From d96ed6c3cd50ff8b55656c8f3cd913f1556d71df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christof Stocker Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2017 20:16:47 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Refactor imresize and cleanup tests --- REQUIRE | 2 +- src/ImageTransformations.jl | 1 + src/resizing.jl | 55 +++++++++++++++++++------------------ test/runtests.jl | 38 ++++++++++++------------- 4 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) diff --git a/REQUIRE b/REQUIRE index da505fa..8dd0c62 100644 --- a/REQUIRE +++ b/REQUIRE @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ julia 0.5 ImageCore 0.1.2 -CoordinateTransformations +CoordinateTransformations 0.4.0 Interpolations 0.3.7 OffsetArrays StaticArrays diff --git a/src/ImageTransformations.jl b/src/ImageTransformations.jl index c488db9..e959298 100644 --- a/src/ImageTransformations.jl +++ b/src/ImageTransformations.jl @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +__precompile__() module ImageTransformations using CoordinateTransformations, Interpolations, OffsetArrays, StaticArrays, Colors, ColorVectorSpace, ImageCore diff --git a/src/resizing.jl b/src/resizing.jl index 6e3b287..5ce36ef 100644 --- a/src/resizing.jl +++ b/src/resizing.jl @@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ function restrict{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, dim::Integer) return A end newsz = ntuple(i->i==dim?restrict_size(size(A,dim)):size(A,i), Val{N}) - out = Array{typeof(A[1]/4+A[2]/2),N}(newsz) + # FIXME: The following line fails for interpolations because + # interpolations can be accessed linearily A[i]. + # out = Array{typeof(A[1]/4+A[2]/2),N}(newsz) + out = Array{typeof(first(A)/4+first(A)/2),N}(newsz) restrict!(out, A, dim) out end @@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ for N = 1:5 oneeighth = convert(eltype(T), 0.125) indx = 0 if dim == 1 - z = convert(T, zero(A[1])) + z = convert(T, zero(first(A))) @inbounds @nloops $N i d->(d==1 ? (1:1) : (1:size(A,d))) d->(j_d = i_d) begin c = d = z for k = 1:size(out,1)-1 @@ -125,32 +128,30 @@ end restrict_size(len::Integer) = isodd(len) ? (len+1)>>1 : (len>>1)+1 -## imresize -function imresize!(resized, original::AbstractMatrix) - scale1 = (size(original,1)-1)/(size(resized,1)-0.999f0) - scale2 = (size(original,2)-1)/(size(resized,2)-0.999f0) - for jr = 0:size(resized,2)-1 - jo = scale2*jr - ijo = trunc(Int, jo) - fjo = jo - oftype(jo, ijo) - @inbounds for ir = 0:size(resized,1)-1 - io = scale1*ir - iio = trunc(Int, io) - fio = io - oftype(io, iio) - tmp = (1-fio)*((1-fjo)*original[iio+1,ijo+1] + - fjo*original[iio+1,ijo+2]) + - + fio*((1-fjo)*original[iio+2,ijo+1] + - fjo*original[iio+2,ijo+2]) - resized[ir+1,jr+1] = convertsafely(eltype(resized), tmp) - end - end - resized +# imresize +imresize(original::AbstractArray, dim1, dimN...) = imresize(original, (dim1,dimN...)) + +function imresize{T,N}(original::AbstractArray{T,N}, short_size::NTuple) + len_short = length(short_size) + new_size = ntuple(i -> (i > len_short ? size(original,i) : short_size[i]), N) + imresize(original, new_size) end -imresize(original, new_size) = size(original) == new_size ? copy!(similar(original), original) : imresize!(similar(original, new_size), original) +function imresize{T,N}(original::AbstractArray{T,N}, new_size::NTuple{N}) + if size(original) == new_size + copy!(similar(original), original) + else + imresize!(similar(original, new_size), original) + end +end -convertsafely{T<:AbstractFloat}(::Type{T}, val) = convert(T, val) -convertsafely{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, val::Integer) = convert(T, val) -convertsafely{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, val::AbstractFloat) = round(T, val) -convertsafely{T}(::Type{T}, val) = convert(T, val) +function imresize!{T,S,N}(resized::AbstractArray{T,N}, original::AbstractArray{S,N}) + itp = interpolate(original, BSpline(Linear()), OnGrid()) + sf = map(/, size(original), size(resized)) + for I in CartesianRange(size(resized)) + I_o = map(*, I.I, sf) + resized[I] = itp[I_o...] + end + resized +end diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index d802ef3..1e3301b 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ using ImageTransformations, CoordinateTransformations, TestImages, ImageCore, Colors, FixedPointNumbers using Base.Test -#img = testimage("camera") -#tfm = recenter(RotMatrix(-pi/8), center(img)) -#imgr = warp(img, tfm) -#@test indices(imgr) == (-78:591, -78:591) +img = testimage("camera") +tfm = recenter(RotMatrix(-pi/8), center(img)) +imgr = warp(img, tfm) +@test indices(imgr) == (-78:591, -78:591) #imgr2 = warp(imgr, inv(tfm)) # this will need fixes in Interpolations #@test imgr2[indices(img)...] ≈ img @@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ using Base.Test imgcol = colorview(RGB, rand(3,5,6)) A = reshape([convert(UInt16, i) for i = 1:60], 4, 5, 3) B = restrict(A, (1,2)) - Btarget = cat(3, [ 0.96875 4.625 5.96875; - 2.875 10.5 12.875; - 1.90625 5.875 6.90625], - [ 8.46875 14.625 13.46875; - 17.875 30.5 27.875; - 9.40625 15.875 14.40625], - [15.96875 24.625 20.96875; - 32.875 50.5 42.875; - 16.90625 25.875 21.90625]) + Btarget = cat(3, [ 0.96875 4.625 5.96875; + 2.875 10.5 12.875; + 1.90625 5.875 6.90625], + [ 8.46875 14.625 13.46875; + 17.875 30.5 27.875; + 9.40625 15.875 14.40625], + [ 15.96875 24.625 20.96875; + 32.875 50.5 42.875; + 16.90625 25.875 21.90625]) @test B ≈ Btarget Argb = reinterpret(RGB, reinterpret(N0f16, permutedims(A, (3,1,2)))) B = restrict(Argb) @@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ using Base.Test @test isapprox(reinterpret(eltype(eltype(B)), B), restrict(A, (2,3))/reinterpret(one(N0f16)), atol=1e-12) A = reshape(1:60, 5, 4, 3) B = restrict(A, (1,2,3)) - @test cat(3, [ 2.6015625 8.71875 6.1171875; - 4.09375 12.875 8.78125; - 3.5390625 10.59375 7.0546875], - [10.1015625 23.71875 13.6171875; - 14.09375 32.875 18.78125; - 11.0390625 25.59375 14.5546875]) ≈ B + @test cat(3, [ 2.6015625 8.71875 6.1171875; + 4.09375 12.875 8.78125; + 3.5390625 10.59375 7.0546875], + [ 10.1015625 23.71875 13.6171875; + 14.09375 32.875 18.78125; + 11.0390625 25.59375 14.5546875]) ≈ B #imgcolax = AxisArray(imgcol, :y, :x) #imgr = restrict(imgcolax, (1,2)) #@test pixelspacing(imgr) == (2,2)