el desplegable del Perfil
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Cerrar el desplegable del Perfil
+ Profile Name: Nombre del perfil
+ Edit Profile Name: Editar el nombre del perfil
+ Create Profile Name: Crear un nombre para el perfil
Subscribe: 'Suscribirse'
Unsubscribe: 'Anular suscripción'
@@ -661,6 +793,7 @@ Channel:
Reveal Answers: Revelar las respuestas
Hide Answers: Ocultar las respuestas
votes: '{votes} votos'
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Vídeo oculto por FreeTube
Live: En directo
This channel does not currently have any live streams: Este canal no tiene actualmente
@@ -820,6 +953,9 @@ Video:
chat en vivo no está disponible para esta transmisión. Tal vez estaba deshabilitado
antes de la retransmisión.
Pause on Current Video: Pausa en el vídeo actual
+ Unhide Channel: Mostrar el canal
+ Hide Channel: Ocultar el canal
+ More Options: Más opciones
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -903,7 +1039,7 @@ Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Error de la API local (Clic para copiar el có
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Error de la API de Invidious (Clic para copiar
el código)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Recurriendo a la API de Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Recurriendo a la API local'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Recurriendo a la API local'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Todavía no se han implementado las suscripciones'
Loop is now disabled: 'Reproducción en bucle desactivada'
Loop is now enabled: 'Reproducción en bucle activada'
@@ -942,10 +1078,11 @@ Tooltips:
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Se conectará a Invidious para obtener vídeos en
lugar de conectar directamente con YouTube. Sobreescribirá la preferencia de
- Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Solo funciona cuando la API de Invidious
- es la predeterminada. la API local se ejecutará y usará los formatos heredados
- en lugar de Invidious. Esto ayudará cuando Invidious no pueda reproducir un
- vídeo por culpa de las restricciones regionales.
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Sólo funciona cuando la API de Invidious
+ es la predeterminada. Si está activada, la API local se ejecutará y utilizará
+ los formatos heredados devueltos por ella en lugar de los devueltos por Invidious.
+ Es útil cuando los vídeos devueltos por Invidious no se reproducen debido a
+ restricciones nacionales.
Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Cuando el cursor esté sobre el vídeo,
presiona y mantén la tecla Control (Comando en Mac) y desplaza la rueda del
ratón hacia arriba o abajo para cambiar la velocidad de reproducción. Presiona
@@ -990,20 +1127,30 @@ Tooltips:
en la miniatura. Atención, los ajustes de Invidious no afectan a los reproductores
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: '(Predeterminado: «{defaultCustomArguments}»)'
+ Ignore Default Arguments: No envíe ningún argumento predeterminado al reproductor
+ externo aparte de la URL del vídeo (por ejemplo, velocidad de reproducción,
+ URL de la lista de reproducción, etc.). Los argumentos personalizados se seguirán
+ transmitiendo.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Desactiva la caché HTTP basada en Electron disk y habilite
una caché para la imagen en la memoria personalizada. Esto aumentará el uso
de la memoria RAM.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Ingresa un nombre del canal o un ID del canal para ocultar todos
- los videos, listas de reproducción y el propio canal para que no aparezcan en
- la búsqueda, tendencias, más populares y recomendados. El nombre del canal ingresado
- debe ser una coincidencia completa y distinguir entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.
+ Hide Channels: Introduzca un ID del canal para ocultar todos los vídeos, listas
+ de reproducción y el propio canal para que no aparezcan en las búsquedas, tendencias,
+ más populares y recomendados. El ID del canal introducido debe coincidir completamente
+ y se debe distinguir entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Esta configuración se reemplaza por la configuración
«{appWideSetting}» de toda la aplicación, en la sección «{subsection}» de «{settingsSection}»
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Introduzca una palabra, fragmento de
+ palabra o frase (sin distinguir mayúsculas de minúsculas) para ocultar todos
+ los vídeos y listas de reproducción cuyos títulos originales la contengan en
+ todo FreeTube, excluyendo únicamente Historial, Tus listas de reproducción y
+ los vídeos dentro de las listas de reproducción.
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Sustituye los títulos de los vídeos por títulos enviados por
los usuarios desde DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Sustituye las miniaturas de vídeo por miniaturas de DeArrow.
More: Más
Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Tipo de URL desconocido. No se
puede abrir en la aplicación
@@ -1039,12 +1186,6 @@ Channels:
Unsubscribe: Cancelar la suscripción
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} ha sido eliminado de tus suscripciones'
Unsubscribe Prompt: ¿Está seguro/segura de querer desuscribirse de «{channelName}»?
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: Canal
- Video: Vídeo
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Este {videoOrPlaylist} tiene restricción
- de edad
Copy failed: Error al copiar al portapapeles
Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: No se puede acceder al portapapeles
@@ -1065,3 +1206,13 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: La lista de reproducción se
cuando termine el vídeo actual
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: La lista de reproducción no
se detendrá cuando termine el vídeo actual
+Go to page: Ir a la {page}
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} añadido al filtro de canales'
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} eliminado del filtro de canales'
+Tag already exists: La etiqueta "{tagName}" ya existe
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: La entrada recortada debe tener
+ al menos 1 carácter | La entrada recortada debe tener al menos {length} caracteres
+Close Banner: Cerrar el banner
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: Este canal está restringido por edad
+ This video is age restricted: Este vídeo está restringido por edad
diff --git a/static/locales/es_AR.yaml b/static/locales/es_AR.yaml
index 731fa5ddd0dba..f3de05dc3c91d 100644
--- a/static/locales/es_AR.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/es_AR.yaml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Webkit Menu Bar
File: 'Archivo'
-Quit: 'Quitar'
+Quit: 'Salir'
Edit: 'Editar'
Undo: 'Deshacer'
Redo: 'Rehacer'
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ Delete: 'Eliminar'
Select all: 'Seleccionar todo'
Reload: 'Recargar'
Force Reload: 'Forzar recarga'
-Toggle Developer Tools: 'Alternar herramientas para desarrolladores'
-Actual size: 'Tamaño real'
+Toggle Developer Tools: 'Activar/Desactivar Herramientas de Desarrollo'
+Actual size: 'Escala : 100%'
Zoom in: 'Acercarse'
Zoom out: 'Alejarse'
Toggle fullscreen: 'Alternar pantalla completa'
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Window: 'Ventana'
Minimize: 'Minimizar'
Close: 'Cerrar'
Back: 'Volver'
-Forward: 'Adelante'
+Forward: 'Avanzar'
# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: 'Buscar / Ir a URL'
@@ -52,17 +52,19 @@ Search Filters:
Type: 'Tipo'
All Types: 'Todos los tipos'
- Videos: 'Videos'
+ Videos: 'Vidéos'
Channels: 'Canales'
#& Playlists
+ Movies: Películas
Duration: 'Duración'
All Durations: 'Todas las duraciones'
Short (< 4 minutes): 'Corto (< 4 minutos)'
Long (> 20 minutes): 'Larga (> 20 minutos)'
# On Search Page
+ Medium (4 - 20 minutes): Media (4 - 20 minutos)
Search Results: 'Resultados de la búsqueda'
- Fetching results. Please wait: 'Obteniendo resultados. Por favor espere'
+ Fetching results. Please wait: 'Obteniendo resultados. Por favor esperá'
Fetch more results: 'Obtener más resultados'
# Sidebar
There are no more results for this search: No hay más resultados para esta búsqueda
@@ -73,18 +75,28 @@ Subscriptions:
'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': 'Su
lista de suscripción está actualmente vacía. Comience a agregar suscripciones
para verlas aquí.'
- 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Obtención de suscripciones. Por favor espere.'
+ 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Obteniendo suscripciones. Por favor, esperá.'
Refresh Subscriptions: 'Actualizar suscripciones'
Load More Videos: Cargar más videos
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Este
- perfil tiene un gran número de suscriptores. Forzando RSS para evitar límites
+ perfil tiene un gran número de suscriptores. Forzando RSS para evitar límites
+ Load More Posts: Cargar más publicaciones
+ Empty Channels: Tus canales suscriptos actualmente no tienen ningún video.
+ Subscriptions Tabs: Pestañas de suscripciones
+ Empty Posts: Tus canales suscriptos actualmente no tienen ninguna publicación.
+ All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Todas las pestañas de suscripciones están ocultas.
+ Para ver contenido acá, por favor, desocultá algunas pestañas en la sección "{subsection}"
+ en "{settingsSection}".
+ Disabled Automatic Fetching: Has desactivado la recuperación automática de suscripciones.
+ Actualizá las suscripciones para verlas acá.
+ Error Channels: Canales con errores
Trending: 'Tendencias'
Movies: Películas
- Gaming: Juego
+ Gaming: Juegos
Music: Música
Default: Por defecto
- Trending Tabs: Pestañas de Tendencias
+ Trending Tabs: Lo más destacado
Most Popular: 'Más popular'
Playlists: 'Listas de reproducción'
User Playlists:
@@ -92,31 +104,34 @@ User Playlists:
Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: Tu
lista de videos guardados está vacía. Hacé clic en el botón de guardado en la
esquina de un video para que aparezca acá
- Playlist Message: Está página no es un reflejo de listas de reproducción completamente
- funcionales. Solo lista los videos que has guardado o marcado como favoritos.
- Cuando el trabajo esté terminado, todos los videos que están actualmente acá serán
- migrados a una lista de reproducción de 'Favoritos'.
+ Playlist Message: Esta página no refleja listas de reproducción completamente funcionales.
+ Solo lista los videos que guardaste o marcaste como favoritos. Cuando el trabajo
+ esté terminado, todos los videos que se encuentren acá serán migrados a una lista
+ de reproducción de 'Favoritos'.
Search bar placeholder: Buscar en la Lista de Reproducción
+ Empty Search Message: No hay videos en esta lista de reproducción que coincidan
+ con tu búsqueda
# On History Page
History: 'Historial'
Watch History: 'Ver historial'
Your history list is currently empty.: 'Su lista de historial está actualmente vacía.'
Search bar placeholder: Buscar en el Historial
+ Empty Search Message: No hay videos en tu historial que coincidan con tu búsqueda
# On Settings Page
Settings: 'Configuraciones'
General Settings:
General Settings: 'Configuraciones generales'
- Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Recurrir a un backend no preferido
- cuando suceda un fallo'
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Usar una Alternativa en Caso de
+ Problemas con la Opción Preferida'
Enable Search Suggestions: 'Habilitar sugerencias de búsqueda'
Default Landing Page: 'Página de destino predeterminada'
Locale Preference: 'Preferencia regional'
Preferred API Backend:
Preferred API Backend: 'Backend de API preferido'
Local API: 'API local'
- Invidious API: 'API envidiosa'
+ Invidious API: 'API de Invidious'
Video View Type:
Video View Type: 'Tipo de vista de video'
Grid: 'Cuadrícula'
@@ -127,6 +142,7 @@ Settings:
Beginning: 'Comenzando'
Middle: 'Medio'
End: 'Final'
+ Hidden: Oculto
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Instancia de
Invidious (por defecto es https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Región para Tendencias'
@@ -146,24 +162,27 @@ Settings:
External Link Handling:
No Action: Sin Acción
External Link Handling: Manejo de Enlaces Externos
- Open Link: Abrir Enlace
- Ask Before Opening Link: Preguntar Antes de Abrir un Enlace
+ Open Link: Abrir enlace
+ Ask Before Opening Link: Preguntar antes de abrir el enlace
Theme Settings:
Theme Settings: 'Configuraciones del tema'
- Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'Igualar color de la barra superior con el color
- principal'
+ Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'Utilizar el color principal para la barra superior'
Base Theme:
Base Theme: 'Tema base'
Black: 'Negro'
Dark: 'Oscuro'
Light: 'Claro'
Dracula: 'Drácula'
+ Pastel Pink: Rosa claro
+ Hot Pink: Rosa Intenso
+ Catppuccin Mocha: Cappuccino Moka
+ System Default: Predeterminado del sistema
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Color principal del tema'
Red: 'Rojo'
- Pink: 'Rosado'
- Purple: 'Púrpura'
- Deep Purple: 'Púrpura oscuro'
+ Pink: 'Rosa'
+ Purple: 'Morado'
+ Deep Purple: 'Morado oscuro'
Indigo: 'Indigo'
Blue: 'Azul'
Light Blue: 'Celeste'
@@ -180,31 +199,45 @@ Settings:
Dracula Green: 'Drácula Verde'
Dracula Orange: 'Drácula Naranja'
Dracula Pink: 'Drácula Rosado'
- Dracula Purple: 'Drácula Púrpura'
+ Dracula Purple: 'Drácula Morado'
Dracula Red: 'Drácula Rojo'
Dracula Yellow: 'Drácula Amarillo'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Red: Cappuccino Mocca Rojo
+ Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: Cappuccino Mocca Bordó
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sky: Cappuccino Mocca Cielo
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: Cappuccino Mocca Zafiro
+ Catppuccin Mocha Teal: Cappuccino Mocca Turquesa
+ Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: Cappuccino Mocca Amarillo
+ Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: Cappuccino Mocca Rosa Claro
+ Catppuccin Mocha Peach: Cappuccino Mocca Durazno
+ Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: Cappuccino Mocca Flamenco
+ Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: Cappuccino Mocca Violeta Claro
+ Catppuccin Mocha Pink: Cappuccino Mocca Rosa
+ Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: Cappuccino Mocca Lavanda
+ Catppuccin Mocha Blue: Cappuccino Mocca Azul
+ Catppuccin Mocha Green: Cappuccino Mocca Verde
Secondary Color Theme: 'Color secundario del tema'
#* Main Color Theme
UI Scale: Escala de la interfaz de usuario
Disable Smooth Scrolling: Desactivar desplazamiento suave
Expand Side Bar by Default: Expandir la barra lateral por defecto
- Hide Side Bar Labels: Esconder las Etiquetas de la Barra Lateral
+ Hide Side Bar Labels: Esconder las etiquetas de la barra lateral
+ Hide FreeTube Header Logo: Ocultar el logo de FreeTube del encabezado
Player Settings:
Player Settings: 'Configuraciones del reproductor'
- Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Forzar un backend local para los formatos
- de legado'
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Forzar el uso local para formatos antiguos'
Play Next Video: 'Reproducir siguiente video'
Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'Activar subtítulos por defecto'
- Autoplay Videos: 'Autoreproducir videos'
- Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Utilizar Invidious como proxy para los videos'
- Autoplay Playlists: 'Autoreproducir listas de reproducción'
+ Autoplay Videos: 'Reproducción automática'
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Redirigir Videos a Través de Invidious'
+ Autoplay Playlists: 'Reproducción Automática de Listas'
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'Habilitar modo cine por defecto'
Default Volume: 'Volumen por defecto'
Default Playback Rate: 'Velocidad de reproducción por defecto'
Default Video Format:
Default Video Format: 'Formato de video por defecto'
- Dash Formats: 'Formatos del panel'
- Legacy Formats: 'Formatos de legado'
+ Dash Formats: 'Formatos de Transmisión de Video DASH'
+ Legacy Formats: 'Formatos antiguos'
Audio Formats: 'Formatos de audio'
Default Quality:
Default Quality: 'Calidad de video por defecto'
@@ -217,29 +250,64 @@ Settings:
1440p: '1440p'
4k: '4k'
8k: '8k'
+ 1080p: 1080p
+ Screenshot:
+ Folder Label: Carpeta de capturas de pantalla
+ Error:
+ Empty File Name: Nombre de archivo vacío
+ Forbidden Characters: Caracteres prohibidos
+ Folder Button: Seleccionar carpeta
+ Format Label: Formato de las capturas de pantalla
+ Enable: Habilitar capturas de pantalla
+ Ask Path: Solicitar Carpeta de Guardado
+ Quality Label: Calidad de Captura de Pantalla
+ File Name Tooltip: 'Podés utilizar las siguientes variables: %Y Año (4 dígitos).
+ %M Mes (2 dígitos). %D Día (2 dígitos). %H Hora (2 dígitos). %N Minuto (2
+ dígitos). %S Segundo (2 dígitos). %T Milisegundo (3 dígitos). %s Segundo del
+ Video. %t Milisegundo del Video (3 dígitos). %i ID del Video. También podés
+ utilizar "" o "/" para crear subcarpetas.'
+ File Name Label: Formato de Nombre de Archivo
+ Scroll Volume Over Video Player: Barra de volumen en el reproductor
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Saltar Deslizando sobre el Reproductor de
+ Video
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: Permitir formatos DASH AV1
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Acelerar video con la rueda del mouse
+ Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: Período de Avance Rápido / Retroceso
+ Comment Auto Load:
+ Comment Auto Load: Cargar los comentarios automáticamente
+ Video Playback Rate Interval: Intervalo entre velocidades del video
+ Max Video Playback Rate: Velocidad máxima de reproducción de video
+ Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: Cambiar a pantalla completa al girar la pantalla
+ Next Video Interval: Siguiente segmento de video
+ Display Play Button In Video Player: Mostrar botón de reproducir antes de empezar
+ el video
Privacy Settings:
Privacy Settings: 'Configuraciones de privacidad'
Remember History: 'Recordar historial'
- Save Watched Progress: 'Recordar tiempo observado del video'
+ Save Watched Progress: 'Guardar el progreso observado'
Clear Search Cache: 'Borrar la caché de búsqueda'
- Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: '¿Estás seguro de querer
- borrar tu caché de búsqueda?'
+ Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: '¿Realmente deseas limpiar
+ la caché de búsqueda?'
Search cache has been cleared: 'La caché de búsqueda ha sido borrada'
Remove Watch History: 'Borrar historial de videos vistos'
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: '¿Estás seguro de
querer borrar tu historial completo de videos vistos?'
Watch history has been cleared: 'El historial de videos vistos ha sido borrado'
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 'Remover todas las suscripciones / perfiles'
- Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: '¿Estás
- seguro de querer remover todas las suscripciones y perfiles? Esta acción no
- puede deshacerse.'
+ Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: '¿Realmente
+ querés remover todas las suscripciones y perfiles? Esta acción no puede deshacerse.'
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Borrar automáticamente metadatos del video
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Guardar videos vistos con la última
+ lista de reproducción vista
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Configuraciones de suscripción'
- Hide Videos on Watch: 'Ocultar videos para ver'
+ Hide Videos on Watch: 'Ocultar videos vistos'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Administrar suscripciones'
+ Fetch Automatically: Obtener feed automáticamente
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: Obtener feeds desde RSS
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Configuraciones de datos'
- Select Import Type: 'Seleccionar tipo para importar'
+ Select Import Type: 'Seleccionar tipo de importación'
Select Export Type: 'Seleccionar tipo para exportar'
Import Subscriptions: 'Importar suscripciones'
Import FreeTube: 'Importar FreeTube'
@@ -252,6 +320,40 @@ Settings:
Import History: 'Importar historial'
Export History: 'Exportar historial'
Check for Legacy Subscriptions: Comprobar suscripciones de legado
+ All playlists has been successfully exported: Todas las listas de reproducción
+ se han exportado con éxito
+ Playlist File: Archivo de lista de reproducción
+ History object has insufficient data, skipping item: El historial no tiene datos
+ suficientes, omitiendo objeto
+ Subscription File: Archivo de suscripción
+ All watched history has been successfully imported: Historial de reproducciones
+ se importó con éxito
+ How do I import my subscriptions?: ¿Cómo puedo importar mis suscripciones?
+ All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: Suscripciones
+ y perfiles se importaron con éxito
+ Unable to read file: No se pudo leer el archivo
+ One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: Una o más suscripciones
+ no se pudo importar
+ Invalid subscriptions file: Archivo de suscripciones no válido
+ History File: Archivo de historial
+ Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: El objeto de perfil tiene
+ datos insuficientes, saltando elemento
+ All watched history has been successfully exported: Historial de reproducciones
+ se exportó con éxito
+ Export Playlists: Exportar lista de reproducción
+ Manage Subscriptions: Administrar suscripciones
+ Import Playlists: Importar lista de reproducción
+ All playlists has been successfully imported: Todas sus listas han sido importadas
+ con éxito
+ Subscriptions have been successfully exported: Suscripciones se exportaron con
+ éxito
+ Playlist insufficient data: Datos insuficientes de la lista "{playlist}", omitiendo
+ All subscriptions have been successfully imported: Suscripciones se importaron
+ con éxito
+ Unable to write file: No se pudo escribir el archivo
+ Unknown data key: Clave de datos desconocida
+ This might take a while, please wait: Esto puede tardar un rato. Por favor, esperá
+ Invalid history file: Archivo de historial no válido
Advanced Settings: {}
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Active Subscriptions: Ocultar suscripciones activas
@@ -259,17 +361,80 @@ Settings:
Hide Popular Videos: Ocultar videos populares
Hide Trending Videos: Ocultar videos en tendencia
Hide Recommended Videos: Ocultar videos recomendados
- Hide Comment Likes: Ocultar calificaciones de comentarios
+ Hide Comment Likes: Ocultar los "Me gusta" de comentarios
Hide Channel Subscribers: Ocultar los suscriptores del canal
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Ocultar calificaciones del video
- Hide Video Views: Ocultar las vistas del video
+ Hide Video Views: Ocultar vistas del video
Distraction Free Settings: Configuraciones para evitar distraerse
+ Blur Thumbnails: Desenfocar miniaturas
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Nombre o ID del canal
+ Hide Video Description: Ocultar la descripción del vídeo
+ Hide Chapters: Ocultar los capítulos
+ Sections:
+ Watch Page: Ver la página
+ Side Bar: Barra lateral
+ Channel Page: Página del canal
+ Subscriptions Page: Página de suscripciones
+ General: General
+ Hide Channel Community: Ocultar canal «Comunidad»
+ Hide Subscriptions Videos: Ocultar las suscripciones de los videos
+ Hide Comments: Ocultar comentarios
+ Hide Channel Shorts: Ocultar canal «Shorts»
+ Hide Sharing Actions: Ocultar acciones de uso compartido
+ Hide Channel Podcasts: Ocultar canal «Podcast»
+ Hide Live Streams: Ocultar transmisiones en vivo
+ Hide Channel Playlists: Ocultar las listas de reproducción de los canales
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: Ocultar las suscripciones a la comunidad
+ Hide Channels: Ocultar los vídeos de los canales
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Ocultar Suscripciones en Vivo
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Ocultar las suscripciones para los Shorts
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Mostrar títulos sin mayúsculas
+ excesivas
+ Hide Featured Channels: Ocultar los canales recomendados
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Ocultar las fotos del perfil en los comentarios
+ Hide Upcoming Premieres: Ocultar próximos estrenos
+ Hide Channel Releases: Ocultar canal «Releases»
+ Hide Playlists: Ocultar listas de reproducción
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Esta
aplicación necesita reiniciarse para que los cambios entren en efecto. ¿Reiniciar
y aplicar el cambio?
Proxy Settings:
Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: Hacer clic en Probar proxy enviará
una solicitud a
+ Proxy Protocol: Protocolo de Proxy
+ Proxy Port Number: Puerto del Proxy
+ Region: Región
+ Country: País
+ City: Ciudad
+ Proxy Settings: Configuración del Proxy
+ Ip: IP
+ Enable Tor / Proxy: Habilitar Tor/Proxy
+ Test Proxy: Probar proxy
+ Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: Error al
+ recibir datos de la red. ¿Configuraste bien tu Proxy?
+ Your Info: Sus datos
+ Proxy Host: Host del Proxy
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: Notificar cuando el tramo publicitario
+ es omitido
+ 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': URL de la API de
+ SponsorBlock (https://sponsor.ajay.app por defecto)
+ Skip Options:
+ Skip Option: Omitir opción
+ Auto Skip: Salto Automático
+ Show In Seek Bar: Mostrar en la barra de búsqueda
+ UseDeArrowTitles: Utilizar «DeArrow» para los títulos de los videos
+ Enable SponsorBlock: Habilitar SponsorBlock
+ SponsorBlock Settings: Configuración de SponsorBlock
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player: Reproductor externo
+ External Player Settings: Configuración de reproductor externo
+ Custom External Player Executable: Reproductor externo personalizado
+ Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Ignorar advertencias de acciones no compatibles
+ Custom External Player Arguments: Argumentos del reproductor externo
+ Players:
+ None:
+ Name: Ninguno
#On About page
Website: Sitio web
@@ -292,9 +457,35 @@ A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'Un nuevo blog est
disponible, {blogTitle}. Hacé clic para ver más'
Download From Site: Descargar desde el sitio
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: La versión {versionNumber}
- ya está disponible. Hacé clic acá para más detalles.
+ ya está disponible. Hacé clic acá para más detalles
More: Más
Are you sure you want to open this link?: ¿Está seguro que desea abrir este enlace?
Open New Window: Abrir nueva ventana
Search Bar:
Clear Input: Limpiar Entrada
+New Window: Nueva ventana
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: 1 vidéo | {count} vidéos
+ Subscriber Count: 1 suscriptor | {count} suscriptores
+ View Count: 1 vista | {count} vistas
+ Watching Count: 1 espectador | {count} espectadores
+ Channel Count: 1 canal | {count} canales
+ Community: Comunidad
+ Videos: Videos
+ Shorts: Shorts
+ Live: En vivo
+ Search bar placeholder: Buscar Canales
+ Unsubscribe Prompt: ¿Deseás confirmar la desuscripción de "{channelName}"?
+ Channels: Canales
+ Title: Lista de canales
+ Empty: Tu lista de canales está actualmente vacía.
+ Unsubscribe: Desuscribirse
+ Count: '{number} canal(es) encontrado(s).'
+ Unsubscribed: '{channelName} ha sido eliminado de tus suscripciones'
+Preferences: Preferencias
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Esta configuración se reemplaza por la configuración
+ «{appWideSetting}» de toda la aplicación, en la sección «{subsection}» de «{settingsSection}»
diff --git a/static/locales/et.yaml b/static/locales/et.yaml
index 43280b059a021..02b2784cf4654 100644
--- a/static/locales/et.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/et.yaml
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 tellija | {count} tellijat
View Count: 1 vaatamine | {count} vaatamist
Watching Count: 1 vaatamas | {count} vaatamas
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Silt peab olema vähemalt {number} tähemärki pikk
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Versioon {versionNumber}
in nüüd saadaval! Lisateavet leiad siit'
Download From Site: 'Laadi veebisaidist alla'
@@ -127,6 +129,94 @@ User Playlists:
Kui kõik on valmis, siis siin nähtavad videod on leitavad esitusloendist „Lemmikud“.
Search bar placeholder: Otsi esindusloendist
Empty Search Message: Selles esitusloendis pole sinu otsingule vastavaid videosid
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Kas
+ sa oled kindel, et soovid kõik vaadatud videod sellest esitusloendist eemaldada?
+ Seda tegevust ei saa tagasi pöörata.
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Sul
+ pole esitusloendeid. Uue esitusloendi loomiseks vajuta nuppu „Uus esitusloend“.
+ Remove from Playlist: Eemalda esitusloendist
+ Save Changes: Salvesta muudatused
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Selles esitusloendis pole hetkel videosid.
+ Add to Playlist: Lisa esitusloendisse
+ Move Video Down: Liiguta video allapoole
+ Playlist Name: Esitusloendi nimi
+ Remove Watched Videos: Eemalda vaadatud videod
+ Move Video Up: Liiguta video ülespoole
+ Cancel: Katkesta
+ Delete Playlist: Kustuta esitusloend
+ Create New Playlist: Loo uus esitusloend
+ Edit Playlist Info: Muuda esitusloendi teavet
+ Copy Playlist: Kopeeri esitusloend
+ Playlist Description: Esitusloendi kirjeldus
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: Otsi esindusloenditest
+ Save: Salvesta
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 video on lisatud
+ {playlistCount} esitusloendisse | {videoCount} videot on lisatud {playlistCount}
+ esitusloendisse
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 video on lisatud 1'te esitusloendisse
+ | {videoCount} videot on lisatud 1'te esitusloendisse
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Sa pole veel ühtegi esitusloendit valinud.
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Vali esitusloend, kuhu soovid oma video
+ lisada | Vali esitusloend, kuhu soovid oma {videoCount} videot lisada
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} valitud'
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ There were no videos to remove.: Ei leidnud ühtegi videot, mida saaks eemaldada.
+ Video has been removed: Video on eemaldatud
+ Playlist has been updated.: Esitusloendi andmed on uuendatud.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Esitusloendi andmete uuendamisel
+ tekkis viga.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Seda videot ei saa ülespoole liigutada.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Esitusloend on kaitstud ja
+ seda ei saa eemaldada.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Esitusloend „{playlistName}“ on kustutatud.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Mõned
+ esitusloendi videod on veel laadimata. Kui ikkagi soovid neid kopeerida, klõpsi
+ siia.
+ This playlist does not exist: Sellist esitusloendit ei leidu
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Esitusloendi nimi ei saa
+ olla tühi. Palun sisesta nimi.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Video eemaldamisel tekkis viga
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 video on eemaldatud | {videoCount}
+ videot on eemaldatud
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Seda videot ei saa allapoole liigutada.
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: '{oldPlaylistName}
+ asemel on nüüd see esitusloend kasutusel kiirjärjehoidjate jaoks. Selle otsuse
+ tühistamiseks klõpsi siin'
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: See esitusloend on kasutusel kiirjärjehoidjate
+ jaoks
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Kiirjärjehoidjad ei ole kasutusel
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Võtsime {oldPlaylistName}
+ uuesti kasutusele kiirjärjehoidjate jaoks
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Kas sa oled
+ kindel, et soovid selle esitusloendi kustutada? Seda tegevust ei saa tagasi pöörata.
+ Sort By:
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Hiljuti esitatud esimesena
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Varem loodud esimesena
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Loodud hiljuti esimesena
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Varem uuendatud esimesena
+ Sort By: Järjestuse alus
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Varem esitatud esimesena
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Hiljuti uuendatud esimesena
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Loo uus esitusloend
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Esitusloendi loomisel tekkis
+ viga.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Esitusloendi „{playlistName}“
+ loomine õnnestus.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Sellise
+ nimega esitusloend on juba olemas. Palun sisesta muu nimi.
+ New Playlist Name: Esitusloendi uus nimi
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Lülita kiirjärjehoidjate kasutamine välja
+ Add to Favorites: Lisa esitusloendisse {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Eemalda esitusloendist {playlistName}
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Võimalda kiirjärjehoidjate kasutamist
+ selle esitusloendiga
# On History Page
History: 'Ajalugu'
@@ -161,6 +251,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Keskel'
End: 'Lõpus'
Hidden: Peidetud
+ Blur: Hägusta pildid
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious''e
veebirakendus (vaikimisi kasutatav sait on https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Mis geograafia alusel tuvastame hetkel menukad ehk populaarsust
@@ -195,6 +286,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
Pastel Pink: Pastelne roosa
Hot Pink: Säravroosa
+ Nordic: Põhjala
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Põhiline värviteema'
Red: 'Punane'
@@ -317,12 +409,17 @@ Settings:
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Automaatselt kustuta videote metateave
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Salvesta vaadatud videod viimati
vaadatud videote esitusloendisse
+ All playlists have been removed: Kõik esitusloendid on eemaldatud
+ Remove All Playlists: Eemalda kõik esitusloendid
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid
+ kõik esitusloendid eemaldada?
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Tellimuste seadistused'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Vaatamisel peida videod'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Laadi RSS-uudisvood'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Halda tellimusi'
Fetch Automatically: Laadi tellimuste voog automaatselt
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Iga kanali puhul näita vaid viimast videot
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Andmehaldus'
Select Import Type: 'Vali imporditava faili vorming'
@@ -370,6 +467,14 @@ Settings:
Subscription File: Tellimuse fail
History File: Ajaloo fail
Playlist File: Esitusloendi fail
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "Selle valikuga ekspordid kõik esitusloendid ühte esitusloendisse „Lemmikud“.\n
+ Kuidas saad seda eksportimise ja importimise valikut kasutada vanemate FreeTube'i
+ versioonidega:\n1. Ekspordi kõik oma esitusloendid kasutades seda valikut.\n
+ 2. Kustuta kõik oma esitusloendid Privaatsusseadistustest kasutades valikut
+ „Kustuta kõik esitusloendid“.\n3. Käivita vanem FreeTube'i versioon ja impordi
+ esimeses sammus eksporditud esitusloendid."
+ Label: Ekspordi esitusloendid vanemate FreeTube'i versioonide jaoks
Advanced Settings: {}
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Active Subscriptions: Peida aktiivsed tellimused
@@ -390,9 +495,9 @@ Settings:
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Peida tulevased esilinastused
Hide Chapters: Peida peatükid
Hide Channels: Peida kanalites leiduvad videod
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanali nimi või tunnus
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanali tunnus
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Näita pealkirju ilma liigsete
- suurtähtedeta
+ suurtähtede ja kirjavahemärkideta
General: Üldist
Side Bar: Külgpaan
@@ -411,6 +516,16 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Peida kommentaaride profiilipildid
Blur Thumbnails: Hägusta pisipildid
Hide Subscriptions Community: Peida tellijate loend
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Sisestatud kanali tunnus on vigane
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Mõned kanalid on blokeeritud nende tunnuste alusel
+ ja nende andmeid ei töödelda. See funktsionaalsus pole kasutusel, kui nendes
+ kanalites toimub muutusi
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Selline kanali tunnus juba on sul kirjas
+ Hide Channels API Error: Selle kanali tunnus alusel andmete või kasutaja andmete
+ laadimine ei õnnestunud. Palun kontrolli, et kanali tunnus oleks õige.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Sõna, sõnaosa või fraas
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Peida videod ja esitusloendid, kus
+ leidub sellist teksti
Proxy Settings:
Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: Võrguteavet
ei õnnestu leida. Kas sa oled puhverserveri ikka korralikult seadistanud?
@@ -443,6 +558,9 @@ Settings:
Do Nothing: Ära tee midagi
Category Color: Kategooria värv
UseDeArrowTitles: Laadi video pealkirjad DeArrow teenusest
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Pisipiltide jaoks kasuta DeArrow teenust
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': DeArrow
+ pisipiltide loomise teenuse API url (Vaikimisi on see https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
External Player: Väline meediamängija
External Player Settings: Välise meediamängija seadistused
@@ -452,6 +570,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Puudub
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Eira vaikimisi käsureaargumente
Download Settings:
Download Settings: Allalaadimise seadistused
Ask Download Path: Küsi kausta, kuhu soovid faile alla laadida
@@ -480,6 +599,7 @@ Settings:
Remove Password: Eemalda salasõna
Set Password: Määra salasõna
Set Password To Prevent Access: Vältimaks ligipääsu seadistustele määra salasõna
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Laienda kõik seadistuste lõigud
#On About page
About: 'Teave'
@@ -555,6 +675,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Sirvi profiile
Profile Settings: Profiili seadistused
Toggle Profile List: Lülita profiilide loend sisse/välja
+ Profile Name: Profiili nimi
+ Edit Profile Name: Muuda profiili nime
+ Create Profile Name: Loo profiilile nimi
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Ava profiili rippmenüü
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Sulge profiili rippmenüü
Subscribe: 'Telli'
Unsubscribe: 'Lõpeta tellimus'
@@ -604,6 +729,7 @@ Channel:
Reveal Answers: Näita vastuseid
Hide Answers: Peida vastused
votes: '{votes} häält'
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: FreeTube'i poolt peidetud video
This channel does not exist: Sellist kanalit ei leidu
This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube.: Sellel
kanalil on vanusega seotud piirangud ja teda ei saa hetkel FreeTube'i vahendusel
@@ -756,6 +882,9 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Otsevestlus
pole selle videovoo puhul saadaval. Võib-olla on üleslaadija vestluse keelanud.
Pause on Current Video: Peata hetkel esitatav video
+ Unhide Channel: Näita kanalit
+ Hide Channel: Peida kanal
+ More Options: Veel valikuid
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -836,7 +965,7 @@ Up Next: 'Järgmisena'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Kohaliku API viga (kopeerimiseks klõpsi)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious''e API viga (kopeerimiseks klõpsi)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Varuvariandina kasutan Invidious''e API''t'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Varuvariandina kasutan kohalikku API''t'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Varuvariandina kasutan kohalikku API''t'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Kuna
vajalikke vorminguid ei leidu, siis see video pole saadaval. Niisugune viga võib
juhtuda ka maapiirangute tõttu.'
@@ -873,6 +1002,9 @@ Tooltips:
(või esitusloendi) esitamiseks välises meediamängijas. Hoiatus: Invidious'e
seadistused ei mõjuta välise meediamängija kasutamist."
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Vaikimisi: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ära edasta välisele meediamängijale ühtegi vaikimisi
+ määratud argumenti peale video urli (näiteks taasesituse kiirus, esitusloend
+ jne). Sinu enda määratud argumendid edastatakse vaatamata sellele seadistusele.
Subscription Settings:
Fetch Feeds from RSS: Selle valiku kasutamisel FreeTube pruugib tellimuste andmete
laadimisel vaikimisi meetodi asemel RSS-uudisvoogu. RSS on kiirem ja välistab
@@ -918,12 +1050,16 @@ Tooltips:
Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: MPV-stiilis video läbilappamiseks kasuta
hiire ratast.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Sisesta kanali nimi või kanali ID, et kõik videod, esitusloendid
- ja kanal ise ei oleks nähtav otsingus, soovitatavate videote, populaarsete videote
- ja populaarsust koguvate videote vaates. Sisestatud kanali nimi peab otsingule
- vastama täielikult ja on tõstutundlik.
+ Hide Channels: Sisesta kanali tunnus, et kõik videod, esitusloendid ja kanal ise
+ ei oleks nähtav otsingus, soovitatavate videote, populaarsete videote ja populaarsust
+ koguvate videote vaates. Sisestatud kanali tunnus peab otsingule vastama täpselt
+ ja on tõstutundlik.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Selle seadistuse tühistab rakenduseülene „{appWideSetting}“
seadistus „{subsection}“/„{settingsSection}“
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Sisesta sõna, sõnaosa või fraas (tõstutundetuna),
+ mille alusel peidetakse läbivalt FreeTube'is kõik videod või esitusloendid,
+ kus see leidub algses pealkirjas. Peitmine ei toimi ajaloos, sinu loodud esitusloendites
+ ja esitusloendi sees olevate videote puhul.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Sellega lülitatakse välja Electron'i standardne kettal paiknev
http-puhver ja võetakse kasutusele rakenduse mälupõhine puhver. Üheks tulemuseks
@@ -931,6 +1067,7 @@ Tooltips:
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Asenda video nimi kasutajate poolt DeArrow teenusesse lisatud
nimega (pealkirjaga).
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Asenda video pisipildid DeArrow teenuse loodud pisipiltidega.
Playing Next Video Interval: Kohe esitan järgmist videot. Tühistamiseks klõpsi. |
{nextVideoInterval} sekundi möödumisel esitan järgmist videot. Tühistamiseks klõpsi.
| {nextVideoInterval} sekundi möödumisel esitan järgmist videot. Tühistamiseks klõpsi.
@@ -957,11 +1094,6 @@ Channels:
Unsubscribe: Loobu tellimusest
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} on sinu tellimustest eemaldatud'
Unsubscribe Prompt: Kas oled kindel, et soovid „{channelName}“ tellimusest loobuda?
-Age Restricted:
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: See {videoOrPlaylist} on vanusepiiranguga
- Type:
- Channel: Kanal
- Video: Video
Screenshot Success: Kuvatõmmis on salvestatud faili „{filePath}“
Copy failed: Lõikelauale kopeerimine ei õnnestunud
@@ -983,3 +1115,13 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Hetkel mängiva video lõppe
esitusloendi esitamine peatub
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Hetkel mängiva video lõppemisel
esitusloendi esitamine jätkub
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} on lisatud kanalite filtrisse'
+Go to page: 'Ava leht: {page}'
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} on eemaldatud kanalite filtrist'
+Tag already exists: Silt „{tagName}“ on juba olemas
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: Kärbitud sisend peab olema vähemalt
+ 1 tähemärgi pikkune | Kärbitud sisend peab olema vähemalt {length} tähemärgi pikkune
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: Kanali vaatamisel on vanusepiirang
+ This video is age restricted: Video vaatamisel on vanusepiirang
+Close Banner: Sulge rekaampilt
diff --git a/static/locales/eu.yaml b/static/locales/eu.yaml
index 206b613e3f36a..dba9d9d967c8b 100644
--- a/static/locales/eu.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/eu.yaml
@@ -34,6 +34,17 @@ Forward: 'Aurrera'
Videos: 'Bideoak'
+ Counts:
+ Subscriber Count: 1.harpideduna| {count} harpidedun
+ Watching Count: 1. ikuslea | {count} ikusle
+ Channel Count: 1. kanala ! {count} kanal
+ Video Count: 1. bideoa | {count} bideo
+ View Count: 1. ikustaldia | {count} ikustaldi
+ Live: Zuzenekoa
+ Shorts: Laburrak
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Etiketak {zenbaki} karaktere izan behar ditu gutxienez
+ Community: Komunitatea
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: '{versionNumber}
bertsioa erabilgarri! Klikatu azalpen gehiagorako'
Download From Site: 'Webgunetik jaitsi'
@@ -90,6 +101,14 @@ Subscriptions:
Refresh Subscriptions: 'Harpidetzak freskatu'
Load More Videos: 'Bideo gehiago kargatu'
Error Channels: Akatsak dituzten kateak
+ Disabled Automatic Fetching: Harpidetza-bilaketa automatikoa desgaitu duzu. Freskatu
+ harpidetzak hemen ikusteko.
+ Empty Channels: Harpidetutako kanalek ez dute bideorik.
+ Empty Posts: Harpidetutako kanalek ez dute argitalpenik.
+ Load More Posts: Kargatu mezu gehiago
+ Subscriptions Tabs: Harpidetzen fitxak
+ All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Harpidetza fitxa guztiak ezkutatuta daude. Hemen edukia
+ ikusteko, erakutsi fitxa batzuk "{azpisection}" ataleko "{settingsSection}"-ean.
More: 'Gehiago'
Trending: 'Joerak'
@@ -111,6 +130,24 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: Bilatu Erreprodukzio-zerrendan
Empty Search Message: Erreprodukzio-zerrenda honetan ez dago zure bilaketarekin
bat datorren bideorik
+ Remove Watched Videos: Kendu ikusitako bideoak
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Ez
+ duzu erreprodukzio-zerrendarik. Egin klik sortu erreprodukzio-zerrenda berria
+ botoian berri bat sortzeko.
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Erreprodukzio-zerrenda honek ez du bideorik.
+ Create New Playlist: Sortu erreprodukzio zerrenda berria
+ Add to Playlist: Gehitu erreprodukzio zerrendara
+ Add to Favorites: Gehitu {playlistName}-ra
+ Remove from Favorites: Kendu {playlistName}tik
+ Move Video Up: Mugitu bideoa gora
+ Move Video Down: Mugitu bideoa behera
+ Remove from Playlist: Kendu erreprodukzio zerrendatik
+ Playlist Name: Erreprodukzio zerrendaren izena
+ Playlist Description: Erreprodukzio-zerrendaren deskribapena
+ Save Changes: Gorde aldaketak
+ Cancel: Utzi
+ Edit Playlist Info: Editatu erreprodukzio zerrendaren informazioa
+ Copy Playlist: Kopiatu Erreprodukzio zerrenda
# On History Page
History: 'Historikoa'
@@ -776,7 +813,7 @@ Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Tokiko API-ak huts egin du (klikatu kopiatzeko
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Individious-eko APIak huts egin du (klikatu
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Individious-eko APIra itzultzen'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Tokiko APIra itzultzen'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Tokiko APIra itzultzen'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Bideo
hau ez dago erabilgarri, zenbait formatu eskas baitira. Honakoa zure herrialdean
erabilgarri ez dagoelako gerta daiteke.'
@@ -827,9 +864,6 @@ Channels:
Unsubscribe Prompt: Ziur al zaude "{channelName}"-ren harpidetza kendu nahi duzula?
Count: '{number} kanal aurkitu dira.'
Empty: Zure kanalen zerrenda hutsik da.
-Age Restricted:
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Honako {videoOrPlaylist} adin muga du
- Type:
- Channel: Kanala
- Video: Bideoa
Preferences: Hobespenak
+Go to page: Joan {page}-ra
+Close Banner: Itxi iragarkia
diff --git a/static/locales/fa.yaml b/static/locales/fa.yaml
index fd125828790af..7d62641c54218 100644
--- a/static/locales/fa.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/fa.yaml
@@ -900,12 +900,6 @@ Screenshot Success: اسکرین شات به عنوان «{filePath}» ذخیر
Ok: تایید
Downloading has completed: دانلود '{videoTitle}' به پایان رسید
Loop is now enabled: حلقه اکنون فعال است
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Video: ویدیو
- Channel: کانال
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: این {videoOrPlaylist} دارای محدودیت سنی
- است
Shuffle is now enabled: Shuffle اکنون فعال است
Falling back to Invidious API: بازگشت به Invidious API
Local API Error (Click to copy): خطای Local API (برای کپی کلیک کنید)
@@ -913,7 +907,7 @@ Shuffle is now disabled: Shuffle اکنون غیرفعال است
Canceled next video autoplay: پخش خودکار ویدیوی بعدی لغو شد
Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: نوع URL ناشناخته YouTube، در برنامه
باز نمی شود
-Falling back to the local API: بازگشت به API محلی
+Falling back to Local API: بازگشت به API محلی
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: این
ویدیو به دلیل عدم وجود قالب در دسترس نیست. این ممکن است به دلیل در دسترس نبودن کشور
اتفاق بیفتد.
diff --git a/static/locales/fi.yaml b/static/locales/fi.yaml
index fee27bd8f3119..9bd141deb8442 100644
--- a/static/locales/fi.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/fi.yaml
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ Global:
Video Count: 1 video | {count} videota
Subscriber Count: 1 tilaaja | {count} tilaajaa
- View Count: 1 näyttökerta | {count} näyttökertaa
- Watching Count: 1 katselee | {count} katselee
+ View Count: 1 katselukerta | {count} katselukertaa
+ Watching Count: 1 katsoja | {count} katsojaa
Channel Count: 1 kanava | {count} kanavaa
# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: 'Etsi / Mene osoitteeseen'
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ Subscriptions:
All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Kaikki tilausvälilehdet on piilotettu. Jos haluat
nähdä sisällön täällä, poista joitakin välilehtiä ”{settingsSection}”-osion ”{settingsSection}”-osion
+ Load More Posts: Lataa lisää julkaisuja
+ Empty Posts: Tilaamillasi kanavilla ei tällä hetkellä ole julkaisuja.
Trending: 'Nousussa'
Trending Tabs: Nousussa olevat välilehdet
@@ -117,6 +119,63 @@ User Playlists:
sen tänne
Search bar placeholder: Etsi soittolistalta
Empty Search Message: Tällä soittolistalla ei ole videoita, jotka vastaavat hakuasi
+ Sort By:
+ NameAscending: A-Ö
+ NameDescending: Ö-A
+ Sort By: Järjestä
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Viimeksi luotu
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Ensin luotu
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Viimeksi päivitetty
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Ensin päivitetty
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Viimeksi toistettu
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Ensin toistettu
+ Move Video Up: Siirrä video ylös
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ Video has been removed: Video on poistettu
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Soittolistan nimi ei voi
+ olla tyhjä. Anna soittolistalle nimi.
+ Playlist has been updated.: Soittolista on päivitetty.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 video on poistettu | {videoCount}
+ videota on poistettu
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Tätä videota ei voi siirtää ylös.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Tätä videota ei voi siirtää alas.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Tämä soittolista on suojattu
+ ja sitä ei voi poistaa.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Soittolista {playlistName} on poistettu.
+ This playlist does not exist: Soittolistaa ei ole olemassa
+ Move Video Down: Siirrä video alas
+ Remove from Playlist: Poista soittolistalta
+ Playlist Name: Soittolistan nimi
+ Playlist Description: Soittolistan kuvaus
+ Edit Playlist Info: Muokkaa soittolistan tietoja
+ Copy Playlist: Kopioi soittolista
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Tällä soittolistalla ei ole videoita.
+ Delete Playlist: Poista soittolista
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Haluatko varmasti
+ poistaa tämän soittolistan? Toimintoa ei voi perua.
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Sinulla
+ ei ole soittolistoja. Luo uusi soittolista napsauttamalla "Luo uusi soittolista".
+ Create New Playlist: Luo uusi soittolista
+ Add to Playlist: Lisää soittolistalle
+ Save Changes: Tallenna muutokset
+ Cancel: Peruuta
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} valittu'
+ Save: Tallenna
+ Toast:
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Et ole valinnut yhtäkään soittolistaa.
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ New Playlist Name: Uuden soittolistan nimi
+ Create: Luo
+ Toast:
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Samalla
+ nimellä on jo olemassa soittolista. Valitse eri nimi.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Soittolista {playlistName}
+ on luotu.
+ Add to Favorites: Lisää soittolistaan {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Poista soittolistalta {playlistName}
+ Remove Watched Videos: Poista katsotut videot
# On History Page
History: 'Historia'
@@ -149,6 +208,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Puoliväli'
End: 'Loppu'
Hidden: Piilotettu
+ Blur: Sumennettu
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious instanssi
(Oletus on https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Nousussa-sivun alue'
@@ -181,6 +241,8 @@ Settings:
Dracula: 'Dracula-teema'
System Default: Järjestelmän oletusarvo
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha -teema
+ Hot Pink: Pinkki
+ Pastel Pink: Pastellinpinkki
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Pääväriteema'
Red: 'Punainen'
@@ -344,6 +406,10 @@ Settings:
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Poista videoiden metadata automaattisesti
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Tallenna katsotut videot viimeksi
katsotulla soittolistalla
+ Remove All Playlists: Poista kaikki soittolistat
+ All playlists have been removed: Kaikki soittolistat on poistettu
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Haluatko varmasti poistaa
+ kaikki soittolistat?
Data Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: Kuinka voin tuoda tilaukseni?
Unknown data key: Tuntematon data-avain
@@ -410,7 +476,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: Piilota kappaleet
Hide Channels: Piilota videot kanavilta
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Piilota Tulevat Ensiesitykset
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanavan nimi tai tunnus
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanavan tunnus
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Näytä otsikot ilman liiallista
isoja kirjaimia
Hide Featured Channels: Piilota esillä olevat kanavat
@@ -429,6 +495,9 @@ Settings:
Hide Subscriptions Live: Piilota tilausten livet
Blur Thumbnails: Sumenna pikkukuvat
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Piilota profiilikuvat kommenteissa
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Annettu kanavatunnus oli virheellinen
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Piilota tilattujen kanavien Shorts-videot
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: Piilota tilattujen kanavien yhteisö
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Sovellus
on käynnistettävä uudelleen, jotta muutokset tulevat voimaan. Käynnistetäänkö
@@ -755,6 +824,8 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Live-chat
ei ole käytettävissä tässä suoratoistossa. Lataaja on saattanut poistaa sen käytöstä.
Pause on Current Video: Keskeytä nykyiseen videoon
+ Unhide Channel: Näytä kanava
+ Hide Channel: Piilota kanava
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -833,7 +904,7 @@ Up Next: 'Seuraavaksi'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Paikallinen API-virhe (Kopioi napsauttamalla)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API-virhe (Kopioi napsauttamalla)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Palaa takaisin Invidious-sovellusliittymään'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Palaa takaisin paikalliseen sovellusliittymään'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Palaa takaisin paikalliseen sovellusliittymään'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Tilauksia ei ole vielä jalkautettu'
Loop is now disabled: 'Silmukka on poistettu käytöstä'
Loop is now enabled: 'Silmukka on nyt käytössä'
@@ -890,6 +961,9 @@ Profile:
Subscription List: Tilauslista
Profile Filter: Profiilisuodatin
Profile Settings: Profiiliasetukset
+ Profile Name: Profiilin nimi
+ Edit Profile Name: Muokkaa profiilin nimeä
+ Create Profile Name: Luo profiilin nimi
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: Versio {versionNumber}
on nyt saatavilla! Napsauta saadaksesi lisätietoja
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: Tämä
@@ -990,11 +1064,6 @@ Downloading has completed: Videon "{videoTitle}" lataus on valmis
Starting download: Aloitetaan lataamaan "{videoTitle}"
Screenshot Success: Kuvakaappaus tallennettu nimellä ”{filePath}”
New Window: Uusi Ikkuna
-Age Restricted:
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Tämä {videoOrPlaylist} on ikärajoitettu
- Type:
- Video: Video
- Channel: Kanava
Screenshot Error: Ruutukaappaus epäonnistui. {error}
Channels: Kanavat
@@ -1025,3 +1094,6 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Soittolista keskeytetään,
nykyinen video päättyy
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Soittolistaa ei keskeytetä,
kun nykyinen video päättyy
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} lisätty kanavasuodattimeen'
+Go to page: Siirry sivulle {page}
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} poistettu kanavasuodattimesta'
diff --git a/static/locales/fr-FR.yaml b/static/locales/fr-FR.yaml
index 8e296e0887da6..00f1f0963c20d 100644
--- a/static/locales/fr-FR.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/fr-FR.yaml
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Global:
View Count: 1 vue | {count} vues
Subscriber Count: 1 abonné | {count} abonnés
Watching Count: 1 spectateur | {count} spectateurs
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: L'étiquette doit comporter au moins {number} caractères
Search / Go to URL: 'Rechercher / ouvrir l''URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
@@ -128,6 +130,104 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: Recherche dans la liste de lecture
Empty Search Message: Il n'y a pas de vidéos dans cette liste de lecture qui correspondent
à votre recherche
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Êtes-vous
+ sûr(e) de vouloir supprimer toutes les vidéos visionnées de cette liste de lecture ?
+ Cette opération ne peut pas être annulée.
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: Recherche dans les listes de lecture
+ Save: Sauvegarder
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Sélectionnez une liste de lecture à
+ laquelle ajouter votre vidéo | Sélectionnez une liste de lecture à laquelle
+ ajouter vos vidéos {videoCount}
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 vidéo ajoutée à 1 liste de lecture
+ | {videoCount} vidéos ajoutées à 1 liste de lecture
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Vous n'avez pas encore sélectionné de
+ liste de lecture.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 vidéo ajoutée
+ à {playlistCount} listes de lecture | {videoCount} vidéos ajoutées à {playlistCount}
+ listes de lecture
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} Sélectionnée(s)'
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ There were no videos to remove.: Il n'y avait aucune vidéo à supprimer.
+ Video has been removed: La vidéo a été supprimée
+ Playlist has been updated.: La liste de lecture a été mise à jour.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Un problème est survenu lors
+ de la mise à jour de cette liste de lecture.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Cette vidéo ne peut pas être déplacée vers le
+ haut.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Cette liste de lecture est
+ protégée et ne peut être supprimée.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: La liste de lecture {playlistName}
+ a été supprimée.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Certaines
+ vidéos de la liste de lecture ne sont pas encore chargées. Cliquez ici pour
+ les copier quand même.
+ This playlist does not exist: Cette liste de lecture n'existe pas
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Le nom de la liste de lecture
+ ne peut être vide. Veuillez saisir un nom.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Il y a eu un problème lors de
+ la suppression de cette vidéo
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 vidéo a été supprimée | {videoCount}
+ vidéos ont été supprimées
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Cette vidéo ne peut pas être déplacée vers
+ le bas.
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Cette liste de lecture est maintenant
+ utilisée comme marque-page rapide
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Marque-page rapide désactivé
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Cette
+ liste de lecture est désormais utilisée comme marque-page rapide à la place
+ de {oldPlaylistName}. Cliquez ici pour annuler
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Reprise de {oldPlaylistName}
+ pour un marque-page rapide
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Êtes-vous
+ sûr(e) de vouloir supprimer cette liste de lecture ? Cette opération ne peut être
+ annulée.
+ Sort By:
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Joué récemment
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Création la plus ancienne
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Récemment créé
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Dernière mise à jour
+ Sort By: Trier par
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Joué en premier
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Récemment mis à jour
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Vous
+ n'avez pas de listes de lecture. Cliquez sur le bouton créer une nouvelle liste
+ de lecture pour en créer une nouvelle.
+ Remove from Playlist: Supprimer de la liste de lecture
+ Save Changes: Enregistrer les modifications
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Créer
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Il y a eu un problème lors de
+ la création de la liste de lecture.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: La liste de lecture
+ {playlistName} a été créée avec succès.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Il
+ existe déjà une liste de lecture portant ce nom. Veuillez choisir un autre
+ nom.
+ New Playlist Name: Nouveau nom de la liste de lecture
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Cette liste de lecture ne contient actuellement
+ aucune vidéo.
+ Add to Playlist: Ajouter à la liste de lecture
+ Move Video Down: Déplacer la vidéo vers le bas
+ Playlist Name: Nom de la liste de lecture
+ Remove Watched Videos: Supprimer les vidéos visionnées
+ Move Video Up: Déplacer la vidéo vers le haut
+ Cancel: Annuler
+ Delete Playlist: Supprimer la liste de lecture
+ Create New Playlist: Créer une nouvelle liste de lecture
+ Edit Playlist Info: Modifier les informations de la liste de lecture
+ Copy Playlist: Copier la liste de lecture
+ Playlist Description: Description de la liste de lecture
+ Add to Favorites: Ajouter à {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Retirer de {playlistName}
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Activer le marque-page rapide avec cette
+ liste de lecture
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Désactiver le marque-page rapide
# On History Page
History: 'Historique'
@@ -160,7 +260,8 @@ Settings:
Beginning: 'Début'
Middle: 'Milieu'
End: 'Fin'
- Hidden: Caché
+ Hidden: Masqué
+ Blur: Flou
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Instance Individious
(https://invidious.snopyta.org par défaut)'
Region for Trending: 'Pays pour les tendances'
@@ -196,8 +297,9 @@ Settings:
Dracula: 'Dracula'
System Default: Paramètres système
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Moka
- Pastel Pink: Rose Pastel
- Hot Pink: Rose Vif
+ Pastel Pink: Rose pastel
+ Hot Pink: Rose vif
+ Nordic: Nordic
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Couleur principale du thème'
Red: 'Rouge'
@@ -321,6 +423,8 @@ Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Comment importer mes abonnements ?'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: Récupération de flux RSS
Fetch Automatically: Récupération automatique des flux
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Afficher uniquement la dernière vidéo
+ pour chaque chaîne
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Paramètres Avancés'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Activer le mode débug (afficher
@@ -364,10 +468,14 @@ Settings:
sûr(e) de vouloir supprimer tous les abonnements et les profils ? Cette action
est définitive.
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: Supprimer tous les Abonnements / Profils
- Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Retirer automatiquement les métafichiers
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Supprimer automatiquement les métafichiers
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Sauvegarder les vidéos regardées
avec la dernière liste de lecture vue
+ All playlists have been removed: Toutes les listes de lecture ont été supprimées
+ Remove All Playlists: Supprimer toutes les listes de lecture
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir
+ supprimer toutes vos listes de lecture ?
Data Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: Comment importer mes abonnements ?
Subscriptions have been successfully exported: Les abonnements ont été exportés
@@ -419,6 +527,15 @@ Settings:
History File: Fichier de l'historique
Subscription File: Fichier des abonnements
Playlist File: Fichier des listes de lecture
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "Cette option permet d'exporter les vidéos de toutes les listes de
+ lecture vers une seule liste de lecture nommée « Favorites ».\nComment exporter
+ et importer des vidéos dans des sélections pour une ancienne version de FreeTube :\n
+ 1. Exportez vos sélections avec cette option activée.\n2. Supprimez toutes
+ vos sélections existantes à l'aide de l'option Supprimer toutes les sélections
+ sous Paramètres de confidentialité.\n3. Lancez l'ancienne version de FreeTube
+ et importez les listes de lecture exportées. »"
+ Label: Exportation des listes de lecture pour les anciennes versions de FreeTube
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Masquer les J'aime et Je n'aime pas des vidéos
Hide Comment Likes: Masquer les J'aime dans les commentaires
@@ -438,9 +555,9 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: Masquer les chapitres
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Cacher les avant-premières à venir
Hide Channels: Masquer les vidéos des chaînes
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Nom ou identifiant de la chaîne
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Identifiant de la chaîne
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Afficher les titres sans majuscules
- excessives
+ ni ponctuation excessives
Hide Channel Playlists: Masquer les listes de lecture des chaînes
Hide Featured Channels: Masquer les chaînes en vedette
Hide Channel Community: Masquer la communauté de la chaîne
@@ -457,8 +574,19 @@ Settings:
Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Masquer les shorts des abonnements
Hide Subscriptions Live: Masquer les diffusions en direct des abonnements
Blur Thumbnails: Flouter les miniatures
- Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Cacher les photos de profil dans les commentaires
- Hide Subscriptions Community: Occulter les communautés abonnées
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Masquer les photos de profil dans les commentaires
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: Masquer les communautés abonnées
+ Hide Channels Invalid: L'identifiant de la chaîne fourni n'est pas valide
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Certaines chaînes ont été bloquées à l'aide d'un
+ identifiant et n'ont pas été traitées. La fonctionnalité est bloquée tant que
+ ces identifiants sont mis à jour
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: L'identifiant de la chaîne existe déjà
+ Hide Channels API Error: Erreur de récupération de l'utilisateur portant l'identifiant
+ fourni. Veuillez vérifier à nouveau si l'ID est correct.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Masquer les vidéos et les listes de
+ lecture contenant du texte
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Mot, fragment de mot ou
+ phrase
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: L'application
doit être redémarrée pour que les changements prennent effet. Redémarrer et appliquer
les changements ?
@@ -494,6 +622,9 @@ Settings:
Do Nothing: Ne rien faire
Category Color: Couleur de la catégorie
UseDeArrowTitles: Utiliser les titres vidéo de DeArrow
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Utiliser DeArrow pour les miniatures
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': "URL
+ de l'API du générateur de miniatures DeArrow (par défaut : https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)"
External Player Settings:
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Ignorer les avertissements concernant les
actions non prises en charge
@@ -504,6 +635,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Aucun
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ignorer les arguments par défaut
Download Settings:
Download Settings: 'Paramètres de téléchargement'
Ask Download Path: 'Demander l''emplacement de téléchargement'
@@ -533,6 +665,7 @@ Settings:
aux paramètres
Set Password: Définir un mot de passe
Password Settings: Paramètres de mot de passe
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Développer toutes les sections des paramètres
#On About page
About: 'À propos'
@@ -605,7 +738,7 @@ About:
Subscribe: 'S''abonner'
Unsubscribe: 'Se désabonner'
- Search Channel: 'Chercher une chaîne'
+ Search Channel: 'Chercher dans la chaîne'
Your search results have returned 0 results: 'Les résultats de votre recherche ont
donné 0 résultat'
Sort By: 'Trier Par'
@@ -651,6 +784,7 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} votes'
Reveal Answers: Afficher les réponses
Hide Answers: Masquer les réponses
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Vidéo cachée par FreeTube
Live: En direct
This channel does not currently have any live streams: Cette chaîne n'a actuellement
@@ -668,7 +802,7 @@ Channel:
de podcasts
Mark As Watched: 'Marquer comme vu'
- Remove From History: 'Retirer de l''historique'
+ Remove From History: 'Supprimer de l''historique'
Video has been marked as watched: 'La vidéo a été marqué comme Vu'
Video has been removed from your history: 'La vidéo a été retiré de votre historique'
Open in YouTube: 'Ouvrir sur YouTube'
@@ -810,6 +944,9 @@ Video:
chat en direct n'est pas disponible pour ce flux. Il a peut-être été désactivé
par le téléchargeur.
