A container is a holder object that stores a collection of other objects (its elements). They are implemented as class templates, which allows great flexibility in the types supported as elements.
Sequence Containers:
implement data structures that can be accessed in a sequential manner.- vector
- list
- deque
- arrays
- forward_list( Introduced in C++11)
- list (Doubly-linked list)
Container Adaptors:
provide a different interface for sequential containers.- queue
- priority_queue
- stack
Associative Containers:
implement sorted data structures that can be quickly searched (O(log n) complexity).- set
- multiset
- map
- multimap
Unordered Associative Containers:
implement unordered data structures that can be quickly searched- unordered_set (Introduced in C++11)
- unordered_multiset (Introduced in C++11)
- unordered_map (Introduced in C++11)
- unordered_multimap (Introduced in C++11)
The STL includes classes that overload the function call operator. Instances of such classes are called function objects or functors. Functors allow the working of the associated function to be customized with the help of parameters to be passed.
As the name suggests, iterators are used for working on a sequence of values. They are the major feature that allows generality in STL.