- Last Modified Date
- IP Status
No known IP claims.
- Interactions and External Dependencies
This extension provides API support for
- Contributors
Sandeep Kakarlapudi, Arm
Jan-Harald Fredriksen, Arm
James Fitzpatrick, Imagination
Andrew Garrard, Imagination
Jeff Leger, Qualcomm
Huilong Wang, Huawei
Graeme Leese, Broadcom
Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Valve
Tobias Hector, AMD
Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
Shahbaz Youssefi, Google
This extension allows fragment shader invocations to read color, depth and stencil values at their pixel location in rasterization order. The functionality is only available when using dynamic render passes introduced by VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering. Example use cases are programmable blending and deferred shading.
See fragment shader tile image reads for more information.
Color read example.
layout( location = 0 /* aliased to color attachment 0 */ ) tileImageEXT highp attachmentEXT color0;
layout( location = 1 /* aliased to color attachment 1 */ ) tileImageEXT highp attachmentEXT color1;
layout( location = 0 ) out vec4 fragColor;
void main()
vec4 value = colorAttachmentReadEXT(color0) + colorAttachmentReadEXT(color1);
fragColor = value;
Depth & Stencil read example.
void main()
// read sample 0: works for non-MSAA or MSAA targets
highp float last_depth = depthAttachmentReadEXT();
lowp uint last_stencil = stencilAttachmentReadEXT();