Pause on Current Video: Pause sur la vidéo en cours
+ Hide Channel: Cacher la chaîne
+ Unhide Channel: Rétablir la chaîne
+ More Options: Plus d'options
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -894,7 +1031,7 @@ Up Next: 'À suivre'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Erreur d''API locale (Cliquez pour copier)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Erreur d''API Invidious (Cliquez pour copier)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Revenir à l''API Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Revenir à l''API locale'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Revenir à l''API locale'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Les abonnements n''ont pas encore été
Loop is now disabled: 'La boucle est maintenant désactivée'
@@ -909,7 +1046,7 @@ Canceled next video autoplay: 'Annuler la lecture automatique'
Yes: 'Oui'
No: 'Non'
-Locale Name: français
+Locale Name: Français
'{profile} is now the active profile': '{profile} est maintenant le profil actif'
Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: Votre profil par
@@ -955,6 +1092,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Filtre de profil
Profile Settings: Paramètres du profil
Toggle Profile List: Afficher la liste des profils
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Ouvrir la liste déroulante du profil
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Fermer la liste déroulante du profil
+ Profile Name: Nom du profil
+ Edit Profile Name: Modifier le nom du profil
+ Create Profile Name: Créer un nom de profil
The playlist has been reversed: La liste de lecture a été inversée
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: Un nouveau billet est
maintenant disponible, {blogTitle}. Cliquez pour en savoir plus
@@ -1032,22 +1174,31 @@ Tooltips:
qui ouvrira la vidéo (liste de lecture, si prise en charge) dans le lecteur
externe. Attention, les paramètres Invidious n'affectent pas les lecteurs externes.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: '(Par défaut : « {defaultCustomArguments} »)'
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ne pas envoyer d'arguments par défaut au lecteur externe
+ en dehors de l'URL de la vidéo (par exemple, la vitesse de lecture, l'URL de
+ la liste de lecture, etc...). Les arguments personnalisés seront toujours transmis.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Désactive le cache HTTP d'Electron basé sur le disque et active
un cache d'image personnalisé en mémoire. Ceci entraînera une augmentation de
l'utilisation de la mémoire vive.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Entrez un nom de chaîne ou un identifiant de chaîne pour empêcher
- toutes les vidéos, les listes de lecture et la chaîne elle-même d'apparaître
- dans les recherches, dans les catégories Tendances, Plus populaires et Recommandés.
- Le nom de la chaîne entré doit correspondre exactement et est sensible à la
- casse.
+ Hide Channels: Entrez un identifiant de chaîne pour empêcher toutes les vidéos,
+ les listes de lecture et la chaîne elle-même d'apparaître dans les recherches,
+ dans les catégories Tendances, Plus populaires et Recommandés. L'identifiant
+ de la chaîne entré doit correspondre exactement et est sensible aux majuscules.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Ce paramètre est remplacé par le paramètre « {appWideSetting} »
applicable à l'ensemble de l'application, dans la section « {subsection} » de
la section « {settingsSection} »
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Saisissez un mot, un fragment de mot
+ ou une phrase (insensible à la casse) pour masquer toutes les vidéos et sélections
+ dont le titre original contient ce mot ou cette phrase dans l'ensemble de FreeTube,
+ à l'exception de l'historique, de vos listes de lecture et des vidéos contenues
+ dans les listes de lecture.
SponsorBlock Settings:
- UseDeArrowTitles: Remplacez les titres des vidéos par des titres proposés par
+ UseDeArrowTitles: Remplacer les titres des vidéos par des titres proposés par
les utilisateurs de DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Remplacer les miniatures des vidéos par les miniatures de
+ DeArrow.
More: Plus
Playing Next Video Interval: Lecture de la prochaine vidéo en un rien de temps. Cliquez
pour annuler. | Lecture de la prochaine vidéo dans {nextVideoInterval} seconde.
@@ -1076,12 +1227,6 @@ Download folder does not exist: 'Le répertoire "$" de téléchargement n''exist
Screenshot Success: Capture d'écran enregistrée sous « {filePath} »
Screenshot Error: La capture d'écran a échoué. {error}
New Window: Nouvelle fenêtre
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Video: Vidéo
- Channel: Chaîne
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Ce {videoOrPlaylist} est soumis à une
- limite d'âge
Channels: Chaînes
Title: Liste des chaînes
@@ -1111,3 +1256,13 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: La liste de lecture se met e
pause lorsque la vidéo en cours est terminée
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: La liste de lecture ne se
met pas en pause lorsque la vidéo en cours est terminée
+Go to page: Aller à {page}
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} ajouté au filtre de chaîne'
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} retiré du filtre de chaîne'
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: L'entrée tronquée doit comporter
+ au moins 1 caractère | L'entrée tronquée doit comporter au moins {length} caractères
+Tag already exists: L'étiquette « {tagName} » existe déjà
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: Cette chaîne est soumise à des restrictions d'âge
+ This video is age restricted: Cette vidéo est soumise à des restrictions d'âge
+Close Banner: Fermer la bannière
diff --git a/static/locales/gl.yaml b/static/locales/gl.yaml
index 6138c6079e9a8..fd4cf960da73e 100644
--- a/static/locales/gl.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/gl.yaml
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ Global:
Videos: 'Vídeos'
Community: Comunidade
+ Shorts: Cortos
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: A etiqueta debe ser de polo menos {number} caracteres.
+ Live: En vivo
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'A versión {versionNumber}
está dispoñible! Fai clic para veres máis detalles'
Download From Site: 'Descargar do sitio'
@@ -656,8 +660,8 @@ Video:
nesta versión.'
'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': 'O chat foi desactivado ou a transmisión
en vivo rematou.'
- Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: 'Chat en vivo
- activado. As mensaxes aparecerán aquí ao seren enviadas.'
+ Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: 'Chat en vivo activado. As
+ mensaxes aparecerán aquí ao seren enviadas.'
'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': 'Chat
en vivo actualmente non soportado coa API de Invidious. Precísase dunha conexión
directa con YouTube.'
@@ -844,9 +848,9 @@ Tooltips:
as chamadas da aplicacion.'
Region for Trending: 'A rexión das tendencias permíteche escoller os vídeos máis
populares nun Estado.'
- External Link Handling: "Escolla o comportamento predeterminado cando se fai clic\
- \ nunha ligazón, que non se pode abrir en FreeTube.\nDe forma predeterminada,\
- \ FreeTube abrirá a ligazón na que premeches no teu navegador predeterminado.\n"
+ External Link Handling: "Escolla o comportamento predeterminado cando se fai clic
+ nunha ligazón, que non se pode abrir en FreeTube.\nDe forma predeterminada,
+ FreeTube abrirá a ligazón na que premeches no teu navegador predeterminado.\n"
Player Settings:
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Só funcionará se a API de Invidious está
escollida por defecto. Cando estea activa, a API local usará formatos antigos
@@ -907,7 +911,7 @@ Tooltips:
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Erro de API local (Preme para copiar)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Erro de API Invidious (Preme para copiar)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Recorrendo á API Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Recorrendo á API local'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Recorrendo á API local'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Este
vídeo non está dispoñible porque faltan formatos. Isto pode ocorrer debido á non
dispoñibilidade do país.'
@@ -954,12 +958,6 @@ Downloading has completed: '"{videoTitle}" rematou de descargarse'
External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: A apertura das ligazóns
externas desactivouse na configuración xeral
Starting download: Comenzando a descarga de "{videoTitle}"
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: Canle
- Video: Vídeo
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Esta {videoOrPlaylist} ten restricións
- de idade
Default Invidious instance has been cleared: Borrouse a instancia predeterminada de
Screenshot Error: Produciuse un erro na captura de pantalla. {error}
@@ -977,3 +975,4 @@ Chapters:
capítulo actual: {chapterName}'
Screenshot Success: Captura da pantalla gardada como "{filePath}"
Ok: De acordo
+Go to page: Ir a {page}
diff --git a/static/locales/gsw.yaml b/static/locales/gsw.yaml
index 2bb07638058e2..e964dc53aab8e 100644
--- a/static/locales/gsw.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/gsw.yaml
@@ -49,4 +49,3 @@ Settings:
SponsorBlock Settings: {}
Channel: {}
Tooltips: {}
-Age Restricted: {}
diff --git a/static/locales/he.yaml b/static/locales/he.yaml
index 305c6b7a172e1..7e353cc407fa7 100644
--- a/static/locales/he.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/he.yaml
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'אמצע'
End: 'סוף'
Hidden: מוסתר
+ Blur: טשטוש
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'שרת Invidious
(ברירת המחדל היא https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'אזור לסרטונים חמים'
@@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ Up Next: 'הסרטון הבא'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'בעיה ב־API המקומי (יש ללחוץ להעתקה)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'בעיה ב־API של Invidious (יש ללחוץ להעתקה)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'מתבצעת נסיגה ל־API של Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'מתבצעת נסיגה ל־API המקומי'
+Falling back to Local API: 'מתבצעת נסיגה ל־API המקומי'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'חסרות
תצורות לסרטון הזה. הדבר יכול להיגרם בגלל חוסר זמינות למדינה.'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'מנגנון המינויים עדיין לא מוכן'
@@ -979,11 +980,6 @@ Playing Next Video Interval: הסרטון הבא יתחיל מייד. לחיצה
Screenshot Success: צילום המסך נשמר בתור „{filePath}”
Screenshot Error: צילום המסך נכשל. {error}
New Window: חלון חדש
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: ערוץ
- Video: סרטון
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: '{videoOrPlaylist} זה מוגבל בגיל'
Search bar placeholder: חיפוש ערוצים
Empty: רשימת הערוצים שלך ריקה כרגע.
diff --git a/static/locales/hr.yaml b/static/locales/hr.yaml
index e38947daf943a..7e4cb0ce1621b 100644
--- a/static/locales/hr.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/hr.yaml
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ Global:
View Count: 1 prikaz | {count} prikaza
Watching Count: 1 praćenje | {count} praćenja
Channel Count: 1 kanal | {count} kanala
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Oznaka mora imati barem {number} znakova
Search / Go to URL: 'Pretraži / Idi na URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
@@ -99,8 +101,8 @@ Subscriptions:
Disabled Automatic Fetching: Automatsko dohvaćanje pretplata je deaktivirano. Aktualiziraj
pretplate da bi se ovdje prikazale.
Subscriptions Tabs: Kartica pretplata
- All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Sve kartice pretplate su skrivene. Za prikaz sadržaja
- na ovom mjestu, sakrij neke kartice u odjeljku „{subsection}” u „{settingsSection}”.
+ All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Sve kartice pretplata su skrivene. Za prikaz sadržaja
+ na ovom mjestu, sakrij neke kartice u pododjeljku „{subsection}” u „{settingsSection}”.
Empty Posts: Kanali na koje si pretplaćen/a trenutačno nemaju objave.
Load More Posts: Učitaj još objava
@@ -122,6 +124,91 @@ User Playlists:
videa premjestit će se u zbirku „Favoriti”.
Search bar placeholder: Pretraži zbirku
Empty Search Message: U ovoj zbirci nema videa koji odgovaraju tvojem pretraživanju
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Ova zbirka trenutačno nema nijedan video.
+ Create New Playlist: Stvori novu zbirku
+ Add to Playlist: Dodaj u zbirku
+ Move Video Up: Premjesti video prema gore
+ Move Video Down: Premjesti video prema dolje
+ Remove from Playlist: Ukloni iz zbirke
+ Playlist Name: Ime zbirke
+ Playlist Description: Opis zbirke
+ Cancel: Odustani
+ Edit Playlist Info: Uredi podatke zbirke
+ Copy Playlist: Kopiraj zbirku
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Stvarno
+ želiš ukloniti sva gledana videa iz ove zbirke? To se ne može poništiti.
+ Delete Playlist: Ukloni zbirku
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Stvarno želiš
+ izbrisati ovu zbirku? To se ne može poništiti.
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: Redoslijed
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Nedavno stvoreno
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Najnovije stvoreno
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Nedavno aktualizirano
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Najnovije aktualizirano
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Nedavno reproducirano
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Najnovije reproducirano
+ Remove Watched Videos: Ukloni gledana videa
+ Save Changes: Spremi promjene
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Nemaš
+ zbirke. Za stvaranje nove zbirke pritisni gumb za stvaranje nove zbirke.
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Zbirka {playlistName} je uklonjena.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Ova je zbirka zaštićena i
+ ne može se ukloniti.
+ This playlist does not exist: Ova zbirka ne postoji
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Ovaj se video ne može premjestiti prema gore.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Ovaj se video ne može premjestiti prema dolje.
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Ime zbirke ne može biti
+ prazano. Upiši ime.
+ Playlist has been updated.: Zbirka je aktualizirana.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 video je uklonjen | {videoCount}
+ videa su uklonjena
+ Video has been removed: Video je uklonjen
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Došlo je do problema pri uklanjanju
+ ovog videa
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Došlo je do problema s aktualiziranjem
+ ove zbirke.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Neka
+ videa zbirke još nisu učitani. Pritisni ovdje za kopiranje.
+ There were no videos to remove.: Nije bilo videa za uklanjanje.
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Ova se zbirka sada koristi za
+ brze zabilješke
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Brze zabilješke su deaktivirane
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Vraćeno na korištenje
+ zbirke {oldPlaylistName} za brze zabilješke
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Ova
+ se zbirka sada koristi za brze zabilješke umjesto zbirke {oldPlaylistName}.
+ Pritisni ovdje za poništavanje
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ N playlists selected: 'Odabrano: {playlistCount}'
+ Search in Playlists: Traži u zbirkama
+ Save: Spremi
+ Toast:
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Još nisi odabrao/la nijednu zbirku.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 video dodan u
+ {playlistCount} zbirke | {videoCount} videa dodana u {playlistCount} zbirke
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 video dodan u 1 zbirku | {videoCount}
+ videa dodana u 1 zbirku
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Odaberi zbirku za dodavanje tvog videa
+ | Odaberi zbirku za dodavanje tvojih {videoCount} videa
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Stvori
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Došlo je do problema s izradom
+ zbirke.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Zbirka
+ s ovim imenom već postoji. Odaberi jedno drugo ime.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Zbirka {playlistName}
+ je uspješno stvorena.
+ New Playlist Name: Ime nove zbirke
+ Add to Favorites: Dodaj u zbirku {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Ukloni iz zbirke {playlistName}
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Aktiviraj brze zabilješke s ovom zbirkom
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Deaktiviraj brze zabilješke
# On History Page
History: 'Povijest'
@@ -155,6 +242,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Sredina'
End: 'Kraj'
Hidden: Skriveno
+ Blur: Neoštro
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious primjerak
(standardno se koristi https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Regija za videa u trendu'
@@ -189,6 +277,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
Pastel Pink: Pastelno ružičasta
Hot Pink: Vruća ružičasta
+ Nordic: Nordic
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Glavna boja teme'
Red: 'Crvena'
@@ -313,6 +402,10 @@ Settings:
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Spremi gledana videa sa zadnjim
gledanom zbirkom
+ Remove All Playlists: Ukloni sve zbirke
+ All playlists have been removed: Sve zbirke su uklonjene
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Stvarno želiš ukloniti sve
+ tvoje zbirke?
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Postavke pretplata'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Sakrij video nakon gledanja'
@@ -327,6 +420,8 @@ Settings:
Export Subscriptions: 'Izvoz pretplata'
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Kako mogu uvesti pretplate?'
Fetch Automatically: Automatski dohvati feed
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Prikaži samo najnoviji video za svaki
+ kanal
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Napredne postavke'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Aktiviraj modus otklanjanja grešaka
@@ -356,7 +451,7 @@ Settings:
Data Settings:
Unknown data key: Nepoznat podatkovni ključ
Unable to write file: Datoteka se ne može zapisati
- Unable to read file: Datoteka se ne može pročitati
+ Unable to read file: Datoteka se ne može čitati
All watched history has been successfully exported: Sva povijest gledanja je uspješno
All watched history has been successfully imported: Sva povijest gledanja je uspješno
@@ -399,6 +494,13 @@ Settings:
Subscription File: Datoteka pretplate
History File: Datoteka povijesti
Playlist File: Datoteka zbirke
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "Ova opcija izvozi videa iz svih zbirki u jednu zbirku pod nazivom
+ „Favoriti”.\nKako izvesti i uvesti videa zbirki za stariju FreeTube verziju:\n
+ 1. Izvezi svoje zbirke s ovom opcijom aktiviranom.\n2. Izbriši sve svoje postojeće
+ zbirke pomoću opcije „Ukloni sve zbirke” u postavkama privatnosti.\n3. Pokreni
+ stariju FreeTube verziju i uvezi izvezene zbirke.\""
+ Label: Izvezi zbirke za starije FreeTube verzije
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Trending Videos: Sakrij videa u trendu
Hide Recommended Videos: Sakrij preporučena videa
@@ -418,9 +520,9 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: Sakrij poglavlja
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Sakrij nadolazeće premijere
Hide Channels: Sakrij videa iz kanala
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Ime kanala ili ID
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID kanala
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Prikaži naslove bez pretjeranog
- korištenja velikih slova
+ korištenja velikih slova i interpunkcije
Hide Featured Channels: Sakrij istaknute kanale
Hide Channel Playlists: Sakrij kanal zbirki
Hide Channel Community: Sakrij kanal zajednice
@@ -439,6 +541,15 @@ Settings:
Blur Thumbnails: Zamuti minijature
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Sakrij slike profila u komentarima
Hide Subscriptions Community: Sakrij pretplate zajednice
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Navedeni ID kanala nije bio ispravan
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Neki su kanali blokirani upotrebom ID-a i nisu
+ obrađeni. Funkcija je blokirana tijekom aktualiziranje tih ID-ova
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: ID kanala već postoji
+ Hide Channels API Error: Greška pri dohvaćanju korisnika s navedenim ID-om. Ponovo
+ provjeri točnost ID-a.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Riječ, fragment riječi
+ ili fraza
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Sakrij videa i zbirke koji sadrže tekst
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Promjene
će se primijeniti nakon ponovnog pokeretanja programa. Ponovo pokrenuti program?
Proxy Settings:
@@ -465,21 +576,25 @@ Settings:
SponsorBlock Settings: Postavke blokiranja sponzora
Skip Options:
Auto Skip: Automatsko preskakanje
- Show In Seek Bar: Pokaži u traci napretka
+ Show In Seek Bar: Prikaži u traci napretka
Skip Option: Opcija preskakanja
Prompt To Skip: Poziv za preskakanje
Do Nothing: Ne čini ništa
Category Color: Boja kategorije
UseDeArrowTitles: Koristi DeArrow Video naslove
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': 'URL
+ za API DeArrow generatora minijatura (Standardna adresa je: https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)'
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Koristi DeArrow za minijature
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Argumenti prilagođenog vanjskog playera
- Custom External Player Executable: Izvršna datoteka prilagođenog vanjskog playera
+ Custom External Player Executable: Izvršna datoteka prilagođenog eksternog playera
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Zanemari upozorenja o nepodržanim radnjama
External Player: Vanjski player
External Player Settings: Postavke vanjskog playera
Name: Bez
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Zanemari zadane argumente
Download Settings:
Choose Path: Odaberi stazu
Download Settings: Postavke preuzimanja
@@ -507,6 +622,7 @@ Settings:
Set Password: Postavi lozinku
Remove Password: Ukloni lozinku
Set Password To Prevent Access: Postavi lozinku za sprečavanja pristupa postavkama
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Rasklopi sve odjeljke postavki
#On About page
About: 'Informacije'
@@ -616,6 +732,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Filtar profila
Profile Settings: Postavke profila
Toggle Profile List: Uključi/Isključi popis profila
+ Profile Name: Ime profila
+ Edit Profile Name: Uredi ime profila
+ Create Profile Name: Stvori ime profila
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Otvori rasklopiv izbornik profila
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Zatvori rasklopiv izbornik profila
Subscribe: 'Pretplati se'
Unsubscribe: 'Otkaži pretplatu'
@@ -665,7 +786,8 @@ Channel:
This channel currently does not have any posts: Ovaj kanal trenutačno nema objava
Reveal Answers: Prikaži odgovore
Hide Answers: Sakrij odgovore
- votes: '{votes} glasanja'
+ votes: '{votes} glasa'
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Video skriven od FreeTubea
This channel does not currently have any shorts: Ovaj kanal trenutačno nema kratka
@@ -734,7 +856,7 @@ Video:
Ago: 'Prije'
Upcoming: 'Premijera'
Less than a minute: Manje od jedne minute
- In less than a minute: Manje od minute
+ In less than a minute: Manje od jedne minute
Published on: 'Objavljeno'
Publicationtemplate: 'prije {number} {unit}'
#& Videos
@@ -819,6 +941,9 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Razgovor
uživo nije dostupan za ovaj prijenos. Možda ga je prenosnik deaktivirao.
Pause on Current Video: Zaustavi trenutačni video
+ Unhide Channel: Prikaži kanal
+ Hide Channel: Sakrij kanal
+ More Options: Više opcija
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -885,7 +1010,7 @@ Comments:
Newest first: Najprije najnovije
Top comments: Najpopularniji komentari
Sort by: Redoslijed
- Show More Replies: Pokaži više odgovora
+ Show More Replies: Prikaži više odgovora
From {channelName}: od {channelName}
And others: i drugi
Pinned by: Prikvačio/la
@@ -899,7 +1024,7 @@ Up Next: 'Sljedeći'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Greška lokalnog sučelja (pritisni za kopiranje)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Greška Invidious sučelja (pritisni za kopiranje)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Koristit će se Invidious sučelje'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Koristit će se lokalno sučelje'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Koristit će se lokalno sučelje'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Pretplate još nisu implementirane'
Loop is now disabled: 'Ponavljanje je sada deaktivirano'
Loop is now enabled: 'Ponavljanje je sada aktivirano'
@@ -930,7 +1055,7 @@ Tooltips:
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Za reprodukciju videa povezat će se s Invidiousom
umjesto izravnog povezivanja s YouTubeom. Zanemaruje postavke sučelja.
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Radi samo, kad se Invidious postavi kao
- standardno sučelje. Kad je aktivirano, lokalno sučelje će pokretati i koristiti
+ standardno sučelje. Kada je aktivirano, lokalno API sučelje će pokretati i koristiti
stare formate umjesto onih koje dostavlja Invidious. Pomaže u slučajevima, kad
je reprodukcija videa koje dostavlja Invidious u zemlji zabranjena/ograničena.
Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Dok se pokazivač nalazi na videu, pritisni
@@ -961,14 +1086,14 @@ Tooltips:
koja se ne može otvoriti u FreeTubeu.\nFreeTube takve poveznice otvara u tvom
standardnom pregledniku.\n"
Subscription Settings:
- Fetch Feeds from RSS: Kad je aktivirano, FreeTube će koristiti RSS umjesto vlastite
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: Kada je aktivirano, FreeTube će koristiti RSS umjesto vlastite
standardne metode za dohvaćanje podataka tvoje pretplate. RSS je brži i sprečava
blokiranje IP adresa, ali ne pruža određene podatke kao što su trajanje videa
ili stanja „uživo”
Fetch Automatically: Kada je aktivirano, FreeTube će automatski dohvatiti feed
tvoje pretplate kada se otvori novi prozor i prilikom mijenjanja profila.
Privacy Settings:
- Remove Video Meta Files: Kad je aktivirano, FreeTube automatski uklanja datoteke
+ Remove Video Meta Files: Kada je aktivirano, FreeTube automatski uklanja datoteke
metapodataka koji su stvoreni tijekom reprodukcije videa, kad se zatvori stranica
External Player Settings:
@@ -983,17 +1108,25 @@ Tooltips:
da se odabrani vanjski player može pronaći putem varijable okruženja PATH (putanja).
Ako je potrebno, ovdje se može postaviti prilagođena putanja.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: '(Standardno: „{defaultCustomArguments}”)'
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ne šalji bilo koje standardne argumente eksternom playeru
+ osim URL-a videa (npr. brzina reprodukcije, URL zbirke itd.). Prilagođeni argumenti
+ će se i dalje prosljediti.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Deaktivira Electronovu HTTP predmemoriju temeljenu na disku
i aktivira prilagođenu predmemoriju slika u memoriji. Povećava korištenje RAM-a.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Upiši ime kanala ili ID kanala za skrivanje svih videa, zbirki
- kao i samog kanala u pretrazi, trendovima popularnim i preporučenim. Upisano
- ime kanala se mora potpuno poklapati i razlikuje velika i mala slova.
+ Hide Channels: Upiši ID kanala za skrivanje svih videa, zbirki kao i samog kanala
+ u prikazu pretrage, trendova, najpopularniji i preporučeni. Upisani ID kanala
+ se mora potpuno poklapati i razlikuje velika i mala slova.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Ovu postavku nadjačava aplikacijska postavka „{appWideSetting}”,
u odjeljku „{subsection}” u „{settingsSection}”
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Upiši riječ, fragment riječi ili izraz
+ (ne razlikuje velika i mala slova) za skrivanje svih videa i zbirki s tim sadržajem
+ u njihovim izvornim naslovima u cijelom FreeTubeu, isključujući samo povijest,
+ tvoje zbirke i videa unutar zbirki.
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Zamijeni naslove videa koje su poslali korisnici s DeArrow naslovima.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Zamijeni minijature videa s DeArrow minijaturama.
Playing Next Video Interval: Trenutna reprodukcija sljedećeg videa. Pritisni za prekid.
| Reprodukcija sljedećeg videa za {nextVideoInterval} sekunde. Pritisni za prekid.
| Reprodukcija sljedećeg videa za {nextVideoInterval} sekundi. Pritisni za prekid.
@@ -1006,8 +1139,8 @@ Open New Window: Otvori novi prozor
Default Invidious instance has been cleared: Standardna Invidious instanca je izbrisana
Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: Standardna Invidious instanca
je postavljena na {instance}
-External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: Vanjsko otvaranje
- poveznica je deaktivirano u općim postavkama
+External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: Otvaranje eksterne
+ poveznice je deaktivirano u općim postavkama
Search Bar:
Clear Input: Izbriši unos
Are you sure you want to open this link?: Stvarno želiš otvoriti ovu poveznicu?
@@ -1017,18 +1150,13 @@ Starting download: Početak preuzimanja „{videoTitle}”
Screenshot Success: Snimka ekrana je spremljena pod „{filePath}”
Screenshot Error: Neuspjela snimka ekrana. {error}
New Window: Novi prozor
-Age Restricted:
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Ovaj {videoOrPlaylist} je dobno ograničen
- Type:
- Channel: Kanal
- Video: Video
Channels: Kanali
Title: Popis kanala
Search bar placeholder: Pretraži kanale
Count: '{number} kanala pronađena.'
Empty: Tvoj popis kanala je trenutačno prazan.
- Unsubscribe: Prekini pretplatu
+ Unsubscribe: Otkaži pretplatu
Unsubscribe Prompt: Stvarno želiš prekinuti pretplatu na „{channelName}”?
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} je uklonjen iz tvojih pretplata'
@@ -1050,3 +1178,13 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Zbirka će se zaustaviti kad
video završi
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Zbirka se neće zaustaviti
kada trenutačni video završi
+Go to page: Idi na {page}
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} je dodan u filtar kanala'
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} je uklonjen iz filtra kanala'
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: Skraćeni unos mora imati barem 1
+ znak | Skraćeni unos mora imati barem {length} znaka
+Tag already exists: Oznaka „{tagName}” već postoji
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: Ovaj je dobno ograničeni kanal
+ This video is age restricted: Ovaj je dobno ograničeni video
+Close Banner: Zatvori natpis
diff --git a/static/locales/hu.yaml b/static/locales/hu.yaml
index 27a417e0d3f77..14f4d75982eb3 100644
--- a/static/locales/hu.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/hu.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Put the name of your locale in the same language
-Locale Name: 'magyar'
+Locale Name: 'Magyar'
FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 feliratkozó | {count} feliratkozó
View Count: 1 megtekintés | {count} megtekintés
Watching Count: 1 néz | {count} néz
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: A címkének legalább {number} karakter hosszúnak kell lennie
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'A(z) {versionNumber}
verzió már elérhető! Kattintson a további részletekért'
Download From Site: 'Letöltés a webhelyről'
@@ -103,8 +105,8 @@ Subscriptions:
Load More Videos: További videók betöltése
Error Channels: Hibás csatornák
- Disabled Automatic Fetching: Az önműködő feliratkozási kérés letiltva. Frissítse
- a feliratkozást a megtekintéséhez.
+ Disabled Automatic Fetching: Ön kikapcsolta a feliratkozások automatikus lekérdezését.
+ Frissítse a feliratkozásokat, hogy itt láthassa őket.
Empty Channels: A feliratkozott csatornák jelenleg nem tartalmaznak videókat.
All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Az összes feliratkozási lap el van rejtve. Az itteni
tartalom megtekintéséhez, kérjük, jelenítse meg néhány lap elrejtését a(z) „{settingsSection}”
@@ -133,6 +135,100 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: Keresés a lejátszási listában
Empty Search Message: Ebben a lejátszási listában nincsenek olyan videók, amelyek
megfelelnek a keresésnek
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Biztos,
+ hogy el akarja távolítani az összes megtekintett videót ebből a lejátszási listából?
+ Ezt nem lehet visszacsinálni.
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: Keresés a lejátszási listában
+ Save: Mentés
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 videó hozzáadva
+ a {playlistCount} lejátszási listákhoz | {videoCount} videó hozzáadása a {playlistCount}
+ lejátszási listákhoz
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 videó hozzáadva 1 lejátszási
+ listához | {videoCount} videó hozzáadása 1 lejátszási listához
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Még nem választott ki egyetlen lejátszási
+ listát sem.
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Válasszon ki egy lejátszási listát
+ a videó hozzáadásához | Válasszon ki egy lejátszási listát a {videoCount} videó
+ hozzáadásához
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} Kiválasztott'
+ Added {count} Times: Hozzáadva {count} Alkalommal | Hozzáadva {count} Alkalommal
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ There were no videos to remove.: Nem voltak eltávolítható videók.
+ Video has been removed: A videót eltávolították
+ Playlist has been updated.: A lejátszási lista frissítésre került.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Volt egy probléma a lejátszási
+ lista frissítésével.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Ez a videó nem mozgatható feljebb.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Ez a lejátszási lista védett,
+ és nem távolítható el.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: A {playlistName} lejátszási lista
+ törlésre került.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Néhány
+ videó a lejátszási listában még nem töltődött be. Kattintson ide a másoláshoz
+ ennek ellenére.
+ This playlist does not exist: Ez a lejátszási lista nem létezik
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: A lejátszási lista neve
+ nem lehet üres. Kérjük, adjon meg egy nevet.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Probléma adódott a videó eltávolításával
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 videó eltávolításra került | {videoCount}
+ videó eltávolításra került
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Ez a videó nem mozgatható lejjebb.
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Ezt a lejátszási listát most gyors
+ könyvjelzőként használjuk
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Gyors könyvjelző letiltva
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: A(z)
+ {oldPlaylistName} helyett mostantól ez a lejátszási lista szolgál gyors könyvjelzőként.
+ Kattints ide a visszavonáshoz
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Visszaállítva a(z) {oldPlaylistName}
+ használatára a gyors könyvjelzőhöz
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Biztos, hogy
+ törölni szeretné ezt a lejátszási listát? Ezt nem lehet visszacsinálni.
+ Sort By:
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Nemrég játszott
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Legkorábban létrehozott
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Nemrégiben létrehozott
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Legkorábban frissítve
+ Sort By: Rendezés
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Legkorábban játszott
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Nemrég frissítve
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Nincsenek
+ lejátszási listáid. Kattints az új lejátszási lista létrehozása gombra egy új
+ lejátszási lista létrehozásához.
+ Remove from Playlist: Eltávolítás a lejátszási listáról
+ Save Changes: Változtatások mentése
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Létrehozás
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Volt egy probléma a lejátszási
+ lista létrehozásával.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: A lejátszási lista {playlistName}
+ sikeresen létrehozva.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Már
+ van egy lejátszási lista ezzel a névvel. Kérjük, válasszon egy másik nevet.
+ New Playlist Name: Új lejátszási lista neve
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Ez a lejátszási lista jelenleg nem tartalmaz
+ videókat.
+ Add to Playlist: Hozzáadás a lejátszási listához
+ Move Video Down: Videó lefelé mozgatása
+ Playlist Name: Lejátszási lista neve
+ Remove Watched Videos: Megnézett videók eltávolítása
+ Move Video Up: Videó felfelé mozgatása
+ Cancel: Mégsem
+ Delete Playlist: Lejátszási lista törlése
+ Create New Playlist: Új lejátszási lista létrehozása
+ Edit Playlist Info: Lejátszási lista adatainak szerkesztése
+ Copy Playlist: Lejátszási lista másolása
+ Playlist Description: Lejátszási lista leírása
+ Add to Favorites: Hozzáadás a(z) {playlistName} lejátszási listához
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Gyors Könyvjelző Letiltása
+ Remove from Favorites: Törlés a(z) {playlistName} lejátszási listából
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Gyors Könyvjelző Engedélyezése Ezzel A
+ Lejátszási Listával
# On History Page
History: 'Előzmények'
@@ -168,6 +264,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Középső'
End: 'Vég'
Hidden: Rejtett
+ Blur: Kikockázás
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious példány
(Alapértelmezés: https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Népszerű területe'
@@ -200,6 +297,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
Pastel Pink: Pasztell rózsaszín
Hot Pink: Forró rózsaszín
+ Nordic: Skandináv
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Fő színtéma'
Red: 'Vörös'
@@ -252,9 +350,9 @@ Settings:
örökölt formátumokra'
Play Next Video: 'Következő videó lejátszása'
Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'Alapértelmezés szerint feliratok megjelenítése'
- Autoplay Videos: 'Videók önműködően lejátszása'
+ Autoplay Videos: 'Videók automatikus lejátszása'
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Meghatalmazás videók az Invidious révén'
- Autoplay Playlists: 'Lejátszási listák önműködően lejátszása'
+ Autoplay Playlists: 'Lejátszási listák automatikus lejátszása'
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'Alapértelmezés szerint mozi mód engedélyezése'
Default Volume: 'Alapértelmezett hangerő'
Default Playback Rate: 'Alapértelmezett lejátszási sebesség'
@@ -266,7 +364,7 @@ Settings:
Audio Formats: 'Hangformátumok'
Default Quality:
Default Quality: 'Alapértelmezett minőség'
- Auto: 'Önműködő'
+ Auto: 'Automatikus'
144p: '144p'
240p: '240p'
360p: '360p'
@@ -322,15 +420,21 @@ Settings:
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 'Összes feliratkozás és profil eltávolítása'
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: 'Biztosan
törli az összes feliratkozást és profilt? A művelet nem vonható vissza.'
- Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Videométafájlok önműködő eltávolítása
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Videó-metafájlok automatikus eltávolítása
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Megtekintett videók mentése az
utoljára megtekintett lejátszási listával
+ All playlists have been removed: Minden lejátszási lista eltávolításra került
+ Remove All Playlists: Minden lejátszási lista eltávolítása
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Biztos, hogy el akarja távolítani
+ az összes lejátszási listáját?
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Feliratkozás beállításai'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Videók elrejtése megtekintés után'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'RSS-hírcsatornák beolvasása'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Feliratkozások kezelése'
- Fetch Automatically: Hírcsatorna önműködő lekérése
+ Fetch Automatically: Hírcsatorna automatikus lekérdezése
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Csak a legújabb videókat megjelenítése
+ a csatornáktól
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Adatbeállítások'
Select Import Type: 'Importálás típusa kiválasztása'
@@ -380,6 +484,15 @@ Settings:
Subscription File: Feliratkozás-fájl
History File: Előzmények-fájl
Playlist File: lejátszási lista fájl
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "Ez az opció az összes lejátszási lista videóit egyetlen, 'Kedvencek'
+ nevű lejátszási listába exportálja.\nHogyan exportálhat és importálhat videókat
+ lejátszási listákba a FreeTube régebbi verziója esetében:\n1. Exportálja a
+ lejátszási listáit, ezzel az opcióval bekacsolva.\n2. Törölje az összes meglévő
+ lejátszási listáját az Adatvédelmi beállítások alatt található Összes lejátszási
+ lista eltávolítása opcióval.\n3. Indítsa el a FreeTube régebbi verzióját,
+ és importálja az exportált lejátszási listákat.\""
+ Label: Lejátszási listák exportálása régebbi FreeTube verziókhoz
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'További beállítások'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Hibakeresési mód engedélyezése
@@ -422,14 +535,14 @@ Settings:
Hide Playlists: Lejátszási listák elrejtése
Hide Video Description: Videó leírásának elrejtése
Hide Comments: Megjegyzések elrejtése
- Hide Live Streams: Élő adatfolyamok elrejtése
+ Hide Live Streams: Élő közvetítések elrejtése
Hide Sharing Actions: Megosztási műveletek elrejtése
Hide Chapters: Fejezetek elrejtése
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Közelgő első előadások elrejtése
Hide Channels: Videók elrejtése a csatornákból
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Csatorna neve vagy azonosítója
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Címek megjelenítése túlzott nagybetűk
- nélkül
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Csatornaazonosító
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Jelenítse meg a címeket túlzott
+ nagybetűs írás és írásjelek nélkül
Hide Featured Channels: Kiemelt csatornák elrejtése
Hide Channel Playlists: Csatorna lejátszási listák elrejtése
Hide Channel Community: Csatornaközösség elrejtése
@@ -448,6 +561,16 @@ Settings:
Blur Thumbnails: Indexkép elhomályosítása
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Profilképek elrejtése a megjegyzésekben
Hide Subscriptions Community: Közösségi feliratkozások elrejtése
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Érvénytelen a megadott csatornaazonosító
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Egyes csatornákat letiltottak az azonosító használatával,
+ és nem dolgozták fel őket. A jellemző le van tiltva az azonosítók frissítése
+ közben
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Már létezik a csatornaazonosító
+ Hide Channels API Error: Hiba történt a megadott azonosítóval rendelkező felhasználó
+ lekérésekor. Kérjük, ellenőrizze még egyszer, hogy helyes-e az azonosító.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Szó, szótöredék, vagy kifejezés
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Szöveget tartalmazó videók és lejátszási
+ listák elrejtése
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Az
alkalmazásnak újra kell indulnia, hogy a változtatások életbe lépjenek. Indítsa
újra és alkalmazza a módosítást?
@@ -475,12 +598,15 @@ Settings:
SponsorBlock Settings: SponsorBlock beállításai
Skip Options:
Skip Option: Beállítás kihagyása
- Auto Skip: Önműködő kihagyás
+ Auto Skip: Automatikus kihagyás
Show In Seek Bar: Megjelenítés a keresősávban
Do Nothing: Nincs művelet
Prompt To Skip: Kihagyás kérése
Category Color: Kategória színe
UseDeArrowTitles: DeArrow-videocímek használata
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': 'DeArrow-miniatűr
+ létrehozási API URL-címe (alapértelmezett: https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)'
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: DeArrow használata miniatűrökhöz
External Player Settings:
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Nem támogatott műveleti figyelmeztetések figyelmen
kívül hagyva
@@ -491,6 +617,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Nincs
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Alapértelmezett argumentumok figyelmen kívül hagyása
Download Settings:
Ask Download Path: Letöltés elérési útja kérése
Choose Path: Letöltés elérési útja kijelölése
@@ -516,10 +643,11 @@ Settings:
Password: Jelszó
Password Settings:
Password Settings: Jelszóbeállítások
- Set Password To Prevent Access: Jelszó beállítása a beállításokhoz való hozzáférés
+ Set Password To Prevent Access: Jelszó megadása a beállításokhoz való hozzáférés
Set Password: Jelszó megadása
Remove Password: Jelszó eltávolítása
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Beállítások kiterjesztése
#On About page
About: 'Névjegy'
@@ -622,6 +750,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Profilszűrő
Profile Settings: Profilbeállítások
Toggle Profile List: Profillista be-/kikapcsolása
+ Profile Name: Profilnév
+ Edit Profile Name: Profilnév szerkesztése
+ Create Profile Name: Profilnév létrehozása
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Profil legördülő menü megnyítása
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Profil legördülő menü bezárása
Subscribe: 'Feliratkozás'
Unsubscribe: 'Leiratkozás'
@@ -672,6 +805,7 @@ Channel:
Reveal Answers: Válaszok feltárása
Hide Answers: Válaszok elrejtése
votes: '{votes} szavazat'
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: FreeTube által rejtett videó
This channel does not currently have any shorts: Ezen a csatornán jelenleg nincsenek
@@ -703,7 +837,7 @@ Video:
Play Next Video: 'Következő videó lejátszása'
Play Previous Video: 'Előző videó lejátszása'
Watched: 'Megtekintett'
- Autoplay: 'Önműködő lejátszás'
+ Autoplay: 'Automatikus lejátszás'
Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: 'Hamarosan kezdődik, kérjük,
frissítse a lapot az ellenőrzéshez'
# As in a Live Video
@@ -749,7 +883,7 @@ Video:
Years: 'évvel'
Ago: 'ezelőtt'
Upcoming: 'Első előadás dátuma'
- In less than a minute: Kevesebb, mint egy perccel ezelőtt
+ In less than a minute: Kevesebb, mint egy perce
Published on: 'Megjelent'
Publicationtemplate: '{number} {unit} ezelőtt'
#& Videos
@@ -818,6 +952,9 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Az
élő csevegés nem érhető el ehhez az adatfolyamhoz. Lehet, hogy a feltöltő letiltotta.
Pause on Current Video: Jelenlegi videó szüneteltetése
+ Unhide Channel: Csatorna megjelenítése
+ Hide Channel: Csatorna elrejtése
+ More Options: További beállítások
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -902,7 +1039,7 @@ Up Next: 'Következő'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Helyi-API hiba (kattintson a másoláshoz)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious-API hiba (Kattintson a másoláshoz)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Invidious-API visszatérve'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Helyi-API visszatérve'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Helyi-API visszatérve'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Ez
a videó hiányzó formátumok miatt nem érhető el. Ez az ország nem elérhetősége miatt
következhet be.'
@@ -914,7 +1051,7 @@ Shuffle is now enabled: 'Véletlen sorrendű lejátszás bekapcsolva'
The playlist has been reversed: 'Lejátszási lista megfordítva'
Playing Next Video: 'Következő videó lejátszása'
Playing Previous Video: 'Előző videó lejátszása'
-Canceled next video autoplay: 'Következő videó önműködő lejátszása megszakítva'
+Canceled next video autoplay: 'Következő videó automatikus lejátszásának megszakítása'
'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': 'A lejátszási lista véget
ért. Engedélyezze a folyamatos lejátszást a lejátszás folytatásához'
@@ -929,10 +1066,10 @@ Tooltips:
videóit szeretné megjeleníteni.
Invidious Instance: Invidious-példány, amelyhez a FreeTube csatlakozni fog az
- Thumbnail Preference: A FreeTube összes indexképét a videó egy képkockája váltja
+ Thumbnail Preference: A FreeTube összes miniatűr a videó egy képkockája váltja
fel az alapértelmezett miniatűr helyett.
- Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Ha az Ön által előnyben részesített
- API-val hibába merül fel, a FreeTube önműködően megpróbálja a nem előnyben részesített
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Ha az előnyben részesített API-jával
+ hiba merül fel, a FreeTube automatikusan megpróbálja a nem előnyben részesített
API-t tartalékként használni, ha engedélyezve van.
External Link Handling: "Válassza ki az alapértelmezett viselkedést, ha egy hivatkozásra
kattintanak, amely nem nyitható meg FreeTube-ban.\nA FreeTube alapértelmezés
@@ -943,7 +1080,7 @@ Tooltips:
Az RSS gyorsabb és megakadályozza az IP-zárolást, de nem nyújt bizonyos tájékoztatást,
például a videó időtartamát vagy az élő állapotot
Fetch Automatically: Ha engedélyezve van, a FreeTube új ablak megnyitásakor és
- profilváltáskor önműködően lekéri az feliratkozási hírfolyamot.
+ profilváltáskor automatikusan lekéri az feliratkozási hírfolyamot.
Player Settings:
Default Video Format: Állítsa be a videó lejátszásakor használt formátumokat.
A DASH (dinamikus adaptív sávszélességű folyamatos átvitel HTTP-n keresztül)
@@ -954,10 +1091,10 @@ Tooltips:
videókat szolgáltasson, ahelyett, hogy közvetlen kapcsolatot létesítene a YouTube
szolgáltatással. Felülbírálja az API beállítást.
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Csak akkor működik, ha az Invidious API
- az alapértelmezett. Ha engedélyezve van, a helyi API futni fog, és az általa
- visszaadott örökölt formátumokat fogja használni az Invidious által visszaadottak
- helyett. Segít, ha az Invidious által visszaküldött videókat nem lehet lejátszani
- az ország korlátozása miatt.
+ az alapértelmezett. Ha engedélyezve van, a helyi API fut, és az általa visszaadott
+ régi formátumokat használja az Invidious által visszaadottak helyett. Segít,
+ ha az Invidious által visszaküldött videók nem játszódnak le az országos korlátozások
+ miatt.
Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Amíg a kurzor a videó felett van, nyomja
meg és tartsa lenyomva a Control billentyűt (Mac gépen a Command billentyű),
és görgesse az egér görgőjét előre vagy hátra a lejátszási sebesség szabályozásához.
@@ -971,8 +1108,8 @@ Tooltips:
Nem minden videónál érhetők el, ilyenkor a lejátszó a DASH H.264 formátumot
használja helyette.
Privacy Settings:
- Remove Video Meta Files: Ha engedélyezve van, a FreeTube önműködően törli a videolejátszás
- során létrehozott metafájlokat, amikor a nézőlap bezár.
+ Remove Video Meta Files: Ha engedélyezve van, a FreeTube automatikusan törli a
+ videolejátszás során létrehozott metafájlokat, amikor a nézőlapot bezárják.
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Executable: Alapértelmezés szerint a FreeTube feltételezi,
hogy a kiválasztott külső lejátszó megtalálható a PATH (ÚTVONAL) környezeti
@@ -985,26 +1122,35 @@ Tooltips:
(lejátszási lista, ha támogatott) megnyitásához a külső lejátszóban, az indexképen.
Figyelem! Az Invidious beállításai nincsenek hatással a külső lejátszókra.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: '(Alapértelmezett: „{defaultCustomArguments}”)'
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ne küldjön semmilyen alapértelmezett argumentumot a
+ külső lejátszónak a videó URL-címén kívül (pl. lejátszási sebesség, lejátszási
+ lista URL-címe stb.). Az egyéni argumentumok továbbra is átadásra kerülnek.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Letiltja az Electron lemez alapú HTTP-gyorsítótárát, és engedélyezi
az egyéni memórián belüli képgyorsítótárat. Megnövekedett RAM-használathoz vezet.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Adja meg a csatorna nevét vagy csatornaazonosítóját, hogy elrejtse
- az összes videót, lejátszási listát és magát a csatornát, hogy ne jelenjen meg
- a keresésben, illetve a felkapott, legnépszerűbb és legajánlottabb. A megadott
- csatornanévnek teljes egyezésnek kell lennie, és megkülönbözteti a kis- és nagybetűket.
+ Hide Channels: Csatornaazonosító megadása, hogy elrejtse az összes videót, lejátszási
+ listát és magát a csatornát, nehogy megjelenjen a keresésben, a felkapott, legnépszerűbb
+ és legnépszerűbb. A megadott csatornaazonosítónak teljes egyezésnek kell lennie,
+ és megkülönbözteti a kis- és nagybetűket.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Ezt a beállítást felülírja az alkalmazásszintű „{appWideSetting}”
beállítás a(z) „{settingsSection}” „{subsection}” szakaszában
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Adjon meg egy szót, szótöredéket vagy
+ kifejezést (nem érzékeny a nagy- és kisbetűkre), hogy elrejtse az összes olyan
+ videót és lejátszási listát, amelynek eredeti címe tartalmazza ezt a szót vagy
+ kifejezést a FreeTube egész területén, kivéve az előzményeket, a lejátszási
+ listákat és a lejátszási listákon belüli videókat.
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Cserélje le a videocímeket a DeArrow által beküldött, felhasználó
által beküldött címekre.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Videó miniatűr cseréje DeArrow miniatűrrel.
Playing Next Video Interval: A következő videó lejátszása folyamatban van. Kattintson
a törléshez. | A következő videó lejátszása {nextVideoInterval} másodperc múlva
történik. Kattintson a törléshez. | A következő videó lejátszása {nextVideoInterval}
másodperc múlva történik. Kattintson a törléshez.
More: Több
Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: A kettőskeresztescímkék kezelése
- még nincs implementálva. próbálkozz a következő verzióban
+ még nincs implementálva, próbálkozzon újra később
Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Ismeretlen YouTube URL-típusa,
nem nyitható meg az alkalmazásban
Open New Window: Új ablak megnyitása
@@ -1027,11 +1173,6 @@ Channels:
Unsubscribe: Leiratkozás
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} eltávolítva az feliratkozásáiból'
Unsubscribe Prompt: Biztosan le szeretne iratkozni a(z) „{channelName}” csatornáról?
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Video: Videó
- Channel: Csatorna
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: A(z) {videoOrPlaylist} korhatáros
Downloading failed: Hiba történt a(z) „{videoTitle}” letöltése során
Starting download: „{videoTitle}” letöltésének indítása
Downloading has completed: A(z) „{videoTitle}” letöltése befejeződött
@@ -1057,3 +1198,14 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Szünetel a lejátszási lis
a jelenlegi videó véget ér
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Nem szünetel a lejátszási
lista, amikor a jelenlegi videó véget ér
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} hozzáadva a csatornaszűrőhöz'
+Go to page: Ugrás a(z) {page}. oldalra
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} eltávolítva a csatornaszűrőből'
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: A vágott bemenetnek legalább 1 karakter
+ hosszúnak kell lennie | A vágott bemenetnek legalább {length} karakter hosszúnak
+ kell lennie
+Tag already exists: '„{tagName}” címke már létezik'
+Close Banner: Banner bezárása
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: Ez a csatorna korhatáros
+ This video is age restricted: Ez a videó korhatáros
diff --git a/static/locales/id.yaml b/static/locales/id.yaml
index 999003a20429b..b471e1b32a715 100644
--- a/static/locales/id.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/id.yaml
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ Up Next: 'Akan Datang'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'API Lokal Galat (Klik untuk menyalin)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'API Invidious Galat (Klik untuk menyalin)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Kembali ke API Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Kembali ke API lokal'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Kembali ke API lokal'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Langganan masih belum diterapkan'
Loop is now disabled: 'Putar-Ulang sekarang dimatikan'
Loop is now enabled: 'Putar-Ulang sekarang diaktifkan'
diff --git a/static/locales/is.yaml b/static/locales/is.yaml
index db3a6bbfadcdb..e9e4b80913997 100644
--- a/static/locales/is.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/is.yaml
@@ -132,6 +132,83 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: Leita í spilunarlista
Empty Search Message: Það eru engin myndskeið í þessum spilunarlista sem samsvara
leitinni þinni
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Þú
+ ert ekki með neina spilunarlista. Smelltu á hnappinn til að búa til nýjan spilunarlista.
+ Move Video Up: Færa myndskeið upp
+ Remove from Playlist: Fjarlægja af spilunarlista
+ Playlist Name: Heiti spilunarlista
+ Playlist Description: Lýsing spilunarlista
+ Save Changes: Vista breytingar
+ Cancel: Hætta við
+ Edit Playlist Info: Breyta upplýsingum spilunarlista
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: Raða eftir
+ NameDescending: Ö-A
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Nýlega útbúið
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Fyrst búið til
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Nýlega uppfært
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Fyrst spilað
+ NameAscending: A-Ö
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Fyrst uppfært
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Nýlega spilað
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Ekki er hægt að færa þetta myndskeið upp.
+ Video has been removed: Myndskeið hefur verið fjarlægt
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Það kom upp vandamál með að fjarlægja
+ þetta myndskeið
+ Playlist has been updated.: Spilunarlisti hefur verið uppfærður.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Vandamál kom upp við að uppfæra
+ þennan spilunarlista.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Þetta er varinn spilunarlisti
+ sem ekki er hægt að fjarlægja.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Spilunarlistanum {playlistName} hefur
+ verið eytt.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Ekki er hægt að færa þetta myndskeið niður.
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Heiti spilunarlista getur
+ ekki verið tómt. Settu inn heiti á listann.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 myndskeið hefur verið fjarlægt
+ | {videoCount} myndskeið hafa verið fjarlægð
+ There were no videos to remove.: Það eru engin myndskeið til að fjarlægja.
+ This playlist does not exist: Þessi spilunarlisti er ekki til
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Sum
+ myndskeið í spilunarlistanum hafa ekki enn hlaðist inn. Smelltu hér til að
+ afrita samt.
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} valin'
+ Search in Playlists: Leita í spilunarlistum
+ Save: Vista
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 myndskeiði bætt
+ við {playlistCount} spilunarlista | {videoCount} myndskeiðum bætt við {playlistCount}
+ spilunarlista
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Þú hefur enn ekki valið neina spilunarlista.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 myndskeiði bætt við 1 spilunarlista
+ | {videoCount} myndskeiðum bætt við 1 spilunarlista
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Veldu spilunarlista til að bæta myndskeiðinu
+ þínu á | Veldu spilunarlista til að bæta {videoCount}̣ myndskeiðunum þínum á
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Búa til
+ New Playlist Name: Heiti á nýjum spilunarlista
+ Toast:
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Spilunarlisti
+ með þessu heiti er þegar í notkun, veldu eitthvað annað nafn.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Tókst að útbúa spilunarlistann
+ {playlistName}.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Vandamál kom upp við að útbúa
+ þennan spilunarlista.
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Þessi spilunarlisti er ekki með nein myndskeið.
+ Create New Playlist: Búa til nýjan spilunarlista
+ Add to Playlist: Bæta við spilunarlista
+ Move Video Down: Færa myndskeið niður
+ Copy Playlist: Afrita spilunarlista
+ Remove Watched Videos: Fjarlægja áhorfð myndskeið
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Ertu
+ viss um að þú viljir eyða öllum myndskeiðum sem búið er að horfa á af þessum spilunarlista?
+ Aðgerðin er ekki afturkallanleg.
+ Delete Playlist: Eyða spilunarlista
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Ertu viss
+ um að þú viljir eyða þessum spilunarlista? Aðgerðin er ekki afturkallanleg.
# On History Page
History: 'Áhorf'
@@ -170,6 +247,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Miðja'
End: 'Endir'
Hidden: Falið
+ Blur: Móska
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious-tilvik
(sjálfgefið er https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
View all Invidious instance information: 'Skoða allar upplýsingar um Invidious-tilvik'
@@ -325,12 +403,18 @@ Settings:
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Sjálfvirkt fjarlægja lýsigögn úr myndskeiðaskrám
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Vista myndskeið sem horft var á
með síðast notaða spilunarlista
+ Remove All Playlists: Fjarlægja alla spilunarlista
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Ertu viss um að þú viljir
+ fjarlægja alla spilunarlistana þína?
+ All playlists have been removed: Allir spilunarlistar hafa verið fjarlægðir
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Stillingar áskrifta'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Fela myndskeið eftir áhorf'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Ná í streymi úr RSS'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Sýsla með áskriftir'
Fetch Automatically: Sækja streymi sjálfvirkt
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Aðeins birta nýjasta myndskeið fyrir
+ hverja myndskeiðarás
Distraction Free Settings:
Distraction Free Settings: 'Truflanaminnkandi stillingar'
Hide Video Views: 'Fela fjölda áhorfa á myndskeið'
@@ -350,7 +434,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: Fela kafla
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Fela væntanlegar frumsýningar
Hide Channels: Fela myndskeið úr rásum
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Heiti eða auðkenni rásar
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Auðkenni rásar
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Birta titla án umfram-hástafa
Side Bar: Hliðarspjald
@@ -370,6 +454,13 @@ Settings:
Blur Thumbnails: Móska smámyndir
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Fela auðkennismyndir í athugasemdum
Hide Subscriptions Community: Fela samfélag áskrifenda
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Uppgefið auðkenni rásar er ógilt
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Sumar rásir voru útilokaðar út frá auðkenni og
+ voru ekki meðhöndlaðar. Lokað er á eiginleikann á meðan verið er að uppfæra
+ þessi auðkenni
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Auðkenni rásar er þegar til
+ Hide Channels API Error: Villa við að ná í notanda með uppgefið auðkenni. Athugaðu
+ aftur hvort auðkennið ré rétt.
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Stillingar gagna'
Select Import Type: 'Veldu tegund innflutnings'
@@ -419,6 +510,15 @@ Settings:
Subscription File: Skrá með áskriftum
History File: Skrá með atvikaferli
Playlist File: Spilunarlistaskrá
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: Flytja út spilunarlista fyrir eldri útgáfur FreeTube
+ Tooltip: "Þessi valkostur flytur út myndskeið úr öllum spilunarlistum inn í
+ einn spilunarlista sem kallast 'Eftirlæti'.\nHér er skýrt hvernig eigi að
+ flytja út eða inn myndskeið í spilunarlistum fyrir eldri útgáfur FreeTube:\n
+ 1. Flyttu út spilunarlistana þína með þennan valkost virkann.\n2. Eyddu út
+ öllum fyrirliggjandi spilunarlistum hjá þér með valkostinum 'Fjarlægja alla
+ spilunarlista' í stillingum gagnaleyndar.\n3. Ræstu eldri útgáfu FreeTube
+ og flyttu inn spilunarlistana sem þú fluttir út.\""
Proxy Settings:
Proxy Settings: 'Stillingar milliþjóns (proxy)'
Enable Tor / Proxy: 'Virkja Tor / milliþjón'
@@ -449,6 +549,10 @@ Settings:
Do Nothing: Gera ekkert
Category Color: Litur flokks
UseDeArrowTitles: Nota DeArrow myndskeiðatitla
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Nota DeArrow fyrir smámyndir
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': Slóð
+ á API-kerfisviðmót DeArrow Thumbnail Generator smámyndagerðar (sjálfgefið er
+ https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Sérsniðin viðföng fyrir utanaðkomandi spilara
Custom External Player Executable: Sérsniðin skipun fyrir utanaðkomandi spilara
@@ -458,6 +562,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Ekkert
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Hunsa sjálfgefnar breytur
Download Settings:
Download Settings: Stillingar niðurhals
Ask Download Path: Spyrja hvar eigi að vista skrár
@@ -485,6 +590,7 @@ Settings:
Set Password: Setja lykilorð
Remove Password: Fjarlægja lykilorð
Password Settings: Stillingar lykilorðs
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Fletta út öllum stillingahlutum
#On About page
About: 'Um hugbúnaðinn'
@@ -560,6 +666,11 @@ Profile:
#On Channel Page
Profile Settings: Stillingar notkunarsniðs
Toggle Profile List: Víxla lista með notkunarsniðum af/á
+ Profile Name: Heiti notkunarsniðs
+ Edit Profile Name: Breyta heiti notkunarsniðs
+ Create Profile Name: Útbúa heiti á notkunarsnið
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Opna fellivalmynd notkunarsniðs
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Loka fellivalmynd notkunarsniðs
Subscribe: 'Gerast áskrifandi'
Unsubscribe: 'Segja upp áskrift'
@@ -765,6 +876,8 @@ Video:
í beinni er ekki tiltækt fyrir þetta streymi. Sá sem sendi þetta inn gæti hafa
gert það óvirkt.
Pause on Current Video: Setja núverandi myndskeið í bið
+ Unhide Channel: Birta rás
+ Hide Channel: Fela rás
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -908,25 +1021,29 @@ Tooltips:
utanaðkomandi spilara. Aðvörun, stillingar Invidious hafa ekki áhrif á utanaðkomandi
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Sjálfgefið: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ekki senda nein sjálfgefin viðföng til utanaðkomandi
+ spilarans önnur en URL-slóð myndskeiðs (t.d. afspilunarhraða, slóð spilunarlista,
+ o.s.frv.). Sérsniðin viðföng verða send eftir sem áður.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Gerir HTTP-skyndiminni Electron óvirkt og virkjar sérsniðna
minnislæga skyndiminnis-diskmynd. Veldur aukinni notkun á vinnsluminni.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Settu inn heiti eða auðkenni rásar til að fela öll myndskeið, spilunarlista
+ Hide Channels: Settu inn auðkenni rásar til að fela öll myndskeið, spilunarlista
og sjálfa rásina við leit eða því sem er vinsælast, mest skoðað og mælt með.
- Heiti rásarinnar sem sett er inn þarf að vera nákvæmlega stafrétt og tekur tillit
- til hástafa/lágstafa.
+ Auðkenni rásarinnar sem sett er inn þarf að vera nákvæmlega stafrétt og tekur
+ tillit til hástafa/lágstafa.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Þessa stillingu er hægt að taka yfir með "{appWideSetting}"
stillingunni fyrir allt forritið, í "{subsection}" hlutanum í "{settingsSection}"
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Skipta út titlum myndskeiða fyrir titla sem notendur hafa sent
inn á DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Skipta út smámyndum myndskeiða fyrir smámyndir frá DeArrow.
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Villa í staðværu API-kerfisviðmóti (smella til að
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Villa í Invidious API-kerfisviðmóti (smella
til að afrita)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Nota til vara Invidious API-kerfisviðmót'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Nota til vara staðvært API-kerfisviðmót'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Nota til vara staðvært API-kerfisviðmót'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Þetta
myndskeiðer ekki tiltækt vegna þess að það vantar skráasnið. Þetta getur gest ef
þau eru ekki tiltæk í viðkomandi landi.'
@@ -967,11 +1084,6 @@ Starting download: Byrja að sækja "{videoTitle}"
Downloading failed: Vandamál kom upp við að sækja "{videoTitle}"
Screenshot Error: Skjámyndataka mistókst. {error}
Screenshot Success: Vistaði skjámynd sem "{filePath}"
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: Rás
- Video: Myndskeið
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Þetta {videoOrPlaylist} er með aldurstakmörkunum
New Window: Nýr gluggi
Search bar placeholder: Leita í rásum
@@ -1002,3 +1114,6 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Spilunarlisti mun fara í bi
að núverandi myndskeið klárast
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Spilunarlisti mun ekki fara
í bið eftir að núverandi myndskeið klárast
+Go to page: Fara á {page}
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} bætt við rásasíu'
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} fjarlægt úr rásasíu'
diff --git a/static/locales/it.yaml b/static/locales/it.yaml
index b84f3bc3c526a..1f20c1bd6e97d 100644
--- a/static/locales/it.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/it.yaml
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 iscritto | {count} iscritti
View Count: 1 visualizzazione | {count} visualizzazioni
Watching Count: 1 spettatore | {count} spettatori
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Il tag deve essere lungo almeno {number} caratteri
Search / Go to URL: 'Cerca o aggiungi URL YouTube'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ Subscriptions:
Load More Videos: Carica più video
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Questo
- profilo ha un grande numero di iscrizioni. Utilizzerò RSS per evitare limitazioni
+ profilo ha un grande numero di iscrizioni. Userò RSS per evitare limitazioni
Error Channels: Canali con errori
Disabled Automatic Fetching: Hai disabilitato il recupero automatico dell'abbonamento.
Aggiorna gli abbonamenti per vederli qui.
@@ -122,9 +124,100 @@ User Playlists:
Playlist Message: Questa pagina non è rappresentativa di una playlist completa.
Mostra solo i video che hai salvato o aggiunto ai preferiti. A lavoro finito,
tutti i video che si trovano qui saranno spostati in una playlist preferiti.
