diff --git a/app/javascript/components/miq-data-table/index.jsx b/app/javascript/components/miq-data-table/index.jsx
index 7dbbe5a3d9d..6341b91ec30 100644
--- a/app/javascript/components/miq-data-table/index.jsx
+++ b/app/javascript/components/miq-data-table/index.jsx
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ const MiqDataTable = ({
/** Function to render the header cells. */
const renderHeaders = (getHeaderProps) => (headers.map((header) => {
const { sortHeader, sortDirection } = headerSortingData(header);
- let isSortable = true;
+ let isSortable = sortable;
if (header.header.split('_')[0] === DefaultKey) {
isSortable = false;
diff --git a/app/javascript/components/provider-form/validate-provider-credentials.jsx b/app/javascript/components/provider-form/validate-provider-credentials.jsx
index 396b39de235..e7c83ec3651 100644
--- a/app/javascript/components/provider-form/validate-provider-credentials.jsx
+++ b/app/javascript/components/provider-form/validate-provider-credentials.jsx
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ const ValidateProviderCredentials = ({ ...props }) => {
const asyncValidate = (fields, fieldNames) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const url = providerId ? `/api/providers/${providerId}` : '/api/providers';
const resource = pick(fields, fieldNames);
const updatedResource = trimFieldValue(resource);
API.post(url, { action: 'verify_credentials', resource: updatedResource }).then(({ results: [result] = [], ...single }) => {
diff --git a/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/helper.js b/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/helper.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..791da04621c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/helper.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Creates the rows for the 'subscriptions-table' component
+export const createRows = (subscriptions) => {
+ const rows = [];
+ subscriptions.forEach((value, index) => {
+ rows.push({
+ id: index.toString(),
+ dbname: { text: value.dbname },
+ host: { text: value.host },
+ user: { text: value.user },
+ password: { text: value.password },
+ port: { text: value.port },
+ backlog: { text: value.backlog ? value.backlog : '' },
+ status: { text: value.status ? value.status : '' },
+ provider_region: { text: value.provider_region || value.provider_region === 0 ? value.provider_region : '' },
+ edit: {
+ is_button: true,
+ text: __('Update'),
+ kind: 'tertiary',
+ size: 'md',
+ callback: 'editSubscription',
+ },
+ delete: {
+ is_button: true,
+ text: __('Delete'),
+ kind: 'danger',
+ size: 'md',
+ callback: 'deleteSubscription',
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ return rows;
diff --git a/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/index.jsx b/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/index.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8b206aba95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/index.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import MiqFormRenderer from '@@ddf';
+// import { Button } from 'carbon-components-react';
+// import MiqDataTable from '../miq-data-table';
+import createSchema from './settings-replication-form.schema';
+import { SubscriptionsTableComponent } from './subscriptions-table';
+import ValidateSubscription from './validate-subscription';
+import miqRedirectBack from '../../helpers/miq-redirect-back';
+import mapper from '../../forms/mappers/componentMapper';
+import { http } from '../../http_api';
+const SettingsReplicationForm = ({ pglogicalReplicationFormId }) => {
+ const [{
+ initialValues, subscriptions, form, replicationHelperText, isLoading,
+ }, setState] = useState({ isLoading: !!pglogicalReplicationFormId });
+ const submitLabel = __('Save');
+ console.log(initialValues);
+ console.log(subscriptions);
+ const componentMapper = {
+ ...mapper,
+ 'subscriptions-table': SubscriptionsTableComponent,
+ 'validate-subscription': ValidateSubscription,
+ };
+ // console.log(initialValues, form);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (pglogicalReplicationFormId) {
+ miqSparkleOn();
+ http.get(`/ops/pglogical_subscriptions_form_fields/${pglogicalReplicationFormId}`).then((response) => {
+ setState({
+ initialValues: {
+ replication_type: response.replication_type,
+ subscriptions: response.subscriptions,
+ },
+ subscriptions: response.subscriptions,
+ form: {
+ type: 'replication',
+ className: 'replication_form',
+ action: 'edit',
+ },
+ replicationHelperText: '',
+ isLoading: false,
+ });
+ });
+ miqSparkleOff();
+ }
+ }, [pglogicalReplicationFormId]);
+ const onSubmit = (values) => {
+ if (form.type === 'subscription') {
+ if (form.action === 'add') {
+ const newSubscriptions = [];
+ newSubscriptions.push({
+ dbname: values.dbname,
+ host: values.host,
+ user: values.user,
+ password: values.password,
+ port: values.port,
+ });
+ setState((state) => ({
+ ...state,
+ initialValues: {
+ replication_type: state.initialValues.replication_type,
+ subscriptions: state.initialValues.subscriptions,
+ },
+ subscriptions: subscriptions.concat(newSubscriptions),
