This bundle provides two form-themes:
The first one form-theme.html.twig
is the default theme, which is automatically registered and will be applied to all form elements,
unless you overwrite it with an application wide form theme or manually overwrite it for a single form.
Some users might not be comfortable with the default registration of the form theme, eg. because:
- they want to use the horizontal layout by default
- they want to activate the form theme only for single forms and not globally
With v4 you can now change that with the following config key:
form_theme: ~
The allowed values are default
, horizontal
and the value null (here represented by ~
To use the horizontal theme everywhere in your application edit config/packages/twig.yaml
- '@AdminLTE/layout/form-theme-horizontal.html.twig'
To use it only for one form, change your twig file:
{% form_theme form '@AdminLTE/layout/form-theme-horizontal.html.twig' %}
{{ form_start(form) }}
Create a new twig file, e.g. at templates/form/theme.html.twig
{% extends "@AdminLTE/layout/form-theme.html.twig" %}
{% block form_label %}
{% if form.vars.docu is defined and form.vars.docu is not empty %}
<a href="{{ path('help_chapter', {'chapter': form.vars.docu}) }}"><i class="{{ 'help'|icon }}"></i></a>
{% endif %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock form_label %}
and register it in config/packages/twig.yaml
- 'form/theme.html.twig'
To override the default theme in any twig template you add a line like this to your twig file:
{% form_theme form 'form/theme.html.twig' %}
It is also possible to overwrite the form theme by referencing multiple templates in order of priority or only customize/override some child elements in the form like:
{% form_theme form.submit '@AdminLTE/layout/form-theme.html.twig' %}
Please go back to the AdminLTE bundle documentation to find out more about using the theme.