- Search bar placeholder: Cerca nella Playlist
+ Search bar placeholder: Cerca nella playlist
Empty Search Message: Non ci sono video in questa playlist che corrispondono alla
tua ricerca
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Sei
+ sicuro di voler rimuovere tutti i video guardati da questa playlist? Questa operazione
+ non può essere annullata.
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: Cerca nelle playlist
+ Save: Salva
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 video aggiunto
+ a {playlistCount} playlist | {videoCount} video aggiunti a {playlistCount}
+ playlist
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 video aggiunto a 1 playlist |
+ {videoCount} video aggiunti a 1 playlist
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Non hai ancora selezionato nessuna playlist.
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Seleziona una playlist a cui aggiungere
+ il tuo video | Seleziona una playlist a cui aggiungere i tuoi {videoCount} video
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} selezionate'
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ There were no videos to remove.: Non c'erano video da rimuovere.
+ Video has been removed: Il video è stato rimosso
+ Playlist has been updated.: La playlist è stata aggiornata.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Si è verificato un problema
+ con l'aggiornamento di questa playlist.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Questo video non può essere spostato verso l'alto.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Questa playlist è protetta
+ e non può essere rimossa.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: La playlist {playlistName} è stata
+ eliminata.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Alcuni
+ video nella playlist non sono ancora stati caricati. Clicca qui per copiare
+ comunque.
+ This playlist does not exist: Questa playlist non esiste
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Il nome della playlist
+ non può essere vuoto. Per favore inserisci un nome.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Si è verificato un problema durante
+ la rimozione di questo video
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 video è stato rimosso | {videoCount}
+ video sono stati rimossi
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Questo video non può essere spostato verso
+ il basso.
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Questa playlist è ora usata per
+ i segnalibri rapidi
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Segnalibro rapido disabilitato
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Ripristinato l'uso di
+ {oldPlaylistName} per i segnalibri rapidi
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Questa
+ playlist è ora usata per i segnalibri rapidi al posto di {oldPlaylistName}.
+ Fai clic qui per annullare
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Sei sicuro
+ di voler eliminare questa playlist? Questa operazione non può essere annullata.
+ Sort By:
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Riproduzione più recente
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Creazione più vecchia
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Creazione più recente
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Aggiornamento più vecchio
+ Sort By: Ordina per
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Riproduzione più vecchia
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Aggiornamento più recente
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Non
+ hai playlist. Fai clic sul pulsante Crea nuova playlist per crearne una nuova.
+ Remove from Playlist: Rimuovi dalla playlist
+ Save Changes: Salva le modifiche
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Crea
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Si è verificato un problema
+ con la creazione della playlist.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: La playlist {playlistName}
+ è stata creata con successo.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Esiste
+ già una playlist con questo nome. Scegli un nome diverso.
+ New Playlist Name: Nuovo nome della playlist
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Questa playlist attualmente non contiene
+ video.
+ Add to Playlist: Aggiungi alla playlist
+ Move Video Down: Sposta il video in basso
+ Playlist Name: Nome della playlist
+ Remove Watched Videos: Rimuovi i video guardati
+ Move Video Up: Sposta il video in alto
+ Cancel: Annulla
+ Delete Playlist: Elimina playlist
+ Create New Playlist: Crea nuova playlist
+ Edit Playlist Info: Modifica informazioni playlist
+ Copy Playlist: Copia playlist
+ Playlist Description: Descrizione della playlist
+ Add to Favorites: Aggiungi a {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Rimuovi da {playlistName}
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Abilita segnalibro rapido con questa playlist
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Disabilita segnalibro rapido
# On History Page
History: 'Cronologia'
@@ -158,6 +251,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Nel mezzo'
End: 'Fine'
Hidden: Nascoste
+ Blur: Sfocatura
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Istanza Invidious
(La predefinita è https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Regione per le tendenze'
@@ -193,6 +287,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Cappuccino moka
Pastel Pink: Rosa pastello
Hot Pink: Rosa caldo
+ Nordic: Nordico
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Colore principale del tema'
Red: 'Rosso'
@@ -318,6 +413,10 @@ Settings:
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Salva i video guardati con l'ultima
playlist vista
+ All playlists have been removed: Tutte le playlist sono state rimosse
+ Remove All Playlists: Rimuovi tutte le playlist
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere
+ tutte le tue playlist?
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Impostazioni delle iscrizioni'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Nascondi i video visualizzati'
@@ -330,6 +429,8 @@ Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Come importo le mie iscrizioni?'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: Scarica gli aggiornamenti dai flussi RSS
Fetch Automatically: Recupera i feed automaticamente
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Mostra solo il video più recente per
+ ciascun canale
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Impostazioni Avanzate'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Abilità modalità Sviluppatore
@@ -408,6 +509,14 @@ Settings:
History File: File della cronologia
Subscription File: File delle iscrizioni
Playlist File: File delle playlist
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "Questa opzione esporta i video da tutte le playlist in una playlist
+ denominata \"Preferiti\".\nCome esportare e importare video nelle playlist
+ per una versione precedente di FreeTube:\n1. Esporta le tue playlist con questa
+ opzione abilitata.\n2. Elimina tutte le playlist esistenti usando l'opzione
+ Rimuovi tutte le playlist in Impostazioni della privacy.\n3. Avvia la versione
+ precedente di FreeTube e importa le playlist esportate."
+ Label: Esporta playlist per versioni precedenti di FreeTube
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Popular Videos: Nascondi i video più popolari
Hide Trending Videos: Nascondi le tendenze
@@ -427,9 +536,9 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: Nascondi i capitoli
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Nascondi le prossime Première
Hide Channels: Nascondi i video dai canali
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Nome o ID del canale
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Visualizza i titoli senza un
- uso eccessivo di maiuscole
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID del canale
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Visualizza i titoli senza maiuscole
+ e punteggiatura eccessive
Hide Featured Channels: Nascondi i canali in evidenza
Hide Channel Playlists: Nascondi le playlist del canale
Hide Channel Community: Nascondi la comunità del canale
@@ -448,6 +557,17 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Nascondi le immagini del profilo nei commenti
Blur Thumbnails: Miniature sfocate
Hide Subscriptions Community: Nascondi la comunità di iscritti
+ Hide Channels Invalid: L'ID canale fornito non è valido
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Alcuni canali sono stati bloccati usando l'ID
+ e non sono stati elaborati. La funzionalità è bloccata durante l'aggiornamento
+ di tali ID
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: L'ID canale esiste già
+ Hide Channels API Error: Errore durante il recupero dell'utente con l'ID fornito.
+ Controlla di nuovo se l'ID è corretto.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Nascondi i video e le playlist contenenti
+ il testo
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Parola, frammento di parola
+ o frase
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: L'app
deve essere riavviata affinché le modifiche abbiano effetto. Riavviare e applicare
la modifica?
@@ -482,7 +602,10 @@ Settings:
Prompt To Skip: Chiedi di saltare
Do Nothing: Non fare nulla
Category Color: Colore della categoria
- UseDeArrowTitles: Usa i titoli dei video DeArrow
+ UseDeArrowTitles: Usa i titoli dei video di DeArrow
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Usa DeArrow per le miniature
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': URL
+ dell'API del generatore di miniature DeArrow (l'impostazione predefinita è https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Argomenti del lettore esterno personalizzato
Custom External Player Executable: File eseguibile del lettore esterno personalizzato
@@ -492,6 +615,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Nessuno
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ignora argomenti predefiniti
Download Settings:
Download Settings: Impostazioni dei download
Ask Download Path: Chiedi il percorso di download
@@ -507,10 +631,10 @@ Settings:
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Sostituisci la cache HTTP
Experimental Settings: Impostazioni sperimentali
- Warning: Queste impostazioni sono sperimentali, causano arresti anomali se abilitate.
- Si consiglia prima di fare un backup. Utilizzare a proprio rischio!
+ Warning: Queste Impostazioni sono sperimentali, causano arresti anomali se abilitate.
+ Si consiglia prima di fare un backup. Usare a proprio rischio!
Password Dialog:
- Enter Password To Unlock: Inserisci la password per sbloccare le impostazioni
+ Enter Password To Unlock: Inserisci la password per sbloccare le Impostazioni
Password Incorrect: Password non corretta
Password: Password
Unlock: Sblocca
@@ -518,8 +642,9 @@ Settings:
Set Password: Imposta password
Password Settings: Impostazioni password
Set Password To Prevent Access: Imposta una password per impedire l'accesso alle
- impostazioni
+ Impostazioni
Remove Password: Rimuovi password
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Espandi tutte le sezioni delle Impostazioni
#On About page
About: 'Informazioni'
@@ -566,13 +691,13 @@ About:
Credits: Crediti
Translate: Traduzioni
room rules: regole stanza
- Please read the: Si prega di leggere
+ Please read the: Per favore leggi
Chat on Matrix: Chatta su Matrix
Mastodon: Mastodon
Email: E-mail
Website: Sito web
- Please check for duplicates before posting: Per favore controlla se ci sono duplicati
- prima di pubblicare
+ Please check for duplicates before posting: Controlla se ci sono duplicati prima
+ di pubblicare
View License: Vedi licenza
Licensed under the AGPLv3: Distribuito sotto la licenza AGPLv3
Source code: Codice sorgente
@@ -627,6 +752,7 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} voti'
Reveal Answers: Rivela le risposte
Hide Answers: Nascondi le risposte
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Video nascosto da FreeTube
Live: Dal vivo
This channel does not currently have any live streams: Questo canale attualmente
@@ -643,9 +769,9 @@ Channel:
This channel does not currently have any releases: Questo canale non ha attualmente
alcun rilascio
- Mark As Watched: 'Segna come già visto'
+ Mark As Watched: 'Contrassegna come guardato'
Remove From History: 'Rimuovi dalla cronologia'
- Video has been marked as watched: 'Il video è stato contrassegnato come già visto'
+ Video has been marked as watched: 'Il video è stato contrassegnato come guardato'
Video has been removed from your history: 'Il video è stato rimosso dalla cronologia'
Open in YouTube: 'Apri con YouTube'
Copy YouTube Link: 'Copia link YouTube'
@@ -786,6 +912,9 @@ Video:
chat dal vivo non è disponibile per questo video. Potrebbe essere stata disattivata
dall'autore del caricamento.
Pause on Current Video: Pausa sul video attuale
+ Unhide Channel: Mostra canale
+ Hide Channel: Nascondi canale
+ More Options: Più opzioni
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -869,7 +998,7 @@ Up Next: 'Prossimi video'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Errore API Locale (Clicca per copiare)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Errore API Invidious (Clicca per copiare)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Torno alle API Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Torno alle API locali'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Torno alle API locali'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Le Iscrizioni non sono ancora state
Loop is now disabled: 'Il loop è ora disabilitato'
@@ -934,6 +1063,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Filtro del profilo
Profile Settings: Impostazioni dei profili
Toggle Profile List: Attiva/disattiva elenco profili
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Apri il menu a discesa del profilo
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Chiudi il menu a discesa del profilo
+ Profile Name: Nome del profilo
+ Edit Profile Name: Modifica il nome del profilo
+ Create Profile Name: Crea un nome per il profilo
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: Questo
video non è disponibile a causa di alcuni formati mancanti. Questo può succedere
in caso di mancata disponibilità della nazione.
@@ -954,13 +1088,13 @@ Tooltips:
o indietro per controllare la velocità di riproduzione. Tieni premuto il tasto
CTRL (Command su Mac) e clicca con il tasto sinistro del mouse per tornare rapidamente
alla velocità di riproduzione predefinita (1x a meno che non sia stata cambiata
- nelle impostazioni).
+ nelle Impostazioni).
Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Usa la rotella di scorrimento per saltare
il video, in stile MPV.
Allow DASH AV1 formats: I formati DASH AV1 possono avere un aspetto migliore dei
formati DASH H.264. I formati DASH AV1 richiedono più potenza per la riproduzione!
- Non sono disponibili su tutti i video, in questo caso il lettore utilizzerà
- invece i formati DASH H.264.
+ Non sono disponibili su tutti i video, in questo caso il lettore userà invece
+ i formati DASH H.264.
Subscription Settings:
Fetch Feeds from RSS: Se abilitato, FreeTube userà gli RSS invece del metodo standard
per leggere le iscrizioni. Gli RSS sono più veloci e impediscono il blocco dell'IP,
@@ -975,9 +1109,9 @@ Tooltips:
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Quando le API preferite hanno un
problema, FreeTube userà automaticamente le API secondarie come riserva (se
- Preferred API Backend: Scegli il backend utilizzato da FreeTube per ottenere i
- dati. Le API locali sono integrate nel programma. Le API Invidious richiedono
- un server Invidious al quale connettersi.
+ Preferred API Backend: Scegli il backend usato da FreeTube per ottenere i dati.
+ Le API locali sono integrate nel programma. Le API Invidious richiedono un server
+ Invidious al quale connettersi.
Region for Trending: La regione delle tendenze permette di scegliere la nazione
di cui si vogliono vedere i video di tendenza.
External Link Handling: "Scegli il comportamento predefinito quando si fa clic
@@ -993,26 +1127,34 @@ Tooltips:
un percorso personalizzato può essere impostato qui.
External Player: Scegliendo un lettore esterno sarà visualizzata sulla miniatura
un'icona per aprire il video nel lettore esterno (se la playlist lo supporta).
- Attenzione, le impostazioni Invidious non influiscono sui lettori esterni.
+ Attenzione, le Impostazioni Invidious non influiscono sui lettori esterni.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: '(Predefinito: {defaultCustomArguments})'
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Non inviare argomenti predefiniti al lettore esterno
+ oltre all'URL del video (ad esempio velocità di riproduzione, URL della playlist,
+ ecc.). Gli argomenti personalizzati verranno comunque trasmessi.
Privacy Settings:
Remove Video Meta Files: Se abilitato, quando chiuderai la pagina di riproduzione
, FreeTube eliminerà automaticamente i metafile creati durante la visione del
video .
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Disabilita la cache HTTP basata su disco Electron e abilita
- una cache di immagini in memoria personalizzata. Comporta un aumento dell'utilizzo
+ una cache di immagini in memoria personalizzata. Comporta un aumento dell'uso
della RAM.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Inserisci il nome o l'ID di un canale per impedire che tutti i
- video, le playlist e il canale stesso vengano visualizzati nelle ricerche, tendenze,
- più popolari e consigliati. Il nome del canale inserito deve avere una corrispondenza
+ Hide Channels: Inserisci l'ID di un canale per impedire che tutti i video, le
+ playlist e il canale stesso vengano visualizzati nelle ricerche, tendenze, più
+ popolari e consigliati. Il nome del canale inserito deve avere una corrispondenza
completa e fa distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Questa impostazione è sovrascritta dall'impostazione
"{appWideSetting}" a livello di app, nella sezione "{subsection}" di "{settingsSection}"
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Inserisci una parola, un frammento
+ di parola o una frase (senza distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole) per nascondere
+ tutti i video e le playlist i cui titoli originali la contengono in tutto FreeTube,
+ escludendo solo Cronologia, Le tue playlist e i video all'interno delle playlist.
SponsorBlock Settings:
- UseDeArrowTitles: Sostituisci i titoli dei video con titoli inviati dagli utenti
- da DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowTitles: Sostituisci i titoli dei video coi titoli inviati dagli utenti
+ di DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Sostituisci le miniature dei video con le miniature di DeArrow.
Playing Next Video Interval: Riproduzione del video successivo tra un attimo. Clicca
per annullare. | Riproduzione del video successivo tra {nextVideoInterval} secondi.
Clicca per annullare. | Riproduzione del video successivo tra {nextVideoInterval}
@@ -1030,20 +1172,13 @@ Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Tipo di URL di YouTube sconos
Search Bar:
Clear Input: Pulisci ricerca
External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: L'apertura dei link
- esterni è stata disabilitata nelle impostazioni generali
+ esterni è stata disabilitata nelle Impostazioni generali
Are you sure you want to open this link?: Sei sicuro di voler aprire questo link?
Downloading has completed: 'Il download di "{videoTitle}" è terminato'
Starting download: Avvio del download di "{videoTitle}"
Downloading failed: Si è verificato un problema durante il download di "{videoTitle}"
Screenshot Success: Screenshot salvato come "{filePath}"
Screenshot Error: Screenshot non riuscito. {error}
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: Questo {instance} è limitato dall'età
- Type:
- Channel: Canale
- Video: Video
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Questo {videoOrPlaylist} ha limiti di
- età
New Window: Nuova finestra
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} è stato rimosso dalle tue iscrizioni'
@@ -1074,3 +1209,13 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: La playlist verrà messa in
al termine del video attuale
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: La playlist non verrà messa
in pausa al termine del video attuale
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} aggiunto al filtro canali'
+Go to page: Vai a {page}
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} rimosso dal filtro canali'
+Tag already exists: Il tag "{tagName}" esiste già
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: L'input troncato deve essere lungo
+ almeno 1 carattere | L'input troncato deve essere lungo almeno {length} caratteri
+Age Restricted:
+ This video is age restricted: Questo video è soggetto a limiti di età
+ This channel is age restricted: Questo canale è soggetto a limiti di età
+Close Banner: Chiudi banner
diff --git a/static/locales/ja.yaml b/static/locales/ja.yaml
index bfd3cd8de68b0..f851625cbf295 100644
--- a/static/locales/ja.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/ja.yaml
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Global:
Video Count: 1 件の動画 | {count} 件の動画
Subscriber Count: 1 登録者 | {count} 登録者
- View Count: 1 回表示 | {count} 回表示
+ View Count: 1 回視聴 | {count} 回視聴
Watching Count: 1 人が視聴中 | {count} 人が視聴中
Channel Count: 1 チャンネル | {count} チャンネル
Search / Go to URL: '検索 / URL の表示'
@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: 動画リスト内の検索
Empty Search Message: この再生リストに、検索に一致する動画はありません
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: 存在、この再生リストには動画があっていません。
+ Create New Playlist: 新規再生リストを作られる
+ Sort By:
+ NameAscending: A-Z
# On History Page
History: '履歴'
@@ -145,6 +149,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: '中間'
End: '終了'
Hidden: 非表示
+ Blur: ぼかし
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': '接続先の Invidious
サーバー(初期値は https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: '急上昇の地域設定'
@@ -275,7 +280,7 @@ Settings:
Folder Button: フォルダーの選択
Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: 横画面時にフルスクリーンにする
Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: 動画プレーヤーでスクロールしてスキップ可能にする
- Allow DASH AV1 formats: DASH AV1形式を許可する
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: DASH AV1形式を許可
Comment Auto Load:
Comment Auto Load: コメント自動読み込み
Subscription Settings:
@@ -387,7 +392,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: チャプターの非表示
Hide Upcoming Premieres: 今後のプレミア公開を非表示
Hide Channels: チャンネルから動画を非表示
- Hide Channels Placeholder: チャネル名または ID
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: チャンネル ID
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: 英語の大文字化を控えたタイトル表示
Hide Channel Playlists: チャンネル再生リストの非表示
Hide Channel Community: チャンネル コミュニティの非表示
@@ -407,6 +412,10 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: コメントでプロフィール写真を隠す
Blur Thumbnails: サムネイルをぼかす
Hide Subscriptions Community: チャンネルの購読者リストの非公開
+ Hide Channels Invalid: 提供チャンネル ID 無効
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: 一部のチャンネルが ID を使用してブロックされ、処理されませんでした。これらの ID が更新されている間、機能はブロックされます
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: 既に存在するチャンネル ID
+ Hide Channels API Error: 提供された ID のユーザーを取得できませんでした。ID が正しいかどうかをもう一度確認してください。
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: 変更の反映には、アプリの再起動が必要です。再起動して変更を適用しますか?
Proxy Settings:
Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: ネットワーク情報の取得中にエラーが発生しました。プロキシーを正しく設定してますか?
@@ -460,7 +469,8 @@ Settings:
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: HTTP キャッシュの置換
Experimental Settings: 実験中の設定
- Warning: この設定項目は実験中であるため、有効にするとクラッシュすることがあります。必ずバックアップを作成してください。使用は自己責任でお願いします!
+ Warning:
+ これらの設定は実験的なものであり、有効にするとアプリのクラッシュを引き起こす恐れがあります。バックアップをとっておくことを強くお勧めします。自己責任で使用してください!
Password Settings:
Password Settings: パスワード設定
Set Password To Prevent Access: 設定の変更にはパスワードを設定とする
@@ -788,7 +798,7 @@ Up Next: '次の動画'
Local API Error (Click to copy): '内部 API エラー(クリックするとコピー)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API エラー(クリックするとコピー)'
Falling back to Invidious API: '代替の Invidious API に切替'
-Falling back to the local API: '代替の内部 API に切替'
+Falling back to Local API: '代替の内部 API に切替'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: '登録チャンネルは未実装です'
Loop is now disabled: 'ループ再生を無効にしました'
Loop is now enabled: 'ループ再生を有効にしました'
@@ -844,7 +854,7 @@ The playlist has been reversed: 再生リストを逆順にしました
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: '新着ブログ公開、{blogTitle}。クリックしてブログを読む'
Download From Site: サイトからダウンロード
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 最新バージョン {versionNumber}
- 配信中! 詳細はクリックして確認してください
+ 配信中!詳細はクリックして確認してください
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: この動画は、動画形式の情報が利用できないため再生できません。再生が許可されていない国で発生します。
Subscription Settings:
@@ -860,8 +870,8 @@ Tooltips:
Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: カーソルが動画上にあるとき、Ctrl キー(Mac では Command キー)を押したまま、マウスホイールを前後にスクロールして再生速度を調整します。Control
キー(Mac では Command キー)を押したままマウスを左クリックすると、すぐにデフォルトの再生速度(設定を変更していない場合は 1 x)に戻ります。
Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: スクロール ホイールを使用して、ビデオ、MPV スタイルをスキップします。
- Allow DASH AV1 formats: DASH H.264形式よりDASH AV1形式の方がきれいに見える可能性があるけど、再生には必要な電力がより多い。全ての動画でDASH
- AV1を利用できないため、プレイヤーはDASH H.264形式に自動変更する場合があります。
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: DASH H.264形式よりもDASH AV1形式の方がきれいに見える可能性がありますが、再生にはより多くの処理能力が必要となります。DASH
+ AV1形式を使用できない場合、プレイヤーはDASH H.264形式を自動で使用します。
General Settings:
Invidious Instance: FreeTube が使用する Invidious API の接続先サーバーです。
Preferred API Backend: FreeTube が youtube からデータを取得する方法を選択します。「内部 API」とはアプリから取得する方法です。「Invidious
@@ -886,8 +896,8 @@ Tooltips:
Replace HTTP Cache: Electron のディスクに基づく HTTP キャッシュを無効化し、メモリ内で独自の画像キャッシュを使用します。このことにより
RAM の使用率は増加します。
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: チャンネル名またはチャンネル ID
- を入力すると、すべてのビデオ、再生リスト、チャンネル自体が検索や人気、およびおすすめに表示されなくなります。入力するチャンネル名は、大文字と小文字を区別するので完全に一致させてください。
+ Hide Channels: チャンネル ID を入力すると、すべてのビデオ、再生リスト、チャンネル自体が検索や人気、およびおすすめに表示されなくなります。入力するチャンネル
+ ID は、大文字と小文字を区別するので完全に一致させてください。
Hide Subscriptions Live: この設定は、アプリ全体の "{appWideSetting}" 設定により上書きされます。"{settingsSection}"
項目の "{subsection}" にあります
SponsorBlock Settings:
@@ -907,12 +917,6 @@ Are you sure you want to open this link?: このリンクを開きますか?
Starting download: '"{videoTitle}" のダウンロードを開始します'
Downloading has completed: '"{videoTitle}" のダウンロードが終了しました'
Downloading failed: '"{videoTitle}" のダウンロード中に問題が発生しました'
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: '{instance} は 18 歳以上の視聴者向け動画です'
- Type:
- Channel: チャンネル
- Video: 動画
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: この {videoOrPlaylist} は年齢制限があります
Channels: チャンネル
Unsubscribe: 登録解除
@@ -941,3 +945,5 @@ Hashtag:
This hashtag does not currently have any videos: このハッシュタグには現在動画がありません
Playlist will pause when current video is finished: 現在のビデオが終了すると、プレイリストは停止します
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: 現在のビデオが終了しても、プレイリストは停止しません
+Close Banner: バナーを閉じる
+Go to page: '{page}に行く'
diff --git a/static/locales/km.yaml b/static/locales/km.yaml
index 236c1b9e301e9..8e3988d771be1 100644
--- a/static/locales/km.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/km.yaml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# Put the name of your locale in the same language
-Locale Name: 'ខ្មែរ'
-FreeTube: 'ខ្មែរ'
+Locale Name: 'ភាសាខ្មែរ'
+FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
- ខ្មែរ
+ ផ្នែកនេះនៃកម្មវិធីមិនទាន់រួចរាល់នៅឡើយទេ។ ត្រលប់មកវិញនៅពេលក្រោយ ពេលដែលវឌ្ឍនភាពត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើង។
# Webkit Menu Bar
-File: 'ខ្មែរ'
-Quit: 'ខ្មែរ'
-Edit: 'ខ្មែរ'
-Undo: 'ខ្មែរ'
+File: 'ឯកសារ'
+Quit: 'ចាកចេញ'
+Edit: 'កែ'
+Undo: 'អាន់ឌូ'
Search Filters: {}
# On Settings Page
@@ -18,3 +18,12 @@ Settings:
Videos: {}
Tooltips: {}
+New Window: ផ្ទាំងថ្មី
+Copy: ចម្លង
+Redo: រីឌូ
+Reload: ផ្ទុកជាថ្មី
+Select all: រើសទាំងអស់
+Paste: បិតភ្ជាប់
+Force Reload: បង្ខំឱ្យផ្ទុកជាថ្មី
+Delete: លុប
+Cut: កាត់
diff --git a/static/locales/ko.yaml b/static/locales/ko.yaml
index ca0f79a618155..48ab70bc08ce1 100644
--- a/static/locales/ko.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/ko.yaml
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ Forward: '앞으로가기'
Videos: '비디오'
+ Live: 실시간
+ Community: 커뮤니티
+ Shorts: 쇼츠
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: '{versionNumber}
버전이 사용가능합니다! 클릭하여 자세한 정보를 확인하세요'
Download From Site: '사이트로부터 다운로드'
@@ -719,8 +722,8 @@ Tooltips:
Thumbnail Preference: 'FreeTube 전체의 모든 썸네일은 기본 썸네일 대신 비디오 프레임으로 대체됩니다.'
Invidious Instance: 'FreeTube가 API 호출을 위해 연결할 Invidious 인스턴스입니다.'
Region for Trending: '트렌드 지역을 통해 표시하고 싶은 국가의 트렌드 비디오를 선택할 수 있습니다.'
- External Link Handling: "FreeTube에서 열 수 없는 링크를 클릭할 때 기본 동작을 선택합니다.\n기본적으로 FreeTube는\
- \ 기본 브라우저에서 클릭한 링크를 엽니다.\n"
+ External Link Handling: "FreeTube에서 열 수 없는 링크를 클릭할 때 기본 동작을 선택합니다.\n기본적으로 FreeTube는
+ 기본 브라우저에서 클릭한 링크를 엽니다.\n"
Player Settings:
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Invidious API가 기본값인 경우에만 작동합니다. 활성화되면
로컬 API가 실행되고 Invidious에서 반환된 형식 대신 해당 형식에서 반환된 레거시 형식을 사용합니다. Invidious에서 반환한
@@ -758,7 +761,7 @@ Tooltips:
Local API Error (Click to copy): '로컬 API 오류(복사하려면 클릭)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API 오류(복사하려면 클릭)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Invidious API로 대체'
-Falling back to the local API: '로컬 API로 대체'
+Falling back to Local API: '로컬 API로 대체'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: '이
동영상은 형식이 누락되어 사용할 수 없습니다. 이는 국가를 사용할 수 없기 때문에 발생할 수 있습니다.'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: '구독이 아직 구현되지 않았습니다'
@@ -801,11 +804,6 @@ Channels:
Unsubscribe Prompt: '"{channelName}"에서 구독을 취소하시겠습니까?'
Count: '{number} 채널이 발견되었습니다.'
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} 구독에서 제거되었습니다'
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Video: 비디오
- Channel: 채널
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: 이 {instance}는 연령 제한입니다
Downloading has completed: '"{videoTitle}" 다운로드가 완료되었습니다'
Starting download: '"{videoTitle}" 다운로드를 시작하는 중'
Downloading failed: '"{videoTitle}"를 다운로드하는 동안 문제가 발생했습니다'
diff --git a/static/locales/ku.yaml b/static/locales/ku.yaml
index 51fdcd61231d9..1879548c39748 100644
--- a/static/locales/ku.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/ku.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Put the name of your locale in the same language
-Locale Name: 'kur-ckb'
+Locale Name: 'کوردی ناوەڕاست'
FreeTube: 'فریتیوب'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@ FreeTube: 'فریتیوب'
# Webkit Menu Bar
-File: 'فایل'
-Quit: 'چونەدەرەوە'
-Edit: 'دەستکاریکردن'
-Undo: 'گەڕانەوە'
+File: 'پەڕگە'
+Quit: 'دەرچوون'
+Edit: 'دەستکاری'
+Undo: 'پووچکردنەوە'
Redo: 'هێنانەوە'
Cut: 'بڕین'
-Copy: 'کۆپی'
-Paste: 'پەیست'
+Copy: 'لەبەرگرتنەوە'
+Paste: 'لکاندن'
Delete: 'سڕینەوە'
Select all: 'دیاریکردنی هەمووی'
-Reload: 'دوبارە دابەزاندن'
-Force Reload: 'دوباری دابەزاندی بەهێز'
-Toggle Developer Tools: 'ئەدەواتەکانی دیڤیڵۆپەر بەردەست بخە'
-Actual size: 'گەورەیی راستی'
+Reload: 'بارکردنەوە'
+Force Reload: 'بارکردنەوەی بەزۆر'
+Toggle Developer Tools: 'زامنی ئامرازەکانی گەشەپێدەر'
+Actual size: 'قەبارەی ڕاستەقینە'
Zoom in: 'زووم کردنە ناوەوە'
Zoom out: 'زووم کردنە دەرەوە'
Toggle fullscreen: 'شاشەکەت پرکەرەوە'
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ Close: 'داخستن'
Back: 'گەڕانەوە'
Forward: 'چونەپێشەوە'
-Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'ڤێرژنی {versionNumber}
- ئێستا بەردەستە! کلیک بکە بۆ زانیاری زیاتر'
-Download From Site: 'دایبەزێنە لە سایتەکەوە'
+Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'ئێستا وەشانی {versionNumber}
+ بەردەستە..بۆ زانیاری زۆرتر کرتە بکە'
+Download From Site: 'لە وێبگەوە دایگرە'
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'بڵۆگێکی نوێ بەردەستە،
{blogTitle}. کلیک بکە بۆ بینینی زیاتر'
@@ -190,3 +190,8 @@ Profile:
Removed {profile} from your profiles: 'سڕاوەتەوە لە پرۆفایلەکانت {profile}'
Playlists: {}
+New Window: پەنجەرەی نوێ
+Go to page: بڕۆ بۆ {page}
+Preferences: هەڵبژاردەکان
+Are you sure you want to open this link?: دڵنیایت دەتەوێت ئەم بەستەرە بکەیتەوە؟
+Open New Window: کردنەوەی پەنجەرەیەکی نوێ
diff --git a/static/locales/lt.yaml b/static/locales/lt.yaml
index ab3fab325f73b..aa301bcd3fd91 100644
--- a/static/locales/lt.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/lt.yaml
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ Global:
Live: Tiesiogiai
Shorts: Šortai
Community: Bendruomenė
+ Counts:
+ Subscriber Count: 1 prenumeruoti | {count} prenumeratorių
+ Channel Count: 1 kanalas | {count} kanalai
+ Video Count: 1 vaizdo įrašas | {count} vaizdo įrašai
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Versija {versionNumber}
jau prieinama! Spustelėkite, jei norite gauti daugiau informacijos'
Download From Site: 'Atsisiųsti iš svetainės'
@@ -839,7 +843,7 @@ Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Vietinė API klaida (spustelėkite, jei norite
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API klaida (spustelėkite, jei norite
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Grįžtama prie Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Grįžtama prie vietinio API'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Grįžtama prie vietinio API'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Šis
vaizdo įrašas nepasiekiamas, nes trūksta formatų. Tai gali nutikti dėl to, kad šalis
yra nepasiekiama.'
@@ -884,12 +888,6 @@ Channels:
Unsubscribe: Atšaukti prenumeratą
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} buvo pašalintas iš jūsų prenumeratų'
Unsubscribe Prompt: Ar tikrai norite atšaukti {channelName} prenumeratą?
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: Kanalas
- Video: Vaizdo įrašas
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Šis {videoOrPlaylist} ribojamas pagal
- amžių
Downloading has completed: „{videoTitle}“ atsisiuntimas baigtas
Starting download: Pradedamas „{videoTitle}“ atsisiuntimas
Downloading failed: Atsisiunčiant „{videoTitle}“ kilo problema
@@ -906,3 +904,5 @@ Clipboard:
Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: Negalima pasiekti iškarpinės
be saugaus ryšio
Preferences: Nuostatos
+Go to page: Eiti į {page}
+Close Banner: Uždaryti baneris
diff --git a/static/locales/lv.yaml b/static/locales/lv.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..130bb3cbfbf46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/locales/lv.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+# Put the name of your locale in the same language
+Locale Name: 'Latviešu'
+FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
+# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
+'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >
+# Webkit Menu Bar
+File: 'Datne'
+New Window: 'Jauns logs'
+Preferences: 'Iestatījumi'
+Quit: 'Iziet'
+Edit: 'Rediģēt'
+Undo: 'Atcelt'
+Redo: 'Darīt vēlreiz'
+Cut: 'Izgriezt'
+Copy: 'Kopēt'
+Paste: 'Ielīmēt'
+Delete: 'Dzēst'
+Select all: 'Iezīmēt visu'
+Reload: 'Pārlādēt'
+Force Reload: 'Piespiedu pārlāde'
+Toggle Developer Tools: 'Ieslēgt izstrādātāja rīkus'
+Actual size: 'Patiesais izmērs'
+Zoom in: 'Tuvināt'
+Zoom out: 'Tālināt'
+Toggle fullscreen: 'Pilnekrāns'
+Window: 'Logs'
+Minimize: 'Samazināt'
+Close: 'Aizvērt'
+Back: 'Atpakaļ'
+Forward: 'Uz priekšu'
+Open New Window: 'Atvērt jaunu logu'
+Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: ''
+Download From Site: 'Lejuplādēt no vietnes'
+A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: ''
+Are you sure you want to open this link?: ''
+# Global
+# Anything shared among components / views should be put here
+ Videos: 'Video'
+ Shorts: 'Īsie'
+ Live: 'Tiešraides'
+ Community: 'Kopiena'
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: ''
+ Channel Count: ''
+ Subscriber Count: ''
+ View Count: ''
+ Watching Count: ''
+# Search Bar
+Search / Go to URL: ''
+Search Bar:
+ Clear Input: 'Tīrīt ievadi'
+ # In Filter Button
+Search Filters:
+ Search Filters: ''
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: ''
+ Most Relevant: 'Visatbilstošākie'
+ Rating: 'Vērtējums'
+ Upload Date: 'Augšuplādes datums'
+ View Count: 'Skatījumi'
+ Time:
+ Time: 'Laiks'
+ Any Time: 'Jebkurā laikā'
+ Last Hour: 'Pēdējā stundā'
+ Today: 'Šodien'
+ This Week: 'Šonedēļ'
+ This Month: 'Šomēnes'
+ This Year: 'Šogad'
+ Type:
+ Type: 'Veids'
+ All Types: 'Visi veidi'
+ Videos: 'Video'
+ Channels: 'Kanāli'
+ Movies: 'Filmas'
+ #& Playlists
+ Duration:
+ Duration: 'Ilgums'
+ All Durations: 'Visi ilgumi'
+ Short (< 4 minutes): 'Īss (<4 minūtēm)'
+ Medium (4 - 20 minutes): 'Vidējs (4 - 20 minūtes)'
+ Long (> 20 minutes): 'Ilgs (> 20 minūtes)'
+ # On Search Page
+ Search Results: ''
+ Fetching results. Please wait: ''
+ Fetch more results: ''
+ There are no more results for this search: ''
+# Sidebar
+ # On Subscriptions Page
+ Subscriptions: ''
+ # channels that were likely deleted
+ Error Channels: ''
+ Latest Subscriptions: ''
+ This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: ''
+ 'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': ''
+ Disabled Automatic Fetching: ''
+ Empty Channels: ''
+ 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': ''
+ Empty Posts: ''
+ Refresh Subscriptions: ''
+ Load More Videos: ''
+ Load More Posts: 'Ielādēt vairāk ierakstus'
+ Subscriptions Tabs: ''
+ All Subscription Tabs Hidden: ''
+More: ''
+ Channels: ''
+ Title: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ''
+ Count: ''
+ Empty: ''
+ Unsubscribe: ''
+ Unsubscribed: ''
+ Unsubscribe Prompt: ''
+ Trending: ''
+ Default: ''
+ Music: 'Mūzika'
+ Gaming: 'Spēles'
+ Movies: 'Filmas'
+ Trending Tabs: ''
+Most Popular: ''
+Playlists: ''
+User Playlists:
+ Your Playlists: ''
+ Playlist Message: ''
+ Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: ''
+ Empty Search Message: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ''
+ # On History Page
+ History: ''
+ Watch History: ''
+ Your history list is currently empty.: ''
+ Empty Search Message: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ""
+ # On Settings Page
+ Settings: ''
+ The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: ''
+ General Settings:
+ General Settings: 'Galvenie iestatījumi'
+ Check for Updates: 'Pārbaudīt atjauninājumus'
+ Check for Latest Blog Posts: 'Skatīt jaunākos bloga ierakstus'
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
+ Enable Search Suggestions: ''
+ Default Landing Page: ''
+ Locale Preference: 'Vietas iestatījums'
+ System Default: ''
+ Preferred API Backend:
+ Preferred API Backend: ''
+ Local API: 'Vietējais API'
+ Invidious API: ''
+ Video View Type:
+ Video View Type: 'Video skata veids'
+ Grid: 'Režģis'
+ List: 'Saraksts'
+ Thumbnail Preference:
+ Thumbnail Preference: 'Sīktēlu iestatījums'
+ Default: ''
+ Beginning: 'Sākums'
+ Middle: 'Vidus'
+ End: 'Beigas'
+ Hidden: 'Paslēpts'
+ Current Invidious Instance: 'Pašreizējais Invidious gadījums'
+ The currently set default instance is {instance}: ''
+ No default instance has been set: ''
+ Current instance will be randomized on startup: 'Pašreizējais gadījums tiks nejaušots
+ sāknējot'
+ Set Current Instance as Default: ''
+ Clear Default Instance: ''
+ View all Invidious instance information: 'Skatīt visu Invidious gadījuma informāciju'
+ Region for Trending: 'Tendenču apgabals'
+ #! List countries
+ External Link Handling:
+ External Link Handling: 'Ārējo saišu vadība'
+ Open Link: 'Atvērt saiti'
+ Ask Before Opening Link: 'Jautāt pirms saites atvēršanas'
+ No Action: 'Nedarīt neko'
+ Theme Settings:
+ Theme Settings: 'Izskata iestatījumi'
+ Match Top Bar with Main Color: ''
+ Expand Side Bar by Default: ''
+ Disable Smooth Scrolling: 'Atspējot plūdeno ritināšanu'
+ UI Scale: 'Saskarnes izmērs'
+ Hide Side Bar Labels: 'Paslēpt sānu paneļa etiķetes'
+ Hide FreeTube Header Logo: 'Paslēpt FreeTube galvenes logo'
+ Base Theme:
+ Base Theme: 'Pamata izskats'
+ Black: 'Melns'
+ Dark: 'Tumšs'
+ System Default: ''
+ Light: 'Gaišs'
+ Dracula: 'Drakula'
+ Catppuccin Mocha: 'Kaķpučīn moka'
+ Pastel Pink: 'Pasteļu rozā'
+ Hot Pink: 'Karsti rozā'
+ Main Color Theme:
+ Main Color Theme: 'Galvenās krāsas izskats'
+ Red: 'Sarkans'
+ Pink: 'Rozā'
+ Purple: 'Violets'
+ Deep Purple: 'Dziļi violets'
+ Indigo: 'Indigo'
+ Blue: 'Zils'
+ Light Blue: 'Gaiši zils'
+ Cyan: ''
+ Teal: ''
+ Green: 'Zaļš'
+ Light Green: 'Gaiši zaļš'
+ Lime: 'Laims'
+ Yellow: 'Dzeltens'
+ Amber: 'Dzintars'
+ Orange: 'Oranžs'
+ Deep Orange: 'Dziļi oranžs'
+ Dracula Cyan: ''
+ Dracula Green: 'Drakulas zaļš'
+ Dracula Orange: 'Drakulas oranžs'
+ Dracula Pink: 'Drakulas rozā'
+ Dracula Purple: 'Drakulas violets'
+ Dracula Red: 'Drakulas sarkans'
+ Dracula Yellow: 'Drakulas dzeltens'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: 'Kaķpučīn moka rožūdens'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: 'Kaķpučīn moka flamingo'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Pink: 'Kaķpučīn moka rozā'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: 'Kaķpučīn moka purpursarkans'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Red: 'Kaķpučīn moka sarkans'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: 'Kaķpučīn moka kastaņbrūns'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Peach: 'Kaķpučīn moka persiks'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: 'Kaķpučīn moka dzeltens'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Green: 'Kaķpučīn moka zaļš'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Teal: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sky: 'Kaķpučīn moka debess'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: 'Kaķpučīn moka safīrs'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Blue: 'Kaķpučīn moka zils'
+ Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: 'Kaķpučīn moka lavanda'
+ Secondary Color Theme: 'Otrās krāsas izskats'
+ #* Main Color Theme
+ Player Settings:
+ Player Settings: 'Atskaņotāja iestatījumi'
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Piespiest vietējo aizmugursistēmu priekš
+ mantojuma formātiem'
+ Play Next Video: 'Atskaņot nākamo video'
+ Turn on Subtitles by Default: ''
+ Autoplay Videos: 'Autoatskaņot video'
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Starpniekot video caur Invidious'
+ Autoplay Playlists: 'Autoatskaņot sarakstus'
+ Enable Theatre Mode by Default: ''
+ Scroll Volume Over Video Player: ''
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: 'Ritināt atskaņošanas ātrumu pāri video
+ atskaņotājam'
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: 'Izlaist ritinot pāri video atskaņotājam'
+ Display Play Button In Video Player: 'Attēlot Atskaņošanas pogu video atskaņotājā'
+ Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: 'Pagriežot ekrānu pārslēgt uz pilnekrānu'
+ Next Video Interval: 'Nākošā video intervāls'
+ Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: ''
+ Default Volume: ''
+ Default Playback Rate: ''
+ Max Video Playback Rate: 'Maksimālais video atskaņošanas ātrums'
+ Video Playback Rate Interval: 'Video atskaņošanas ātruma intervāls'
+ Default Video Format:
+ Default Video Format: ''
+ Dash Formats: 'DASH formāti'
+ Legacy Formats: 'Mantojuma formāti'
+ Audio Formats: 'Audio formāti'
+ Default Quality:
+ Default Quality: ''
+ Auto: ''
+ 144p: '144p'
+ 240p: '240p'
+ 360p: '360p'
+ 480p: '480p'
+ 720p: '720p'
+ 1080p: '1080p'
+ 1440p: '1440p'
+ 4k: '4k'
+ 8k: '8k'
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: 'Atļaut DASH AV1 formātus'
+ Screenshot:
+ Enable: 'Iespējot ekrānšāviņu'
+ Format Label: 'Ekrānšāviņa formāti'
+ Quality Label: 'Ekrānšāviņa kvalitāte'
+ Ask Path: 'Jautāt saglabāšanas mapi'
+ Folder Label: 'Ekrānšāviņa mape'
+ Folder Button: 'Izvēlēties mapi'
+ File Name Label: 'Nosaukuma šablons'
+ File Name Tooltip: ''
+ Error:
+ Forbidden Characters: 'Aizliegtās rakstzīmes'
+ Empty File Name: 'Tukšs datnes nosaukums'
+ Comment Auto Load:
+ Comment Auto Load: 'Komentāru autoielāde'
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player Settings: 'Ārējā atskaņotāja iestatījumi'
+ External Player: 'Ārējais atskaņotājs'
+ Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: 'Ignorēt neatbalstītas darbības brīdinājumus'
+ Custom External Player Executable: 'Pielāgota ārējā atskaņotāja izpilddatne'
+ Custom External Player Arguments: 'Pielāgoti ārējā atskaņotāja mainīgie'
+ Players:
+ None:
+ Name: 'Nekas'
+ Privacy Settings:
+ Privacy Settings: 'Privātuma iestatījumi'
+ Remember History: 'Atcerēties vēsturi'
+ Save Watched Progress: 'Saglabāt skatīto attīstību'
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: ''
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: 'Automātiski noņemt video metadatus'
+ Clear Search Cache: ''
+ Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: ''
+ Search cache has been cleared: ''
+ Remove Watch History: 'Noņemt skatīšanās vēsturi'
+ Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: 'Vai tu esi pārliecināts,
+ ka vēlies noņemt visu skatīšanās vēsturi?'
+ Watch history has been cleared: 'Skatīšanās vēsture tika noņemta'
+ Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: ''
+ Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: ''
+ Subscription Settings:
+ Subscription Settings: ''
+ Hide Videos on Watch: 'Paslēpt video pēc skatīšanas'
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Iegūt plūsmu no RSS'
+ Manage Subscriptions: ''
+ Fetch Automatically: 'Iegūt plūsmu automātiski'
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Distraction Free Settings: 'Beztraucēšanas iestatījumi'
+ Sections:
+ Side Bar: 'Sānu panelis'
+ Subscriptions Page: ''
+ Channel Page: 'Kanāla lapa'
+ Watch Page: 'Skatīšanās lapa'
+ General: 'Galvenais'
+ Blur Thumbnails: 'Izpludināt sīktēlus'
+ Hide Video Views: 'Paslēpt video skatījumus'
+ Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: 'Paslēpt video novērtējuma atzīmes'
+ Hide Channel Subscribers: 'Paslēpt kanāla abonentus'
+ Hide Comment Likes: 'Paslēpt komentāru vērtējumus'
+ Hide Recommended Videos: 'Paslēpt ieteiktos video'
+ Hide Trending Videos: 'Paslēpt tendenču video'
+ Hide Popular Videos: 'Paslēpt populāros video'
+ Hide Playlists: 'Paslēpt sarakstus'
+ Hide Live Chat: 'Paslēpt dzīvo čatu'
+ Hide Active Subscriptions: ''
+ Hide Video Description: 'Paslēpt video aprakstu'
+ Hide Comments: 'Paslēpt komentārus'
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: 'Paslēpt kontu atēlus komentāros'
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: 'Attēlot nosaukumus nepārspīlējot
+ ar lielajiem burtiem'
+ Hide Live Streams: 'Paslēpt dzīvās straumes'
+ Hide Upcoming Premieres: 'Paslēpt tuvojošās pirmizrādes'
+ Hide Sharing Actions: 'Paslēpt dalīšanās darbības'
+ Hide Chapters: 'Paslēpt nodaļas'
+ Hide Channels: 'Kanālos paslēpt video'
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: 'Kanāla vārds vai ID'
+ Hide Featured Channels: 'Paslēpt izceltos kanālus'
+ Hide Channel Playlists: 'Kanālā paslēpt sarakstus'
+ Hide Channel Community: 'Kanālā paslēpt kopienu'
+ Hide Channel Shorts: 'Kanālā paslēpt īsos'
+ Hide Channel Podcasts: 'Kanālā paslēpt podkāstus'
+ Hide Channel Releases: 'Kanālā paslēpt relīzes'
+ Hide Subscriptions Videos: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: ''
+ Data Settings:
+ Data Settings: 'Datu iestatījumi'
+ Select Import Type: 'Izvēlēties importa veidu'
+ Select Export Type: 'Izvēlēties eksporta veidu'
+ Import Subscriptions: ''
+ Subscription File: ''
+ History File: 'Vēstures datne'
+ Playlist File: ''
+ Check for Legacy Subscriptions: ''
+ Export Subscriptions: ''
+ Export FreeTube: 'Eksportēt FreeTube'
+ Export YouTube: 'Eksportēt YouTube'
+ Export NewPipe: 'Eksportēt NewPipe'
+ Import History: 'Importēt vēsturi'
+ Export History: 'Eksportēt vēsturi'
+ Import Playlists: 'Importēt sarakstus'
+ Export Playlists: 'Eksportēt sarakstus'
+ Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'Profila objektam nav pietiekami
+ datu, izlaiž vienumu'
+ All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: ''
+ All subscriptions have been successfully imported: ''
+ One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: ''
+ Invalid subscriptions file: ''
+ This might take a while, please wait: 'Tas var aizņemt kādu laiku, lūdzu gaidiet'
+ Invalid history file: 'Nederīga vēstures datne'
+ Subscriptions have been successfully exported: ''
+ History object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'Vēstures objektam nav pietiekami
+ datu, izlaiž vienumu'
+ All watched history has been successfully imported: 'Visa skatīšanās vēstures
+ tika veiksmīgi importēta'
+ All watched history has been successfully exported: 'Visa skatīšanās vēstures
+ tika veiksmīgi eksportēta'
+ Playlist insufficient data: ''
+ All playlists has been successfully imported: 'Visi saraksti tika veiksmīgi importēti'
+ All playlists has been successfully exported: 'Visi saraksti tika veiksmīgi eksportēti'
+ Unable to read file: 'Nespēj nolasīt datni'
+ Unable to write file: 'Nespēj ierakstīt datni'
+ Unknown data key: 'Nezināma datu atslēga'
+ How do I import my subscriptions?: ''
+ Manage Subscriptions: ''
+ Proxy Settings:
+ Proxy Settings: 'Starpniekserveru iestatījumi'
+ Enable Tor / Proxy: 'Iespējot Tor / starpniekserveri'
+ Proxy Protocol: 'Starpniekservera protokols'
+ Proxy Host: 'Starpniekservera saimnieks'
+ Proxy Port Number: 'Starpniekservera porta numurs'
+ Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: 'Nospiežot "Pārbaudīt starpniekserveri"
+ tiks nosūtīts pieprasījums uz'
+ Test Proxy: 'Pārbaudīt starpniekserveri'
+ Your Info: 'Tavs info'
+ Ip: 'IP'
+ Country: 'Valsts'
+ Region: 'Apgabals'
+ City: 'Pilsēta'
+ Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: 'Kļūda
+ saņemot tīkla informāciju. Vai jūsu starpniekserveris ir uzstādīts pareizi?'
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ SponsorBlock Settings: 'SponsorBlock iestatījumi'
+ Enable SponsorBlock: 'Iespējot SponsorBlock'
+ 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': ''
+ Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: 'Ziņot, kad sponsora gabals tiek izlaists'
+ UseDeArrowTitles: 'Izmantot DeArrow video nosaukumus'
+ Skip Options:
+ Skip Option: 'Izlaišanas iestatījums'
+ Auto Skip: 'Autoizlaist'
+ Show In Seek Bar: 'Rādīt tīšanas joslā'
+ Prompt To Skip: 'Jautāt, lai izlaistu'
+ Do Nothing: 'Nedarīt neko'
+ Category Color: 'Iedalījuma krāsa'
+ Parental Control Settings:
+ Parental Control Settings: 'Vecāku vadības iestatījumi'
+ Hide Unsubscribe Button: 'Paslēpt Atabonēt pogu'
+ Show Family Friendly Only: 'Rādīt tikai ģimenei draudzīgi'
+ Hide Search Bar: ''
+ Download Settings:
+ Download Settings: 'Lejuplādes iestatījumi'
+ Ask Download Path: 'Jautāt lejuplādes ceļu'
+ Choose Path: 'Izvēlēties ceļu'
+ Download Behavior: 'Lejuplādes uzvedība'
+ Download in app: 'Lejuplādēt aplikācijā'
+ Open in web browser: 'Atvērt tīkla pārlūkā'
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Experimental Settings: 'Izmēģinājuma iestatījumi'
+ Warning: ''
+ Replace HTTP Cache: 'Aizvietot HTTP kešatmiņu'
+ Password Dialog:
+ Password: 'Parole'
+ Enter Password To Unlock: 'Ievadi paroli, lai atslēgtu iestatījumus'
+ Password Incorrect: 'Parole nepareiza'
+ Unlock: 'Atslēgt'
+ Password Settings:
+ Password Settings: 'Paroles iestatījumi'
+ Set Password To Prevent Access: 'Uzstādi paroli, lai neļautu piekļūt uzstādījumiem'
+ Set Password: 'Uzstādi paroli'
+ Remove Password: 'Noņem paroli'
+ #On About page
+ About: 'Par'
+ Beta: 'Beta'
+ Source code: 'Pirmkods'
+ Licensed under the AGPLv3: ''
+ View License: ''
+ Downloads / Changelog: 'Lejuplādes / izmaiņu žurnāls'
+ GitHub releases: 'GitHub laidieni'
+ Help: 'Palīdzība'
+ FreeTube Wiki: 'FreeTube Wiki'
+ FAQ: 'BUJ'
+ Discussions: 'Sarunas'
+ Report a problem: 'Ziņot par problēmu'
+ GitHub issues: 'GitHub problēmas'
+ Please check for duplicates before posting: 'Lūdzu pārbaudi dublikātus pirms publicēšanas'
+ Website: 'Vietne'
+ Blog: 'Emuārs'
+ Email: 'E-pasts'
+ Mastodon: 'Mastodon'
+ Chat on Matrix: 'Tērzēt Matrixā'
+ Please read the: 'Lūdzu izlasi'
+ room rules: 'istabas noteikumi'
+ Translate: 'Tulkot'
+ Credits: 'Nopelni'
+ FreeTube is made possible by: 'FreeTube padarīja iespējamu'
+ these people and projects: 'šie cilvēki un apvienības'
+ Donate: 'Ziedot'
+ Profile Settings: 'Profila iestatījumi'
+ Toggle Profile List: 'Pārslēgt profilu sarakstu'
+ Profile Select: 'Izvēlēties profilu'
+ Profile Filter: 'Profilu filtrs'
+ All Channels: 'Visi kanāli'
+ Profile Manager: 'Profilu pārvaldnieks'
+ Create New Profile: 'Veidot jaunu profilu'
+ Edit Profile: 'Mainīt profilu'
+ Color Picker: 'Krāsu izvēlētājs'
+ Custom Color: 'Pielāgota krāsa'
+ Profile Preview: 'Profila priekšskatījums'
+ Create Profile: 'Veidot profilu'
+ Update Profile: 'Atjaunināt profilu'
+ Make Default Profile: ''
+ Delete Profile: 'Dzēst profilu'
+ Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: 'Vai tu esi drošs, ka gribi dzēst
+ šo profilu?'
+ All subscriptions will also be deleted.: ''
+ Profile could not be found: 'Profils netika atrasts'
+ Your profile name cannot be empty: 'Tavs profila vārds nevar būt tukšs'
+ Profile has been created: 'Profils tika izveidots'
+ Profile has been updated: 'Profils tika atjaunināts'
+ Your default profile has been set to {profile}: ''
+ Removed {profile} from your profiles: ''
+ Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: ''
+ '{profile} is now the active profile': ''
+ Subscription List: ''
+ Other Channels: 'Citi kanāli'
+ '{number} selected': ''
+ Select All: 'Izvēlēties visus'
+ Select None: 'Neizvēlēties nevienu'
+ Delete Selected: 'Dzēst izvēlētos'
+ Add Selected To Profile: 'Izvēlētos pievienot profilam'
+ No channel(s) have been selected: 'Neviens kanāls netika izvēlēts'
+ ? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
+ same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
+ : ''
+ Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: ''
+#On Channel Page
+ Subscribe: 'Abonē'
+ Unsubscribe: 'Atabonē'
+ Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: ''
+ Removed subscription from {count} other channel(s): ''
+ Added channel to your subscriptions: ''
+ Search Channel: ''
+ Your search results have returned 0 results: ''
+ Sort By: 'Kārto pēc'
+ This channel does not exist: 'Šis kanāls nepastāv'
+ This channel does not allow searching: 'Šis kanāls neatļauj meklēšanu'
+ This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube.: 'Šim
+ kanālam ir vecuma ierobežojums un pašlaik nevar tikt skatīts FreeTube.'
+ Channel Tabs: 'Kanāla cilnes'
+ Videos:
+ Videos: 'Video'
+ This channel does not currently have any videos: 'Šajā kanāla pašlaik nav video'
+ Sort Types:
+ Newest: 'Jaunākie'
+ Oldest: 'Vecākie'
+ Most Popular: 'Populārākie'
+ Shorts:
+ This channel does not currently have any shorts: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav īso'
+ Live:
+ Live: 'Tiešraides'
+ This channel does not currently have any live streams: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav
+ tiešraižu'
+ Playlists:
+ Playlists: 'Saraksti'
+ This channel does not currently have any playlists: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav sarakstu'
+ Sort Types:
+ Last Video Added: 'Pēdējais pievienotais video'
+ Newest: 'Jaunākās'
+ Oldest: 'Vecākās'
+ Podcasts:
+ Podcasts: 'Podkāsti'
+ This channel does not currently have any podcasts: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav podkāstu'
+ Releases:
+ Releases: 'Laidieni'
+ This channel does not currently have any releases: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav laidienu'
+ About:
+ About: 'Par'
+ Channel Description: 'Kanāla apraksts'
+ Tags:
+ Tags: 'Birkas'
+ Search for: ''
+ Details: 'Detaļas'
+ Joined: 'Pievienojās'
+ Location: 'Vieta'
+ Featured Channels: 'Izceltie kanāli'
+ Community:
+ This channel currently does not have any posts: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav ierakstu'
+ votes: ''
+ Reveal Answers: 'Atklāj atbildes'
+ Hide Answers: 'Paslēp atbildes'
+ Mark As Watched: 'Atzīmē kā skatītu'
+ Remove From History: 'Noņem no vēstures'
+ Video has been marked as watched: 'Video tika atzīmēts kā skatīts'
+ Video has been removed from your history: 'Video tika noņemts no tavas vēstures'
+ Save Video: 'Saglabā video'
+ Video has been saved: 'Video tika saglabāts'
+ Video has been removed from your saved list: 'Video tika noņemts no tava saglabāto
+ saraksta'
+ Open in YouTube: 'Atver YouTube'
+ Copy YouTube Link: 'Kopē YouTube saiti'
+ Open YouTube Embedded Player: 'Atver YouTube iegulto atskaņotāju'
+ Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: 'Kopē YouTube iegultā atskaņotāja saiti'
+ Open in Invidious: 'Atver Invidious'
+ Copy Invidious Link: 'Kopē Invidious saiti'
+ Open Channel in YouTube: 'Atver kanālu YouTube'
+ Copy YouTube Channel Link: 'Kopē YouTube kanāla saiti'
+ Open Channel in Invidious: 'Atver kanālu Invidious'
+ Copy Invidious Channel Link: 'Kopē Invidious kanāla saiti'
+ Views: 'Skatījumi'
+ Loop Playlist: ''
+ Shuffle Playlist: ''
+ Reverse Playlist: ''
+ Play Next Video: 'Atskaņo nākamo video'
+ Play Previous Video: 'Atskaņo iepriekšējo video'
+ Pause on Current Video: 'Apturēt uz pašreizējā video'
+ Watched: 'Skatīts'
+ Autoplay: 'Autoatskaņošana'
+ Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: 'Drīz sāksies, lūdzu atsvaidzini
+ lapu, lai pārbaudītu vēlreiz'
+ # As in a Live Video
+ Premieres on: 'Pirmizrādes'
+ Premieres: 'Pirmizrādes'
+ Upcoming: 'Tuvojošās'
+ Live: 'Tiešraidē'
+ Live Now: 'Tiešraidē tagad'
+ Live Chat: 'Tiešraides čats'
+ Enable Live Chat: 'Iespējo tiešraides čatu'
+ Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: ''
+ 'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': ''
+ Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: ''
+ 'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': ''
+ 'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': ''
+ Show Super Chat Comment: ''
+ Scroll to Bottom: ''
+ Download Video: ''
+ video only: ''
+ audio only: ''
+ Audio:
+ Low: ''
+ Medium: ''
+ High: ''
+ Best: ''
+ Published:
+ Jan: ''
+ Feb: ''
+ Mar: ''
+ Apr: ''
+ May: ''
+ Jun: ''
+ Jul: ''
+ Aug: ''
+ Sep: ''
+ Oct: ''
+ Nov: ''
+ Dec: ''
+ Second: ''
+ Seconds: ''
+ Minute: ''
+ Minutes: ''
+ Hour: ''
+ Hours: ''
+ Day: ''
+ Days: ''
+ Week: ''
+ Weeks: ''
+ Month: ''
+ Months: ''
+ Year: ''
+ Years: ''
+ Ago: ''
+ Upcoming: ''
+ In less than a minute: ''
+ Published on: ''
+ Streamed on: ''
+ Started streaming on: ''
+ translated from English: ''
+ Publicationtemplate: ''
+ Skipped segment: ''
+ Sponsor Block category:
+ sponsor: ''
+ intro: ''
+ outro: ''
+ self-promotion: ''
+ interaction: ''
+ music offtopic: ''
+ recap: ''
+ filler: ''
+ External Player:
+ OpenInTemplate: ''
+ video: ''
+ playlist: ''
+ OpeningTemplate: ''
+ UnsupportedActionTemplate: ''
+ Unsupported Actions:
+ starting video at offset: ''
+ setting a playback rate: ''
+ opening playlists: ''
+ opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): ''
+ reversing playlists: ''
+ shuffling playlists: ''
+ looping playlists: ''
+ Stats:
+ Video statistics are not available for legacy videos: ''
+ Video ID: ''
+ Resolution: ''
+ Player Dimensions: ''
+ Bitrate: ''
+ Volume: ''
+ Bandwidth: ''
+ Buffered: ''
+ Dropped / Total Frames: ''
+ Mimetype: ''
+#& Videos
+ #& Sort By
+ Sort By:
+ Newest: ''
+ Oldest: ''
+ #& Most Popular
+#& Playlists
+ #& About
+ Playlist: ''
+ View Full Playlist: ''
+ Videos: ''
+ View: ''
+ Views: ''
+ Last Updated On: ''
+# On Video Watch Page
+#* Published
+#& Views
+Toggle Theatre Mode: ''
+Change Format:
+ Change Media Formats: ''
+ Use Dash Formats: ''
+ Use Legacy Formats: ''
+ Use Audio Formats: ''
+ Dash formats are not available for this video: ''
+ Audio formats are not available for this video: ''
+ Share Video: ''
+ Share Channel: ''
+ Share Playlist: ''
+ Include Timestamp: ''
+ Copy Link: ''
+ Open Link: ''
+ Copy Embed: ''
+ Open Embed: ''
+ # On Click
+ Invidious URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Copy failed: ''
+ Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: ''
+ Chapters: ''
+ 'Chapters list visible, current chapter: {chapterName}': ''
+ 'Chapters list hidden, current chapter: {chapterName}': ''
+Mini Player: ''
+ Comments: ''
+ Click to View Comments: ''
+ Getting comment replies, please wait: ''
+ There are no more comments for this video: ''
+ Show Comments: ''
+ Hide Comments: ''
+ Sort by: ''
+ Top comments: ''
+ Newest first: ''
+ View {replyCount} replies: ''
+ # Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply, View 1 Reply from Owner, View 2 Replies from Owner and others
+ View: ''
+ Hide: ''
+ Replies: ''
+ Show More Replies: ''
+ Reply: ''
+ From {channelName}: ''
+ And others: ''
+ There are no comments available for this video: ''
+ Load More Comments: ''
+ No more comments available: ''
+ Pinned by: ''
+ Member: ''
+ Subscribed: ''
+ Hearted: ''
+Up Next: ''
+ General Settings:
+ Preferred API Backend: ''
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
+ Thumbnail Preference: ''
+ Invidious Instance: ''
+ Region for Trending: ''
+ External Link Handling: |
+ Player Settings:
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
+ Default Video Format: ''
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: ''
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: ''
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: ''
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player: ''
+ Custom External Player Executable: ''
+ Ignore Warnings: ''
+ Custom External Player Arguments: ''
+ DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: ""
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Hide Channels: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: ''
+ Subscription Settings:
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
+ Fetch Automatically: ''
+ Privacy Settings:
+ Remove Video Meta Files: ''
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Replace HTTP Cache: ''
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ UseDeArrowTitles: ''
+# Toast Messages
+Local API Error (Click to copy): ''
+Invidious API Error (Click to copy): ''
+Falling back to Invidious API: ''
+Falling back to Local API: ''
+This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: ''
+Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: ''
+Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: ''
+Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: ''
+Loop is now disabled: ''
+Loop is now enabled: ''
+Shuffle is now disabled: ''
+Shuffle is now enabled: ''
+The playlist has been reversed: ''
+Playing Next Video: ''
+Playing Previous Video: ''
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: ''
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: ''
+Playing Next Video Interval: ''
+Canceled next video autoplay: ''
+Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: ''
+Default Invidious instance has been cleared: ''
+'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': ''
+External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: ''
+Downloading has completed: ''
+Starting download: ''
+Downloading failed: ''
+Screenshot Success: ''
+Screenshot Error: ''
+ Hashtag: ''
+ This hashtag does not currently have any videos: ''
+Yes: ''
+No: ''
+Ok: ''
diff --git a/static/locales/nb_NO.yaml b/static/locales/nb_NO.yaml
index 06f3b86aa4417..86ec5a9de0b30 100644
--- a/static/locales/nb_NO.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/nb_NO.yaml
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ Up Next: 'Neste'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Lokal API-feil (Klikk her for å kopiere)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious-API-feil (Klikk her for å kopiere)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Faller tilbake til Invidious-API-et'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Faller tilbake til det lokale API-et'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Faller tilbake til det lokale API-et'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Abonnement har ikke blitt implementert
Loop is now disabled: 'Gjenta er nå deaktivert'
@@ -947,11 +947,6 @@ Channels:
Unsubscribe: Opphev abonnement
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} ble fjernet fra dine abonnementer'
Unsubscribe Prompt: Opphev abonnement på «{channelName}»?
