As an individual contributor to an open-source project who is contributing code on your own behalf (and not on behalf of an employer), you create a pull request in GitHub to inform code maintainers about changes made to the code. During the pull request process, your CLA is verified. Also during the process, you click a link to open the CLA Contributor Console to sign the CLA.
Do these steps:
In GitHub, go to the repository that is linked to the project for your organization.
Make a change and send a pull request.
EasyCLA checks the CLA status of all committers involved in that pull request. EasyCLA marks a cross or a tick beside contributor names who are involved in that pull request based on their CLA status.
A cross next to your contributor name means the CLA check failed.
Click Please click here to be authorized.
The Authorize CommunityBridge: EasyCLA dialog appears.
Click Authorize LF-Engineering. (Subsequent contributions will not require authorization.)
The CLA Contributor Console appears and shows the CLA group for your project. The CLA types display:
Click Individual and then click OPEN ICLA AGREEMENT.
DocuSign presents the agreement that you must sign. The ICLA is not tied to any employer you may have, so enter your @personal address in the E-Mail field.
Follow the instructions in the DocuSign document, sign it, and click FINISH.
You are redirected to GitHub. Wait a few seconds for the CLA status to update.
A tick appears next to your branch.
Click Merge pull request and confirm the merge.
The CLA is added to the project.