- scripts: added option density increase rate
- using axolote 0.7.0
- collision
- improved camera movement
- new collision system
- min camera distance to (0, 0, 0) allowed
- implemented new camera movement
- using color interpolation
- script: improved code organization
- baking and rendering working with new system
- add more default json configs
- script: galaxies rotation
- max distance and bodies update when rendering
- updated project to use axolote engine v0.4.1
- rename methdos and remove warnings
- camera initial values changed
- update_vbos method improved
- moved color vbo to celestialbodysystem
- throw massive objects with key X
- script: allowing random positions for bodies
- adding coliding detection
- barnes-hut: implemented node processing, now yet tested
- celestialbodysystem: building octree every time
- celestialbody: add method to calculate gravity vec using just the position
- octree: node method to show if it should be used or not
- octree: building correctly octree (I guess)
- config.json: add configuration file for system
- json: add JSON lib
- colinding -> colliding
- sphere model
- octree contructor
- add resources from solar-system-3d
- includes
- changed how gravity calculation works
- deleting bodies beyond coord 1000 or -1000
- shaders: removed unused stuff