Install Datadog Agent Helm Chart values-datadog.yaml. Modify the values-datadog.yaml file, adjusting to your environment
helm upgrade --install -f values-datadog.yaml datadog datadog/datadog
Use deck to configure Kong Gateway. In kong.yaml, change plugins[0]
to the Datadog agent service FQDN. For example, if Datadog agent is deployed in datadog
namespace, the FQDN is datadog.datadog.svc.cluster.local
deck sync --tls-skip-verify --headers "Kong-Admin-Token:<INSERT KONG MANAGER TOKEN>" -w test --kong-addr https://<KONG-MANAGER-URL> -s kong.yaml
Issue a request against the Kong proxy endpoint and observe the logs and metrics shown in Datadog
http http:/<KONG-PROXY-ADDRESS>/echo/anything "apikey: consumer1key"