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: Kanal
- Video: Video
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Denne {videoOrPlaylist} er aldersbegrenset
Chapters: Kapitler
'Chapters list visible, current chapter: {chapterName}': 'Kapittelliste synlig.
diff --git a/static/locales/nl.yaml b/static/locales/nl.yaml
index 4aaf1a19e607a..82aecadf737d0 100644
--- a/static/locales/nl.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/nl.yaml
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ Global:
Watching Count: 1 aan het kijken | {count} aan het kijken
Channel Count: 1 kanaal | {count} kanalen
Community: Gemeenschap
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Tag moet minstens {number} tekens lang zijn
Search / Go to URL: 'Zoeken / Ga naar URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
@@ -126,6 +128,96 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: In afspeellijst zoeken
Empty Search Message: Deze afspeellijst bevat geen video's die overeenkomen met
de zoekopdracht
+ Cancel: Annuleren
+ Playlist Name: Afspeellijstnaam
+ Playlist Description: Afspeellijstomschrijving
+ Delete Playlist: Afspeellijst verwijderen
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: Sorteren op
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Onlangs aangemaakt
+ NameDescending: Z - A
+ NameAscending: A - Z
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Eerst gespeeld
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Eerst aangemaakt
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Laatst bijgewerkt
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Eerst bijgewerkt
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Meest recent afgespeeld
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Aanmaken
+ New Playlist Name: Naam voor nieuwe afspeellijst
+ Toast:
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Afspeellijst ‘{playlistName}’
+ is succesvol aangemaakt.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Er is een probleem opgetreden
+ bij het maken van de afspeellijst.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Er
+ is al een afspeellijst met deze naam. Kies een andere naam.
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Save: Opslaan
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} geselecteerd'
+ Search in Playlists: Zoeken in afspeellijsten
+ Toast:
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: U heeft nog geen afspeellijst geselecteerd.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 video toegevoegd aan een afspeellijst
+ | {videoCount} video's toegevoegd aan een afspeellijst
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 video toegevoegd
+ aan {playlistCount} afspeellijsten | {videoCount} video's toegevoegd aan
+ {playlistCount} afspeellijsten
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Selecteer een afspeellijst om uw video
+ aan toe te voegen | Selecteer een afspeellijst om uw {videoCount} video's aan
+ toe te voegen
+ Save Changes: Wijzigingen opslaan
+ Copy Playlist: Afspeellijst kopiëren
+ Create New Playlist: Nieuwe afspeellijst aanmaken
+ Add to Playlist: Toevoegen aan afspeellijst
+ Move Video Up: Video omhoog verplaatsen
+ Move Video Down: Video omlaag verplaatsen
+ Remove from Playlist: Verwijderen uit afspeellijst
+ Edit Playlist Info: Afspeellijstinfo bewerken
+ Remove Watched Videos: Bekeken video's verwijderen
+ Add to Favorites: Toevoegen aan {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Verwijderen uit {playlistName}
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Snelle bladwijzers uitschakelen
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ Video has been removed: Video is verwijderd
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Snelle bladwijzers uitgeschakeld
+ Playlist has been updated.: De afspeellijst is bijgewerkt.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Deze video kan niet omhoog verplaatst worden.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Deze video kan niet omlaag verplaatst worden.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Afspeellijst ‘{playlistName}’ is
+ verwijderd.
+ This playlist does not exist: Deze afspeellijst bestaat niet
+ There were no videos to remove.: Er zijn geen video's om te verwijderen.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Er is een probleem opgetreden
+ bij het verwijderen van deze video
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Deze afspeellijst wordt nu gebruikt
+ voor snelle bladwijzers
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Deze
+ afspeellijst wordt nu gebruikt voor snelle bladwijzers in plaats van {oldPlaylistName}.
+ Druk hier om ongedaan te maken
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Teruggekeerd naar het
+ gebruik van {oldPlaylistName} voor snelle bladwijzers
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Sommige
+ video's in de afspeellijst zijn nog niet geladen. Druk hier om toch te kopiëren.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 video verwijderd | {videoCount}
+ video's verwijderd
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Deze afspeellijst is beschermd
+ en kan niet worden verwijderd.
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: De naam van de afspeellijst
+ mag niet leeg zijn. Voer een naam in.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Er is een probleem opgetreden
+ bij het bijwerken van deze afspeellijst.
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: U
+ heeft geen afspeellijsten. Druk op de knop om er één aan te maken.
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Deze afspeellijst bevat geen video's.
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Snelle bladwijzers inschakelen voor deze
+ afspeellijst
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Weet
+ u zeker dat u alle bekeken video's uit deze afspeellijst wilt verwijderen? Dit
+ kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden.
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Weet u zeker
+ dat u deze afspeellijst wilt verwijderen? Dit kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden.
# On History Page
History: 'Geschiedenis'
@@ -158,6 +250,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Midden'
End: 'Eind'
Hidden: Verborgen
+ Blur: Vervagen
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious Instantie
(Standaard is https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Regio voor trending'
@@ -193,6 +286,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin-mokka
Pastel Pink: Pastelroze
Hot Pink: Heet-roze
+ Nordic: Noords
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Primaire themakleur'
Red: 'Rood'
@@ -317,12 +411,18 @@ Settings:
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Houd bekeken video's bij met de
afspeellijst ‘Laatst bekeken’
+ Remove All Playlists: Alle afspeellijsten verwijderen
+ All playlists have been removed: Alle afspeellijsten zijn verwijderd
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Weet u zeker dat u al uw
+ afspeellijsten wilt verwijderen?
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Abonnementinstellingen'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Bekeken video''s verbergen'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Abonnementen beheren'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: Verzamel feeds via RSS
Fetch Automatically: Haal feed automatisch op
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Alleen nieuwste video voor elk kanaal
+ tonen
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Geavanceerde Instellingen'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Schakel Debug Modus in (Print
@@ -399,6 +499,14 @@ Settings:
Subscription File: Abonnementenbestand
History File: Geschiedenisbestand
Playlist File: Afspeellijstbestand
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: Afspeellijsten exporteren voor oudere FreeTube-versies
+ Tooltip: "Deze optie exporteert video's van alle afspeellijsten naar één afspeellijst
+ met de naam ‘Favorieten’.\nVideo's exporteren en importeren in afspeellijsten
+ voor een oudere versie van FreeTube:\n1. Exporteer uw afspeellijsten met
+ deze optie ingeschakeld.\n2. Verwijder al uw bestaande afspeellijsten met
+ de optie ‘Alle afspeellijsten verwijderen’ onder ‘Privacyinstellingen’.\n
+ 3. Start de oudere versie van FreeTube en importeer de geëxporteerde afspeellijsten."
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Live Chat: Livechat verbergen
Hide Popular Videos: Populaire video's verbergen
@@ -412,11 +520,11 @@ Settings:
Hide Active Subscriptions: Actieve abonnementen verbergen
Hide Playlists: Afspeellijsten verbergen
Hide Sharing Actions: Verberg knoppen om te delen
- Hide Video Description: Verberg de beschrijving van de video
+ Hide Video Description: Video-omschrijving verbergen
Hide Comments: Opmerkingen verbergen
Hide Live Streams: Verberg rechtstreekse uitzendingen
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Toon titels zonder overmatig
- hoofdlettergebruik
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Titels tonen zonder overmatig
+ hoofdlettergebruik en interpunctie
Side Bar: Zijbalk
General: Algemeen
@@ -430,7 +538,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Channel Playlists: Kanaalafspeellijsten verbergen
Hide Channel Community: Kanaalgemeenschap verbergen
Hide Channels: Video's van kanalen verbergen
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanaalnaam of -ID
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanaal-ID
Hide Channel Podcasts: Kanaal-podcasts verbergen
Hide Channel Releases: Kanaaluitgaven verbergen
Hide Subscriptions Videos: Abonnementvideo's verbergen
@@ -439,6 +547,17 @@ Settings:
Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Abonnement-Shorts verbergen
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Profielfoto's in opmerkingen verbergen
Hide Subscriptions Community: Abonnementgemeenschappen verbergen
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Kanaal ID bestaat reeds
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Opgegeven kanaal-id is ongeldig
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Woord, woordfragment of
+ zin
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Video's en afspeellijsten die tekst
+ bevatten verbergen
+ Hide Channels API Error: Fout bij het ophalen van de gebruiker met de opgegeven
+ ID. Controleer nogmaals of de ID correct is.
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Sommige kanalen zijn geblokkeerd met behulp van
+ ID en zijn niet verwerkt. De functie is geblokkeerd terwijl deze ID's worden
+ bijgewerkt
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: De
app moet opnieuw worden gestart om veranderingen aan te brengen. Wilt u de app
opnieuw starten en veranderingen toepassen?
@@ -473,6 +592,9 @@ Settings:
Do Nothing: Niets doen
Category Color: Categoriekleur
UseDeArrowTitles: DeArrow-videotitels gebruiken
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: DeArrow gebruiken voor miniaturen
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': API-URL
+ van DeArrow-miniatuurgenerator (standaard is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Aangepaste argumenten voor externe videospeler
Custom External Player Executable: Uitvoerbaar bestand van externe videospeler
@@ -484,6 +606,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Geen
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Standaardargumenten negeren
Download Settings:
Choose Path: Pad kiezen
Download Settings: Downloadinstellingen
@@ -512,6 +635,7 @@ Settings:
Password Incorrect: Wachtwoord onjuist
Unlock: Ontgrendelen
Enter Password To Unlock: Voer wachtwoord in om instellingen te ontgrendelen
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Alle instellingensecties uitvouwen
#On About page
About: 'Over'
@@ -624,6 +748,7 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} stemmen'
This channel currently does not have any posts: Dit kanaal heeft momenteel geen
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Video verborgen door FreeTube
Releases: Uitgaven
This channel does not currently have any releases: Dit kanaal heeft momenteel
@@ -775,6 +900,9 @@ Video:
Pause on Current Video: Pauzeren bij huidige video
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Live-chat
is niet beschikbaar voor deze stream. Mogelijk is deze uitgeschakeld door de uploader.
+ Hide Channel: Kanaal verbergen
+ Unhide Channel: Kanaal tonen
+ More Options: Meer opties
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -858,7 +986,7 @@ Up Next: 'Volgende'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Fout in lokale API (Klik om te kopiëren)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Fout in API van Invidious (Klik op te kopiëren)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Terugvallen op Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Terugvallen op lokale API'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Terugvallen op lokale API'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Abonnementen zijn nog niet geïmplementeerd'
Loop is now disabled: 'Herhalen is nu uitgeschakeld'
Loop is now enabled: 'Herhalen is nu ingeschakeld'
@@ -917,6 +1045,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Profielfilter
Profile Settings: Profielinstellingen
Toggle Profile List: Profiellijst omschakelen
+ Profile Name: Profielnaam
+ Edit Profile Name: Profielnaam wijzigen
+ Create Profile Name: Profielnaam aanmaken
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Profielmenu sluiten
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Profielmenu openen
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: Een nieuwe blogpost
is beschikbaar, {blogTitle}. Klik voor meer informatie
Download From Site: Van website downloaden
@@ -932,10 +1065,10 @@ Tooltips:
Legacy gaat niet hoger dan 720p maar gebruikt minder bandbreedte. Audio zal
alleen het geluid streamen.
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Dit zal alleen werken wanneer Invidious
- is geselecteerd als de standaard API. Wanneer ingeschakeld zal de lokale API
- legacy video indelingen gebruiken in plaats van de video indeling die worden
- teruggegeven door Invidious. Dit kan helpen wanneer een video die wordt gestreamed
- via Invidious niet afspeelt in verband met regio restricties.
+ is geselecteerd als de standaard-API. Wanneer ingeschakeld zal de lokale API
+ legacy videoindelingen gebruiken in plaats van de videoindeling die worden
+ teruggegeven door Invidious. Dit kan helpen wanneer een video die wordt gestreamed
+ via Invidious niet afspeelt in verband met regiorestricties.
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: FreeTube zal verbinden met Invidious en daar de
video's downloaden in de plaats van de video's rechtstreeks bij YouTube vandaan
te halen. Dit overschrijft de ingestelde API voorkeur.
@@ -955,6 +1088,8 @@ Tooltips:
van de standaard methode om de videolijsten van je abonnementen te verzamelen.
RSS is sneller en voorkomt dat je IP wordt geblokkeerd maar geeft geen toegang
tot sommige informatie zoals de videoduur en live-status
+ Fetch Automatically: Indien ingeschakeld, haalt FreeTube automatisch uw abonnementenfeed
+ op wanneer een nieuw venster wordt geopend en wanneer u van profiel verandert.
General Settings:
Invidious Instance: Dit is de Invidious-instantie waar FreeTube mee zal verbinden
om API calls te maken.
@@ -984,18 +1119,31 @@ Tooltips:
videospeler kan worden benaderd via het PATH omgevingsvariabele. Wanneer nodig
kan er hier een aangepast pad worden ingevoerd.
External Player: 'Door het kiezen van een externe videospeler zal er een icoontje
- verschijnen op het thumbnail waarmee de video (of afspeellijst indien ondersteund)
- in de gekozen externe videospeler kan worden geopend. Let op: Invidious instellingen
+ verschijnen op de miniatuur waarmee de video (of afspeellijst indien ondersteund)
+ in de gekozen externe videospeler kan worden geopend. Let op: Invidious-instellingen
beïnvloeden externe videospelers niet.'
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(standaard: ‘{defaultCustomArguments}’)"
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Stuurt geen standaardargumenten naar de externe speler,
+ afgezien van de video-URL (bijvoorbeeld afspeelsnelheid, afspeellijst-URL,
+ enz.). Aangepaste argumenten worden nog steeds doorgegeven.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Voer een kanaalnaam of kanaal-ID in om alle video's, afspeellijsten
- en het kanaal zelf te verbergen zodat ze niet worden weergegeven in zoeken,
- trending, populairst en aanbevolen. De ingevoerde kanaalnaam moet volledig overeenkomen
- en is hoofdlettergevoelig.
+ Hide Channels: Voer een kanaal-ID in om alle video's, afspeellijsten en het kanaal
+ zelf te verbergen zodat ze niet worden weergegeven in zoeken, trending, populairst
+ en aanbevolen. De ingevoerde kanaal-ID moet volledig overeenkomen en is hoofdlettergevoelig.
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Deze instelling wordt overschreven door de app-brede
+ instelling ‘{appWideSetting}’, in het gedeelte ‘{subsection}’ van ‘{settingsSection}’
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Voer een woord, woordfragment of woordgroep
+ in (niet hoofdlettergevoelig) om alle video's en afspeellijsten waarvan de
+ oorspronkelijke titel dit bevat, in heel FreeTube te verbergen, met uitzondering
+ van alleen geschiedenis, uw afspeellijsten en video's in afspeellijsten.
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Vervangt videotitels met door gebruikers ingediende titels van
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Videominiaturen vervangen met miniaturen van DeArrow.
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Replace HTTP Cache: Schakelt de schijfgebaseerde HTTP-cache van Electron uit en
+ schakelt een aangepaste afbeeldingscache in het geheugen in. Zal leiden tot
+ een verhoogd RAM-gebruik.
Playing Next Video Interval: Volgende video wordt afgespeeld. Klik om te onderbreken.
| Volgende video wordt afgespeeld in {nextVideoInterval} seconde. Klik om te onderbreken.
| Volgende video wordt afgespeeld in {nextVideoInterval} seconden. Klik om te onderbreken.
@@ -1020,12 +1168,6 @@ Downloading failed: Probleem bij download van "{videoTitle}"
Download folder does not exist: De download map "$" bestaat niet. Valt terug op "vraag
map" modus.
New Window: Nieuw venster
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: Deze {instance} is leeftijdsbeperkt
- Type:
- Channel: Kanaal
- Video: Video
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Deze {videoOrPlaylist} heeft een leeftijdsbeperking
Screenshot Success: Schermafbeelding opgeslagen als "{filePath}"
Title: Kanaallijst
@@ -1057,3 +1199,13 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Afspeellijst zal pauzeren wa
de huidige video is afgelopen
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Afspeellijst zal niet pauzeren
wanneer de huidige video is afgelopen
+Go to page: Ga naar {page}
+Tag already exists: Tag ‘{tagName}’ bestaat al
+Channel Unhidden: ‘{channel}’ verwijderd uit kanaalfilter
+Channel Hidden: ‘{channel}’ toegevoegd aan kanaalfilter
+Close Banner: Banier sluiten
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: Dit kanaal heeft een leeftijdsbeperking
+ This video is age restricted: Deze video heeft een leeftijdsbeperking
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: Bijgesneden invoer moet minimaal
+ 1 teken lang zijn | Bijgesneden invoer moet minimaal {length} tekens lang zijn
diff --git a/static/locales/nn.yaml b/static/locales/nn.yaml
index 096db71c1912c..8e454d553c7cc 100644
--- a/static/locales/nn.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/nn.yaml
@@ -770,9 +770,9 @@ Tooltips:
Invidious Instance: 'Invidious-førekomsten som FreeTube vil kople til for API-kall.'
Region for Trending: 'Trendsregionen lar deg enkelt velje kva lands populære videoar
du ynskjer å vise.'
- External Link Handling: "Vel kva FreeTube skal gjer, når ein trykker på ei lenke,\
- \ som ikkje kan bli opna av FreeTube. \nFreeTube vil vanlegvis opne lenka i\
- \ din standardnettlesar.\n"
+ External Link Handling: "Vel kva FreeTube skal gjer, når ein trykker på ei lenke,
+ som ikkje kan bli opna av FreeTube. \nFreeTube vil vanlegvis opne lenka i din
+ standardnettlesar.\n"
Player Settings:
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Fungerer berre med Invidious-API-et som
standard. Når det er påslått, vil det lokale API-et køyre og bruke dei utdaterte
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ Tooltips:
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Lokal API-feil (Klikk her for å kopiere)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious-API-feil (Klikk her for å kopiere)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Faller tilbake til Invidious-API-et'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Faller tilbake til det lokale API-et'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Faller tilbake til det lokale API-et'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Denne
videoen er utilgjengeleg grunna manglande format. Dette kan skuldast tilgangsavgrensingar
i ditt land.'
@@ -868,11 +868,6 @@ Channels:
Unsubscribe Prompt: Er du sikker på at du vil avslutte abonnementet på "{channelName}"?
Unsubscribe: Opphev abonnement
Screenshot Success: Lagra skjermbilete som "{filePath}"
-Age Restricted:
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Denne {videoOrPlaylist} er alderavgrensa
- Type:
- Video: Video
- Channel: Kanal
Screenshot Error: Skjermbilete feila. {error}
Downloading has completed: Nedlastinga av "{videoTitle}" er fullført
Ok: OK
diff --git a/static/locales/or.yaml b/static/locales/or.yaml
index 516c71bc3e6a0..357cce54e39c4 100644
--- a/static/locales/or.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/or.yaml
@@ -109,4 +109,3 @@ Channel:
External Player: {}
Tooltips: {}
-Age Restricted: {}
diff --git a/static/locales/pl.yaml b/static/locales/pl.yaml
index 06ba869073bd0..a50370f606059 100644
--- a/static/locales/pl.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/pl.yaml
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 subskrybujący | {count} subskrybentów
View Count: 1 wyświetlenie | {count} wyświetle(nia/ń)
Watching Count: 1 oglądający | {count} oglądających
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Tag musi mieć przynajmniej {number} znak(i/ów)
Search / Go to URL: 'Szukaj / Przejdź do adresu URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
@@ -124,6 +126,96 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: Przeszukaj playlisty
Empty Search Message: Na tej playliście nie ma filmów, które pasowałyby do Twojego
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Czy
+ na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie obejrzane filmy z tej playlisty? Nie można cofnąć
+ tej czynności.
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: Szukaj w playlistach
+ Save: Zapisz
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 film dodano do
+ {playlistCount} playlist | {videoCount} film(y/ów) dodano do {playlistCount}
+ playlist
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 film dodano do 1 playlisty |
+ Do 1 playlisty dodano {videoCount} film(y/ów)
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Nie wybrano jeszcze żadnych playlist.
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Wybierz playlistę, do której chcesz
+ dodać swój film | Wybierz playlistę, do której chcesz dodać swoje {videoCount}
+ film(y/ów)
+ N playlists selected: Zaznaczono {playlistCount}
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ There were no videos to remove.: Nie było żadnych filmów do usunięcia.
+ Video has been removed: Film został usunięty
+ Playlist has been updated.: Playlista została zmieniona.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Pojawił się problem podczas
+ wprowadzania zmian w playliście.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Ten film nie może zostać przeniesiony wyżej.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Ta playlista jest zabezpieczona
+ i nie może zostać usunięta.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Playlista {playlistName} została
+ usunięta.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Niektóre
+ filmy z playlisty nie zostały jeszcze załadowane. Kliknij tutaj, by powielić
+ playlistę mimo wszystko.
+ This playlist does not exist: Ta playlista nie istnieje
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Nazwa playlisty nie może
+ być pusta. Proszę, nadaj nazwę.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Pojawił się problem z usunięciem
+ tego filmu
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 film został usunięty | Usunięto
+ {videoCount} film(y/ów)
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Ten film nie może zostać przeniesiony niżej.
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Ta playlista będzie używana dla
+ funkcji Szybkiej Zakładki
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Cofnięto zmianę. „{oldPlaylistName}”
+ będzie używana dla funkcji Szybkiej Zakładki
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Teraz
+ ta playlista, zamiast „{oldPlaylistName}”, będzie używana dla funkcji Szybkiej
+ Zakładki . Kliknij tutaj, by cofnąć zmianę
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Wyłączono Szybką Zakładkę
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Czy na pewno
+ chcesz usunąć tę playlistę? Nie można cofnąć tej czynności.
+ Sort By:
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Odtwarzane ostatnio
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Utworzone najdawniej
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Utworzone ostatnio
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Zmieniane najdawniej
+ Sort By: Sortuj według
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Odtwarzane najdawniej
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Zmieniane ostatnio
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Nie
+ masz żadnych playlist. Kliknij na przycisk „Utwórz nową playlistę”, by dodać jedną.
+ Remove from Playlist: Usuń z playlisty
+ Save Changes: Zapisz zmiany
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Utwórz
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Pojawił się problem z utworzeniem
+ playlisty.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Playlista „{playlistName}”
+ została utworzona..
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Istnieje
+ już playlista z taką nazwą. Proszę wybrać inną nazwę.
+ New Playlist Name: Nowa nazwa playlisty
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Ta playlista nie ma żadnych filmów.
+ Add to Playlist: Dodaj do playlisty
+ Move Video Down: Przenieś film niżej
+ Playlist Name: Nazwa playlisty
+ Remove Watched Videos: Usuń obejrzane filmy
+ Move Video Up: Przenieś film wyżej
+ Cancel: Anuluj
+ Delete Playlist: Usuń playlistę
+ Create New Playlist: Utwórz nową playlistę
+ Edit Playlist Info: Zmień opis playlisty
+ Copy Playlist: Powiel playlistę
+ Playlist Description: Opis playlisty
+ Add to Favorites: Dodaj do „{playlistName}”
+ Remove from Favorites: Usuń z „{playlistName}”
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Wyłącz Szybką Zakładkę
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Włącz Szybką Zakładkę z tą playlistą
# On History Page
History: 'Historia'
@@ -156,6 +248,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Środek'
End: 'Koniec'
Hidden: Nie pokazuj
+ Blur: Rozmyte
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Serwer Invidious
(Domyślnie jest https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: '„Na czasie” z obszaru'
@@ -191,6 +284,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
Hot Pink: Gorący róż
Pastel Pink: Pastelowy róż
+ Nordic: Nordycki
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Główny kolor motywu'
Red: 'Czerwony'
@@ -312,6 +406,8 @@ Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Jak zaimportować swoje subskrypcje?'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: Pobierz subskrypcje z RSS
Fetch Automatically: Automatycznie odświeżaj subskrypcje
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Pokaż tylko najnowszy film z każdego
+ kanału
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Ustawienia zaawansowane'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Włącz tryb dubugowania (pokazuje
@@ -358,6 +454,10 @@ Settings:
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Automatycznie usuwaj pliki metadanych filmu
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Zapisuj do historii film wraz z
ostatnią odtwarzaną playlistą, która go zawierała
+ All playlists have been removed: Wszystkie playlisty zostały usunięte
+ Remove All Playlists: Usuń wszystkie playlisty
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Czy na pewno usunąć wszystkie
+ Twoje playlisty?
Data Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: Jak mogę zaimportować swoje subskrypcje?
Unknown data key: Nieznany klucz danych
@@ -390,7 +490,7 @@ Settings:
Import YouTube: Import z YouTube
Import FreeTube: Import z FreeTube
Import Subscriptions: Zaimportuj subskrypcje
- Select Export Type: Wybierz typ exportu
+ Select Export Type: Wybierz typ eksportu
Select Import Type: Wybierz typ importu
Data Settings: Ustawienia danych
One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: Nie można było zaimportować
@@ -406,6 +506,14 @@ Settings:
History File: Plik historii
Playlist File: Plik playlist
Subscription File: Plik subskrypcji
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "Opcja ta wyeksportuje filmy ze wszystkich playlist, jako jedną playlistę
+ o nazwie „Ulubione”.\nOto jak wyeksportować i zaimportować filmy z playlist
+ do starszych wersji FreeTube:\n1. Wyeksportuj swoje playlisty z tą opcją włączoną.\n
+ 2. Usuń wszystkie swoje istniejące playlisty przy użyciu opcji „Usuń wszystkie
+ playlisty” z ustawień prywatności.\n3. Uruchom starszą wersję FreeTube, następnie
+ zaimportuj wyeksportowane playlisty."
+ Label: Wyeksportuj playlisty dla starszych wersji FreeTube
Distraction Free Settings:
Distraction Free Settings: Ustawienia skupienia uwagi
Hide Live Chat: Schowaj czat na żywo
@@ -425,9 +533,9 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: Schowaj rozdziały
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Schowaj nadchodzące premiery
Hide Channels: Schowaj filmy z kanałów
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Nazwa albo ID kanału
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Wyświetlaj tytuły bez nadmiernych
- wielkich liter
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID kanału
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Wyświetlaj tytuły nie nadużywając
+ wielkich liter i interpunkcji
Hide Channel Community: Schowaj społeczność kanału
Hide Channel Shorts: Schowaj filmy Short kanału
Hide Featured Channels: Schowaj polecane kanały
@@ -446,6 +554,17 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Nie pokazuj zdjęć profilowych w komentarzach
Blur Thumbnails: Rozmazuj miniaturki
Hide Subscriptions Community: Schowaj „Społeczność” kanałów
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Podane ID kanału jest niepoprawne
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Niektóre z kanałów nie zostały przetworzone, ponieważ
+ zostały zablokowane po swoim ID. Funkcja jest zablokowana, aż do momentu, w
+ którym zostaną one zaktualizowane.
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: To ID kanału już jest
+ Hide Channels API Error: Nie udało się wyszukać użytkownika po podanym ID. Proszę
+ sprawdzić, czy wpisane ID jest poprawne.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Schowaj filmy i playlisty zawierające
+ poniższy tekst
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Słowo, fragment słowa,
+ lub wyrażenie
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Aplikacja
musi zostać ponownie uruchomiona, aby zmiany zostały wprowadzone. Uruchomić ponownie
i zastosować zmiany?
@@ -480,6 +599,9 @@ Settings:
Do Nothing: Nic nie rób
Category Color: Kolor segmentu
UseDeArrowTitles: Użyj tytułów filmów z DeArrow
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Użyj DeArrow do miniaturek
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': URL
+ do API generatora miniaturek DeArrow (Domyślny jest https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Niestandardowe argumenty zewnętrznego odtwarzacza
Custom External Player Executable: Niestandardowy plik wykonywalny zewnętrznego
@@ -490,6 +612,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Żaden
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Zignoruj argumenty domyślne
Download Settings:
Ask Download Path: Pytaj o lokalizację pobierania
Download Settings: Ustawienia pobierania
@@ -517,6 +640,7 @@ Settings:
Set Password To Prevent Access: Ustaw hasło, aby zabezpieczyć dostęp do ustawień
Set Password: Ustaw hasło
Remove Password: Usuń hasło
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Rozwiń wszystkie sekcje ustawień
#On About page
About: 'O projekcie'
@@ -633,6 +757,7 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} głosów'
Reveal Answers: Pokaż odpowiedzi
Hide Answers: Schowaj odpowiedzi
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Film schowany przez FreeTube
Live: Transmisje
This channel does not currently have any live streams: Ten kanał nie ma obecnie
@@ -790,6 +915,9 @@ Video:
na żywo jest nie dostępny dla tej transmisji. Być może został on wyłączony przez
osobę wstawiającą.
Pause on Current Video: Zatrzymaj po tym filmie
+ Unhide Channel: Pokaż kanał
+ Hide Channel: Ukryj kanał
+ More Options: Więcej opcji
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -872,7 +1000,7 @@ Up Next: 'Następne'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Błąd lokalnego API (kliknij by skopiować)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Błąd API Invidious (kliknij by skopiować)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Wycofywanie do API Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Wycofywanie do lokalnego API'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Wycofywanie do lokalnego API'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Subskrypcje nie zostały jeszcze wprowadzone'
Loop is now disabled: 'Zapętlenie jest teraz wyłączone'
Loop is now enabled: 'Zapętlenie jest teraz włączone'
@@ -904,12 +1032,12 @@ Profile:
Delete Profile: Usuń profil
Make Default Profile: Ustaw jako profil domyślny
Update Profile: Zaktualizuj profil
- Create Profile: Stwórz profil
+ Create Profile: Utwórz profil
Profile Preview: Podgląd profilu
Custom Color: Własny kolor
Color Picker: Wybór koloru
Edit Profile: Edytuj profil
- Create New Profile: Stwórz nowy profil
+ Create New Profile: Utwórz nowy profil
Profile Manager: Menadżer profili
All Channels: Wszystkie kanały
Profile Select: Wybór profilu
@@ -931,12 +1059,17 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Filtr profilu
Profile Settings: Ustawienia profilu
Toggle Profile List: Włącz/wyłącz listę profili
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Otwórz rozwijane menu profilu
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Zamknij rozwijane menu profilu
+ Profile Name: Nazwa profilu
+ Edit Profile Name: Edytuj nazwę profilu
+ Create Profile Name: Nadaj nazwę profilowi
The playlist has been reversed: Playlista została odwrócona
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'Nowy wpis na blogu
jest dostępny, {blogTitle}. Kliknij, aby zobaczyć więcej'
Download From Site: Pobierz ze strony
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: Wersja {versionNumber}
- jest już dostępna! Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
+ jest już dostępna! Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: Ten
film jest niedostępny z powodu brakujących formatów. Przyczyną może być blokada
@@ -1000,20 +1133,28 @@ Tooltips:
jest do znalezienia za pomocą zmiennej środowiskowej PATH. Jeśli trzeba, można
tutaj ustawić niestandardową ścieżkę.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Domyślnie: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Nie wysyłaj do zewnętrznego odtwarzacza żadnych domyślnych
+ argumentów (takich jak prędkość odtwarzania, URL playlisty itp.), oprócz URL-u
+ filmu. Niestandardowe argumenty zostaną wysłane.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Wyłącza opartą na przestrzeni dyskowej pamięć podręczną HTTP
Electrona i włącza własny obraz pamięci podręcznej wewnątrz pamięci RAM. Spowoduje
to większe użycie pamięci RAM.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Wprowadź nazwę albo ID kanału, aby schować wszystkie filmy i playlisty
- tego kanału, oraz sam kanał z wyszukiwań, z zakładek „Na czasie” i „Popularne”
- oraz z polecanych. Nazwa kanału musi być dokładnym dopasowaniem, z uwzględnieniem
- wielkości liter.
+ Hide Channels: Wprowadź ID kanału, aby schować wszystkie filmy i playlisty tego
+ kanału, oraz sam kanał z wyszukiwań, z zakładek „Na czasie” i „Popularne” oraz
+ z polecanych. ID kanału musi być dokładnym dopasowaniem, z uwzględnieniem wielkości
+ liter.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Ta opcja została nadpisana opcją ogólną „{appWideSetting}”
z podgrupy „{subsection}” grupy „{settingsSection}”
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Wprowadź słowo, fragment słowa, lub
+ wyrażenie (bez znaczenia jest wielkość liter), by schować wszystkie filmy i
+ playlisty zawierające w tytule podane sformułowanie w całym programie FreeTube,
+ poza Historią, Twoimi playlistami i filmami w tych playlistach.
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Zastąp tytuły filmów tytułami zasugerowanymi przez użytkowników
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Zastąp miniaturki filmów miniaturkami z DeArrow.
Playing Next Video Interval: Odtwarzanie kolejnego filmu już za chwilę. Wciśnij aby
przerwać. | Odtwarzanie kolejnego filmu za {nextVideoInterval} sekundę. Wciśnij
aby przerwać. | Odtwarzanie kolejnego filmu za {nextVideoInterval} sekund. Wciśnij
@@ -1041,13 +1182,6 @@ Download folder does not exist: Katalog pobierania "$" nie istnieje. Przełączo
tryb "pytaj o folder".
Screenshot Error: Wykonanie zrzutu nie powiodło się. {error}
Screenshot Success: Zapisano zrzut ekranu jako „{filePath}”
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: kanał
- Video: film
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: Ten {instance} ma ograniczenie
- wiekowe
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: '{videoOrPlaylist} ma ograniczenie wiekowe'
New Window: Nowe okno
Title: Lista kanałów
@@ -1078,3 +1212,13 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Playlista zatrzyma się, gdy
film się zakończy
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Playlista nie zatrzyma się,
gdy obecny film się zakończy
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} dodany do filtra kanałów'
+Go to page: Idź do {page}
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} usunięty z filtra kanału'
+Tag already exists: Tag „{tagName}” już istnieje
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: Przycięte wyrażenie musi mieć przynajmniej
+ 1 znak | Przycięte wyrażenie musi mieć przynajmniej {length} znaki/ów
+Age Restricted:
+ This video is age restricted: Ten film ma ograniczenie wiekowe
+ This channel is age restricted: Ten kanał ma ograniczenie wiekowe
+Close Banner: Zamknij Baner
diff --git a/static/locales/pt-BR.yaml b/static/locales/pt-BR.yaml
index 6e17bb6e2c618..90761b2f76816 100644
--- a/static/locales/pt-BR.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/pt-BR.yaml
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 assinante | {count} assinantes
View Count: 1 visualização | {count} visualizações
Watching Count: 1 assistindo | {count} assistindo
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: A tag deve ter pelo menos {number} caracteres
Search / Go to URL: 'Buscar/Ir ao URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
@@ -110,17 +112,105 @@ Trending:
Music: Música
Default: Padrão
Most Popular: 'Mais populares'
-Playlists: 'Listas de reprodução'
+Playlists: 'Playlists'
User Playlists:
- Your Playlists: 'Suas Listas de Reprodução'
+ Your Playlists: 'Suas playlists'
Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: Os
seus vídeos salvos estão vazios. Clique no botão salvar no canto de um vídeo para
que ele seja listado aqui
- Playlist Message: Esta página não reflete listas de reprodução totalmente funcionais.
- Ele só lista vídeos que você salvou ou favoritou. Quando o trabalho estiver concluído,
+ Playlist Message: Esta página não reflete playlists totalmente funcionais. Ele só
+ lista vídeos que você salvou ou favoritou. Quando o trabalho estiver concluído,
todos os vídeos atualmente aqui serão migrados para uma playlist 'Favoritos'.
- Search bar placeholder: Pesquisar na Lista de Reprodução
+ Search bar placeholder: Pesquisar na playlist
Empty Search Message: Não há vídeos nesta playlist que correspondam à sua pesquisa
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Você
+ não tem playlists. Clique no botão "criar playlist" para criar uma.
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Esta playlist não tem vídeos atualmente.
+ Create New Playlist: Criar nova playlist
+ Add to Playlist: Adicionar à playlist
+ Move Video Up: Mover vídeo para cima
+ Remove from Playlist: Remover da Playlist
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Criar
+ New Playlist Name: Novo nome da playlist
+ Toast:
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Já
+ existe uma playlist com este nome. Escolha um nome diferente.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: A playlist {playlistName}
+ foi criada com sucesso.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Ocorreu um problema ao criar
+ a playlist.
+ Add to Favorites: Adicionar a {NomeDaPlaylist}
+ Remove from Favorites: Remover de {playlistName}
+ Move Video Down: Mover vídeo para baixo
+ Playlist Name: Nome da Playlist
+ Playlist Description: Descrição da Playlist
+ Save Changes: Salvar alterações
+ Cancel: Cancelar
+ Edit Playlist Info: Editar informação da Playlist
+ Copy Playlist: Copiar Playlist
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Habilite o marcador rápido com esta Playlist
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Desativar marcador rápido
+ Delete Playlist: Excluir Playlist
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Tem certeza
+ de que deseja excluir esta playlist? Isto não pode ser desfeito.
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: Ordenar por
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Criado recentemente
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Criação mais antiga
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Atualizado recentemente
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Reproduzido recentemente
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Reprodução mais antiga
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Atualização mais antiga
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Esta playlist agora é usada para
+ favoritos rápidos
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Marcador rápido desativado
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Esta
+ playlist agora é usada para favoritos rápidos em vez de {oldPlaylistName}.
+ Clique aqui para desfazer
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Ocorreu um problema ao atualizar
+ esta playlist.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Este vídeo não pode ser movido para baixo.
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Revertido para usar {oldPlaylistName}
+ em favoritos rápidos
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Alguns
+ vídeos da playlist ainda não foram carregados. Clique aqui para copiar mesmo
+ assim.
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: O nome da playlist não
+ pode ficar vazio. Por favor insira um nome.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 vídeo foi removido | {videoCount}
+ vídeos foram removidos
+ There were no videos to remove.: Não havia vídeos para remover.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Esta playlist está protegida
+ e não pode ser removida.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: A playlist {playlistName} foi excluída.
+ This playlist does not exist: Esta playlist não existe
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Este vídeo não pode ser movido para cima.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Houve um problema ao remover este
+ vídeo
+ Playlist has been updated.: A playlist foi atualizada.
+ Video has been removed: O vídeo foi removido
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 vídeo adicionado a 1 playlist
+ | {videoCount} vídeos adicionados a 1 playlist
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 vídeo adicionado
+ a {playlistCount} playlists | {videoCount} vídeos adicionados a {playlistCount}
+ playlists
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Você ainda não selecionou nenhuma playlist.
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Selecione uma playlist para adicionar
+ seu vídeo | Selecione uma playlist para adicionar seus {videoCount} vídeos
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} selecionadas'
+ Search in Playlists: Pesquisar nas playlists
+ Save: Salvar
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Tem
+ certeza de que deseja remover todos os vídeos assistidos desta playlist? Isto
+ não pode ser desfeito.
+ Remove Watched Videos: Remove vídeos assistidos
# On History Page
History: 'Histórico'
@@ -153,6 +243,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'No meio'
End: 'No fim'
Hidden: Escondido
+ Blur: Desfocar
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Instância do
Invidious (A padrão é https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Região para o “Em alta”'
@@ -188,6 +279,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
Pastel Pink: Rosa Pastel
Hot Pink: Rosa Choque
+ Nordic: Nordico
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Cor principal'
Red: 'Vermelha'
@@ -308,6 +400,8 @@ Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Como posso importar minhas inscrições?'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: Buscar Informações através de RSS
Fetch Automatically: Obter o feed automaticamente
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Exibe apenas o vídeo mais recente de
+ cada canal
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Configurações avançadas'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Habilitar modo de depuração (Mostra
@@ -353,8 +447,12 @@ Settings:
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: Remover Todas as Inscrições / Perfis
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Remover automaticamente os metarquivos
de vídeo
- Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Salvar os vídeos vistos com a última
- lista de reprodução vista
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Salvar vídeos assistidos com a
+ última playlist visualizada
+ All playlists have been removed: Todas as playlists foram removidas
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Tem certeza de que deseja
+ remover todas as suas playlists?
+ Remove All Playlists: Remover todas as playlists
Data Settings:
Subscriptions have been successfully exported: Inscrições foram exportadas com
@@ -394,17 +492,25 @@ Settings:
Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: O objeto Perfil possui dados
insuficientes, pulando item
Manage Subscriptions: Administrar Inscrições
- Import Playlists: Importar listas de reprodução
- Export Playlists: Exportar listas de reprodução
+ Import Playlists: Importar playlists
+ Export Playlists: Exportar playlists
Playlist insufficient data: Dados insuficientes para a playlist "{playlist}",
pulando item
- All playlists has been successfully exported: Todas as listas de reprodução foram
- exportadas com sucesso
- All playlists has been successfully imported: Todas as listas de reprodução foram
- importadas com sucesso
+ All playlists has been successfully exported: Todas as playlists foram exportadas
+ com sucesso
+ All playlists has been successfully imported: Todas as playlists foram importadas
+ com sucesso
Subscription File: Arquivo de assinaturas
History File: Arquivo de histórico
Playlist File: Arquivo de Lista
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: Exportar playlists para versões mais antigas do FreeTube
+ Tooltip: "Esta opção exporta vídeos de todas as playlists para uma playlist
+ chamada \"Favoritos\".\nComo exportar e importar vídeos em playlists para
+ uma versão mais antiga do FreeTube:\n1. Exporte suas playlists com esta opção
+ habilitada.\n2. Exclua todas as suas playlists existentes usando a opção \"\
+ Remover todas as playlists\" em \"Configurações de privacidade\".\n3. Inicie
+ a versão mais antiga do FreeTube e importe as playlists exportadas."
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Live Chat: Esconder chat ao vivo
Hide Popular Videos: Esconder vídeos populares
@@ -416,16 +522,16 @@ Settings:
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Ocultar curtidas e desgostos do vídeo
Hide Video Views: Ocultar Visualizações de Vídeo
Hide Active Subscriptions: Ocultar Inscrições Ativas
- Hide Playlists: Ocultar listas de reprodução
+ Hide Playlists: Ocultar playlist
Hide Video Description: Ocultar descrição do vídeo
Hide Sharing Actions: Ocultar ações de compartilhamento
Hide Comments: Ocultar comentários
Hide Live Streams: Ocultar transmissões ao vivo
Hide Chapters: Ocultar capítulos
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Ocultar as Próximas Estréias
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Nome ou ID do Canal
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID do Canal
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Mostrar Títulos sem Capitalização
- Excessiva
+ Excessiva nem Pontuação
Hide Channels: Ocultar Vídeos dos Canais
Side Bar: Barra lateral
@@ -434,7 +540,7 @@ Settings:
General: Geral
Subscriptions Page: Página de inscrições
Hide Featured Channels: Ocultar canais em destaque
- Hide Channel Playlists: Ocultar listas de reprodução de canais
+ Hide Channel Playlists: Ocultar playlists de canais
Hide Channel Community: Ocultar comunidade do canal
Hide Channel Shorts: Ocultar Shorts do Canal
Hide Channel Podcasts: Ocultar podcasts do canal
@@ -445,6 +551,16 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Esconder imagens do perfil nos comentários
Blur Thumbnails: Desfocar Miniaturas
Hide Subscriptions Community: Ocultar comunidade inscritas
+ Hide Channels Invalid: ID de canal fornecido é inválido
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Alguns canais foram bloqueados por ID e não foram
+ processados. O recurso é bloqueado enquanto esses IDs estão sendo atualizados
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: ID do canal já existe
+ Hide Channels API Error: Erro ao recuperar o usuário com o ID fornecido. Por favor,
+ verifique novamente se o ID está correto.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Palavra, trecho de palavra
+ ou frase
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Ocultar vídeos e playlists que contenham
+ texto
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: O
aplicativo necessita reiniciar para as mudanças fazerem efeito. Reiniciar e aplicar
@@ -469,8 +585,8 @@ Settings:
são pulados
'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': URL da API SponsorBlock
(o padrão é https://sponsor.ajay.app)
- Enable SponsorBlock: Ativar o Bloqueio de Patrocinadores
- SponsorBlock Settings: Configurações de Bloqueio de Patrocinadores
+ Enable SponsorBlock: Ativar o SponsorBlock
+ SponsorBlock Settings: Configurações das APIs de Ajay (SponsorBlock & DeArrow)
Skip Options:
Show In Seek Bar: Mostrar na barra de busca
Prompt To Skip: Solicitar para pular
@@ -479,6 +595,9 @@ Settings:
Skip Option: Opção de pular
Category Color: Cor da categoria
UseDeArrowTitles: Utilizar títulos de vídeo DeArrow
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Usar DeArrow para miniaturas
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': URL
+ da API do gerador de miniatura DeArrow (o padrão é https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Argumentos de player externo personalizados
External Player: Player externo
@@ -488,6 +607,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Nenhum
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ignorar argumentos padrão
Download Settings:
Download Settings: Configurações de download
Ask Download Path: Peça o caminho de download
@@ -516,6 +636,7 @@ Settings:
Password Incorrect: Senha Incorreta
Password: Senha
Enter Password To Unlock: Digite a senha para desbloquear as configurações
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Expandir todas as seções de configurações
#On About page
About: 'Sobre'
@@ -621,6 +742,7 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} Votos'
Reveal Answers: Revelar respostas
Hide Answers: Ocultar respostas
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Vídeo escondido pelo FreeTube
Channel Tabs: Abas dos Canais
Live: Ao vivo
@@ -683,8 +805,8 @@ Video:
Hours: 'horas'
Day: 'dia'
Days: 'dias'
- Week: 'semana'
- Weeks: 'semanas'
+ Week: 'Semana'
+ Weeks: 'Semanas'
Month: 'mês'
Months: 'meses'
Year: 'ano'
@@ -713,9 +835,9 @@ Video:
Autoplay: Reprodução Automática
Play Previous Video: Reproduzir o Vídeo Anterior
Play Next Video: Reproduzir o Próximo Vídeo
- Reverse Playlist: Inverter ordem da lista de reprodução
- Shuffle Playlist: Lista de reprodução em modo aleatório
- Loop Playlist: Repetir lista de reprodução
+ Reverse Playlist: Inverter ordem da playlist
+ Shuffle Playlist: Playlist aleatória
+ Loop Playlist: Repetir playlist
Copy Invidious Channel Link: Copiar link do canal no Invidious
Open Channel in Invidious: Abrir Canal no Invidious
Copy YouTube Channel Link: Copiar o link do canal no YouTube
@@ -732,19 +854,19 @@ Video:
outro: Conclusão
intro: Introdução
sponsor: Patrocinador
- filler: Enchimento
+ filler: Preenchimento
recap: Recapitulação
Skipped segment: Segmentos pulados
External Player:
Unsupported Actions:
shuffling playlists: embaralhar playlists
opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): abrir
- um vídeo específico em uma lista de reprodução (voltar a abrir o vídeo)
+ um vídeo específico em uma playlist (voltar à abertura do vídeo)
reversing playlists: revertendo playlists
opening playlists: abrindo playlists
starting video at offset: começando vídeo em deslocamento
setting a playback rate: definindo uma taxa de reprodução
- looping playlists: Listas de reprodução em loop
+ looping playlists: playlists em loop
UnsupportedActionTemplate: '{externalPlayer} não suporta: {action}'
playlist: playlist
OpeningTemplate: Abrindo {videoOrPlaylist} em {externalPlayer}...
@@ -780,6 +902,9 @@ Video:
bate-papo ao vivo não está disponível para esta transmissão. Pode ter sido desativado
pelo responsável.
Pause on Current Video: Pausar no vídeo atual
+ Unhide Channel: Mostrar Canal
+ Hide Channel: Ocultar o canal
+ More Options: Mais Opções
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -798,7 +923,7 @@ Playlist:
# On Video Watch Page
#* Published
#& Views
- Playlist: Lista de reprodução
+ Playlist: Playlist
Toggle Theatre Mode: 'Alternar Modo Teatro'
Change Format:
Change Media Formats: 'Mudar formato do vídeo'
@@ -863,7 +988,7 @@ Up Next: 'Próximo'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Erro da API local (clique para copiar)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Erro da API do Invidious (clique para copiar)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Recorrendo à API do Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Recorrendo à API local'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Recorrendo à API local'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Inscrições ainda não foram implementadas'
Loop is now disabled: 'O ciclo foi desativado'
Loop is now enabled: 'O ciclo está ativado'
@@ -922,12 +1047,17 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Filtro de Perfil
Profile Settings: Configurações de Perfil
Toggle Profile List: Ativar/Desativar Lista de Perfis
+ Profile Name: Nome do perfil
+ Edit Profile Name: Editar o nome do perfil
+ Create Profile Name: Criar nome de perfil
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Abrir Menu Suspenso de Perfil
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Fechar Menu Suspenso de Perfil
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: A versão {versionNumber}
já está disponível! Clique para mais detalhes
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'Um novo blog está disponível,
{blogTitle}. Clique para ver mais'
Download From Site: Baixar do site
-The playlist has been reversed: A lista de reprodução foi invertida
+The playlist has been reversed: A playlist foi invertida
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: Este
vídeo não está disponível por causa de formatos faltantes. Isso pode acontecer devido
à indisponibilidade do país.
@@ -946,11 +1076,10 @@ Tooltips:
áudio são para transmissões sem vídeo.
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Conectar-se-á ao Invidious para obter vídeos em
vez de fazer uma conexão direta com o YouTube. Ignora a preferência da API.
- Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Só funciona quando a API do Invidious
- é predefinida. Quando ativada, a API local será executada e usará os formatos
- antigos retornados por ela em vez dos retornados pelo Invidious. É útil quando
- os vídeos retornados pelo Invidious não são reproduzidos devido a restrições
- de país.
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Funciona apenas quando a API do Invidious
+ é o padrão. Quando ativada, a API Local será executada e usará os formatos herdados
+ retornados por ela, em vez dos retornados pelo Invidious. Ajuda quando os vídeos
+ retornados pelo Invidious não são reproduzidos devido a restrições do país.
Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Com o cursor sobre o vídeo, pressione
e segure a tecla Control (tecla Command no Mac) e role a roda do mouse para
frente ou para trás para controlar a taxa de reprodução. Pressione e segure
@@ -988,14 +1117,17 @@ Tooltips:
separados por ponto e vírgula (';'), você deseja que seja passado para o reprodutor
Ignore Warnings: Suprime os avisos para quando o player externo atual não suporta
- a ação atual (por exemplo, reverter listas de reprodução, etc.).
+ a ação atual (por exemplo, reverter playlist, etc.).
Custom External Player Executable: Por padrão, o FreeTube assumirá que o player
externo escolhido pode ser encontrado por meio da variável de ambiente PATH.
Se necessário, um caminho personalizado pode ser definido aqui.
External Player: A escolha de um player externo exibirá um ícone, para abrir o
- vídeo (lista de reprodução, se compatível) no player externo, na miniatura.
- Aviso, as configurações do Invidious não afetam os players externos.
+ vídeo (playlist se suportado) no player externo, na miniatura. Atenção, as configurações
+ do Invidious não afetam players externos.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Padrão: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Não envie nenhum argumento padrão ao player externo
+ além do URL do vídeo (por exemplo, taxa de reprodução, URL da playlist, etc.).
+ Argumentos personalizados ainda serão transmitidos.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Desabilita o cache HTTP baseado em disco do Electron e habilita
um cache de imagem em memória personalizado. Levará ao aumento do uso de RAM.
@@ -1006,9 +1138,14 @@ Tooltips:
observando maiúsculas e minúsculas.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Esta definição é substituída pela definição de toda a
aplicação "{appWideSetting}", na seção "{subsection}" da "{settingsSection}"
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Insira uma palavra, trecho de palavra
+ ou frase (sem distinção entre maiúsculas e minúsculas) para ocultar todos os
+ vídeos e playlists cujos títulos originais a contenham em todo o FreeTube, excluindo
+ apenas Histórico, Suas playlists e vídeos dentro das playlists.
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Substituir títulos de vídeo por títulos enviados pelo usuário
a partir do DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Substitua as miniaturas de vídeo pelas miniaturas do DeArrow.
More: Mais
Playing Next Video Interval: Reproduzindo o próximo vídeo imediatamente. Clique para
cancelar. | Reproduzindo o próximo vídeo em {nextVideoInterval} segundo(s). Clique
@@ -1040,14 +1177,6 @@ Channels:
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} foi removido de suas assinaturas'
Unsubscribe Prompt: Tem certeza de que quer cancelar a sua inscrição de "{channelName}"?
Count: '{number} canal(is) encontrado(s).'
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: Este {instance} tem restrição
- de idade
- Type:
- Channel: Canal
- Video: Vídeo
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Esse(a) {videoOrPlaylist} tem restrição
- de idade
Screenshot Success: Captura de tela salva como "{filePath}"
Screenshot Error: Falha na captura de tela. {error}
Preferences: Preferências
@@ -1066,7 +1195,17 @@ Hashtag:
This hashtag does not currently have any videos: Esta hashtag não tem atualmente
nenhum vídeo
Hashtag: Hashtag
-Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Lista de reprodução será pausada
- quando vídeo atual terminar
-Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Lista de reprodução não será
- pausada quando vídeo atual terminar
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: A playlist será pausada quando
+ o vídeo atual terminar
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: A playlist não será pausada
+ quando o vídeo atual terminar
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} adicionado ao filtro de canais'
+Go to page: Ir para {page}
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} removido do filtro do canal'
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: A entrada cortada deve ter pelo
+ menos 1 caractere | A entrada cortada precisa ter pelo menos {length} caracteres
+Tag already exists: A tag "{tagName}" já existe
+Close Banner: Fechar Banner
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: Este canal tem restrição de idade
+ This video is age restricted: Este vídeo tem restrição de idade
diff --git a/static/locales/pt-PT.yaml b/static/locales/pt-PT.yaml
index cbdedd6652243..679ca1b774360 100644
--- a/static/locales/pt-PT.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/pt-PT.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Put the name of your locale in the same language
-Locale Name: Português
+Locale Name: Português (PT)
FreeTube: FreeTube
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Toggle Developer Tools: Alternar ferramentas de desenvolvimento
Actual size: Tamanho real
Zoom in: Ampliar
Zoom out: Reduzir
-Toggle fullscreen: Alternar ecrã inteiro
+Toggle fullscreen: Alternar ecrã completo
Window: Janela
Minimize: Minimizar
Close: Fechar
@@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ Forward: Avançar
# Anything shared among components / views should be put here
Videos: Vídeos
- Shorts: Curtas
- Live: Em directo
+ Shorts: Curtos
+ Live: Em direto
Community: Comunidade
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: 1 vídeo | {count} vídeos
+ Subscriber Count: 1 assinante | {count} assinantes
+ View Count: 1 visualização | {contagem} visualizações
+ Watching Count: 1 a assistir | {count} a assistir
+ Channel Count: 1 canal | {count} canais
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: A versão {versionNumber}
- já está disponível! Clique para mais detalhes
+ está disponível! Clique aqui para mais informações.
Download From Site: Descarregar do site
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'Está disponível um
- novo blogue, {blogTitle}. Clique aqui para ver mais'
+ novo blogue, {blogTitle}. Clique aqui para ver mais.'
# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: Pesquisar/Ir para o URL
@@ -78,7 +84,7 @@ Search Filters:
# On Search Page
Medium (4 - 20 minutes): Médio (4 - 20 minutos)
Search Results: Resultados
- Fetching results. Please wait: A procurar. Por favor aguarde
+ Fetching results. Please wait: A procurar. Por favor aguarde.
Fetch more results: Obter mais resultados
There are no more results for this search: Não existem mais resultados
# Sidebar
@@ -87,8 +93,8 @@ Subscriptions:
Subscriptions: Subscrições
Latest Subscriptions: Subscrições recentes
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Este
- perfil contém um elevado número de subscrições. A forçar a utilização do RSS para
- evitar que a sua rede seja bloqueada
+ perfil contém um elevado número de subscrições. A forçar utilização de RSS para
+ evitar que a sua rede seja bloqueada.
'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': A
sua lista de subscrições está vazia. Adicione algumas para as ver aqui.
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': A carregar subscrições. Por favor aguarde.
@@ -100,11 +106,13 @@ Subscriptions:
Empty Channels: Os canais subscritos não têm, atualmente, quaisquer vídeos.
Subscriptions Tabs: Separadores de subscrições
All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Todos os separadores de subscrição estão ocultos.
- Para ver o conteúdo aqui, desoculte alguns separadores na secção "{subsecção}"
+ Para ver o conteúdo aqui, desoculte alguns separadores na secção "{subsection}"
em "{settingsSection}".
+ Load More Posts: Carregar mais publicações
+ Empty Posts: Os canais subscritos não tem quaisquer publicações.
Trending: Tendências
- Trending Tabs: Separador de tendências
+ Trending Tabs: Separadores de tendências
Movies: Filmes
Gaming: Jogos
Music: Música
@@ -114,31 +122,112 @@ Playlists: Listas de reprodução
User Playlists:
Your Playlists: As suas listas de reprodução
Playlist Message: Esta página não é indicativa do resultado final. Apenas mostra
- vídeos que foram guardados ou marcados como favoritos. Quando estiver pronta,
+ os vídeos que foram guardados ou marcados como favoritos. Quando estiver pronta,
todos os vídeos que estiverem aqui serão postos numa lista chamada 'Favoritos'.
Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: A
- lista está vazia. Carregue no botão Guardar no canto de um vídeo para o mostrar
- aqui
+ lista está vazia. Clique no botão Guardar no canto de um vídeo para o mostrar
+ aqui.
Search bar placeholder: Procurar na lista de reprodução
- Empty Search Message: Não há vídeos nesta lista de reprodução que correspondam à
- sua pesquisa
+ Empty Search Message: Não há vídeos nesta lista de reprodução que coincidam com
+ a sua pesquisa
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Tem
+ certeza que quer remover todos os vídeos vistos desta lista de reprodução? Isto
+ não pode ser revertido.
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Tem certeza
+ que quer eliminar esta lista de reprodução? Isto não pode ser revertido.
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ Video has been removed: O vídeo foi removido
+ Playlist has been updated.: A lista de reprodução foi atualizada.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Alguns
+ vídeos da lista de reprodução ainda não foram carregados. Clique aqui para
+ copiar mesmo assim.
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: O nome da lista de reprodução
+ não pode estar vazio. Introduza um nome.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Houve um problema ao remover este
+ vídeo
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Este vídeo não pode ser movido para baixo.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 vídeo foi removido | {videoCount}
+ vídeos foram removidos
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: A lista de reprodução {playlistName}
+ foi eliminada.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Este vídeo não pode ser movido para cima.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Houve um problema com a atualização
+ desta lista de reprodução.
+ There were no videos to remove.: Não havia vídeos para remover.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Esta lista de reprodução
+ está protegida e não pode ser removida.
+ This playlist does not exist: Esta lista de reprodução não existe
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Não
+ tem listas de reprodução. Clique no botão de criar uma nova lista de reprodução
+ para criar uma.
+ Remove from Playlist: Remover da lista de reprodução
+ Save Changes: Guardar alterações
+ Sort By:
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Criado recentemente
+ Sort By: Ordenar por
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Atualizado recentemente
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Criação mais antiga
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Atualização mais antiga
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Reproduzido recentemente
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Reprodução mais antiga
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Esta lista de reprodução não tem vídeos
+ atualmente.
+ Add to Playlist: Adicionar à lista de reprodução
+ Move Video Down: Mover vídeo para baixo
+ Playlist Name: Nome da lista de reprodução
+ Remove Watched Videos: Remover vídeos vistos
+ Move Video Up: Mover vídeo para cima
+ Cancel: Cancelar
+ Delete Playlist: Eliminar lista de reprodução
+ Create New Playlist: Criar nova lista de reprodução
+ Edit Playlist Info: Editar informação da lista de reprodução
+ Copy Playlist: Copiar lista de reprodução
+ Playlist Description: Descrição da lista de reprodução
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 vídeo adicionado
+ a {playlistCount} listas de reprodução | {videoCount} vídeos adicionados a
+ {playlistCount} listas de reprodução
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 vídeo adicionado a 1 lista de
+ reprodução | {videoCount} vídeos adicionados a 1 lista de reprodução
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Ainda não selecionou nenhuma lista de
+ reprodução.
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Selecione uma lista de reprodução à
+ qual adicionar o seu vídeo | Selecione uma lista de reprodução à qual adicionar
+ os seus {videoCount} vídeos
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} selecionadas'
+ Search in Playlists: Pesquisar nas listas de reprodução
+ Save: Guardar
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ New Playlist Name: Novo nome da lista de reprodução
+ Create: Criar
+ Toast:
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Já
+ existe uma lista de reprodução com este nome. Por favor, escolha um nome diferente.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: A lista de reprodução
+ {playlistName} foi criada com êxito.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Houve um problema com a criação
+ da lista de reprodução.
