AzerothCodeAdmin is derived from TrinityAdmin v2.5, so you get trinityadmin's changelog too
- TrinityAdmin's changelogs start from Revision 13 to Revision 58
- AzerothCoreAdmin's changelogs start from scratch: Revision 01
- AzerothCoreAdmin Changelogs
- TrinityAdmin Changelogs
- TA-Revision 58
- TA-Revision 57
- TA-Revision 56
- TA-Revision 55
- TA-Revision 54
- TA-Revision 53
- TA-Revision 52
- TA-Revision 51
- TA-Revision 50
- TA-Revision 49
- TA-Revision 48
- TA-Revision 47
- TA-Revision 46
- TA-Revision 45
- TA-Revision 44
- TA-Revision 43
- TA-Revision 42
- TA-Revision 41
- TA-Revision 40
- TA-Revision 39
- TA-Revision 38
- TA-Revision 37
- TA-Revision 36
- TA-Revision 24
- TA-Revision 23
- TA-Revision 22
- TA-Revision 21
- TA-Revision 20
- TA-Revision 19
- TA-Revision 18
- TA-Revision 17
- TA-Revision 16
- TA-Revision 15
- TA-Revision 14
- TA-Revision 13
Release date: 08/12/2021
- ADD: Teleport command
- FIX: Missing target check on teleport
- ADD: Learn and Unlearn Command
- ADD: Preset Learn dropdown
- FIX: modify and reset dropdowns
- REMOVE: TrinityCore's commands customizations not bliz-like
- REWORK: Ported to GenericCaller() all CHAR commands
- Some cleanup
Release date: 08/10/2021
- REWORK: Speed and Scale command slider's control
- FIX: morph and demorph
- REWORK: Ported to GenericCaller() several CHAR's command
- FIX: Close button was too small for text
- Some cleanup
Release date: 02/10/2021
- ADD: No Cast Time command
- ADD: No cooldown command
- ADD: GM announce command
- FIX: UI components overlay when click on AzerothCoreAdmin icon
- Some cleanup
- Reviewed some text
Release date: 02/08/2021
- Applied AzerothCore branding
- Restyle of Adding documentation
- Restyle of Repository readme
- Restyle of Changelog section
- FIX: Morph and Demorph commands
- FIX: GPS command
- ADD: Server Platform info
- ADD: God-Mode cheat
- ADD: Bag command
- ADD: Pet Talents
- FIX: GM-tab commands
- FIX: Stats controls (AzerothCore revision, player counters)
- REMOVED: Hover-mode command
- REMOVED: PET TP command
- FIX: Adjust tabs width
- ADD: Commands that requires GM level 4 are now "red"
- ADD: GM 4 level warning
- DBC:
- UPDATE: DBC Map and Area up to v9
Release date: 10/20/2019
- FIX: Typo in GM on/off command
Release date: 10/18/2019
- FIX Diff graph LUA error (Not actually updating)
Release date: 8/23/2019
- Added Tool Tip to WHO tap
- FIXED server information tab now showing TrinityCore rev.
- Removed Locale section from CHANGELOG
- Converted CHANGELOG 4>2 spaces
Release date: 8/21/2019
- Changed version specific build to 3.3.5
- Updated TOC for version 3.3.5
- updated README to reflect 3.3.5
- Corrected flip flopped Emote buttons on the NPC Tab
- Fixed a few spelling errors
Release date: 11/13/2018
- Fixed Tele Tab function with previous commit
- Removed multiple files for non-existing tabs
- Removed excessive spacing
- Cleaned trailing whitespace
Release date: 10/19/2018
- NPC Corrections/Adjustments:
- Changed button layout/corrected alignment
Release date: 10/18/2018
- TAB Corrections/Adjustments:
- Merged CHAR2 tab into CHAR
- Removed NPC2 Tab
Release date: 10/14/2018
- TAB Corrections/Adjustments:
- Removed PvP Tab
- Removed EVENT Tab
- Removed RPG Tab
- Removed VENDOR Tab
- Removed AhBOT Tab
Release date: 10/10/2018
- Char Corrections/Adjustments:
- Merged CHAR2 tab into CHAR
- Removed CHAR2 Tab
Release date: 10/06/2018
- Char Corrections/Adjustments:
- Changed button layout/Corrected alignment
- Changed scale of 3D model view
- Changed 3D model view control buttons
- NPC Corrections/Adjustments:
- Changed button layout/Corrected alignment
- Changed scale of 3D model view
- Changed 3D model view control buttons
Release date: 10/03/2018
- Nomalized TABS to use all UPPERCASE names
- GM Corrections/Adjustments:
- Changed button layout/Corrected alignment
- Who Corrections/Adjustments:
- Changed button layout/Corrected alignment
- Char Corrections/Adjustments:
- Swap modify_textbox with level_up dropdown
- Centered Rotate and Zoom buttons over 3D view
- Char2 Corrections/Adjustments:
- Moved Parameter input & text
- LookUpButtons Frame:
- Changed button layout/Corrected alignment
- NPC2 Corrections/Adjustments:
- FIX TYPO: Removed [] from WayAdd & WayShow buttons
- FIX TYPO: Corrected enUS locals WayAdd/WayShow
- FIX Textbox width to match button width
- ADD 'Distance' discription text
Release date: 9/24/2018
- Corrected layout alignment in the Server Tab:
- FIXED Reload Scripts -> changed to .reload smart_scripts
Release date: 9/23/2018
- MOD Main Window layout:
- Moved Language dropdown closer to the change button
- Realigned lower window frames
- Changed lower right frame text alignment
- Corrected layout alignmnet the Misc Tab:
- ADD Move checkbox to Misc Tab
Release date: 1/18/2012
- Added "Reload" Linkifier button to the output of ".npc info" to reload the creature_template
Release date: 1/15/2011
- Forgot to update internal revision string, fixed
Release date: 1/15/2011
Touchups to r42 changes. Changed "Spawn on Move" to "Add on Move", then added "Move on Move" so you can "move" gobs finally (it actually deletes and recreates the gob to get around the .gob move bug)
Release date: 1/15/2011
- Major changes to GOB tab:
- ADD Model viewer to see targeted model with rotate/zoom
- ADD Move/spawn system for builders
- ADD detailed gobject info displayed when you click OBJTarget
- New file added, models.lua. Please close WoW and restart to load new file. Note: Displaying gobject models was NOT a straightforward thing. The Model widget is capable, if passed the path (in the MPQs) to the model. We get this path from the GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc file. I created the models.lua file as a crossreference between DisplayID (of a gobject) and the path (in the MPQs) where the model is... and this models.lua file is ginormous (I have 45,621 model paths in this file). As a result, TrinityAdmin now takes up a tad over 8Mb of RAM. If this is unacceptable for you, open models.lua and delete all but the first line. You might get an occaisional error, but you can ignore them. Credits: I swiped most of the Spawn/Move code and some of the gobject model view code from an addon called Glitchy's Object Playground. Glitchy wrote OP for ArcEmu, and released it on MMOwned a long time ago. I updated and converted pieces of his code to make this work. Props to Glitchy. Note2: The Gob info boxes can become messy due to a race condition. Since WoW LUA has no Sleep() function, I cannot prevent this. Click the Obj Target button to reset the info boxes.
Release date: 1/10/2011
- ADD new NPC2 tab - Please close WoW and restart to load new files!!!
- Moved all NPC Waypoint/movement related buttons to NPC2
- Fixed MvRandom, NPCStay, NPCStayDEl, and MvWaypt buttons
- ADD .reset all spells, all talents, and achievements to Reset subroutine
- ADD .combatstop, .maxskill, .freeze, .unfreeze, .listfreeze, .possess, .unpossess to CHAR tab
- ADD .possess and .unpossess to NPC tab
- ADD .recall and .repairitems to CHAR tab
Release date: 1/8/2011
- ADD .cometome command to NPC tab
- Added enUS locale for above
Release date: 1/8/2011
- ADD .bindsight to NPC tab
- ADD .unbindsight to NPC tab. Note: this command is broken in core on my core revision.
- ADD .bindsight to CHAR tab
- ADD .unbindsight to CHAR tab. Note: this command is broken in core on my core revision.
- ADD .char rename, customize, changerace, and changefaction to CHAR tab
- ADD enUS locale for the above items
Release date: 1/8/2011
- Misc code formatting cleanup
- ADD aspeed, arena, bwalk, drunk, fly, gender, honor, mount, phase, runicpower, speed, standstate, swim, and tp to Modify
- Updated enUS locale for above adds
- Rearranged GOB tab, added labels. Preparing to add more content here.
- ADD .gob activate, add temp, info, phase to GOB tab
- updated enUS locale for above adds
- ADD/MOD added missing tables to Reload. Removed individual tables that are reloaded with an all_xxxx command... so now the list fits the screen, but you may have to choose an all_xxxx command to reload the table you want.
Release date: 1/4/2011
- Wiki changes
Release date: 1/4/2011
- You'd think after years of programming experience, I'd not get in this sort of mess. Like letting my code on two different machines get out of sync. Like trying to commit with conflicts o' plenty. Fixed. Ignore r25-r35.
Release date: 1/4/2011
- Merry (Belated) Christmas!
