Decided to do a prototypal solution, just for the heck of it.
const options = {
YouTube: ['Saved'],
AppleMusic: ['Saved', 'Played', 'Skipped'],
Spotify: ['Saved', 'Played'],
Napster: ['Saved', 'Skipped']
Object.prototype.pairMap = function(){
const result = [];
const list = Object.keys(this);
list.forEach((x) => {
this[x].forEach((pair) => {
result.push([x, pair]);
return result
const result = options.pairMap();
result = [(kv[0], el) for kv in options.iteritems() for el in kv[1]]
[(k,x) for k,xs in options.items() for x in xs]
more explanatory names (and as a generator expression)
((key, action)
for key, actions in options.items()
for action in actions)
function flattenPairs(obj) {
const pairs = ([k, vs]) => => [k,v])
return [].concat(...Object.entries(obj).map(pairs))
.map(key => options[key]
.map(action => [key, action]))
.reduce((acc, a) => [...acc, ...a])
The first line here is unnecessary, but acts as documentation:
flattenPairs :: [(a, [b])] -> [(a, b)]
flattenPairs xs = [(a, b) | (a, bs) <- xs, b <- bs]
More obscure Haskell:
flattenPairs2 = foldMap $ \(a, bs) -> (,) a <$> bs
{-# LANGUAGE: TupleSections #-}
flattenPairs3 = foldMap pairs
where pairs (t, bs) = fmap (t,) bs