+ form: {
+ type: 'replication',
+ className: 'replication_form',
+ action: 'edit',
+ },
+ }));
+ } else if (form.action === 'edit') {
+ let modifiedSubscriptions = [];
+ modifiedSubscriptions = modifiedSubscriptions.concat(subscriptions);
+ const editedSub = {
+ dbname: values.dbname,
+ host: values.host,
+ password: values.password,
+ port: values.port,
+ user: values.user,
+ };
+ modifiedSubscriptions[initialValues.subId] = editedSub;
+ setState((state) => ({
+ ...state,
+ initialValues: {
+ replication_type: state.initialValues.replication_type,
+ subscriptions: state.initialValues.subscriptions,
+ },
+ subscriptions: modifiedSubscriptions,
+ form: {
+ type: 'replication',
+ className: 'replication_form',
+ action: 'edit',
+ },
+ }));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Redirect to Settings -> Tasks
+ /* http.post(`/ops/pglogical_save_subscriptions/${pglogicalReplicationFormId}?button=${'save'}`, submitData, { skipErrors: [400] }).then(() => {
+ const message = __('Order Request was Submitted');
+ miqRedirectBack(message, 'success', '/miq_request/show_list?typ=service/');
+ }).catch((err) => {
+ console.log(err);
+ }); */
+ }
+ };
+ /* const onReset = () => {
+ setEnforced(() => ({ ...initialValues.enforced }));
+ setValues(() => ({ ...initialValues.values }));
+ setDisabled(true);
+ setChanged(true);
+ setInvalid(() => ({ ...initialValues.invalid }));
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign
+ Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.quota-table-input')).forEach((input, index) => input.value = initialValues.values[index]);
+ add_flash(__('All changes have been reset'), 'warn');
+ }; */
+ const onCancel = () => {
+ if (form.type === 'subscription') {
+ setState((state) => ({
+ ...state,
+ form: {
+ type: 'replication',
+ className: 'replication_form',
+ action: 'edit',
+ },
+ }));
+ } else {
+ const message = __('Dialog Cancelled');
+ miqRedirectBack(message, 'warning', '/ops/explorer');
+ }
+ };
+ return !isLoading && (
+ );
+ /* if (form.type === 'subscription') {
+ } else {
+ return !isLoading && (
+ onCellClick(selectedRow, cellType, formOptions)}
+ />
+ );
+ } */
+SettingsReplicationForm.propTypes = {
+ pglogicalReplicationFormId: PropTypes.string,
+SettingsReplicationForm.defaultProps = {
+ pglogicalReplicationFormId: undefined,
+export default SettingsReplicationForm;
diff --git a/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/settings-replication-form.schema.js b/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/settings-replication-form.schema.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e2cc5deacac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/settings-replication-form.schema.js
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+import { componentTypes, validatorTypes } from '@@ddf';
+import { createRows } from './helper';
+const createSchema = (initialValues, subscriptions, form, replicationHelperText, setState) => {
+ const deleteSubscription = (selectedRow, cellType, formOptions) => {
+ subscriptions.splice(selectedRow.id, 1);
+ setState((state) => ({
+ ...state,
+ subscriptions,
+ }));
+ console.log(formOptions.getFieldState('subscriptions-table'));
+ console.log(formOptions.getRegisteredFields());
+ console.log(formOptions.getState());
+ console.log(formOptions.schema);
+ };
+ const editSubscription = (selectedRow) => {
+ setState((state) => ({
+ ...state,
+ initialValues: {
+ ...state.initialValues,
+ dbname: selectedRow.cells[0].value,
+ host: selectedRow.cells[1].value,
+ user: selectedRow.cells[2].value,
+ password: selectedRow.cells[3].value,
+ port: selectedRow.cells[4].value,
+ subId: selectedRow.id,
+ },
+ form: {
+ type: 'subscription',
+ className: 'subscription-form',
+ action: 'edit',
+ },
+ }));
+ };
+ const replicationFields = ({
+ fields: [
+ {
+ component: componentTypes.SELECT,
+ id: 'replication_type',
+ name: 'replication_type',
+ label: __('Type'),
+ helperText: replicationHelperText,
+ onChange: (value) => {
+ let helperText;
+ if (initialValues.replication_type === 'none' && value === 'none') {
+ helperText = __('No replication role has been set');
+ } else if (initialValues.replication_type === 'remote' && value === 'none') {
+ helperText = __('Replication will be disabled for this region');
+ } else if (initialValues.replication_type === 'global' && value === 'none') {
+ helperText = __('All current subscriptions will be removed');
+ } else if (initialValues.replication_type === 'global' && value === 'remote') {
+ helperText = __('Changing to remote replication role will remove all current subscriptions');
+ }
+ setState((state) => ({
+ ...state,
+ replicationHelperText: helperText,
+ }));
+ },
+ options: [
+ {
+ label: `<${_('None')}>`,
+ value: 'none',
+ },
+ {
+ label: `Global`,
+ value: 'global',
+ },
+ {
+ label: `Remote`,
+ value: 'remote',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ component: componentTypes.SUB_FORM,
+ name: 'subscriptions_section',
+ id: 'subscriptions_section',
+ condition: {
+ when: 'replication_type',
+ is: 'global',
+ },
+ fields: [{
+ component: 'subscriptions-table',
+ name: 'subscriptions-table',
