diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests.query.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests.query.xml
index 43b1f7031..63925bc28 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests.query.xml
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests.query.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Employee Requirement Summary
Employee ID
@@ -14,9 +14,12 @@
+ Row ID
Requirement Name
- 90
+ 250
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@
Times Completed
@@ -33,21 +36,46 @@
Expire Period (Months)
New Expire Period (Months)
+ Email
+ 70
+ Last Name
+ 110
+ First Name
+ 110
+ Host
+ 110
+ Supervisor
+ 150
- 70
+ 210
Most Recent Date
+ yyyy-MM-dd
@@ -58,7 +86,16 @@
+ Trainee Type
+ 70
+ Requirement Name Type
+ 180
Months Until Renewal
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests.sql b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests.sql
index 795082a50..c2ac75974 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests.sql
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests.sql
@@ -1,149 +1,2 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 LabKey Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- */
--- Modified: 6-14-2022 R.Blasa ComplianceRecentTests.sql
--- Training that was completed by an employee and being recorded as completed as a Unit or Category
-select b.requirementname,
- a.employeeid,
- group_concat(distinct a.unit,chr(10)) as unit,
- group_concat(distinct a.category,chr(10)) as category,
- group_concat(distinct b.trackingflag) as trackingflag,
- (select count(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
- (select k.expireperiod from Requirements k where k.requirementname = b.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
- ( select (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
- (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
- (Select group_concat(distinct yy.comment, chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
- And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
- (Select group_concat(distinct yy.snooze_date , chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
- And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,
- WHEN (select max(st.date) from completiondates st where st.requirementname = b.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
- WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
- WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN
- ( select ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), curdate())) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) )
- ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), curdate())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
- END AS double) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
-from employeeperunit a ,requirementspercategory b
-where ( a.unit = b.unit or a.category = b.category )
- And b.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
- And b.requirementname = t.requirementname)
- And b.requirementname in ( select k.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.requirements k where k.datedisabled is null)
- And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
- group by b.requirementname,a.employeeid
--- Training that was completed by an employee but not recorded as being completed as a Unit or Category
-select a.requirementname,
- a.employeeid,
- null as unit,
- null as category,
- 'No' as trackingflag,
- (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
- (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = a.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
- ( select (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
- (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
- (Select group_concat(distinct yy.comment, chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
- And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
- (Select group_concat(distinct yy.snooze_date , chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
- And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,
- WHEN (select max(st.date) from completiondates st where st.requirementname = a.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
- WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
- WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN
- ( select ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), curdate())) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) )
- ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), curdate())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
- END AS double) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
-from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates a
-where a.requirementname not in (select distinct h.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeeperunit k, ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory h Where (k.unit = h.unit
- or k.category = h.category) And a.employeeid = k.employeeid )
- And a.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
- And a.requirementname = t.requirementname)
- And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
- And a.requirementname in ( select k.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.requirements k where k.requirementname = a.requirementname And k.datedisabled is null)
-group by a.requirementname,a.employeeid
--- Additional requirements for employees that have not completed training, but is required
-select j.requirementname,
- j.employeeid,
- null as unit,
- null as category,
- 'Yes' as trackingflag,
- null as timesCompleted,
- null as ExpiredPeriod,
- null as NewExpirePeriod,
- null as MostRecentDate,
- '' as comment,
- null as snooze_date,
- null AS MonthsUntilRenewal
-from ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerEmployee j
-Where j.requirementname not in (select z.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates z where z.requirementname = j.requirementname
- and z.employeeid = j.employeeid and z.date is not null)
- And j.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
- And j.requirementname in ( select k.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.requirements k where k.requirementname = j.requirementname And k.datedisabled is null)
-group by j.requirementname,j.employeeid
+Select *
+from onprc_ehr_compliancedb.ComplianceProcedureReport
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/.qview.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/.qview.xml
index 82fc59d49..c2b48d9ac 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/.qview.xml
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/.qview.xml
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Occupational Health Compliance.qview.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Occupational Health Compliance.qview.xml
index 97934dc5a..cebd0518f 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Occupational Health Compliance.qview.xml
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Occupational Health Compliance.qview.xml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Overdue and Due Soon withNoEHRS OccHealth.qview.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Overdue and Due Soon withNoEHRS OccHealth.qview.xml
index 192608c90..99f13ff8e 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Overdue and Due Soon withNoEHRS OccHealth.qview.xml
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Overdue and Due Soon withNoEHRS OccHealth.qview.xml
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Overdue and Due Soon.qview.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Overdue and Due Soon.qview.xml
index bc93d1734..9c5d83de1 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Overdue and Due Soon.qview.xml
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTests/Overdue and Due Soon.qview.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg.query.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg.query.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3e75afd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg.query.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ Employee Requirement Summary -- Original version
+ Employee ID
+ true
+ ehr_compliancedb
+ employees
+ employeeId
+ Row ID
+ Requirement Name
+ 250
+ ehr_compliancedb
+ requirements
+ requirementName