- Numerous bugs fixed from issue tracker
- New camera functions and rearrangement of model frame on Char and NPC tabs
- Speed and Scale sliders now have Reset buttons
- Tweak to DisplayID browser
- Found some more .namego and .goname, changed to .appear and .summon
Release date: 12/12/2010
- ADD NPC DisplayID broser
Release date: 9/6/2010
- FIX version string
Release date: 9/6/2010
- FIX for new .summon, .appear, .groupsummon commands
Release date: 8/10/2010
- FIX Whisper issues with 3.3.5a client
- MOD Revive button on Char tab is now always available
- FIX Server Info spamming when Show Chat Output is ON.
Release date: 4/13/2010
- FIX issue 36 WHO tab overlap
- FIX issue 35 TICKET - Online list not working
- FIX issue with Nil object error in tele scrolling on startup
- FIX Ticket scrolling issue reported by Kitharo
- ADD MISC tab, checkbox for Chat Output. When off (default), TrinityAdmin does not display output of most commands in chat window (for example, .server info) but does display the results in the appropriate part of TrinityAdmin. When ON, both TrinityAdmin native AND chatwindow outputs are displayed.
- ADD MISC tab, an editbox to specify how often the Diff graph (on Server tab) is updated. 4000 (~1 minute) is default.
- It is reported that r19 with Chat Output ON allows all the chat window clickable links to work properly. Please verify.
- It is also reported that deDe clients with deDe selected in TrintiyAdmin and deDe selected in Core is now working properly.
Release date: 4/7/2010
Note: This version is compatible with TC2 revision 7757+
- FIX: WHO tab functioning with new entries in Trinity_String (MANY thanks to TC Devs for the changes!!!)
- ADD: Map-Zone to WHO tab. Note: this is NOT realtime since it pulls from the database after save
- Fix: PairsbyKeys startup error
- Fix: Tickets Online functions
- MOD: Removed IP address from the list on Who tab. IP is still in details.
- MOD: In Item search frame, click= add item to target inventory, right-click= list item. Changed this to: click=add, r-click=remove. Multiple amounts work for removing too, can enter either a positive or negative munber to be removed.
- FIX: Server info no longer spamming chat window
Release date: 3/4/2010
- ADD: deDE localisation
Release date: 2/26/2010
- UPDATE: svSV locale updated
- UPDATE: Close Mail popup when send button clicked - Thanks, Shocker!
- ADD: Ticket tab, new button to view tickets of online players only (.ticket onlinelist) Thanks, Shocker!
- UPDATE: Change minimapicon when a new ticket is received. Now more obvious and with a 'T'. Thanks, Kitharo! Issue #25 closed
- UPDATE: Moved Tele Add and Tele Del buttons to GM tab, rather than Char2 tab.
- ADD: On WHO tab: .char customize, .char delete, .char rename, .ban (1 day), .ban (perm), Jail (Alliance), Jail(Horde), UnJail
Release date: 2/25/2010
- FIX: Issue #23 Ticket list not clearing when last ticket closed
- FIX: Issue #24 Tickets with IDs containing '00' not displaying - ta.sql MUST be reapplied
- The above two issues found and fixed by Shocker. Thanks m8!
Release date: 2/24/2010
- Fixed internal revision number, forgotten at last commit.
Release date: 2/24/2010
This is a major release, incorporating many, many fixes along with some major new features (Tickets, Who). This release would NOT have happened without the generous and patient assistance of Kitharo (from Land of Legends). All of us owe Kitharo a great debt for testing TrinityAdmin on one of the world's largest servers and providing detailed feedback so that I could make Tickets work again. Thank you, my friend!
- Added 'GM Chat' command to GM tab
- Added Waterwalk command to GM tab
- Added acccount lock/unlock command to GM tab
- Added PvP tab
- Modified sizes of tabs
- Added Event tab
- Added RPG tab
- Added Vendor tab
- Added AhBot tab
- Added Who tab
- Mail error fixed. Note you still cant send big messages.. 230 apprx charatcers is the server limit
- Update frequency of the Udate Diff graph changed to approx 1 minute
- Server info auto refreshes every 1 minute
- Added complete WHO system on WHO tab: see who is online, click for detailed info
- Integrated MUCh more complete teleport table from old MangAdmin (thanks, Gimp & Pryd!!!)
- Updated localisation for enUS, frFR, svSV
- Localisation for csCZ, deDE, plPL, huHU, itIT, ptPT, ruRU are in-progress
- Removed support for fiFI, liLI, zhCN, nlNL languages until translators can be found
- Added .gm ingame, .gm list, and .pet create
- Added .pet learn, .pet unlearn, .pet tp
- Added .lookup taxinode, .go taxinode
- Added .go trigger
- Added .cast, .cast back, .cast dist, .cast self, .cast target
- added .list item
- Added .account create, .account delete, .account set addon, .account set gmlevel, .account set password
- added .gmnotify
- Logo updated (Thanks Lyrr123!!!)