# On History Page
History: Histórico
Watch History: Histórico de visualizações
Your history list is currently empty.: O seu histórico está vazio.
Search bar placeholder: Procurar no histórico
- Empty Search Message: Não há vídeos no seu histórico que correspondam à sua pesquisa
+ Empty Search Message: Não há vídeos no histórico que coincidam com a sua pesquisa
# On Settings Page
- Settings: Definições
+ Settings: Configurações
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Tem
que reiniciar a aplicação para aplicar as alterações. Reiniciar e aplicar as alterações?
General Settings:
- General Settings: Definições gerais
+ General Settings: Configurações gerais
Check for Updates: Verificar se há atualizações
Check for Latest Blog Posts: Verificar se há novas publicações no blogue
- Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Utilizar sistema de ligação secundário
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Utilizar sistema de ligação secundário,
em caso de falha
Enable Search Suggestions: Ativar sugestões de pesquisa
Default Landing Page: Página inicial
@@ -148,7 +237,7 @@ Settings:
Local API: API local
Invidious API: API Invidious
Video View Type:
- Video View Type: Disposição dos vídeos
+ Video View Type: Tipo de exibição dos vídeos
Grid: Grelha
List: Lista
Thumbnail Preference:
@@ -157,15 +246,17 @@ Settings:
Beginning: Início
Middle: Centro
End: Final
+ Blur: Desfoque
+ Hidden: Oculto
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': Instância Invidious
(Por omissão é https://invidious.snopyta.org)
View all Invidious instance information: Mostrar toda a informação sobre esta
instância Invidious
Region for Trending: Região para as tendências
#! List countries
- System Default: Definições do sistema
- Current instance will be randomized on startup: A instância irá ser escolhida
- aleatoriamente ao iniciar
+ System Default: Predefinido no sistema
+ Current instance will be randomized on startup: A instância, ao iniciar, será
+ escolhida aleatoriamente
No default instance has been set: Não foi definida uma instância
The currently set default instance is {instance}: A instância padrão é {instance}
Current Invidious Instance: Instância Invidious atual
@@ -177,7 +268,7 @@ Settings:
Open Link: Abrir ligação
External Link Handling: Gestão de ligações externas
Theme Settings:
- Theme Settings: Definições de tema
+ Theme Settings: Configurações de tema
Match Top Bar with Main Color: Utilizar cor principal na barra superior
Expand Side Bar by Default: Expandir barra lateral por definição
Disable Smooth Scrolling: Desativar deslocação suave
@@ -190,6 +281,8 @@ Settings:
Dracula: 'Drácula'
System Default: Definição do sistema
Catppuccin Mocha: Cappuccino mocha
+ Hot Pink: Rosa choque
+ Pastel Pink: Rosa pastel
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: Cor principal
Red: Vermelho
@@ -200,7 +293,7 @@ Settings:
Blue: Azul
Light Blue: Azul claro
Cyan: Ciano
- Teal: Azul-petróleo
+ Teal: Azul esverdeado
Green: Verde
Light Green: Verde claro
Lime: Lima
@@ -215,26 +308,26 @@ Settings:
Dracula Purple: 'Drácula roxo'
Dracula Red: 'Drácula vermelho'
Dracula Yellow: 'Drácula amarelo'
- Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: Cappuccino Mocha Rosewater
- Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: Cappuccino Mocha Flamingo
- Catppuccin Mocha Pink: Cappuccino Mocha Rosa
- Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: Cappuccino Mocha Mauve
- Catppuccin Mocha Red: Cappuccino Mocha Vermelho
- Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: Cappuccino Mocha Castanho
- Catppuccin Mocha Peach: Cappuccino Mocha Pêssego
- Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: Cappuccino Mocha Amarelo
- Catppuccin Mocha Green: Cappuccino Mocha Verde
- Catppuccin Mocha Teal: Cappuccino Mocha Verde Azulado
- Catppuccin Mocha Sky: Cappuccino Mocha Céu
- Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: Cappuccino Mocha Safira
- Catppuccin Mocha Blue: Cappuccino Mocha Azul
- Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: Cappuccino Mocha Lavanda
+ Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: Cappuccino mocha rosewater
+ Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: Cappuccino mocha flamingo
+ Catppuccin Mocha Pink: Cappuccino mocha rosa
+ Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: Cappuccino mocha mauve
+ Catppuccin Mocha Red: Cappuccino mocha vermelho
+ Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: Cappuccino mocha castanho
+ Catppuccin Mocha Peach: Cappuccino mocha pêssego
+ Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: Cappuccino mocha amarelo
+ Catppuccin Mocha Green: Cappuccino mocha verde
+ Catppuccin Mocha Teal: Cappuccino mocha azul esverdeado
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sky: Cappuccino mocha céu
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: Cappuccino mocha safira
+ Catppuccin Mocha Blue: Cappuccino mocha azul
+ Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: Cappuccino mocha lavanda
Secondary Color Theme: Cor secundária
#* Main Color Theme
Hide Side Bar Labels: Ocultar texto na barra lateral
- Hide FreeTube Header Logo: Ocultar Logotipo Do Cabeçalho Do FreeTube
+ Hide FreeTube Header Logo: Ocultar logotipo FreeTube no topo
Player Settings:
- Player Settings: Definições do reprodutor
+ Player Settings: Configurações do reprodutor
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Forçar sistema de ligação local para formatos
Remember History: Lembrar Histórico
@@ -244,16 +337,16 @@ Settings:
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Utilizar Invidious com proxy
Autoplay Playlists: Reproduzir listas de reprodução automaticamente
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: Ativar modo cinema por definição
- Default Volume: Volume
- Default Playback Rate: Velocidade de reprodução
+ Default Volume: Volume padrão
+ Default Playback Rate: Velocidade de reprodução padrão
Default Video Format:
- Default Video Format: Formato de vídeo
+ Default Video Format: Formato de vídeo padrão
Dash Formats: Formatos DASH
Legacy Formats: Formatos antigos
Audio Formats: Formatos de áudio
Default Quality:
- Default Quality: Qualidade
- Auto: Auto
+ Default Quality: Qualidade padrão
+ Auto: Automática
144p: 144p
240p: 240p
360p: 360p
@@ -265,7 +358,7 @@ Settings:
8k: 8k
Next Video Interval: Intervalo entre vídeos
Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: Tempo para avançar/recuar
- Display Play Button In Video Player: Mostrar botão Reproduzir
+ Display Play Button In Video Player: Mostrar botão "Reproduzir" no centro do vídeo
Scroll Volume Over Video Player: Utilizar roda do rato para alterar o volume
File Name Label: Padrão do nome de ficheiro
@@ -277,22 +370,23 @@ Settings:
Folder Button: Selecionar pasta
Forbidden Characters: Caracteres proibidos
- Empty File Name: Nome do ficheiro vazio
+ Empty File Name: Nome de ficheiro vazio
File Name Tooltip: 'Pode utilizar estas variáveis: %Y ano com 4 dígitos, %M
mês com 2 dígitos, %D dia com 2 dígitos, %H hora com 2 dígitos, %N minuto
com 2 dígitos, %S segundos com 2 dígitos, %T milissegundos com 3 dígitos,
%s segundos do vídeo, %t milissegundos do vídeo com 3 dígitos, %i ID do vídeo.
Também pode usar "\" ou "/" para criar subpastas.'
- Max Video Playback Rate: Velocidade máxima de reprodução de vídeos
- Video Playback Rate Interval: Intervalo da velocidade de reprodução de vídeos
- Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Alterar a taxa de reprodução sobre o vídeo
+ Max Video Playback Rate: Velocidade máxima de reprodução
+ Video Playback Rate Interval: Intervalo entre velocidades de reprodução
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Alterar taxa de reprodução ao deslocar
+ por cima do reprodutor
Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: Ativar modo de ecrã completo ao rodar o ecrã
- Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Saltar por percorrer o leitor de vídeo
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Ignorar ao deslocar por cima do reprodutor
Allow DASH AV1 formats: Permitir formatos DASH AV1
Comment Auto Load:
- Comment Auto Load: Comentário Carga automática
+ Comment Auto Load: Carregamento automático de comentários
Privacy Settings:
- Privacy Settings: Definições de privacidade
+ Privacy Settings: Configurações de privacidade
Remember History: Memorizar histórico
Save Watched Progress: Guardar progresso de reprodução
Clear Search Cache: Limpar cache de pesquisas
@@ -302,17 +396,21 @@ Settings:
Remove Watch History: Limpar histórico
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: Tem a certeza de que
pretende apagar o seu histórico?
- Watch history has been cleared: Histórico foi apagado
- Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: Apagar todas as subscrições/perfis
+ Watch history has been cleared: Histórico apagado
+ Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: Remover todas as subscrições/perfis
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: Tem
- a certeza de que pretende apagar todas as suas subscrições e perfis? Esta ação
+ a certeza de que pretende remover todas as suas subscrições e perfis? Esta ação
não pode ser revertida.
- Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Remover automaticamente os meta ficheiros
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Remover automaticamente os meta-ficheiros
dos vídeos
- Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Guardar Vídeos Vistos com a Última
- Lista de Reprodução Visualizada
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Guardar os vídeos vistos com a
+ última lista de reprodução vista
+ Remove All Playlists: Remover todas as listas de reprodução
+ All playlists have been removed: Todas as listas de reprodução foram removidas
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Tem a certeza de que pretende
+ remover todas as suas listas de reprodução?
Subscription Settings:
- Subscription Settings: Definições de subscrições
+ Subscription Settings: Configurações de subscrições
Hide Videos on Watch: Ocultar vídeos visualizados
Fetch Feeds from RSS: Obter subscrições através de RSS
Subscriptions Export Format:
@@ -322,16 +420,18 @@ Settings:
Manage Subscriptions: Gerir subscrições
Fetch Automatically: Obter fontes automaticamente
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Mostrar apenas o último vídeo de cada
+ canal
Distraction Free Settings:
- Distraction Free Settings: Definições de distrações
+ Distraction Free Settings: Configurações de distrações
Hide Video Views: Ocultar visualizações
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Ocultar "gostos" em vídeos
- Hide Channel Subscribers: Ocultar n.º de subscritores
+ Hide Channel Subscribers: Ocultar número de subscritores
Hide Comment Likes: Ocultar "gostos" em comentários
Hide Recommended Videos: Ocultar vídeos recomendados
Hide Trending Videos: Ocultar tendências
Hide Popular Videos: Ocultar mais populares
- Hide Live Chat: Ocultar conversação em direto
+ Hide Live Chat: Ocultar conversas em direto
Hide Active Subscriptions: Ocultar subscrições ativas
Hide Playlists: Ocultar listas de reprodução
Hide Video Description: Ocultar descrição dos vídeos
@@ -339,30 +439,39 @@ Settings:
Hide Live Streams: Ocultar transmissões em direto
Hide Sharing Actions: Ocultar ações de partilha
Hide Chapters: Ocultar capítulos
- Hide Upcoming Premieres: Ocultar Próximas estreias
- Hide Channels: Ocultar vídeos de canais
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Nome ou identificação do canal
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Mostrar Títulos sem Capitalização
- Excessiva
+ Hide Upcoming Premieres: Ocultar próximas estreias
+ Hide Channels: Ocultar vídeos dos canais
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID do canal
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Mostrar títulos sem maiúsculas
+ em excesso
Hide Featured Channels: Ocultar canais em destaque
- Hide Channel Playlists: Ocultar listas de reprodução de canais
+ Hide Channel Playlists: Ocultar listas de reprodução dos canais
Hide Channel Community: Ocultar canal Comunidade
- Hide Channel Shorts: Esconder as curtas do canal
+ Hide Channel Shorts: Ocultar curtos do canal
Side Bar: Barra lateral
Channel Page: Página do canal
Watch Page: Ver página
General: Geral
Subscriptions Page: Página de subscrições
- Hide Channel Releases: Ocultar as libertações do canal
+ Hide Channel Releases: Ocultar novidades do canal
Hide Channel Podcasts: Ocultar podcasts do canal
- Hide Subscriptions Videos: Ocultar subscrições Vídeos
- Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Ocultar subscrições Shorts
- Hide Subscriptions Live: Ocultar subscrições em direto
+ Hide Subscriptions Videos: Ocultar subscrições de vídeos
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Ocultar subscrições de curtos
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Ocultar subscrições de emissões em direto
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Ocultar imagens de perfil nos comentários
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Este ID já existe
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: Ocultar subscrições de comunidades
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Alguns canais foram bloqueados e não foram processados.
+ A funcionalidade está bloqueada enquanto estiver a ocorrer a atualização dos
+ ID.
+ Hide Channels API Error: Não foi possível obter o utilizador através do ID. Verifique
+ se o ID indicado está correto.
+ Hide Channels Invalid: O ID do canal não é válido
Data Settings:
- Data Settings: Definições de dados
- Select Import Type: Escolher tipo de importação
- Select Export Type: Escolher tipo de exportação
+ Data Settings: Configurações de dados
+ Select Import Type: Selecione o tipo de importação
+ Select Export Type: Selecione o tipo de exportação
Import Subscriptions: Importar subscrições
Import FreeTube: Importar FreeTube
Import YouTube: Importar YouTube
@@ -374,8 +483,8 @@ Settings:
Export NewPipe: Exportar NewPipe
Import History: Importar histórico
Export History: Exportar histórico
- Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: O objeto perfil tem dados
- em falta, a ignorar
+ Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: O perfil tem dados em falta,
+ a ignorar
All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: Todas as subscrições
e perfis foram importados com sucesso
All subscriptions have been successfully imported: Todas as subscrições foram
@@ -383,37 +492,46 @@ Settings:
One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: Uma ou mais subscrições
não foram importadas
Invalid subscriptions file: Ficheiro de subscrições inválido
- This might take a while, please wait: Este processo pode demorar, por favor espere
+ This might take a while, please wait: Este processo pode ser demorado.
Invalid history file: Ficheiro de histórico inválido
- Subscriptions have been successfully exported: Subscrições foram exportadas com
- sucesso
- History object has insufficient data, skipping item: O objeto histórico tem dados
- em falta, a ignorar
- All watched history has been successfully imported: Histórico foi importado com
- sucesso
- All watched history has been successfully exported: Histórico foi exportado com
- sucesso
- Unable to read file: Ficheiro não foi lido
- Unable to write file: Ficheiro não foi escrito
+ Subscriptions have been successfully exported: As subscrições foram exportadas
+ com sucesso
+ History object has insufficient data, skipping item: O histórico tem dados em
+ falta, a ignorar
+ All watched history has been successfully imported: O histórico foi importado
+ com sucesso
+ All watched history has been successfully exported: O histórico foi exportado
+ com sucesso
+ Unable to read file: Ficheiro não lido
+ Unable to write file: Ficheiro não escrito
Unknown data key: Chave de dados desconhecida
How do I import my subscriptions?: Como posso importar as minhas subscrições?
Manage Subscriptions: Gerir subscrições
Import Playlists: Importar listas de reprodução
Export Playlists: Exportar listas de reprodução
Playlist insufficient data: Dados insuficientes para a lista de reprodução "{playlist}",
- a ignorar o item
+ a ignorar
All playlists has been successfully imported: Todas as listas de reprodução foram
- importadas com êxito
+ importadas com sucesso
All playlists has been successfully exported: Todas as listas de reprodução foram
- exportadas com êxito
+ exportadas com sucesso
Subscription File: Ficheiro de subscrição
History File: Ficheiro de histórico
Playlist File: Ficheiro de lista de reprodução
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: Exportar listas de reprodução para versões mais antigas do FreeTube
+ Tooltip: "Esta opção exporta vídeos de todas as listas de reprodução para uma
+ lista de reprodução chamada \"Favoritos\".\nComo exportar e importar vídeos
+ em listas de reprodução para uma versão mais antiga do FreeTube:\n1. Exporte
+ as suas listas de reprodução com esta opção ativada.\n2. Exclua todas as suas
+ listas de reprodução existentes usando a opção \"Remover todas as listas de
+ reprodução\" em \"Configurações de privacidade\".\n3. Abra a versão mais antiga
+ do FreeTube e importe as listas de reprodução exportadas."
Proxy Settings:
- Proxy Settings: Definições de proxy
+ Proxy Settings: Configurações de proxy
Enable Tor / Proxy: Ativar Tor/Proxy
Proxy Protocol: Protocolo do proxy
- Proxy Host: Anfitrião do proxy
+ Proxy Host: Servidor do proxy
Proxy Port Number: Porta do proxy
Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: Carregar em "Testar proxy" irá
enviar um pedido a
@@ -429,81 +547,83 @@ Settings:
Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: Notificar se um anúncio for ignorado
'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': URL da API SponsorBlock
(padrão é https://sponsor.ajay.app)
- Enable SponsorBlock: Ativar bloqueio da publicidade
- SponsorBlock Settings: Definições SponsorBlock
+ Enable SponsorBlock: Ativar bloqueio da publicidade SponsorBlock
+ SponsorBlock Settings: Configurações SponsorBlock
Skip Options:
- Show In Seek Bar: Mostrar na barra de pesquisa
+ Show In Seek Bar: Mostrar na barra de progresso
Skip Option: Opção para ignorar
- Auto Skip: Ignorar automático
+ Auto Skip: Ignorar automaticamente
Prompt To Skip: Perguntar se quero ignorar
Do Nothing: Nada fazer
Category Color: Cor da categoria
UseDeArrowTitles: Utilizar títulos de vídeo DeArrow
External Player Settings:
- Custom External Player Arguments: Argumentos do reprodutor externo personalizado
- Custom External Player Executable: Executável de reprodutor externo personalizado
+ Custom External Player Arguments: Argumentos do reprodutor externo
+ Custom External Player Executable: Executável do reprodutor externo
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Ignorar avisos sobre ações inválidas
- External Player: Leitor externo
- External Player Settings: Definições para leitores externos
+ External Player: Reprodutor externo
+ External Player Settings: Configurações para reprodutores externos
Name: Nenhum
Parental Control Settings:
- Parental Control Settings: Definições de controlo parental
+ Parental Control Settings: Configurações de controlo parental
Hide Search Bar: Ocultar barra de pesquisa
Hide Unsubscribe Button: Ocultar botão "Anular subscrição"
Show Family Friendly Only: Mostrar apenas "Para famílias"
Download Settings:
Open in web browser: Abrir no navegador da Internet
- Ask Download Path: Pedir local para guardar
+ Ask Download Path: Perguntar local onde guardar
Choose Path: Escolher local
Download Behavior: Comportamento de descargas
Download in app: Descarregar na aplicação
- Download Settings: Definições para descargas
+ Download Settings: Configurações para descargas
Experimental Settings:
- Experimental Settings: Definições experimentais
- Warning: Estas definições são experimentais e podem provocar falhas se ativadas.
+ Experimental Settings: Configurações experimentais
+ Warning: Estas configurações são experimentais e podem provocar falhas se ativadas.
É altamente recomendado fazer cópias de segurança. Use por sua conta e risco!
Replace HTTP Cache: Substituir cache HTTP
Password Dialog:
- Password: Palavra passe
- Enter Password To Unlock: Introduzir palavra-passe para desbloquear definições
- Password Incorrect: Senha Incorrecta
+ Password: Palavra-passe
+ Enter Password To Unlock: Digite a palavra-passe para desbloquear as configurações
+ Password Incorrect: Palavra-passe incorreta
Unlock: Desbloquear
Password Settings:
- Password Settings: Definições de senha
- Set Password To Prevent Access: Definir uma palavra-passe para impedir o acesso
- às definições
- Set Password: Definir Palavra-passe
- Remove Password: Remover Palavra-passe
+ Password Settings: Configurações para palavra-passe
+ Set Password To Prevent Access: Defina uma palavra-passe para impedir o acesso
+ às configurações
+ Set Password: Definir palavra-passe
+ Remove Password: Remover palavra-passe
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Expandir todas as secções de configurações
#On About page
About: Acerca
Beta: Beta
Source code: Código-fonte
- Licensed under the AGPLv3: Licenciado sob AGPLv3
+ Licensed under the AGPLv3: Licenciado nos termos da AGPLv3
View License: Ver licença
Downloads / Changelog: Descargas/Alterações
GitHub releases: Versões no GitHub
Help: Ajuda
- FreeTube Wiki: Wiki do FreeTube
+ FreeTube Wiki: Wiki FreeTube
Report a problem: Reportar um problema
GitHub issues: Problemas no GitHub
- Please check for duplicates before posting: Por favor verifique se já foi reportado
- o mesmo problema
+ Please check for duplicates before posting: Por favor verifique se este problema
+ já foi reportado
Website: Página web
Blog: Blogue
Email: E-mail
Mastodon: Mastodon
- Chat on Matrix: Chat no Matrix
+ Chat on Matrix: Conversa no Matrix
Please read the: Por favor leia as
- room rules: regras da sala de chat
+ room rules: regras da sala de conversa
Translate: Traduzir
Credits: Créditos
FreeTube is made possible by: FreeTube existe graças a
these people and projects: estas pessoas e projetos
Donate: Doar
+ Discussions: Discussões
All Channels: Todos os canais
Profile Manager: Gestor de perfis
@@ -521,7 +641,7 @@ Profile:
All subscriptions will also be deleted.: Todas as subscrições associadas a este
perfil também serão eliminadas.
Profile could not be found: Perfil não encontrado
- Your profile name cannot be empty: O nome do perfil não pode ficar em branco
+ Your profile name cannot be empty: O nome do perfil não pode ficar vazio
Profile has been created: Perfil criado
Profile has been updated: Perfil atualizado
Your default profile has been set to {profile}: '{profile} é agora o seu perfil
@@ -536,20 +656,26 @@ Profile:
'{number} selected': '{number} selecionado'
Select All: Selecionar tudo
Select None: Não selecionar nada
- Delete Selected: Eliminar selecionados
- Add Selected To Profile: Adicionar selecionado ao perfil
+ Delete Selected: Eliminar seleção
+ Add Selected To Profile: Adicionar seleção ao perfil
No channel(s) have been selected: Nenhum canal foi selecionado
? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
: Este é o seu perfil principal. Tem a certeza de que pretende eliminar os canais
- selecionados? Os mesmos vão ser eliminados de todos os perfis.
+ selecionados? Os canais serão eliminados de todos os perfis.
Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: Tem
a certeza de que pretende eliminar os canais selecionados? Esta ação não vai eliminar
- os canais em mais nenhum perfil.
+ os canais dos outros perfis.
#On Channel Page
Profile Select: Seleção de perfil
Profile Filter: Filtro de perfil
- Profile Settings: Definições de perfil
+ Profile Settings: Configurações de perfil
+ Toggle Profile List: Alternar lista de perfis
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Fechar menu do perfil
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Abrir menu do perfil
+ Edit Profile Name: Editar nome do perfil
+ Create Profile Name: Criar nome do perfil
+ Profile Name: Nome do perfil
Subscriber: Subscritor
Subscribers: Subscritores
@@ -581,36 +707,39 @@ Channel:
Oldest: Antigos
About: Acerca
- Channel Description: Descrição
- Featured Channels: Canais
+ Channel Description: Descrição do canal
+ Featured Channels: Canais em destaque
Tags: Etiquetas
Search for: Procurar por «{tag}»
Details: Detalhes
- Joined: Juntou-se a
+ Joined: Aderiu a
Location: Localização
This channel does not exist: Este canal não existe
This channel does not allow searching: Este canal não permite pesquisas
This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube.: Este
- canal tem restrição de idade e atualmente não pode ser visualizado no Free Tube.
+ canal tem restrição de idade e, atualmente, não pode ser visto no Free Tube.
Channel Tabs: Separadores de canais
- This channel currently does not have any posts: Neste momento, este canal não
- tem publicações
+ This channel currently does not have any posts: Este canal não tem, atualmente,
+ quaisquer publicações
+ Reveal Answers: Revelar respostas
+ Hide Answers: Ocultar respostas
+ votes: '{votes} votos'
- Live: Em directo
- This channel does not currently have any live streams: Este canal não tem atualmente
- nenhuma transmissão ao vivo
+ Live: Em direto
+ This channel does not currently have any live streams: Este canal não tem, atualmente,
+ qualquer emissão em direto
- This channel does not currently have any shorts: Este canal não tem atualmente
- nenhum canal curto
+ This channel does not currently have any shorts: Este canal não tem, atualmente,
+ qualquer vídeo curto
Releases: Lançamentos
- This channel does not currently have any releases: Este canal não tem atualmente
- nenhum lançamento
+ This channel does not currently have any releases: Este canal não tem, atualmente,
+ quaisquer lançamentos
- This channel does not currently have any podcasts: Este canal não tem atualmente
- podcasts
+ This channel does not currently have any podcasts: Este canal não tem, atualmente,
+ quaisquer podcasts
Podcasts: Podcasts
Mark As Watched: Marcar como visto
@@ -638,16 +767,16 @@ Video:
# As in a Live Video
Live: Em direto
Live Now: Em direto agora
- Live Chat: Conversação em direto
- Enable Live Chat: Permitir conversação em direto
+ Live Chat: Conversa em direto
+ Enable Live Chat: Permitir conversa em direto
Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: A conversa em direto não é
permitida nesta versão.
'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': A conversa ou a emissão em direto
- já terminou.
+ terminou.
Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: A conversa em direto
está ativada. As mensagens vão aparecer aqui.
'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': A
- conversação em direto não se encontra a funcionar com a API Invividious. É necessária
+ conversa em direto não se encontra a funcionar com a API Invividious. É necessária
uma ligação direta ao YouTube.
Download Video: Descarregar vídeo
video only: apenas vídeo
@@ -688,8 +817,8 @@ Video:
Upcoming: Estreia em
In less than a minute: Em menos de um minuto
Published on: Publicado a
- Streamed on: Transmitido em
- Started streaming on: Transmissão iniciada em
+ Streamed on: Emitida a
+ Started streaming on: Emissão iniciada em
Publicationtemplate: Há {number} {unit}
#& Videos
Play Previous Video: Reproduzir vídeo anterior
@@ -717,10 +846,10 @@ Video:
music offtopic: Música fora de tópico
interaction: Interação
self-promotion: Auto-promoção
- outro: Após
+ outro: Outro
intro: Introdução
sponsor: Patrocinador
- recap: Recap
+ recap: Recapitular
filler: Preenchimento
Skipped segment: Secção ignorada
@@ -737,12 +866,15 @@ Video:
Player Dimensions: Dimensões do reprodutor
Premieres on: Estreia a
Premieres: Estreias
- Show Super Chat Comment: Mostrar Comentário do Super Chat
- Scroll to Bottom: Percorrer para o fundo
- Upcoming: Próximo
- 'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': O
- Chat ao vivo não está disponível para esta transmissão. Pode ter sido desativado
- pelo remetente.
+ Show Super Chat Comment: Mostrar comentário do Super Chat
+ Scroll to Bottom: Deslocamento para baixo
+ Upcoming: Em breve
+ 'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': A
+ conversa em direto não está disponível para esta emissão. Pode ter sido desativada
+ pelo publicador.
+ Pause on Current Video: Pausa no vídeo atual
+ Hide Channel: Ocultar canal
+ Unhide Channel: Mostrar canal
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -764,7 +896,7 @@ Playlist:
Playlist: Lista de reprodução
Toggle Theatre Mode: Alternar modo cinema
Change Format:
- Change Media Formats: Alterar formatos do vídeo
+ Change Media Formats: Alterar formatos multimédia
Use Dash Formats: Utilizar formatos DASH
Use Legacy Formats: Utilizar formatos antigos
Use Audio Formats: Utilizar formatos de áudio
@@ -810,7 +942,7 @@ Comments:
Hide: Ocultar
Replies: Respostas
Reply: Resposta
- There are no comments available for this video: Este vídeo não contém comentários
+ There are no comments available for this video: Este vídeo não tem comentários
Load More Comments: Carregar mais comentários
No more comments available: Não existem mais comentários
Show More Replies: Mostrar mais respostas
@@ -819,8 +951,9 @@ Comments:
Pinned by: Fixado por
Member: Membro
View {replyCount} replies: Ver {replyCount} respostas
- Hearted: Coração
-Up Next: Próximo
+ Hearted: Favorito
+ Subscribed: Subscrito
+Up Next: A seguir
@@ -829,82 +962,80 @@ Tooltips:
A API local é um extrator incorporado. A API Invidious requer um servidor Invidious
para fazer a ligação.
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Quando a sua API preferida tiver
- um problema, FreeTube tentará usar automaticamente a API secundária como alternativa,
- caso esta opção esteja ativada.
+ um problema, FreeTube tentará usar automaticamente a API secundária, caso esta
+ opção esteja ativada.
Thumbnail Preference: Todas as miniaturas dos vídeos no FreeTube serão substituídas
por um fotograma do vídeo em vez da miniatura original.
- Invidious Instance: O servidor Invidious ao qual o FreeTube se irá ligar para
- fazer chamadas através da API.
- Region for Trending: A região de tendências permite-lhe escolher de que país virão
- os vídeos na secção das tendências.
+ Invidious Instance: A instância Invidious à qual o FreeTube se irá ligar à API.
+ Region for Trending: A região permite-lhe escolher de que país virão os vídeos
+ na secção de tendências.
External Link Handling: "Escolha o comportamento padrão quando uma ligação, que
- não pode ser aberta no FreeTube, é clicada.\nPor definição, o FreeTube abrirá
+ não pode ser aberta no FreeTube, é clicada.\nPor definição, FreeTube abrirá
a ligação no seu navegador de Internet.\n"
Player Settings:
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Apenas funciona quando a API Invidious
- é o seu sistema usado. Quando ativada, a API local será executada para usar
- os formatos antigos em vez dos usados pelo Invidious. Útil quando os vídeos
- do Invidious não funcionam devido a restrições geográficas.
+ é o seu sistema usado. Se ativa, a API local será executada para usar os formatos
+ antigos em vez dos usados pelo Invidious. Útil quando os vídeos do Invidious
+ não funcionam devido a restrições geográficas.
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Estabelece uma ligação a Invidious para obter
vídeos em vez de fazer uma ligação direta ao YouTube. Ignora a preferência de
Default Video Format: Define os formatos usados quando um vídeo é reproduzido.
- Formatos DASH podem reproduzir qualidades mais altas. Os formatos antigos estão
- limitados a um máximo de 720p, mas usam menos largura de banda. Formatos de
- áudio são para transmissões sem vídeo.
- Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Com o cursor sobre o vídeo, pressione
- e mantenha premida a tecla Ctrl (Comando no Mac) e rode a roda do rato para
- controlar a taxa de reprodução. Pressione e mantenha premida a tecla Ctrl (Comando
- no Mac) e clique com o botão esquerdo do rato para voltar rapidamente à taxa
- de reprodução padrão (1 a não ser que tenha sido alterada nas definições).
- Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Use a roda de rolagem para saltar através
- do vídeo, estilo MPV.
- Allow DASH AV1 formats: Os formatos DASH AV1 podem ter melhor aspeto do que os
- formatos DASH H.264. Os formatos DASH AV1 requerem mais potência para a reprodução!
- Não estão disponíveis em todos os vídeos, nesses casos o leitor utilizará em
- vez disso os formatos DASH H.264.
+ Os formatos DASH podem reproduzir qualidades mais altas. Os formatos antigos
+ estão limitados a um máximo de 720p, mas usam menos largura de banda. Os formatos
+ de áudio são apenas para emissões sem vídeo.
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Com o cursor sobre o vídeo, prima e mantenha
+ premida a tecla Ctrl (Comando em Mac) e desloque a roda do rato para controlar
+ a taxa de reprodução. Prima e mantenha premida a tecla Ctrl (Comando em Mac)
+ e clique com o botão esquerdo do rato para voltar rapidamente à taxa de reprodução
+ padrão (1 a não ser que tenha sido alterada nas configurações).
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Utilizar roda do rato para ignorar vídeo,
+ estilo MPV.
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: Os formatos DASH AV1 podem parecer melhores do que os
+ formatos DASH H.264. Os formatos DASH AV1 requerem mais potência para reprodução!
+ Eles não estão disponíveis em todos os vídeos e, nesses casos, o reprodutor
+ usará os formatos DASH H.264.
Subscription Settings:
- Fetch Feeds from RSS: Quando ativado, FreeTube irá obter as suas subscrições através
- de RSS em vez do método normal. O RSS é mais rápido e impede que seja bloqueado
- pelo YouTube, mas não disponibiliza informações como a duração dos vídeos ou
- se são transmissões em direto
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: Se ativa, FreeTube irá obter as subscrições através de RSS
+ em vez do método normal. O formato RSS é mais rápido e não é bloqueado pelo
+ YouTube, mas não disponibiliza certas informações como, por exemplo, a duração
+ dos vídeos ou se são emissões em direto.
# Toast Messages
- Fetch Automatically: Quando ativado, FreeTube irá obter automaticamente as suas
- subscrições quando uma nova janela for aberta e quando mudar de perfil.
+ Fetch Automatically: Se ativa, FreeTube irá obter automaticamente as subscrições
+ ao abrir uma nova janela e/ou quando mudar de perfil.
Privacy Settings:
- Remove Video Meta Files: Quando ativado, ao fechar uma página, FreeTube apagará
- automaticamente os meta ficheiros criados durante a reprodução de um vídeo.
+ Remove Video Meta Files: Se ativa, ao fechar uma página, FreeTube apagará automaticamente
+ os meta-ficheiros criados durante a reprodução de um vídeo.
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Quaisquer argumentos de linha de comando, separados
- por ponto e vírgula (';'), que quiser dar ao leitor externo.
- Ignore Warnings: Ignorar avisos quando o leitor externo escolhido não suporta
- uma ação (por exemplo inverter listas de reprodução).
- Custom External Player Executable: Por omissão, FreeTube assume que o leitor externo
- escolhido pode ser encontrado através da variável PATH. Se for preciso, um caminho
- personalizado pode ser escolhido aqui.
- External Player: Escolher um leitor externo irá mostrar um ícone para abrir o
- vídeo (lista de reprodução, se suportado) no leitor externo, na miniatura do
- vídeo. Aviso, as definições Invidious não afetam os reprodutores externos.
- DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(padrão: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ por ponto e vírgula (';'), que quiser passar ao reprodutor externo.
+ Ignore Warnings: Ignorar avisos quando o reprodutor externo escolhido não suporte
+ uma ação (por exemplo, inverter listas de reprodução).
+ Custom External Player Executable: Por omissão, FreeTube assume que o reprodutor
+ externo pode ser encontrado através da variável PATH. Se for preciso, pode escolher
+ um caminho personalizado aqui.
+ External Player: Escolher um reprodutor externo mostra um ícone para abrir o vídeo
+ (lista de reprodução, se suportado) nessa aplicação. Mas tenha em conta que
+ as configurações do Invidious não afetam os reprodutores externos.
+ DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Padrão: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Desativa a cache HTTP Electron e ativa uma cache de imagem
- na memória personalizada. Levará ao aumento da utilização de RAM.
+ na memória personalizada. Implica o aumento da utilização de memória RAM.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Introduza um nome de canal ou um ID de canal para ocultar todos
- os vídeos, listas de reprodução e o próprio canal de aparecerem na pesquisa,
- tendências, mais populares e recomendados. O nome do canal introduzido tem de
- corresponder na totalidade e é sensível a maiúsculas e minúsculas.
- Hide Subscriptions Live: Esta definição é substituída pela definição de toda a
- aplicação "{appWideSetting}", na secção "{subsection}" da "{settingsSection}"
+ Hide Channels: Introduza o ID de um canal para impedir que os vídeos, listas de
+ reprodução e o próprio canal apareçam na pesquisa, tendências, mais populares
+ e recomendados. O nome do canal introduzido tem que ser uma correspondência
+ exata e diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas.
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Esta configuração é substituída pela configuração global
+ "{appWideSetting}", existente na secção "{subsection}" de "{settingsSection}"
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Substituir títulos de vídeo por títulos enviados pelo utilizador
a partir do DeArrow.
-Local API Error (Click to copy): API local encontrou um erro (clique para copiar)
-Invidious API Error (Click to copy): API Invidious encontrou um erro (clique para
- copiar)
-Falling back to Invidious API: Ocorreu uma falha, a mudar para API Invidious
-Falling back to the local API: Ocorreu uma falha, a mudar para API local
+Local API Error (Click to copy): Erro na API local (clique para copiar)
+Invidious API Error (Click to copy): Erro na API Invidious (clique para copiar)
+Falling back to Invidious API: Ocorreu um erro e vamos usar a API Invidious
+Falling back to Local API: Ocorreu um erro e vamos usar a API local
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: Este
vídeo não está disponível porque faltam formatos. Isto pode acontecer devido à indisponibilidade
no seu país.
@@ -931,14 +1062,14 @@ Playing Next Video Interval: A reproduzir o vídeo seguinte imediatamente. Cliqu
More: Mais
Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: As 'hashtags' ainda não foram
implementadas, tente mais tarde
-Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Tipo de URL do YouTube desconhecido,
- não pode ser aberto numa aplicação
+Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: O tipo de URL YouTube e desconhecido
+ e não pode ser aberto na aplicação
Open New Window: Abrir nova janela
-Default Invidious instance has been cleared: Predefinição apagada
-Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: Servidor Invidious {instance}
- foi estabelecido como predefenição
+Default Invidious instance has been cleared: A instância padrão Invidious foi removida
+Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: A instância Invidious padrão
+ foi definida para {instance}
External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: A abertura da ligação
- externa foi desativada nas definições
+ externa foi desativada nas configurações
Search Bar:
Clear Input: Limpar entrada
Are you sure you want to open this link?: Tem a certeza de que deseja abrir a ligação?
@@ -952,18 +1083,11 @@ Channels:
Unsubscribe: Anular subscrição
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} foi removido das suas subscrições'
Unsubscribe Prompt: Tem a certeza de que pretende anular a subscrição de "{channelName}"?
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: Este {instance} tem restrição
- de idade
- Type:
- Channel: Canal
- Video: Vídeo
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: '{videoOrPlaylist} tem restrição de idade'
Downloading has completed: '"{videoTitle}" foi descarregado'
Starting download: A descarregar "{videoTitle}"
Downloading failed: Ocorreu um erro ao descarregar "{videoTitle}"
Screenshot Success: Captura de ecrã guardada como "{filePath}"
-Screenshot Error: A captura de ecrã falhou. {error}
+Screenshot Error: Erro ao capturar o ecrã. {error}
'Chapters list hidden, current chapter: {chapterName}': 'Lista de capítulos ocultos,
capítulo atual: {capítuloNoto}'
@@ -975,8 +1099,15 @@ Clipboard:
Copy failed: A cópia para a área de transferência falhou
Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: Não é possível aceder à área
de transferência sem uma ligação segura
-Ok: Ok
+Ok: OK
- Hashtag: Marcador
- This hashtag does not currently have any videos: Esta hashtag não tem atualmente
- quaisquer vídeos
+ Hashtag: Hashtag
+ This hashtag does not currently have any videos: Esta 'hashtag' não tem quaisquer
+ vídeos
+Go to page: Ir para {page}
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} adicionado ao filtro do canal'
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} removido do filtro do canal'
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: A lista de reprodução não
+ será colocada em pausa quando o vídeo atual terminar
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: A lista de reprodução será colocada
+ em pausa quando o vídeo atual terminar
diff --git a/static/locales/pt.yaml b/static/locales/pt.yaml
index 60c869708f0e5..fc38aa0afb6b6 100644
--- a/static/locales/pt.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/pt.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Put the name of your locale in the same language
-Locale Name: 'português'
+Locale Name: 'Português'
FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Toggle Developer Tools: 'Alternar ferramentas de desenvolvimento'
Actual size: 'Tamanho real'
Zoom in: 'Ampliar'
Zoom out: 'Reduzir'
-Toggle fullscreen: 'Alternar ecrã inteiro'
+Toggle fullscreen: 'Alternar ecrã completo'
Window: 'Janela'
Minimize: 'Minimizar'
Close: 'Fechar'
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Forward: 'Avançar'
# Anything shared among components / views should be put here
Videos: 'Vídeos'
- Shorts: Curtas
- Live: Em directo
+ Shorts: Curtos
+ Live: Em direto
Community: Comunidade
@@ -43,11 +43,13 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 assinante | {count} assinantes
View Count: 1 visualização | {contagem} visualizações
Watching Count: 1 a assistir | {count} a assistir
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: A etiqueta tem que ter, pelo menos, {number} caracteres
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'A versão {versionNumber}
- está disponível! Clique aqui para mais informações'
+ está disponível! Clique aqui para mais informações.'
Download From Site: 'Descarregar do site'
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'Está disponível um
- novo blogue, {blogTitle}. Clique aqui para ver mais'
+ novo blogue, {blogTitle}. Clique aqui para ver mais.'
# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: 'Pesquisar/Ir para o URL'
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ Search Filters:
# On Search Page
Medium (4 - 20 minutes): Médio (4 - 20 minutos)
Search Results: 'Resultados'
- Fetching results. Please wait: 'A procurar. Por favor aguarde'
+ Fetching results. Please wait: 'A procurar. Por favor aguarde.'
Fetch more results: 'Obter mais resultados'
# Sidebar
There are no more results for this search: Não existem mais resultados
@@ -97,8 +99,8 @@ Subscriptions:
Refresh Subscriptions: 'Recarregar subscrições'
Load More Videos: Carregar mais vídeos
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Este
- perfil contém um elevado número de subscrições. A forçar a utilização do RSS para
- evitar que a sua rede seja bloqueada
+ perfil contém um elevado número de subscrições. A forçar utilização de RSS para
+ evitar que a sua rede seja bloqueada.
Error Channels: Canais com erros
Empty Channels: Os canais subscritos não têm, atualmente, quaisquer vídeos.
Disabled Automatic Fetching: Desativou a atualização automática de subscrições.
@@ -107,11 +109,11 @@ Subscriptions:
All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Todos os separadores de subscrição estão ocultos.
Para ver o conteúdo aqui, desoculte alguns separadores na secção "{subsection}"
em "{settingsSection}".
- Load More Posts: Carregar mais posts
- Empty Posts: Os canais inscritos atualmente não tem nenhum post.
+ Load More Posts: Carregar mais publicações
+ Empty Posts: Os canais subscritos não tem quaisquer publicações.
Trending: 'Tendências'
- Trending Tabs: Separador de tendências
+ Trending Tabs: Separadores de tendências
Movies: Filmes
Gaming: Jogos
Music: Música
@@ -121,29 +123,118 @@ Playlists: 'Listas de reprodução'
User Playlists:
Your Playlists: 'As suas listas de reprodução'
Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: A
- lista está vazia. Carregue no botão Guardar no canto de um vídeo para o mostrar
- aqui
+ lista está vazia. Clique no botão Guardar no canto de um vídeo para o mostrar
+ aqui.
Playlist Message: Esta página não é indicativa do resultado final. Apenas mostra
- vídeos que foram guardados ou marcados como favoritos. Quando estiver pronta,
+ os vídeos que foram guardados ou marcados como favoritos. Quando estiver pronta,
todos os vídeos que estiverem aqui serão postos numa lista chamada 'Favoritos'.
Search bar placeholder: Procurar na lista de reprodução
- Empty Search Message: Não há vídeos nesta lista de reprodução que correspondam à
- sua pesquisa
+ Empty Search Message: Não há vídeos nesta lista de reprodução que coincidam com
+ a sua pesquisa
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Esta lista de reprodução não tem vídeos
+ atualmente.
+ Create New Playlist: Criar nova lista de reprodução
+ Add to Playlist: Adicionar à lista de reprodução
+ Remove from Playlist: Remover da lista de reprodução
+ Playlist Name: Nome da lista de reprodução
+ Save Changes: Guardar alterações
+ Cancel: Cancelar
+ Copy Playlist: Copiar lista de reprodução
+ Remove Watched Videos: Remover vídeos vistos
+ Delete Playlist: Eliminar lista de reprodução
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Tem certeza
+ que quer eliminar esta lista de reprodução? Isto não pode ser revertido.
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: Ordenar por
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Criado recentemente
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Criação mais antiga
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Atualização mais antiga
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Reproduzido recentemente
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Reprodução mais antiga
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Atualizado recentemente
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Este vídeo não pode ser movido para cima.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Este vídeo não pode ser movido para baixo.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Houve um problema ao remover este
+ vídeo
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Alguns
+ vídeos da lista de reprodução ainda não foram carregados. Clique aqui para
+ copiar mesmo assim.
+ Playlist has been updated.: A lista de reprodução foi atualizada.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 vídeo foi removido | {videoCount}
+ vídeos foram removidos
+ There were no videos to remove.: Não havia vídeos para remover.
+ Video has been removed: O vídeo foi removido
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: O nome da lista de reprodução
+ não pode estar vazio. Introduza um nome.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Houve um problema com a atualização
+ desta lista de reprodução.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Esta lista de reprodução
+ está protegida e não pode ser removida.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: A lista de reprodução {playlistName}
+ foi eliminada.
+ This playlist does not exist: Esta lista de reprodução não existe
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Esta lista de reprodução é agora
+ usada como marcador rápido
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Marcador rápido desativado
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: Pesquisar nas listas de reprodução
+ Save: Guardar
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 vídeo adicionado
+ a {playlistCount} listas de reprodução | {videoCount} vídeos adicionados a
+ {playlistCount} listas de reprodução
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Ainda não selecionou nenhuma lista de
+ reprodução.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 vídeo adicionado a 1 lista de
+ reprodução | {videoCount} vídeos adicionados a 1 lista de reprodução
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Selecione uma lista de reprodução à
+ qual adicionar o seu vídeo | Selecione uma lista de reprodução à qual adicionar
+ os seus {videoCount} vídeos
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} selecionadas'
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ New Playlist Name: Novo nome da lista de reprodução
+ Create: Criar
+ Toast:
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Já
+ existe uma lista de reprodução com este nome. Por favor, escolha um nome diferente.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: A lista de reprodução
+ {playlistName} foi criada com êxito.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Houve um problema com a criação
+ da lista de reprodução.
+ Move Video Up: Mover vídeo para cima
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Não
+ tem listas de reprodução. Clique no botão de criar uma nova lista de reprodução
+ para criar uma.
+ Move Video Down: Mover vídeo para baixo
+ Edit Playlist Info: Editar informação da lista de reprodução
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Tem
+ certeza que quer remover todos os vídeos vistos desta lista de reprodução? Isto
+ não pode ser revertido.
+ Playlist Description: Descrição da lista de reprodução
+ Add to Favorites: Adicionar a {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Remover de {playlistName}
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Ativar marcador rápido para esta lista
+ de reprodução
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Desativar marcador rápido
# On History Page
History: 'Histórico'
Watch History: 'Histórico de visualizações'
Your history list is currently empty.: 'O seu histórico está vazio.'
Search bar placeholder: Procurar no histórico
- Empty Search Message: Não há vídeos no seu histórico que correspondam à sua pesquisa
+ Empty Search Message: Não há vídeos no histórico que coincidam com a sua pesquisa
# On Settings Page
- Settings: 'Definições'
+ Settings: 'Configurações'
General Settings:
- General Settings: 'Definições gerais'
+ General Settings: 'Configurações gerais'
Check for Updates: 'Verificar se há atualizações'
Check for Latest Blog Posts: 'Verificar se há novas publicações no blogue'
- Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Utilizar sistema de ligação secundário
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Utilizar sistema de ligação secundário,
em caso de falha'
Enable Search Suggestions: 'Ativar sugestões de pesquisa'
Default Landing Page: 'Página inicial'
@@ -153,7 +244,7 @@ Settings:
Local API: 'API local'
Invidious API: 'API Invidious'
Video View Type:
- Video View Type: 'Disposição dos vídeos'
+ Video View Type: 'Tipo de exibição dos vídeos'
Grid: 'Grelha'
List: 'Lista'
Thumbnail Preference:
@@ -163,6 +254,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Centro'
End: 'Final'
Hidden: Oculto
+ Blur: Desfoque
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Instância Invidious
(Por omissão é https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Região para as tendências'
@@ -171,19 +263,19 @@ Settings:
instância Invidious
Clear Default Instance: Remover instância padrão
Set Current Instance as Default: Utilizar instância atual como padrão
- Current instance will be randomized on startup: A instância irá ser escolhida
- aleatoriamente ao iniciar
+ Current instance will be randomized on startup: A instância, ao iniciar, será
+ escolhida aleatoriamente
No default instance has been set: Não foi definida uma instância
The currently set default instance is {instance}: A instância padrão é {instance}
Current Invidious Instance: Instância Invidious atual
- System Default: Definições do sistema
+ System Default: Predefinido no sistema
External Link Handling:
External Link Handling: Gestão de ligações externas
Open Link: Abrir ligação
Ask Before Opening Link: Perguntar antes de abrir a ligação
No Action: Nenhuma ação
Theme Settings:
- Theme Settings: 'Definições de tema'
+ Theme Settings: 'Configurações de tema'
Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'Utilizar cor principal na barra superior'
Base Theme:
Base Theme: 'Tema base'
@@ -194,7 +286,8 @@ Settings:
System Default: Definição do sistema
Catppuccin Mocha: Cappuccino mocha
Pastel Pink: Rosa pastel
- Hot Pink: Rosa Choque
+ Hot Pink: Rosa choque
+ Nordic: Nórdico
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Cor principal'
Red: 'Vermelho'
@@ -205,7 +298,7 @@ Settings:
Blue: 'Azul'
Light Blue: 'Azul claro'
Cyan: 'Ciano'
- Teal: 'Azul-petróleo'
+ Teal: 'Azul esverdeado'
Green: 'Verde'
Light Green: 'Verde claro'
Lime: 'Lima'
@@ -220,29 +313,29 @@ Settings:
Dracula Purple: 'Drácula roxo'
Dracula Red: 'Drácula vermelho'
Dracula Yellow: 'Drácula amarelo'
- Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: Cappuccino Mocha Rosewater
- Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: Cappuccino Mocha Flamingo
- Catppuccin Mocha Pink: Cappuccino Mocha Rosa
- Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: Cappuccino Mocha Mauve
- Catppuccin Mocha Red: Cappuccino Mocha Vermelho
- Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: Cappuccino Mocha Castanho
- Catppuccin Mocha Peach: Cappuccino Mocha Pêssego
- Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: Cappuccino Mocha Amarelo
- Catppuccin Mocha Green: Cappuccino Mocha Verde
- Catppuccin Mocha Teal: Cappuccino Mocha Verde Azulado
- Catppuccin Mocha Sky: Cappuccino Mocha Céu
- Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: Cappuccino Mocha Safira
- Catppuccin Mocha Blue: Cappuccino Mocha Azul
- Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: Cappuccino Mocha Lavanda
+ Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: Cappuccino mocha rosewater
+ Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: Cappuccino mocha flamingo
+ Catppuccin Mocha Pink: Cappuccino mocha rosa
+ Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: Cappuccino mocha mauve
+ Catppuccin Mocha Red: Cappuccino mocha vermelho
+ Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: Cappuccino mocha castanho
+ Catppuccin Mocha Peach: Cappuccino mocha pêssego
+ Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: Cappuccino mocha amarelo
+ Catppuccin Mocha Green: Cappuccino mocha verde
+ Catppuccin Mocha Teal: Cappuccino mocha azul esverdeado
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sky: Cappuccino mocha céu
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: Cappuccino mocha safira
+ Catppuccin Mocha Blue: Cappuccino mocha azul
+ Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: Cappuccino mocha lavanda
Secondary Color Theme: 'Cor secundária'
#* Main Color Theme
UI Scale: Escala da interface gráfica
Disable Smooth Scrolling: Desativar deslocação suave
Expand Side Bar by Default: Expandir barra lateral por definição
Hide Side Bar Labels: Ocultar texto na barra lateral
- Hide FreeTube Header Logo: Ocultar o logotipo do FreeTube no cabeçalho
+ Hide FreeTube Header Logo: Ocultar logotipo FreeTube no topo
Player Settings:
- Player Settings: 'Definições do reprodutor'
+ Player Settings: 'Configurações do reprodutor'
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Forçar sistema de ligação local para
formatos antigos'
Play Next Video: 'Reproduzir vídeo seguinte'
@@ -251,16 +344,16 @@ Settings:
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Utilizar Invidious com proxy'
Autoplay Playlists: 'Reproduzir listas de reprodução automaticamente'
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'Ativar modo cinema por definição'
- Default Volume: 'Volume'
- Default Playback Rate: 'Velocidade de reprodução'
+ Default Volume: 'Volume padrão'
+ Default Playback Rate: 'Velocidade de reprodução padrão'
Default Video Format:
- Default Video Format: 'Formato de vídeo'
+ Default Video Format: 'Formato de vídeo padrão'
Dash Formats: 'Formatos DASH'
Legacy Formats: 'Formatos antigos'
Audio Formats: 'Formatos de áudio'
Default Quality:
- Default Quality: 'Qualidade'
- Auto: 'Auto'
+ Default Quality: 'Qualidade padrão'
+ Auto: 'Automática'
144p: '144p'
240p: '240p'
360p: '360p'
@@ -272,11 +365,12 @@ Settings:
8k: '8k'
Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: Tempo para avançar/recuar
Next Video Interval: Intervalo entre vídeos
- Display Play Button In Video Player: Mostrar botão Reproduzir
+ Display Play Button In Video Player: Mostrar botão "Reproduzir" no centro do vídeo
Scroll Volume Over Video Player: Utilizar roda do rato para alterar o volume
- Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Alterar a taxa de reprodução sobre o vídeo
- Max Video Playback Rate: Velocidade máxima de reprodução de vídeos
- Video Playback Rate Interval: Intervalo da velocidade de reprodução de vídeos
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Alterar taxa de reprodução ao deslocar
+ por cima do reprodutor
+ Max Video Playback Rate: Velocidade máxima de reprodução
+ Video Playback Rate Interval: Intervalo entre velocidades de reprodução
Enable: Permitir capturas de ecrã
Format Label: Formato das capturas de ecrã
@@ -285,7 +379,7 @@ Settings:
File Name Label: Padrão do nome de ficheiro
Forbidden Characters: Caracteres proibidos
- Empty File Name: Nome do ficheiro vazio
+ Empty File Name: Nome de ficheiro vazio
File Name Tooltip: 'Pode utilizar estas variáveis: %Y ano com 4 dígitos, %M
mês com 2 dígitos, %D dia com 2 dígitos, %H hora com 2 dígitos, %N minuto
com 2 dígitos, %S segundos com 2 dígitos, %T milissegundos com 3 dígitos,
@@ -294,12 +388,12 @@ Settings:
Folder Label: Pasta das capturas de ecrã
Ask Path: Perguntar onde guardar
Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: Ativar modo de ecrã completo ao rodar o ecrã
- Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Saltar ao rolar por cima do leitor de vídeo
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Ignorar ao deslocar por cima do reprodutor
Allow DASH AV1 formats: Permitir formatos DASH AV1
Comment Auto Load:
- Comment Auto Load: Comentário Carga automática
+ Comment Auto Load: Carregamento automático de comentários
Privacy Settings:
- Privacy Settings: 'Definições de privacidade'
+ Privacy Settings: 'Configurações de privacidade'
Remember History: 'Memorizar histórico'
Save Watched Progress: 'Guardar progresso de reprodução'
Clear Search Cache: 'Limpar cache de pesquisas'
@@ -309,25 +403,31 @@ Settings:
Remove Watch History: 'Limpar histórico'
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: 'Tem a certeza de
que pretende apagar o seu histórico?'
- Watch history has been cleared: 'Histórico foi apagado'
- Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 'Apagar todas as subscrições/perfis'
+ Watch history has been cleared: 'Histórico apagado'
+ Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 'Remover todas as subscrições/perfis'
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: 'Tem
- a certeza de que pretende apagar todas as suas subscrições e perfis? Esta ação
+ a certeza de que pretende remover todas as suas subscrições e perfis? Esta ação
não pode ser revertida.'
- Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Remover automaticamente os meta ficheiros
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Remover automaticamente os meta-ficheiros
dos vídeos
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Guardar os vídeos vistos com a
última lista de reprodução vista
+ Remove All Playlists: Remover todas as listas de reprodução
+ All playlists have been removed: Todas as listas de reprodução foram removidas
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Tem a certeza de que pretende
+ remover todas as suas listas de reprodução?
Subscription Settings:
- Subscription Settings: 'Definições de subscrições'
+ Subscription Settings: 'Configurações de subscrições'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Ocultar vídeos visualizados'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Obter subscrições através de RSS'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Gerir subscrições'
Fetch Automatically: Obter fontes automaticamente
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Mostrar apenas o último vídeo de cada
+ canal
Data Settings:
- Data Settings: 'Definições de dados'
- Select Import Type: 'Escolher tipo de importação'
- Select Export Type: 'Escolher tipo de exportação'
+ Data Settings: 'Configurações de dados'
+ Select Import Type: 'Selecione o tipo de importação'
+ Select Export Type: 'Selecione o tipo de exportação'
Import Subscriptions: 'Importar subscrições'
Import FreeTube: 'Importar FreeTube'
Import YouTube: 'Importar YouTube'
@@ -338,8 +438,8 @@ Settings:
Export NewPipe: 'Exportar NewPipe'
Import History: 'Importar histórico'
Export History: 'Exportar histórico'
- Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'O objeto perfil tem dados
- em falta, a ignorar'
+ Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'O perfil tem dados em falta,
+ a ignorar'
All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: 'Todas as subscrições
e perfis foram importados com sucesso'
All subscriptions have been successfully imported: 'Todas as subscrições foram
@@ -347,18 +447,18 @@ Settings:
One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: 'Uma ou mais subscrições
não foram importadas'
Invalid subscriptions file: 'Ficheiro de subscrições inválido'
- This might take a while, please wait: 'Este processo pode demorar, por favor espere'
+ This might take a while, please wait: 'Este processo pode ser demorado.'
Invalid history file: 'Ficheiro de histórico inválido'
- Subscriptions have been successfully exported: 'Subscrições foram exportadas com
- sucesso'
- History object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'O objeto histórico tem dados
- em falta, a ignorar'
- All watched history has been successfully imported: 'Histórico foi importado com
- sucesso'
- All watched history has been successfully exported: 'Histórico foi exportado com
- sucesso'
- Unable to read file: 'Ficheiro não foi lido'
- Unable to write file: 'Ficheiro não foi escrito'
+ Subscriptions have been successfully exported: 'As subscrições foram exportadas
+ com sucesso'
+ History object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'O histórico tem dados em
+ falta, a ignorar'
+ All watched history has been successfully imported: 'O histórico foi importado
+ com sucesso'
+ All watched history has been successfully exported: 'O histórico foi exportado
+ com sucesso'
+ Unable to read file: 'Ficheiro não lido'
+ Unable to write file: 'Ficheiro não escrito'
Unknown data key: 'Chave de dados desconhecida'
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Como posso importar as minhas subscrições?'
Manage Subscriptions: Gerir subscrições
@@ -366,14 +466,23 @@ Settings:
Import Playlists: Importar listas de reprodução
Export Playlists: Exportar listas de reprodução
Playlist insufficient data: Dados insuficientes para a lista de reprodução "{playlist}",
- a ignorar o item
+ a ignorar
All playlists has been successfully imported: Todas as listas de reprodução foram
- importadas com êxito
+ importadas com sucesso
All playlists has been successfully exported: Todas as listas de reprodução foram
- exportadas com êxito
+ exportadas com sucesso
Subscription File: Ficheiro de subscrição
History File: Ficheiro de histórico
Playlist File: Ficheiro de lista de reprodução
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: Exportar listas de reprodução para versões mais antigas do FreeTube
+ Tooltip: "Esta opção exporta vídeos de todas as listas de reprodução para uma
+ lista de reprodução chamada \"Favoritos\".\nComo exportar e importar vídeos
+ em listas de reprodução para uma versão mais antiga do FreeTube:\n1. Exporte
+ as suas listas de reprodução com esta opção ativada.\n2. Exclua todas as suas
+ listas de reprodução existentes usando a opção \"Remover todas as listas de
+ reprodução\" em \"Configurações de privacidade\".\n3. Abra a versão mais antiga
+ do FreeTube e importe as listas de reprodução exportadas."
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Definições Avançadas'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Ligar Modo de Depuração (Escreve
@@ -405,16 +514,19 @@ Settings:
Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: Notificar se um anúncio for ignorado
'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': URL da API SponsorBlock
(padrão é https://sponsor.ajay.app)
- Enable SponsorBlock: Ativar bloqueio da publicidade
- SponsorBlock Settings: Definições SponsorBlock
+ Enable SponsorBlock: Ativar bloqueio da publicidade SponsorBlock
+ SponsorBlock Settings: Configurações SponsorBlock
Skip Options:
Skip Option: Opção para ignorar
- Auto Skip: Ignorar automático
- Show In Seek Bar: Mostrar na barra de pesquisa
+ Auto Skip: Ignorar automaticamente
+ Show In Seek Bar: Mostrar na barra de progresso
Prompt To Skip: Perguntar se quero ignorar
Do Nothing: Nada fazer
Category Color: Cor da categoria
UseDeArrowTitles: Utilizar títulos de vídeo DeArrow
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Usar 'DeArrow' para miniaturas
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': 'URL
+ da API do gerador de miniaturas DeArrow (padrão: https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)'
Proxy Settings:
Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: Erro ao
obter informações da rede. O seu proxy está configurado corretamente?
@@ -427,22 +539,22 @@ Settings:
Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: Carregar em "Testar proxy" irá
enviar um pedido a
Proxy Port Number: Porta do proxy
- Proxy Host: Anfitrião do proxy
+ Proxy Host: Servidor do proxy
Proxy Protocol: Protocolo do proxy
Enable Tor / Proxy: Ativar Tor/Proxy
- Proxy Settings: Definições de proxy
+ Proxy Settings: Configurações de proxy
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Active Subscriptions: Ocultar subscrições ativas
- Hide Live Chat: Ocultar conversação em direto
+ Hide Live Chat: Ocultar conversas em direto
Hide Playlists: Ocultar listas de reprodução
Hide Popular Videos: Ocultar mais populares
Hide Trending Videos: Ocultar tendências
Hide Recommended Videos: Ocultar vídeos recomendados
Hide Comment Likes: Ocultar "gostos" em comentários
- Hide Channel Subscribers: Ocultar n.º de subscritores
+ Hide Channel Subscribers: Ocultar número de subscritores
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Ocultar "gostos" em vídeos
Hide Video Views: Ocultar visualizações
- Distraction Free Settings: Definições de distrações
+ Distraction Free Settings: Configurações de distrações
Hide Video Description: Ocultar descrição dos vídeos
Hide Sharing Actions: Ocultar ações de partilha
Hide Live Streams: Ocultar transmissões em direto
@@ -450,13 +562,13 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: Ocultar capítulos
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Ocultar próximas estreias
Hide Channels: Ocultar vídeos dos canais
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Nome ou ID do canal
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID do canal
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Mostrar títulos sem maiúsculas
em excesso
Hide Featured Channels: Ocultar canais em destaque
- Hide Channel Playlists: Ocultar listas de reprodução de canais
+ Hide Channel Playlists: Ocultar listas de reprodução dos canais
Hide Channel Community: Ocultar canal Comunidade
- Hide Channel Shorts: Esconder as curtas do canal
+ Hide Channel Shorts: Ocultar curtos do canal
Side Bar: Barra lateral
Channel Page: Página do canal
@@ -464,27 +576,39 @@ Settings:
General: Geral
Subscriptions Page: Página de subscrições
Hide Channel Podcasts: Ocultar podcasts do canal
- Hide Channel Releases: Ocultar as libertações do canal
+ Hide Channel Releases: Ocultar novidades do canal
Hide Subscriptions Videos: Ocultar subscrições de vídeos
- Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Ocultar subscrições de vídeos curtos
- Hide Subscriptions Live: Ocultar subscrições de vídeos em direto
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Ocultar subscrições de curtos
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Ocultar subscrições de emissões em direto
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Ocultar imagens de perfil nos comentários
Blur Thumbnails: Desfocar miniaturas
- Hide Subscriptions Community: Ocultar comunidade inscritas
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: Ocultar subscrições de comunidades
+ Hide Channels Invalid: O ID do canal não é válido
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Alguns canais foram bloqueados e não foram processados.