+ Times Completed
+ 50
+ /query/executeQuery.view?schemaName=ehr_compliancedb&
+ query.queryName=CompletionDates&
+ query.EmployeeId~eq=${employeeId}&
+ query.requirementName~eq=${requirementName}&
+ Expire Period (Months)
+ 70
+ New Expire Period (Months)
+ 70
+ Email
+ 70
+ Last Name
+ 110
+ First Name
+ 110
+ Host
+ 110
+ Supervisor
+ 150
+ Unit
+ 210
+ Most Recent Date
+ yyyy-MM-dd
+ 70
+ Comments
+ 70
+ Category
+ 70
+ Trainee Type
+ 70
+ Requirement Name Type
+ 180
+ Months Until Renewal
+ 60
+ Essential
+ 60
+ Snooze Until
+ 60
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg.sql b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..585ed1c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 LabKey Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ */
+-- Modified: 6-14-2022 R.Blasa ComplianceRecentTests.sql
+-- Training that was completed by an employee and being recorded as completed as a Unit or Category
+select b.requirementname,
+ a.employeeid,
+ group_concat(distinct a.unit,chr(10)) as unit,
+ group_concat(distinct a.category,chr(10)) as category,
+ group_concat(distinct b.trackingflag) as trackingflag,
+ (select count(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
+ (select k.expireperiod from Requirements k where k.requirementname = b.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
+ (Select group_concat(distinct yy.comment, chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
+ (Select group_concat(distinct yy.snooze_date , chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from completiondates st where st.requirementname = b.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) ) > 0 THEN
+ ( select ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - (TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), Now()) ) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), Now())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS DECIMAL ) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+from employeeperunit a ,requirementspercategory b
+where ( a.unit = b.unit or a.category = b.category )
+ And b.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
+ And b.requirementname = t.requirementname)
+ And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
+ And b.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = b.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+ group by b.requirementname,a.employeeid
+-- Training that was completed by an employee but not recorded as being completed as a Unit or Category
+select a.requirementname,
+ a.employeeid,
+ null as unit,
+ null as category,
+ 'No' as trackingflag,
+ (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
+ (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = a.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
+ (Select group_concat(distinct yy.comment, chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
+ (Select group_concat(distinct yy.snooze_date , chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from completiondates st where st.requirementname = a.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) ) > 0 THEN
+ ( select ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), Now()) ) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), Now())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS DECIMAL) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+ from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates a
+where a.requirementname not in (select distinct h.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeeperunit k, ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory h Where (k.unit = h.unit
+ or k.category = h.category) And a.employeeid = k.employeeid )
+ And a.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
+ And a.requirementname = t.requirementname)
+ And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
+ And a.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = a.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+group by a.requirementname,a.employeeid
+-- Additional requirements for employees that have not completed training, but is required
+select j.requirementname,
+ j.employeeid,
+ null as unit,
+ null as category,
+ 'Yes' as trackingflag,
+ null as timesCompleted,
+ null as ExpiredPeriod,
+ null as NewExpirePeriod,
+ null as MostRecentDate,
+ '' as comment,
+ null as snooze_date,
+ null AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+from ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerEmployee j
+Where j.requirementname not in (select z.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates z where z.requirementname = j.requirementname
+ and z.employeeid = j.employeeid and z.date is not null)
+ And j.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
+ And j.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = j.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+group by j.requirementname,j.employeeid
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/.qview.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/.qview.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82fc59d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/.qview.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/Occupational Health Compliance.qview.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/Occupational Health Compliance.qview.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97934dc5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/Occupational Health Compliance.qview.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/Overdue and Due Soon withNoEHRS OccHealth.qview.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/Overdue and Due Soon withNoEHRS OccHealth.qview.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..192608c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/Overdue and Due Soon withNoEHRS OccHealth.qview.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/Overdue and Due Soon.qview.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/Overdue and Due Soon.qview.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc93d1734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceProcedureRecentTestsorg/Overdue and Due Soon.qview.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests.query.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests.query.xml
index de9c0af17..d85eb7bac 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests.query.xml
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests.query.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Employee Requirement Summary
Employee ID
@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
+ Row ID
Requirement Name
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@
Times Completed
@@ -33,21 +36,46 @@
Expire Period (Months)
New Expire Period (Months)
+ Email
+ 70
+ Last Name
+ 110
+ First Name
+ 110
+ Host
+ 110
+ Supervisor
+ 150
- 70
+ 210
Most Recent Date
+ yyyy-MM-dd
@@ -58,7 +86,16 @@
+ Trainee Type
+ 70
+ Requirement Name Type
+ 180
Months Until Renewal
@@ -76,6 +113,11 @@
+ Snooze Until
+ 60
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests.sql b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests.sql
index e20555134..1e12aa52e 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests.sql
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests.sql
@@ -1,164 +1,2 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 LabKey Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- */
--- Modified: 6-14-2022 R.Blasa ComplianceRecentTests.sql
--- Training that was completed by an employee and being recorded as completed as a Unit or Category
-select b.requirementname,
- a.employeeid,
- group_concat(distinct a.unit,chr(10)) as unit,
- group_concat(distinct a.category,chr(10)) as category,
- group_concat(distinct b.trackingflag) as trackingflag,
- (select count(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
- (select k.expireperiod from Requirements k where k.requirementname = b.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
- ( select (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
- (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
- (Select group_concat(distinct yy.comment, chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
- And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