+ id: 'subscriptions-table',
+ rows: createRows(subscriptions),
+ onCellClick: (selectedRow, cellType, formOptions) => {
+ switch (selectedRow.callbackAction) {
+ case 'editSubscription':
+ editSubscription(selectedRow);
+ break;
+ case 'deleteSubscription':
+ deleteSubscription(selectedRow, cellType, formOptions);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ addButtonLabel: __('Add Subscription'),
+ onButtonClick: (formOptions) => {
+ console.log(formOptions.getRegisteredFields());
+ console.log(formOptions.getState());
+ console.log(formOptions.schema);
+ setState((state) => ({
+ ...state,
+ initialValues: {
+ replication_type: state.initialValues.replication_type,
+ subscriptions: state.initialValues.subscriptions,
+ },
+ form: {
+ type: 'subscription',
+ className: 'subscription-form',
+ action: 'add',
+ },
+ }));
+ console.log(formOptions.getRegisteredFields());
+ console.log(formOptions.getState());
+ console.log(formOptions.schema);
+ },
+ }],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ const subscriptionFields = ({
+ fields: [
+ {
+ component: 'validate-subscription',
+ name: 'validate-sub',
+ id: 'validate-sub',
+ isRequired: true,
+ validate: [{ type: validatorTypes.REQUIRED }],
+ skipSubmit: true,
+ fields: [
+ {
+ component: componentTypes.TEXT_FIELD,
+ name: 'dbname',
+ id: 'dbname',
+ label: __('Database'),
+ isRequired: true,
+ validate: [{ type: validatorTypes.REQUIRED }],
+ },
+ {
+ component: componentTypes.TEXT_FIELD,
+ name: 'host',
+ id: 'host',
+ label: __('Host'),
+ isRequired: true,
+ validate: [{ type: validatorTypes.REQUIRED }],
+ },
+ {
+ component: componentTypes.TEXT_FIELD,
+ name: 'user',
+ id: 'user',
+ label: __('Username'),
+ isRequired: true,
+ validate: [{ type: validatorTypes.REQUIRED }],
+ },
+ {
+ component: componentTypes.TEXT_FIELD,
+ name: 'password',
+ id: 'password',
+ label: __('Password'),
+ type: 'password',
+ isReadOnly: form.action === 'edit',
+ isRequired: true,
+ validate: [{ type: validatorTypes.REQUIRED }],
+ },
+ {
+ component: componentTypes.TEXT_FIELD,
+ name: 'port',
+ id: 'port',
+ label: __('Port'),
+ isRequired: true,
+ validate: [{ type: validatorTypes.REQUIRED }],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ return form.type === 'subscription' ? subscriptionFields : replicationFields;
+export default createSchema;
diff --git a/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/subscriptions-table.jsx b/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/subscriptions-table.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..17d8bff9cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/subscriptions-table.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { useFieldApi, useFormApi } from '@@ddf';
+import { Button } from 'carbon-components-react';
+import MiqDataTable from '../miq-data-table';
+export const SubscriptionsTableComponent = (props) => {
+ const {
+ rows, onCellClick, addButtonLabel, onButtonClick,
+ } = useFieldApi(props);
+ const formOptions = useFormApi();
+ return (
+ onCellClick(selectedRow, cellType, formOptions)}
+ />
+ );
diff --git a/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/validate-subscription.jsx b/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/validate-subscription.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..62f4dc17c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/javascript/components/settings-replication-form/validate-subscription.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { pick } from 'lodash';
+import AsyncCredentials from '../async-credentials/async-credentials';
+const ValidateSubscription = ({ ...props }) => {
+ const asyncValidate = (fields, fieldNames) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const resource = pick(fields, fieldNames);
+ resolve();
+ /* API.post('/api/ops/', { action: 'validate', resource }).then((response) => {
+ console.log(response);
+ }).catch(({ message }) => { console.log(message); return reject([__('Validation failed:'), message].join(' ')); }); */
+ });
+ return ;
+ValidateSubscription.propTypes = {
+ ...AsyncCredentials.propTypes,
+ asyncValidate: PropTypes.func,
+ validation: PropTypes.bool,
+ValidateSubscription.defaultProps = {
+ validation: true,
+ ...AsyncCredentials.defaultProps,
+export default ValidateSubscription;
diff --git a/app/javascript/oldjs/controllers/ops/pglogical_replication_form_controller.js b/app/javascript/oldjs/controllers/ops/pglogical_replication_form_controller.js
index f3fc8963637..ac04240a621 100644
--- a/app/javascript/oldjs/controllers/ops/pglogical_replication_form_controller.js
+++ b/app/javascript/oldjs/controllers/ops/pglogical_replication_form_controller.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http', '$scope', 'pglogicalReplicationFormId', 'miqService', '$q', '$timeout', function($http, $scope, pglogicalReplicationFormId, miqService, $q, $timeout) {
- var init = function() {
+ const init = function() {
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel = {
replication_type: 'none',
subscriptions: [],
@@ -8,30 +8,30 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
$scope.formId = pglogicalReplicationFormId;
