RPC-Rest samples for Apache Dubbo (incubating)
Git clone and Package this demo project:
git clone https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-samples
cd dubbo-samples/dubbo-samples-rest
mvn package
We will find target/dubbo-samples-rest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- Then we modify tomcat server port to 8888,
- and rename dubbo-samples-rest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war to ROOT.war,
- and put ROOT.war into tomcat webapps directory,
- download and start a zookeeper server,
- run bin/startup.sh or bin/startup.bat to start tomcat.
- Access http://localhost:8888/swagger/ to see Rest APIs.
- We can try to invoke rest web service here.
We can use two steps to export Rest Service in Dubbo: Step 1: Add dependency to the pom file in our project:
Step 2: Export Rest Service in our provider spring config file:
<dubbo:protocol name="rest" port="8888" threads="500" contextpath="services" server="tomcat" accepts="500" />
Then we can use the REST web service.
We can use two step to integration with Swagger UI in your webapps:
Step 1: copy dubbo-samples-rest\src\main\webapp\swagger to your webapps ROOT Directory.
Step 2: copy these config to your spring config file:
<!-- SwaggerUI -->
<bean id="swaggerService" class="com.alibaba.dubbo.integration.swagger.DubboSwaggerApiListingResource" />
<bean id="beanConfig" class="io.swagger.jaxrs.config.BeanConfig">
<property name="schemes" value="http" />
<property name="resourcePackage" value="com.alibaba.dubbo.samples.rest.api"/>
<property name="version" value="2.0"/>
<property name="host" value="localhost:8888"/>
<property name="basePath" value="/services/"/>
<property name="title" value="title"/>
<property name="description" value="desc"/>
<property name="contact" value="abc"/>
<property name="license" value="Apache 2.0"/>
<property name="licenseUrl" value="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html"/>
<property name="scan" value="true" />
<dubbo:service interface="com.alibaba.dubbo.integration.swagger.DubboSwaggerService" ref="swaggerService" protocol="rest" />
Any question could be discuss in Issue Board.