- WHEN (select max(st.date) from completiondates st where st.requirementname = b.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
- WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
- WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN
- ( select ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), curdate())) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) )
- ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), curdate())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
- END AS double) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
-from employeeperunit a ,requirementspercategory b
-where ( a.unit = b.unit or a.category = b.category )
- And b.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
- And b.requirementname = t.requirementname)
- And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
- And b.requirementname in ( select k.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.requirements k where k.requirementname = b.requirementname And k.datedisabled is null)
-group by b.requirementname,a.employeeid
--- Training that was completed by an employee but not recorded as being completed as a Unit or Category
-select a.requirementname,
- a.employeeid,
- null as unit,
- null as category,
- 'No' as trackingflag,
- (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
- (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = a.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
- ( select (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
- (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
- (Select group_concat(distinct yy.comment, chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
- And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
- WHEN (select max(st.date) from completiondates st where st.requirementname = a.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
- WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
- WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN
- ( select ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), curdate())) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) )
- ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( age_in_months(max(pq.date), curdate())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
- END AS double) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
-from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates a
-where a.requirementname not in (select distinct h.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeeperunit k, ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory h Where (k.unit = h.unit
- or k.category = h.category) And a.employeeid = k.employeeid )
- And a.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
- And a.requirementname = t.requirementname)
- And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
- And a.requirementname in ( select k.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.requirements k where k.requirementname = a.requirementname And k.datedisabled is null)
-group by a.requirementname,a.employeeid
--- Training that was completed by as an employee training exemptions, and at least completed one, or more times
-select j.requirementname,
- j.employeeid,
- null as unit,
- null as category,
- 'No' as trackingflag,
- (select count(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= j.requirementname and zz.employeeid= j.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
- (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = j.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
- ( select (age_in_months(max(pq.date),tt.reviewdate) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = j.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
- having (tt.expireperiod) > (age_in_months(max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
- (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= j.requirementname and zz.employeeid= j.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
- (Select group_concat(distinct yy.comment, chr(10)) from completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= j.requirementname and zz.employeeid= j.employeeid )
- And yy.requirementname= j.requirementname and yy.employeeid= j.employeeid ) as comment,
- null AS MonthsUntilRenewal
-from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions j
- Where j.requirementname in (select z.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates z where z.requirementname = j.requirementname
- and z.employeeid = j.employeeid and z.date is not null)
- And j.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
- And j.requirementname in ( select k.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.requirements k where k.requirementname = j.requirementname And k.datedisabled is null)
-group by j.requirementname,j.employeeid
--- Additional requirements for employees that have not completed training, but is required
-select j.requirementname,
- j.employeeid,
- null as unit,
- null as category,
- 'Yes' as trackingflag,
- null as timesCompleted,
- null as ExpiredPeriod,
- null as NewExpirePeriod,
- null as MostRecentDate,
- '' as comment,
- null AS MonthsUntilRenewal
-from ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerEmployee j
-Where j.requirementname NOT in (select z.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates z where z.requirementname = j.requirementname
- and z.employeeid = j.employeeid and z.date is not null)
- And j.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
- And j.requirementname in ( select k.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.requirements k where k.requirementname = j.requirementname And k.datedisabled is null)
-group by j.requirementname,j.employeeid
+Select *
+from onprc_ehr_compliancedb.ComplianceRecentReport
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests/.qview.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests/.qview.xml
index 750c4460d..b2c68ae6f 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests/.qview.xml
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTests/.qview.xml
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTestsorg.query.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTestsorg.query.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46cb8fc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTestsorg.query.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ Employee Requirement Summary - Original version
+ Employee ID
+ true
+ ehr_compliancedb
+ employees
+ employeeId
+ Row ID
+ Requirement Name
+ 90
+ ehr_compliancedb
+ requirements
+ requirementName
+ Times Completed
+ 50
+ /query/executeQuery.view?schemaName=ehr_compliancedb&
+ query.queryName=CompletionDates&
+ query.EmployeeId~eq=${employeeId}&
+ query.requirementName~eq=${requirementName}&
+ Expire Period (Months)
+ 70
+ New Expire Period (Months)
+ 70
+ Email
+ 70
+ Last Name
+ 110
+ First Name
+ 110
+ Host
+ 110
+ Supervisor
+ 150
+ Unit
+ 210
+ Most Recent Date
+ yyyy-MM-dd
+ 70
+ Comments
+ 70
+ Category
+ 70
+ Trainee Type
+ 70
+ Requirement Name Type
+ 180
+ Months Until Renewal
+ 60
+ Essential
+ 60
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTestsorg.sql b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTestsorg.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ff4baac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTestsorg.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 LabKey Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ */
+-- Modified: 6-14-2022 R.Blasa ComplianceRecentTests.sql
+-- Training that was completed by an employee and being recorded as completed as a Unit or Category
+select b.requirementname,
+ a.employeeid,
+ group_concat(distinct b.unit,chr(10)) as unit,
+ group_concat(distinct a.category,chr(10)) as category,
+ group_concat(distinct b.trackingflag) as trackingflag,
+ (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
+ (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = b.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
+ (Select group_concat(distinct yy.comment, chr(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = b.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) ) > 0 THEN
