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A Pythonic, Extensible and Minimal Implemention of Faster RCNN Without Harming Performance


This project is a Simplified Faster RCNN implementation based on chainercv and other projects . It aims to:

  • Simplify the code (Simple is better than complex)
  • Make the code more straight forward (Flat is better than nested)
  • Match the performance reported in origin paper (Speed Counts and mAP Matters)


  • mAP

VGG16 train on trainval and test on test split.

Note: the training shows great randomness, you may need to train more epoch to reach the highest mAP. However, it should be easy to reach the lowerboud.

Implementation mAP
origin paper 0.699
using caffe pretrained model (enable with--caffe-pretrain) 0.702-0.712
using torchvision pretrained model 0.693-0.701
model converted from chainercv (reported 0.706) 0.7053
  • Speed
Implementation GPU Inference Trainining
origin paper K40 5 fps NA
This TITAN Xp 12 fps^*^ 5-6 fps
pytorch-faster-rcnn TITAN Xp NA 5-6fps^**^

* include reading images from disk, preprocessing, etc. see eval in for more detail.

** it depends on the environment.

**NOTE ** you should make sure you install cupy correctly to reach the benchmark.

Install denpendencies

  • install PyTorch >=0.3 with GPU (code are gpu-only), refer to official website

  • install cupy, you can install via pip install but it's better to read the docs and make sure the environ is correctly set

  • install other dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • build nms_gpu_post: cd model/utils/nms/; python3 build_ext --inplace

  • start vidom for visualize

nohup python3 -m visdom.server &

If you're in China and have encounter problem with visdom (i.e. timeout, blank screen), you may refer to visdom issue, and a temporay solution provided by me


Download pretrained model from google drive.

See demo.ipynb for more detail.



Pascal VOC2007

  1. Download the training, validation, test data and VOCdevkit

  2. Extract all of these tars into one directory named VOCdevkit

    tar xvf VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar
    tar xvf VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
    tar xvf VOCdevkit_08-Jun-2007.tar
  3. It should have this basic structure

    $VOCdevkit/                           # development kit
    $VOCdevkit/VOCcode/                   # VOC utility code
    $VOCdevkit/VOC2007                    # image sets, annotations, etc.
    # ... and several other directories ...
  4. specifiy the voc_data_dir in, or pass it to program using argument like --voc-data-dir=/path/to/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/ .



preprare caffe-pretrained vgg16

If you want to use caffe-pretrain model as initial weight, you can run below to get vgg16 weights converte from caffe, which is the same as the origin paper use.

python misc/

Then you should speicified where caffe-pretraind model vgg16_caffe.pth stored in by setting caffe_pretrain_path

If you want to use torchvision pretrained model, you may skip this step.

NOTE that, caffe pretrained model has showed slight better performance.

begin traininig

make checkpoints/ # make dir for storing snapshots
python3 train --env='fasterrcnn-caffe' --plot-every=100 --caffe-pretrain	

you may refer to for more argument.

Some Key arguments:

  • --caffe-pretrain=True: use caffe pretrain model or use torchvision pretrained model (Default: torchvison)
  • --plot-every=n: visulize predict, loss etc every n batches.
  • --env: visdom env for visulization
  • --voc_data_dir: where the VOC data stored
  • --use-drop: use dropout in roi head, default without dropout
  • --use-adam: use adam instead of SGD, default SGD. (You need set a very low lr for Adam)
  • --load-path: pretrained model path, default None, if it's specified, the pretrained model would be loaded.


TODO: make it clear

  • visdom
  • dataloader/ulimit
  • cupy
  • vgg


  • [] training on coco
  • [] resnet
  • [] replace cupy with THTensor+cffi?


This work builds on many excellent works, which include:


MIT, see the LICENSE for more detail.