Common constraints:
- All method arguments are mandatory
- All arguments are passed as strings
- All strings should be lowercase
- All methods return string that contains JSON document
These methods enable CRUD operations with assets.
Create a new asset instance. If instance with UUID exists, error is returned.
- name - name of asset type
- data - JSON data of asset instance
- version - integer describing desired version. Use -1 to use latest available
- id - desired UUID of asset instance. Use empty string "" to autogenerate
MicroREST routes:
- POST /api/v1/assets/{name}
- POST /api/v1/assets/{name}?version={version}
- POST /api/v1/assets/{name}/{id}
- POST /api/v1/assets/{name}/{id}?version={version}
data are in body
Returns data for asset instance
- name - name of asset type
- id - UUID of asset instance
- resolve - should the asset be resolved? (use "true" or "false")
- data - optional data (use empty JSON object "{}" as default)
MicroREST routes:
- GET /api/v1/assets/{name}/{id}
- GET /api/v1/assets/{name}/{id}?resolve={resolve}
data passing is not implemented (always passes {})
Update existing asset instance. Data are understood as JSONPatch which is applied to instance
- name - name of asset type
- id - UUID of asset instance
- patch - JSONPatch data
MicroREST routes:
- PATCH /api/v1/assets/{name}/{id}
patch is in body
Delete existing asset instance.
- name - name of asset type
- id - UUID of asset instance
MicroREST routes:
- not yet implemented
Change asset version. Asset after migrating must validate JSONSchema for given target version
- name - name of asset type
- id - UUID of asset instance
- version - target version number, use -1 for latest
- patch - JSONPatch that will be applied to asset instance
MicroREST routes:
- PATCH /api/v1/assets/migrate/{name}/{id}?version={version}
patch is in body
Returns history log for some asset instance
- name - name of asset type
- id - UUID of asset instance
MicroREST routes:
- not yet implemented
Perform rich query on some asset type. Returns max 10 asset instances per page. To get additional pages, add bookmark key with bookmark value returned by previous call to query. If result array contains less than 10 instances, you are at last page.
- name - name of asset type
- query - JSON document containing CouchDB query to use (usually selector key, see CouchDB docs)
- resolve - should the assets be resolved? (use "true" or "false")
MicroREST routes:
- OPTIONS /api/v1/assets/{name}
- OPTIONS /api/v1/assets/{name}?resolve={resolve}
query is in body
Allows invocation of chaincode functions
Only difference is that functionInvoke can modify state, functionQuery never modifies state
- name - name of function
- input - JSON document with input data passed to function
MicroREST routes:
- POST /api/v1/functions-query/{name}
- POST /api/v1/functions-invoke/{name}
input is in body
Allows management of identity. Also contains deprecated functions for backward compatibility, that are not explained here
Creates identity asset for current client identity. If identity asset does exist, it is returned -> this method is safe to call repeatedly.
- input - optional JSON document. Use empty JSON document as default
MicroREST routes:
- POST /api/v1/identities/me
input is in body
Enables operation with asset registry, to define new asset classes or modify existing.
Returns document with schema and destination keys, describing asset class.
- name - name of asset class
- version - desired version number, use -1 for latest
MicroREST routes:
- GET /api/v1/registries/{name}
- GET /api/v1/registries/{name}?version={version}
Returns list of all available asset classes with all versions
Arguments: none
MicroREST routes:
- not yet implemented
Creates a new asset class or new version of existing asset class. Previous versions are never overwritten or modified.
- name - name of asset class
- data - JSON document with mandatory keys: schema, destination ("state" or "private_data")
MicroREST routes:
- POST /api/v1/registries/{name}
data is in body
Allows creating, upserting and reading singletons. Deletion is not allowed.
Get existing singleton data
- name - name of singleton
- version - desired version number, use -1 for latest
MicroREST routes:
- GET /api/v1/singletons/{name}
- GET /api/v1/singletons/{name}?version={version}
List all existing singletons in all versions
Arguments: none
MicroREST routes:
- not yet implemented
Creates a new singleton or new version of existing one. Previous versions are never modified.
- name - name of singleton
- data - JSON document describing the singleton. It is necessary to wrap the singleton into another JSON document with only "value" key.
MicroREST routes:
- POST /api/v1/singletons/{name}
data is in body