+ ( select ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - (TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), Now()) ) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), Now())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS double) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+from employeeperunit a ,requirementspercategory b
+where ( a.unit = b.unit or a.category = b.category )
+ And b.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
+ And b.requirementname = t.requirementname)
+ And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
+ And b.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = b.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+group by b.requirementname,a.employeeid
+-- Training that was completed by an employee but not recorded as being completed as a Unit or Category
+select a.requirementname,
+ a.employeeid,
+ null as unit,
+ null as category,
+ 'No' as trackingflag,
+ (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
+ (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = a.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
+ (Select group_concat(distinct yy.comment, chr(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = a.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) ) > 0 THEN
+ ( select ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), Now()) ) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), Now())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS double) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates a
+where a.requirementname not in (select distinct h.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeeperunit k, ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory h Where (k.unit = h.unit
+ or k.category = h.category) And a.employeeid = k.employeeid )
+ And a.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
+ And a.requirementname = t.requirementname)
+ And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
+ And a.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = a.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+group by a.requirementname,a.employeeid
+-- Training that was completed by as an employee training exemptions, and at least completed one, or more times
+select j.requirementname,
+ j.employeeid,
+ null as unit,
+ null as category,
+ 'No' as trackingflag,
+ (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= j.requirementname and zz.employeeid= j.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
+ (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = j.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = j.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= j.requirementname and zz.employeeid= j.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
+ (Select group_concat(distinct yy.comment, chr(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= j.requirementname and zz.employeeid= j.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= j.requirementname and yy.employeeid= j.employeeid ) as comment,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = j.requirementname and st.employeeid = j.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = j.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) ) > 0 THEN
+ ( select ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), Now()) ) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = j.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( TIMESTAMPDIFF('SQL_TSI_MONTH', max(pq.date), Now())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = j.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS double) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions j
+ Where j.requirementname in (select z.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates z where z.requirementname = j.requirementname
+ and z.employeeid = j.employeeid and z.date is not null)
+ And j.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
+ And j.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = j.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+group by j.requirementname,j.employeeid
+-- Additional requirements for employees that have not completed training, but is required
+select j.requirementname,
+ j.employeeid,
+ null as unit,
+ null as category,
+ 'Yes' as trackingflag,
+ null as timesCompleted,
+ null as ExpiredPeriod,
+ null as NewExpirePeriod,
+ null as MostRecentDate,
+ '' as comment,
+ null AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+from ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerEmployee j
+Where j.requirementname NOT in (select z.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates z where z.requirementname = j.requirementname
+ and z.employeeid = j.employeeid and z.date is not null)
+ And j.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where p.enddate is null)
+ And j.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = j.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+group by j.requirementname,j.employeeid
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTestsorg/.qview.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTestsorg/.qview.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..750c4460d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/queries/EHR_ComplianceDB/ComplianceRecentTestsorg/.qview.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/dbscripts/sqlserver/onprc_ehr_compliancedb-24.004-24.005.sql b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/dbscripts/sqlserver/onprc_ehr_compliancedb-24.004-24.005.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c2b7aa50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/dbscripts/sqlserver/onprc_ehr_compliancedb-24.004-24.005.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+EXEC core.fn_dropifexists 'p_ComplianceAccesscontainerUpdate', 'onprc_ehr_compliancedb', 'PROCEDURE';
+-- Author: R. Blasa
+-- Created: 12-10-2024
+** Created by
+** Blasa 12-10-2024 Storedprocedure to update string name "ARRS" to "DCM"
+CREATE Procedure onprc_ehr_compliancedb.p_ComplianceTranslatestringUpdate
+ ------ Update container value and include as part of the main Compliance module
+If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.EmployeePerUnit ------> count= 496
+ where unit like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.EmployeePerUnit
+ set unit = replace(unit,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.EmployeePerUnit ------> count= 496
+ where category like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.EmployeePerUnit
+ set category = replace(category,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.Employees
+ where majorudds like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.Employees
+ set majorudds = replace(majorudds,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.Employees
+ where unit like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.Employees
+ set unit = replace(unit,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.Employees
+ where category like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.Employees
+ set category = replace(category,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.requirements
+ where requirementname like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.requirements
+ set requirementname = replace(requirementname,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.EmployeeRequirementExemptions
+ where requirementname like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.EmployeeRequirementExemptions
+ set requirementname = replace(requirementname,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.unit_names
+ where unit like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.unit_names
+ set unit = replace(unit,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerCategory
+ where RequirementName like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerCategory
+ set requirementname = replace(requirementname,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerCategory
+ where category like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerCategory
+ set category = replace(category,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerCategory
+ where unit like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerCategory
+ set unit = replace(unit,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates
+ where requirementname like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.completiondates
