Releases: MODFLOW-ORG/modflow-devtools
Releases · MODFLOW-ORG/modflow-devtools
MODFLOW developer tools 0.0.7
- refactor(executables): Simplify exes container, allow dict access (#24). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-12-28.
- refactor: Drop Python 3.7, add Python 3.11 (#25). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-12-28.
MODFLOW developer tools 0.0.6
New features
- feat(build): Restore meson_build function (#15). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-11-14.
Bug fixes
- fix: Changes to support running of existing tests (#6). Committed by mjreno on 2022-07-20.
- fix(ci): Don't build/test examples on python 3.7 (xmipy requires 3.8+) (#10). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-11-08.
- fix(tests): Mark test_download_and_unzip flaky (#11). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-11-08.
- fix(fixtures): Fix model-loading fixtures and utilities (#12). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-11-11.
- fix(misc): Fix multiple issues (#16). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-11-19.
- fix(auth): Fix GH API auth token in download_and_unzip (#17). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-11-19.
- fix(download): Use 'wb' instead of 'ab' mode when writing downloaded files, add retries (#20). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-12-01.
- refactor: Updates to support modflow6 autotest and remove data path. Committed by mjreno on 2022-08-05.
- refactor: Updates to support modflow6 autotest and remove data path. Committed by mjreno on 2022-08-05.
- refactor(ci): Create release and publish to PyPI when tags pushed (#14). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-11-14.
- refactor(misc): Refactor gh api & other http utilities (#18). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-11-26.
- refactor: Remove mf6 file parsing fns (moved to flopy) (#19). Committed by w-bonelli on 2022-11-28.