$scope.afterGet = false;
- $scope.modelCopy = angular.copy( $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel );
+ $scope.modelCopy = angular.copy($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel);
ManageIQ.angular.scope = $scope;
$scope.model = 'pglogicalReplicationModel';
$scope.newRecord = false;
- $http.get('/ops/pglogical_subscriptions_form_fields/' + pglogicalReplicationFormId)
+ $http.get(`/ops/pglogical_subscriptions_form_fields/${pglogicalReplicationFormId}`)
- var pglogicalManageSubscriptionsButtonClicked = function(buttonName, serializeFields) {
+ const pglogicalManageSubscriptionsButtonClicked = function(buttonName, serializeFields) {
- var url = '/ops/pglogical_save_subscriptions/' + pglogicalReplicationFormId + '?button=' + buttonName;
- return $q.when(miqJqueryRequest(url, {data: serializeFields, complete: true}))
- .then(function() {
- $scope.modelCopy = angular.copy( $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel );
+ const url = `/ops/pglogical_save_subscriptions/${pglogicalReplicationFormId}?button=${buttonName}`;
+ return $q.when(miqJqueryRequest(url, { data: serializeFields, complete: true }))
+ .then(() => {
+ $scope.modelCopy = angular.copy($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel);
$scope.resetClicked = function() {
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel = angular.copy( $scope.modelCopy );
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel = angular.copy($scope.modelCopy);
miqService.miqFlash('warn', __('All changes have been reset'));
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
$scope.saveClicked = function() {
// remove existing subscriptions that have not changed before sending them up for save
- var modified_subscriptions = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.filter(function(subscription, index) {
- if (! subscription.id) { // new
+ const modified_subscriptions = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.filter((subscription, index) => {
+ if (!subscription.id) { // new
return true;
@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
return false;
pglogicalManageSubscriptionsButtonClicked('save', {
- 'replication_type': $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type,
- 'subscriptions': modified_subscriptions,
+ replication_type: $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type,
+ subscriptions: modified_subscriptions,
// check if subscription values have been changed
var subscriptionChanged = function(new_subscription, original_subscription) {
- if (new_subscription.dbname === original_subscription.dbname &&
- new_subscription.host === original_subscription.host &&
- new_subscription.user === original_subscription.user &&
- new_subscription.password === original_subscription.password &&
- new_subscription.port === original_subscription.port) {
+ if (new_subscription.dbname === original_subscription.dbname
+ && new_subscription.host === original_subscription.host
+ && new_subscription.user === original_subscription.user
+ && new_subscription.password === original_subscription.password
+ && new_subscription.port === original_subscription.port) {
return false;
return true;
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
// replication type changed, show appropriate flash message
$scope.replicationTypeChanged = function() {
- var original_value = $scope.modelCopy.replication_type;
- var new_value = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type;
+ const original_value = $scope.modelCopy.replication_type;
+ const new_value = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type;
if (original_value === 'none' && new_value === 'none') {
miqService.miqFlash('warn', __('No replication role has been set'));
} else if (original_value === 'remote' && new_value === 'none') {
@@ -99,33 +99,33 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
// add new subscription button pressed
$scope.enableSubscriptionAdd = function() {
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.updateEnabled = false;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.addEnabled = true;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname = 'vmdb_production';
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host = '';
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user = '';
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password = '';
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port = '5432';
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.addEnabled = true;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname = 'vmdb_production';
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host = '';
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user = '';
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password = '';
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port = '5432';
// update existing subscription button pressed
$scope.enableSubscriptionUpdate = function(idx) {
- var subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
+ const subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
if (subscription.newRecord === true) {
