For a list of all commands (or a specific command) use:
linxr help <command>
For all listed commands, the command name should be appended right after linxr like this:
linxr <command>
To create a new project, use the init command directly in the project directory. Leave template and options empty to create a blank project. A blank project does not create any files. Only links the directory to linxr.
linxr init <template> <opts>
-g enable/disable
Use -g to enable or disable automatic git initiazation.
-d <description>
Add a description to the project
-o "project name"
Set the project name, default is the name of the project directory.
linxr init my-template -g disable -o "My Project"
See a list of all your Linxr projects. Leave the options blank to view all projects.
linxr list <opts>
Options: (no options so far)
linxr list
Create, delete or view your templates
linxr template <template-name> <action>
or to view all your saved templates
linxr template view
Create new template from current directory.
Delete specified template.
linxr template my_template new
Open one of your linxr project directories in a terminal window.
linxr jump "project name"
linxr jump "My Fantastic Project"