This project contains the notebooks from one of my machine learning modules at university.
This Project contains Exercises from the Module Machine Learnig and Energy that includes:
- Basic EDA
- Clustering
- K-Means
- Classification:
- Nearest neigbours
- Random Forests
- Decision Trees
- Regression
- Random Forests
- Linear Regession
- Ridge Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Dimentionallity reduction
- K-Means
- Feature Selection
- Ex0: Solving an electrical circuit
- Ex1: Optimization and gradient decent
- Ex2 power plant: Optimization using linesearch and gradient decent, KNN regressor, cross validation
- Ex3 load forcasting: Linear regression, polynomial features
- Ex4 Electrical Failure Analysis:
- Ex5 deep learning:
- Ex6 Image classification with CNNs: TensorFlow, Keras
- Ex7 Principal Component Analysis and Normal Distribution
- Ex8 Bayes' Theorem: k-Means clustering and EM for Gaussian mixtures
- Ex9 Probabilistic Graphical Models: Computing probabilities