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.s_index = idx;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.s_index = idx;
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.updateEnabled = true;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname = subscription.dbname;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host = subscription.host;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user = subscription.user;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password = subscription.password;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port = subscription.port;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname = subscription.dbname;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host = subscription.host;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user = subscription.user;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password = subscription.password;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port = subscription.port;
} else if (confirm(__('An updated subscription must point to the same database with which it was originally created. Failure to do so will result in undefined behavior. Do you want to continue?'))) {
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.s_index = idx;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.s_index = idx;
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.updateEnabled = true;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname = subscription.dbname;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host = subscription.host;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user = subscription.user;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password = miqService.storedPasswordPlaceholder;
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port = subscription.port;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname = subscription.dbname;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host = subscription.host;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user = subscription.user;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password = miqService.storedPasswordPlaceholder;
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port = subscription.port;
@@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
newRecord: true,
} else {
- var subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
- subscription.dbname = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname;
- subscription.host = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host;
- subscription.user = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user;
- subscription.port = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port;
+ const subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
+ subscription.dbname = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname;
+ subscription.host = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host;
+ subscription.user = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user;
+ subscription.port = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port;
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.addEnabled = false;
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.updateEnabled = false;
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
// delete an existing subscription
$scope.removeSubscription = function(idx) {
- var subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
+ const subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
if (subscription.newRecord === true) {
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.splice(idx, 1);
if (angular.equals($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions, $scope.modelCopy.subscriptions)) {
@@ -172,36 +172,36 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
// discard new subscription add
$scope.discardSubscription = function(idx) {
if (typeof idx === 'undefined') {
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname = '';
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host = '';
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user = '';
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password = '';
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port = '';
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname = '';
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host = '';
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user = '';
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password = '';
+ $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port = '';
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.addEnabled = false;
} else {
- var subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
- var original_values = subscription;
+ const subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
+ let original_values = subscription;
if ($scope.modelCopy.subscriptions[idx]) {
original_values = $scope.modelCopy.subscriptions[idx];
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.updateEnabled = false;
- subscription.dbname = original_values.dbname;
- subscription.host = original_values.host;