+ A funcionalidade está bloqueada enquanto estiver a ocorrer a atualização dos
+ ID.
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Este ID já existe
+ Hide Channels API Error: Não foi possível obter o utilizador através do ID. Verifique
+ se o ID indicado está correto.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Palavra, fragmento de palavra
+ ou frase
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Ocultar vídeos e listas de reprodução
+ que contenham textos
External Player Settings:
- Custom External Player Arguments: Argumentos do reprodutor externo personalizado
- Custom External Player Executable: Executável de reprodutor externo personalizado
+ Custom External Player Arguments: Argumentos do reprodutor externo
+ Custom External Player Executable: Executável do reprodutor externo
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Ignorar avisos sobre ações inválidas
- External Player: Leitor externo
- External Player Settings: Definições para leitores externos
+ External Player: Reprodutor externo
+ External Player Settings: Configurações para reprodutores externos
Name: Nenhum
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Ignorar argumentos padrão
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Tem
que reiniciar a aplicação para aplicar as alterações. Reiniciar e aplicar as alterações?
Download Settings:
- Download Settings: Definições para descargas
- Ask Download Path: Pedir local para guardar
+ Download Settings: Configurações para descargas
+ Ask Download Path: Perguntar local onde guardar
Choose Path: Escolher local
Download in app: Descarregar na aplicação
Open in web browser: Abrir no navegador da Internet
@@ -493,11 +617,11 @@ Settings:
Hide Unsubscribe Button: Ocultar botão "Anular subscrição"
Show Family Friendly Only: Mostrar apenas "Para famílias"
Hide Search Bar: Ocultar barra de pesquisa
- Parental Control Settings: Definições de controlo parental
+ Parental Control Settings: Configurações de controlo parental
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Substituir cache HTTP
- Experimental Settings: Definições experimentais
- Warning: Estas definições são experimentais e podem provocar falhas se ativadas.
+ Experimental Settings: Configurações experimentais
+ Warning: Estas configurações são experimentais e podem provocar falhas se ativadas.
É altamente recomendado fazer cópias de segurança. Use por sua conta e risco!
Password Dialog:
Enter Password To Unlock: Digite a palavra-passe para desbloquear as configurações
@@ -505,11 +629,12 @@ Settings:
Password: Palavra-passe
Unlock: Desbloquear
Password Settings:
- Password Settings: Configurações da palavra-passe
- Set Password To Prevent Access: Defina uma palavra-passe para prevenir o acesso
+ Password Settings: Configurações para palavra-passe
+ Set Password To Prevent Access: Defina uma palavra-passe para impedir o acesso
às configurações
Set Password: Definir palavra-passe
Remove Password: Remover palavra-passe
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Expandir todas as secções de configurações
#On About page
About: 'Acerca'
@@ -549,23 +674,23 @@ About:
FreeTube is made possible by: FreeTube existe graças a
Credits: Créditos
Translate: Traduzir
- room rules: regras da sala de chat
+ room rules: regras da sala de conversa
Please read the: Por favor leia as
- Chat on Matrix: Chat no Matrix
+ Chat on Matrix: Conversa no Matrix
Mastodon: Mastodon
- Please check for duplicates before posting: Por favor verifique se já foi reportado
- o mesmo problema
+ Please check for duplicates before posting: Por favor verifique se este problema
+ já foi reportado
GitHub issues: Problemas no GitHub
Report a problem: Reportar um problema
- FreeTube Wiki: Wiki do FreeTube
+ FreeTube Wiki: Wiki FreeTube
Help: Ajuda
GitHub releases: Versões no GitHub
Downloads / Changelog: Descargas/Alterações
View License: Ver licença
- Licensed under the AGPLv3: Licenciado sob AGPLv3
+ Licensed under the AGPLv3: Licenciado nos termos da AGPLv3
Source code: Código-fonte
Beta: Beta
- Discussions: Debate
+ Discussions: Discussões
Profile Select: 'Seleção de perfil'
All Channels: 'Todos os canais'
@@ -584,7 +709,7 @@ Profile:
All subscriptions will also be deleted.: 'Todas as subscrições associadas a este
perfil também serão eliminadas.'
Profile could not be found: 'Perfil não encontrado'
- Your profile name cannot be empty: 'O nome do perfil não pode ficar em branco'
+ Your profile name cannot be empty: 'O nome do perfil não pode ficar vazio'
Profile has been created: 'Perfil criado'
Profile has been updated: 'Perfil atualizado'
Your default profile has been set to {profile}: '{profile} é agora o seu perfil
@@ -599,20 +724,25 @@ Profile:
'{number} selected': '{number} selecionado'
Select All: 'Selecionar tudo'
Select None: 'Não selecionar nada'
- Delete Selected: 'Eliminar selecionados'
- Add Selected To Profile: 'Adicionar selecionado ao perfil'
+ Delete Selected: 'Eliminar seleção'
+ Add Selected To Profile: 'Adicionar seleção ao perfil'
No channel(s) have been selected: 'Nenhum canal foi selecionado'
? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
: 'Este é o seu perfil principal. Tem a certeza de que pretende eliminar os canais
- selecionados? Os mesmos vão ser eliminados de todos os perfis.'
+ selecionados? Os canais serão eliminados de todos os perfis.'
Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: 'Tem
a certeza de que pretende eliminar os canais selecionados? Esta ação não vai eliminar
- os canais em mais nenhum perfil.'
+ os canais dos outros perfis.'
#On Channel Page
Profile Filter: Filtro de perfil
- Profile Settings: Definições de perfil
- Toggle Profile List: Alternar Lista de Perfis
+ Profile Settings: Configurações de perfil
+ Toggle Profile List: Alternar lista de perfis
+ Profile Name: Nome do perfil
+ Edit Profile Name: Editar nome do perfil
+ Create Profile Name: Criar nome do perfil
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Abrir menu do perfil
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Fechar menu do perfil
Subscriber: 'Subscritor'
Subscribers: 'Subscritores'
@@ -644,8 +774,8 @@ Channel:
Oldest: 'Antigos'
About: 'Acerca'
- Channel Description: 'Descrição'
- Featured Channels: 'Canais'
+ Channel Description: 'Descrição do canal'
+ Featured Channels: 'Canais em destaque'
Tags: Etiquetas
Search for: Procurar por «{tag}»
@@ -655,30 +785,31 @@ Channel:
This channel does not exist: Este canal não existe
This channel does not allow searching: Este canal não permite pesquisas
This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube.: Este
- canal tem restrição de idade e atualmente não pode ser visualizado no Free Tube.
+ canal tem restrição de idade e, atualmente, não pode ser visto no Free Tube.
Channel Tabs: Separadores de canais
- This channel currently does not have any posts: Neste momento, este canal não
- tem publicações
+ This channel currently does not have any posts: Este canal não tem, atualmente,
+ quaisquer publicações
Community: Comunidade
Hide Answers: Ocultar respostas
Reveal Answers: Revelar respostas
votes: '{votes} votos'
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Freetube ocultou este vídeo
- Live: Em directo
- This channel does not currently have any live streams: Este canal não tem atualmente
- nenhuma transmissão ao vivo
+ Live: Em direto
+ This channel does not currently have any live streams: Este canal não tem, atualmente,
+ qualquer emissão em direto
- This channel does not currently have any shorts: Este canal não tem atualmente
- nenhum canal curto
+ This channel does not currently have any shorts: Este canal não tem, atualmente,
+ qualquer vídeo curto
Releases: Lançamentos
- This channel does not currently have any releases: Este canal não tem atualmente
- nenhum lançamento
+ This channel does not currently have any releases: Este canal não tem, atualmente,
+ quaisquer lançamentos
Podcasts: Podcasts
- This channel does not currently have any podcasts: Este canal não tem atualmente
- podcasts
+ This channel does not currently have any podcasts: Este canal não tem, atualmente,
+ quaisquer podcasts
Mark As Watched: 'Marcar como visto'
Remove From History: 'Remover do histórico'
@@ -701,16 +832,16 @@ Video:
# As in a Live Video
Live: 'Em direto'
Live Now: 'Em direto agora'
- Live Chat: 'Conversação em direto'
- Enable Live Chat: 'Permitir conversação em direto'
+ Live Chat: 'Conversa em direto'
+ Enable Live Chat: 'Permitir conversa em direto'
Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: 'A conversa em direto não é
permitida nesta versão.'
'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': 'A conversa ou a emissão em direto
- já terminou.'
+ terminou.'
Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: 'A conversa em
direto está ativada. As mensagens vão aparecer aqui.'
'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': 'A
- conversação em direto não se encontra a funcionar com a API Invividious. É necessária
+ conversa em direto não se encontra a funcionar com a API Invividious. É necessária
uma ligação direta ao YouTube.'
Jan: 'jan'
@@ -767,15 +898,15 @@ Video:
music offtopic: Música fora de tópico
interaction: Interação
self-promotion: Auto-promoção
- outro: Após
+ outro: Outro
intro: Introdução
sponsor: Patrocinador
recap: Recapitular
filler: Preenchimento
Skipped segment: Secção ignorada
translated from English: traduzido do inglês
- Started streaming on: Transmissão iniciada em
- Streamed on: Transmitido em
+ Started streaming on: Emissão iniciada em
+ Streamed on: Emitida a
Best: Melhor
High: Alta
@@ -814,13 +945,15 @@ Video:
Dropped / Total Frames: Fotogramas perdidos/total de fotogramas
Premieres in: Estreia em
Premieres: Estreias
- Scroll to Bottom: Rolar para o fundo
+ Scroll to Bottom: Deslocamento para baixo
Show Super Chat Comment: Mostrar comentário do Super Chat
Upcoming: Em breve
- 'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': O
- Chat ao vivo não está disponível para esta transmissão. Pode ter sido desativado
- pelo remetente.
+ 'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': A
+ conversa em direto não está disponível para esta emissão. Pode ter sido desativada
+ pelo publicador.
Pause on Current Video: Pausa no vídeo atual
+ Unhide Channel: Mostrar canal
+ Hide Channel: Ocultar canal
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -842,7 +975,7 @@ Playlist:
Playlist: Lista de reprodução
Toggle Theatre Mode: 'Alternar modo cinema'
Change Format:
- Change Media Formats: 'Alterar formatos do vídeo'
+ Change Media Formats: 'Alterar formatos multimédia'
Use Dash Formats: 'Utilizar formatos DASH'
Use Legacy Formats: 'Utilizar formatos antigos'
Use Audio Formats: 'Utilizar formatos de áudio'
@@ -883,7 +1016,7 @@ Comments:
Hide: 'Ocultar'
Replies: 'Respostas'
Reply: 'Resposta'
- There are no comments available for this video: 'Este vídeo não contém comentários'
+ There are no comments available for this video: 'Este vídeo não tem comentários'
Load More Comments: 'Carregar mais comentários'
There are no more comments for this video: Não há mais comentários para este vídeo
No more comments available: Não existem mais comentários
@@ -895,17 +1028,16 @@ Comments:
And others: e outros
From {channelName}: de {channelName}
Member: Membro
- Hearted: Marcado
+ Hearted: Favorito
View {replyCount} replies: Ver {replyCount} respostas
Subscribed: Subscrito
-Up Next: 'Próximo'
+Up Next: 'A seguir'
# Toast Messages
-Local API Error (Click to copy): 'API local encontrou um erro (clique para copiar)'
-Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'API Invidious encontrou um erro (clique para
- copiar)'
-Falling back to Invidious API: 'Ocorreu uma falha, a mudar para API Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Ocorreu uma falha, a mudar para API local'
+Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Erro na API local (clique para copiar)'
+Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Erro na API Invidious (clique para copiar)'
+Falling back to Invidious API: 'Ocorreu um erro e vamos usar a API Invidious'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Ocorreu um erro e vamos usar a API local'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'As subscrições ainda não foram implementadas'
Loop is now disabled: 'Repetição desativada'
Loop is now enabled: 'Repetição ativada'
@@ -922,112 +1054,105 @@ Yes: 'Sim'
No: 'Não'
More: Mais
Open New Window: Abrir nova janela
-Default Invidious instance has been cleared: Predefinição apagada
-Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: Servidor Invidious {instance}
- foi estabelecido como predefenição
+Default Invidious instance has been cleared: A instância padrão Invidious foi removida
+Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: A instância Invidious padrão
+ foi definida para {instance}
Playing Next Video Interval: A reproduzir o vídeo seguinte imediatamente. Clique para
cancelar. | A reproduzir o vídeo seguinte em {nextVideoInterval} segundo. Clique
para cancelar. | A reproduzir o vídeo seguinte em {nextVideoInterval} segundos.
Clique para cancelar.
Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: As 'hashtags' ainda não foram
implementadas, tente mais tarde
-Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Tipo de URL do YouTube desconhecido,
- não pode ser aberto numa aplicação
+Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: O tipo de URL YouTube e desconhecido
+ e não pode ser aberto na aplicação
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: Este
vídeo não está disponível porque faltam formatos. Isto pode acontecer devido à indisponibilidade
no seu país.
Privacy Settings:
- Remove Video Meta Files: Quando ativado, ao fechar uma página, FreeTube apagará
- automaticamente os meta ficheiros criados durante a reprodução de um vídeo.
+ Remove Video Meta Files: Se ativa, ao fechar uma página, FreeTube apagará automaticamente
+ os meta-ficheiros criados durante a reprodução de um vídeo.
Subscription Settings:
- Fetch Feeds from RSS: Quando ativado, FreeTube irá obter as suas subscrições através
- de RSS em vez do método normal. O RSS é mais rápido e impede que seja bloqueado
- pelo YouTube, mas não disponibiliza informações como a duração dos vídeos ou
- se são transmissões em direto
- Fetch Automatically: Quando ativado, FreeTube irá obter automaticamente as suas
- subscrições quando uma nova janela for aberta e quando mudar de perfil.
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: Se ativa, FreeTube irá obter as subscrições através de RSS
+ em vez do método normal. O formato RSS é mais rápido e não é bloqueado pelo
+ YouTube, mas não disponibiliza certas informações como, por exemplo, a duração
+ dos vídeos ou se são emissões em direto.
+ Fetch Automatically: Se ativa, FreeTube irá obter automaticamente as subscrições
+ ao abrir uma nova janela e/ou quando mudar de perfil.
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Quaisquer argumentos de linha de comando, separados
- por ponto e vírgula (';'), que quiser dar ao leitor externo.
- Ignore Warnings: Ignorar avisos quando o leitor externo escolhido não suporta
- uma ação (por exemplo inverter listas de reprodução).
- Custom External Player Executable: Por omissão, FreeTube assume que o leitor externo
- escolhido pode ser encontrado através da variável PATH. Se for preciso, um caminho
- personalizado pode ser escolhido aqui.
- External Player: Escolher um leitor externo irá mostrar um ícone para abrir o
- vídeo (lista de reprodução, se suportado) no leitor externo, na miniatura do
- vídeo. Aviso, as definições Invidious não afetam os reprodutores externos.
- DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(padrão: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ por ponto e vírgula (';'), que quiser passar ao reprodutor externo.
+ Ignore Warnings: Ignorar avisos quando o reprodutor externo escolhido não suporte
+ uma ação (por exemplo, inverter listas de reprodução).
+ Custom External Player Executable: Por omissão, FreeTube assume que o reprodutor
+ externo pode ser encontrado através da variável PATH. Se for preciso, pode escolher
+ um caminho personalizado aqui.
+ External Player: Escolher um reprodutor externo mostra um ícone para abrir o vídeo
+ (lista de reprodução, se suportado) nessa aplicação. Mas tenha em conta que
+ as configurações do Invidious não afetam os reprodutores externos.
+ DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Padrão: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
Player Settings:
Default Video Format: Define os formatos usados quando um vídeo é reproduzido.
- Formatos DASH podem reproduzir qualidades mais altas. Os formatos antigos estão
- limitados a um máximo de 720p, mas usam menos largura de banda. Formatos de
- áudio são para transmissões sem vídeo.
+ Os formatos DASH podem reproduzir qualidades mais altas. Os formatos antigos
+ estão limitados a um máximo de 720p, mas usam menos largura de banda. Os formatos
+ de áudio são apenas para emissões sem vídeo.
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: Estabelece uma ligação a Invidious para obter
vídeos em vez de fazer uma ligação direta ao YouTube. Ignora a preferência de
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: Apenas funciona quando a API Invidious
- é o seu sistema usado. Quando ativada, a API local será executada para usar
- os formatos antigos em vez dos usados pelo Invidious. Útil quando os vídeos
- do Invidious não funcionam devido a restrições geográficas.
- Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Com o cursor sobre o vídeo, pressione
- e mantenha premida a tecla Ctrl (Comando no Mac) e rode a roda do rato para
- controlar a taxa de reprodução. Pressione e mantenha premida a tecla Ctrl (Comando
- no Mac) e clique com o botão esquerdo do rato para voltar rapidamente à taxa
- de reprodução padrão (1 a não ser que tenha sido alterada nas definições).
- Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Use a roda de rolagem para saltar o vídeo,
+ é o seu sistema usado. Se ativa, a API local será executada para usar os formatos
+ antigos em vez dos usados pelo Invidious. Útil quando os vídeos do Invidious
+ não funcionam devido a restrições geográficas.
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Com o cursor sobre o vídeo, prima e mantenha
+ premida a tecla Ctrl (Comando em Mac) e desloque a roda do rato para controlar
+ a taxa de reprodução. Prima e mantenha premida a tecla Ctrl (Comando em Mac)
+ e clique com o botão esquerdo do rato para voltar rapidamente à taxa de reprodução
+ padrão (1 a não ser que tenha sido alterada nas configurações).
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Utilizar roda do rato para ignorar vídeo,
estilo MPV.
Allow DASH AV1 formats: Os formatos DASH AV1 podem parecer melhores do que os
formatos DASH H.264. Os formatos DASH AV1 requerem mais potência para reprodução!
- Eles não estão disponíveis em todos os vídeos, nesses casos, o reprodutor usará
- os formatos DASH H.264.
+ Eles não estão disponíveis em todos os vídeos e, nesses casos, o reprodutor
+ usará os formatos DASH H.264.
General Settings:
- Region for Trending: A região de tendências permite-lhe escolher de que país virão
- os vídeos na secção das tendências.
- Invidious Instance: O servidor Invidious ao qual o FreeTube se irá ligar para
- fazer chamadas através da API.
+ Region for Trending: A região permite-lhe escolher de que país virão os vídeos
+ na secção de tendências.
+ Invidious Instance: A instância Invidious à qual o FreeTube se irá ligar à API.
Thumbnail Preference: Todas as miniaturas dos vídeos no FreeTube serão substituídas
por um fotograma do vídeo em vez da miniatura original.
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Quando a sua API preferida tiver
- um problema, FreeTube tentará usar automaticamente a API secundária como alternativa,
- caso esta opção esteja ativada.
+ um problema, FreeTube tentará usar automaticamente a API secundária, caso esta
+ opção esteja ativada.
Preferred API Backend: Escolha o sistema que o FreeTube usa para se ligar ao YouTube.
A API local é um extrator incorporado. A API Invidious requer um servidor Invidious
para fazer a ligação.
External Link Handling: "Escolha o comportamento padrão quando uma ligação, que
- não pode ser aberta no FreeTube, é clicada.\nPor definição, o FreeTube abrirá
+ não pode ser aberta no FreeTube, é clicada.\nPor definição, FreeTube abrirá
a ligação no seu navegador de Internet.\n"
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Desativa a cache HTTP Electron e ativa uma cache de imagem
- na memória personalizada. Levará ao aumento da utilização de RAM.
+ na memória personalizada. Implica o aumento da utilização de memória RAM.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Introduza um nome de canal ou um ID de canal para ocultar todos
- os vídeos, listas de reprodução e o próprio canal de aparecerem na pesquisa,
- tendências, mais populares e recomendados. O nome do canal introduzido tem de
- corresponder na totalidade e é sensível a maiúsculas e minúsculas.
- Hide Subscriptions Live: Esta definição é substituída pela definição de toda a
- aplicação "{appWideSetting}", na secção "{subsection}" da "{settingsSection}"
+ Hide Channels: Introduza o ID de um canal para impedir que os vídeos, listas de
+ reprodução e o próprio canal apareçam na pesquisa, tendências, mais populares
+ e recomendados. O nome do canal introduzido tem que ser uma correspondência
+ exata e diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas.
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Esta configuração é substituída pela configuração global
+ "{appWideSetting}", existente na secção "{subsection}" de "{settingsSection}"
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Substituir títulos de vídeo por títulos enviados pelo utilizador
a partir do DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Substituir miniaturas do vídeo por miniaturas DeArrow.
Search Bar:
Clear Input: Limpar entrada
Are you sure you want to open this link?: Tem a certeza de que deseja abrir a ligação?
External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: A abertura da ligação
- externa foi desativada nas definições
+ externa foi desativada nas configurações
Starting download: A descarregar "{videoTitle}"
Downloading failed: Ocorreu um erro ao descarregar "{videoTitle}"
Downloading has completed: '"{videoTitle}" foi descarregado'
Screenshot Success: Captura de ecrã guardada como "{filePath}"
-Screenshot Error: A captura de ecrã falhou. {error}
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: Este {instance} tem restrição
- de idade
- Type:
- Channel: Canal
- Video: Vídeo
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: '{videoOrPlaylist} tem restrição de idade'
+Screenshot Error: Erro ao capturar o ecrã. {error}
New Window: Nova janela
Count: '{number} canais encontrados.'
@@ -1049,12 +1174,16 @@ Clipboard:
Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: Não é possível aceder à área
de transferência sem uma ligação segura
Preferences: Preferências
-Ok: Ok
+Ok: OK
- Hashtag: Marcador
- This hashtag does not currently have any videos: Esta hashtag não tem atualmente
- quaisquer vídeos
+ Hashtag: Hashtag
+ This hashtag does not currently have any videos: Esta 'hashtag' não tem quaisquer
+ vídeos
Playlist will pause when current video is finished: A lista de reprodução será colocada
em pausa quando o vídeo atual terminar
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: A lista de reprodução não
será colocada em pausa quando o vídeo atual terminar
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} adicionado ao filtro do canal'
+Go to page: Ir para {page}
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} removido do filtro do canal'
+Tag already exists: '"{tagName}" já existe'
diff --git a/static/locales/ro.yaml b/static/locales/ro.yaml
index 74fcdd752fb30..652aad2d9771c 100644
--- a/static/locales/ro.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/ro.yaml
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ Global:
View Count: 1 vizionare | {count} vizionări
Channel Count: 1 canal | {count} canale
Watching Count: 1 se uită | {count} se uită
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Tag-ul trebuie să aibă cel puțin {number} caractere
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Versiunea {versionNumber}
este acum disponibilă! Click pentru mai multe detalii'
Download From Site: 'Descărcați de pe site'
@@ -108,6 +110,8 @@ Subscriptions:
All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Toate filele de abonament sunt ascunse. Pentru a vedea
conținutul aici, vă rugăm să afișați unele file din secțiunea "{subsection}” din
+ Empty Posts: Canalele tale abonate nu au momentan nicio postare.
+ Load More Posts: Încarcă mai multe postări
Trending: 'Tendințe'
Trending Tabs: File în tendințe
@@ -853,7 +857,7 @@ Up Next: 'În continuare'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Eroare API locală (Faceți clic pentru a copia)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Eroare API Invidious (Faceți clic pentru a copia)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Revenine la Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Revenire la API-ul local'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Revenire la API-ul local'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Acest
videoclip nu este disponibil din cauza lipsei de formate. Acest lucru se poate întâmpla
din cauza indisponibilității țării.'
@@ -972,14 +976,6 @@ Starting download: Se începe descărcarea a "{videoTitle}"
Downloading failed: A existat o problemă la descărcarea "{videoTitle}"
Downloading has completed: '"{videoTitle}" s-a terminat de descărcat'
New Window: Fereastră nouă
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: Acest {instance} este restricționat
- datorită vârstei
- Type:
- Channel: Canal
- Video: Video
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Acest {videoOrPlaylist} are restricții
- de vârstă
Channels: Canale
Title: Listă de canale
@@ -1011,3 +1007,5 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Lista de redare se va între
când videoclipul curent este terminat
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Lista de redare nu se va întrerupe
când videoclipul curent este terminat
+Go to page: Mergeți la {page}
+Close Banner: Închideți bannerul
diff --git a/static/locales/ru.yaml b/static/locales/ru.yaml
index 5c2c9fbce0b9e..f1cec0bf7130d 100644
--- a/static/locales/ru.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/ru.yaml
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ Global:
Community: Сообщество
# Search Bar
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: 1 видео | {count} видео
+ Subscriber Count: 1 подписчик | {count} подписчика(ов)
+ View Count: 1 просмотр | {count} просмотра(ов)
+ Watching Count: 1 смотрящий | {count} смотрящих
+ Channel Count: 1 канал | {count} канала(ов)
Search / Go to URL: 'Поиск / Перейти по адресу'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
@@ -94,6 +100,8 @@ Subscriptions:
Subscriptions Tabs: Вкладки подписок
All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Все вкладки подписок скрыты. Чтобы увидеть содержимое
здесь, пожалуйста, раскройте некоторые вкладки в разделе «{subsection}» в «{settingsSection}».
+ Empty Posts: Каналы, на которые вы подписаны, сейчас без постов.
+ Load More Posts: Загрузить больше постов
Trending: 'Тренды'
Trending Tabs: Тренды
@@ -114,6 +122,77 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: Поиск в подборке
Empty Search Message: В этой подборке нет видео, соответствующих вашему запросу
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Пока в этой подборке нет видео.
+ Add to Playlist: Добавить в подборку
+ Move Video Up: Передвинуть видео вверх
+ Move Video Down: Передвинуть видео вниз
+ Remove from Playlist: Удалить из подборки
+ Playlist Name: Название подборки
+ Copy Playlist: Скопировать подборку
+ Delete Playlist: Удалить подборку
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Ты действительно
+ хочешь удалить эту подборку? Это действие необратимо.
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: Упорядочивать по
+ NameAscending: А-Я
+ NameDescending: Я-А
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Самые ранние
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Недавно созданные
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Недавно обновлённые
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Последние обновлённые
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Недавно проигранные
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Последние проигранные
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Неудаётся удалить это видео
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: У подборки должно быть
+ название. Пожалуйста, вставьте название.
+ Playlist has been updated.: Подборка была обновлена.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 видео было удалено | {videoCount}
+ видео было удалено
+ This playlist does not exist: Этой подборки не существует
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Некоторые
+ видео в подборке ещё не загружены. Нажми сюда, чтобы всё равно скопировать.
+ There were no videos to remove.: Нет видео для удаления.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Эта подборка защищена и не
+ может быть удалена.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Есть затруднение с обновлением
+ этой подборки.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Подборка {playlistName} была удалена.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Это видео нельзя передвинуть вверх.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Это видео нельзя передвинуть вниз.
+ Video has been removed: Видео было удалено
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} выбрано'
+ Search in Playlists: Поиск подборок
+ Save: Сохранить
+ Toast:
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Ещё не выбрана ни одна подборка.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 видео добавлено в 1 подборку
+ | {videoCount} видео добавлено в 1 подборку
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Выбери подборку на добавление твоего
+ видео | Выбери подборку на добавление твоих {videoCount} видео в неё
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Toast:
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Подборка {playlistName}
+ была успешно создана.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Уже
+ есть подборка с этим названием. Пожалуйста, выбери другое название.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Есть затруднение с созданием
+ подборки.
+ New Playlist Name: Новое название подборки
+ Create: Создать
+ Playlist Description: Описание подборки
+ Save Changes: Сохранить изменения
+ Edit Playlist Info: Изменить сведения о подборке
+ Remove Watched Videos: Удалить просмотренные видео
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Ты
+ действительно хочешь удалить все просмотренные видео из этой подборки? Это действие
+ необратимо.
+ Cancel: Отмена
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: У
+ тебя нет подборок. Нажми на кнопку создания новой подборки, чтобы создать новую.
+ Create New Playlist: Создать новую подборку
# On History Page
History: 'История'
@@ -145,6 +224,8 @@ Settings:
Beginning: 'В начале'
Middle: 'В середине'
End: 'В конце'
+ Blur: Размытие
+ Hidden: Скрыто
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Экземпляр Invidious
(по умолчанию https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Регион подбора трендов'
@@ -177,6 +258,8 @@ Settings:
Dracula: 'Дракула'
System Default: Системная
Catppuccin Mocha: Мокко с капучино
+ Pastel Pink: Пастельно-розовый
+ Hot Pink: Ярко-розовый
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Основной цвет темы'
Red: 'Красный'
@@ -298,6 +381,8 @@ Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Как мне импортировать свои подписки?'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: Получать ленты из RSS
Fetch Automatically: Автоматически получать ленту
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Показывать только последние видео для
+ каждого канала
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Расширенные настройки'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Включить режим отладки (выводит
@@ -343,6 +428,10 @@ Settings:
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Автоудаление метафайлов видео
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Сохранить просмотренные видео с
последней просмотренной подборкой
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Ты действительно хочешь удалить
+ все свои подборки?
+ All playlists have been removed: Все подборки были удалены
+ Remove All Playlists: Удалить все подборки
Data Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: Как импортировать подписки?
Unknown data key: Неизвестный ключ данных
@@ -389,6 +478,14 @@ Settings:
Playlist File: Файл подборки
Subscription File: Файл подписок
History File: Файл истории
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: Экспортировать подборки для старых выпусков FreeTube
+ Tooltip: "Эта настройка экспортирует видео из всех подборок в одну с названием
+ «Избранное».\nКак экспортировать и импортировать видео в подборках для старых
+ версий FreeTube:\n1. Экспортируй свои подборки с этой включённой настройкой.\n
+ 2. Удали все свои существующие подборки, используя настройку удаления всех
+ подборок под разделом Конфиденциальность.\n3. Запусти старый выпуск Freetube
+ и импортируй экспортированные подборки."
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Live Chat: Скрыть чат прямой трансляции
Hide Popular Videos: Скрыть популярные видео
@@ -407,7 +504,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Video Description: Скрыть описание видео
Hide Chapters: Скрыть разделы
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Скрыть предстоящие премьеры
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Название или идентификатор канала
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Идентификатор канала
Hide Channels: Скрыть видео с каналов
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Отображать заголовки без чрезмерного
использования заглавных букв
@@ -426,6 +523,14 @@ Settings:
Hide Subscriptions Live: Скрыть трансляции из подписок
Hide Channel Podcasts: Скрыть звукопередачи канала
Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Скрыть короткие видео из подписок
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Скрыть изображения профилей в комментариях
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Указанный идентификатор канала недействителен
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: Скрыть сообщество подписок
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Некоторые каналы были заблокированы по идентификатору
+ и не были обработаны. Функция заблокирована, пока эти идентификаторы обновляются
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Идентификатор канала уже существует
+ Hide Channels API Error: Ошибка при получении пользователя с предоставленным идентификатором.
+ Пожалуйста, проверьте еще раз, правильно ли указан идентификатор.
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Чтобы
изменения вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить приложение. Перезапустить
и применить изменения?
@@ -469,6 +574,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Нет
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Не учитывать аргументы по умолчанию
Download Settings:
Download Settings: Скачивание
Ask Download Path: Запрашивать путь при скачивании
@@ -497,6 +603,7 @@ Settings:
Set Password: Установить пароль
Remove Password: Удалить пароль
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Расширить все разделы настроек
#On About page
About: 'О приложении'
@@ -760,6 +867,9 @@ Video:
Upcoming: Предстоящее
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Чат
прямой трансляции недоступен. Возможно, он был отключён владельцем канала.
+ Pause on Current Video: Остановиться на текущем видео
+ Hide Channel: Скрыть канал
+ Unhide Channel: Показать канал
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -836,6 +946,7 @@ Comments:
Member: Участник
View {replyCount} replies: Просмотреть {replyCount} ответа(ов)
Hearted: С сердечком
+ Subscribed: Подписан(а)
Up Next: 'Следующий'
# Toast Messages
@@ -844,7 +955,7 @@ Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Ошибка локального набора
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Ошибка набора функций Invidious (Нажмите, чтобы
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Возврат к набору функций Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Возврат к локальному набору функций'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Возврат к локальному набору функций'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Подписки еще не реализованы'
Loop is now disabled: 'Повторение теперь отключено'
Loop is now enabled: 'Повторение теперь включено'
@@ -902,6 +1013,9 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Фильтр профилей
Profile Settings: Настройки профиля
Toggle Profile List: Переключить список профилей
+ Create Profile Name: Создать название учётки
+ Profile Name: Название учётки
+ Edit Profile Name: Изменить название учётки
The playlist has been reversed: Подборка была перевёрнута
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: Доступен новый блог
{blogTitle}. Нажмите здесь, чтобы посмотреть подробности
@@ -975,14 +1089,16 @@ Tooltips:
позволяющий открыть видео (подборку, если поддерживается) во внешнем проигрывателе.
Внимание, настройки Invidious не применяются ко внешним проигрывателям.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(По умолчанию: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ Ignore Default Arguments: 'Не передавать никаких аргументов внешнему проигрывателю
+ по умолчанию, кроме адреса видео (напр.: частота проигрывания, адрес списка
+ воспроизведения и т. д.). Пользовательские аргументы всё ещё будут передаваться.'
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Отключает дисковый HTTP-кэш Electron и включает пользовательский
кэш изображений в памяти. Приведёт к увеличению использования оперативной памяти.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Введите название канала или его идентификатор, чтобы скрыть все
- видео, подборки и сам канал от показа в поиске, трендах, наиболее просматриваемых
- и желательных. Введённое название канала должно полностью совпадать и учитывать
- регистр.
+ Hide Channels: Введите идентификатор канала, чтобы скрыть все видео, плейлисты
+ и сам канал от появления в результатах поиска, трендах, самых популярных и рекомендуемых.
+ Введенный идентификатор канала должен полностью совпадать и чувствителен к регистру.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Эта настройка переопределена общей настройкой «{appWideSetting}»,
в подразделе «{subsection}» раздела «{settingsSection}»
SponsorBlock Settings:
@@ -1012,13 +1128,6 @@ Downloading failed: Возникла проблема с загрузкой «{v
Screenshot Success: Снимок экрана сохранён как «{filePath}»
Screenshot Error: Снимок экрана не удался. {error}
New Window: Новое окно
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: У {instance} ограничение по возрасту
- Type:
- Channel: Канал
- Video: Видео
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: '{videoOrPlaylist} имеет ограничение по
- возрасту'
Title: Список каналов
Count: '{number} канал(ов) найдено.'
@@ -1044,3 +1153,9 @@ Hashtag:
Hashtag: Распределительная метка
This hashtag does not currently have any videos: Этой распределительной метки пока
нет ни у одного видео
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Подборка не будет останавливаться,
+ если текущее видео закончится
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Подборка остановится, если текущее
+ видео закончится
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} удалён из канального фильтровщика'
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} добавлен в канальный фильтровщик'
diff --git a/static/locales/sk.yaml b/static/locales/sk.yaml
index fe425235068dc..1882ad07665cf 100644
--- a/static/locales/sk.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/sk.yaml
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Webkit Menu Bar
File: 'Súbor'
Quit: 'Ukončiť'
-Edit: 'Upravovať'
+Edit: 'Upraviť'
Undo: 'Vrátiť späť'
Redo: 'Znovu vykonať'
-Cut: 'Strih'
+Cut: 'Vystrihnúť'
Copy: 'Kopírovať'
Paste: 'Vložiť'
Delete: 'Vymazať'
Select all: 'Vybrať všetko'
Reload: 'Obnoviť'
Force Reload: 'Vynútiť obnovenie'
-Toggle Developer Tools: 'Spínať nástroje pre vývojárov'
+Toggle Developer Tools: 'Prepnúť vývojárske nástroje'
Actual size: 'Skutočná veľkosť'
Zoom in: 'Priblížiť'
Zoom out: 'Oddialiť'
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ Toggle fullscreen: 'Prepnúť na celú obrazovku'
Window: 'Okno'
Minimize: 'Minimalizovať'
Close: 'Zavrieť'
-Back: 'Späť'
-Forward: 'Vpred'
+Back: 'Dozadu'
+Forward: 'Dopredu'
# Global
# Anything shared among components / views should be put here
@@ -34,16 +34,23 @@ Global:
Videos: 'Videá'
# Search Bar
-Search / Go to URL: 'Hľadať / Ísť na adresu URL'
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: 1 video | {count} videí
+ Subscriber Count: 1 odberateľ | {count} odberateľov
+ Channel Count: 1 kanál | {count} kanálov
+ Live: Naživo
+ Community: Komunita
+ Shorts: Shorts
+Search / Go to URL: 'Hľadať / Ísť na URL adresu'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
Search Filters: 'Vyhľadávacie filtre'
Sort By:
Sort By: 'Triediť podľa'
- Most Relevant: 'Najrelevantnejšie'
+ Most Relevant: 'Najvhodnejšie'
Rating: 'Hodnotenie'
Upload Date: 'Dátum nahratia'
- View Count: 'Počet zhliadnutí'
+ View Count: 'Počet zobrazení'
Time: 'Čas'
Any Time: 'Kedykoľvek'
@@ -53,37 +60,36 @@ Search Filters:
This Month: 'Tento mesiac'
This Year: 'Tento rok'
- Type: 'Typ'
- All Types: 'Všetky druhy'
+ Type: 'Druh'
+ All Types: 'Všetky'
Videos: 'Videá'
Channels: 'Kanály'
#& Playlists
Movies: Filmy
Duration: 'Trvanie'
- All Durations: 'Všetky trvania'
+ All Durations: 'Všetky'
Short (< 4 minutes): 'Krátke (menej ako 4 minúty)'
Long (> 20 minutes): 'Dlhé (viac ako 20 minút)'
# On Search Page
Medium (4 - 20 minutes): Stredné (4 až 20 minút)
Search Results: 'Výsledky vyhľadávania'
- Fetching results. Please wait: 'Načítavajú sa výsledky. Prosím čakajte'
+ Fetching results. Please wait: 'Načítavam výsledky. Prosím čakajte'
Fetch more results: 'Načítať viac výsledkov'
# Sidebar
- There are no more results for this search: Pre toto hľadanie nie sú k dispozícii
- žiadne ďalšie výsledky
+ There are no more results for this search: Pre toto hľadanie nie sú ďalšie výsledky
# On Subscriptions Page
Subscriptions: 'Odbery'
- Latest Subscriptions: 'Najnovšie Odbery'
+ Latest Subscriptions: 'Najnovšie odbery'
'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': 'Váš
- zoznam odberov je momentálne prázdny. Začnite pridávať odbery aby sa tu zobrazili.'
+ zoznam odberov je prázdny. Začnite pridávať odbery aby sa tu zobrazili.'
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Získavanie odberov. Prosím čakajte.'
Load More Videos: Načítať viac videí
- Refresh Subscriptions: Načítať odbery znovu
- 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': Nahrávam odbery, prosím počkajte.
+ Refresh Subscriptions: Obnoviť odbery
+ 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': Sťahujem odbery, prosím čakajte.
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Tento
- profil má mnoho odberateľov. Vždy použite RSS, aby ste obišli limit
+ profil má priveľa odberov. Vynucujem RSS na obídenie limitov
Trending: 'Trendy'
Default: Predvolené
@@ -91,30 +97,30 @@ Trending:
Movies: Filmy
Trending Tabs: Karty trendov
Gaming: Hry
-Most Popular: 'Najpopulárnejšie'
-Playlists: 'Zoznamy'
+Most Popular: 'Populárne'
+Playlists: 'Playlist'
User Playlists:
- Your Playlists: 'Vaše zoznamy'
+ Your Playlists: 'Tvoj playlist'
Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: Vaše
uložené videá sú prázdne. Kliknutím na tlačidlo uložiť v rohu videa ho tu zobrazíte
- Playlist Message: Táto stránka neodráža plne funkčné zoznamy videí. Uvádza iba zoznam
- videí, ktoré ste uložili alebo zaradili medzi obľúbené. Po dokončení práce sa
- všetky videá, ktoré sa tu nachádzajú, migrujú do zoznamu „Obľúbené“.
+ Playlist Message: Zatiaľ tu nie sú plne funkčné playlisty. Sú tu len videá, ktoré
+ ste uložili medzi obľúbené. Keď playlisty plne implementujeme do aplikácie, presunú
+ sa do „Obľúbené“.
# On History Page
History: 'História'
- Watch History: 'História pozeraných videí'
+ Watch History: 'Pozreté videá'
Your history list is currently empty.: 'Váša história je momentálne prázdna.'
# On Settings Page
Settings: 'Nastavenia'
General Settings:
General Settings: 'Všeobecné nastavenia'
- Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Záloha k nepreferovanému backendu
- pri poruche'
- Enable Search Suggestions: 'Povoliť návrhy na vyhľadávanie'
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Pri chybe prepnúť na alternatívny
+ backend'
+ Enable Search Suggestions: 'Zapnúť návrhy vyhľadávania'
Default Landing Page: 'Predvolená vstupná stránka'
- Locale Preference: 'Predvoľba miestneho nastavenia'
+ Locale Preference: 'Nastaviť jazyk'
Preferred API Backend:
Preferred API Backend: 'Preferované API Backend'
Local API: 'Lokálne API'
@@ -133,10 +139,10 @@ Settings:
(Predvolená je https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Región pre trendy'
#! List countries
- Check for Latest Blog Posts: Skontrolovať najnovšie príspevky na blogu
- Check for Updates: Skontrolovať aktualizácie
+ Check for Latest Blog Posts: Kontrolovať najnovšie príspevky na blogu
+ Check for Updates: Kontrolovať aktualizácie
View all Invidious instance information: Zobraziť všetko info o Invidious inštancií
- System Default: Určené Systémom
+ System Default: Podľa systému
Set Current Instance as Default: Nastaviť Aktuálne vybranú inštanciu ako predvolenú
External Link Handling:
External Link Handling: Spracovanie externých odkazov
@@ -325,7 +331,7 @@ Settings:
Search cache has been cleared: Vyrovnávacia pamäť vyhľadávania bola vymazaná
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Automaticky Odstrániť Metasúbory Videa
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Aplikácia
- požaduje reštartovanie aby sa prejavili zmeny. Reštartovať a aplikovať zmeny?
+ požaduje reštart, aby sa zmeny prejavili. Reštartovať a aplikovať zmeny?
Proxy Settings:
Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: Chyba pri
získavaní informácií o sieti. Je váš server proxy správne nakonfigurovaný?
@@ -465,8 +471,8 @@ Video:
momentálne podporovaný.'
'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': 'Chat je zakázaný alebo sa priamy
prenos skončil.'
- Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: 'Live chat je
- povolený. Po odoslaní sa tu zobrazia četové správy.'
+ Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: 'Live chat je povolený.
+ Po odoslaní sa tu zobrazia četové správy.'
'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': 'Live
Chat momentálne nie je podporovaný pomocou API Invidious. Vyžaduje sa priame pripojenie
k službe YouTube.'
@@ -528,7 +534,7 @@ Video:
Video has been saved: Video uložené
Save Video: Uložiť Video
Sponsor Block category:
- music offtopic: hudba ostatné
+ music offtopic: Hudba offtopic
interaction: Interakcia
self-promotion: Samopropagácia
outro: Záver
@@ -640,7 +646,7 @@ Up Next: 'Nasledujúci'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Local API chyba (kliknutím skopírujete)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API chyba (kliknutím skopírujete)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Návrat k Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Návrat k local API'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Návrat k local API'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Odbery ešte nie sú implementované'
Loop is now disabled: 'Opakovanie je teraz deaktivované'
Loop is now enabled: 'Opakovanie je teraz povolené'
@@ -692,9 +698,9 @@ Tooltips:
Preferred API Backend: Vyberte backend, ktorý FreeTube používa na získavanie údajov.
Lokálne API je zabudovaný extraktor. Invidious API vyžaduje na pripojenie server
- External Link Handling: "Vyberte predvolené správanie pri kliknutí na odkaz, ktorý\
- \ nemožno otvoriť vo FreeTube.\nV predvolenom nastavení FreeTube otvorí odkaz,\
- \ na ktorý ste klikli, vo vašom predvolenom prehliadači.\n"
+ External Link Handling: "Vyberte predvolené správanie pri kliknutí na odkaz, ktorý
+ nemožno otvoriť vo FreeTube.\nV predvolenom nastavení FreeTube otvorí odkaz,
+ na ktorý ste klikli, vo vašom predvolenom prehliadači.\n"
Privacy Settings:
Remove Video Meta Files: Ak je povolené, FreeTube po zatvorení stránky prezerania
automaticky odstráni metasúbory vytvorené počas prehrávania videa.
@@ -751,12 +757,12 @@ Profile:
Profile Select: Vyberte profil
Profile Filter: Filter Profilov
Profile Settings: Nastavenia profilu
-A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'Nový príspevok na blogu
- je k dispozícií, {blogTitle}. Klikni pre viac informácií'
-Download From Site: Stiahnuť zo stránky
-Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: Je k dispozícií
- verzia {versionNumber} ! Klikni pre viac informácií
-Locale Name: slovenčina
+A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'Dostupný nový článok
+ na blogu: {blogTitle}. Klikni pre viac informácií'
+Download From Site: Stiahnuť z webu
+Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: Verzia {versionNumber}
+ je k dispozícii! Klikni pre viac informácií
+Locale Name: Slovenčina
Playing Next Video Interval: Prehrávanie ďalšieho videa za chvíľu. Kliknutím zrušíte.
| Prehráva sa ďalšie video o {nextVideoInterval} sekundu. Kliknutím zrušíte. | Prehráva
sa ďalšie video o {nextVideoInterval} sekúnd. Kliknutím zrušíte.
@@ -765,11 +771,11 @@ Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: Neznámy typ adresy URL
v aplikácii sa nedá otvoriť
Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Neznámy typ adresy URL YouTube,
v aplikácii sa nedá otvoriť
-Open New Window: Otvoriť Nové Okno
+Open New Window: Otvoriť nové okno
Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: Predvolená Invidious inštancia
bola nastavená na {instance}
Search Bar:
- Clear Input: Čistý vstup
+ Clear Input: Vymazať
Default Invidious instance has been cleared: Predvolená Invidious inštancia bola vymazaná
External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: V nastaveniach bolo
vypnuté otváranie odkazov v externých aplikáciach
@@ -777,7 +783,7 @@ Are you sure you want to open this link?: Naozaj chcete otvoriť tento odkaz?
New Window: Nové okno
Channels: Kanály
- Title: List kanálov
- Count: '{číslo} kanál(e) sa nenašli.'
- Search bar placeholder: Vyhľadávať kanále
-Preferences: Preferencie
+ Title: Zoznam kanálov
+ Count: 'Nájdených {number} kanálov.'
+ Search bar placeholder: Vyhľadať kanály
+Preferences: Predvoľby
diff --git a/static/locales/sl.yaml b/static/locales/sl.yaml
index 9390224e5b9f4..0d49e669876e7 100644
--- a/static/locales/sl.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/sl.yaml
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ Up Next: 'Naslednje na sporedu'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Napaka lokalnega APV (kliknite za kopiranje)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Napaka Invidious APV (kliknite za kopiranje)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Začasno bo uporabljen Invidious APV'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Začasno bo uporabljen lokalni APV'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Začasno bo uporabljen lokalni APV'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Videoposnetek
zaradi mankajočih oblik ni dostopen. To se lahko zgodi, ko v vaši državi ni na razpolago.'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Naročnine še niso bile implementirane'
diff --git a/static/locales/sm.yaml b/static/locales/sm.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e80aadef6dabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/locales/sm.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+# Put the name of your locale in the same language
+Locale Name: 'Gagana Samoa'
+FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
+# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
+'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
+ E le saauni le vaega o le polokalama lenei. Fa'amolemole toe fo'i mai afea na fai
+ atili i alualu i luma.
+# Webkit Menu Bar
+File: 'Faila'
+New Window: 'Fa''amalama fou'
+Preferences: 'Faaitalia'
+Quit: 'Ulufafo'
+Edit: 'Sui'
+Undo: ''
+Redo: ''
+Cut: ''
+Copy: ''
+Paste: ''
+Delete: ''
+Select all: ''
+Reload: ''
+Force Reload: ''
+Toggle Developer Tools: ''
+Actual size: ''
+Zoom in: ''
+Zoom out: ''
+Toggle fullscreen: ''
+Window: ''
+Minimize: ''
+Close: ''
+Back: ''
+Forward: ''
+Open New Window: ''
+Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: ''
+Download From Site: ''
+A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: ''
+Are you sure you want to open this link?: ''
+# Global
+# Anything shared among components / views should be put here
+ Videos: ''
+ Shorts: ''
+ Live: ''
+ Community: ''
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: ''
+ Channel Count: ''
+ Subscriber Count: ''
+ View Count: ''
+ Watching Count: ''
+# Search Bar
+Search / Go to URL: ''
+Search Bar:
+ Clear Input: ''
+ # In Filter Button
+Search Filters:
+ Search Filters: ''
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: ''
+ Most Relevant: ''
+ Rating: ''
+ Upload Date: ''
+ View Count: ''
+ Time:
+ Time: ''
+ Any Time: ''
+ Last Hour: ''
+ Today: ''
+ This Week: ''
+ This Month: ''
+ This Year: ''
+ Type:
+ Type: ''
+ All Types: ''
+ Videos: ''
+ Channels: ''
+ Movies: ''
+ #& Playlists
+ Duration:
+ Duration: ''
+ All Durations: ''
+ Short (< 4 minutes): ''
+ Medium (4 - 20 minutes): ''
+ Long (> 20 minutes): ''
+ # On Search Page
+ Search Results: ''
+ Fetching results. Please wait: ''
+ Fetch more results: ''
+ There are no more results for this search: ''
+# Sidebar
+ # On Subscriptions Page
+ Subscriptions: ''
+ # channels that were likely deleted
+ Error Channels: ''
+ Latest Subscriptions: ''
+ This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: ''
+ 'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': ''
+ Disabled Automatic Fetching: ''
+ Empty Channels: ''
+ 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': ''
+ Empty Posts: ''
+ Refresh Subscriptions: ''
+ Load More Videos: ''
+ Load More Posts: ''
+ Subscriptions Tabs: ''
+ All Subscription Tabs Hidden: ''
+More: ''
+ Channels: ''
+ Title: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ''
+ Count: ''
+ Empty: ''
+ Unsubscribe: ''
+ Unsubscribed: ''
+ Unsubscribe Prompt: ''
+ Trending: ''
+ Default: ''
+ Music: ''
+ Gaming: ''
+ Movies: ''
+ Trending Tabs: ''
+Most Popular: ''
+Playlists: ''
+User Playlists:
+ Your Playlists: ''
+ Playlist Message: ''
+ Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: ''
+ Empty Search Message: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ''
+ # On History Page
+ History: ''
+ Watch History: ''
+ Your history list is currently empty.: ''
+ Empty Search Message: ''
+ Search bar placeholder: ""
+ # On Settings Page
+ Settings: ''
+ The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: ''
+ General Settings:
+ General Settings: ''
+ Check for Updates: ''
+ Check for Latest Blog Posts: ''
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
+ Enable Search Suggestions: ''
+ Default Landing Page: ''
+ Locale Preference: ''
+ System Default: ''
+ Preferred API Backend:
+ Preferred API Backend: ''
+ Local API: ''
+ Invidious API: ''
+ Video View Type:
+ Video View Type: ''
+ Grid: ''
+ List: ''
+ Thumbnail Preference:
+ Thumbnail Preference: ''
+ Default: ''
+ Beginning: ''
+ Middle: ''
+ End: ''
+ Hidden: ''
+ Current Invidious Instance: ''
+ The currently set default instance is {instance}: ''
+ No default instance has been set: ''
+ Current instance will be randomized on startup: ''
+ Set Current Instance as Default: ''
+ Clear Default Instance: ''
+ View all Invidious instance information: ''
+ Region for Trending: ''
+ #! List countries
+ External Link Handling:
+ External Link Handling: ''
+ Open Link: ''
+ Ask Before Opening Link: ''
+ No Action: ''
+ Theme Settings:
+ Theme Settings: ''
+ Match Top Bar with Main Color: ''
+ Expand Side Bar by Default: ''
+ Disable Smooth Scrolling: ''
+ UI Scale: ''
+ Hide Side Bar Labels: ''
+ Hide FreeTube Header Logo: ''
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+ Base Theme: ''
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+ Dark: ''
+ System Default: ''
+ Light: ''
+ Dracula: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha: ''
+ Pastel Pink: ''
+ Hot Pink: ''
+ Main Color Theme:
+ Main Color Theme: ''
+ Red: ''
+ Pink: ''
+ Purple: ''
+ Deep Purple: ''
+ Indigo: ''
+ Blue: ''
+ Light Blue: ''
+ Cyan: ''
+ Teal: ''
+ Green: ''
+ Light Green: ''
+ Lime: ''
+ Yellow: ''
+ Amber: ''
+ Orange: ''
+ Deep Orange: ''
+ Dracula Cyan: ''
+ Dracula Green: ''
+ Dracula Orange: ''
+ Dracula Pink: ''
+ Dracula Purple: ''
+ Dracula Red: ''
+ Dracula Yellow: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Pink: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Red: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Peach: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Green: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Teal: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sky: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Blue: ''
+ Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: ''
+ Secondary Color Theme: ''
+ #* Main Color Theme
+ Player Settings:
+ Player Settings: ''
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
+ Play Next Video: ''
+ Turn on Subtitles by Default: ''
+ Autoplay Videos: ''
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
+ Autoplay Playlists: ''
+ Enable Theatre Mode by Default: ''
+ Scroll Volume Over Video Player: ''
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: ''
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: ''
+ Display Play Button In Video Player: ''
+ Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: ''
+ Next Video Interval: ''
+ Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: ''
+ Default Volume: ''
+ Default Playback Rate: ''
+ Max Video Playback Rate: ''
+ Video Playback Rate Interval: ''
+ Default Video Format:
+ Default Video Format: ''
+ Dash Formats: ''
+ Legacy Formats: ''
+ Audio Formats: ''
+ Default Quality:
+ Default Quality: ''
+ Auto: ''
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+ 240p: ''
+ 360p: ''
+ 480p: ''
+ 720p: ''
+ 1080p: ''
+ 1440p: ''
+ 4k: ''
+ 8k: ''
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: ''
+ Screenshot:
+ Enable: ''
+ Format Label: ''
+ Quality Label: ''
+ Ask Path: ''
+ Folder Label: ''
+ Folder Button: ''
+ File Name Label: ''
+ File Name Tooltip: ''
+ Error:
+ Forbidden Characters: ''
+ Empty File Name: ''
+ Comment Auto Load:
+ Comment Auto Load: ''
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player Settings: ''
+ External Player: ''
+ Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: ''
+ Custom External Player Executable: ''
+ Custom External Player Arguments: ''
+ Players:
+ None:
+ Name: ''
+ Privacy Settings:
+ Privacy Settings: ''
+ Remember History: ''
+ Save Watched Progress: ''
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: ''
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: ''
+ Clear Search Cache: ''
+ Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: ''
+ Search cache has been cleared: ''
+ Remove Watch History: ''
+ Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: ''
+ Watch history has been cleared: ''
+ Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: ''
+ Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: ''
+ Subscription Settings:
+ Subscription Settings: ''
+ Hide Videos on Watch: ''
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
+ Manage Subscriptions: ''
+ Fetch Automatically: ''
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Distraction Free Settings: ''
+ Sections:
+ Side Bar: ''
+ Subscriptions Page: ''
+ Channel Page: ''
+ Watch Page: ''
+ General: ''
+ Blur Thumbnails: ''
+ Hide Video Views: ''
+ Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: ''
+ Hide Channel Subscribers: ''
+ Hide Comment Likes: ''
+ Hide Recommended Videos: ''
+ Hide Trending Videos: ''
+ Hide Popular Videos: ''
+ Hide Playlists: ''
+ Hide Live Chat: ''
+ Hide Active Subscriptions: ''
+ Hide Video Description: ''
+ Hide Comments: ''
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: ''
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: ''
+ Hide Live Streams: ''
+ Hide Upcoming Premieres: ''
+ Hide Sharing Actions: ''
+ Hide Chapters: ''
+ Hide Channels: ''
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ''
+ Hide Featured Channels: ''
+ Hide Channel Playlists: ''
+ Hide Channel Community: ''
+ Hide Channel Shorts: ''
+ Hide Channel Podcasts: ''
+ Hide Channel Releases: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Videos: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: ''
+ Data Settings:
+ Data Settings: ''
+ Select Import Type: ''
+ Select Export Type: ''
+ Import Subscriptions: ''
+ Subscription File: ''
+ History File: ''
+ Playlist File: ''
+ Check for Legacy Subscriptions: ''
+ Export Subscriptions: ''
+ Export FreeTube: ''
+ Export YouTube: ''
+ Export NewPipe: ''
+ Import History: ''
+ Export History: ''
+ Import Playlists: ''
+ Export Playlists: ''
+ Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
+ All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: ''
+ All subscriptions have been successfully imported: ''
+ One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: ''
+ Invalid subscriptions file: ''
+ This might take a while, please wait: ''
+ Invalid history file: ''
+ Subscriptions have been successfully exported: ''
+ History object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
+ All watched history has been successfully imported: ''
+ All watched history has been successfully exported: ''
+ Playlist insufficient data: ''
+ All playlists has been successfully imported: ''
+ All playlists has been successfully exported: ''
+ Unable to read file: ''
+ Unable to write file: ''
+ Unknown data key: ''
+ How do I import my subscriptions?: ''
+ Manage Subscriptions: ''
+ Proxy Settings:
+ Proxy Settings: ''
+ Enable Tor / Proxy: ''
+ Proxy Protocol: ''
+ Proxy Host: ''
+ Proxy Port Number: ''
+ Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: ''
+ Test Proxy: ''
+ Your Info: ''
+ Ip: ''
+ Country: ''
+ Region: ''
+ City: ''
+ Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: ''
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ SponsorBlock Settings: ''
+ Enable SponsorBlock: ''
+ 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': ''
+ Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: ''
+ UseDeArrowTitles: ''
+ Skip Options:
+ Skip Option: ''
+ Auto Skip: ''
+ Show In Seek Bar: ''
+ Prompt To Skip: ''
+ Do Nothing: ''
+ Category Color: ''
+ Parental Control Settings:
+ Parental Control Settings: ''
+ Hide Unsubscribe Button: ''
+ Show Family Friendly Only: ''
+ Hide Search Bar: ''
+ Download Settings:
+ Download Settings: ''
+ Ask Download Path: ''
+ Choose Path: ''
+ Download Behavior: ''
+ Download in app: ''
+ Open in web browser: ''
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Experimental Settings: ''
+ Warning: ''
+ Replace HTTP Cache: ''
+ Password Dialog:
+ Password: ''
+ Enter Password To Unlock: ''
+ Password Incorrect: ''
+ Unlock: ''
+ Password Settings:
+ Password Settings: ''
+ Set Password To Prevent Access: ''
+ Set Password: ''
+ Remove Password: ''
+ #On About page
+ About: ''
+ Beta: ''
+ Source code: ''
+ Licensed under the AGPLv3: ''
+ View License: ''
+ Downloads / Changelog: ''
+ GitHub releases: ''
+ Help: ''
+ FreeTube Wiki: ''
+ FAQ: ''
+ Discussions: ''
+ Report a problem: ''
+ GitHub issues: ''
+ Please check for duplicates before posting: ''
+ Website: ''
+ Blog: ''
+ Email: ''
+ Mastodon: ''
+ Chat on Matrix: ''
+ Please read the: ''
+ room rules: ''
+ Translate: ''
+ Credits: ''
+ FreeTube is made possible by: ''
+ these people and projects: ''
+ Donate: ''
+ Profile Settings: ''
+ Toggle Profile List: ''
+ Profile Select: ''
+ Profile Filter: ''
+ All Channels: ''
+ Profile Manager: ''
+ Create New Profile: ''
+ Edit Profile: ''
+ Color Picker: ''
+ Custom Color: ''
+ Profile Preview: ''
+ Create Profile: ''
+ Update Profile: ''
+ Make Default Profile: ''
+ Delete Profile: ''
+ Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: ''
+ All subscriptions will also be deleted.: ''
+ Profile could not be found: ''
+ Your profile name cannot be empty: ''
+ Profile has been created: ''
+ Profile has been updated: ''
+ Your default profile has been set to {profile}: ''
+ Removed {profile} from your profiles: ''
+ Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: ''
+ '{profile} is now the active profile': ''
+ Subscription List: ''
+ Other Channels: ''
+ '{number} selected': ''
+ Select All: ''
+ Select None: ''
+ Delete Selected: ''
+ Add Selected To Profile: ''
+ No channel(s) have been selected: ''
+ ? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
+ same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
+ : ''
+ Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: ''
+#On Channel Page
+ Subscribe: ''
+ Unsubscribe: ''
+ Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: ''
+ Removed subscription from {count} other channel(s): ''
+ Added channel to your subscriptions: ''
+ Search Channel: ''
+ Your search results have returned 0 results: ''
+ Sort By: ''
+ This channel does not exist: ''
+ This channel does not allow searching: ''
+ This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube.: ''
+ Channel Tabs: ''
+ Videos:
+ Videos: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any videos: ''
+ Sort Types:
+ Newest: ''
+ Oldest: ''
+ Most Popular: ''
+ Shorts:
+ This channel does not currently have any shorts: ''
+ Live:
+ Live: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any live streams: ''
+ Playlists:
+ Playlists: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any playlists: ''
+ Sort Types:
+ Last Video Added: ''
+ Newest: ''
+ Oldest: ''
+ Podcasts:
+ Podcasts: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any podcasts: ''
+ Releases:
+ Releases: ''
+ This channel does not currently have any releases: ''
+ About:
+ About: ''
+ Channel Description: ''
+ Tags:
+ Tags: ''
+ Search for: ''
+ Details: ''
+ Joined: ''
+ Location: ''
+ Featured Channels: ''
+ Community:
+ This channel currently does not have any posts: ''
+ votes: ''
+ Reveal Answers: ''
+ Hide Answers: ''
+ Mark As Watched: ''
+ Remove From History: ''
+ Video has been marked as watched: ''
+ Video has been removed from your history: ''
+ Save Video: ''
+ Video has been saved: ''
+ Video has been removed from your saved list: ''
+ Open in YouTube: ''
+ Copy YouTube Link: ''
+ Open YouTube Embedded Player: ''
+ Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: ''
+ Open in Invidious: ''
+ Copy Invidious Link: ''
+ Open Channel in YouTube: ''
+ Copy YouTube Channel Link: ''
+ Open Channel in Invidious: ''
+ Copy Invidious Channel Link: ''
+ Views: ''
+ Loop Playlist: ''
+ Shuffle Playlist: ''
+ Reverse Playlist: ''
+ Play Next Video: ''
+ Play Previous Video: ''
+ Pause on Current Video: ''
+ Watched: ''
+ Autoplay: ''
+ Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: ''
+ # As in a Live Video
+ Premieres on: ''
+ Premieres: ''
+ Upcoming: ''
+ Live: ''
+ Live Now: ''
+ Live Chat: ''
+ Enable Live Chat: ''
+ Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: ''
+ 'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': ''
+ Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: ''
+ 'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': ''
+ 'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': ''
+ Show Super Chat Comment: ''
+ Scroll to Bottom: ''
+ Download Video: ''
+ video only: ''
+ audio only: ''
+ Audio:
+ Low: ''
+ Medium: ''
+ High: ''
+ Best: ''
+ Published:
+ Jan: ''
+ Feb: ''
+ Mar: ''
+ Apr: ''
+ May: ''
+ Jun: ''
+ Jul: ''
+ Aug: ''
+ Sep: ''
+ Oct: ''
+ Nov: ''
+ Dec: ''
+ Second: ''
+ Seconds: ''
+ Minute: ''
+ Minutes: ''
+ Hour: ''
+ Hours: ''
+ Day: ''
+ Days: ''
+ Week: ''
+ Weeks: ''
+ Month: ''
+ Months: ''
+ Year: ''
+ Years: ''
+ Ago: ''
+ Upcoming: ''
+ In less than a minute: ''
+ Published on: ''
+ Streamed on: ''
+ Started streaming on: ''
+ translated from English: ''
+ Publicationtemplate: ''
+ Skipped segment: ''
+ Sponsor Block category:
+ sponsor: ''
+ intro: ''
+ outro: ''
+ self-promotion: ''
+ interaction: ''
+ music offtopic: ''
+ recap: ''
+ filler: ''
+ External Player:
+ OpenInTemplate: ''
+ video: ''
+ playlist: ''
+ OpeningTemplate: ''
+ UnsupportedActionTemplate: ''
+ Unsupported Actions:
+ starting video at offset: ''
+ setting a playback rate: ''
+ opening playlists: ''
+ opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): ''
+ reversing playlists: ''
+ shuffling playlists: ''
+ looping playlists: ''
+ Stats:
+ Video statistics are not available for legacy videos: ''
+ Video ID: ''
+ Resolution: ''
+ Player Dimensions: ''
+ Bitrate: ''
+ Volume: ''
+ Bandwidth: ''
+ Buffered: ''
+ Dropped / Total Frames: ''
+ Mimetype: ''
+#& Videos
+ #& Sort By
+ Sort By:
+ Newest: ''
+ Oldest: ''
+ #& Most Popular
+#& Playlists
+ #& About
+ Playlist: ''
+ View Full Playlist: ''
+ Videos: ''
+ View: ''
+ Views: ''
+ Last Updated On: ''
+# On Video Watch Page
+#* Published
+#& Views
+Toggle Theatre Mode: ''
+Change Format:
+ Change Media Formats: ''
+ Use Dash Formats: ''
+ Use Legacy Formats: ''
+ Use Audio Formats: ''
+ Dash formats are not available for this video: ''
+ Audio formats are not available for this video: ''
+ Share Video: ''
+ Share Channel: ''
+ Share Playlist: ''
+ Include Timestamp: ''
+ Copy Link: ''
+ Open Link: ''
+ Copy Embed: ''
+ Open Embed: ''
+ # On Click
+ Invidious URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
+ Copy failed: ''
+ Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: ''
+ Chapters: ''
+ 'Chapters list visible, current chapter: {chapterName}': ''
+ 'Chapters list hidden, current chapter: {chapterName}': ''
+Mini Player: ''
+ Comments: ''
+ Click to View Comments: ''
+ Getting comment replies, please wait: ''
+ There are no more comments for this video: ''
+ Show Comments: ''
+ Hide Comments: ''
+ Sort by: ''
+ Top comments: ''
+ Newest first: ''
+ View {replyCount} replies: ''
+ # Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply, View 1 Reply from Owner, View 2 Replies from Owner and others
+ View: ''
+ Hide: ''
+ Replies: ''
+ Show More Replies: ''
+ Reply: ''
+ From {channelName}: ''
+ And others: ''
+ There are no comments available for this video: ''
+ Load More Comments: ''
+ No more comments available: ''
+ Pinned by: ''
+ Member: ''
+ Subscribed: ''
+ Hearted: ''
+Up Next: ''
+ General Settings:
+ Preferred API Backend: ''
+ Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
+ Thumbnail Preference: ''
+ Invidious Instance: ''
+ Region for Trending: ''
+ External Link Handling: |
+ Player Settings:
+ Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
+ Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
+ Default Video Format: ''
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: ''
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: ''
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: ''
+ External Player Settings:
+ External Player: ''
+ Custom External Player Executable: ''
+ Ignore Warnings: ''
+ Custom External Player Arguments: ''
+ DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: ""
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Hide Channels: ''
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: ''
+ Subscription Settings:
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
+ Fetch Automatically: ''
+ Privacy Settings:
+ Remove Video Meta Files: ''
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Replace HTTP Cache: ''
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ UseDeArrowTitles: ''
+# Toast Messages
+Local API Error (Click to copy): ''
+Invidious API Error (Click to copy): ''
+Falling back to Invidious API: ''
+Falling back to Local API: ''
+This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: ''
+Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: ''
+Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: ''
+Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: ''
+Loop is now disabled: ''
+Loop is now enabled: ''
+Shuffle is now disabled: ''
+Shuffle is now enabled: ''
+The playlist has been reversed: ''
+Playing Next Video: ''
+Playing Previous Video: ''
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: ''
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: ''
+Playing Next Video Interval: ''
+Canceled next video autoplay: ''
+Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: ''
+Default Invidious instance has been cleared: ''
+'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': ''
+External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: ''
+Downloading has completed: ''
+Starting download: ''
+Downloading failed: ''
+Screenshot Success: ''
+Screenshot Error: ''
+ Hashtag: ''
+ This hashtag does not currently have any videos: ''
+Yes: ''
+No: ''
+Ok: ''
diff --git a/static/locales/sr.yaml b/static/locales/sr.yaml
index 8fd14adb17afa..e82fc3f80f0cc 100644
--- a/static/locales/sr.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/sr.yaml
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Global:
Live: Уживо
Community: Заједница
Shorts: Shorts
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Ознака мора да има најмање {number} знакова
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Верзија {versionNumber}
је сада достуна! Кликните за више детаља'
Download From Site: 'Преузми са сајта'
@@ -130,6 +132,96 @@ User Playlists:
Empty Search Message: На овој плејлисти нема видео снимака који одговарају вашој
Search bar placeholder: Претрага у плејлисти
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Желите
+ ли заиста да уклоните све одгледане видео снимке са ове плејлисте? Ово се не може
+ поништити.
