Plugin Debugging currently only works when using Latite on Minecraft versions below 1.19.50 (Latite currently only supports 1.18.10-1.18.12 for plugin debugging). Additionally, some JavaScript features will be lost when using Latite Scripting on these versions.
- Latite Client on an older Minecraft version (below 1.19.40)
- A Latite Client Plugin to debug
- Visual Studio 2022 (with Just-in-Time debugging enabled)
To enable JIT debugging, go to Visual Studio Installer and make sure Just-in-Time option is enabled from Individual Components
Launch Visual Studio.
Click Continue without Code, then go to the Debug tab
Then launch Minecraft. Select Attach to Process below:
in Attach To: click the Select button, then select Script.
Then, this will show up. Type Minecraft.Windows.exe in the textbox below, select the first option
that shows up, then click the Attach button.
Then load your plugin using .plugin load
your plugin's files will show up on the right side of the screen
If an error pops up your script, a popup will show up and if you open the Call Stack your script will show up.