Apache Spark with Python - Big Data with PySpark and Spark
Apache Spark ™ SQL for Data Analysts
Become a Data Engineer - Mastering the Concepts
Data Engineering, Serverless ETL & BI on Amazon Cloud
DataCamp - Data Engineer with Python Track
1. Data Engeering for Everyone
10. Object-Oriented Programming in Python
11. Introduction to Airflow in Python
12. Introduction to PySpark
13. Building Data Engineering Pipelines in Python
14. Introduction to AWS Boto in Python
15. Introduction to Relational Databases in SQL
17. Introduction to Scala
18. Big Data Fundamentals with PySpark
19. Cleaning Data with PySpark
2. Introduction to Data Engineering
20. Introduction to Spark SQL in Python
21. Cleaning Data in SQL Server Databases
22. Transactions and Error Handling in SQL Server
23. Building and Optimizing Triggers in SQL Server
24. Improving Query Performance in SQL Server
25. Introduction to MongoDB in Python
3. Streamlined Data Ingestion with Pandas
4. Writing Efficient Python Code
5. Writing Function in Python
7. Data Processing in Shell
8. Introduction to Bash Scripting
9. Unit Testing for Data Science in Python
SQL Masterclass - SQL for Data Analytics
Spark and Python for Big Data with PySpark
Taming Big Data with Apache Spark 3 and Python - Hands On
The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop - Tame your Big Data
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DataCamp - Data Engineer with Python Track
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