- Update your Verus Coin's codebase to 2fcb26a, build it and then restart it
cd ~/VerusCoin/src
verus stop
git pull
git checkout 2fcb26a
../zcutil/build.sh -j$(expr $(nproc) - 1)
- Restart it
./verus stop
source ~/dPoW/iguana/pubkey.txt
verusd -pubkey=$pubkey &
- Update your dPoW repo
cd ~/dPoW/iguana
git checkout master
Make sure your iguana is running properly.
Note: You will either need to clear blocks and chainstate in ~/.komodo/VRSC and resync, or invalidate block 1568000. Ask for help in Discord if you have problems.
- Shut down OOT, COQUICASH, AXO & BTCH daemons on Main server. These chains have been removed from dPoW assets.
komodo-cli -ac_name=AXO stop
komodo-cli -ac_name=BTCH stop
komodo-cli -ac_name=COQUICASH stop
komodo-cli -ac_name=OOT stop