- subscription.user = original_values.user;
+ subscription.dbname = original_values.dbname;
+ subscription.host = original_values.host;
+ subscription.user = original_values.user;
subscription.password = original_values.password;
- subscription.port = original_values.port;
+ subscription.port = original_values.port;
// validate subscription, all required fields should have data
$scope.subscriptionValid = function() {
- if (typeof $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname !== 'undefined' && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname !== '' &&
- typeof $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host !== 'undefined' && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host !== '' &&
- typeof $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user !== 'undefined' && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user !== '' &&
- typeof $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password !== 'undefined' && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password !== ''
+ if (typeof $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname !== 'undefined' && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname !== ''
+ && typeof $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host !== 'undefined' && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host !== ''
+ && typeof $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user !== 'undefined' && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user !== ''
+ && typeof $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password !== 'undefined' && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password !== ''
) {
return true;
@@ -209,19 +209,19 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
$scope.saveEnabled = function(form) {
- var saveable = false;
+ let saveable = false;
if ($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type !== 'remote') {
saveable = form.$dirty && form.$valid && !$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.addEnabled && !$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.updateEnabled;
// also need to enable save button when an existing subscriptions was deleted
- var subscriptions_changed = angular.equals($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions, $scope.modelCopy.subscriptions);
+ const subscriptions_changed = angular.equals($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions, $scope.modelCopy.subscriptions);
- if ((saveable || !subscriptions_changed) &&
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type === 'global' &&
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.length >= 1) {
+ if ((saveable || !subscriptions_changed)
+ && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type === 'global'
+ && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.length >= 1) {
return true;
- } else if (saveable &&
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type !== 'global' &&
- $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.length === 0) {
+ } if (saveable
+ && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type !== 'global'
+ && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.length === 0) {
return true;
@@ -240,30 +240,30 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
// validate new/existing subscription
$scope.validateSubscription = function(idx) {
- var data = {};
+ const data = {};
if (typeof idx === 'undefined') {
data.dbname = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname;
- data.host = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host;
+ data.host = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host;
data.user = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user;
data.password = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password;
- data.port = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port;
+ data.port = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port;
} else {
- var subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
+ const subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
data.dbname = subscription.dbname;
- data.host = subscription.host;
+ data.host = subscription.host;
data.user = subscription.user;
data.password = subscription.password;
- data.port = subscription.port;
+ data.port = subscription.port;
data.id = subscription.id;
- var url = '/ops/pglogical_validate_subscription';
+ const url = '/ops/pglogical_validate_subscription';
miqService.miqAjaxButton(url, data);
// cancel delete button should be displayed only if existing saved subscriptions were deleted
$scope.showCancelDelete = function(idx) {
- var subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
+ const subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
// only show subscriptions in red if they were saved subscriptions and deleted in current edit session
if (subscription.remove === true) {
return true;
@@ -273,21 +273,21 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
// put back subscription that was deleted into new subscriptions array
$scope.cancelDelete = function(idx) {
- var subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