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: Претрага у плејлистама
+ Save: Сачувај
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 видео снимак додат
+ је на {playlistCount} плејлисте | {videoCount} видео снимака додато је на
+ {playlistCount} плејлисте
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 видео снимак додат је на 1 плејлисту
+ | {videoCount} видео снимака додато је на 1 плејлисту
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Још увек нисте изабрали ниједну плејлисту.
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Изаберите плејлисту на коју желите
+ да додате видео снимак | Изаберите плејлисту на коју желите да додате {videoCount}
+ видео снимака
+ N playlists selected: 'Изабрано: {playlistCount}'
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ There were no videos to remove.: Није било видео снимака за уклањање.
+ Video has been removed: Видео снимак је уклоњен
+ Playlist has been updated.: Плејлиста је ажурирана.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Дошло је до грешке при ажурирању
+ ове плејлисте.
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Овај видео снимак се не може померити нагоре.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Ова плејлиста је заштићена
+ и не може се уклонити.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Плејлиста „{playlistName}“ је избрисана.
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Неки
+ видео снимци на плејлисти још увек нису учитани. Кликните овде да бисте ипак
+ копирали.
+ This playlist does not exist: Ова плејлиста не постоји
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Назив плејлисте не може
+ бити празан. Унесите назив.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Дошло је до грешке при уклањању
+ овог видео снимка
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 видео снимак је уклоњен | {videoCount}
+ видео снимака је уклоњено
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Овај видео снимак се не може померити надоле.
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Ова плејлиста се сада користи
+ за брзо обележавање
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Брзо обележавање је онемогућено
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Ова
+ плејлиста се сада користи за брзо обележавање, уместо „{oldPlaylistName}“.
+ Кликните овде да поништите
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Враћено на коришћење „{oldPlaylistName}“
+ за брзо обележавање
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Желите ли
+ заиста да избришете ову плејлисту? Ово се не може поништити.
+ Sort By:
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Недавно пуштано
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Најраније направљено
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Недавно направљено
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Најраније ажурирано
+ Sort By: Сортирање по
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Најраније пуштано
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Недавно ажурирано
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Немате
+ плејлисте. Кликните на дугме „Направи нову плејлисту“ да бисте направили нову.
+ Remove from Playlist: Уклони са плејлисте
+ Save Changes: Сачувај измене
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Направи
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Дошло је до грешке при прављењу
+ плејлисте.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Плејлиста „{playlistName}“
+ је успешно направљена.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Већ
+ постоји плејлиста с овим називом. Молимо, изаберите други назив.
+ New Playlist Name: Нови назив плејлисте
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Ова плејлиста тренутно нема ниједан видео
+ снимак.
+ Add to Playlist: Додај на плејлисту
+ Move Video Down: Помери видео снимак надоле
+ Playlist Name: Назив плејлисте
+ Remove Watched Videos: Уклони одгледане видео снимке
+ Move Video Up: Помери видео снимак нагоре
+ Cancel: Откажи
+ Delete Playlist: Избриши плејлисту
+ Create New Playlist: Направи нову плејлисту
+ Edit Playlist Info: Измени информације о плејлисти
+ Copy Playlist: Копирај плејлисту
+ Playlist Description: Опис плејлисте
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Омогући брзо обележавање помоћу ове плејлисте
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Онемогући брзо обележавање
+ Add to Favorites: Додај на плејлисту „{playlistName}“
+ Remove from Favorites: Уклони са плејлисте „{playlistName}“
# On History Page
History: 'Историја'
@@ -167,6 +259,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Средина'
End: 'Крај'
Hidden: Скривено
+ Blur: Замагљено
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious инстанца
(Подразумевано је https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
View all Invidious instance information: 'Погледај све информације о Invidious
@@ -203,6 +296,7 @@ Settings:
Hot Pink: Врућа розе
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
System Default: Системски подразумевано
+ Nordic: Нордичка
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Главна тема боја'
Red: 'Црвена'
@@ -326,12 +420,18 @@ Settings:
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Сачувај одгледане видео снимке
са последње гледане плејлисте
+ All playlists have been removed: Све плејлисте су уклоњене
+ Remove All Playlists: Уклони све плејлисте
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Желите ли заиста да уклоните
+ све своје плејлисте?
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Подешавања праћења'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Сакриј видео снимке на гледању'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Прикупи фидове из RSS-а'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Управљање праћењима'
Fetch Automatically: Аутоматски прикупи фид
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Прикажи само најновији видео снимак за
+ сваки канал
Distraction Free Settings:
Distraction Free Settings: 'Подешавања „Без ометања“'
Hide Video Views: 'Сакриј прегледе видео снимка'
@@ -345,7 +445,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Live Chat: 'Сакриј ћаскање уживо'
Hide Active Subscriptions: 'Сакриј активна праћења'
Blur Thumbnails: Замагли сличице
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Назив канала или ID канала
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID канала
Hide Video Description: Сакриј опис видео снимка
Hide Chapters: Сакриј поглавља
@@ -367,11 +467,20 @@ Settings:
Hide Subscriptions Live: Сакриј стримове уживо канала које пратите
Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Сакриј Shorts снимке канала које пратите
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Прикажи наслове без претераног
- коришћења великих слова
+ писања великих слова и интерпункције
Hide Featured Channels: Сакриј истакнуте канале
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Сакриј слике профила у коментарима
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Сакриј предстојеће премијере
Hide Channel Releases: Сакриј издања канала
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Наведени ID канала је неважећи
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Неки канали су блокирани помоћу ID-а и нису обрађени.
+ Функција је блокирана док се ти ID-ови ажурирају
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: ID канала већ постоји
+ Hide Channels API Error: Грешка при преузимању корисника са наведеним ID-ом. Проверите
+ поново да ли је ID тачан.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Сакриј видео снимке и плејлисте које
+ садрже текст
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Реч, део речи или фраза
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Подешавања података'
Select Import Type: 'Избор врсте увоза'
@@ -418,6 +527,14 @@ Settings:
All playlists has been successfully imported: Све плејлисте су успешно увезене
Playlist insufficient data: Нема довољно података за плејлисту „{playlist}“, прескакање
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "Ова опција извози видео снимке са свих плејлиста у једну плејлисту
+ под називом „Омиљено“.\nКако да извезете и увезете видео снимке у плејлисте
+ за старију верзију FreeTube-а:\n1. Извезите своје плејлисте са омогућеном
+ овом опцијом.\n2. Избришите све своје постојеће плејлисте користећи опцију
+ „Уклони све плејлисте“ у оквиру подешавања приватности.\n3. Покрените старију
+ верзију FreeTube-а и увезите извезене плејлисте."
+ Label: Извоз плејлиста за старије верзије FreeTube-а
Proxy Settings:
Proxy Settings: 'Подешавања проксија'
Enable Tor / Proxy: 'Омогући Tor / Прокси'
@@ -454,6 +571,9 @@ Settings:
Enable SponsorBlock: Омогући SponsorBlock
SponsorBlock Settings: Подешавања SponsorBlock-а
Category Color: Боја категорије
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Користи DeArrow за сличице
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': URL
+ API-ја DeArrow генератора сличица (Подразумевано је https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
External Player: Спољни плејер
External Player Settings: Подешавања спољног плејера
@@ -463,6 +583,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Ниједно
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Игнориши подразумеване аргументе
Download Settings:
Choose Path: Избор путање
Open in web browser: Отвори у прегледачу
@@ -485,6 +606,7 @@ Settings:
Password: Лозинка
Enter Password To Unlock: Унесите лозинку да бисте откључали подешавања
Unlock: Откључај
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Прошири све одељке подешавања
#On About page
About: 'О апликацији'
@@ -559,6 +681,11 @@ Profile:
#On Channel Page
Profile Settings: Подешавања профила
Toggle Profile List: Укључи листу профила
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Отвори падајући мени профила
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Затвори падајући мени профила
+ Profile Name: Име профила
+ Edit Profile Name: Измени име профила
+ Create Profile Name: Направи име профила
Subscriber: 'Пратилац'
Subscribers: 'Пратиоци'
@@ -603,6 +730,7 @@ Channel:
Reveal Answers: Откриј одговоре
Hide Answers: Сакриј одговоре
votes: 'Гласова: {votes}'
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: Видео снимак сакрио је FreeTube
Live: Уживо
This channel does not currently have any live streams: Овај канал тренутно нема
@@ -754,6 +882,9 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Ћаскање
уживо није доступно за овај стрим. Можда га је онемогућио аутор.
+ Unhide Channel: Прикажи канал
+ Hide Channel: Сакриј канал
+ More Options: Више опција
Subscription Settings:
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Када је омогућено, FreeTube ће користити RSS уместо свог
@@ -792,13 +923,20 @@ Tooltips:
потребно, овде се може подесити прилагођена путања.
Ignore Warnings: Поништи упозорења када тренутни спољни плејер не подржава тренутну
радњу (нпр. обртање плејлиста итд.).
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Немојте слати никакве подразумеване аргументе спољном
+ плејеру осим URL адресе видео снимка (нпр. брзина репродукције, URL адреса плејлисте
+ итд.). Прилагођени аргументи ће и даље бити прослеђени.
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Channels: Унесите назив канала или ID канала да бисте сакрили све видео снимке,
плејлисте и сам канал, да се не појављују у претрази, у тренду, најпопуларнијима
- и препорученима. Назив канала који сте унели мора се потпуно подударати и разликовати
+ и препорученима. ID канала који сте унели мора се потпуно подударати и разликовати
велика и мала слова.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Ово подешавање је замењено подешавањем за целу апликацију
„{appWideSetting}“ у одељку „{subsection}“ у „{settingsSection}“
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Унесите реч, део речи или фразу (не
+ разликује велика и мала слова) да бисте сакрили све видео снимке и плејлисте
+ чији их оригинални наслови садрже у целом FreeTube-у, искључујући само историју,
+ ваше плејлисте и видео снимке унутар плејлиста.
Privacy Settings:
Remove Video Meta Files: Када је омогућено, FreeTube аутоматски брише мета фајлове
направљене током репродукције видео снимка, када се страница гледања затвори.
@@ -830,14 +968,10 @@ Tooltips:
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Замена наслова видео снимака насловима које су послали корисници
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Замените сличице видео снимака сличицама из DeArrow-а.
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Праћења још увек нису имплементирана'
Open New Window: Отвори нови прозор
Shuffle is now disabled: Мешање је сада онемогућено
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Video: Видео снимак
- Channel: Канал
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: '{videoOrPlaylist} је старосно ограничен(а)'
New Window: Нови прозор
Copy failed: Копирање у привремену меморију није успело
@@ -907,8 +1041,8 @@ Share:
YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: YouTube уграђени URL је копиран у привремену
-Falling back to the local API: Повратак на локални API
-Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Непозната врста YouTube URL-а,
+Falling back to Local API: Повратак на локални API
+Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: Непозната врста YouTube URL адресе,
не може се отворити у апликацији
Search Bar:
Clear Input: Очисти унос
@@ -975,3 +1109,13 @@ Screenshot Error: Снимак екрана није успео. {error}
Downloading has completed: „{videoTitle}“ је завршио преузимање
Loop is now enabled: Понављање је сада омогућено
Downloading failed: Дошло је до проблема при преузимању „{videoTitle}“
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} је додат на филтер канала'
+Go to page: Иди на {page}
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} је уклоњен из филтера канала'
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: Исечени унос мора да има најмање
+ 1 знак | Исечени унос мора да има најмање {length} знакова
+Tag already exists: Ознака „{tagName}“ већ постоји
+Close Banner: Затвори банер
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: Овај канал је ограничен према узрасту
+ This video is age restricted: Овај видео снимак је ограничен према узрасту
diff --git a/static/locales/sv.yaml b/static/locales/sv.yaml
index 4ede0fe71498e..1f8c8fac041f4 100644
--- a/static/locales/sv.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/sv.yaml
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ Global:
Live: Live
Community: Gemenskap
+ Counts:
+ Video Count: 1 video | {count} videor
+ Subscriber Count: 1 prenumerant | {count} prenumeranter
+ View Count: 1 visning | {count} visningar
+ Watching Count: 1 tittar | {count} tittare
+ Channel Count: 1 kanal | {count} kanaler
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Taggen måste vara minst {number} tecken långt
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Versionen {versionNumber}
är nu tillgänglig! Klicka för mer detaljer'
Download From Site: 'Ladda ner från sajten'
@@ -100,6 +108,8 @@ Subscriptions:
Subscriptions Tabs: Prenumeration Flik
All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Alla prenumerationsflikar är dolda. För att se innehåll
här, vänligen avdölj några flikar i avsnittet "{subsection}" i "{settingsSection}".
+ Load More Posts: Ladda fler inlägg
+ Empty Posts: Dina prenumererade kanaler har för närvarande inga inlägg.
Trending: 'Populärt'
Movies: Filmer
@@ -120,6 +130,24 @@ User Playlists:
för 'Favoriter'.
Search bar placeholder: Sök i Spellistor
Empty Search Message: Det finns inga videor i denna spellista som matchar din sökning
+ Playlist Name: Spellistenamn
+ Playlist Description: Spellistebeskrivning
+ Delete Playlist: Ta bort Spellista
+ Create New Playlist: Skapa ny spellista
+ Save Changes: Spara Ändringar
+ Cancel: Avbryt
+ Edit Playlist Info: Redigera Spellisteinformation
+ Copy Playlist: Kopiera Spellista
+ Add to Favorites: Lägg till {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Ta bort från {playlistName}
+ Move Video Up: Flytta upp Video
+ Move Video Down: Flytta ner Video
+ Remove from Playlist: Ta bort från Spellista
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Du
+ har inga spellistor. Klicka på Skapa ny spellista-knappen för att skapa en ny.
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Denna spellista har för närvarande inga
+ videor.
+ Add to Playlist: Lägg till Spellista
# On History Page
History: 'Historik'
@@ -154,6 +182,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: 'Mitten'
End: 'Slutet'
Hidden: Dold
+ Blur: Oskärpa
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious Instance
(Standard är https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Region för Trender'
@@ -311,6 +340,8 @@ Settings:
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Hämta prenumerationer från RSS'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Hantera prenumerationer'
Fetch Automatically: Hämta flöde automatiskt
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Visa endast den senaste videon för varje
+ kanal
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Datainställningar'
Select Import Type: 'Välj import-typen'
@@ -404,7 +435,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Live Streams: Dölj liveströmningar
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Dölj permiärer
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Visa titlar utan överdriven versalisering
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanalnamn eller ID
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanal ID
Hide Featured Channels: Dölj Utvalda kanaler
Hide Channel Shorts: Dölj Kanal Shorts
@@ -422,6 +453,13 @@ Settings:
Hide Subscriptions Live: Dölj prenumerations Live-sändningar
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Dölj profilbilder i kommentarer
Blur Thumbnails: Oskärpa tumnaglar
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: Dölj prenumerationsgemenskap
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Det angivna kanal-ID var ogiltigt
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Vissa kanaler blockerades med ID och bearbetades
+ inte. Funktionen är blockerad medan dessa ID:n uppdateras
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Kanal-ID finns redan
+ Hide Channels API Error: Det gick inte att hämta användaren med angett ID. Kontrollera
+ igen om ID:t är korrekt.
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Starta
om FreeTube nu för att tillämpa ändringarna?
Proxy Settings:
@@ -454,6 +492,8 @@ Settings:
Prompt To Skip: Prompt för att hoppa över
Category Color: Kategorifärg
UseDeArrowTitles: Använd DeArrow-videotitlar
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': URL:en
+ till DeArrows Miniatyrbildsgenerator-API (Standard är https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Ignorera händelsevarningar som inte stöds
External Player: Extern spelare
@@ -490,7 +530,8 @@ Settings:
Experimental Settings: Experimentella inställningar
Warning: Dessa inställlningar är experimentella, de kan eventuellt orsakar kracher
om de är aktiverade. Att göra backupfiler rekomenderas. Används på egen risk!
- Replace HTTP Cache: Ersätt HTTP-chachen
+ Replace HTTP Cache: Ersätt HTTP-cache
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Expandera alla inställningssektioner
#On About page
About: 'Om'
@@ -592,6 +633,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Profilfilter
Profile Settings: Profilinställningar
Toggle Profile List: Aktivera Profillista
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Öppna profilrullgardinsmenyn
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Stäng profilrullgardinsmenyn
+ Profile Name: Profilnamn
+ Edit Profile Name: Redigera profilnamn
+ Create Profile Name: Skapa profilnamn
Subscriber: 'Prenumerant'
Subscribers: 'Prenumeranter'
@@ -788,6 +834,8 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Livechatt
är inte tillgängligt för den här strömmen. Den kan ha inaktiverats av uppladdaren.
Pause on Current Video: Pausa på aktuell video
+ Unhide Channel: Visa kanal
+ Hide Channel: Dölj kanal
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -861,13 +909,14 @@ Comments:
View {replyCount} replies: Visa {replyCount} repliker
Pinned by: Nålad av
Hearted: Hjärtade
+ Subscribed: Prenumererar
Up Next: 'Kommer härnäst'
# Toast Messages
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Lokalt API-fel (Klicka för att kopiera koden)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API-fel (Klicka för att kopiera koden)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Faller tillbaka till Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Faller tillbaka till lokal API'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Faller tillbaka till lokal API'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Den
här videon är inte tillgänglig på grund av format som saknas. Detta kan hända på
grund av landets otillgänglighet.'
@@ -945,9 +994,9 @@ Tooltips:
Invidiousinställningar påverkar inte externa videospelare.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Standard: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Ange ett kanalnamn eller kanal-ID för att dölja alla videor, spellistor
- och själva kanalen från att visas i sökningar, trender, populäraste och rekommenderade.
- Det angivna kanalnamnet måste vara en fullständig matchning och är skiftlägeskänsligt.
+ Hide Channels: Ange ett kanal-ID för att dölja alla videor, spellistor och själva
+ kanalen från att visas i sökningar, trender, populäraste och rekommenderade.
+ Det angivna kanal-ID:t måste vara en fullständig matchning och är skiftlägeskänsligt.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Den här inställningen åsidosätts av den program omfattande
"{appWideSetting}"-inställningen, i avsnittet "{subsection}" i "{settingsSection}"
Experimental Settings:
@@ -988,11 +1037,6 @@ Preferences: Preferenser
Ok: Okej
Screenshot Success: Sparade skärmdump som "{filePath}"
Screenshot Error: Skärmdump misslyckades {felkod}
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: Kanal
- Video: Video
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Denna {videoOrPlaylist} är åldersbegränsad
Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: Har inte tillgång till urklipp
utan en säker anslutning
@@ -1014,3 +1058,6 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Spellistan pausas när den a
videon är klar
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Spellistan kommer inte att
pausas när den aktuella videon är klar
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} har lagts till i kanalfiltret'
+Go to page: Gå till {page}
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} har tagits bort från kanalfiltret'
diff --git a/static/locales/ti.yaml b/static/locales/ti.yaml
index c6f189c432bf0..4de64898df59f 100644
--- a/static/locales/ti.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/ti.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Put the name of your locale in the same language
-Locale Name: 'እንግሊዘኛ (us)'
+Locale Name: 'ትግርኛ'
FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
diff --git a/static/locales/tig.yaml b/static/locales/tig.yaml
index e5aea5ac5cd51..5b8c6ca9b80d2 100644
--- a/static/locales/tig.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/tig.yaml
@@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ Channel:
About: {}
Video: {}
Tooltips: {}
-Age Restricted: {}
diff --git a/static/locales/tr.yaml b/static/locales/tr.yaml
index cc915100fbf21..57c6cd8f0c179 100644
--- a/static/locales/tr.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/tr.yaml
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 abone | {count} abone
View Count: 1 izlenme | {count} izlenme
Watching Count: 1 izliyor | {count} izliyor
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Etiket en az {number} karakter uzunluğunda olmalıdır
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: '{versionNumber}
sürümü çıktı! Daha fazla ayrıntı için tıklayın'
Download From Site: 'Siteden indir'
@@ -128,6 +130,98 @@ User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: Oynatma Listesinde Ara
Empty Search Message: Bu oynatma listesinde aramanızla eşleşen video yok
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Bu oynatma listesinde şu anda hiç video
+ yok.
+ Create New Playlist: Yeni Oynatma Listesi Oluştur
+ Add to Playlist: Oynatma Listesine Ekle
+ Remove from Playlist: Oynatma Listesinden Kaldır
+ Playlist Name: Oynatma Listesi Adı
+ Save Changes: Değişiklikleri Kaydet
+ Delete Playlist: Oynatma Listesini Sil
+ Sort By:
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Son Oluşturulan
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: En Eski Oluşturulan
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Son Güncellenen
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: En Eski Güncellenen
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Son Oynatılan
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: En Eski Oynatılan
+ Sort By: Sıralama ölçütü
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Bu video yukarı taşınamaz.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Bu video aşağı taşınamaz.
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Oynatma listesi adı boş
+ olamaz. Lütfen bir ad girin.
+ Playlist has been updated.: Oynatma listesi güncellendi.
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Bu oynatma listesi güncellenirken
+ bir sorun oluştu.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 video kaldırıldı | {videoCount}
+ video kaldırıldı
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: '{playlistName} oynatma listesi silindi.'
+ Video has been removed: Video kaldırıldı
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Bu videoyu kaldırırken bir sorun
+ oluştu
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Oynatma
+ listesindeki bazı videolar henüz yüklenmedi. Yine de kopyalamak için buraya
+ tıklayın.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Bu oynatma listesi korumalıdır
+ ve kaldırılamaz.
+ There were no videos to remove.: Kaldırılacak video yok.
+ This playlist does not exist: Bu oynatma listesi yok
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Hızlı yer imi devre dışı bırakıldı
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Bu
+ oynatma listesi artık {oldPlaylistName} yerine hızlı yer imi için kullanılıyor.
+ Geri almak için buraya tıklayın
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Hızlı yer imi için {oldPlaylistName}
+ kullanımına geri dönüldü
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Bu oynatma listesi artık hızlı
+ yer imi için kullanılıyor
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Videonuzu eklemek için bir oynatma
+ listesi seçin | {videoCount} videonuzu eklemek için bir oynatma listesi seçin
+ Save: Kaydet
+ Toast:
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Henüz bir oynatma listesi seçmediniz.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 video {playlistCount}
+ oynatma listesine eklendi | {videoCount} video {playlistCount} oynatma listesine
+ eklendi
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 video 1 oynatma listesine eklendi
+ | {videoCount} video 1 oynatma listesine eklendi
+ N playlists selected: '{playlistCount} Seçildi'
+ Search in Playlists: Oynatma Listelerinde Ara
+ Added {count} Times: '{count} Defa Eklendi | {count} Defa Eklendi'
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ New Playlist Name: Yeni Oynatma Listesi Adı
+ Create: Oluştur
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Oynatma listesi oluşturulurken
+ bir sorun oluştu.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Bu
+ ada sahip bir oynatma listesi zaten var. Lütfen farklı bir ad seçin.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: '{playlistName} oynatma
+ listesi başarıyla oluşturuldu.'
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Hiç
+ oynatma listeniz yok. Yeni bir oynatma listesi oluşturmak için yeni oynatma listesi
+ oluştur düğmesine tıklayın.
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Bu oynatma
+ listesini silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Bu işlem geri alınamaz.
+ Move Video Up: Videoyu Yukarı Taşı
+ Move Video Down: Videoyu Aşağı Taşı
+ Playlist Description: Oynatma Listesi Açıklaması
+ Cancel: İptal
+ Edit Playlist Info: Oynatma Listesi Bilgilerini Düzenle
+ Copy Playlist: Oynatma Listesini Kopyala
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: İzlenen
+ tüm videoları bu oynatma listesinden kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz? Bu
+ işlem geri alınamaz.
+ Remove Watched Videos: İzlenen Videoları Kaldır
+ Add to Favorites: '{playlistName} oynatma listesine ekle'
+ Remove from Favorites: '{playlistName} oynatma listesinden kaldır'
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Bu Oynatma Listesiyle Hızlı Yer İşaretini
+ Etkinleştir
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Hızlı Yer İşaretini Devre Dışı Bırak
# On History Page
History: 'Geçmiş'
@@ -156,12 +250,13 @@ Settings:
Grid: 'Izgara'
List: 'Liste'
Thumbnail Preference:
- Thumbnail Preference: 'Küçük Resim Tercihi'
+ Thumbnail Preference: 'Önizleme Görseli Tercihi'
Default: 'Öntanımlı'
Beginning: 'Başlangıç'
Middle: 'Orta'
End: 'Bitiş'
Hidden: Gizli
+ Blur: Bulanıklık
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious Örneği
(Öntanımlı olarak https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Öne Çıkanlar İçin Bölge Tercihi'
@@ -194,6 +289,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
Pastel Pink: Pastel Pembe
Hot Pink: Sıcak Pembe
+ Nordic: Nord
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Ana Renk Teması'
Red: 'Kırmızı'
@@ -318,12 +414,18 @@ Settings:
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: İzlenen Videoları Son Görüntülenen
Oynatma Listesiyle Kaydet
+ All playlists have been removed: Tüm oynatma listeleri kaldırıldı
+ Remove All Playlists: Tüm Oynatma Listelerini Kaldır
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Tüm oynatma listelerinizi
+ kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Abonelik Ayarları'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'İzlenmiş Videoları Gizle'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Akışları RSS''den Getir'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Abonelikleri Yönet'
Fetch Automatically: Akışı Otomatik Olarak Getir
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Her Kanal için Yalnızca En Son Videoyu
+ Göster
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Veri Ayarları'
Select Import Type: 'İçe Aktarma Türünü Seç'
@@ -374,6 +476,15 @@ Settings:
Playlist File: Oynatma Listesi Dosyası
Subscription File: Abonelik Dosyası
History File: Geçmiş Dosyası
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: Eski FreeTube Sürümleri İçin Oynatma Listelerini Dışa Aktar
+ Tooltip: "Bu seçenek, tüm oynatma listelerindeki videoları 'Favoriler' adlı
+ tek bir oynatma listesine aktarır.\nFreeTube'un eski bir sürümü için oynatma
+ listelerindeki videolar nasıl dışa ve içe aktarılır:\n1. Oynatma listelerinizi
+ bu seçenek etkinken dışa aktarın.\n2. Gizlilik Ayarları altındaki Tüm Oynatma
+ Listelerini Kaldır seçeneğini kullanarak var olan tüm oynatma listelerinizi
+ silin.\n3. FreeTube'un eski sürümünü başlatın ve dışa aktarılan oynatma listelerini
+ içe aktarın.\""
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Gelişmiş Ayarlar'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Hata Ayıklama Modunu Etkinleştir
@@ -420,10 +531,10 @@ Settings:
Hide Comments: Yorumları Gizle
Hide Chapters: Bölümleri Gizle
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Yaklaşan İlk Gösterimleri Gizle
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanal Adı veya Kimliği
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: Kanal Kimliği
Hide Channels: Kanallardan Videoları Gizle
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Başlıkları Aşırı Büyük Harf Kullanmadan
- Görüntüle
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Başlıkları Aşırı Büyük Harf ve
+ Noktalama İşaretleri Kullanmadan Görüntüle
Hide Featured Channels: Öne Çıkan Kanalları Gizle
Hide Channel Playlists: Kanal Oynatma Listelerini Gizle
Hide Channel Community: Kanal Topluluğunu Gizle
@@ -442,6 +553,16 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Yorumlardaki Profil Resimlerini Gizle
Blur Thumbnails: Küçük Resimleri Bulanıklaştır
Hide Subscriptions Community: Abonelik Topluluğunu Gizle
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Belirtilen kanal kimliği geçersiz
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Bazı kanallar kimliği kullanılarak engellendi
+ ve işlenmedi. Bu kimlikler güncellenirken özellik engellenir
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: Kanal kimliği zaten var
+ Hide Channels API Error: Belirtilen kimliğe sahip kullanıcı alınırken hata oluştu.
+ Lütfen kimliğin doğru olup olmadığını tekrar gözden geçirin.
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Metin İçeren Videoları ve Oynatma Listelerini
+ Gizle
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Sözcük, Sözcük Parçası
+ veya İfade
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Değişikliklerin
etkili olması için uygulamanın yeniden başlatılması gerekiyor. Yeniden başlatılsın
ve değişiklikler uygulansın mı?
@@ -475,6 +596,9 @@ Settings:
Do Nothing: Hiçbir Şey Yapma
Category Color: Kategori Rengi
UseDeArrowTitles: DeArrow Video Başlıklarını Kullan
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Önizleme görselleri için DeArrow kullan
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': DeArrow
+ Önizleme Görseli Oluşturucu API URL'si (Öntanımlı https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Özel Harici Oynatıcı Argümanları
Custom External Player Executable: Özel Harici Oynatıcı Çalıştırılabilir Dosyası
@@ -484,6 +608,7 @@ Settings:
Name: Yok
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Öntanımlı Argümanları Yoksay
Download Settings:
Choose Path: Yol Seç
Ask Download Path: İndirme yolu için sor
@@ -512,6 +637,7 @@ Settings:
Set Password To Prevent Access: Ayarlara erişimi engellemek için bir parola belirleyin
Remove Password: Parolayı Kaldır
Set Password: Parola Ayarla
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Tüm Ayarlar Bölümlerini Genişlet
#On About page
About: 'Hakkında'
@@ -622,6 +748,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Profil Filtresi
Profile Settings: Profil Ayarları
Toggle Profile List: Profil Listesini Aç/Kapat
+ Profile Name: Profil Adı
+ Edit Profile Name: Profil Adını Düzenle
+ Create Profile Name: Profil Adı Oluştur
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Profil Açılır Menüsünü Aç
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Profil Açılır Menüsünü Kapat
Subscriber: 'Abone'
Subscribers: 'Abone'
@@ -671,6 +802,7 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} oy'
Reveal Answers: Yanıtları Göster
Hide Answers: Yanıtları Gizle
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: FreeTube tarafından gizlenen video
Live: Canlı
This channel does not currently have any live streams: Bu kanalda şu anda herhangi
@@ -827,6 +959,9 @@ Video:
sohbet bu yayın için kullanılamıyor. Yükleyen tarafından devre dışı bırakılmış
Pause on Current Video: Geçerli Videoda Duraklat
+ Unhide Channel: Kanalı Göster
+ Hide Channel: Kanalı Gizle
+ More Options: Daha Fazla Seçenek
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -907,7 +1042,7 @@ Up Next: 'Sonraki'
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Yerel API Hatası (Kopyalamak için tıklayın)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API Hatası (Kopyalamak için tıklayın)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Invidious API''ye geri dönülüyor'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Yerel API''ye geri dönülüyor'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Yerel API''ye geri dönülüyor'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Abonelikler henüz uygulanmadı'
Loop is now disabled: 'Döngü artık devre dışı'
Loop is now enabled: 'Döngü artık etkin'
@@ -957,8 +1092,8 @@ Tooltips:
bulunmazlar, bu durumlarda oynatıcı bunun yerine DASH H.264 biçimlerini kullanacaktır.
General Settings:
Invidious Instance: FreeTube'un API çağrıları için bağlanacağı Invidious örneği.
- Thumbnail Preference: FreeTube'daki tüm küçük resimler, öntanımlı küçük resim
- yerine videonun bir karesiyle değiştirilecektir.
+ Thumbnail Preference: FreeTube'daki tüm önizleme görselleri, öntanımlı önizleme
+ görseli yerine videonun bir karesiyle değiştirilecektir.
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: Etkinleştirildiğinde, tercih ettiğiniz
API'de bir sorun olduğunda FreeTube otomatik olarak tercih edilmeyen API'nizi
yedek yöntem olarak kullanmaya çalışır.
@@ -982,9 +1117,12 @@ Tooltips:
PATH ortam değişkeni aracılığıyla bulunabileceğini varsayacaktır. Gerekirse,
burada özel bir yol ayarlanabilir.
External Player: 'Harici bir oynatıcı seçmek, videoyu (destekleniyorsa oynatma
- listesini) harici oynatıcıda açmak için küçük resimde bir simge görüntüleyecektir.
+ listesini) harici oynatıcıda açmak için önizleme görselinde bir simge görüntüleyecektir.
Uyarı: Invidious ayarları harici oynatıcıları etkilemez.'
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Öntanımlı: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Harici oynatıcıya video URL'si dışında herhangi bir
+ öntanımlı argüman gönderme (örn. oynatma hızı, oynatma listesi URL'si vb.).
+ Özel argümanlar yine de gönderilecektir.
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Electron'un disk tabanlı HTTP önbelleğini devre dışı bırakır
ve özel bir bellek içi resim önbelleğini etkinleştirir. RAM kullanımının artmasına
@@ -992,14 +1130,21 @@ Tooltips:
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Channels: Tüm videoların, oynatma listelerinin ve kanalın kendisinin arama,
öne çıkanlar, en popüler ve tavsiye edilenlerde görünmesini engellemek için
- bir kanal adı veya kanal kimliği girin. Girilen kanal adı tam olarak eşleşmelidir
- ve büyük/küçük harfe duyarlıdır.
+ bir kanal kimliği girin. Girilen kanal kimliği tam olarak eşleşmelidir ve büyük/küçük
+ harfe duyarlıdır.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Bu ayar, "{settingsSection}" bölümünün "{subsection}"
kısmında yer alan uygulama genelindeki "{appWideSetting}" ayarı tarafından geçersiz
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Yalnızca Geçmiş, Oynatma Listeleriniz
+ ve oynatma listelerindeki videolar hariç olmak üzere, FreeTube'un tamamında
+ orijinal başlıkları bu sözcüğü içeren tüm videoları ve oynatma listelerini gizlemek
+ için bir sözcük, sözcük parçası veya ifade girin (büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı
+ değildir).
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: Video başlıklarını DeArrow'dan kullanıcıların gönderdiği başlıklarla
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Video önizleme görsellerini DeArrow'dan önizleme görselleriyle
+ değiştirin.
Playing Next Video Interval: Sonraki video hemen oynatılıyor. İptal etmek için tıklayın.
| Sonraki video {nextVideoInterval} saniye içinde oynatılıyor. İptal etmek için
tıklayın. | Sonraki video {nextVideoInterval} saniye içinde oynatılıyor. İptal etmek
@@ -1028,12 +1173,6 @@ Download folder does not exist: İndirme dizini "$" mevcut değil. "Klasör sor"
Screenshot Success: Ekran görüntüsü "{filePath}" olarak kaydedildi
Screenshot Error: Ekran görüntüsü başarısız oldu. {error}
New Window: Yeni Pencere
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: Bu {instance} yaş kısıtlamalıdır
- Type:
- Channel: Kanal
- Video: Video
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: Bu {videoOrPlaylist} yaş kısıtlamalıdır
Empty: Kanal listeniz şu anda boş.
Channels: Kanallar
@@ -1063,3 +1202,13 @@ Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Geçerli video bittiğinde o
listesi duraklatılacak
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Geçerli video bittiğinde oynatma
listesi duraklatılmayacak
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} kanal filtresine eklendi'
+Go to page: '{page}. sayfaya git'
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} kanal filtresinden kaldırıldı'
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: Kırpılan girdi en az 1 karakter
+ uzunluğunda olmalıdır | Kırpılan girdi en az {length} karakter uzunluğunda olmalıdır
+Tag already exists: '"{tagName}" etiketi zaten var'
+Close Banner: Afişi Kapat
+Age Restricted:
+ This video is age restricted: Bu videoda yaş sınırlaması var
+ This channel is age restricted: Bu kanalda yaş sınırlaması var
diff --git a/static/locales/uk.yaml b/static/locales/uk.yaml
index 546aec789b11a..a69e6c904fe94 100644
--- a/static/locales/uk.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/uk.yaml
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 підписник | {count} підписників
View Count: 1 перегляд | {count} переглядів
Watching Count: 1 глядач | {count} глядачів
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: Тег повинен мати довжину не менше {number} символів
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Доступна нова
версія {versionNumber}! Натисніть, щоб переглянути подробиці'
Download From Site: 'Завантажити з сайту'
@@ -116,17 +118,36 @@ Trending:
Music: Музика
Default: Типово
Most Popular: 'Найпопулярніші'
-Playlists: 'Добірки'
+Playlists: 'Списки відтворення'
User Playlists:
- Your Playlists: 'Ваші добірки'
+ Your Playlists: 'Ваші списки відтворення'
Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: Збережені
відео порожні. Клацніть на кнопку збереження у куті відео, щоб воно було перелічено
- Playlist Message: Ця сторінка не показує повністю робочих добірок. На ній перелічено
- лише відео, які ви зберегли або вибрали. Коли робота завершиться, усі відео, які
- зараз знаходяться тут, буде переміщено до добірки "Вибране".
+ Playlist Message: Ця сторінка не показує повністю робочих списків відтворення. На
+ ній перелічено лише відео, які ви зберегли або вибрали. Коли робота завершиться,
+ усі відео, які зараз знаходяться тут, буде переміщено до списку відтворення "Вибране".
Search bar placeholder: Шукати у добірці
Empty Search Message: Немає відео в цій добірці, які відповідають вашому запиту
+ Create New Playlist: Створити новий список відтворення
+ Add to Playlist: Додати список відтворення
+ Remove from Favorites: Вилучити з {playlistName}
+ Move Video Up: Посунути відео вгору
+ Move Video Down: Посунути відео вниз
+ Remove from Playlist: Вилучити зі списку відтворення
+ Playlist Description: Опис списку відтворення
+ Save Changes: Зберегти зміни
+ Cancel: Скасувати
+ Copy Playlist: Скопіювати список відтворення
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: У
+ вас немає списків відтворення. Натисніть на кнопку створити новий список відтворення,
+ щоб створити його.
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Наразі у цьому списку відтворення немає
+ відео.
+ Add to Favorites: Додати до {playlistName}
+ Playlist Name: Назва списку відтворення
+ Edit Playlist Info: Змінити інформацію списку відтворення
+ Remove Watched Videos: Вилучити з переглянутих відео
# On History Page
History: 'Історія'
@@ -160,11 +181,12 @@ Settings:
List: 'Список'
Thumbnail Preference:
Thumbnail Preference: 'Налаштування мініатюр'
- Default: 'За замовчуванням'
+ Default: 'Типово'
Beginning: 'На початку'
- Middle: 'В середині'
+ Middle: 'У середині'
End: 'У кінці'
Hidden: Сховано
+ Blur: Розмиття
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Екземпляр Invidious
(За замовчуванням https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Регіон для Популярних'
@@ -320,14 +342,16 @@ Settings:
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: 'Справді
хочете вилучити всі підписки та профілі? Цю дію не можна скасувати.'
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Автоматично вилучати метафайли відео
- Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Зберегти переглянуті відео в добірку,
- яку ви переглядали останнім часом
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Зберегти переглянуті відео у список
+ відтворення, який ви переглядали останнім часом
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Налаштування підписки'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Ховати відео при перегляді'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Отримати канали з RSS'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Керування підписками'
Fetch Automatically: Автоматично отримувати стрічку
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Показувати лише останні відео для кожного
+ каналу
Distraction Free Settings:
Distraction Free Settings: 'Налаштування зосередження'
Hide Video Views: 'Сховати перегляди відео'
@@ -339,7 +363,7 @@ Settings:
Hide Popular Videos: 'Не показувати популярні відео'
Hide Live Chat: 'Не показувати живий чат'
Hide Active Subscriptions: Сховати активні підписки
- Hide Playlists: Сховати добірки
+ Hide Playlists: Сховати списки відтворення
Hide Video Description: Сховати опис відео
Hide Comments: Сховати коментарі
Hide Sharing Actions: Сховати дії поширення
@@ -347,11 +371,11 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: Сховати розділи
Hide Upcoming Premieres: Сховати майбутні прем'єри
Hide Channels: Сховати відео з каналів
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Назва або ID каналу
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID каналу
Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Показувати заголовки без надмірно
великих літер
Hide Featured Channels: Сховати пропоновані канали
- Hide Channel Playlists: Сховати добірки з каналів
+ Hide Channel Playlists: Сховати списки відтворення каналу
Hide Channel Community: Сховати спільноту каналу
Hide Channel Shorts: Сховати Shorts каналу
@@ -368,6 +392,12 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Сховати зображення профілю в коментарях
Blur Thumbnails: Розмиті мініатюри
Hide Subscriptions Community: Сховати спільноту підписників
+ Hide Channels Invalid: Вказаний ID каналу недійсний
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: Деякі канали були заблоковані за допомогою ID
+ і не були оброблені. Функція заблокована в той час, як ці ID оновлювалися
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: ID каналу вже існує
+ Hide Channels API Error: Помилка під час пошуку користувача з наданим ID. Перевірте
+ ще раз, чи правильний ID.
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Налаштування даних'
Select Import Type: 'Оберіть тип імпорту'
@@ -405,13 +435,13 @@ Settings:
Unknown data key: 'Невідомий ключ даних'
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Як імпортувати свої підписки?'
Manage Subscriptions: Керування підписками
- Playlist insufficient data: Недостатньо даних для добірки "{playlist}", пропуск
- елемента
- All playlists has been successfully exported: Усі добірки успішно експортовано
+ Playlist insufficient data: Недостатньо даних для списку відтворення "{playlist}",
+ пропуск елемента
+ All playlists has been successfully exported: Усі списки відтворення успішно експортовано
Import Playlists: Імпорт добірок
Export Playlists: Експорт добірок
- All playlists has been successfully imported: Усі добірки успішно імпортовано
- Playlist File: Файл добірки
+ All playlists has been successfully imported: Усі списки відтворення успішно імпортовано
+ Playlist File: Файл списку відтворення
Subscription File: Файл підписки
History File: Файл історії
Advanced Settings: {}
@@ -482,6 +512,7 @@ Settings:
Set Password: Установити пароль
Remove Password: Вилучити пароль
Set Password To Prevent Access: Встановіть пароль, щоб запобігти доступу до налаштувань
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Розгорнути всі розділи налаштувань
#On About page
About: 'Про'
@@ -554,6 +585,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: Фільтр профілю
Profile Settings: Налаштування профілю
Toggle Profile List: Перемкнути список профілів
+ Profile Name: Назва профілю
+ Edit Profile Name: Змінити назву профілю
+ Create Profile Name: Створити назву профілю
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Відкрити спадне меню профілю
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Закрити спадне меню профілю
Subscriber: 'Підписник'
Subscribers: 'Підписники'
@@ -575,7 +611,7 @@ Channel:
Oldest: 'Найдавніші'
Most Popular: 'Найпопулярніші'
- Playlists: 'Добірки'
+ Playlists: 'Списки відтворення'
This channel does not currently have any playlists: 'Цей канал наразі не має добірок'
Sort Types:
Last Video Added: 'Останнє додане відео'
@@ -631,9 +667,9 @@ Video:
Open Channel in Invidious: 'Відкрити канал у Invidious'
Copy Invidious Channel Link: 'Копіювати посилання на канал Invidious'
Views: 'Перегляди'
- Loop Playlist: 'Зациклити добірку'
- Shuffle Playlist: 'Перемішати добірку'
- Reverse Playlist: 'Змінити напрямок добірки'
+ Loop Playlist: 'Повторювати список відтворення'
+ Shuffle Playlist: 'Перемішати список відтворення'
+ Reverse Playlist: 'Зворотний напрямок списку відтворення'
Play Next Video: 'Відтворити наступне відео'
Play Previous Video: 'Відтворити попереднє відео'
Watched: 'Переглянуто'
@@ -724,7 +760,7 @@ Video:
starting video at offset: запуск відео зі зміщенням
UnsupportedActionTemplate: '{externalPlayer} не підтримує: {action}'
OpeningTemplate: Відкриття {videoOrPlaylist} у {externalPlayer}...
- playlist: добірка
+ playlist: список відтворення
video: відео
OpenInTemplate: Відкрити у {externalPlayer}
Premieres on: Прем'єри
@@ -756,6 +792,8 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Спілкування
наживо недоступне для цієї трансляції. Можливо, вивантажувач вимкнув його.
Pause on Current Video: Призупинити на поточному відео
+ Unhide Channel: Показати канал
+ Hide Channel: Сховати канал
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -765,7 +803,7 @@ Videos:
#& Playlists
#& About
- View Full Playlist: 'Переглянути всю добірку'
+ View Full Playlist: 'Переглянути весь список відтворення'
Videos: 'Відео'
View: 'Перегляд'
Views: 'Переглядів'
@@ -774,7 +812,7 @@ Playlist:
# On Video Watch Page
#* Published
#& Views
- Playlist: Добірка
+ Playlist: Список відтворення
Toggle Theatre Mode: 'Перемкнути режим театру'
Change Format:
Change Media Formats: 'Зміна форматів відео'
@@ -787,7 +825,7 @@ Change Format:
Share Video: 'Поділитися відео'
- Share Playlist: 'Поділитися добіркою'
+ Share Playlist: 'Поділитися списком відтворення'
Include Timestamp: 'Включити позначку часу'
Copy Link: 'Копіювати посилання'
Open Link: 'Відкрити посилання'
@@ -898,16 +936,16 @@ Tooltips:
програвач можна знайти за допомогою змінної середовища PATH. Якщо потрібно,
тут можна призначити нетиповий шлях.
External Player: Якщо обрано зовнішній програвач, з'явиться піктограма для відкриття
- відео (добірка, якщо підтримується) у зовнішньому програвачі, на мініатюрі.
- Увага, налаштування Invidious не застосовуються до сторонніх програвачів.
+ відео (список відтворення, якщо підтримується) у зовнішньому програвачі, на
+ мініатюрі. Увага, налаштування Invidious не застосовуються до сторонніх програвачів.
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(Типово: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: Вимикає дисковий HTTP-кеш Electron і вмикає власний кеш зображень
у пам'яті. Призведе до збільшення використання оперативної пам'яті.
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: Введіть назву або ID каналу, щоб сховати всі відео, списки відтворення
- та сам канал від появи в пошуку, тренді, найпопулярніших і рекомендованих. Введена
- назва каналу повинна повністю збігатися і чутлива до регістру.
+ Hide Channels: Введіть ID, щоб сховати всі відео, списки відтворення та сам канал
+ від появи в пошуку, тренді, найпопулярніших і рекомендованих. Введений ID каналу
+ повинен повністю збігатися і чутливий до регістру.
Hide Subscriptions Live: Цей параметр перевизначається загальнодоступним налаштуванням
"{appWideSetting}" у розділі "{subsection}" "{settingsSection}"
SponsorBlock Settings:
@@ -915,7 +953,7 @@ Tooltips:
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Помилка локального API (натисніть, щоб скопіювати)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Помилка Invidious API (натисніть, щоб скопіювати)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Повернення до API Invidious'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Повернення до локального API'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Повернення до локального API'
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 'Це
відео недоступне через відсутність форматів. Це може статися через недоступність
@@ -924,12 +962,12 @@ Loop is now disabled: 'Цикл вимкнено'
Loop is now enabled: 'Цикл увімкнено'
Shuffle is now disabled: 'Випадковий порядок вимкнено'
Shuffle is now enabled: 'Випадковий порядок увімкнено'
-The playlist has been reversed: 'Добірку обернено'
+The playlist has been reversed: 'Список відтворення обернено'
Playing Next Video: 'Відтворення наступного відео'
Playing Previous Video: 'Відтворення попереднього відео'
Canceled next video autoplay: 'Скасовано автовідтворення наступного відео'
-'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': 'Добірка завершилася. Увімкніть
- цикл, щоб продовжити відтворення'
+'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': 'Список відтворення завершився.
+ Увімкніть повторення, щоб продовжити відтворення'
Yes: 'Так'
No: 'Ні'
@@ -960,13 +998,6 @@ Download folder does not exist: Каталог завантаження "$" не
Screenshot Success: Знімок екрана збережено як «{filePath}»
Screenshot Error: Не вдалося зробити знімок екрана. {error}
New Window: Нове вікно
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: Цей {instance} має обмеження за
- віком
- Type:
- Video: Відео
- Channel: Канал
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: '{videoOrPlaylist} має вікове обмеження'
Count: 'Знайдено каналів: {number}.'
Empty: Ваш список каналів наразі порожній.
@@ -991,7 +1022,11 @@ Ok: Гаразд
Hashtag: Хештег
This hashtag does not currently have any videos: За цим хештегом наразі немає відео
-Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Добірка призупиняється, коли поточне
- відео завершено
-Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Добірка не призупиняється,
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Список відтворення призупиняється,
+ коли поточне відео завершено
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Список відтворення не призупиняється,
коли поточне відео завершено
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} додано до фільтра каналу'
+Go to page: Перейти до {page}
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} вилучено з фільтра каналу'
+Close Banner: Закрити банер
diff --git a/static/locales/ur.yaml b/static/locales/ur.yaml
index 6cd0a27a527ff..cd84b24059f31 100644
--- a/static/locales/ur.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/ur.yaml
@@ -230,10 +230,6 @@ Default Invidious instance has been cleared: 'ڈیفالٹ Invidious مثال ک
گیا ہے۔'
'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': 'پلے لسٹ ختم ہو گئی ہے۔
فعال کھیل جاری رکھنے کے لیے لوپ'
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: 'چینل'
- Video: 'ویڈیو'
External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: 'عام ترتیبات میں
بیرونی لنک کھولنے کو غیر فعال کر دیا گیا ہے۔'
Downloading has completed: '"{videoTitle}" نے ڈاؤن لوڈ مکمل کر لیا ہے۔'
diff --git a/static/locales/vi.yaml b/static/locales/vi.yaml
index 250c13c23e7db..b84a3936b3d24 100644
--- a/static/locales/vi.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/vi.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Locale Name: Tiếng Anh
+Locale Name: Tiếng Việt
FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Select all: 'Chọn tất cả'
Reload: 'Tải lại'
Force Reload: 'Buộc tải lại'
Toggle Developer Tools: 'Chuyển đổi công cụ phát triển'
-Actual size: 'Kích thước thực sự'
+Actual size: 'Kích thước thực'
Zoom in: 'Phóng to'
Zoom out: 'Thu nhỏ'
Toggle fullscreen: 'Chuyển đổi toàn màn hình'
@@ -36,6 +36,15 @@ Global:
# Search Bar
Live: Trực tiếp
Shorts: Shorts
+ Community: Cộng đồng
+ Counts:
+ Subscriber Count: 1 người đăng ký | {count} người đăng ký
+ View Count: 1 lượt xem | {count} lượt xem
+ Channel Count: 1 kênh | {count} kênh
+ Video Count: 1 video | {count} video
+ Watching Count: 1 lượt xem | {count} lượt xem
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: 1 đang xem | {count} đang xem
Search / Go to URL: 'Tìm kiếm / Đi đến URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
@@ -45,7 +54,7 @@ Search Filters:
Most Relevant: 'Liên quan nhất'
Rating: 'Đánh giá'
Upload Date: 'Ngày tải lên'
- View Count: 'Lượng xem'
+ View Count: 'Lượt xem'
Time: 'Thời gian'
Any Time: 'Mọi lúc'
@@ -62,11 +71,12 @@ Search Filters:
#& Playlists
Movies: Phim ảnh
- Duration: 'Thời hạn'
- All Durations: 'Tất cả thời hạn'
+ Duration: 'Thời lượng'
+ All Durations: 'Tất cả thời lượng'
Short (< 4 minutes): 'Ngắn (<4 phút)'
Long (> 20 minutes): 'Dài (> 20 phút)'
# On Search Page
+ Medium (4 - 20 minutes): Vừa (4 - 20 phút)
Search Results: 'Kết quả tìm kiếm'
Fetching results. Please wait: 'Đang lấy kết quả. Xin hãy chờ'
Fetch more results: 'Lấy thêm kết quả'
@@ -80,18 +90,26 @@ Subscriptions:
sách Đăng ký đang trống. Bắt đầu thêm đăng ký để xem chúng tại đây.'
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Đang lấy Đăng ký. Vui lòng đợi.'
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': Đang lấy Đăng ký. Vui lòng chờ.
- Load More Videos: Load thêm video
- Refresh Subscriptions: Refresh đăng ký
- This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Kênh
- này có nhiều người đăng ký. Buộc RSS để tránh bị giới hạn
- Error Channels: Các kênh lỗi
+ Load More Videos: Tải thêm video
+ Refresh Subscriptions: Tải lại đăng ký
+ This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Hồ
+ sơ này có nhiều đăng ký. Đang buộc RSS để tránh bị giới hạn
+ Error Channels: Các kênh có lỗi
+ Subscriptions Tabs: Trang đăng ký
+ Disabled Automatic Fetching: Bạn đã vô hiệu hóa tự động tải đăng ký. Hãy tải lại
+ danh sách đăng ký để xem chúng tại đây.
+ All Subscription Tabs Hidden: Tất cả các trang đăng ký đăng bị ẩn. Để xem nội dung
+ ở đây, vui lòng bỏ ẩn một số trang ở trong mục "{subsection}" của "{settingsSection}".
+ Load More Posts: Tải thêm bài đăng
+ Empty Channels: Các kênh bạn đăng ký hiện chưa đăng video nào.
+ Empty Posts: Các kênh bạn đăng ký hiện chưa đăng bài đăng nào.
Trending: 'Xu hướng'
Movies: Phim
Music: Âm nhạc
Default: Mặc định
Gaming: Trò chơi
- Trending Tabs: Tab Xu hướng
+ Trending Tabs: Trang Xu hướng
Most Popular: 'Phổ biến nhất'
Playlists: 'Danh sách phát'
User Playlists:
@@ -104,12 +122,103 @@ User Playlists:
Playlist Message: Trang này không liệt kê tất cả danh sách video bạn đã theo giỏi.
Nó chỉ hiển thị các video mà bạn đã lưu hoặc thêm vào mục yêu thích. Khi xong
việc, tất cả các video trên trang này sẽ được chuyển vào danh sách 'yêu thích'.
+ Remove from Playlist: Xóa khỏi danh sách phát
+ Playlist Name: Tên danh sách phát
+ Save Changes: Lưu thay đổi
+ Remove Watched Videos: Xóa video đã xem
+ Sort By:
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: Được cập nhật gần đây
+ LatestPlayedFirst: Được phát gần đây
+ Sort By: Sắp xếp theo
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: Được cập nhật sớm nhất
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ LatestCreatedFirst: Được tạo gần đây
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: Được tạo sớm nhất
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: Được phát sớm nhất
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ Video has been removed: Video đã được xóa
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: Đã có vấn đề xảy ra trong khi
+ cập nhập danh sách phát.
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: Đã quay lại dùng {oldPlaylistName}
+ cho dấu trang nhanh
+ Quick bookmark disabled: Đã tắt dấu trang nhanh
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: Một
+ số video trong danh sách phát này chưa được tải, bạn vẫn có thể nhấn vào đây
+ để sao chép.
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: Danh sách phát này được bảo
+ vệ và không thể bị xóa.
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: Danh sách phát {playlistName} đã
+ được xóa.
+ This playlist does not exist: Danh sách phát này không tồn tại
+ This video cannot be moved up.: Video này không thể được chuyển lên.
+ This video cannot be moved down.: Video này không thể được chuyển xuống.
+ There was a problem with removing this video: Đã có vấn để xảy ra trong khi
+ xóa video này
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: Danh sách này giờ đang được dùng
+ để tạo dấu trang nhanh
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: Danh
+ sách này giờ đang được dùng để tạo dấu trang nhanh thay vì {oldPlaylistName}.
+ Nhấn đây để hoàn tác
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: Tên danh sách phát không
+ thể để trống. Vui lòng nhập một tên.
+ Playlist has been updated.: Danh sách phát đã được cập nhật.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 video đã được xóa | {videoCount}
+ video đã được xóa
+ There were no videos to remove.: Không có video nào để xóa.
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: Bạn
+ đang không có danh sách phát nào. Nhấn vào nút tạo danh sách phát mới để tạo một
+ cái mới.
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: Danh sách phát này hiện không có video nào.
+ Edit Playlist Info: Chỉnh sửa thông tin danh sách phát
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: Bạn có chắc
+ muốn xóa danh sách phát này?Việc này không thể hoàn tác.
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: Tạo mới
+ Toast:
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: Danh sách phát {playlistName}
+ đã được tạo thành công.
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: Đã có vấn đề xảy ra trong khi
+ tạo danh sách phát này.
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: Hiện
+ đã có danh sách phát với tên này rồi. Vui lòng chọn một cái tên khác.
+ New Playlist Name: Tên danh sách phát mới
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: Chọn một danh sách phát để lưu video
+ này vào | Chọn một danh sách phát để lưu {videoCount} video này vào
+ N playlists selected: Đã chọn {playlistCount}
+ Search in Playlists: Tìm trong danh sách phát
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": Đã thêm 1 video
+ vào {playlistCount} danh sách phát | Đã thêm {videoCount} video vào {playlistCount}
+ danh sách phát
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: Bạn đang chưa chọn danh sách phát nào.
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": Đã thêm 1 video vào 1 danh sách
+ phát | Đã thêm {videoCount} vào 1 danh sách phát
+ Save: Lưu
+ Create New Playlist: Tạo danh sách phat mới
+ Playlist Description: Mô tả danh sách phát
+ Copy Playlist: Sao chép danh sách phát
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: Bật dấu trang nhanh với danh sách phát
+ này
+ Add to Playlist: Thêm vào danh sách phát
+ Cancel: Hủy bỏ
+ Add to Favorites: Thêm vào {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: Xóa khỏi {playlistName}
+ Move Video Down: Chuyển video xuống
+ Move Video Up: Chuyển video lên
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: Tắt dấu trang nhanh
+ Delete Playlist: Xóa danh sách phát
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: Bạn
+ có chắc muốn xóa tất cả các video đã xem khỏi danh sách phát này? Việc này không
+ thể được hoàn tác.