+ set requirementname = replace(requirementname,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ If exists(select * from ehr_compliancedb.EmployeeCategory
+ where categoryname like '%arrs%'
+ )
+ Update ehr_compliancedb.EmployeeCategory
+ set categoryname = replace(categoryname ,'arrs', 'DCM')
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ --
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/dbscripts/sqlserver/onprc_ehr_compliancedb-24.005-24.006.sql b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/dbscripts/sqlserver/onprc_ehr_compliancedb-24.005-24.006.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a739ae44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/dbscripts/sqlserver/onprc_ehr_compliancedb-24.005-24.006.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+-- Author: R. Blasa
+-- Created: 9-20-2024-2024
+-- Description: Stored procedure program to create a static data set for Compliance Procedure Recent Test .sql
+ CREATE TABLE onprc_ehr_compliancedb.ComplianceProcedureReport(
+ [rowid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
+ [employeeid] varchar(300) NULL,
+ [requirementname] [varchar](4000) NULL,
+ [unit] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [category] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [trackingflag] [varchar](100) NULL,
+ [email] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [lastname] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [firstname] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [host] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [supervisor] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [trainee_type] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [times_completed] [smallint] NULL,
+ [expired_period] [smallint] NULL,
+ [new_expired_period] [smallint] NULL,
+ [mostrecentcompleted_date] [smalldatetime] NULL,
+ [comment] [varchar](4000) NULL,
+ [snooze_date] [smalldatetime] NULL,
+ [months_until_renewal] [Float] NULL,
+ [requirement_name_type] [varchar](1000) NULL
+ GO
+-- Author: R. Blasa
+-- Created: 9-20-2024
+** Created by
+** Blasa 9-20-2024 Created a storedprocedure to create a static set of data from
+** the ComplianceProcedureRecentTest.sql query
+CREATE Procedure onprc_ehr_compliancedb.p_ComplianceProcedureOverDueSoon_Process
+ ----- Reset Reporting table
+ Delete onprc_ehr_compliancedb.ComplianceProcedureReport
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ Insert into onprc_ehr_compliancedb.ComplianceProcedureReport
+ (
+ requirementname,
+ employeeid,
+ unit,
+ category,
+ trackingflag,
+ email,
+ lastname,
+ firstname,
+ host,
+ supervisor,
+ trainee_type,
+ requirement_name_type,
+ times_completed,
+ expired_period,
+ new_expired_Period,
+ mostrecentcompleted_date,
+ comment,
+ snooze_date,
+ months_until_renewal
+ )
+ select b.requirementname,
+ a.employeeid,
+ string_agg(a.unit,char(10)) as unit,
+ string_agg(a.category,char(10)) as category,
+ (select top 1 h.trackingflag from ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory h where h.requirementname = b.requirementname) as trackingflag,
+ (select h.email from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as email,
+ (select h.lastname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as lastname,
+ (select h.firstname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as firstname,
+ (select h.majorudds from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as host,
+ (select h.supervisor from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as supervisor,
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as trainee_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements h where h.requirementname = b.requirementname) as requirement_type,
+ (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as times_Completed,
+ (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = b.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as mostrecentcompleted_date,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.comment, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.snooze_date, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = b.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN
+ ( select (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate()) ) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) ) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate()) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS Float) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+ from ehr_Compliancedb.employeeperunit a ,ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory b
+ where ( a.unit = b.unit or a.category = b.category )
+ And b.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
+ And b.requirementname = t.requirementname)
+ And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where a.employeeid = p.employeeid And p.enddate is null)
+ And b.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = b.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+ group by b.requirementname,a.employeeid
+ union
+ select a.requirementname,
+ a.employeeid,
+ null as unit,
+ null as category,
+ 'No' as trackingflag,
+ (select h.email from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as email,
+ (select h.lastname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as lastname,
+ (select h.firstname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as firstname,
+ (select h.majorudds from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as host,
+ (select h.supervisor from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as supervisor,
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as trainee_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements h where h.requirementname = a.requirementname) as requirement_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
+ (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = a.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.comment, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.snooze_date, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = a.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN
+ ( select ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate())) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) ) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate()) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS Float) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+ from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates a
+ where a.requirementname not in (select distinct h.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeeperunit k, ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory h Where (k.unit = h.unit
+ or k.category = h.category) And a.employeeid = k.employeeid )
+ And a.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
+ And a.requirementname = t.requirementname)
+ And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where a.employeeid = p.employeeid And p.enddate is null)
+ And a.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = a.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+ group by a.requirementname,a.employeeid
+ -- Additional requirements for employees that have not completed training, but is required
+ select j.requirementname,
+ j.employeeid,
+ null as unit,
+ null as category,
+ 'Yes' as trackingflag,
+ (select h.email from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as email,
+ (select h.lastname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as lastname,
+ (select h.firstname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as firstname,
+ (select h.majorudds from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as host,
+ (select h.supervisor from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as supervisor,
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as trainee_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements h where h.requirementname = j.requirementname) as requirement_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ null as timesCompleted,
+ null as ExpiredPeriod,
+ null as NewExpirePeriod,
+ null as MostRecentDate,
+ '' as comment,
+ null as snooze_date,
+ null AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+ from ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerEmployee j
+ Where j.requirementname not in (select z.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates z where z.requirementname = j.requirementname
