- Java 1.8
- Apache Tomcat 8 or higher
- Mysql Server
- MySql database
- Nexus.war
Make sure you have a version of Java installed on your machine at least 1.8.
For more information: https://www.java.com/
The file config.properties
holds the details about the personal database instance to use:
URL, login and password
with the format:
db.host = <IPserver>/<nomedb>
db.login = <login_accesso_db>
db.password = <password_accesso_db>
Expand WAR project file and edit the file: webapps/CARTELLA_PROGETTO/WEB-INF/config.properties
Once the file has been saved You need to restart the Tomcat server and the application will point to the custom database. A "Connessione Ok" message will appear in the log file of Tomcat in case of success.
Download the Apache Tomcat “Binary Distributions”
For more information on download: https://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi
For more information on the content of the different distributions: https://downloads.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.60/README.html
Once you have selected the most suitable version for your operating system, start the installation wizard.
Once installation is complete, a "webapps" folder will be available in the path you have chosen. Inside the folder you will need to store the Magic.war file. Once the server has restarted, the project will be available at the following address:
This folder contains all the .class and.java files useful for authentication operations and data exchange in the Multiplayer version
Library used .jar
Root of the project
Game page for SP1 and SP2 versions
Game page for Multiplayer version
Path of the main .js files useful for the exchange part, in the SP1 and SP2 versions, and for the visualization of the same
Javascript file containing control functions for SP1 and SP2 versions
Path of the main .js files useful for displaying data in Multiplayer
Javascript file containing control functions for the Multiplayer version