# On History Page
History: 'Lịch sử'
Watch History: 'Lịch sử xem'
Your history list is currently empty.: Lịch sử của bạn hiện đang trống.
- Search bar placeholder: Tìm kiếm trong Lịch sử
+ Search bar placeholder: Tìm trong lịch sử
Empty Search Message: Không có video nào trong lịch sử của bạn trùng với những gì
bạn đang tìm kiếm
@@ -123,8 +232,8 @@ Settings:
Default Landing Page: 'Trang mặc định'
Locale Preference: 'Ngôn ngữ'
Preferred API Backend:
- Preferred API Backend: 'Backend API'
- Local API: 'Local API'
+ Preferred API Backend: 'API Backend'
+ Local API: 'API địa phương'
Invidious API: 'API Invidious'
Video View Type:
Video View Type: 'Kiểu xem video'
@@ -133,16 +242,18 @@ Settings:
Thumbnail Preference:
Thumbnail Preference: 'Thumbnail'
Default: 'Mặc định'
- Beginning: 'Lúc đầu'
- Middle: 'Chính giữa'
- End: 'Đầu cuối'
+ Beginning: 'Đầu'
+ Middle: 'Giữa'
+ End: 'Cuối'
+ Blur: Làm mờ
+ Hidden: Ẩn
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Phiên bản Invidious
(Mặc định là https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: 'Phổ biến theo quốc gia'
#! List countries
- Check for Latest Blog Posts: Check Blog post mới nhất
+ Check for Latest Blog Posts: Kiểm tra bài đăng mới nhất
Check for Updates: Kiểm tra cập nhật
- Current Invidious Instance: Phiên bản invidious hiện tại
+ Current Invidious Instance: Phiên bản Invidious hiện tại
The currently set default instance is {instance}: Phiên bản Invidious mặc định
hiện được đặt thành {instance}
No default instance has been set: Không có phiên bản mặc định nào được đặt
@@ -156,7 +267,7 @@ Settings:
No Action: Không hành động
External Link Handling: Xử lý liên kết bên ngoài
View all Invidious instance information: Xem tất cả thông tin phiên bản Invidious
- System Default: Mặc định Hệ thống
+ System Default: Mặc định hệ thống
Theme Settings:
Theme Settings: 'Cài đặt chủ đề'
Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'Khớp thanh trên cùng với màu chính'
@@ -165,34 +276,37 @@ Settings:
Black: 'Đen'
Dark: 'Tối'
Light: 'Sáng'
- Dracula: 'Ma cà rồng'
+ Dracula: 'Dracula'
System Default: Mặc định hệ thống
- Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha - Màu cà phê
+ Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
+ Nordic: Nordic
+ Pastel Pink: Hồng phấn tiên
+ Hot Pink: Hồng nóng bỏng
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Màu chủ đề chính'
Red: 'Đỏ'
Pink: 'Hồng'
Purple: 'Tím'
- Deep Purple: 'Tím Đậm'
- Indigo: 'Xanh Đậm'
- Blue: 'Xanh'
- Light Blue: 'Xanh Nhạt'
- Cyan: 'Lục Lam'
+ Deep Purple: 'Tím đậm'
+ Indigo: 'Chàm'
+ Blue: 'Xanh lam'
+ Light Blue: 'Xanh nước biển'
+ Cyan: 'Xanh lơ'
Teal: 'Xanh mòng két'
- Green: 'Xanh Lá'
- Light Green: 'Xanh Lợt'
- Lime: 'Vôi'
+ Green: 'Xanh lục'
+ Light Green: 'Xanh lợt'
+ Lime: 'Vàng chanh'
Yellow: 'Vàng'
- Amber: 'Hổ Phách'
+ Amber: 'Hổ phách'
Orange: 'Cam'
- Deep Orange: 'Cam Đậm'
- Dracula Cyan: 'Ma cà rồng Lục Lam'
- Dracula Green: 'Ma cà rồng Xanh Lá'
- Dracula Orange: 'Ma cà rồng Cam'
- Dracula Pink: 'Ma cà rồng Hồng'
- Dracula Purple: 'Ma cà rồng Tím'
- Dracula Red: 'Ma cà rồng Đỏ'
- Dracula Yellow: 'Ma cà rồng Vàng'
+ Deep Orange: 'Cam đậm'
+ Dracula Cyan: 'Xanh lơ Dracula'
+ Dracula Green: 'Xanh lục Dracula'
+ Dracula Orange: 'Cam Dracula'
+ Dracula Pink: 'Hồng Dracula'
+ Dracula Purple: 'Tím Dracula'
+ Dracula Red: 'Đỏ Dracula'
+ Dracula Yellow: 'Vàng Dracula'
Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater Màu hoa hồng
Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo Màu hồng hạc
Catppuccin Mocha Pink: Catppuccin Mocha Pink Màu hồng hạc
@@ -207,13 +321,13 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire màu xanh
Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: Catppuccin Mocha Lavender Màu tím nhạt
Catppuccin Mocha Blue: Catppuccin Mocha Blue Màu xanh
- Secondary Color Theme: 'Màu chủ đề thứ hai'
+ Secondary Color Theme: 'Màu chủ đề phụ'
#* Main Color Theme
UI Scale: Tỉ lệ UI
Disable Smooth Scrolling: Tắt cuộn mượt
Expand Side Bar by Default: Mở rộng thanh bên theo mặc định
- Hide Side Bar Labels: Ẩn Nhãn Thanh Bên
- Hide FreeTube Header Logo: Ẩn Logo FreeTube trên thanh trên
+ Hide Side Bar Labels: Ẩn nhãn thanh bên
+ Hide FreeTube Header Logo: Ẩn logo FreeTube trên thanh trên
Player Settings:
Player Settings: 'Cài đặt trình phát'
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Bắt buộc Local Backend cho định dạng
@@ -221,14 +335,14 @@ Settings:
Remember History: 'Nhớ lịch sử'
Play Next Video: 'Phát video tiếp theo'
Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'Bật phụ đề theo mặc định'
- Autoplay Videos: 'Tự phát videos'
+ Autoplay Videos: 'Tự phát video'
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Proxy video qua Invidious'
Autoplay Playlists: 'Danh sách tự động phát'
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'Bật chế độ rạp hát theo mặc định'
Default Volume: 'Âm lượng mặc định'
Default Playback Rate: 'Tốc độ phát mặc định'
Default Video Format:
- Default Video Format: 'Định dạng video theo mặc định'
+ Default Video Format: 'Định dạng video mặc định'
Dash Formats: 'Định dạng DASH'
Legacy Formats: 'Định dạng Legacy'
Audio Formats: 'Định dạng âm thanh'
@@ -244,21 +358,21 @@ Settings:
1440p: '1440p'
4k: '4k'
8k: '8k'
- Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Tốc độ Phát lại Cuộn qua Trình phát Video
- Scroll Volume Over Video Player: Cuộn Âm lượng qua Trình phát Video
+ Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Con lăn chuột điểu chỉnh tốc độ phát lại
+ Scroll Volume Over Video Player: Con lăn chuột điểu chỉnh âm lượng
Display Play Button In Video Player: Hiển thị nút phát trong trình phát video
Next Video Interval: Khoảng thời gian Video Tiếp theo
Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: Khoảng thời gian tua đi / tua lại
- Enable: Bật chức năng Chụp màn hình
+ Enable: Bật chức năng chụp màn hình
Format Label: Định dạng chụp màn hình
Quality Label: Chất lượng chụp màn hình
- File Name Label: Kiểu tên tệp
- Folder Label: Chụp màn hình thư mục
+ File Name Label: Mẫu tên tệp
+ Folder Label: Thư mục ảnh chụp màn hình
Ask Path: Yêu cầu thứ mục lưu
Folder Button: Chọn thư mục
- Empty File Name: Tên tệp. trống
+ Empty File Name: Tên tệp trống
Forbidden Characters: Các ký từ bị cấm
File Name Tooltip: Bạn có thể dùng các biến số dưới đây. %Y Năm 4 chữ số. %M
Tháng 2 chữ số. %D Ngày 2 chữ số. %H Giờ 2 chữ số. %N Phút 2 chữ số. %S Giây
@@ -266,8 +380,12 @@ Settings:
3 chữ số. %i Video ID. Bạn cũng có thể dùng dấu "\" hoặc "/" để tạo các thư
mục con.
Max Video Playback Rate: Tốc độ phát lại tối đa
- Video Playback Rate Interval: khoảng cách phát lại video
+ Video Playback Rate Interval: Khoảng cách tốc độ phát
Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: Bật toàn màn hình khi xoay
+ Comment Auto Load:
+ Comment Auto Load: Tự động tải bình luận
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Tua video bằng con lăn chuột
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: Cho phép định dạng DASH AV1
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Cài đặt đăng ký'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Ẩn video khi đã xem'
@@ -280,8 +398,9 @@ Settings:
Import Subscriptions: 'Nhập đăng ký'
Export Subscriptions: 'Xuất đăng ký'
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Làm sao để nhập đăng ký của tôi?'
- Fetch Feeds from RSS: Lấy feeds từ RSS
+ Fetch Feeds from RSS: Cập nhật bảng tin qua RSS
Fetch Automatically: Tự động làm mới bảng tin
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: Chỉ hiện video mới nhất cho mỗi kênh
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Cài đặt nâng cao'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Bật chế độ Debug (Ghi data ra
@@ -310,27 +429,27 @@ Settings:
Data Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: Làm sao để tôi nhập đăng ký?
- Unknown data key: Key data không xác định
- Unable to write file: Không thể viết file
- Unable to read file: Không thể đọc file
+ Unknown data key: Key dữ liệu không xác định
+ Unable to write file: Không thể viết tệp
+ Unable to read file: Không thể đọc tệp
All watched history has been successfully exported: Tất cả lịch sử xem đã được
xuất ra thành công
All watched history has been successfully imported: Tất cả lịch sử xem đã được
nhập vào thành công
- History object has insufficient data, skipping item: Lịch sử object không đủ dữ
- liệu, bỏ qua
+ History object has insufficient data, skipping item: Lịch sử không đủ dữ liệu,
+ đang bỏ qua mục này
Subscriptions have been successfully exported: Đăng ký đã được xuất thành công
- Invalid history file: File lịch sử không hợp lệ
+ Invalid history file: Tệp lịch sử không hợp lệ
This might take a while, please wait: Điều này có thể tốn thời gian, xin hãy chờ
- Invalid subscriptions file: File đăng ký không hợp lệ
- One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: Một hay hơn đăng ký không
+ Invalid subscriptions file: Tệp đăng ký không hợp lệ
+ One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: Một hay nhiều đăng ký không
thể nhập
All subscriptions have been successfully imported: Tất cả đăng ký đã được nhập
vào thành công
- All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: Tất cả đăng ký
- và profiles đã được nhập vào thành công
- Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: Profile object không đủ dữ
- liệu, bỏ qua
+ All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: Tất cả các đăng
+ ký và hồ sơ đã được nhập thành công
+ Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: Hồ sơ không đủ dữ liệu, đang
+ bỏ qua mục này
Export History: Xuất lịch sử
Import History: Nhập lịch sử
Export NewPipe: Xuất NewPipe
@@ -344,9 +463,9 @@ Settings:
Import Subscriptions: Nhập đăng ký
Select Export Type: Chọn kiểu xuất ra
Select Import Type: Chọn kiểu nhập vào
- Data Settings: Dữ liệu
+ Data Settings: Cài đặt dữ liệu
Manage Subscriptions: Quản lý đăng ký
- Import Playlists: Thêm danh sách phát
+ Import Playlists: Nhập danh sách phát
All playlists has been successfully imported: Tất cả các danh sách phát đã được
thêm vào thành công
All playlists has been successfully exported: Tất cả các danh sách phát đã được
@@ -354,36 +473,64 @@ Settings:
Playlist insufficient data: Dữ liệu bị thiếu cho danh sách phát "{playlist}",
bỏ qua mục này
Export Playlists: Xuất danh sách phát
- History File: Tệp Lịch sử
- Playlist File: Tệp Danh sách phát
+ History File: Tệp lịch sử
+ Playlist File: Tệp danh sách phát
+ Subscription File: Tệp đăng ký
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: Xuất danh sách phát cho các phiên bản FreeTube cũ hơn
+ Tooltip: "Tùy chọn này sẽ gộp tất cả các danh sách phát vào một danh sách phát
+ mang tên 'Ưa thích'.\nCách để nhập & xuất video trong danh sách phát cho một
+ phiên bản cũ hơn của FreeTube:\n1. Xuất danh sách phát với tùy chọn này được
+ bật.\n2. Xóa tất cả các danh sách phát qua tùy chọn Xóa tất cả danh sách phát
+ trong mục Cài đặt quyền riêng tư.\n3. Mở phiên bản cũ hơn và nhập danh sách
+ phát đã được xuất ra."
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Live Chat: Giấu live chat
- Hide Popular Videos: Giấu video phổ biến
- Hide Trending Videos: Giấu video xu hướng
- Hide Recommended Videos: Giấu video nên xem
- Hide Comment Likes: Giấu bình luận like
- Hide Channel Subscribers: Giấu số người đăng ký
- Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Giấu thích và không thích
- Hide Video Views: Giấu lượt xem
- Distraction Free Settings: Chế độ không phân tâm
- Hide Active Subscriptions: Ẩn Đăng ký Hiện hoạt
+ Hide Live Chat: Ẩn live chat
+ Hide Popular Videos: Ẩn video phổ biến
+ Hide Trending Videos: Ẩn video xu hướng
+ Hide Recommended Videos: Ẩn video tiếp theo
+ Hide Comment Likes: Ẩn lượt thích bình luận
+ Hide Channel Subscribers: Ẩn số người đăng ký
+ Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Ẩn lượt thích và không thích
+ Hide Video Views: Ẩn lượt xem
+ Distraction Free Settings: Cài đặt không phân tâm
+ Hide Active Subscriptions: Ẩn đăng ký hiện hoạt
Hide Playlists: Ẩn danh sách phát
Hide Comments: Ẩn bình luận
Hide Live Streams: Ẩn phát trực tiếp
Hide Video Description: Ẩn mổ tả video
- Hide Sharing Actions: Ẩn hoạt động chia sẻ
+ Hide Sharing Actions: Ẩn nút chia sẻ
General: Chung
+ Side Bar: Thanh bên
+ Channel Page: Trang kênh
+ Subscriptions Page: Trang đăng ký
+ Watch Page: Trang trình chiếu video
Hide Channel Playlists: Ẩn danh sách phát của kênh
Hide Featured Channels: Ẩn các kênh nổi bật
- Hide Channels Placeholder: Tên kênh hoặc ID
- Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Ẩn ảnh đại diện trong Bình luận
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: ID kênh
+ Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: Ẩn ảnh đại diện trong bình luận
Hide Chapters: Ẩn các chương
- Hide Channels: Ẩn các videos khỏi kênh
+ Hide Channels: Ẩn các video khỏi kênh
+ Hide Channel Releases: Ẩn nhạc của kênh
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: Ẩn các video và danh sách phát có chứa
+ Hide Channels Invalid: ID kênh không hợp lệ
+ Hide Channel Community: Ẩn cộng đồng của kênh
+ Hide Channel Shorts: Ẩn short của kênh
+ Hide Subscriptions Shorts: Ẩn short từ các đăng ký
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Ẩn video phát trực tiếp từ các đăng ký
+ Hide Upcoming Premieres: Ẩn video sắp ra mắt
+ Hide Channel Podcasts: Ẩn podcast của kênh
+ Hide Subscriptions Community: Ẩn bài đăng cộng đồng từ các đăng ký
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: ID kênh đã tồn tại
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: Từ, tiếng, hoặc cụm từ
+ Hide Subscriptions Videos: Ẩn video từ các đăng ký
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: Hiển thị tiêu đề không viết hoa
+ quá mức
Privacy Settings:
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: Bạn
- có muốn xóa toàn bộ đăng ký và profiles không? Điều này không thể phục hồi.
- Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: Xóa bỏ tất cả đăng ký / Profiles
+ có muốn xóa toàn bộ đăng ký và hồ sơ không? Điều này không thể phục hồi.
+ Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: Xóa tất cả đăng ký / hồ sơ
Watch history has been cleared: Lịch sử xem đã được xóa
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: Bạn có thực sự muốn
xóa toàn bộ lịch sử xem?
@@ -391,58 +538,70 @@ Settings:
Search cache has been cleared: Bộ đệm của tìm kiếm đã xóa
Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: Bạn có chắc là muốn xóa
bộ đệm của tìm kiếm?
- Clear Search Cache: Xóa Tìm kiếm cache
+ Clear Search Cache: Xóa cache tìm kiếm
Save Watched Progress: Lưu quá trình xem
Remember History: Nhớ lịch sử
- Privacy Settings: Thiết lập quyền riêng tư
- Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Tự động xúa các tệp meta video
- The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: App
- cần khởi động lại để chỉnh sửa có hiệu nghiệm. Khởi động lại và áp đặt?
+ Privacy Settings: Cài đặt quyền riêng tư
+ Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Tự động xóa các tệp meta video
+ Remove All Playlists: Xóa tất cả danh sách phát
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: Bạn có chắc muốn xóa tất
+ cả các danh sách phát không?
+ All playlists have been removed: Đã xóa tất cả các danh sách phát
+ Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: Lưu video đã xem với danh sách
+ phát được xem lần cuối
+ The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: Ứng
+ dụng cần được khởi động lại để chỉnh sửa có hiệu nghiệm. Khởi động lại và áp dụng
+ cài đặt?
Proxy Settings:
- Proxy Host: Máy chủ Proxy
+ Proxy Host: Máy chủ proxy
Region: Vùng
Country: Quốc gia
Proxy Settings: Cài đặt proxy
Enable Tor / Proxy: Bật Tor / Proxy
Proxy Protocol: Giao thức proxy
- Proxy Port Number: Số Cổng Proxy
+ Proxy Port Number: Số cổng proxy
City: Thành phố
- Ip: Ip
+ Ip: IP
Your Info: Thông tin của bạn
Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: Lỗi nhận
thông tin mạng. Proxy của bạn đã được cài đặc đúng cách chưa?
- Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: Nhấn vào Proxy thử nghiệm sẽ gửi
- yêu cầu đến
- Test Proxy: Proxy thử nghiệm
+ Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: Nhấn vào Thử proxy sẽ gửi yêu cầu
+ đến
+ Test Proxy: Thử proxy
SponsorBlock Settings:
Enable SponsorBlock: Bật SponsorBlock
- 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': SponsorBlock API
- Url (Mặc định là https://sponsor.ajay.app)
+ 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': URL API SponsorBlock
+ (Mặc định là https://sponsor.ajay.app)
Skip Options:
- Skip Option: Tuỳ chọn lượt bỏ
- Show In Seek Bar: Hiển thị trong thanh tìm kiếm
- Auto Skip: Tự động lượt bỏ
- Prompt To Skip: Nhắc nhở lượt bỏ
- Do Nothing: Không làm gì hết
+ Skip Option: Tuỳ chọn bỏ qua
+ Show In Seek Bar: Hiển thị trong thanh tiến trình
+ Auto Skip: Tự động bỏ qua
+ Prompt To Skip: Nhắc nhở bỏ qua
+ Do Nothing: Không làm gì
Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: Thông báo khi đoạn quảng cáo bị bỏ qua
Category Color: Bản màu
SponsorBlock Settings: Cài đặt SponsorBlock
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': URL
+ API ảnh xem trước DeArrow (Mặc định là https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
+ UseDeArrowTitles: Dùng tiêu đề video từ DeArrow
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Dùng ảnh xem trước từ DeArrow
External Player Settings:
External Player Settings: Cài đặt trình phát video bên ngoài
External Player: Trình phát video bên ngoài
- Custom External Player Arguments: Chứng minh trình phát bên ngoài tùy chỉnh
+ Custom External Player Arguments: Tham số trình phát bên ngoài tùy chỉnh
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Bỏ qua các cảnh bảo tác vụ không được hổ trợ
Custom External Player Executable: Chạy trình phát bên ngoài tuỳ chỉnh
Name: Trống
+ Ignore Default Arguments: Bỏ qua tham số mặc định
Parental Control Settings:
- Parental Control Settings: Cài đặt trình kiểm soát của phụ huynh
- Hide Unsubscribe Button: Ẩn Nút Huỷ Đăng Ký
- Show Family Friendly Only: Chỉ hiển thị những nội dung gia đình và thân thiện
+ Parental Control Settings: Cài đặt kiểm soát của phụ huynh
+ Hide Unsubscribe Button: Ẩn nút huỷ đăng ký
+ Show Family Friendly Only: Chỉ hiển thị nội dung thân thiện với gia đình
Hide Search Bar: Ẩn thanh tìm kiếm
Download Settings:
- Download Behavior: Thói quen tải xuống
+ Download Behavior: Hành vi tải xuống
Download in app: Tải xuống trong ứng dụng
Open in web browser: Mở trên trình duyệt
Ask Download Path: Yêu cầu đường dẫn tải xuống
@@ -451,11 +610,11 @@ Settings:
Password Dialog:
Password: Mật khẩu
Password Incorrect: Mật khẩu sai
- Enter Password To Unlock: Nhập mật khẩu để mở Cài đặt
+ Enter Password To Unlock: Nhập mật khẩu để mở cài đặt
Unlock: Mở khoá
Password Settings:
Set Password To Prevent Access: Đặt mặt khẩu để ngăn truy cập cài đặt
- Password Settings: Cài đặt Mật khẩu
+ Password Settings: Cài đặt mật khẩu
Remove Password: Xoá mật khẩu
Set Password: Đặt mật khẩu
Experimental Settings:
@@ -463,6 +622,8 @@ Settings:
cài đặt này có thể gây ra hoạt động bất ổn định. Hãy tạo phương án dự phòng
trước khi bật!
Experimental Settings: Cài đặt thử nghiệm
+ Replace HTTP Cache: Thay thế bộ đệm HTTP
+ Expand All Settings Sections: Mở rộng tất cả các mục tùy chọn
#On About page
About: 'Giới thiệu'
@@ -496,29 +657,29 @@ About:
#On Channel Page
Mastodon: Mastodon
- Email: Thư điện tử
+ Email: Email
Source code: Mã nguồn
FAQ: Câu hỏi thường gặp
Report a problem: Báo cáo sự cố
Licensed under the AGPLv3: Được cấp phép theo AGPLv3
- View License: Xem Giấy phép
+ View License: Xem giấy phép
Help: Trợ giúp
Translate: Phiên dịch
Website: Trang web
Blog: Blog
- Credits: Tín dụng
+ Credits: Ghi công
Donate: Quyên tặng
GitHub issues: Sự cố GitHub
FreeTube Wiki: FreeTube Wiki
Beta: Thử nghiệm
- Downloads / Changelog: Tải xuống / bản ghi changelog
- GitHub releases: Phiên bản GitHub
- Please check for duplicates before posting: Vui lòng kiểm tra các bản sao trước
- khi đăng
- Chat on Matrix: Trò chuyện trên Ma trận
+ Downloads / Changelog: Tải xuống / nhật ký thay đổi
+ GitHub releases: Tải xuống trên GitHub
+ Please check for duplicates before posting: Vui lòng kiểm tra trùng lặp trước khi
+ đăng
+ Chat on Matrix: Trò chuyện trên Matrix
room rules: quy định phòng chat
FreeTube is made possible by: FreeTube được tạo ra bởi
- these people and projects: những người và dự án
+ these people and projects: những người và dự án này
Please read the: Hãy đọc
Discussions: Thảo luận
@@ -551,6 +712,7 @@ Channel:
Featured Channels: 'Kênh đặc sắc'
Search for: Tìm kiếm cho "{tag}"
+ Tags: Thẻ
Joined: Đã tham gia
Location: Vị trí
Details: Chi tiết
@@ -572,10 +734,21 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} bình chọn'
Reveal Answers: Hiện Câu trả lời
Hide Answers: Ẩn Câu trả lời
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: FreeTube đã ẩn video này
Releases: Xuất bản
+ This channel does not currently have any releases: Kênh này hiện không có bất
+ kỳ bản phát hành nào
This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube.: Kênh
này là kênh giới hạn độ tuổi và hiện tại không thể xem được trên FreeTube.
+ Channel Tabs: Trang kênh
+ Shorts:
+ This channel does not currently have any shorts: Kênh này hiện không có video
+ shorts
+ Podcasts:
+ Podcasts: Podcast
+ This channel does not currently have any podcasts: Kênh này hiện không có podcast
+ nào
Open in YouTube: 'Mở trong Youtube'
Copy YouTube Link: 'Sao chép liên kết Youtube'
@@ -706,6 +879,13 @@ Video:
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': Trò
chuyện trực tiếp hiện không khả dụng trên luồng phát này. Chủ sở hữu có thể đã
tắt chức năng này.
+ Hide Channel: Ẩn kênh này
+ More Options: Tùy chọn khác
+ Pause on Current Video: Tạm dừng trên video hiện tại
+ Show Super Chat Comment: Hiển thị bình luận Super Chat
+ Upcoming: Sắp ra mắt
+ Premieres: Công chiếu
+ Unhide Channel: Hiển thị kênh này
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -750,6 +930,7 @@ Share:
Include Timestamp: Có kèm dấu thời gian
YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: Đã sao chép liên kết kênh Youtube
Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: URL của kênh ưu tiên đã được sao chép
+ Share Channel: Chia sẻ kênh
Mini Player: 'Trình phát Mini'
Comments: 'Bình luận'
@@ -776,13 +957,15 @@ Comments:
Pinned by: Được ghim bởi
Show More Replies: Hiện thêm câu trả lời
View {replyCount} replies: Hiển thị {replyCount} câu trả lời
+ Hearted: Thả Tim
+ Subscribed: Đã đăng ký
Up Next: 'Tiếp theo'
# Toast Messages
Local API Error (Click to copy): 'Local API lỗi (Nhấn để copy)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API lỗi (Nhấn để copy)'
Falling back to Invidious API: 'Quay trở về Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: 'Quay trở về local API'
+Falling back to Local API: 'Quay trở về local API'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: 'Danh sách đăng kí hiện chưa được áp
Loop is now disabled: 'Lặp lại hiện đã tắt'
@@ -824,24 +1007,30 @@ Profile:
chỉnh về {profile}'
Profile has been updated: Profile đã được cập nhật
Profile has been created: Profile đã được tạo
- Your profile name cannot be empty: Tên Profile của bạn không được để trống
- Profile could not be found: Probile không thể tìm thấy được
+ Your profile name cannot be empty: Tên hồ sơ của bạn không được để trống
+ Profile could not be found: Hồ sơ không thể tìm thấy được
All subscriptions will also be deleted.: Tất cả đăng ký đều sẽ bị xóa.
- Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: Bạn có chắc là muốn xóa Profile này?
- Delete Profile: Xóa Profile
- Make Default Profile: Chọn làm Profile mặc định
- Update Profile: Cập nhật Profile
- Create Profile: Tạo Profile
- Profile Preview: Xem trước Profile
- Custom Color: Màu custom
+ Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: Bạn có chắc muốn xóa hồ sơ này?
+ Delete Profile: Xóa hồ sơ
+ Make Default Profile: Chọn làm hồ sơ mặc định
+ Update Profile: Cập nhật hồ sơ
+ Create Profile: Tạo hồ sơ
+ Profile Preview: Xem trước hồ sơ
+ Custom Color: Màu tùy chỉnh
Color Picker: Chọn màu
- Edit Profile: Chỉnh sửa Profile
- Create New Profile: Tạo Profile mới
- Profile Manager: Quản lý Profile
+ Edit Profile: Chỉnh sửa hồ sơ
+ Create New Profile: Tạo hồ sơ mới
+ Profile Manager: Quản lý hồ sơ
All Channels: Tất cả kênh
- Profile Select: Chọn Profile
+ Profile Select: Chọn hồ sơ
Profile Filter: Bộ lọc hồ sơ
- Profile Settings: Cài đặt hồ sơ cá nhân
+ Profile Settings: Cài đặt hồ sơ
+ Toggle Profile List: Mở/đóng danh sách hồ sơ
+ Edit Profile Name: Chỉnh sửa tên hồ sơ
+ Profile Name: Tên hồ sơ
+ Open Profile Dropdown: Mở danh sách hồ sơ
+ Create Profile Name: Tạo tên hồ sơ
+ Close Profile Dropdown: Đóng danh sách hồ sơ
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: Một blog mới đã có,
{blogTitle}. Nhấn để xem chi tiết
Download From Site: Tải từ website
@@ -853,15 +1042,15 @@ Search Bar:
More: Thêm
Are you sure you want to open this link?: Bạn có chắc là bạn muốn mở liên kết này
-New Window: Cửa Sổ Mới
+New Window: Cửa sổ mới
Channels: Kênh
Title: Danh sách kênh
- Search bar placeholder: Tìm Kênh
+ Search bar placeholder: Tìm kênh
Empty: Danh sách kênh của bạn hiện đang trống.
Unsubscribed: '{channelName} đã bị xoá khỏi danh sách kênh đã đăng ký của bạn'
Unsubscribe Prompt: Bạn có chắc răng bạn muốn huỷ đăng ký kênh "{channelName}"?
- Unsubscribe: Huỷ đăng ký kênh
+ Unsubscribe: Huỷ đăng ký
Count: '{number} kênh đã tìm được.'
General Settings:
@@ -896,6 +1085,12 @@ Tooltips:
lui để kiểm soát tốc độ phát. Nhấn và giữ phím Control (Phím Command trên Mac)
và nhấp chuột trái để lập tức trở về tốc độ phát mặc định (1x trừ khi nó đã
được thay đổi trong cài đặt).
+ Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: Sử dụng con lăn chuột để bỏ qua video, kiểu
+ MPV.
+ Allow DASH AV1 formats: Định dạng DASH AV1 có thể trông đẹp hơn định dạng DASH
+ H.264. Định dạng DASH AV1 yêu cầu nhiều năng lượng hơn để phát lại! Chúng không
+ có sẵn trên tất cả các video, trong những trường hợp đó trình phát sẽ sử dụng
+ định dạng DASH H.264 thay thế.
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: Bất kỳ tham số dòng lệnh tùy chỉnh nào, được
phân tách bằng dấu chấm phẩy (';'), bạn muốn được chuyển đến trình phát bên
@@ -915,16 +1110,23 @@ Tooltips:
thức mặc định để lấy nguồn cấp dữ liệu đăng ký của bạn. RSS nhanh hơn và tránh
việc bị chặn IP, nhưng không cung cấp thông tin nhất định như thời lượng video
hoặc trạng thái phát trực tiếp
+ Fetch Automatically: Khi được bật, FreeTube sẽ tự động tìm nạp nguồn cấp dữ liệu
+ đăng ký của bạn khi cửa sổ mới được mở và khi chuyển đổi hồ sơ.
Privacy Settings:
Remove Video Meta Files: Khi được bật lên, FreeTube sẽ tự động xóa các tệp meta
được tạo trong quá trình phát lại video, khi trang xem bị đóng.
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: '{instance} này bị giới hạn độ
- tuổi'
- Type:
- Channel: Kênh
- Video: Video
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: '{videoOrPlaylist} bị giới hạn độ tuổi'
+ Distraction Free Settings:
+ Hide Channels: Nhập tên kênh hoặc ID kênh để ẩn tất cả video, danh sách phát và
+ chính kênh đó khỏi xuất hiện trong tìm kiếm, xu hướng, phổ biến nhất và được
+ đề xuất. Tên kênh đã nhập phải khớp hoàn toàn và có phân biệt chữ hoa chữ thường.
+ Hide Subscriptions Live: Cài đặt này bị ghi đè bởi cài đặt "{appWideSetting}"
+ trên toàn ứng dụng, trong phần "{subsection}" của "{settingsSection}"
+ SponsorBlock Settings:
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: Thay thế thumbnail video bằng thumbnail gửi từ DeArrow.
+ UseDeArrowTitles: Thay thế tiêu đề video bằng tiêu đề do người dùng gửi từ DeArrow.
+ Experimental Settings:
+ Replace HTTP Cache: Tắt bộ nhớ đệm HTTP dựa trên đĩa của Electron và bật bộ nhớ
+ đệm hình ảnh trong bộ nhớ tùy chỉnh. Sẽ dẫn đến việc sử dụng RAM tăng lên.
Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: Thẻ hashtag chưa thể dùng
được, hãy thử lại sau
Playing Next Video Interval: Phát video tiếp theo ngay lập tức. Nhấn vào để hủy. |
@@ -945,3 +1147,30 @@ Starting download: Bắt đầu tải xuống "{videoTitle}"
Ok: Ok
Copy failed: Sao chép vào bộ nhớ tạm thất bại
+ Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: Không thể truy cập clipboard
+ nếu không có kết nối an toàn
+Go to page: Đi đến {page}
+Close Banner: Đóng thanh trên
+ 'Chapters list visible, current chapter: {chapterName}': 'Danh sách các chương hiển
+ thị, chương hiện tại: {chapterName}'
+ Chapters: Chương
+ 'Chapters list hidden, current chapter: {chapterName}': 'Danh sách các chương bị
+ ẩn, chương hiện tại: {chapterName}'
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} đã bị xóa khỏi bộ lọc kênh'
+Tag already exists: Thẻ "{tagName}" đã tồn tại
+ This hashtag does not currently have any videos: Hashtag này hiện không có bất kỳ
+ video nào
+ Hashtag: Hashtag
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: Kênh này bị giới hạn độ tuổi
+ This video is age restricted: Video này bị giới hạn độ tuổi
+Preferences: Tuỳ chỉnh
+Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: Danh sách phát sẽ không tạm
+ dừng khi video hiện tại kết thúc
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} đã thêm vào bộ lọc kênh'
+Playlist will pause when current video is finished: Danh sách phát sẽ tạm dừng khi
+ video hiện tại kết thúc
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: Dữ liệu nhập bị cắt bớt phải dài
+ ít nhất 1 ký tự | Dữ liệu nhập bị cắt bớt phải dài ít nhất {length} ký tự
diff --git a/static/locales/zh-CN.yaml b/static/locales/zh-CN.yaml
index ae9aee5ed6db6..a565befa9bde3 100644
--- a/static/locales/zh-CN.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/zh-CN.yaml
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 位订阅者 | {count} 位订阅者
View Count: 1 次观看 | {count} 次观看
Watching Count: 1 人正在观看 | {count} 人正在观看
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: 标签长度至少为 {number} 个字符
Search / Go to URL: '搜索 / 前往URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
@@ -113,6 +115,77 @@ User Playlists:
Playlist Message: 本页面不代表功能完备的播放列表。它只列举您保存或喜爱的播放列表。当项目完成时,本页面的所有视频将会迁移到“最喜爱”播放列表。
Search bar placeholder: 在播放列表中搜索
Empty Search Message: 这个与你的搜索匹配的播放列表中没有视频
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: 你确定要从此播放列表删除所有已观看的视频吗?此操作无法撤销。
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Search in Playlists: 在播放列表中搜索
+ Save: 保存
+ Toast:
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 添加了 1 则视频到 {playlistCount}
+ 个播放列表 | 添加了 {videoCount} 则视频到 {playlistCount} 个播放列表
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 添加了1 则视频到 1 个播放列表 | 添加了 {playlistCount}
+ 则视频到 1 个播放列表
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: 你尚未选中任何播放列表。
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: 选择一个播放列表来添加你的视频 | 选择一个播放列表来添加你的 {videoCount}
+ 个视频
+ N playlists selected: 选中了 {playlistCount} 个播放列表
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ There were no videos to remove.: 没有可删除的视频。
+ Video has been removed: 视频已被删除
+ Playlist has been updated.: 播放列表已更新。
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: 更新此播放列表遇到问题。
+ This video cannot be moved up.: 无法上移此视频。
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: 此播放列表受保护,无法删除。
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: 播放列表 {playlistName} 已被删除。
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: 播放列表中的某些视频尚未加载。如果仍需复制,请单击此处。
+ This playlist does not exist: 此播放列表不存在
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: 播放列表名不能为空。请输入一个名称。
+ There was a problem with removing this video: 删除此视频遇到问题
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 1 则视频已被删除 | {videoCount} 则视频已被删除
+ This video cannot be moved down.: 无法下移此视频。
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: 此播放列表现用于快速添加书签
+ Quick bookmark disabled: 停用了快速添加书签
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: 恢复到使用播放列表 {oldPlaylistName}
+ 进行快速添加书签操作
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: 此播放列表现用于快速添加书签,而非
+ {oldPlaylistName}。单击此处撤销
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: 你确定要删除此播放列表吗?此操作无法撤销。
+ Sort By:
+ LatestPlayedFirst: 最近播放的
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: 最先创建的
+ LatestCreatedFirst: 最近创建的
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: 最先更新的
+ Sort By: 排序方式
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: 最先播放的
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: 最近更新的
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: 你没有播放列表。单击新建播放列表来新建一个。
+ Remove from Playlist: 从播放列表删除
+ Save Changes: 保存更改
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ Create: 创建
+ Toast:
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: 创建播放列表遇到问题。
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: 成功创建了播放列表 {playlistName}。
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: 已经存在同名播放列表。请另选一个名称。
+ New Playlist Name: 新播放列表名
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: 播放列表当前无视频。
+ Add to Playlist: 添加到播放列表
+ Move Video Down: 下移视频
+ Playlist Name: 播放列表名称
+ Remove Watched Videos: 删除已观看的视频
+ Move Video Up: 上移视频
+ Cancel: 取消
+ Delete Playlist: 删除播放列表
+ Create New Playlist: 新建播放列表
+ Edit Playlist Info: 编辑播放列表信息
+ Copy Playlist: 复制播放列表
+ Playlist Description: 播放列表描述
+ Add to Favorites: 添加到播放列表 {playlistName}
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: 开启使用此播放列表来快速添加书签
+ Remove from Favorites: 从播放列表 {playlistName} 删除
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: 停用快速添加书签
# On History Page
History: '历史记录'
@@ -144,6 +217,7 @@ Settings:
Middle: '中间'
End: '结尾'
Hidden: 隐藏缩略图
+ Blur: 模糊
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious实例(默认https://invidious.snopyta.org)'
Region for Trending: '热门区域'
#! List countries
@@ -175,6 +249,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: Catppuccin Mocha
Pastel Pink: Pastel Pink
Hot Pink: Hot Pink
+ Nordic: Nordic
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: '主题色'
Red: '红'
@@ -290,6 +365,7 @@ Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: '如何导入我的订阅?'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 从RSS摘取推送
Fetch Automatically: 自动抓取订阅源
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: 只显示每个频道的最新视频
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: '高级设置'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): '允许调试模式(打印数据在控制板)'
@@ -326,6 +402,9 @@ Settings:
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 移除所有订阅 / 配置文件
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: 自动删除硬盘元数据文件
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: 记住上次看过的播放列表中看过的视频 ID
+ All playlists have been removed: 已删除所有播放列表
+ Remove All Playlists: 删除所有播放列表
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: 你确定要删除所有播放列表吗?
Data Settings:
Subscriptions have been successfully exported: 订阅已成功导出
This might take a while, please wait: 这可能需要一段时间,请稍候
@@ -365,6 +444,11 @@ Settings:
Playlist File: 播放列表文件
Subscription File: 订阅文件
History File: 历史文件
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Tooltip: "此选项将所有播放列表中的视频导出到一个名为'Favorities'的播放列表文件\n如何为老版本的 FreeTube 导出&导入播放列表中的视频:\n
+ 1. 启用此选项来导出播放列表\n2. 使用“隐私”设置下的“删除所有播放列表”选项来删除所有现存播放列表\n3. 启动老版本的 FreeTube
+ 并导入导出的播放列表。“"
+ Label: 为老版本 FreeTube 导出播放列表
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Popular Videos: 隐藏流行视频
Hide Trending Videos: 隐藏热门视频
@@ -384,8 +468,8 @@ Settings:
Hide Chapters: 隐藏章节
Hide Upcoming Premieres: 隐藏即将到来的首映
Hide Channels: 隐藏频道中的视频
- Hide Channels Placeholder: 频道名称或 ID
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: 不用过度大写字母的方式显示标题名称
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: 频道ID
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: 去除标题中对字母大写和标点符号的过度使用
Hide Featured Channels: 隐藏精选频道
Hide Channel Playlists: 隐藏频道播放列表
Hide Channel Community: 隐藏频道社区
@@ -404,6 +488,12 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: 在评论中隐藏个人资料图片
Blur Thumbnails: 模糊缩略图
Hide Subscriptions Community: 隐藏订阅社区
+ Hide Channels Invalid: 提供的频道 ID 无效
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: 使用 ID 屏蔽了某些频道,这些频道未被处理。当这些 ID 在升级时,功能被停用
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: 频道 ID 已存在
+ Hide Channels API Error: 获取 ID 为所提供值的用户出错。请再次检查 ID 是否正确。
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: 隐藏包含文本的视频和播放列表
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: 单词、单词片段或词组
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: 应用需要重启让修改生效。重启以应用修改?
Proxy Settings:
Proxy Protocol: 代理协议
@@ -433,6 +523,9 @@ Settings:
Skip Option: 跳过选项
Category Color: 类别颜色
UseDeArrowTitles: 使用 DeArrow 视频标题
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: 对缩略图使用 DeArrow
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': DeArrow
+ 缩略图生成器 API Url (默认值 https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: 定制外部播放器的参数
Custom External Player Executable: 自定义外部播放器的可执行文件
@@ -442,6 +535,7 @@ Settings:
Name: 无
+ Ignore Default Arguments: 忽略默认变量
Download Settings:
Download Settings: 下载设置
Ask Download Path: 询问下载路径
@@ -468,6 +562,7 @@ Settings:
Set Password To Prevent Access: 设置密码防止访问设置
Set Password: 设置密码
Remove Password: 删除密码
+ Expand All Settings Sections: 展开所有设置部分
#On About page
About: '关于'
@@ -563,6 +658,7 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} 票'
Reveal Answers: 揭晓答案
Hide Answers: 隐藏答案
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: 视频被 FreeTube 隐藏
Live: 直播
This channel does not currently have any live streams: 此频道当前没有任何直播流
@@ -708,6 +804,9 @@ Video:
Upcoming: 即将到来
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': 实时聊天对此音视频流不可用。上传者可能禁用了它。
Pause on Current Video: 当前视频播完后不自动播放列表中下一视频
+ Unhide Channel: 显示频道
+ Hide Channel: 隐藏频道
+ More Options: 更多选项
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -784,7 +883,7 @@ Up Next: 'Up Next'
Local API Error (Click to copy): '本地API错误(点击复制)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API错误(点击复制)'
Falling back to Invidious API: '回退到Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: '回退到本地API'
+Falling back to Local API: '回退到本地API'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: '订阅功能尚未被推行'
Loop is now disabled: '循环播放现在被禁用'
Loop is now enabled: '循环播放现在被允许'
@@ -837,6 +936,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Settings: 个人资料设置
Profile Filter: 个人资料筛选器
Toggle Profile List: 切换个人资料列表
+ Open Profile Dropdown: 打开配置文件下拉菜单
+ Close Profile Dropdown: 关闭配置文件下拉菜单
+ Profile Name: 配置文件名
+ Edit Profile Name: 编辑配置文件名
+ Create Profile Name: 创建配置文件名
The playlist has been reversed: 播放列表已反转
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 已有新的博客,{blogTitle}。点击以查看更多
Download From Site: 从网站下载
@@ -871,16 +975,19 @@ Tooltips:
Ignore Warnings: 当前外部播放器不支持当前操作时(例如,颠倒播放列表文件顺序),抑制警告。
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "(默认: '{defaultCustomArguments}')"
Custom External Player Arguments: 任何你希望传递给外部播放器的用分号(';')分隔的自定义命令行参数。
+ Ignore Default Arguments: 不要向外部播放器发送除视频 URL 外的任何默认变量(如播放速度、播放列表 URL 等)。自定义变量仍将被传递。
Privacy Settings:
Remove Video Meta Files: 启用后,当观看页面关闭时,FreeTube 会自动删除在视频播放时创建的元文件。
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: 禁用 Electron 基于磁盘的 HTTP 缓存,启用自定义内存中图像缓存。会增加内存的使用。
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: 输入频道名称或频道 ID 使其中的所有视频、播放列表和频道本身不出现在搜索结果、时下流行、最受欢迎和推荐中。 输入的频道名称必须完全匹配,并且区分大小写。
+ Hide Channels: 输入频道 ID 使其中的所有视频、播放列表和频道本身不出现在搜索结果、时下流行、最受欢迎和推荐中。 输入的频道 ID 必须完全匹配,并且区分大小写。
Hide Subscriptions Live: 此设置被应用级的 "{appWideSetting}" 设置所覆盖,"{appWideSetting}"
位于 "{subsection}" 部分,该部分在 "{settingsSection}" 中
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: 输入单词、单词片段或词组(区分大小写)在整个 FreeTube 软件中隐藏所有原始标题包含这些内容的视频和播放列表。注意:历史记录、你的播放列表和播放列表内的视频不受限制约束。
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: 使用来自 DeArrow 的用户提交的标题替换原始视频标题。
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: 用来自 DeArrow 的缩略图替换原本的视频缩略图。
More: 更多
Open New Window: 打开新窗口
Search Bar:
@@ -901,12 +1008,6 @@ Download folder does not exist: 下载目录“$”不存在,退回到 “询
Screenshot Error: 截屏失败。{error}
Screenshot Success: 另存截屏为 “{filePath}”
New Window: 新窗口
-Age Restricted:
- Type:
- Channel: 频道
- Video: 视频
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: 此 {instance} 有年龄限制
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: 此 {videoOrPlaylist} 有年龄限制
Search bar placeholder: 搜索频道
Count: 找到了 {number} 个频道。
@@ -930,3 +1031,13 @@ Hashtag:
This hashtag does not currently have any videos: 此话题标签下当前没有任何短视频
Playlist will pause when current video is finished: 当前视频播完后播放列表会暂停
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: 当前视频播完后播放列表不会暂停
+Go to page: 转到页{page}
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} 频道已添加到频道过滤器'
+Channel Unhidden: 从频道过滤器删除了{channel} 频道
+Tag already exists: '"{tagName}" 标签已存在'
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: 缩减输入的长度需至少为 1 个字符 | 缩减输入的长度需至少为
+ {length} 个字符
+Close Banner: 关闭横幅
+Age Restricted:
+ This video is age restricted: 此视频有年龄限制
+ This channel is age restricted: 此频道有年龄限制
diff --git a/static/locales/zh-TW.yaml b/static/locales/zh-TW.yaml
index 392403a2b4ae4..4e6a72d0ff195 100644
--- a/static/locales/zh-TW.yaml
+++ b/static/locales/zh-TW.yaml
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ Global:
Subscriber Count: 1 個訂閱者 | {count} 個訂閱者
View Count: 1 次檢視 | {count} 次檢視
Watching Count: 1 個正在觀看 | {count} 個正在觀看
+ Input Tags:
+ Length Requirement: 標籤必須至少 {number} 個字元長
Search / Go to URL: '搜尋/ 前往網址'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
@@ -112,6 +114,78 @@ User Playlists:
Playlist Message: 此頁面無法列出完整的播放清單。其僅列出您已儲存或加入最愛的影片。工作完成後,所有目前在此的影片都會轉移到「最愛」播放清單。
Search bar placeholder: 在播放清單搜尋
Empty Search Message: 此播放清單中沒有與您的搜尋相符的影片
+ This playlist currently has no videos.: 此播放清單目前沒有影片。
+ Create New Playlist: 建立新播放清單
+ Add to Playlist: 新增至播放清單
+ Move Video Up: 向上移動影片
+ Move Video Down: 向下移動影片
+ Remove from Playlist: 從播放清單移除
+ Playlist Name: 播放清單名稱
+ Playlist Description: 播放清單描述
+ Cancel: 取消
+ Edit Playlist Info: 編輯播放清單資訊
+ Copy Playlist: 複製播放清單
+ Delete Playlist: 刪除播放清單
+ Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? This cannot be undone: 您確定您想要刪除播放清單嗎?這無法還原。
+ Sort By:
+ Sort By: 排序方式
+ NameAscending: A-Z
+ NameDescending: Z-A
+ LatestCreatedFirst: 最近建立
+ LatestUpdatedFirst: 最近更新
+ EarliestUpdatedFirst: 最早更新
+ LatestPlayedFirst: 最近播放
+ EarliestPlayedFirst: 最早播放
+ EarliestCreatedFirst: 最早建立
+ SinglePlaylistView:
+ Toast:
+ This video cannot be moved up.: 此影片無法向上移動。
+ This video cannot be moved down.: 此影片無法向下移動。
+ Video has been removed: 影片已被移除
+ There was a problem with removing this video: 移除此影片時發生問題
+ Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway.: 播放清單中的某些影片尚未載入。請按此處複製。
+ Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name.: 播放清單名稱不能為空。請輸入名稱。
+ Playlist has been updated.: 播放清單已更新。
+ There were no videos to remove.: 沒有影片要移除。
+ This playlist is protected and cannot be removed.: 此播放清單受保護且無法移除。
+ There was an issue with updating this playlist.: 更新此播放清單時發生問題。
+ "{videoCount} video(s) have been removed": 移除了 1 部影片 | 移除了 {videoCount} 部影片
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted.: 播放清單 {playlistName} 已刪除。
+ This playlist does not exist: 此播放清單不存在
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark: 此播放清單現在用於快速書籤
+ Quick bookmark disabled: 快速書籤已停用
+ This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo: 此播放清單現在用於快速書籤,而非
+ {oldPlaylistName}。點擊此處撤銷
+ Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark: 恢復為使用 {oldPlaylistName}
+ 進行快速書籤
+ AddVideoPrompt:
+ Select a playlist to add your N videos to: 選擇要新增影片的播放清單 | 選擇播放清單以將您的 {videoCount}
+ 部影片新增至其中
+ N playlists selected: 已選取 {playlistCount}
+ Search in Playlists: 在播放清單中搜尋
+ Save: 儲存
+ Toast:
+ You haven't selected any playlist yet.: 您尚未選取任何播放清單。
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to 1 playlist": 1 部影片新增至 1 個播放清單 | {videoCount}
+ 部影片新增至 1 個播放清單
+ "{videoCount} video(s) added to {playlistCount} playlists": 1 部影片新增至 {playlistCount}
+ 個播放清單 | {videoCount} 部影片新增至 {playlistCount} 個播放清單
+ CreatePlaylistPrompt:
+ New Playlist Name: 新播放清單名稱
+ Toast:
+ Playlist {playlistName} has been successfully created.: 已成功建立播放清單 {playlistName}。
+ There was an issue with creating the playlist.: 建立播放清單時發生問題。
+ There is already a playlist with this name. Please pick a different name.: 已有一個同名的播放清單。請挑選其他名稱。
+ Create: 建立
+ You have no playlists. Click on the create new playlist button to create a new one.: 您沒有播放清單。按一下建立新播放清單按鈕以建立新的。
+ Save Changes: 儲存變更
+ Remove Watched Videos: 移除已觀看的影片
+ Are you sure you want to remove all watched videos from this playlist? This cannot be undone: 您確定要從此播放清單中移除所有觀看過的影片嗎?
+ 這無法還原。
+ Add to Favorites: 新增至 {playlistName}
+ Remove from Favorites: 從 {playlistName} 移除
+ Enable Quick Bookmark With This Playlist: 啟用此播放清單的快速書籤
+ Disable Quick Bookmark: 停用快速書籤
# On History Page
History: '觀看紀錄'
@@ -131,7 +205,7 @@ Settings:
Preferred API Backend:
Preferred API Backend: '偏好API伺服器'
Local API: '本機 API'
- Invidious API: 'Invidious API(應用程式介面)'
+ Invidious API: 'Invidious API'
Video View Type:
Video View Type: '影片觀看類別'
Grid: '網格'
@@ -141,8 +215,9 @@ Settings:
Default: '預設'
Beginning: '片頭'
Middle: '中間'
- End: '結尾'
+ End: '片尾'
Hidden: 隱藏
+ Blur: 模糊
'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidious.snopyta.org)': 'Invidious實例(預設為
https://invidious.snopyta.org )'
Region for Trending: '發燒影片區域'
@@ -175,6 +250,7 @@ Settings:
Catppuccin Mocha: 卡布奇諾摩卡
Pastel Pink: 淡粉紅色
Hot Pink: 亮粉紅色
+ Nordic: 北歐
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: '主題色'
Red: '紅'
@@ -291,6 +367,7 @@ Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: '如何導入我的訂閱?'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 從RSS擷取推送
Fetch Automatically: 自動擷取 Feed
+ Only Show Latest Video for Each Channel: 只顯示每個頻道的最新影片
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: '進階設定'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): '允許除錯型態(列印資料在控制板)'
@@ -327,6 +404,9 @@ Settings:
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 移除所有訂閱/設定檔
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: 自動刪除影片元檔案
Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: 使用上次觀看的播放清單儲存觀看的影片
+ Remove All Playlists: 移除所有播放清單
+ All playlists have been removed: 所有播放清單已被移除
+ Are you sure you want to remove all your playlists?: 您確定要移除所有播放清單嗎?
Data Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: 我要如何匯入我的訂閱?
Unknown data key: 未知的資料金鑰
@@ -366,6 +446,10 @@ Settings:
Subscription File: 訂閱檔案
History File: 歷史紀錄檔案
Playlist File: 播放清單檔案
+ Export Playlists For Older FreeTube Versions:
+ Label: 匯出較舊 FreeTube 版本的播放清單
+ Tooltip: "此選項將所有播放清單中的影片匯出到名為「我的最愛」的播放清單中。\n如何匯出和匯入舊版 FreeTube 播放清單中的影片:\n1.
+ 啟用此選項後匯出播放清單。\n2. 使用「隱私設定」下的「刪除所有播放清單」選項刪除所有現有播放清單。\n3. 啟動舊版的 FreeTube 並導入匯出的播放清單。”"
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: 隱藏影片喜歡與不喜歡
Distraction Free Settings: 勿擾設定
@@ -384,9 +468,9 @@ Settings:
Hide Sharing Actions: 隱藏分享動作
Hide Chapters: 隱藏章節
Hide Upcoming Premieres: 隱藏即將到來的首映
- Hide Channels Placeholder: 頻道名稱或 ID
+ Hide Channels Placeholder: 頻道 ID
Hide Channels: 隱藏頻道中的影片
- Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: 顯示沒有過多大寫的標題
+ Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: 顯示沒有過多大寫與標點符號的標題
Hide Featured Channels: 隱藏精選頻道
Hide Channel Playlists: 隱藏頻道播放清單
Hide Channel Community: 隱藏頻道社群
@@ -405,7 +489,13 @@ Settings:
Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: 在留言中隱藏個人檔案圖片
Blur Thumbnails: 模糊縮圖
Hide Subscriptions Community: 隱藏訂閱社群
- The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: 此變更需要重啟讓修改生效。重啟並且套用變更?
+ Hide Channels Invalid: 提供的頻道 ID 無效
+ Hide Channels Disabled Message: 某些頻道被使用 ID 封鎖且無法處理。當這些 ID 更新時,功能將會被封鎖
+ Hide Channels Already Exists: 頻道 ID 已存在
+ Hide Channels API Error: 使用提供的 ID 擷取使用者時發生錯誤。請再次檢查 ID 是否正確。
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: 隱藏包含文字的影片與播放清單
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text Placeholder: 單字、單字片段或片語
+ The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: 必須重新啟動應用程式以生效。重新啟動並套用變更嗎?
Proxy Settings:
Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: 取得網路資訊時發生錯誤。您的代理伺服器設定正確嗎?
City: 城市
@@ -434,6 +524,9 @@ Settings:
Do Nothing: 不要做任何事
Category Color: 分類色彩
UseDeArrowTitles: 使用 DeArrow 影片標題
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: 使用 DeArrow 製作縮圖
+ 'DeArrow Thumbnail Generator API Url (Default is https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)': DeArrow
+ 縮圖產生器 API(預設值為 https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app)
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Arguments: 自訂外部播放程式參數
Custom External Player Executable: 自訂外部播放程式可執行檔
@@ -443,6 +536,7 @@ Settings:
Name: 無
+ Ignore Default Arguments: 忽略預設引數
Download Settings:
Download Settings: 下載設定
Ask Download Path: 詢問下載路徑
@@ -469,6 +563,7 @@ Settings:
Enter Password To Unlock: 輸入密碼以解鎖設定
Password Incorrect: 密碼不正確
Unlock: 解鎖
+ Expand All Settings Sections: 展開所有設定
#On About page
About: '關於'
@@ -573,6 +668,7 @@ Channel:
votes: '{votes} 票'
Reveal Answers: 揭露答案
Hide Answers: 隱藏答案
+ Video hidden by FreeTube: 由 FreeTube 隱藏的影片
Live: 直播
This channel does not currently have any live streams: 此頻道目前沒有任何直播
@@ -585,12 +681,12 @@ Channel:
Releases: 發布
This channel does not currently have any releases: 此頻道目前沒有任何發布
- Open in YouTube: '在YouTube中開啟'
- Copy YouTube Link: '複製YouTube連結'
- Open YouTube Embedded Player: '開啟YouTube內嵌播放器'
- Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: '複製YouTube內嵌播放器連結'
- Open in Invidious: '在Invidious中開啟'
- Copy Invidious Link: '複製Invidious連結'
+ Open in YouTube: '在 YouTube 中開啟'
+ Copy YouTube Link: '複製 YouTube 連結'
+ Open YouTube Embedded Player: '開啟 YouTube 內嵌播放器'
+ Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: '複製 YouTube 內嵌播放器連結'
+ Open in Invidious: '在 Invidious 中開啟'
+ Copy Invidious Link: '複製 Invidious 連結'
Views: '觀看'
Watched: '已觀看'
# As in a Live Video
@@ -656,10 +752,10 @@ Video:
audio only: 僅音訊
video only: 僅影片
Download Video: 下載影片
- Copy Invidious Channel Link: 複製Invidious頻道連結
- Open Channel in Invidious: 在Invidious開啟頻道
- Copy YouTube Channel Link: 複製YouTube頻道連結
- Open Channel in YouTube: 在YouTube開啟頻道
+ Copy Invidious Channel Link: 複製 Invidious 頻道連結
+ Open Channel in Invidious: 在 Invidious 開啟頻道
+ Copy YouTube Channel Link: 複製 YouTube 頻道連結
+ Open Channel in YouTube: 在 YouTube 開啟頻道
Started streaming on: '開始直播時間'
Streamed on: 直播於
Video has been removed from your saved list: 影片已從您的播放清單移除
@@ -717,6 +813,9 @@ Video:
Upcoming: 即將到來
'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': 即時聊天在此串流不可用。其可能被上傳者停用了。
Pause on Current Video: 暫停目前影片
+ Unhide Channel: 顯示頻道
+ Hide Channel: 隱藏頻道
+ More Options: 更多選項
#& Sort By
Sort By:
@@ -793,7 +892,7 @@ Up Next: '觀看其他類似影片'
Local API Error (Click to copy): '區域API錯誤(點擊複製)'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API錯誤(點擊複製)'
Falling back to Invidious API: '回退到Invidious API'
-Falling back to the local API: '回退到區域API'
+Falling back to Local API: '回退到區域API'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: '訂閱功能尚未被推行'
Loop is now disabled: '循環播放現在被停用'
Loop is now enabled: '循環播放現在被啟用'
@@ -846,6 +945,11 @@ Profile:
Profile Filter: 設定檔篩選器
Profile Settings: 設定檔設定
Toggle Profile List: 切換個人檔案清單
+ Open Profile Dropdown: 開啟個人資料下拉式選單
+ Close Profile Dropdown: 關閉個人資料下拉式選單
+ Profile Name: 設定檔名稱
+ Edit Profile Name: 修改設定檔名稱
+ Create Profile Name: 建立設定檔名稱
The playlist has been reversed: 播放清單已反轉
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 已有新的部落格文章,{blogTitle}。點擊以檢視更多
Download From Site: 從網站下載
@@ -885,13 +989,17 @@ Tooltips:
External Player: 選擇外部播放程式將會在縮圖上顯示圖示,用來在外部播放程式中開啟影片(若支援的話,播放清單也可以)。警告:Invidious
DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: (預設:'{defaultCustomArguments}')
+ Ignore Default Arguments: 除了影片 URL 之外,不要向外部播放器傳送任何預設引數(例如播放速率、播放清單 URL 等)。 自訂引數仍會被傳遞。
Experimental Settings:
Replace HTTP Cache: 停用 Electron 以磁碟為基礎的 HTTP 快取並啟用自訂的記憶體圖片快取。會導致記憶體使用量增加。
Distraction Free Settings:
- Hide Channels: 輸入頻道名稱或頻道 ID 以隱藏所有影片、播放清單與頻道本身,使其完全不出現在搜尋、趨勢、熱門與建議中。輸入的頻道名稱必須完全符合,且區分大小寫。
+ Hide Channels: 輸入頻道 ID 以隱藏所有影片、播放清單與頻道本身,使其完全不出現在搜尋、趨勢、熱門與建議中。輸入的頻道 ID 必須完全符合,且區分大小寫。
Hide Subscriptions Live: 此設定會被「{settingsSection}」的「{subsection}」部分中應用程式範圍的「{appWideSetting}」設定覆寫
+ Hide Videos and Playlists Containing Text: 輸入單字、單字片段或片語(不分大小寫),以隱藏整個 FreeTube
+ 中原始標題包含該單字、單字片段或片語的所有影片與播放清單,僅不包括歷史紀錄、您的播放清單與播放清單內的影片。
SponsorBlock Settings:
UseDeArrowTitles: 將影片標題取代為 DeArrow 使用者遞交的標題。
+ UseDeArrowThumbnails: 將影片縮圖替換為來自 DeArrow 的縮圖。
Playing Next Video Interval: 馬上播放下一個影片。點擊取消。| 播放下一個影片的時間為{nextVideoInterval}秒。點擊取消。|
More: 更多
@@ -910,12 +1018,6 @@ Starting download: 正在開始下載「{videoTitle}」
Screenshot Success: 已儲存螢幕截圖為 "{filePath}"
Screenshot Error: 螢幕截圖失敗。 {error}
New Window: 新視窗
-Age Restricted:
- The currently set default instance is {instance}: 此 {instance} 有年齡限制
- Type:
- Channel: 頻道
- Video: 影片
- This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: 此 {videoOrPlaylist} 有年齡限制
Channels: 頻道
Title: 頻道清單
@@ -939,3 +1041,13 @@ Hashtag:
This hashtag does not currently have any videos: 此標籤目前沒有任何影片
Playlist will pause when current video is finished: 當目前影片結束時,播放清單將會暫停
Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: 當目前影片結束時,播放清單將不會暫停
+Channel Hidden: '{channel} 已新增至頻道過濾條件'
+Go to page: 到 {page}
+Channel Unhidden: '{channel} 已從頻道過濾條件移除'
+Trimmed input must be at least N characters long: 修剪後的輸入必須至少有 1 個字元長 | 修剪後的輸入必須至少有
+ {length} 個字元長
+Tag already exists: 「{tagName}」標籤已存在
+Close Banner: 關閉橫幅
+Age Restricted:
+ This channel is age restricted: 此頻道有年齡限制
+ This video is age restricted: 此影片有年齡限制
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