+ and z.employeeid = j.employeeid and z.date is not null)
+ And j.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where j.employeeid = p.employeeid And p.enddate is null)
+ And j.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = j.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+ group by j.requirementname,j.employeeid
+ order by employeeid,requirementname, mostrecentcompleted_date desc
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/dbscripts/sqlserver/onprc_ehr_compliancedb-24.006-24.007.sql b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/dbscripts/sqlserver/onprc_ehr_compliancedb-24.006-24.007.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24134b431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/dbscripts/sqlserver/onprc_ehr_compliancedb-24.006-24.007.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+-- Author: R. Blasa
+-- Created: 9-20-2024-2024
+-- Description: Stored procedure program to create a static data set for Compliance Recent Test .sql
+ CREATE TABLE onprc_ehr_compliancedb.ComplianceRecentReport(
+ [rowid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
+ [employeeid] varchar(300) NULL,
+ [requirementname] [varchar](4000) NULL,
+ [unit] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [category] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [trackingflag] [varchar](100) NULL,
+ [email] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [lastname] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [firstname] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [host] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [supervisor] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [trainee_type] [varchar](500) NULL,
+ [times_completed] [smallint] NULL,
+ [expired_period] [smallint] NULL,
+ [new_expired_period] [smallint] NULL,
+ [mostrecentcompleted_date] [smalldatetime] NULL,
+ [comment] [varchar](4000) NULL,
+ [snooze_date] [smalldatetime] NULL,
+ [months_until_renewal] [FLOAT] NULL,
+ [requirement_name_type] [varchar](1000) NULL
+ GO
+-- Author: R. Blasa
+-- Created: 9-20-2024
+** Created by
+** Blasa 9-20-2024 Created a storedprocedure to create a static set of data from
+** the ComplianceRecentTest.sql query
+CREATE Procedure onprc_ehr_compliancedb.p_ComplianceRecentOverDueSoon_Process
+ ----- Reset Reporting table
+ Delete onprc_ehr_compliancedb.ComplianceRecentReport
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
+ Insert into onprc_ehr_compliancedb.ComplianceRecentReport
+ (
+ requirementname,
+ employeeid,
+ unit,
+ category,
+ trackingflag,
+ email,
+ lastname,
+ firstname,
+ host,
+ supervisor,
+ trainee_type,
+ requirement_name_type,
+ times_completed,
+ expired_period,
+ new_expired_Period,
+ mostrecentcompleted_date,
+ comment,
+ snooze_date,
+ months_until_renewal
+ )
+ select b.requirementname,
+ a.employeeid,
+ string_agg(a.unit,char(10)) as unit,
+ string_agg(a.category,char(10)) as category,
+ (select top 1 h.trackingflag from ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory h where h.requirementname = b.requirementname) as trackingflag,
+ (select h.email from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as email,
+ (select h.lastname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as lastname,
+ (select h.firstname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as firstname,
+ (select h.majorudds from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as host,
+ (select h.supervisor from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as supervisor,
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as trainee_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements h where h.requirementname = b.requirementname) as requirement_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as times_Completed,
+ (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = b.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as mostrecentcompleted_date,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.comment, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.snooze_date, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = b.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) ) ) > 0 THEN
+ ( select (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate())) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) ) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS FLOAT) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+ from ehr_Compliancedb.employeeperunit a ,ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory b
+ where ( a.unit = b.unit or a.category = b.category )
+ And b.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
+ And b.requirementname = t.requirementname)
+ And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where a.employeeid = p.employeeid And p.enddate is null)
+ And b.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = b.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+ group by b.requirementname,a.employeeid
+ union
+ select a.requirementname,
+ a.employeeid,
+ null as unit,
+ null as category,
+ 'No' as trackingflag,
+ (select h.email from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as email,
+ (select h.lastname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as lastname,
+ (select h.firstname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as firstname,
+ (select h.majorudds from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as host,
+ (select h.supervisor from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as supervisor,
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as trainee_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements h where h.requirementname = a.requirementname) as requirement_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
+ (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = a.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.comment, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.snooze_date, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = a.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN
+ ( select (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate())) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) ) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS FLOAT) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+ from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates a
+ where a.requirementname not in (select distinct h.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeeperunit k, ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory h Where (k.unit = h.unit
+ or k.category = h.category) And a.employeeid = k.employeeid )
+ And a.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
+ And a.requirementname = t.requirementname)
+ And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where a.employeeid = p.employeeid And p.enddate is null)
+ And a.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = a.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+ group by a.requirementname,a.employeeid
+ --- Training that was completed by as an employee training exemptions, and at least completed one, or more times
+ select a.requirementname,
+ a.employeeid,
+ null as unit,
+ null as category,
+ 'No' as trackingflag,
+ (select h.email from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as email,
+ (select h.lastname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as lastname,
+ (select h.firstname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as firstname,
+ (select h.majorudds from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as host,
+ (select h.supervisor from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as supervisor,
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as trainee_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements h where h.requirementname = a.requirementname) as requirement_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
+ (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = a.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.comment, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.snooze_date, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = a.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN
