- Last Modified Date
- Interactions and External Dependencies
This extension provides API support for {GLSLregistry}/ext/GLSL_EXT_ray_cull_mask.txt[
] -
Interacts with
Interacts with
- Contributors
Stu Smith, AMD
Tobias Hector, AMD
Marius Bjorge, Arm
Tom Olson, Arm
Yuriy O’Donnell, Epic Games
Yunpeng Zhu, Huawei
Andrew Garrard, Imagination
Dae Kim, Imagination
Joshua Barczak, Intel
Lionel Landwerlin, Intel
Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
Eric Werness, NVIDIA
Spencer Fricke, Samsung
adds a collection of minor ray tracing
features, none of which would warrant an entire extension of their own.
The new features are as follows:
Adds support for the
SPIR-V extension in Vulkan. This extension provides access to built-in code:CullMaskKHR shader variable which contains the value of the code:OpTrace*Cull Mask
parameter. This new shader variable is accessible in the intersection, any-hit, closest hit and miss shader stages. -
Adds support for a new pipeline stage and access mask built on top of
ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_BIT_KHR to specify execution of acceleration structure copy commands
ename:VK_ACCESS_2_SHADER_BINDING_TABLE_READ_BIT_KHR to specify read access to a shader binding table in any shader pipeline stage
Adds two new acceleration structure query parameters:
ename:VK_QUERY_TYPE_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_SIZE_KHR to query the acceleration structure size on the device timeline
ename:VK_QUERY_TYPE_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_SERIALIZATION_BOTTOM_LEVEL_POINTERS_KHR to query the number of bottom level acceleration structure pointers for serialization
Adds an optional new indirect ray tracing dispatch command, flink:vkCmdTraceRaysIndirect2KHR, which sources the shader binding table parameters as well as the dispatch dimensions from the device. The pname:rayTracingPipelineTraceRaysIndirect2 feature indicates whether this functionality is supported.