+ const subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
delete subscription.remove;
$scope.showChanged = function(idx, fieldName) {
- var original_values = $scope.modelCopy.subscriptions[idx];
- var subscription;
+ const original_values = $scope.modelCopy.subscriptions[idx];
+ let subscription;
// if updating a record use form fields to compare
if ($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.updateEnabled) {
subscription = {};
- subscription.dbname = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname;
- subscription.host = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host;
- subscription.user = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user;
+ subscription.dbname = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.dbname;
+ subscription.host = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.host;
+ subscription.user = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.user;
subscription.password = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.password;
- subscription.port = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port;
+ subscription.port = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.port;
} else {
subscription = $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[idx];
@@ -299,17 +299,16 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
$scope.subscriptionInValidMessage = function() {
- if ($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type === 'global' &&
- ($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.length === 0 ||
- ($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.length === 1 && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[0].remove === true))) {
+ if ($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type === 'global'
+ && ($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.length === 0
+ || ($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions.length === 1 && $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions[0].remove === true))) {
return true;
return false;
function getPgLogicalFormData(response) {
- var data = response.data;
+ const { data } = response;
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.replication_type = data.replication_type;
$scope.pglogicalReplicationModel.subscriptions = angular.copy(data.subscriptions);
@@ -319,10 +318,10 @@ ManageIQ.angular.app.controller('pglogicalReplicationFormController', ['$http',
$scope.afterGet = true;
- $scope.modelCopy = angular.copy( $scope.pglogicalReplicationModel );
+ $scope.modelCopy = angular.copy($scope.pglogicalReplicationModel);
- $timeout(function() {
+ $timeout(() => {
$scope.codeMirrorRefresh = true;
diff --git a/app/javascript/packs/component-definitions-common.js b/app/javascript/packs/component-definitions-common.js
index e216038dca7..c98268c4e17 100644
--- a/app/javascript/packs/component-definitions-common.js
+++ b/app/javascript/packs/component-definitions-common.js
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ import SettingsCompanyCategories from '../components/settings-company-categories
import SettingsCompanyTags from '../components/settings-company-tags';
import SettingsCompanyTagsEntryForm from '../components/settings-company-tags-entry-form';
import SettingsLabelTagMapping from '../components/settings-label-tag-mapping';
+import SettingsReplicationForm from '../components/settings-replication-form';
import SettingsTasksForm from '../components/settings-tasks-form';
import SettingsTimeProfileForm from '../components/settings-time-profile-form';
import SettingsZone from '../components/settings-zone';
@@ -300,6 +301,7 @@ ManageIQ.component.addReact('SettingsCompanyCategories', SettingsCompanyCategori
ManageIQ.component.addReact('SettingsCompanyTags', SettingsCompanyTags);
ManageIQ.component.addReact('SettingsCompanyTagsEntryForm', SettingsCompanyTagsEntryForm);
ManageIQ.component.addReact('SettingsLabelTagMapping', SettingsLabelTagMapping);
+ManageIQ.component.addReact('SettingsReplicationForm', SettingsReplicationForm);
ManageIQ.component.addReact('SettingsTasksForm', SettingsTasksForm);
ManageIQ.component.addReact('SettingsTimeProfileForm', SettingsTimeProfileForm);
ManageIQ.component.addReact('SettingsZone', SettingsZone);
diff --git a/app/stylesheet/miq-data-table.scss b/app/stylesheet/miq-data-table.scss
index 7a5c18d3573..b4f5309ac95 100644
--- a/app/stylesheet/miq-data-table.scss
+++ b/app/stylesheet/miq-data-table.scss
@@ -295,6 +295,12 @@ table.miq_preview {
+.subscriptions-table {
+ .subscription-add {
+ margin-bottom: 16px;
+ }
.header-button {
width: 100px !important;
diff --git a/app/views/ops/_settings_replication_tab.html.haml b/app/views/ops/_settings_replication_tab.html.haml
index d96bafa7d05..867dcbbbd44 100644
--- a/app/views/ops/_settings_replication_tab.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/ops/_settings_replication_tab.html.haml
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
- if @sb[:active_tab] == "settings_replication"
+ #tab_div
+ = react('SettingsReplicationForm', :pglogicalReplicationFormId => 'new')
- @angular_form = true
%form.form-horizontal#form_div{"name" => "angularForm",