+ ( select ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - (datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate())) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS DECIMAL) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+ from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions a
+ Where a.requirementname in (select z.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates z where z.requirementname = a.requirementname
+ and z.employeeid = a.employeeid and z.date is not null)
+ And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where a.employeeid = p.employeeid And p.enddate is null)
+ And a.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = a.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+ group by a.requirementname,a.employeeid
+ --- Additional requirements for employees that have not completed training, but is required
+ select j.requirementname,
+ j.employeeid,
+ null as unit,
+ null as category,
+ 'Yes' as trackingflag,
+ (select h.email from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as email,
+ (select h.lastname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as lastname,
+ (select h.firstname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as firstname,
+ (select h.majorudds from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as host,
+ (select h.supervisor from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as supervisor,
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as trainee_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements h where h.requirementname = j.requirementname) as requirement_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
+ (select count(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= j.requirementname and zz.employeeid= j.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,
+ (select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = j.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,
+ ( select (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = j.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,
+ (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= j.requirementname and zz.employeeid= j.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.comment, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= j.requirementname and zz.employeeid= j.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= j.requirementname and yy.employeeid= j.employeeid ) as comment,
+ (Select distinct string_agg(yy.snooze_date, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where yy.date in (select max(zz.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= j.requirementname and zz.employeeid= j.employeeid )
+ And yy.requirementname= j.requirementname and yy.employeeid= j.employeeid ) as snooze_date,
+ WHEN (select max(st.date) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = j.requirementname and st.employeeid = j.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
+ WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null
+ WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = j.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN
+ ( select ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate) - (datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate())) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = j.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
+ having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(pq.date), tt.reviewdate)) )
+ ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( datediff(month,max(pq.date), getdate())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = j.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = j.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )
+ END AS DECIMAL) AS MonthsUntilRenewal
+ from ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerEmployee j
+ Where j.requirementname not in (select z.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates z where z.requirementname = j.requirementname
+ and z.employeeid = j.employeeid and z.date is not null)
+ And j.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where j.employeeid = p.employeeid And p.enddate is null)
+ And j.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = j.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )
+ group by j.requirementname,j.employeeid
+ order by employeeid,requirementname, mostrecentcompleted_date desc
+ If @@Error <> 0
+ GoTo Err_Proc
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/onprc_ehr_compliancedb.xml b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/onprc_ehr_compliancedb.xml
index 3e14b18cc..dd608fe56 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/onprc_ehr_compliancedb.xml
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/schemas/onprc_ehr_compliancedb.xml
@@ -157,5 +157,101 @@
+ Compliance Procedure Report
+ Search ID
+ Compliance Recent Report
+ Search ID
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/views/begin.html b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/views/begin.html
index 15f0bdbb2..d5422b833 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/views/begin.html
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/views/begin.html
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
name: 'Occupational Health - Requirements Overdue/Due Soon', url: '<%=contextPath%>' + container + '/query-executeQuery.view?schemaName=ehr_compliancedb&query.queryName=ComplianceProcedureRecentTests&query.viewName=Occupational%20Health%20Compliance'
name: 'Occupational Health - Measles Overdue/Due Soon', url: '<%=contextPath%>' + container + '/query-executeQuery.view?schemaName=ehr_compliancedb&query.queryName=Measles45DayAlert&query.DaysOverDue~neqornull=-1'
name: 'Requirements Overdue/Due Soon (Full SSRS Reports)', url: ctx['SSRSServerURL'] +'%2fPrime+Reports%2fCompliance%2fOverdue_Soon_Report&rs:Command=Render'
diff --git a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/src/org/labkey/ONPRCEHR_ComplianceDB/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDBModule.java b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/src/org/labkey/ONPRCEHR_ComplianceDB/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDBModule.java
index 52b481fdf..a03021ffb 100644
--- a/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/src/org/labkey/ONPRCEHR_ComplianceDB/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDBModule.java
+++ b/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/src/org/labkey/ONPRCEHR_ComplianceDB/ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDBModule.java
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public String getName()
public Double getSchemaVersion()
- return 24.004;
+ return 24.007;
diff --git a/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/TreatmentSchedulePostOps.sql b/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/TreatmentSchedulePostOps.sql
index ece5f0b8e..dd7919804 100644
--- a/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/TreatmentSchedulePostOps.sql
+++ b/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/TreatmentSchedulePostOps.sql
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ FROM (
FROM ehr_lookups.dateRange dr
Join study."Treatment Orders" t1
- ON (dr.dateOnly >= t1.dateOnly and dr.dateOnly <= t1.enddateCoalesced AND
+ ON (dr.dateOnly >= t1.dateOnly AND (dr.dateOnly <= t1.enddate OR t1.enddate IS NULL) AND
mod(CAST(timestampdiff('SQL_TSI_DAY', CAST(t1.dateOnly as timestamp), dr.dateOnly) as integer), t1.frequency.intervalindays) = 0
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ WHERE t1.date is not null
) s ON (s.animalid = h.id)
WHERE h.calculated_status = 'Alive'
--account for date/time in schedule
- and s.date >= s.startDate and s.date <= s.enddate
+ AND s.date >= s.startDate AND (s.date <= s.enddate OR s.enddate IS NULL)
-- /*
diff --git a/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/treatmentSchedule.sql b/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/treatmentSchedule.sql
index 6a0e2e993..2fc4bc5bd 100644
--- a/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/treatmentSchedule.sql
+++ b/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/treatmentSchedule.sql
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ FROM ehr_lookups.dateRange dr
JOIN study."Treatment Orders" t1
--NOTE: should the enddate consider date/time?
