layout | root | title |
lesson |
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Data Types and Formats |
The format of individual columns and rows will impact analysis performed on a dataset read into python. For example, you can't perform mathematical calculations on a string (character formatted data). This might seem obvious, however sometimes numeric values are read into python as strings. In this situation, when you then try to perform calculations on the string-formatted numeric data, you get an error.
In this lesson we will review ways to explore and better understand the structure and format of our data.
- Learn about character and numeric data types.
- Learn how to explore the structure of your data.
- Understand NaN values and different ways to deal with them.
How information is stored in a DataFrame or a python object affects what we can do with it and the outputs of calculations as well. There are two main types of data that we're explore in this lesson: numeric and character types.
Numeric data types include integers and floats. A floating point (known as a float) number has decimal points even if that decimal point value is 0. For example: 1.13, 2.0 1234.345. If we have a column that contains both integers and floating point numbers, Pandas will assign the entire column to the float data type so the decimal points are not lost.
An integer will never have a decimal point. Thus 1.13 would be stored as 1.
1234.345 is stored as 1234. You will often see the data type Int64
in python
which stands for 64 bit integer. The 64 simply refers to the memory allocated to
store data in each cell which effectively relates to how many digits in can
store in each "cell". Allocating space ahead of time allows computers to
optimize storage and processing efficiency.
Strings, known as Objects in Pandas, are values that contain numbers and / or characters. For example, a string might be a word, a sentence, or several sentences. A Pandas object might also be a plot name like 'plot1'. A string can also contain or consist of numbers. For instance, '1234' could be stored as a string. As could '10.23'. However strings that contain numbers can not be used for mathematical operations!
Pandas and base Python use slightly different names for data types. More on this is in the table below:
Pandas Type | Native Python Type | Description |
object | string | The most general dtype. Will be assigned to your column if column has mixed types (numbers and strings). |
int64 | int | Numeric characters. 64 refers to the memory allocated to hold this character. |
float64 | float | Numeric characters with decimals. If a column contains numbers and NaNs(see below), pandas will default to float64, in case your missing value has a decimal. |
datetime64, timedelta[ns] | N/A (but see the datetime module in Python's standard library) | Values meant to hold time data. Look into these for time series experiments. |
Now that we're armed with a basic understanding of numeric and character data
types, let's explore the format of our survey data. We'll be working with the
same surveys.csv
dataset that we've used in previous lessons.
# note that pd.read_csv is used because we imported pandas as pd
surveys_df = pd.read_csv("surveys.csv")
Remember that we can check the type of an object like this:
OUTPUT: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Next, let's look at the structure of our surveys data. In pandas, we can check
the type of one column in a DataFrame using the syntax
OUTPUT: dtype('O')
A type 'O' just stands for "object" which in Pandas' world is a string (characters).
OUTPUT: dtype('int64')
The type int64
tells us that python is storing each value within this column
as a 64 bit integer. We can use the dat.dtypes
command to view the data type
for each column in a DataFrame (all at once).
which returns:
record_id int64
month int64
day int64
year int64
plot int64
species object
sex object
wgt float64
dtype: object
Note that most of the columns in our Survey data are of type int64
. This means
that they are 64 bit integers. But the wgt column is a floating point value
which means it contains decimals. The species and sex columns are objects which
means they contain strings.
So we've learned that computers store numbers in one of two ways: as integers or as floating-point numbers (or floats). Integers are the numbers we usually count with. Floats have fractional parts (decimal places). Let's next consider how the data type can impact mathematical operations on our data. Addition, subtraction and multiplication work on floats and integers as we'd expect. However, division works differently.
print 5+5
print 24-4
If we divide one integer by another, we get the quotient without the remainder. In the example below, 9 goes into 5 as an integer 0 times.
print 5/9
# 3 goes into 10, 3 times
print 10/3
If either part of the division is a float, on the other hand, python returns a floating-point result:
print '10.0/3 is:', 10.0/3
10.0/3 is: 3.33333333333
Python does this for historical reasons: integer operations were much faster on early computers, and this behavior is actually useful in a lot of situations. It's still confusing though, so Python 3 produces a floating-point answer when dividing integers if it needs to. We're still using Python 2.7 in this class though, so if we want 5/9 to give us the right answer, we have to write it as 5.0/9, 5/9.0, or some other variation.
Another way to create a floating-point answer is to explicitly tell the computer that you desire one. This is achieved by casting one of the numbers as a float:
print 'float(10)/3 is:', float(10)/3
We can also convert a floating point number to an integer. Notice that Python by default rounds down when it converts from floating point to integer.
a = 7.33
# convert a to integer
b = 7.89
Getting back to our data, we can modify the format of values within our data, if
we want. For instance, we could convert the record_id
field to floating point
# convert the record_id field from an integer to a float
surveys_df['record_id'] = surveys_df['record_id'].astype('float64')
OUTPUT: dtype('float64')
What happens if we try to convert weight values to integers?
Notice that this throws a value error: ValueError: Cannot convert NA to integer
. If we look at the wgt
column in the surveys data we notice that
there are NaN (Not a Number) values. NaN values are undefined
values that cannot be represented mathematically. Pandas, for example, will read
an empty cell in a CSV or Excel sheet as a NaN. NaNs have some desirable
properties: if we were to average the wgt
column without replacing our NaNs,
Python would know to skip over those cells.
Dealing with missing data values is always a challenge. It's sometimes hard to know why values are missing - was it because of a data entry error? Or data that someone was unable to collect? Should the value be 0? We need to know how missing values are represented in the dataset in order to make good decisions. If we're lucky, we have some metadata that will tell us more about how null values were handled.
For instance, in some disciplines, like Remote Sensing, missing data values are often defined as -9999. Having a bunch of -9999 values in your data could really alter numeric calculations. Often in spreadsheets, cells are left empty where no data are available. Python will, by default, replace those missing values with NaN. However it is good practice to get in the habit of intentionally marking cells that have no data, with a no data value! That way there are no questions in the future when you (or someone else) explores your data.
Let's explore the NaN values in our data a bit further. Using the tools we learned in lesson 02, we can figure out how many rows contain NaN values for weight. We can also create a new subset from our data that only contains rows with weight values > 0 (ie select meaningful weight values):
# how many rows have wgt values?
len(surveys_df[surveys_df.wgt> 0])
We can replace all NaN values with zeroes using the .fillna()
method (after
making a copy of the data so we don't lose our work):
df1 = surveys_df
# fill all NaN values with 0
df1['wgt'] = df1['wgt'].fillna(0)
However NaN and 0 yield different analysis results. The mean value when NaN values are replaced with 0 is different from when NaN values are simply thrown out or ignored.
We can fill NaN values with any value that we chose. The code below fills all NaN values with a mean for all wgt values.
df1['wgt'] = df['wgt'].fillna(df['wgt'].mean())
We could also chose to create a subset of our data, only keeping rows that do not contain NaN values.
The point is to make conscious decisions about how to manage missing data. This is where we think about how our data will be used and how these values will impact the scientific conclusions made from the data.
Python gives us all of the tools that we need to account for these issues. We just need to be cautious about how the decisions that we make impact scientific results.
What we've learned:
- How to explore the data types of columns within a DataFrame
- How to change the data type
- What NaN values are, how they might be represented, and what this means for your work
- How to replace NaN values, if desired