- ON (dr.dateOnly >= t1.dateOnly and dr.dateOnly <= t1.enddateCoalesced AND
+ ON (dr.dateOnly >= t1.dateOnly AND (dr.dateOnly <= t1.enddate OR t1.enddate IS NULL) AND
--technically the first day of the treatment is day 1, not day 0
( (mod(CAST(timestampdiff('SQL_TSI_DAY', CAST(t1.dateOnly as timestamp), dr.dateOnly) as integer), t1.frequency.intervalindays) = 0 And t1.frequency.intervalindays is not null And t1.frequency.dayofweek is null )
@@ -116,4 +116,4 @@ WHERE (d.lastDayatCenter Is Null or d.lastDayAtCenter > s.enddate)
--account for date/time in schedule
-and s.date >= s.startDate and s.date <= s.enddate
\ No newline at end of file
+ AND s.date >= s.startDate AND (s.date <= s.enddate OR s.enddate IS NULL) -- some treatment_orders can have NULL enddates
diff --git a/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/treatmentScheduleMPA.sql b/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/treatmentScheduleMPA.sql
index 56a16d278..2d513e4bb 100644
--- a/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/treatmentScheduleMPA.sql
+++ b/onprc_ehr/resources/queries/study/treatmentScheduleMPA.sql
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ FROM study.demographics h JOIN (
FROM ehr_lookups.dateRange dr
Join study."Treatment Orders" t1
- ON (dr.dateOnly >= t1.dateOnly and dr.dateOnly <= t1.enddateCoalesced AND
+ ON (dr.dateOnly >= t1.dateOnly AND (dr.dateOnly <= t1.enddate OR t1.enddate IS NULL) AND
mod(CAST(timestampdiff('SQL_TSI_DAY', CAST(t1.dateOnly as timestamp), dr.dateOnly) as integer), t1.frequency.intervalindays) = 0
@@ -92,4 +92,4 @@ WHERE h.calculated_status = 'Alive'
--account for date/time in schedule
--and s.date >= s.startDate and s.date <= s.enddate
--Added the enddate = null clause by Kollil, 10/25/24. Refer to ticket #11471
- and s.date >= s.startDate and (s.date <= s.enddate or s.enddate is null)
+ AND s.date >= s.startDate AND (s.date <= s.enddate OR s.enddate is null)
diff --git a/treatmentETL/resources/queries/study/treatmentScheduleUpdate.sql b/treatmentETL/resources/queries/study/treatmentScheduleUpdate.sql
index 4efde2469..c8e70c90a 100644
--- a/treatmentETL/resources/queries/study/treatmentScheduleUpdate.sql
+++ b/treatmentETL/resources/queries/study/treatmentScheduleUpdate.sql
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ FROM dateRangedata dr
JOIN Site.{substitutePath moduleProperty('EHR','EHRStudyContainer')}.study."Treatment Orders" t1
--NOTE: should the enddate consider date/time?
- ON (dr.dateOnly >= t1.dateOnly and dr.dateOnly <= t1.enddateCoalesced AND
+ ON (dr.dateOnly >= t1.dateOnly AND (dr.dateOnly <= t1.enddate OR t1.enddate IS NULL) AND
--technically the first day of the treatment is day 1, not day 0
mod(CAST(timestampdiff('SQL_TSI_DAY', CAST(t1.dateOnly as timestamp), dr.dateOnly) as integer), t1.frequency.intervalindays) = 0
OR (t1.frequency.dayofweek is not null And t1.frequency.intervalindays is null And dr.DayOfWeek in (select k.value from onprc_ehr.Frequency_DayofWeek k where k.FreqKey = t1.frequency.rowid ))
@@ -115,4 +115,4 @@ WHERE --d.calculated_status = 'Alive'
--account for date/time in schedule
-s.date >= s.startDate and s.date <= s.enddate
+s.date >= s.startDate AND (s.date <= s.enddate OR s.enddate IS NULL) -- some treatment_orders can have NULL enddates